Messianic Rabbi Mottel Baleston teaching on the Abrahamic Covenant.

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Shalom we're back and we're talking about the Abrahamic covenant and we are talking for good reason because the Abrahamic covenant is foundational to who we are as believers in Messiah we had talked about the fact that in the scripture there are covenants that God makes generally with mankind and several other covenants that he makes exclusively with the Jewish people and yet the covenant that he made with Abraham the Abrahamic covenant although it's made with the Jewish people it will have benefits that overflow to all the peoples of the world so again while legally the signatories the parties to the Covenant are the God of Israel and the people of Israel nevertheless ultimately if people place their faith in the Messiah of Israel they will gain a number of the spiritual benefits of this covenant that should be very exciting to you because you're getting in on something that God says is a great blessing so let's talk about some of these 10 provisions of the Abrahamic covenant now I'm not a big detail person minutia and fine detail and that makes my eyes cross you know but I'm a common fellow I was brought up in Brooklyn to use Brooklyn grammar there for a moment and but yet folks this is really foundational for those of you who understand themselves to be believers in Messiah what I'm about to share is not an advanced teaching it may not be what you hear Sunday to Sunday even if you're going to a good Bible teaching Church of which there are many again at the same time the Abrahamic covenant was so foundational to the first century believers that they could not imagine any believer not being familiar with its provisions so we had talked about the numerated on the other of the break some of these ten provisions of the Abrahamic covenant talked about them briefly we had first turned to Genesis chapter 12 as the foundational passage that talks about the Abrahamic covenant and that establishes the Abrahamic covenant because in that passage God calls Abram out of a pagan background and starts the whole the whole thing rolling so first we said that the first provision of the Abrahamic covenant was that a great nation was to come out of Abraham now primarily it is the nation of Israel but if you trace this down we know that Abram had many many different children the most famous of whom are Isaac and Ishmael and yes so from Ishmael and from Esau we get the great Arab nations I should hasten to add that God does not play favorites God is not willing that any should perish neither does he value one race of people over another prejudice racial bigotry is a human folly it's sin and it needs to be clearly stated as such let me tell you very clearly as a Jewish believer that God does not prefer Jews over Arabs God loves Arabs just as much as he loves Jews and I say that from the bottom of my kishkas kishkas is a Yiddish word for my innermost being when my wife and I even had the privilege of living in Jerusalem we had a number of believing friends friends have believed in Messiah Yeshua who were Arab believers were from Arab backgrounds we had wonderful fellowship together with them in the Messianic Assembly there on rahova naveen in Yerushalayim during the time we lived there and went to open open school and so God loves each individual equally so the great Arab nations have come out of Abraham as well so the first provision is that this great nation was to come out of Abraham and the story develops it's the nation of Israel secondly Abraham was promised a land you only need to turn on the news probably this evening to see the conflict and controversy about the ownership of the Land of Israel in recent years there's been all kinds of conflict about the West Bank the the the areas of Judea and Samaria and all these areas that are in dispute and yet God promises the Land of Israel to the people of Israel again God made provision for our Arab cousins and he gave them a large swatch of land but that land was to be the to the east if you read some of the portions in fact it'll be good for us to read Genesis chapter 15 starting in verse 17 so Genesis chapter 15 starting in verse 17 about the Land of Israel it says verse 17 when the Sun had set it was very dark and there behold there appeared a smoking oven and a flaming torch which passed between the pieces talk about that in just a moment on that day Jehovah made a covenant with Abram formal start of the Abrahamic covenant saying to your descendants I have given this land from the river of Egypt as far as the great river the river Euphrates and then he mentions some of the pagan tribes who were nomadic through that area the Kenai the Casas IDE the katma Knight the hittite all the other i'ts that are mentioned there you need a degree in biblical archaeology to suss that all out but God gives that land to the people of Israel in a formal covenant by the way one of the things to see in verse 17 is that when God makes the Abrahamic covenant he doesn't ask Abraham for his agreement but rather he says to Abraham I'm putting you to sleep in the Abrahamic covenant Abraham is put to sleep and God Himself makes the covenant in other words in some covenants it is conditional it's conditioned on both sides keeping their end of the bargain the Mosaic Covenant is a conditional covenant the Jewish people promised at the base of Mount Sinai they said all that you have said we will do it's a very dramatic moment the receiving of the law but with the Abrahamic covenant is very different nowhere did Abraham have to agree to it he could not agree there were no obligations on his part rather in you see there in Chapter 715 that God put Abraham to sleep it was a one-sided covenant it was unconditional there are no conditions to it there's no way for Abraham and the Jewish people to keep it there's no way for Abraham and the Jewish people to break it it's irrevocable or you're if you're from Brooklyn it's irrevocable it cannot be broken
Channel: Messengers Messianic Jewish Fellowship NJ
Views: 1,633
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: Messianic, Jewish, Bible, Christian, Jesus, Yeshua, Y'shua
Id: 1ilOw6QnuO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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