Met an aboriginal in Darwin, Australia

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so I slept three and a half hours on the airplane going up from Melbourne to Darwin and it's really humid here and hot in Darwin and I got up at 1am and I'm gonna go explore the city now now it's about 6 a.m so it's about time to go into the city I'm gonna spend one day here before continuing onwards to daily East tomorrow just walking down the downtown and how long do you think it'll take to get to downtown um from here by walking my walking is going to take you about an hour change two and a half hour two and a half hours but how long did you run it uh we have maybe one and a half a year fast Walker yeah okay cool what's your name okay how long have you lived here oh no I've just been here for a couple of a couple of weeks now oh really where are you from I'm from montpelli oh really how far is that from Yes um I'm not easy down that way yeah sunrises yeah yeah so it's a village or what oh it's a community community okay so you're here for a little bit yeah it's over here okay nice to meet you I'm James nice to meet you bro I just met a real Aboriginal up here in Darwin he wanted to charge me ten dollars to get an interview with him but then I said I just wanted to do a free week interview he was a jogger a lot of joggers here doing their morning exercise so getting my morning exercise too by walking to downtown so there's much more color than I expected to see in Darwin it's pretty green here seems like a found another plant it's real interesting it's kind of hard it's kind of brittle I'm not sure the name of it well it looks like I'm getting into town now and see a lot of buildings here so hey how's it going hey hey is that your name Eddie all right nice to meet you Eddie I'm Jason hi Jason awesome thanks for meeting me at the supermarket no problem at all so we're headed to now we're heading down to the Waterfront in Darwin City yeah right it's a lovely little place so people come here in the afternoons just to chill out and get something to eat that kind of thing it's um yeah it's a cool place so the Waterfront is like a touristy area I can go see some stuff it's a little bit touristy not as much as I'd like it to be you know information about you know the bombing of Darwin and a few other things like that yeah so this whole this whole area has been renovated huh yeah it has yeah it's pretty now everything sort of gets upgraded and graduated slowly town at the end of the day so all right how many people here yeah roughly 250 000. okay that's yeah all of all of the Northern Territory um all right so that's the Waterfront over there and it's pretty good hey to hear the news that happened yesterday there was um 1250 US troops that landed here I had heard something about it yeah so they're gonna prep up and be ready and we do have a um a pretty good air base and stuff like that here little military oh yeah um it's a pretty good you know standing point with the Darwin port and all that sort of stuff excellent strategic military position so oh yeah um yeah it's a bit sketchy a bit of a worry um yeah but we'll see what happens with the old North Korea huh yeah so this is like a Barrier Island over there kind of yeah okay yeah it's kind of like natural one it's pretty good [Music] hey can I get a video of this too or no I got a video please all right all right so um this one yeah and what does it do oh sorry ready yeah we're ready okay wow it's pretty good so just put on a presentation okay so so here we go so is this a demonstration then or it's a bit of a trial we're about halfway through for three months okay so you have to actually be on board to make sure yeah um yeah but how is it operated by GPS yeah so there's a GPS connected to a satellite um and then there's a sensor or a Libra on each Corner that detectives [Applause] yeah medicine is always a friend no no I mean you can get me wrong with this okay and knows where to go okay so this vehicle goes automatically and and there's no driver just a lady that checks things it's pretty interesting there it goes you can go up to 50 kilometers per hour and it keeps the speed limit and it can stop when it detects traffic it's pretty interesting here we have the wave Lagoon it's like the beach here color on it wow so this is Darwin Australia it's really nice here this uh it's an oil Town actually but it's been dwindling down so prices have been going down for accommodations here right now it's April so it's kind of like Autumn but it's pretty much warm year round here so now I'll go visit different parts of the city and see what else this city has to offer here we have Charles Darwin University here we have a Noni tree you can see a couple fruits right here here's the city of Darwin Bicentennial Park here we have more warm memorials the Great War of 1914 to 19. it's a nice uh Park here it overlooks the bay which we're going to take a look at next and stay trade all these monuments here's a fancy hotel here we have the Darwin International the Darwin entertainment center what's the name of this beach okay so it has good sunsets beautiful sunsets best in the world best of the other thing all right during the wet season when the clouds roll over yeah unbelievable unbelievable all right one of my favorite places in the world yeah looks really nice
Channel: JayPiper UnEdited
Views: 3,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darwin, australia, darwin australia, darwin vlog, aboriginal, aboriginal australia, Darwin 2017, Australia 2017, Traveling in Darwin, aboriginal joggers, aboriginal runners, couchsurfing darwin, couchsurfing australia
Id: g6jbTOYo-OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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