Metabolism | Nucleotide Synthesis | Purine & Pyrimidine Synthesis

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all right engineer so we're gonna go ahead and talk about the synthesis of nucleotides which is going to be purine and pyrimidine synthesis so just to give you a basic idea here of what a nucleotide is the most simplest three components of it is you need a first a nitrogenous base product and we're gonna primarily focus on that in this video but you need an eighth raja'na s-- base and we'll talk about those nitrogenous bases okay that's one thing that we need okay the second thing that we need is Pinto sugars okay so Pinto sugars and that can be a deoxyribose pentose sugar or it can be a ribose sugar okay so we're gonna need some sugar molecules which we're gonna call pentose sugars okay the other thing that we're gonna need is phosphate groups okay and that's the last thing that we'll need here to make these nucleotides so phosphate groups so now that we know the main components of our nucleotides which is a nitrogenous base product a pentose sugar a phosphate group well we're gonna primarily focus on here is the nitrogenous bases right so this nitrogenous base if you look here it's got this amine group here we technically call this nitrogenous base adenine so it's actually called a de named by itself but then when you take adenine and you combine a Pinto sugar with it which could be either deoxyribose sugar or it could be a ribose sugar and one phosphate which is a mono phosphate then we have a specific name for it it switches from adenine to adenosine mono because one phosphate mono phosphate that is also abbreviated am P so I want you guys to get used to that I'm gonna use some abbreviations in here and that what you guys know where the heck it came from now this is if it was a ribose sugar right a ribose sugar or ribonucleotide if I want it to be a deoxy I just put the oxi in front of it and now it's deoxy adenosine monophosphate and i'll show you what the difference truly is and we put D a MP pretty simple right I'll show you what the difference is between a deoxyribose and a ribose sugar is in a little bit alright so the next one the next purine over here is going to be specifically a little bit different because it has this carbonyl group here and this is called guanine okay it's called guanine just the nitrogenous base product but if we add on the ribose sugar or the deoxyribose sugar with the mono phosphate then it changes right it changes to guanosine mono phosphate and this we can label GMP if you want to make it a deoxy we just make this a deoxyribonucleotide and so it's now going to be deoxy guanosine mono phosphate and we abbreviate that d GMP pretty simple stuff right that's our purines okay now if you just want remember the nitrogenous bases it's adenine and guanine but if you add on these sugar molecules and the phosphate then we have to add this particular name to it okay now perimeter's let's move on to that alright so now we have our perimeters perimeters are going to be your single ring structures and there's three of these types so let's actually label the different types of nitrogenous bases this one here with its amine group and this single brain structure is particularly referred to as cytosine cytosine this one here and it has this carbonyl group here right but no methyl group is referred to as uracil and then this one here with the carbonyl group and this methyl group here is called thymine now we're gonna go a little hardcore right and we have to add on the name if it has a pentose sugar and a mono phosphate so now it changes from cytosine to site adine mono phosphate if it's uracil it's called your it to dean mono phosphate if it's thymine it's called thymidine mono phosphate and again if we abbreviate this is cmp this is UMP and this is TMP now if I wanted to go another step further I could make it a deoxy this would be for RNA if I want to make it a deoxy for DNA it would be deoxy a site to dien mono phosphate now if we wanted your editing to become a deoxy even though it's not incorporated into DNA we use it to make a deoxys thymidine mono phosphate we should write it as deoxy your it to dean mono phosphate and lastly we should have deoxy thymidine mono phosphate now what's the abbreviations d c MP d u NP and D TMP that is the different nucleotides that we should be aware of so now now that we understand the names of the purine and pyrimidine nucleotides as well as their individual nitrogenous bases let's move on next to talk about the pentose sugar synthesis alright so we talked about the nucleotides we talked about purines and pyrimidines what they technically are their names get the nomenclature down now we got to build these puppies up alright now that we know understand the nomenclature for purines pyrimidines their nitrogenous bases and we know what makes up a nucleotide let's go ahead and start making them in order to make them we have to have pentose sugars and then we'll talk about some of the nitrogenous bases and how they're synthesized and then how we can combine the nitrogenous bases as well as these pentose sugars to give us these potential nucleotides all right you guys remember the pentose phosphate pathway it's bad baby so if you guys remember back from the pentose phosphate pathway when a cell has glucose coming into right so here's our six carbon sugar molecule called glucose glucose once it enters into a cell right there's different types of enzymes may be a hexo kinase or there could be what's called a glucokinase and what these molecules do is is they take and they phosphorylate glucose at the six carbon right so in other words we take ATP and we put a phosphate onto this so we lose one of the phosphates and that gives us ADP where'd that phosphate go right there so now we have to give a name to this new molecule that now has a phosphate on to it and this is called glucose 6-phosphate all right pretty simple right now glucose 6-phosphate can either go through the glycolysis pathway or can go through this pentose phosphate pathway if it goes via the pentose phosphate pathway you remember there's a particular enzyme we're gonna abbreviate it called glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and if you guys remember a dehydrogenase enzyme pretty much always utilizes an nad or an nadp+ molecule well sure enough that's what happens we take an nadp+ molecule and we pick up some hydrides which is a hydrogen with basically two electrons on a proton right and we add on to that a hydride so now it's nadp+ to nadph and in that process we convert glucose 6-phosphate into a new molecule when we pull off those hydrides this new molecule is called six phospho glucan Oh lactone then what happens is with six Vosloo GU Condillac tome what we're going to do is we're gonna add some water into this reaction so we're gonna take and add some water into this reaction and when we do that we convert six phosphoglucomutase or and a particular enzyme if you guys wanted to know the enzyme it's called lactase it's called lactase again we go over all this in the pentose phosphate pathway but lactamase facilitates this process and converts six phosphate gluconeogenic so now this next molecule is called six phospho gluconate now six phospho gluconate has to react with another enzyme this next enzyme is called I'm gonna abbreviate it six phospho gluconate dehydrogenase oh boy if we got this bad boy coming in here what does that mean we need an nadp+ to convert it into an NADPH so I need to pick up some hydride ions off of this molecule and convert this into an a/b pH and you guys remember where the NADPH is go too right remember they're involved within the glutathione pathway which is important for basically helping to regenerate that antioxidant light type of molecule when there whenever there's a lot of free radicals now whenever you do this reaction where you reduce the nadp+ to nadph and oxidize six phosphate gluconate you turn it into another molecule called ribulose 5-phosphate so now we have what's called ribulose 5-phosphate now ribulose 5-phosphate is then going to undergo another type of reaction here and there's an enzyme and it's an isomerase enzyme you know ribulose 5-phosphate it technically has a a ketone sorry okay so you know ribulose 5-phosphate it's technically a ketone which means it's carbon doubly bonded to oxygen and then bound to two carbons on the side here well what we're going to do is we're going to convert this into an aldehyde and whenever we convert this into an aldehyde via an isomerase enzyme we convert this into ribose 5-phosphate and now we just converted it into an aldehyde okay and this actually is a carving here so it's a carbon double bonded to an oxygen singly bound to a hydrogen singly bonded to another carbon that's our aldehyde in order to do this we need that enzyme called isomerase so this is a isomerase enzyme okay so we're not adding anything we're just kind of flopping the atoms around on that molecule now here's what we get into the next big thing ribose 5-phosphate we're gonna kind of make a ring out of it okay and in order to make a ring out of this we need what's called a ribose with this this enzyme has a one heck of a name it is called and I'm gonna write this gonna need all this space here ribose phosphate pyro phospho kinase this enzyme okay which is a pretty cool enzyme what it does is it helps to kind of take this ribose 5-phosphate and make it into a ring and whenever we do that now we have this new molecule so now what we made is you know what we did is we're gonna add another phosphate group onto ribose 5-phosphate we're gonna help to close this structure and make a ring and now we make what's called phospho ribose I'll pyro phosphate so in order to do that we make the ring and then we have to add on another phosphate group so that means that we had to utilize I'm an ATP molecule within this right so we had to utilize a phosphate actually two phosphates in this process so we had to take ATP and convert this into a MP okay now here's where I wanted to tell you guys the difference here so we have our phospho ribosome pyrophosphate which is also commonly abbreviated as PR PP so you might see this written as P R P P what happens is remember I told you that there's two different types of ribose sugars one is called a deoxyribose the big difference here is that on this carbon here you notice here on this carbon that we have two different points right and if you guys remember you have a one carbon two carbon three carbon four carbon five carbon one carbon two carbon three carbon four carbon five carbon on the second carbon what happens is it differentiates these two based upon what atom you have hanging off of that carbon if there's an hydroxyl group on the second carbon then it is a ribose sugar and if there is a hydrogen hanging off of that second carbon then it's a deoxyribose sugar okay now what we're gonna do is we're gonna take these PRPP molecules and we're gonna add it to the nitrogenous bases when we go over those steps which is going to be now alright so now we're going to do is we're going to talk about the synthesis of pyrimidines so we've already synthesized our Pinto sugars which are going to be components are the primitives but now we have to add in those other molecules right which was the site to seen the uracil and the thymine into that to help us to make these nucleotides in combination with the phosphates as well so how do we synthesize perimeter's well technically what you start off with is three molecules one of these is called glutamine okay so you have this amino acid called glutamine and what you need with the glutamine is actually the amine group so we're gonna be utilizing an amine group off of this glutamine okay the next molecule is going to be called bicarbonate so the other one here which we have here is called by carbonate and we need this bicarbonate to help us to build up this carbon along with this double bond oxygen component here we're going to need this as well and then we're gonna need ATP in this reaction because we're gonna be adding phosphates on so again we're also gonna be having ATP so glutamine bicarbonate ATP and also some water in the reaction as well you'll also be utilizing if you want to remember some water and through this we have to use a special enzyme and this enzyme is called carbamoyl phosphate sent the taste that should sound familiar it's not from the are--oh cycle yes it is but there's two enzymes type 1 and type 2 this is the enzyme and this pathway is type 2 so carbamoyl phosphate sent the taste type 2 is gonna take glutamine bicarb water and two ATP molecules and synthesize a new molecule what is this new molecule here called this new molecule which got the amine group here from the glutamine it got this carboxyl group here from the bicarbonate and the phosphate here from the ATP this is called carbamoyl phosphate so what is this called carbamoyl phosphate now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go even further we're gonna take this carbamoyl phosphate and we're going to add another molecule onto it and in order for us to do that we have to use a special enzyme right so what we're gonna do next is we're gonna add aspartate into this reaction so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take here we're gonna have aspartate let's write him out here aspartate is an amino acid and we're gonna funnel him into this reaction and add him on to the carbamoyl phosphate and in order to do that we need a particular enzyme and this enzyme is called aspartate transcarbamoylase and aspartate transcarbamoylase will combine this aspartate with the carbamoyl phosphate and now make carbamoyl aspartate alright so now we're gonna make this new molecule and this new molecule here is called carbamoyl aspartate okay now the next thing we're gonna do is is we're gonna take this carbamoyl aspartate and what i want to do is is i want to dehydrate this so i'm gonna kind of help to basically make a ring structure here so i'm gonna use an enzyme here and i'm gonna dehydrate this structure so I'm gonna pull some water off of this and by doing that I use this enzyme called dihydrate a so there's an enzyme here called die hydro tastes and the dehydratase is basically going to help in this reaction to help close this carbon well aspartate and turn it into a ring structure this ring structure is now called or at 8 so this molecule is called Oro Tate now orotate is beginning to look like some of my actual primitive structures right oh it's a six ring structure it's a nice ring here oh we're getting pretty darn close well guess what remember that Pinto sugars that we were synthesizing let's go ahead and add it on to the orotate so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take that molecule you guys remember that molecule we had that PRPP right so here it is I'm gonna have here this is the component which is going to bind to the nitrogenous product here's gonna be my ch2 here we'll put an O H and put an O H here because we'll just consume assume that this is a RIE bow a ribose sugar here and remember we had the two phosphates on it and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add this bad boy into this reaction well in order to add this on I obviously need an enzyme let's go ahead and make an enzyme then it's very difficult to say well that's what they love to do right so the next in I'm is called or Oh Tate phospho ribose Isle phospho ribose Isle transferase it's not so bad but you know that's the name of the enzyme that's gonna catalyze this step and it's gonna add this PRPP to the orotate and make this new molecule what is the name of this new molecule and this new molecule is called orissa dean oh we're it - dean mono phosphate so in this process we popped off also a phosphate group because now we only have one phosphate alright so aridity mono phosphate is commonly abbreviated right we abbreviated as o MP well what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna use an enzyme and what I'm gonna do is is I'm gonna chop off that this carboxyl group here so I'm gonna chop this off and I'm gonna release this out as co2 what kind of reaction is that call whenever you pop a co2 molecule of something it's called a decarboxylation reaction right so we're gonna decarboxylate this puppy now whenever we decarboxylate it we lose that molecule that co2 molecule we're gonna use an enzyme to help to convert OMP into the next molecule called UMP or your wretched Dean mono phosphate hey that was one of the nucleotides were almost there guys so now what enzyme do we need thankfully they were so kind to us and they just called this enzyme UMP synthase so thank goodness for that so we're gonna take our rigid e mono phosphate our OMP pull a co2 molecule off of it and convert it into your Ritter Dean mono phosphate so this is called your RIT - dean mono phosphate which we can abbreviate as UMP now what we can do with his UMP is we can use this to go and synthesize another molecule let's take a look here let's make sense of this let's look at these two molecules I have here UMP well they pretty much look the same what's the only difference oh I added two phosphates onto here well there's an enzyme called nucleoside diphosphate kinase and what it does is it adds a pyro phosphate group onto this molecule which is two phosphates if i add two phosphates now look what I have I have three phosphates it's still your Ritter Dean okay in this situation but it's not mono phosphate it is triphosphate so now we have what's called your RIT - Dean triphosphate which can be abbreviated as UTP look at the next step okay now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take this your RIT - Dean triphosphate and let's look and see what happened here I have a carbonyl group here bound to a nitrogen and I come up here and now it's an amine so I must have lost that carbonyl group somewhere in there and replaced it with an amine group technically any time you do that you're gonna be utilizing glutamine so somewhere along this reaction we must have added glutamine we'll just mark this as Jilin and we use the amine group in that process but when we did this we still have the three phosphate so that's still the same but now we change it this isn't how cited Dean triphosphate go back to your structures and remember this is site - Dean triphosphate so now we have site to Dean tri phosphate which is abbreviated CTP now CTP is going to need to do what okay let's go to the next step if we go to the next step what happened this was three phosphates what do we have now one phosphate what does that mean somewhere along this REE action I popped off a pyrophosphate well you can use pyrophosphates and a ton of different pathways and this might help to be able to convert a reaction some other bioenergetic process and add that on there but in that process we pop that pyrophosphate off and now this is no longer called CTP right which was this one previously it's now C MP which is referred to as site-to-site to Dean sorry site to Dean mono phosphate okay which is abbreviated C MP all right so now we technically can have CMP right to be utilized to make RNA nucleotides because again site to Dean is a component not just of RNA but also of DNA but we don't have a deoxy in front of this so it's gonna be used to make RNA go back a couple steps over here where we had UMP remember here we had to gear it to Dean monophosphate what did we say UMP can be utilized for and again there's no D in front of it so we're not going to be using it just yet it's not for that thymine process we said that uracil is commonly involved in RNA so I could take UMP and utilize this to make RNA isn't that cool all right now let's keep going because site Sedin monophosphate we want to make sure that this is utilized to make DNA so how do we do that so we take the site of a mono phosphate which is this molecule here and let's look at the next step what happened in the next step well we only have one phosphate here and we add it on a phosphate here okay look what else happened guys we have the hydroxyl group on the second carbon hydrogen on the second carbon what happened here Zach did you make a mistake no this is actually converting this ribonucleotide into a deoxyribonucleotide so this enzyme that catalyzes this step it's called a ribonucleotide reductase so this is called the enzyme that catalyzes this this is called ribonucleotide reductase and what this does is it does two things at adds a phosphate group on to this ribose this sugar here and it converts a ribose sugar into a deoxyribose so now this is no longer CMP it's CDP but it has a D in front of it because it's a deoxyribose so we're gonna call this one deoxy site adine dye phosphate or abbreviated d c DP now what happens in the next step next step I have two phosphate groups up I only have one but nothing else changed so all I did was pop off a phosphate and when I pop off that phosphate what am I gonna do now now I have one phosphate which is gonna be considered to be deoxy site to dean mono phosphate so now this new molecules called deoxy site Adeem mono phosphate oh my gosh this is so cool right so d cmp what did I say site is cytosine is a nitrogenous base involved in DNA and an RNA but an order for it to be in DNA it has to have that D in front of it can I use this now to make DNA yes and so we can incorporate this into making DNA hang in there guys we're almost done with perimeter and synthesis let's go back down to the bottom and work our way back up alright so now let's come back here we took the UMP and we made the CMP as well as the dcmp right so we made those components for RNA and DNA and we made UMP to make RNA but there was one other perimeter what was it if I mean right which technically we're gonna make thymidine and deoxys time medium because thymine is only used in DNA it's not used in RNA so in order for us to do that we take this you rittany mono phosphate and look what happened yes this should look familiar we had one phosphate here now we have two phosphates here oh look guys hydroxyl group here hydrogen group here i remember that reaction what was that it was the ride nucleotide reductase enzyme and what that enzyme did is it converted this ribose sugar into a deoxyribose sugar and added a phosphate so we added a phosphate into this reaction so this is now deoxy your writ to Dean died philosophy because we have two of those phosphates on there so we can abbreviate that D u D P look at the next step we have two phosphates here we go to one phosphate nothing changes in the pentose and nothing changes in the right of the nitrogenous base so all I did is I released a phosphate off in this Patt process if I release a phosphate off in that process now this is just called deoxy your ritter dean mono phosphate which we can abbreviate d you MP now we come up now we take this deoxy your it to dean mono phosphate look at the next step alright there's still one phosphate group that hasn't changed but holy crap look what happened here I added something I added a methyl group and we're gonna add this in the form of tetrahydrofolate so a tetrahydrofolate will be involved in this process and we're gonna add that son-of-a-gun in there when we add the tetrahydrofolate in here we have to use a particular enzyme in this process and we're making a new nucleotide guess what this new nucleotide is thymidine right in this case we're gonna be making a specific type well we'll get the name here in just a second but this enzyme is called by mid-late synthase saying goodness for this easy name right and we're gonna use a tetrahydrofolate type of derivative and add on this whole methyl group here now this new molecule is going to be a thymine type of molecule is it deoxy yes is it thymidine yes how many phosphates one let's go through the name get that nomenclature down this is d oxy Saima dean mono phosphate which we can annotate as d t m p sy meaning is only used to make DNA so if we use this we can incorporate it into our DNA structure so we've just synthesized all of our perimeters alright guys so we went through the behemoth of the perimeter and synthesis pathway the next thing that we have to do is tackle the purine synthesis be thankful that this one isn't as crazy because we're going to omit some of the steps in here there's actually 10 steps in this reaction that aren't technically that high yield and it's kind of not necessary to really go over all of them but what you should know is throughout those 10 steps what substrates are being utilized to synthesize this product so what are some of the substrates if you guys remember what do we get this from what is this guy this is our P R P P the phospho ribose a pyrophosphate that we got from that pentose phosphate pathway right then over here this guy should look somewhat familiar this is glutamine so we got our glutamine here and then we have another molecule here this should look familiar this is bicarbonate so we're also gonna have bicarbonate here and then we're gonna add a four mate molecule here so this is called four mate and then we're gonna add in another amino acid here called glycine so this is our glycine and this last one over here is going to be a spart eight in this case this is a spartina but I had a hydrogen there be aspartic acid but here we have a sparked eight now we take all of these different components right so again PRPP glutamine bicarbonate form a glycine and aspartate and through a series of ten steps we synthesize a specific molecule and this molecule is called inosine monophosphate so again what is the name of this molecule here called it is called I an Essene mono phosphate and all of these different molecules here were involved in synthesizing this structure now Aiona seen mono phosphate because we only have one phosphor here and again how would we abbreviate this I M P we're going to use this as the precursor to synthesize a MP and GMP or in the deoxy form deoxy GMP deoxy a and P so how do we do that let's go to the pathway of the GMP first so i Nassim mono phosphate is going to react with the specific enzyme and this enzyme is called ion Essene mono phosphate dehydrogenase that should have alarm bells rang off in your head so again this is called ion Essene mono phosphate dehydrogenase and that is going to be utilizing NAD+ molecules and converting them into nadh so it's going to be getting reduced while oxidizing INA seen mono phosphate so in a d+ is going to be utilized in this reaction to make nadh in that process look what happens we add a hydroxyl group on to this so here's going to be our hydroxyl group here this is now a new molecule it still has that pentose sugar it still has them on a phosphate but now it has another component added onto the nitrogenous base it's now a new name what is the name of this guy it is called hypo xanthine how many phosphate does it have one hypo xanthine mono phosphate okay now from here the hypo xanthine mono phosphate is going to go to the next step oh look what happened here we which the hydroxyl group and we turn this into an nh-2 anytime we add an amine on what did we pretty much probably use to add into it glutamine so somewhere along this process I must have added glutamine and compiled that in a ch2 group on and whenever you get rid of a an amine group on glutamine it converts it into glutamate now in order for me to do this I'm going to take this hypo zanthia mono phosphate and I'm gonna convert this into this new molecule this should look familiar if you guys remember back from when we talked about the structures of the purines this right here is guanosine monophosphate so now we have guanosine monophosphate so if we're synthesizing guanosine monophosphate what should the enzyme be thank goodness the enzyme in this process is called guanosine monophosphate GMP synthase oh thank goodness now we now make this new molecule and this new molecule here is called guanosine mono phosphate which we're going to abbreviate as G M P now let's keep while actually here let's keep let's down we said remember guanosine monophosphate G can be utilized in RNA and DNA so I can technically from this synthesize what RNA so now we can go ahead and make a RNA molecule with this one of the components of the nucleotides we also got to make DNA right so let's keep going down let's look at what happened here we have a mono phosphate we added on another phosphate uh-oh guys look look what happened here one phosphate two phosphates Oh a troop here hydrogen group there what was the name of that enzyme that converted this from a a guanosine monophosphate to a deoxy guanosine diphosphate this is called the ribonucleotide reductase enzyme so this step here is catalyzed by Rui Bo nucleotide reductase and again what do we do we added in a phosphate group into this reaction and we converted the hydroxyl group into a hydrogen now this new molecule is called deoxy because we converted this into a deoxy sugar here and this is guanosine and how many phosphates - so it's dye phosphate what's the abbreviation it's D G D P well let's look at the next step here I have two phosphates here I go to one phosphate nothing changed in my ring my nitrogenous base here so all I did was popped off a phosphate I popped that sucker off when I do that now it's just deoxy guanosine monophosphate so this here is called deoxy guanosine mono phosphate which we can abbreviate as d GMP and that is used to synthesize what DNA because it can be used in making RNA and DNA we already talked about this it's deoxy for DNA and guanosine monophosphate for RNA now let's go do the adenosine all right so now we took ina c mono phosphate and we synthesize the guanosine monophosphate are the deoxy guanosine monophosphate now we got to go synthesize adenosine monophosphate and deoxyadenosine mono phosphate so let's go do that so if you look here at the ina see monos phosphate and compare it to this next molecule what looks different oh god this thing on there previously what the heck is that well that's actually a sparked eat we're gonna add this on here so in this process where you use aspartate and we add that molecule on here so here we're gonna just have a smart 8 aspartate which is an amino acid we're gonna add this into the reaction and we're gonna make this new molecule called adenosine 8 so thank goodness they made the enzyme called a den allo succinate synthase so the enzyme is catalyzing this step of honesty monophosphate plus the aspartate making this next molecule called a dental o succinate is called a dental o succinate syn theis and that is gonna catalyze this step and make this next molecule here and this next molecule is called a dental o succinate now a dental of succeed compare the next molecule here we had the aspartate none of thing is gone where did it go this whole thing here pops off and when it pops off except without this amine group that because it didn't have previously have an amine group here that I mean got added that's what we wanted we've wanted that amine group there well we're gonna pop this thing off and this new molecule here is called fumarate so we're gonna make a net this next molecule which is gonna pop off here called whew Mary does that sound familiar where'd the Fumero molecule come from the krebs cycle so this can then get shuttled in and maybe be involved in the krebs cycle now after we pop off the whew Mary and we leave this amine group on now we had to pop this a dental O succinate we had to remove a specific molecule off of it right which was removing a part of the aspartate in the form of a few Mary so we technically cut the I dental O succinct so we're gonna call this enzyme here which catalyzes this step a dental o succinate lice because that thing going cut a dental O succinate and then we're gonna convert this a dental O succinate molecule into adenosine monophosphate this should look familiar so now this new molecule is called adenosine monophosphate so we're gonna put adenosine mono phosphate which we denote as a MP what can a MP be utilized for synthesizing RNA but again we need to get the deoxy form so how do we do that look here here's one phosphate group here's two phosphate groups I'm going somewhere here's the hydroxyl group up it's gone what was the name of the enzyme that catalyzes this step and convert it from a ribonucleotide to a deoxyribonucleotide ribonucleotide reductase and this ribonucleotide reductase will convert this adenosine monophosphate to deoxy adenosine diphosphate deoxy adenosine die phosphate and we're going to abbreviate this as d a d P well I need to what dude what am I gonna do now I had two phosphates one phosphate I popped off that phosphate and now this new molecule is called D oxy adenosine mono phosphate which we can abbreviate as D a and P and we're gonna use that to synthesize DNA thank goodness we've done it all all right ninja nerds if you stock in throughout this whatever the heck this was I truly appreciate it I hope you guys did enjoy it if you guys did please hit that like button comment on the comment section and please subscribe guys also down in the description box we'll have links to our Facebook Instagram and our patreon account you guys want to go check that out we did truly appreciate it I hope you guys did like this video I truly hope it helped and engineers as always until next time [Music]
Channel: Ninja Nerd
Views: 773,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ninja Nerd Science, Biochemistry, Nucleotide Metabolism, Nucleotide Synthesis, Nucleotide, DNA, RNA, purine, pyrimidine, purine and pyrimidine synthesis
Id: 4GFKdLy2fOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 10sec (2650 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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