Messick's 40,000 sq/ft Equipment Shop Tour | Elizabethtown, PA.

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six help in hand with your name Neal from Essex here today to give you a quick tour of our service shop got a comment from one of our viewers here a couple days ago asking that he'd like to see around the inside of this place so today I'm gonna do a little bit of walking and talking and show you around our service facility before we go inside here the building itself that we're walking into is built approximately five years ago it is 40,000 square feet just about one acre under roof there are 32 service technicians in here today it is full all the bays are occupied we're going to walk here through the offices at first we'll kind of tour around the Bay Area talk about what a technicians based setup looks like walk through some tool rooms maybe even dip into the service warehouse over here a little bit so just take a quick walk around here and show you a little bit of everything as we walk into the office right here we use a very automotive style service model it's kind of something we've pivoted towards here a couple years ago with a line of customer facing service writers and then shop focused service managers so the service writers are gonna be right inside the door here so let's see who we can risk surprise so far behind me over there would be the customer facing service writers now that role the guys in that job is gonna be the service customers who are calling in or walking in and basically setting up service appointments and making a light diagnosis of mechanical problems just trying to kind of and do an initial triage and what may be wrong with the Machine the office is off to the side over here are gonna be service managers those guys are gonna be say shop facing and they're kind of focused on shop efficiency so scheduling the work as it goes for the shops making sure the service technicians have what they need the resources and the parts that they need in order to do a repair when you look around the room in here you'll see all these books on the wall a lot of our service information has moved to the Internet at this point and is available online so guys can pull it up with their laptops and stuff allow that are on the road but a lot of the older stuff there is no replacement for a lot of these service manuals guys often wonder you know why shop labor is expensive when you go through and you look at repairing working on this kind of equipment there's a lot of expenses that we tied up and what we do behind just an hourly rate and these folks are one of the so every time we might sell a piece of equipment most of these or auto shipped to us from the manufacturer and these books oftentimes you're gonna pay three to four hundred dollars for every one of these that's on the shelf service manuals and these publications are really expensive and you're gonna notice we have a lot of them we're up here in the second floor above those initial offices that you come into and this is our lunch in training room continuing education is a big part of being a service technicians new models new technologies and mechanical systems are always coming out and so we use this room up here to do service department training also company training in meetings and that kind of thing so there's a lot of time gets spent up here making sure our guys are always on top of new things as they come out so I'm here in the shop itself we divide up our service department in a four different kind of sub departments under the same roof so there's a group of guys that largely were walking through here right now that do mostly new equipment set up so prep of new machinery that's going out there's then this group down here that does mostly lawn and Gardens smaller equipment small tractors zero turn mowers and that kind of thing a group that does agricultural equipment Baylor's planners big tractors that kind of stuff and then a group that will do self-propelled and construction equipment so combines excavators forage harvesters and that kind of big machinery with the breadth of all the stuff that we sell it is impossible for anybody to understand all of this stuff so guys kind of receive training and specialize in the particular kind of equipment you'll see this platform right here coming up out of the floor so this is a bay for a lawn and garden technician and every one of the guys that works on this smaller stuff has a raising platform that will come up out of the floor to bring equipment up to a working height since we were lucky enough in order to kind of build and design this building for service work you'll see these chain hoists right here every one of the service bays has a beam that runs right down the middle of the bay with a chain hoist on it that they could slide these things back and forth in order to lift equipment you'll be surprised how often these things are used a lot of machinery has worked on not sitting on its wheels but oftentimes suspended or split or pulled every is gonna have a large 10-foot workbench back here with a metal top with lighting and stuff over top of it so they can see what they're doing the every technician also has a computer today's environment all of our scheduling is done on computers and most of the guys technical information and that kind of stuff is gonna come online at this point so guys that are focused in the shop we're all gonna have pcs on their benches guys that do road work are gonna have laptops that they carry with them now we actually write and design all of this software ourselves unfortunately there's not a lot of software that's really tailored well to a dealership like ourselves so we've pretty heavily customized the software that we have from our dealer business system but this is gonna lay out here the guys schedule he's gonna know exactly what he's got coming up to work on here for the next couple of days a job that he's gonna work on and once he clicks his job right here he can clock in and out of what he's working on but it also becomes a place for tracking the job as they progressed so taking notes about every hour of time that's punched one of the job keeping track of things for warranty claims uploading pictures of the job is working on stuff this helps us and helps the technician really track the progress of a piece of equipment while it moves through a shop if you look up towards the ceiling up there you're gonna notice there's a couple things you don't see in most shops the first one is obviously the big fans a big space like this is not air-conditioned in the summertime but being in here in the shade with those things cranked up it'll stay 10 or 15 degrees cooler in here than it would be if you were just outside they make a huge difference in comfort in here there's also oil reels up that are on the ceiling we have a bulk oil distribution system we buy all of our oils by the tanker load you can actually go over to a key pad and key in what product you need and how much of it you need pull a hose down a piece of equipment hit a button and it will pump that right amount of oil directly into that piece of equipment so you're not there hoisting five-gallon buckets and running back and forth it's a much more efficient way to put oil into a machine the orange hoses up on the ceilings are all for the exhaust system that allows us to run equipment inside without smoking this place up so those are employees that can be lowered down and slipped over top of the exhaust in all to keep the air in here breathable and not all cloudy behind me is one of our service trucks these are often Ford f-550 s we have some dodges to just kind of depends on when we're buying trucks at the time and these are all gonna belong to the guys who work on the road got a video specifically on what's on the inside of one of these trucks if you want to check that out if you're interested in that kind of thing but by and large these Kawana the technicians that are on the outside walls so there's some exterior doors and the sides of the building that you can actually pull one of these trucks up to and ideally Park the truck right beside your if you're a technician right beside the bay that you work in that's so that you can always be on a job now we're essentially looking at every hour of the day making sure our guys are always on a job and always working efficiently you're a road technician there's kind of that end of the day beginning of the day when you might not necessarily have an immediate piece to work on so you'll usually have two different jobs going one in the shop and one on the road so that you're not always taking your tools and having to carry things in and out we try to keep all that as close to the bay as possible so by having exterior doors most of these trucks are able to pull up to the outside of the building so if you need something out of your truck it's only a couple of steps away back here in the back corner of the building is a space that we have for welding and metalworking so we have a little bit of stock of some steels that we will have in order to do a little bit of custom fabrication and usually that's four mounts and that kind of stuff if we had say a breaker that we need to put onto an excavator an amount that we need to weld or create between the two we'll be able to do that stuff ourselves here in the shop we've got some guys who are really talented welders and fabricators that often will dive in to kind of make those unique situations work Syria back here is the whole room now while most service technicians are gonna have their own hand holes there are certain things that are kind of unique pieces or tools that are specific to particular mechanical systems a piece of machinery that not everybody is certainly going to own so there's a lot of drawers of high-density cabinets back here that are gonna have some hand tools you know screws fittings bolts nuts taps that kind of stuff that you're going to need in order to work on a piece of equipment but also some things that are really unique when you get into things like special sockets and unique wrenches these light gray colored boxes back here are all manufacturer required tools oftentimes when a new piece of equipment comes out that piece of equipment is gonna have certain parts on it that you're just not going to be able to work on with a regular set of hand tools and so we are often Auto shipped or required to purchase a lot of these special shop tools in order to work on that equipment even before a failure happens the lead time to get this kind of stuff is actually often months and months so it's not something that we can just pull off of a shelf somewhere or get shipped in next day when we run into a situation that we need it so you're gonna find it when a new piece of equipment comes in to a dealership for the first time between Auto shipping of the service manuals and all the required tools or software in order to work on it touching that machine for the very first time and bringing the first one in the lock can sometimes cost us 2500 $3,000 and required things that are gonna show up before we've even sold the very first one so you notice back here we actually been and track every one of these tools again partly because of their cost but so that we know where they're going as guys are pulling this self off the shelf if it's out for one job and we need it we can track it down and go out and find it to take it to another job really some of the investment in this kind of stuff is what sets a dealership apart I mean not only does it enable you in order to work on those complex parts of the machine it also enables you oftentimes to do it quickly now a lot of this kind of stuff and a lot of the work that we do we're relying on being able to do a job not just properly but also quickly so a lot of these tools that we have the jigs that we have in order to manipulate equipment is what enables a dealership in order to work efficiently our tracking system in here is actually a little low-tech you'll notice these are numbered Cal tags and this is what we use in order to to track the whereabouts of these things so everybody's names over here on the board and when you're gonna take a tool out you simply take your number here and drop it on the shelf for the tool that you've taken out and I'll replace it when you go so a whiteboard over here that we use and we send things to our other locations ago we have five stores in Pennsylvania this is our biggest hub location when tools leave this there marked over here in the white boards that we know that whereabouts if you follow the light blue lines down the wall through the shop they all lead back to here and those are Airlines so there's two large air compressors and a dryer up here that feed compressed air back into every base so keeping all this equipment back here kind of keeps all the noise out of the shop and isolated into this room sermons also use for more of those custom tools that we were talking about earlier for transmission and engine jigs that will support those pieces as they're split off attractor just again a big investment that's made in this kind of custom pooling custom tools in order to be able to do that work properly and efficiently could imagine a shop like ours does a lot of oil changes and so that creates a waste problem that we have to deal with all the waste oils and the filter cans and that kind of stuff and dispose of them this is actually a filter crusher you can slide this guy open stick filter in here and operate this machine that will squash the filter into a little pancake this guy will also drain into a waste oil collection system that's in this other room over here it's all EPA regulated on how these things are stored so we've got big tank so the walls around them in order to store all the waste oils as they come out of these machines you know a lot of guys burn that kind of stuff and we used to in the past as well in order to heat the shop eventually we stopped doing that because that kind of equipment takes a lot of maintenance and wear and tear we just felt like we were putting more money into keeping the oil burners working properly than what was really worth our time so today all that stuff is sold off to a recycler this is the mechanical room for the ball coil system so you think you might go through a lot of engine oil while we kind of said that part pretty high this right here's a 3800 gallon tank for just 15 W 40 and this room goes back in here there are one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven different products that we store in bulk back here now the major ones are gonna flow up into the shop through that ball coil system that we can punch in exactly how much we need what we need and it pumps it right down into the machine for us making sure that our guys aren't taking a half an hour to handle five gallon buckets up and to say the top of a combine or something like that so really cool system something you don't find in a lot of dealerships that is an investment that we've made here we also will take this stuff and sell it off to customers as bulk oil you see this tote right here in front of me we can actually take oil that we buy by the tanker load pump it down into this tote and actually bring it out to a farm and we sell all the oil distribution systems for farms as well we're not this kind of scale but in a small air powered pumps and that kind of stuff so that you can realize some of those cost savings in your own operation this is our shop warehouse and this is actually a separate building right beside the service shop that we just walked through but it is a storage area for a lot of the sometimes tooling but also frankly spare parts that we keep on hand when you look at machines like combines and forage harvesters the biggest equipment that farmers run the uptime for that kind of stuff is absolutely crucial those things need to be able to run in the field 24/7 whenever they're needed for a solid period of the year and so it's really important that we have all the things on hand in order to keep those customers going so we actually have somewhere in the neighborhood of probably two to three hundred thousand dollars worth of parts and hardware on hand in order to enable that level of service will actually also go through and rebuild certain parts of the gearboxes and stuff on these big machines can cost upwards of twenty thousand dollars so rather than disposing of them when they break we actually will remanufacture a lot of this stuff ourselves set it back on our own shelves again so that we can keep those customers running and as low of a cost as possible this is a job box right here this is another piece that's kept up here in the warehouse so when we know a service technician is going to be going out to work on a particular piece of equipment we have these large metal boxes that we can throw in the back of the truck and it's gonna include a lot of the common parts that are used on that piece of machinery and again this is generally used for the biggest of big equipment but by throwing these in the back of a lot of service technicians truck you can make sure they have not just the skills and the documentation the manuals and the training and everything you need to work on that kind of equipment but they also have all the parts and supplies on hand as well when you go through and you look at say the cost of working on a piece of equipment and engaging the services of a shop like this obviously it's costly right all these things add up fairly significantly so just keep in the back of your mind that when you look at the hourly rate of what you pay for service work you're just paying for the time of that technician itself but also what it takes to run a place like this for all the the custom tools the manuals the the back-office staffing that goes through and makes sure that you know the jobs are lined up you're kept in the loop things are running efficiently for the the warranty writers and just all the staff that's behind and supporting that person who's our you're paying for it's a lot more than just that one individual that makes up that hourly billing - if you're looking for career opportunities said that several times now this is an industry that not nearly enough people are choosing to join at this point so if you're somebody who can commit yourself to learning the skills diving into this equipment knowing how it works places like us will chase you around for the rest of your life so if you're looking for a new employer you'd enjoy working in a setting like this we are almost always hiring service technicians if guys the right skillset man we will find stuff for you to do because there are times that these guys are backed up for weeks just waiting to get to the kind of equipment that we need to out in the field because there's just never enough of us in order to do the work so if we're of interest for you of Messick's you have a piece of equipment you like to work when you'd like to talk about career opportunities give us a call we're available at 800 - 2 - 3 3 7 3 or online at Messick's comm [Music] [Music]
Channel: Messick's Equipment
Views: 32,039
Rating: 4.9528022 out of 5
Keywords: Messicks, Kubota, new, holland, caseih, case, krone, farm, equipment, tractor, tractors, farming, farminglife, construction
Id: JqXqAYujX_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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