Metal Detecting And Bottle Dump Digging

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brown bottle says Roanoke Virginia I can't read the rest of it my buddy Jim are on another metal detecting Adventure and it's kind of windy today and I was you know trying to get bundled up back at the truck and forgetting half my stuff and so Jim got a little bit of a head start not much but a couple minutes he said I needed to come over because he has found something see what it is oh my gosh that's freaking awesome I think it's very thick too so that's going to be like a 17 something be careful with it it's gonna be one of the early ones man 1793 that would be awesome yeah and then you know if I just take take I'd let it dry just a little bit because if that's a 93 that could be worth a thousand dollars or more yeah right so I'll have that kind of like you might because that's that's one of the thick ones yeah I think it is that's gonna be an early one might be a token too Rice Krispies I think it's going to be a good one uh I think oh okay okay I haven't even dug one of those yet that looks fresh doesn't it that's an awesome coin dude congratulations most awesome well here's my first Target of the day very similar to Jim's first Target of the day so hopefully the second target will be nice big old large scent we'll have to see well here's my second Target of the day and it's just another rifle casing uh you know Deer Hunter would have lost this there's actually quite a few of them right in this little area so I think we're going to move on out and kind of work our way back down towards where Jim is that general direction yeah let's do that there's a fired bullet you can tell it's a modern one though when I say modern I mean it's you know post muzzleloader post Civil War you can see little hash marks on it so yeah that's pretty sad right there all right we'll keep trying Rolling Rock that's not too good either I actually dug a bunch of uh uh rifle casings and some some room fire ones too and this is my first bottle cap hopefully be the last take a nice big old pie plate tell because you can see the crimp right around there it's weird how many of these you find out in the field I guess you know what it could have had a garden here I guess they would put these up in gardens to kind of scare Critters away hanging by strings and they'd like float around in the Wind I'm not saying that's what it is but it's definitely some type of like pie plate thingy okay one shotgun shell base that I just dug I won't do too many of these though see it's really uh pretty much rotted away but that's definitely what it is if you look over there you see my truck that's where we started and jumped on his coin about where he's standing now I worked my way all the way down through the field down to that end and now I'm kind of cutting across this way and I just dug my first Keeper Of A Relic this actually is a a button this is a Tom back button it's a shank on the back it's kind of mushed down that would date you know back into the late 1700s probably definitely want to look around here a little bit closer slow down a little bit I found a lot of uh um like rifle casings and unfortunately a bunch of pie plates aluminum pie plate scattered all over the field so something was going on with those for sure I'll talk to the owners see if he knows maybe he had stuff planted down here if you know what I mean years ago I think the little button was right over there and dug a pull tab there a lot of really lights well low reading signals like there could be more pull tabs I actually didn't dig them because um oh I just didn't dig them well I've got a decent signal here hopefully it'll be see some nice high reading oh there it is right there unfortunately probably part of a can see it yeah so between here where I dug out that pull tab there's lots of little signals in here sees much over there and I'm thinking that's probably just canned that's been all chopped up so I'm gonna I'm not even gonna dig those that's in the 50s I pretty much won't dig anything unless it's in the 60s the small like that because I know that's gonna well let's just dig it I'll show you what it's going to be it's going to be aluminum grab my shovel and uh there you go [Music] I can almost assure you that's gonna yeah I can see it right there look it's uh that's more that uh that's aluminum I don't know if that's going to be the pipe later or not but it's about the same now that's actually a can that's like a Coors can that's been shredded really like aluminum can if I'm not gonna dig any signals anymore Jim's over there somewhere it hasn't really moved too much so maybe he's finding some stuff I hope uh well we're going to work the down to the end of this field and then we'll kind of go over and check in on him see how he's doing there is where I found that button I've already moved out of that area because of all the aluminum and stuff and I didn't like hear any higher sounding signals just dug a piece of copper wire sounds sounds really good but that's all it is it's really hard to date this stuff but I mean it could go back to 1800s but this is likely 1930s or even 1960s so I finally see Jim over there so he's all right notice some fur right here that's uh actually the furthest Gunk so we're not going to get too close to it it's a little stream over here I thought we might go take a quick peek at great big old uh looks like a walnut tree on the other side let me put my machine down there we go this landowner actually owns uh part of that field over there probably where that tree is but I'm not 100 percent I don't think we get across the stream anyway got a little bit muddy isn't it kind of looks like an interesting area that's all about across a tree tree right here and you know if I had to I could I could get across there probably without falling off but I'm not gonna risk it oh look at this it's like a little Christmas tree balls doesn't it these are actually the seeds of a sycamore tree that's how they spread like that uh and the sycamore trees are those uh the ones there that had the kind of white bark on the top they get really big and they like water so usually when you see those they're along the stream a spring or maybe a wet weather Spring there's a wet area in the field so those are always good places to look for homes got something going across there but I'm not going across all right that's too shaky for me sorry about that hey what's that how much like a Sam squanch I think the wind is making a tree rub against another one he's going whoa yeah let's look at this it's like a little dump or something over here is that human no not human I don't say it has cloven hooves ah let's see some blue I don't think it's glass though there's stuff here we might get a shovel and just pull ground here for a minute if this is old enough for us all right what do we got all right we got a we got some Ceramics here apartment old jug or something Blue Glass and it's pretty old looking that was mason jar but it may or may not be looking in the water see lots of Ceramics out here there's a brick I don't see any whole bottles or tops that we could kind of date The Dump but and you know what I mean I don't mean like date The Dump but oh I have dated a few uh you don't want to try to figure out how old it is some more stuff down here so yeah that's a looks like a piece of a plow or something nice old shovel somebody else took it out tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go grab my shovel man that would have been Beauty look at that and uh we'll uh just poke around here for a minute I'll scratch around up in this area where that iron is see if we can find any good bottles just give me a minute so weird to see a little dump right here on the stream Bank the only house around is a one you can see through the trees so they brought their trash from the house all the way down here just to throw it in the Stream people are weird aren't they oh well I'll be back with you in a minute okay so we've got the shovel I'm gonna set you up uh maybe on this log right here and we'll dig that out just a little bit together I'll see if it's worth uh you know working on more today or coming back to some other day hopefully you can see that good enough and let you scratch around just a little bit oh that would have been a beauty that's a uh this would have been a little ceramic like jar not a jar but you know bottle like a ginger beer bottle I guess is what they most people call them but yeah that's pretty cool of course as soon as I turned you off I started finding glass that's a piece of broken bar well that's going to be a nice fairly old one right there and I see some more down here that could be a whole one I don't know what do you think that's definitely part of a wood stove that this whole thing right here is how you picked it up uh you had like a little metal handle very plain that you stick in there and you can lift it up and these round pieces would have been like round discs and the same thing on it so you could pick them up and put wooden stuff in the stove or coal or whatever all that way or just take them off for heating but I think we've got a bottle right here that could be whole well I'm not 100 I should get my gloves on so I do have them in my bag all right so this is a medicine bottle unfortunately the top is broken right there so I'm not going to keep that and it's also clear not embossed I'll put on this uh yeah start up there for now and the top to one here if I found something like that I'd definitely keep it you know if it was whole I'm Not Gonna Keep just a piece of one but I'm gonna go ahead and throw my gloves on real quick before I forget and we'll dig a little bit more here what do you say yeah you better put them on I don't want you guys to yell at me anymore I want to show you a couple things that I've dug so far this is the top two an Inkwell obviously broken uh here's a piece of ironware you guys could probably date that probably with that symbol but I don't know how old it is and I also all my junk up there but I wanted to show you this that might be a whole bottle what do you think should we pull it out come on BB come on oh there's a whole one very sweet not embossed meaning it doesn't have any writing on it but it's a pretty blue color got some bubbles I would say it had a liquid in it that was blue as well you can see it's kind of dried up in there but yeah that's definitely a keeper right there I'll keep that I'm not too proud awesome um all right take a few more minutes and I just I think this is definitely going to be more coming back to definitely his and some broken ones that would have been uh it's definitely uh blue too I guess it's probably like late 1800s I guess because from what I'm seeing so far all right I'm gonna put your way again I'm gonna dig it out just a little bit more and I'll get you out if you see something really good all right let's take a look at what I've been finding I didn't dig too awful much I just dug back in there a little bit you can see still some broken glass and pieces of metal but this is the kind of stuff I got out of the hole so far this would have been a beauty right here nice brown bottle says Roanoke Virginia I can't read the rest of it a lot of this uh Crockery in here naturally it's all broken because I'm bones could be human I kind of doubt it though actually they're not more glass that's the only like iron artifact right there that's of any interest to me and that's a uh that would go on into like a chain my hanging down here and these uh these ends would you turn it and you slide it through the chain and you could it would hold fast I'm gonna go ahead and keep that just for the heck of it and you've probably seen most of this like I said lots of Bones oh no it was actually there it is I want to show you this cool tooth not actually sure what that goes to what kind of animal almost kind of reminds me something a goat might have now that much of it would have been exposed probably but I'm going to keep that it's just kind of cool big old goat tooth I think you've seen the rest of this stuff so this is coal finding a lot of coal in here too I thought they would use to heat the house and uh this was a little probably like a little um Barrel you can see it's got that taper taper on it and those three rings would have been a small wooden barrel uh so yeah what I'm gonna do and before I go is I'm going to go well I'll take you with me we're just going to go around the edge here and just see how far the dump goes I suspect it goes around a good ways and if so you know maybe it'd be worth coming back I mean this is the only bottle I found so far that's uh complete what do you think I think we should come back yeah I don't know I'll leave it up to you guys just came over here and see if there's any glass or anything in this area not really seeing it you actually recognize that that's something you poke your finger with to draw blood see a little tiny Needle on the end that's kind of a weird thing to find out here uh you know diabetics and stuff would use these let me pull that down that hole right there I ain't making no gym bug me either anything good there yeah no other buttons or anything no other buttons no hey I think you're digging in the cemetery man look at this big mound of dirt and it's a bones sticking out of it that is is it human pelvis to probably a cow I think they may have covered it up at one time huh and it is that it is poor thing oh Bessie there you see some more bones here here's a rib cage here oh check it out the rib cage the backbone yeah that's what it is you definitely got a little bit going on there can I poke with it just a little bit yeah you just use your fingernail like that it's a dirt off without taking the patina we can always use a toothbrush later anymore you know but I always like to do this first because this is at least a amount of problems get the dirt off like that well I tell you I really thought that would be a lot better shape than that huh yeah as thick as it is he told it is really I mean definitely has a little bit of what you'll have to do is when you clean the edge see if it says 100 for a dollar on the edge a little bit of a design right there so pretty nice it's a little piece of copper here I don't think it's anything too wonderful but has a nice signal that means it could be some other good stuff in here well not other good but good I can't pretend this is good all right let's keep going another little piece of brassy thing here I'm gonna assume this is probably part of our lock or you know a door foreign you would walk through maybe that might be part of the locking mechanism not 100 on that but I suspect it is I'm not actually too far away from an antebellum house right now I wore on the same Farm but went to a different field because uh we weren't finding much where we were this area down through here we detected this before and found some flat buttons and other things so we thought we'd just give it a quick shot today with these big loops I just dug this piece of copper that's my first find comes down to a point it almost reminds me of like uh a picture frame part of a picture frame but I don't know if that's what it is but we're going to keep looking around here for a few minutes look down through there that's the uh that's a barn that was a dairy barn when I was a kid I knew the people used to farm this and uh that's not the main Barn for the for this Farm it actually burned down you know probably in the 50s or so anyway I'm just going along and I got a good signal I would just lay in there so I mean that's not going to be anything particularly old that's a nice big old piece of copper so that could easily be large sent signals in here that we did not dig I mean I actually got my jacket on that wind is really picking up when I was down in the bottom there it was not very windy because I guess it's the hills are protecting me but up here it's it's getting chilly like my arms are turning purple a little coppery thing here I just popped out I don't know if there's gonna be a button yeah that's going to be I think a ball button what we call a ball button which could easily date to the Civil War American Civil War 1860s that's definitely what that is 100 button not quite a ball but it's almost a ball I don't know if you can classify that as a ball button or not but it's definitely potentially Civil War era on earlier I said I was near an antebellum home and what Antebellum means you'll hear that term it means before the war Antebellum I think it's Latin and typically in this part of the country in the United States Shenandoah Valley that means before the Civil War it's an antebellum Antebellum home would be a home that was there before the war started yeah okay the more you know right nice high squeaker here I think it's gonna be brass but I don't think it's gonna be like a coin might be as baby hinge or something oh no that's a uh key it's almost like a little skill oh you can't even see it almost like a little skeleton key or something not exactly sure what that's going to be huh nice heavy piece of brass and fairly old though so we'll look around here just a little bit longer [Music] Earth for eternity Mother Earth she's got her Secrets she's promised to keep hidden in her dirt or deep in her Creek Mother Earth she ain't saying exactly what she's saving where it is or what it might be Mother Earth you are my lady my big round baby I'll rock you until I go to sleep she don't care if you're dying or if you're living or somewhere in between Mother Earth you are my lady my big round baby and I'll rock you until I go to sleep she'll shake the coins from your pocket take your gold chain and you'll like it Mother Earth has no sympathy she'll take the ring from your hand and bury it in the sand and keep it for eternity Mother Earth she's got her Secrets she's promised
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 25,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, family friendly, outdoor adventure, treasure hunting, things to do, fun videos, #chiggsarmy, #aquachigger, metal detecting finds, relic hunting, metal detector, metal detecting videos, metal detecting for beginners, metal detecting coins, metal detector finds, outdoor adventures, pld bottles, bottle dumps, digging old bottles, digging old dump sites, digging old bottle dumps, digging old dump, digging old things
Id: KtR7Jw-mT58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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