Messenger Boy - Christie Hennessy

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doing some huh I've been sitting here so long Baban under a low I have a chance of making living I could get a shoveling go on walking a building site I can pimp Russian repent and are getting a town go and sing and if I get the job what I sing on I never expected anything else other than if I could make enough money to keep me in my family I'd sing songs on the Sun and when my job was done I would say love your song and I'd like to play one more just to all your lovers butter all is just fantastic to work at so do you love yeah just um I used to in the village 8 years ago and I got asbestos about 30-40 years ago and it takes that long to come out you know so it's finally shown itself we really discovered something was wrong after the tour we had a great Nationwide Tour march/april of Ireland was a fabulous tour we love to Christy enjoyed every single standing ovation which he never ever expected standing ovations so each standing ovation to him was very precious but every single time before he got on stage he literally he wasn't able to breathe it was Nabal to sing and getting up there doing it to another our performance was quite a miracle so we came off tour and unfortunate he was diagnosed with the illness about five months ago they told me had itry months to live the first few weeks were hard because I thought they were last in like you know but then I I thought well it's only and if I let it be the end you know and every day that I'm here I can make the best stuff it's a kid feel angry for a while I believe but even anger can tell nunya so I got angry for a little while and then let go the anger because I don't think that so as much Papa cider but it's good to feel a little bit angry for a while but not to hold on to it so I that's right here that's one of the tricks and when I pray loss so you know whoever or whatever you know I just send a present and interacting positive I always remember a story my mum told me they told my mum she had six months live and there's a reverse i Whittaker six must live and about five years after she was telling me this you know the doctor told her but when she left the doctor surgery she said I was really glad I looked at the door and seen doctor and she said not God dr. Sachs I said and saying that it wasn't God that told me that I thought no you can't tell me six months however long it takes it's gone take that time and socially for 12 years after that sir I kind of live by that since I've been told that for that matter you know is that nobody can tell you we got to Diana nobody knows I have known my hands and lows I walked in every show I've played in every town and brought some houses down yet critics Oh to say and I gave my heart to every we were all just well let's just get on with it we've got albums me we got tours and let's see how long we can take this so you know for the first few months Christie with him surprising the doctors he was going on long walks and and he was singing and you know he'd written this album I don't know who you're talking to after all the only thing I thought was that because he'd never drunk taking a drug smoked in his life been and healthy not eating well because he had such a positive outlook on life I thought there was a chance he might be able to make a year a year and a half two years I might be able to kind of get him to that point I helped him get to that point I was told I wouldn't be able to walk up the stairs so then I went for a walk every day and instead of walking for a quarter of my I walk for two two miles a dinner and I was told I wouldn't sing again which I've recorded most of the album so so that's it really you know sure you can't be back here there's an island fool like you know I got a job as a messenger by pulling on this lovely girl who's about they like and I was about 12 but that unless you sit up together already oh right hi friend of mine my knows about six or seven jelly crack at the end of our road in Kirsten's Avenue and made to get her out of it tea-chest and he put nut nut got around he only put a little bits of string and I used to go in the pub and sing all these songs and this string has to be flapping up and down I was really good everyone said sir listen Jabbar absolutely here to school he did everything about here's the teachers hated the buildin here's the idea of London I asked my mom if I could leave school when I was 11 half and she said that when you're 12 you can go so I told the headmaster I said I asked my mom if I could leave school and she said when I'm 12 I can leave and it took him a while to recognize me because he hadn't seen me but after only he said to me when you leave school at 12 what are you going to do and as I open my mouth to tell him he said to me shall I tell you what you're going to do and I suggest please I said nothin he said because when you leave school to twelve there's nothing to do I feel really sorry for him you know there's so much to do I mean I couldn't begin to tell him he didn't even know that how I was going to be a star I was doing before clubs there in the 1972 land symmetry and just around around it's this constant circle trying to make a living at that it was held and why I kept going I don't know things like I was like a bull you know just kept hitting bared my head off after getting that he'd sort of leave home six o'clock in the morning and go up ladders and painting decorating he'd come home a sort of for and he get changed and he'd take his guitar and he'd go out and he'd gig and sometimes he wasn't paid and sometimes he couldn't get home and he would have to travel all freight trains and I knew he was walking around in the dark on his own and my god he had some stories about those times ideal for Clarice and Wales and I attended the gig you didn't say is there anybody got a spare floor tonight so I could sleep on and then hopefully December he would come up and say yes and they did it sometimes and I remember going back to a house when I can they put me into the kitchen they're out a blanket and flow in the kitchen so there was my wife and after bed then about four hours later there was an almighty kick out of the kitchen door and it over him came in baton landed on the floor so I'm lying here you know so it's not just unusual this happens a lot in different respects you know and so I packed up my stuff and got my guitar in and and screws out if you hit the door without and sat in the station from the minor area station there was lots of nights like that Christine gave me a bed for delight in 1968 I'm gonna singing holidays incredible songs to me you know I've never heard our latest and the most unusual story the planica terror and his voice was incredible is this and my told me told me the dream why the fine I my love Sunshine's are Sunshine's on listen you do many gigs around London and he told me he was walking the desert has already walked a little safer he said I do a few barrister weekend I said Fagin I'm Bruce Jenner who looks after Russian ahsoka Ambrose interested and Ambrose cotton to make his very first album I was making an album in 1972 for a lyric Arthur westward in West Montgomery in Wales the faster put down about seven tracks and their City metre and another Sun really you notice does it just does one more song to go on salbon I said I look at her and I come up with this little blues riff but I'd lead on bum bum Bennett little bump bump and just almost from beginning to end don't forget to shovel if you want to go to work don't forget it just happened don't forget to shovel if you want to go to work Christie's first album is still one of my favourite albums of all time very very unique album twisted in rang me and said I'm going to the car don't forget each other and he said make sure of your publishing size brilliant so I got a publisher and I published this out and Christie did a phase version of drop catch each other which is fantastic I love and gotta number one for him but it turned my career around I went from being a folk singer who played in folk clubs to go on to bigger things on the back of that song baby I met my wife in Water Street either this could have there's about half its eleven and I seen this Geller with three or four more girls site I thought she's lovely in her so I'm I definitely said there we'd like to dance you know so she looked at me like I have as if I had two heads and one of the other girls pushed her you know and she just kind of came into my arms and we started dancing you know and we about a 4 o'clock mom she seemed in that form but she gave me her number and then then a few days later I rang her and then went to the pictures and then I knew that night that I was going to ask her to marry me I nude I thought there is no other girl this is the one so we came outside and she said we will not with what's that after the sign and I said that's a sign she said no what's the name on it and I said um oh she said you got that I said I'm chess it ya know League Langille so I said where is it and so he gets up closer and she I said can you not see and she said no it's really blonde I still I can't see you either and for someone unreason I think she plucked it she doesn't think so but I thought you think he can read that sign you know and then once I told that and she said it doesn't matter we find ways around it you know I knew didn't she was definitely the right one you know because that's a health card you know to go with somebody with no job no prospects who can't read and write Chinese so I'm shining smile sunshine is my sunshine is my I just I could introduce you to the rest of the enginer and then under fiddler is my daughter Amber and what is my other daughter Himani he knew the value of family and the power of it he dragged me up on stage since I was tiny you know said you have an extraordinary voice and this is something we have to do but it gave I was a foil in a way I never said anything really but he and he used me to his full advantage of food I think he thought to have a gift and not use it was pre unforgivable I guess my children are very very important we're Hamas custom she's a real strong go-getter and make things happen and I'm very important to her I know that she lets me know that every day and since I've had this illness and before she's nothing's been too much for her to do for me in her and particularly around now she's just like just this gun the helpful letter you know making things happen it's constants 24 hours a day she's dear family you know he made music so exciting he taught me God's three core tricks and stuff like that you know him you know I learned how to play the violin that was you know the first thing I think I was about four or something he was like what you want to do and I was a violin on the wall and I was like I want to play that and that's it immediately he sort of you know got lessons for me stuff like that and he was like right how about the guitar about the guitar you know and I was rubbish so sort of put guitar down and then out came a mandolin and then I harmonica and the you know you try and teach me each of these instruments amber is a lot more laid-back and soft and very delicate you know and I know what she feels to me you know where she's come from from a 10 year perfect 12 years of drugs and to come from where she was to where she is now it's just absolutely amazed you'd have to look around go this is somebody you could actually put up on a pedestal see like I can achieve anything in life and she's just an amazing to go dinner he completely made every day of my life fond he take me out for walks every afternoon and if it was raining he'd go onto his jacket and were asked to be walking down the street he'd write songs that you have to join in and sing and he ditched the rhythm of the rain in the walking I've got loads of those things my dad you write the lyrics to nice abide I'd written and I never disagreed with one thing he ever said and anything I kind of had a little bit of a - sure about that you know he changed it and he felt exactly the same way that music it's just like we've just read each other's minds we knew what each other was thinking he's an amazing musician amazing writer and tested songwriter a fantastic musician but nothing is ever ever too much trouble no matter if if I sit and I can't comment to Jones which is a two-and-a-half-hour gentleman and the record company said their peer Delaney had to bring me from the house here and he's up in the mornin no no I take you because I completed a record you like you can have a pillar behind you you can go to sleep you can no no you come together so here drive three hours it took us to get here I think take two an hour for three hours back I know he finds out meself I'm home you all right Michael yeah yeah I was 22 like you know so and that is constant my dad her son my best friend my soulmate and we spent every day in coffee shop together talking music and everything else and we got back home and and he was my dad again and he played a father role but as soon as we walked out the door in the mornings he was my mate he's my best friend and when we went on tour it was all about music and then he played you know the role of teacher really I could tell well of each one of them I could tell this is the kind of character you're going to be and it's the one you're going to be innocent and they hadn't disappeared they have grown up to lead us exactly those characters I need he had a lot of bad luck and I think there were hell of a lot of bad luck stories out there and music but I knew I was sitting with somebody who was ugly extraordinary I watched him go through so much and and so much pain and anguish but in a very gentle way who is incredibly humble with it our exam is to a one time in Manchester and one more I got up and I put a record on the record player and M I start listening to Al Jolson and for someone one reason I start to criticize him the arrangements and I just sat there thinking I always liked our Johnson and his arrangements are like the best what's the matter with this well in a and I went roost in my head and I was sucking around and then I looked up and of his 12 o'clock so I've been there like three hours just trying to arrange this and Justin piece of music you know I don't have people know but I just was dead for years we've got to change that thing so I have formed my wife and I said to him I'm coming home you know she said you know you really have this to the tour I said that I can just some reason that I still have to come home just said okay so I got a train and got home and I told her what happened and I started like a demented man going through my collection to get all the Al Jolson albums out I start to claim their two records and then start the arranging them again so she came out and said it's half has to you know stood like this the same song I said yeah which the same arrangement so she said what the friggin Helion put so I thought no matter how many times I've played this and I've said that does the wrong arrangement they're still playing the same arrangement so I said write it out okay they'll probably change it in the mom and now you come to get sure I would after dead and the next year we went to see the doctor and he suggested that I put on this lovely white jacket and go for a walk with him but sir until center she's gone look out to me does I'm not going anywhere and he's not taking a tablet she said I could have him at home sudden she spent three months looking at me while I just sat down looking out the window and look into Rockefeller died Rebecca she's pretty around us like that's enough Linda so uh but that yeah it was just three months of hell and then one day I got up and I thought well I can go out I'm going to go out and shoes later - tinnitus I said you should just try and go for a walk first of all I said I'm gonna fall my brother my brother was in England at the time and I phoned to my said it way walk-in I said I'm working on a building site in Victoria and I said do you think I could get a job they said yeah come down to Mon so I went down there I got a train down there met him there and started walking I was much happier the crack was really good the team breaks were great so I stayed there for a while you know and then afterwards just said to me you should play to get her ass yeah I know I should but just looking at it was hard you know so I picked it up and start playing it I really start to enjoy it and write songs few more songs and and then I thought I'd give it another go on the old I'm the tool thing you know in the meantime John Peel had held my record and said to come on the shore and do em do a few songs from Alicia so we went along with the three songs I'm John Peter and it just opened door you know I'd like Dan University stuttering in colleges or ringing did you play in the Uni tonight in the only Halton item and the money went out you know sir but my wife had always told me said if your stay at seven pound there weren't respectfully nicer said you should said twenty pounds and it's amazing because I was charged in seven pounds I just have to when I got to the gig des it beta stage my guitar would be here I took at our tune enough walking us there to sing and I get my seven pound my Charleston twenty pounds they found me a room so I could chill up the guitar on the sudden I'm saying I'm doing the same old songs same old jokes Fred all of a sudden because I'm charging more money they've now given me a room of my own so I'm like I'm somebody special lemonjon myself anyway and you have pain for thanks very much he was incredibly sharp he was very smart he was terribly wise but he would never hurt anybody even those that were not for themselves I prepared to hurt him he wouldn't rest are so many people you know take advantage of Christie years and years ago and he's wonderful music you know because he was such a beautiful man you know such a docile human being you know behind his back was a lot a mess and going on you know it would come into his life and then they'd leave and then other people would kind of sing his songs and then somebody wouldn't pay their royalties he'd been gobbled up a few times in the past and my obviously my first interest was protecting him and protecting his rights and because he was he was just the loveliest man in the world you just wanted to help him anyway and I don't know I don't think you can be too nice for this industry I've seen him performing on stage I know I've seen people coming away from gigs God was suggesting that Christie's persona as an act they couldn't be for real and of course the reality is he is for real you know it's not an act he is that beautiful man we see in the stage he is that beautiful man we hear in his albums there's such compassion within him you know he's real he had everything going for him you know absolutely everything and I did believe in him from the start I just thought it was a wonderful person with a wonderful talent that hadn't been recognized and that it was one of the travesties of this you know this this industry but he hadn't been recognized what he had done and what he had to offer his personality leaps through his voice it's a totally individual personality and when you hear it for the first time no matter how broad-minded you are in the business you're conditioned to sort of think or are to sort of narrow your vision somehow to try and conform with some notion this business might have about itself and when the first time you hear Christie's for first to my hair this voice I kind of an Wow but they'll never go for that because they're too cynical and it's this is - this is - individual and it's too sweet and it's too real Roza by a tree and Breaston who said why don't you go and do a gigging out just one gig please and our ambras really believed in me all those years you know sir and I said but who'd come out and see me Ambrose I've never played Maryland and I said well does a guy like the garlic nollie he'll put you into weland's at Lescaut wins and he's going to get an audience yesterday I feel really bad for him I said tongue up and then pay my flight at my hotel and then he's got to give me money and then I guess are you joking I said I couldn't do it so Derek rang me and he said look I'd love you to come over and he said that's my responsibility getting the audience the money so a few months later I went back and got to their Wieland's that might end of his crowd outside the door cue satoru who else is on here sure I know I go there and done the gig and with Sam a fantastic night full house audience were brilliant I gotta stand the vision Nathan I went to Wieland's and I can quite honestly say but within two or three minutes of Christie being on stage I just loved him as a state through for the whole show net them afterwards ceremony and Christian said look I really want to do something that's good let's get working after that it really just took off me to do rehearsal I am starving and their debt never came up earlier for months and months and am i straight into the charts and after that I went with Warner's and did another quality year and the life it went at number one for seven weeks and it's just an amazing time I walked out on stage and Fela and it's nerve-racking and this is the new audience to me they're all young obviously open-air concert thank you you have a dream if I start out a plaintiff people added that amount of paper basically never imagine it coming through here but it did and just magic it's brilliant you like the pinky all the world tonight the show is on see the LIBOR the dancers they let the music it would have been around 1989 1990 and my sound man at the time down was telling me all about this amazing singer songwriter comedian because he just would talk about the stories he told onstage and how funny he was you know leave me my brother like you know we used to put on a show for my mother every Saturday afternoon like you know and she suggests sitting there and they all cheer like you know at the top of their living room and we used to dress up into different backs and do a song for like you know and he was my older brother like he used to be Elvis you know and I used to be cunning Francis I didn't mind me Connie Francis singing like her but just not was a bit much I think I did my first solo album in 1991 I was looking around for you know songs that I might like to sing I said ended up I wrote most of it myself except for one song and that one was one of Christie's and it was a song called jealous heart Oh jealous hand how you let me call without a wallet I travel food seven roots and C Drive so now John is half myself from Kenny Craddock wrote one evening sitting down we had our fish and chips his red on a bright and so adolphus chips brought him back signal early enough fish and chips and he cleared his track and to me it just said jealous heart defrost predicament to my head when I held the track Brinkley was jealous half and I thought this can be really easy Santa right because this is Ireland this is some about Ireland people leave in Ireland and she bein jealous of you leaving I never knew or jealous huh you the Dalai Lama has been visiting dari he's taking part in the celebrations for the 10th anniversary of the local charity children in cross fire I started children across front in 1996 to support projects in Africa and Asia and South America probably based on the own experience that he'd been shot and blamed at by rubber bullet as a child I really want the Christy was a patron for the charity it's great for the issues that we're involved in that somebody like him lends his name to us price for now we were just driven up to villages that children crossfire had been working with and we just got out of the cars or the Jeeps and the children just ran toward us they grabbed beautiful yellow flowers of the trees and then we just thought there's no other communication we can do except photos singing singing nursery rhymes singing songs we knew the Dalai Lama agreed dicamba dari in July 2007 and we've been planning the thing for a year so it was a great honor for me and an enormous privilege when myself and the Dalai Lama verse Thailand the sightless stage and Christi was singing the song that he wrote for children and crossfire once I sing sound mr. Stayton it was William so the audience for their man the day was a very magical day because the soldier that shot Richard Moore and blinded him was at the venue as well because Richard Moore had made contact with the soldier a year previously hadn't told us but then said to the audience will actually you know I've got my friend here who's going to come up and say hello and he's the soldier right and the soldier came up on stage and they embraced and they explained that they had been talking to each other for the past year and that I Lammas said you know he was holding Richard Moore's Hannah said this man is is my hero everywhere he went he was holding Richard on he did three engagements during the day and the first thing he said in each engagement was I am so proud to be here with my hero it was a very moving day for everyone and we wrote this song core when will we learn myself and John team has had written the sound which was really so Christic annika we're getting the to burden together would be bring a job and a half because they've never sang together before on record so am I tired well if I don't ask could I get a nicer iPhone Christy and I said you wouldn't do a duet with yourself in lucre and myself with you and sadly loved her actually love to send me the song I've listened to it I really loved the song I love what it's about I love the story behind the song it's a very very big song on this island because of what it's about you know it's it's about reaching out it's about forgiveness it's about love and I really am so happy to be part of I just heard the sound and I immediately found myself sing in his hand and loving it and I couldn't wait for the opportunity to sing with the two Christie's but oh yeah it really worked that's the scenario is it as a good day's walking off right there's work left herons and across the water so close and that's low when his health started deteriorating rapidly it became apparent that it might be a good time to bring other people and bring other artisan to to really acknowledge what Christie had done we didn't for a meeting in universe' with death benefit on Monday and we said that we had Christie Moore on board and and he'd been the track certain then Dave said you know what if I did us album as well as the singles album what about all your old songs on a duets album and then your new songs on a single album so in my head I am saying like that's a great idea but who's going to once think us with me so I went through this list and everyone there suggested I thought this was not going to happen but all of our people I would have loved her do duets with over the next few months it started to come back that or padre de Chambord and nearly blacks and boyfriends on board can see you that chance at each other's heart bicoastal I don't know if I did I don't know and your clarity do you say that every day yeah I know what every day is I don't think I can do that one and then it does to vocals and this fella and then he comes back next day we're going to do that song yeah I don't see one Cena and anything's I'm in shock because I didn't think these people would want to do to mess with me you know what they do I must be more fearless than I thought I was i messenger mine bringing my love it's bringing all his music back is paneer hauled back home again almost and it's great to see everybody coming around and to do duets and be a part of all Christy's walk oh man screaming I'm glad it was songs like Star inspired me to be a singer so the relevance of me being involved in this record was because of that it's almost a thank you to Christy from me and for what he gave me but no fear less with no genius never on the stars are realize what taking someone else's son it was a mind-blowing farm his humor is banter with the audience everything about him he brings you into everything he says I remember there was a nice community monitor on the stage and as exact for it I thought I'd crypt myself laughing was others a bastard of a mouse in that flash you never told me jealous car it's nice to come in to play the banjo and the whistle butter and support his songs you know and I cried my eyes out there with the banjo a few minutes ago jealous heart is this piece of music I'm doing you know with him beautiful sound very road remember we were singing at the original years ago and to hear him sing at the NS slug this is the end to the oldest I've played this part so long my friend Christie sings his own songs the best because they belong to him but you can always hear his own voice in the background when even when you're singing it as well love is oh they say I take it all let's check it out there's a man I have never really had an opportunity before to work with Christine and or to show my appreciation and a tangible way for for his art I written some about 22 years ago for my brother who has gone in for a singing competition if he'd won it was two weeks in Spain for two people I had no idea he'd no intention taken me for I know he said didn't love me absolutely love me to hit the Sun so I didn't get true so clearly really fur I'm a great believer and a good self so if if it's a good song I I find it really helped take criticism I like you know there I will arm ourselves but if I believed in it I'd do anything to keep this baby alive so I sent it off to lots of different people I got a song in the post and it was a one of christy songs a new difference flux making an album and I sent Francis the Sun as a new song terrible I vedera and she she covered it and she got to number one when it was her first number one called all the lies you told me all the lies that you told me all the tears that I've cried all the love and you gave me it was a lie it just put Francis on the map it really really did and to this day it's probably the most heavily requested song in her in her set it was the song for me that changed my life in this country absolutely changed my life don't forget to shoes and socks Chuck Pagano don't forget to shoot some container while listening to don't forget the Chauvelin list automatically feels that I'm actually playing a carry slight almost and with the tune and I've tried a few different things with it and it's still coming back to this rhythm that's coming through the tune and it's it's quite exciting just how fun I need to go to be Aslam he has a real talent as a producer anyway to get you to sing less but put more heart into the music even though Christi makes it look so effortless he has spent days weeks years perfecting his kind of craft if you like say how do you turn when I was in the ceiling today I kept looking behind at Christopher's approval this opportunity is that okay you're I Christi yeah my turn yeah you prefer up high or low working I love the second another last one but one before that was lovely just deny your open line Victoria why still open luncheon hey mister yeah and have we got that hey mister you just need to push tough enough hey mr. blue I having just had to tell Frances yeah okay to this day I hear him in my ear going it's getting there well it's getting there I'd like just tell me is it good is it rubbish no it's getting up getting no go now can love you can overhear Louis never time I believed that I could write a song and I still don't know how to read some today the problem being is I have really bad dyslexia wait the fear of reading and writing so either the people who can help me to read write can't help me because they don't understand this Lexia people who understand this lecture I can't do Anton because they don't understand the fear so I mean the myth at 62 years of age and still calories right sir have you been able to cover it up though for all these years I mean you must have gone to some lengths Kristen and I never we try to cover it up somebody said to me sign your autograph and ID sign it and I'd be kind of looking at myself is that nearly right how is that and then they'd look at it and go that's the wrong fella all I work is totally on blank kids and just sit and sing rubbish for hours and hours and hours and then I wait for inspiration from wherever comes but it comes out every time I just have a plan and a plan that seems to take lesson over the 10 tips it just seems so really chicks are they keep don't enough and building up and eventually the Sun comes out writing is an intellectual sort of exercise you know to try and translate put your feeling and the mean if you don't have that you know your feelings come out another way and your and your thoughts come out another way and and and they're all the more individual for that because you're not schooled through a system you know and that's why I think a lot of his songs sons so unusual oh when I go to bed at night everything's alright - not without delight and says good night now I put my head gonna need the claws dream of the things that I will do when I get old my one need the rocket to go to the moon cause I'll jump so how did I get there sooner than a rocket I can imagine that Christie would have tackled his illness whatever you want to call it in a methodical way because that's his way of thinking I imagined a tumor being shrunk you know however by this kill hand and some days I might imagine some some water just lunch with me washing I'll endure there the disease away now I just need to be strong and belief which I do believe for my family sick I would change their whole life if I stopped being a misery and you know man and let this get me down eventually they did come down there so I asked them to just be as normal as they possibly can and forget about this it's okay for me to deal with it so you don't have to deal with it right now he's determined to come through this and we all have them in the void life it does have to get Kingston's perspective you know so I really appreciate everybody around me and and the music and my vice for the first time I was take my advice for granted I can sing and good I've worked on it but it's not that it's a gift i just relized forget to her and now I'm I thank God for the gift that I've been given to sing in her with a great talk about the beauty of living life in the day the preciousness of the 24-hour periods that were given and so I consider that moment to be a great blessing to me in my life to live met Christie and to be given the opportunity to just share a song with them and to connect with his spirit and his greatness it's a big deal roads aren't enough sometimes in this one let's call them roll back the clouds it seems like it's written for somebody trying to make it in the music business and but it wasn't really I had it's everybody really trying to make it in anything that they want to make it in and if you keep trying hard enough I'm sure you make it eventually don't go by me de the fella called him a legend to smaller walk along the street and I said now I said he was knowledge Christie I said was way beyond alleged I said it's booger generation as Christie was an artist and I said that artist litora and when your look is all ran out you're asked to take about you've just stolen the show but now you're on your own the answer lies yeah what's in my mind you is me to start mister I understand Oh you
Channel: MindTheGapFilms
Views: 317,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Messenger, Boy, Christie, Hennessy, irish, folk, music, singer, songwriter, songs, documentary, The, Two, Of, Us, Christy, Moore, Luka, Bloom, Tommy, Fleming, Aled, Jones, Victoria, Hart, Finbar, Furey, Moya, Brennan, Mary, Black, Frances, Luke, Concannon, Liam, O'Connor, Ronan, Keating, Paul, Brady, Cork, Opera, House, Jealous, Heart, Duets
Id: QVo2LaBSuiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 1sec (3001 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2011
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