Meta x Ray-Ban AI Glasses Are Fantastic...But Not Why You Think

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so I've had these meta Ray band AI glasses for over a week now I've been testing them like crazy and they're actually really good but not necessarily for the reason you think they're not only sunglasses they're not only a camera device and they have two cameras right there but you can ask meta AI any question using llama 3 all you have to say is hey meta so I'm going to tell you everything that I've learned about them and why I've actually grown to love them but again not for the reason you think so let's get into the review all right so I've split this review into a few different sections and let me tell you what they're going to be so first setup form factor the camera/ hardware artificial intelligence some problems that I faced and then my overall thoughts on this device so first let me talk about the setup it was really easy this is the case they came in it says rayb band on it it has this really cool glowing Circle so you can definitely tell it's different from just a regular pair of glasses and so all I had to do was turn it on then I downloaded the app on my phone then all I had to do was link my Facebook account now I am not a Facebook user in fact I don't even remember the last time I logged into Facebook so I couldn't use a lot of the functionality like being able to speak a message I want to send over messenger or Whatsapp I also couldn't use the live streaming capabilities but I probably wouldn't have used those anyways but overall the setup was dead simple and in fact importing photos is also really simple so one of the coolest parts of these glasses is that they actually have cameras on them one on this side and one on the other side over here and so you can take pictures really easily and then all you have to do is open up the app and then it tells you you have images to import you leave the app open and it downloads your images for you very very simple to use and now let's move on to the form factor because I think that's really where it gets interesting these at the end of the day are sunglasses at least for me you can get non-shaded l lenses and you can also get prescription lenses put in them so it might be different for other people but for me they're sunglasses because I don't wear prescription glasses and so here's the thing about sunglasses you only really wear them outside I think the most I wore them is when I was taking hikes and walking around and also driving in my car and then at night I don't wear them so let's talk about that form factor if you're going to make sunglasses just by definition your users aren't going to wear them half of the day and I actually think that's kind of a problem because if meta really wants to integrate AI into my life the glasses form factor is not going to cover every use case that I need and so there are very specific times where I wear sunglasses and when I am wearing them they are absolutely awesome but when they're off I can't use them I can't use them to take pictures I can't use it to ask AI questions I think that's a problem and maybe what they're thinking is they're going to come out with other Hardware devices that accommodate any time of day usage but when I am wearing them they're great and they feel just like glasses I mean they are glasses they don't feel any bulkier they don't feel any heavier and here's a Real Testament to how good the form factor is when I put them on in a couple minutes I forget I'm wearing anything but just normal sunglasses and there's a few things to know about the actual Hardware on the inside right here there's an onoff button that you can flip on the top of the glasses there's a physical button that you push and that is a dedicated camera button you push it once it takes a photo you hold it down and it starts taking a video the video is 60 seconds long maximum when you are recording or when you're taking a picture there's this little light right here that you can barely see out of your periperal vision that tells you that you just took a photo or that you are currently recording the last button the last input on this is on the right side of the actual arm of the glasses and it's touch sensitive so you can t tap it you can swipe forward and you can swipe back and then you can also long hold and that controls everything from playing music to increasing and decreasing the volume and things like that now here's something really interesting that I found out so imagine you're wearing these glasses and the cameras are right here now I was wearing a hat one day with these glasses and the brim of the Hat went out to about here and so since the camera is here and it took a photo the Hat was actually blocking part of the photo but here here's the really cool thing in my ear and I'll get to this in a second it actually told me your hat is blocking the photo it actually said that to me after it took the photo it says that your hat is blocking the photo so that is incredible that it could recognize what was happening and actually told me now that's one thing I forgot to mention on the bottom of both sides of the arms of the glasses there are speakers and they are directional speakers and it feels very much like the Apple Vision Pro they're not sitting in your ear they're sitting right above your ear directed at your ear and it is really clear which was really impressive I was impressed with the Apple Vision Pro and I'm very impressed with this so when you put them on they connect to your phone via Bluetooth and you can play music on them you can hear notifications from them obviously you can talk to meta AI because that's a big part of these glasses is being able to ask AI any question so the speakers work incredibly well and I actually found myself using them a lot so when somebody would call I would answer and just talk nobody around me could really hear the speakers but I heard them perfectly now if it's loud around you the sound kind of gets diluted a bit but overall it was pretty great and of course as glasses just as a standalone glasses they're fantastic they're rayb bands they're high quality the plastic feels great the build quality feels fine so everything about them feels really good and they are just sunglasses and when you're ready to charge them you fold them up you put them back into the case just like so and they start charging and This little light will turn on telling you that they're charging and if you can see right in the nose there are two little charging things that are exposed and that is what connects right there into the glasses case so really cool and of course just like if you have any kind of airpods the case itself gets charged stores battery and then when you put the glasses into the case they charge the glasses as well and they have a USBC charging port at the bottom just right there so very easy very straightforward thanks to the sponsor of this video vulture reap the benefits of the world's largest independent cloud provider when you bring your 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the day I'd say I used it maybe 10 times throughout the whole day just asking questions that I actually needed answers to and maybe only half of them I really needed answers to the other half I was just trying to test out the capabilities so it's really interesting in that sense and it got me thinking I think this is why agents are so powerful now if I had AI in my ears at all times where it was actually able to go out and accomplish task for me that's really the golden use case if I'm able to just walk on the beach for example and my agent says hey you have a new email from a sponsor who wants to sponsor your channel and all I have to say is okay who is it and uh yeah go ahead and reply send them the rates and uh then it does it automatically for me that is really my my perfect use case just being able to ask questions throughout the day is nice but not really required in my life now I'll say the only exception to that is when I'm driving when I'm driving in the car and I think of something that I need to know in that moment I can't take my phone out and start typing because I'm driving so having a hands-free way to interact with an entire knowledge base is really convenient all you have to do as I said is say hey meta you get a little ding in your ear and then you ask a question and it's pretty fast it's faster than the rabbit device it's faster certainly than the AI pin although I haven't tested the AI pin myself but it seems like it's faster because that seems really slow and again you can ask it any question so it's pretty good and it's using llama 3 to power it so the AI is there and the potential is there but until a meta agent is actually able to accomplish things on my behalf there's still a lot to be desired and that's why I think Facebook or meta is actually at a disadvantage here compared to Apple and Google Apple and Google have all of your information if you use an iPhone it has everything that you ever do on that iPhone if you use an Android or any of the Google products it has all of your information in there and so they can make agents that can perform tasks on your behalf because it has access to all of your information and all of your accounts meta does not have that that's why I think Apple when they finally release their updated Siri it's going to be really compelling and there were a lot of times where I wished I could just say hey meta write a text message to this person write a telegram message to this person write me an email but I couldn't I couldn't the only thing you could do is messenger and WhatsApp I don't use either of those I couldn't control anything on my phone so it's really a big missed opportunity and I'm not sure what meta is going to do to close that gap between the data that they have access to and the data that Apple and Google have access to that is also why I think open AI might be at a disadvantaged position but overall the AI works really well it hallucinates sometimes obviously because it's still AI it's still early days of large language models but overall very cool now I mentioned at the beginning of this video that I love these glasses but not for the reason you think I thought I was going to get them and just absolutely fall in love with the AI part of the glasses the AI functionality but it turns out I actually love the picture taking I love the camera and it takes great photos it takes one minute long videos and there's two things that I really like about it one not having to take my phone out of my pocket to take a photo I know it seems like that's such a small thing to do to get the photo but I found myself taking probably 10 times as many photos just because I had this on and not only that you're taking photos and videos completely handsfree you can say hey meta take a photo hey meta take a video of course you could push the button up here but I was frequently doing something and just saying hey meta take a photo and here's the thing when you're wearing these glasses the photo is coming from your firsters view it is exactly what you have seen so it's a really interesting way to take photos because you know if you take out your phone you're holding it in front of you you're holding it lower so it looks like it was taken with a camera with this it looks like that is what you were looking at so I really love it for that reason and again because I wear sunglasses I have no problem wearing these they feel just like sunglasses but now I have a camera available to me at any time the photos and the videos themselves are vertical I think it's probably 1X two is my guess or maybe 2x3 in terms of Dimensions which is fine I prefer horizontal photos landscape photos but that's totally fine and the photos themselves are 1080p I believe perfectly good enough for what I need them for if I really want to take an amazing photo I'll take my iPhone out and I know a lot of you camera enthusiasts are probably think thinking wow Matt thinks the best photo he can take is on his phone but yeah that's all I really need let's talk about the batteries the batteries lasted a very long time I was using these for hours I would say 3 four 5 hours constant usage taking dozens and dozens of photos and videos and after those let's say four 4 and a half hours it was down to 60% battery life so these batteries lasted a long time and not only that you have multiple re charges through the glasses case so plenty of battery use I'm very impressed with the battery life that they got into these glasses and I already talked about the speakers they are good not audio file level speakers but for talking on the phone if you don't want to have something in your ear or you're walking around you want to answer your phone without actually taking your phone out of your pocket these are perfectly sufficient for that now a few problems this button right here that takes photos and videos is exactly where you put your finger to put the glasses on and off and that means I was constantly accidentally triggering the photo and taking a photo when I did not intend to not the biggest deal but then I also don't want these random photos of usually the ground or the sky or something in my photo stream again not a huge deal and of course another problem it hallucinates it's still artificial intelligence it's still early days of large language models and yes they do give false ansers sometimes so I would ask it about something and it would confidently give me an answer especially about let's say I'm at a location I say hey what are some good restaurants around me it would tell me things that were just not there so that is going to be a problem that will be solved in the long run but the nice thing is the meta AI does have access to the internet so it can do some searches on your behalf and it does have real-time information the hey meta sometimes didn't work there were a lot of times actually where I would say hey meta ask it a question it would just like lag out it would just not do anything which was frustrating especially in the moment and it got so bad I asked it a question it sounded like it was going to do something and then it completely broke like it wouldn't answer and then going forward hey meta did not work I couldn't get it to work I reset my app I reset the glasses and then finally I actually had to do a hard reset on the glasses to get it to work again and so uh yeah still a little bit buggy that only happened once but hey meta occasionally would not work and so that's it overall I love these glasses I really do having AI in your ear is good having the cameras available to you in a hands-free way at anytime is incredible plus I love the look they're just awesome Rayband glasses the price point is pretty good anywhere from $300 to $500 depending on what you choose and yeah overall I can highly recommend these glasses if you wear sunlasses or if you wear prescription glasses and you want AI in your ear and you want a camera available to you at any time in a hands-free way these are awesome these are now my daily driver sunglasses so yes I am recommending these glasses very cool check them out if you enjoyed this video please consider giving a like And subscribe and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Matthew Berman
Views: 60,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meta ai, glasses, ai glasses, ray-ban, meta rayban, artificial intelligence, meta glasses, hardware, ai hardware
Id: llwwrdtORBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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