Message 2 - Where Do You Start The Jesus Story? (Mark: The Untold Story of Jesus)

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hey North Coast I'm so glad you're with us today I'm Austin I work here on the graphics team if you need sermon notes or more information you can check us out online at North Coast Church comm we're continuing our study in the book of Mark the untold story of Jesus so grab your Bibles and join us in the Word of God [Music] [Music] he was born in an obscure village the child of a peasant woman he grew up in another obscure village where he worked in the carpenter shop until he was thirty he never wrote a book he never held an office he never went to college he never visited a big city he never travelled more than 200 miles from the place where he was born he did none of the things usually associated with greatness he had no credentials but he himself he was only 33 when his friends abandoned him one of them denied him he was turned over to his enemies and went through the mockery of a trial he was nailed to a cross between two thieves and while dying his executioner's gambled for his clothing the only property he had on earth and when he was dead he was laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend 20 centuries have come and gone and today this Jesus is still the central figure of the human race and the leader of mankind's progress all the armies that have ever marched all the navies that have ever sailed and all the parliaments that have ever sat all the kings that have ever reigned all put together have not affected the life of mankind on earth as powerfully as that one solitary life dr. James Allen who was this figure 2,000 years ago that split the fabric of time who was this solitary figure this individual that today is still the hallmark of our greatest traditions and greatest holidays on our calendar who was this guy that today my iphone in my laptop every time I turn it on still scream out it's been 2019 it has been 2019 since something happened who was this guy this month we kick off the series in the book of mark this month we're going to piece together maybe all the stories all the facts all the figures although maybe rumors are myths you may have heard and try to consolidate and put together who was this guy but but here's what my bet is as we kick off a book of Mark I look at this life of Jesus that'll take us that north coast the way we do things at least a year weekend and week out jumping through this life there's a couple different groups of you in here there's that group of you that go man this is good I've never really looked at this figure of course I've heard the name Jesus I probably use it a few times when I stub my toe or slam my finger in the door who was he I've never really done a study a complete study on the life and teachings of Jesus this ought to be good there's another group in you and they go hey that's gonna be good but I know this guy I'm familiar with this guy I got the stories down I mean it doesn't hurt to get more Jesus stories but this is something I know and it is that group that this book is written to it's the group of us that because we know the stories have made them so familiar we think we know him so we're gonna start today with a little quiz on all of our campuses and all of our venues whether you're out in Fallbrook or in Carlsbad and Greenock whether you're in San Marcos Escondido and Ramona whether you're in the the Music Hall down in Hillsboro North Hillsborough High Oh North Coast Hillsborough and Kailua I had East Cape Christian Fellowship here we go here we go you ready you're gonna say it out loud don't worry you can't flunk Church so right now nothing's in danger here it's the only class you're actually gonna pass if you know the answer say it loud say it proud it's not a trick thing some of you are like I'm a whisper these some of you are just like I'm shutting up I'm not saying a thing but in every venue in every campus you are filling in the blanks how well do we know this king of the Jews he was born in a little village called Bethlehem see we're starting easy it's gonna stay that simple folks his mom was a woman named his earthly dad was named we got this down don't we the only story we have of his youth he was 12 years old his parents lost him in the crowded City Jerusalem and they found him in the temple I'll even take synagogue for half credit you're okay he starts his ministry on the on the Sea of Galilee walking on the seashore he called three fishermen the first of his disciples throughout these books they're always mentioned in the same way I'll give you the first one you fill in the last two he calls Peter James and John les voices on that one but that's okay who is the seventh president the United States see we don't have to have all the answers one night during his storm he actually walked on we got that don't we huge crowds came to him so many that people getting it close to him four friends came to him one day carrying their buddy who was paralyzed and to get to Jesus they cut a hole in the fence no roof is the right answer you're okay you're good they cut a hole in the roof one day out of one lunchbox borrowed from a young lad on a hillside he fed how many people five thousand four thousand also accepted with the second-story and at the end of his life under the power of Roman rule the religious leaders killed him by putting him on a we know the stories don't we we know the facts we can fill in the blank and that tends to be the problem when we come to the Jesus stories we think we know him I mean let me show you by proving another point how well do you do with another king a current king not King of the Jews king of the NBA he goes by the name of LeBron it's about the same amount of people answering that's scary he plays for a team called the Los Angeles before that he played for a city called Cleveland and their basketball teams called the Cleveland he left Cleveland for a period of four years to go down to Florida and played for a team in a city called with a partner called Dwayne we know it's getting quieter we still know a lot of these LeBron James graduated from a college called high school trick question didn't go to college came right out of high school to the NBA right out of a prep school in this hometown in Ohio called Akron some of you got extra credit on that one we may be able to go on some of you know he's got three NBA championships three times MVP in the finals 14 all-star games do you know him if he happened to join one of our crowds today would he come up to you you may call his name if he saw you would he call yours we read this book called the Bible unlike any other book in the world I know it's for good reason I know we have to break it down I know we can't do entire books in one sitting so we break it down by chapters and verses and because of that I think we miss what the Holy Spirit and the author's intention of trying to walk us through these books have you ever bought a novel had one given to you and you open up the chapter 21 paragraph 7 and you just started reading no have you ever got a movie on Netflix and just fast forwarded to chapter 9 and just started watching of course not we read we watch from beginning to end but not not this book because we tend to teach it on weekends we go by chapters and verse turn to chapter 11 verse 3 it turned to chapter 21 verse 17 we're gonna pick up today and we get snapshots we get pieces how many rings how many championships we can fill in the blank but do you know this Jesus you may be able to call his name out in the crowd but what he called yours and we're gonna uncover this myth or Messiah something happened in this little area around a sea of galilee or sea of Ganesa ran something happened in the surrounding towns and foothills that has exploded a mass confusion teaching right here in the synagogue in Capernaum by Jesus himself that still reverberates to years later across humanity there is absolutely no denying that in this city of Jerusalem within these ramparts and walls there was a cataclysmic event that has disrupted our calendar how we do time from that moment on who was this man that 2,000 years later is still on the cover of National Geographic or Time magazine what has happened in 2,000 years with the figure in history that only had three years of public life and yet his name is known to all and I promise you Mark sits down and writes his book not so we can know how many people he fed not so we can know about a blind man not so we can know about how what happened in this city or that city or where is born or his parents name mark will write a novel as will Matthew Luke and John meant to be read from beginning to end to push a point and yet we read this book like no other book and ironically all we're left to do on the weekends is once they go go by chapter in these verses and yet it's supposed to be taken in its entirety I challenge you with this sometime this week read this book now north coast I'm not asking you to read the Bible that's absurd it's a big book as Christians I'm not even asking you to read the New Testament I'm asking you just to pick up the smallest book on Jesus in the Bible Mark it's only 16 chapters and read it I did it again this week in time myself it took me 57 minutes and 48 seconds I'm a very slow reader naturally because I know this book so well I probably read it quicker than my normal speed but some of you will beat that time by probably 10 15 minutes for me sitting down start to finish 57 minutes 48 seconds just shy of an hour Oh north coast hear me on this I'm not telling you there's a great little pamphlet on global warming and you may want this info on plate tectonics and the changing of temperatures because this is the earth we live on no I'm telling you this is the sole source of every day of your life and every day of eternity and one day you will stand face-to-face with this God and if you call yourself a Christ E in one who follows Christ shouldn't you at least read the smallest book but we know him we can we can fill in the blanks we have the answers and yet as we go through this book of Mark he is going to push us all the way through he is not trying to tell us this guy is a good teacher he's not writing to us about a teacher that's telling us all to get along and play nice and be kind it is not a book of a guy that told us how to love each other in a deeper way mark is not writing about a guy that came to teach us how to feel good about ourselves mark is pushing a point and agenda he is writing about an all-out invasion on planet Earth that God Himself came on a frontal assault against evil to rescue you to free you and he is going to push the point from the very first sentence as we see today to the very last because in return this God is going to ask for absolutely everything everything and at the end of this book you're gonna be left standing with the choice that every crowd has at the end of these stories you will either crown this Jesus with thorns or you will crown him with glory there's no middle ground when you read this story oh if you take all the stories individually if you could just take a page off the Jesus story if you can take just one script somewhere from chapter 7 verse 3 you can get away with a good man maybe a good teacher a guy that helps a lot of people but when you read the book it will leave you at the end standing at a cross in one of two crowns either chanting crucify this bum or he is christos my Christ my Savior sovereign over all he is God no questions asked at the end of this book you will be left with a choice of either kneeling or kicking him to the curb at the end of this book you will have to get Jesus out of your life or you will have to get out of your life to get Jesus there is no middle ground and this book will push us to the outer limits mark will not allow us to call him a good man a good teacher a loving person a Prophet's man reminds you that no culture ever kills their mr. Rogers he was crucified not because he was nice he was crucified not because he was telling everyone to love he was crucified not because he was telling us all how to get along he was crucified because every page of this book he screams out he is God himself and you must drop a knee and that will cause us to go to one to two sides I got to get this guy out of my life or I have to get out of my life to allow him in it and we will march from beginning to end in a book like no other I'm excited about what this does in the life of our church I'm excited about where we take this and what we do to it and so if you want ironically we start with a chapter and a verse mark chapter 1 verse 1 may I remind all of you chapters and verses were never written in these books chapters came around in the 13th century verses came around in the 16th century by a professor in London who found if you put numbers by sentences people could find where you are easily instead of me getting up and say turn about this far Matthew Mark Luke John never wrote chapter 1 verse 1 it's meant to be taken and read in its entirety north coast it is an hour it is an hour I encourage you whether you've never read any of these stories yourself or whether you feel like you can fill in every blank on this one I encourage you to sit and read it in its entirety the first time I did this I was about 23 years of age I had just come through a point and process in my life where I realize I had to get out of Chris my rearview mirror showed me where Chris leads himself we were on a backpacking trip in the High Sierras in the Ansel Adams wilderness somewhere around 5,000 feet we did a solo day where I just went off to a stream with a little water filter I was gonna stay there 24 hours spend the night I had a little light rod and reel a telescopic one so I could fish this little stream on these little golden trout I found myself on a large piece of granite partly taken by water the other part facing the Sun and these big black ants would crawl up on it and how to flick him into the water and I would watch the little commotion they would make until these tiny trout came and just sucked him up and I decided to read the story of Jesus called myself a Christian most of my life forced to go to church but I've never really read the stories myself and for whatever reason on that rock that day it hit me how in the world can you saw but call yourself a Christian and you've never even read the book you have no clue what's really in there except for Sunday school stories I'm no dummy I went to the smallest book on Jesus mark I ain't about to read Matthew or Luke those guys are windy it was the only day of fishing in my life where I didn't fish I read that story and realized I've never seen this I could tell you how many people he fed I could tell you about the blind guys the paralyzed cutting holes in the roof I don't know if there was a real Bible story of Jesus you could give me without me being able to fill in the blank and I had never read from beginning to end that mark doesn't care if we know the stories he wants us to know the novel do you get why all these stories flow together do you get the point that he's pushing it's the very first of the Gospels what we call you and galia good news Matthew Mark Luke and John Mark according to almost every theologian and every scholar is the first of the Jesus stories that was written after the death and resurrection of Jesus so we are about to read the very first line the very first line put on ink in parchment when one of the followers sat down to describe who this man was mark chapter 1 verse 1 I know that's just the intro here we go the beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ the Son of God stop oh man this is gonna take us maybe 5 years at this rate verse 1 just stop catch that first sentence in history ever written of one of the followers to explain let me tell you who this guy was where do you start the Jesus story where do you begin Mark's not going back to a manger scene he's not going back to Old Testament prophets priests or kings he's not picking up one of the Psalms or one of the Great's like Isaiah and Jeremiah who hundreds of years before said let me tell you this guy he has to start with the most all-consuming encompassing sentence in history let me begin the Jesus story this way I hope you have a Bible with you we're gonna tell you how to circle underline draw arrows if you don't go on Amazon get one for five bucks I think the drone drops it off in your backyard in a parachute I mean it comes to your house like the next day right now get a Bible get a pen or pencil something to write in something to mark it up for the rest of your life at the end of the series you will have at least one of the complete Jesus stories to turn to and go I know this I've written in this here's what I want you to do Circle beginning and draw a little arrow over of the draw a little arrow to gospel or good news and underline that mark starts he goes this is the beginning of good news notice that this isn't the beginning of Jesus this isn't the beginning of who this Christ is this isn't the beginning of a messiah he goes the first sentence written in history Oh Church here this this is the beginning of good news this is how it starts this is what will slowly unravel your life to get you the point of emptiness to fill it to a place that you will always look back and go that's where it started that was good news that is where everything changed this is just the beginning of good news oh it's found in it's about Jesus Christ the Son of God but this is the beginning of the Jesus story this is the very beginning of understanding of what changes your life so radically and so completely you will always point back to that day and say that was it that was it he goes to get there let me sum up real quickly that this is the guy that fulfilled the entire Old Testament all the pages before this he goes let me do it by just quoting a prophet it is written in Isaiah the prophet I will send my messenger ahead of you who will prepare your way a voice of one calling in the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord make straight the paths for him so verse 4 and so John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins and the whole Judean countryside and all the people Jerusalem went out to him confessing their sins they were baptized by him in the Jordan River now John wore clothing made of camels hair with a leather belt around his waist and he ate locusts and wild honey probably the only way you should eat locusts plenty of honey it's its first century ketchup and this was his message after me will come one more powerful than I the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie i baptize you with water but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and that's all we're hitting today just the beginning and over the last two weeks my mind is racing you know what we should do it today we should talk about mark we should talk about where he came from and who his mom is and more importantly who his uncle is and how he as a young man grew up in home and saw this entire Christian life and Jesus the disciples as he rose what we formed we should talk about his house being located in the center of these ramparts in the heart of Jerusalem and how many times the Jesus story would have happened in his house in his upper room and in his living room and yet I realized there's no way we can talk about Mark at this point in time that they'll probably be a day we should hit John the Baptist's this is what the first sentence is focus on this guy that wears camel skin with the belt to cinch it together and eats locusts and honey have you ever petted a camel I've ridden on one once the first thing we do and you got it you kind of feel it and then you realize I don't want to feel it again camels aren't soft cuddly there's a reason your baby doesn't have a stuffed animal made out of camel skin it's like a fairly soft porcupine it's I can't imagine wearing it you got to keep your arms out at all times it's got to be scratchy and hot and itchy and just to belt around it this is a guy that didn't care about himself or his looks this wasn't a guy that was trying to impress the crowd and type in his citizen and in fact his entire talk was I'm simply here to point to someone else whose sandals I'm not even worried that have been down in touch you see the reason I didn't want to start talking about mark or John and do a study on these guys and setting this thing up is cuz one day I want to see him one day I get to hang out with mark and John and I don't want to get my butt kicked in heaven and that's actually a filter I have when I teach here on the weekends who's gonna kick my butt in heaven David may have some words with me but I might dude you put it in the book sorry man these guys seriously one day mark will walk up to me and go hey Browne my first sentence says this is about good news and it's in Jesus why'd you spend 20 minutes on me sorry man kind of missed the point there did not John's gonna walk up and say my entire message was pointing to someone and you spend it on me yeah do we need to go outside the gates for a while I get it I get it three questions have to be asked and just reading these first verses number one what is the good news what is the good news I had you Circle beginning draw a little arrow over to good news or some of your Bibles may say gospel same thing churchy word that means good news what is the good news the good news is not a what the good news is a who and more importantly why the good news is a who and more importantly why going back to that very first verse the beginning of the good news about Jesus Christ son of God break those down in your notes sheep Jesus the good news was a real person we're going to be setting a real person a historical figure there are more books written about Jesus than any other historical figure in the entire world and planet there are more songs more poems more paintings more quotes than any other historical figure it's why wouldn't we put that video bumper together and this backdrop it's simply myth or Messiah not man myth or Messiah question mark no in their right mind doubts that there was a Jesus that existed there is more recorded about him of him quoted painted written some about than any other person in history there is no doubt there was someone that walked these streets and the surrounding area by the name of Jesus but who was he this is good news there's a real person a historical figure named Jesus and then mark jumps right to it the Christ as we hit last week Christ isn't Jesus's last name in the New Testament written in Greek Christos is the exact same word that comes from the Old Testament written in Hebrew Messiah the Savior the one that has waited for Christ the good news is that we have a savior and Mark jumps right in here is good news when you understand that this Jesus that is still the central figure of all humanity is your Savior that this was an invasion on earth by God himself that this is a total assault on evil because you needed rescued you needed saved you needed redeemed you needed chains broken you needed a do-over button that was hid in your life you need to come back to your vision you need to come back to your purpose you need to understand what you were made for you need to live out of life not on a fear of death there's a savior that took that for you so so some do 2,000 years ago died and today that has an impact on me no tens of thousands of people were killed on crosses 2,000 years ago Rome at times would line their highways with people on crosses 2,000 years ago this good news is that Jesus is Savior son of God you see the good news is that God came to us when we couldn't get to him the good news is that God came to us and every page of marks good news is going to push the point he's gonna claim to be God by what he does over all the physical and tangible of earth and properties he's gonna claim to be God by what he does over all of the spiritual all of the emotional all of the relational all of the sexual he's gonna claim to be God on every single page when you have friends or neighbors or people in your conversations go well Jesus never claimed to be God my first response says you've never read the book you've never read the book you may have had pieces of the book read to you you may know about a feeding of the 5,000 or a guy that told you to do good or be loving or love your enemies or let's all get along but you've never read the book not a single page from mark is not going to scream he is the Christ the Son of God he sets it up in the very first sentence and he is gonna launch it he is the son of God by the way Isiah representing all the Old Testament screams out he's going to come and this is him and watch every sentence that trickles down this Christ will not keep his mouth shut about being the way the truth the life judging all people and by him and only through him we get to heaven and that will leave you at the end of this book struggling how to get him out of your life or how to get your life out of you to let him in but there is no middle ground when you read this in its entirety this is good news a historical figure came to be our Savior because God came to earth which the number two begs the question well how do I get this good news I'm glad you asked how do I get this good news I love the way mark streamlines this it's why I love mark it's to see Jesus see Jesus run gospel it's short it's sweet to do this they leave something here in mark we're coming right back to it turn to Luke chapter three Luke chapter 3 verse 7 it's the next book to the right mark then Luke Luke chapter 3 Luke is a doctor Luke will start his books of Luke and acts a and I have seen all this with my own eyes I have gone back and studied all this I have talked to all the eyewitnesses I am writing you the most orderly account of this Jesus Savior Christ and so because of that Luke will write a whole lot more of what Mark truncates because he's the doctor he scribbles fast you gets eligible eligible you can't read it that's a better way of putting it thank you SAT words Luke chapter 3 verse 7 Luke writes let me tell you what John's message was John said to the crowds coming out to be baptized by him you brood of vipers who warned you to flee from the coming wrath that's not what we call today being seeker-sensitive this is how mark starts his message he's out there with his camel skin his belt got it since he's got his little bag that he packed with a bunch of locusts covered in honey and all the people come out from Jerusalem to hear him and he starts BAM hey you bunch of snakes slithering away from the city who warns you you're about to be doomed and they're like this guy's good he already makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside about myself this is how this guy starts his message probably no schooling no one sat down and said warm the crowd up have a fun story or illustration that somehow ties into what you're about to say welcome them make sure that there's coffee in the plaza free drinks make sure the temperatures not too warm not too hot even though they'll be both ends that complain not this guy bunch of snakes slithering away from the city and people go I gotta bring a friend and then watch which were what you're John doesn't this produce fruit in keeping with repentance and do not even begin to say to yourselves we have Abraham as our Father because I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children of Abraham the axe is already at the root of the trees and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire bunch of snakes slithering out here why don't you get your life straightened out so it actually reflects you calling yourself a child of God why do you call yourself a child of God because you're a Jew God could make Jews out of these rocks you're about to be cut down and people like this is getting so good I hope we can podcast this for the people still in the city I'm reading this going this worked these people must have known they were really screwed up and yet it's the same crowd mark is writing to why do you call yourself a Christian because I how you grew up because of what you believed because the family that you're in God could have put a rock in that family in fact your family may have had a pet rock is it a Christian where's the welcome good to see you here today and yet it works the crowd starts asking what what are we supposed to do what should we do then the crowd asked and John answered the man with two tunics should share with him who has none and the one who has food should do the same tax collectors also came and be baptized teacher they asked what should we do don't collect any more than you're required to he told them some soldiers asked even the Romans are getting in on this what should we do and he replied don't extort money and don't accuse people falsely be content with your pay you see the people were waiting expectantly and we're all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be this Christ the Savior they've been waiting for so john answered the mom i baptize you with water but one more powerful than i will come the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire his winnowing Fork is in his hand to clear the threshing floor and they gathered the wheat into his barn but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire and with many other words John exhorted the people and preach the good news circle highlight underline to them back to the book of mark mark says John came simply preparing the way for God Luke says let me tell you his message buckle up didn't have a lot of downloads but man did it receive a lot of comments you call yourself a Christian because of where you've come from the family you grew up in and what you think you know then why doesn't your life show it on a daily basis if you have been radically rescued by the Son of God why isn't it changed how you do business why doesn't it change your generosity and how you share why doesn't it change how you treat others why is every deal win-win both wins for you lose-lose for anyone else you call yourself a Christian because of the family you come from God could have put rocks in that family and made them child of God what do we need to do and John says you got to come in contact with this Christ so radically that your life changes it's not good works we don't have to make our life better to be saved he said the fruit will show what's really going on inside you know a lot of facts you know a lot of Sunday school stories about this Jesus but it has not made a difference on your life mark writes this is good news a historical figure that is a savior because God came to earth and yet both mark and Luke Wright prepare the way for the Lord see the good news comes by repentance and confession the good news comes by repentance and confession you say Chris what's the difference between repenting and confessing nothing really they're just both mentioned in both text it's not just feeling sorry for what you've done in the life you've lived its repenting confessing both have this you turn 180 degrees you empty yourself of the life you used to have and you take on a new life and there is no turning back there is no looking back both mark and Luke and Matthew and John all of the New Testament will scream to us this good news North Coast is not something that we get to add to our lives this is something we have to give our lives up for this Christianity is not something you add to your life to make sure you're covered it's something that will demand your life has to be given up for and this is what's going to push us to the end of the story where crowds will step far away on two sides and say crucify him I'm not about to give him my all in my everything or those that will kneel and surrender all and Mark and Luke and John and Matthew and Christ Himself will stand in the middle and say for those of you that claim a title with no testimony you better read the book you better read the book you see the last question these first eight verses simply scream out is when did my good news begin when did my good news begin when did your life change from BC to AD who Kris was before Christ and what was that moment that period in my life ad I know Dominion Latin in the year of our Lord this is where I found a Lord this is where I found good news for me in that same time period between about 23 and 24 years of age I was fine making my own mistakes and who I was making my mistakes with until I got to a point in place where I constantly found myself alone and I hated who I was with and the life of the party and the funny guy in the hilarious guy and the trickster and lived for those moments and I hated to see the crowd at 1:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. all start to go their separate ways cuz I knew if I didn't have a new girlfriend for this week I was going to be left alone it was there by a stream on a fishing trip it was there with counsel from an older brother in my life it was there where I got into a class called the life and teachings of Jesus by dr. Bruce bowline that I realized I have colored all of Jesus's pictures I have put together all of the crafts and I have never known the Messiah and at that moment in my life I had also never known noone known how much I needed my Savior I don't have a day where that happened some of you do I don't have a moment where I said a prayer according to my mom's baby's book when I was a four years old I said a prayer and ask Jesus into my heart because there was a thunderstorm and I was afraid well if you got a scared four-year-old as a parent you can get him to pray Cheerios into their life I'm not saying that didn't work and that didn't start something I'm just saying that was the first of hundreds of prayers every Elementary Christian thing I was drugged to every junior high in high school camp if the guy was good enough preacher he would scare the hell into me and out of me and I'd come up and I'd say another prayer all I know is there was a period of time for about two years in my 20s that I look back on and go that's where this became real when did the good news for you start we at North Coast here in leadership we're gonna wrap everything into the study and focusing on this in fact on Monday morning if you're part of those that get a free text every weekday morning devotional that's less than five minutes long every day it's called the daily dose we've got about 14 thousand of you subscribed to it right now we are changing the format of it to fit this series for the next few months we're gonna do more of a verse by verse study again of the life of Jesus but since we're studying the life and teachings of Jesus and Mark we're gonna look at the theology if you will now who is this Jesus and what does it do what does he do on a daily basis for us out of the book of Peter and if you want to be a part of that all you have to do is text the word daily Dai ly just text the word daily 251 400 500 400 never will there be advertising never will there'll be hey you can give never will they be like promotion all you're gonna get texting daily 251 four hundred is a morning Devo by our team putting together the life and teachings of Jesus on the weekend and what does the life of Jesus mean for us on a daily basis delivered to you free every morning we're also doing life group signups and all of our campuses today ninety percent of our adults are in a life group some of you are like dude I like this church but I'm not about to sit with people in some secret cult and try to levitate I get that I get that I've always I haven't always from the time I was about twenty four twenty five i grew accustomed to church and i could deal with it but not sitting around with people hearing you cry and sniffle about something i'm like ah ah I came down here fifteen years ago took a job here got about four months in and someone said by the way you should get in one of these life groups and I was like that that wasn't in the contract well everyone's in a group if you're leading you should be in it dang I only show up to some weird people's house and it smells like cat pee but the owners are used to it so they don't even know you don't even know who you are you don't I don't want people to find out I don't know much about the Bible I just a good storyteller I don't want people to find out what's going on in my marriage in my life I get that we will do everything we can to try to have Christian life as a lone ranger sport and it's not it's together 70% of your life group is simply discussing did you like didn't like agreed with her disagree with the message we're fine if you spend the whole night disagreeing with what we said we got you talking about the Bible just don't tell me how much your group hates me and likes Christopher hypothetically speaking give it one night if they're weird people and a weird house leave and tell them Pastor Chris doesn't want you there one night you've got a million reasons why you're too busy to be in a life group I can only give you one reason to be in it eternity it counts and it matters for you and the people in your life eternity some of you go you know what I want I want to see the land I want to walk this we have a trip going to Israel this June there's still some spots open that is not free but in your hot sheet if some of you go we have the time in the cash to go to Israel and see this land and visit the cities we are going to take this year at North Coast and jump beyond the flannelgraph board get beyond the sunday-school stories beyond the fill-in-the-blanks you can fill them out you can call his name but how readily does he recognize you and we will come to an end and decide once and for all what line do you want to stand on see the result of this good news is that our life will point to our life will point to our good news not our good self our life will point to our good news not our good self I love both Mark and John don't spend time on them and who they are and where they came from the only reason I'm writing and the only reason I'm here is to point to one whose sandals I am not worthy to fall the dirt and touch and untie someone once said I think it is credited to st. Francis Assisi preach the word boldly and only if necessary use words I heard that a long time ago back in seminary preach the word boldly and only when necessary use words oh that's good and then then reading the life of Jesus and his followers and teaching I realize well that's terrible that's hogwash you live such a great life but don't use words people are gonna think you're great people are gonna think you're good people are gonna think you're generous people are gonna see your gifts people are gonna praise you and you're gonna see that everybody in the story that comes in contact with their good news turns around and says don't look at my good look at grapes look at great I go through life with this incredible blessings and grace and mercy and the windshield of what God is doing but there is always a rearview mirror a little short piece of thin glass that reminds me Chris this is who you really are this is the best you could have done with yourself and because good news hit your life this is what you're allowed to do today but buddy never get confused who is good and who was great it is not you it is a great God and John called them to a place this will change how you do business how you do relationship and you're gonna watch every page of the book of Mark is gonna kick down pillar after pillar of our sexuality of our culture of our relationships of our greed of our desires and one after another he will stand in front of them and say am i more than this and we will have to work hard to find a way to get them out of our life or we will come to a point of getting out of our life to allow him in we are on a journey North Coast and at the end of this you will crown him with thorns and shan't crucify kill this thought of Savior over my life or you will crown him with glory and call him Christ Savior no one is left in a middle ground because there will be no middle ground left and he will ask for all and the power of the story is that God that invaded earth for you in your unworthiness he has found you worthy of the highest payment of the greatest torture to redeem you not to tell us how to get along not to tell us to be loving oh sure there's examples of that but this is an invasion of our planet to rescue you and when you come to grips of why you need rescue and what he did all that's last all that's left is to say you can have it I don't know why you want it but you can have it and this is good news you will be inhabited by a risen Savior creator of the universe and find new purpose new purpose you're not supposed to be the life of the party you were supposed to be on stage introducing people to the party I love those days don't get me wrong I'm madly in love with my wife I love most my kids three teenagers I pick who and who not on certain days but but I loved those weekends where my wife says hey the kids and I are going somewhere for the day I like being alone I'm okay I'm great with who I am because of who he's allowed me to be that's good news are you kidding me huh father may you take us on this journey may open our hearts and minds to who you are may you continue God to peel away maybe a Sunday School Jesus that we have grown familiar and accustomed to and may you allow us over the next few months to put together stories that we have taken individually and see them as a whole because they drive a much deeper issue and a much greater point and may this be a time in all of our lives that we can forever look back on years from now and say that's that's when things well that's when good news took a great turn in my life meet us here changes from the inside out made these venues and these campuses become your workshop for whatever work you need to do on each and every one of us in Jesus name Amen well as always we love to hear from you online if you have a question a comment even a prayer request you can send that information to info at North Coast Church comm we also like to thank you for your continued generous support if you'd like to donate you can do that through the website or the north coast Church app we hope you were challenged and encouraged by this week's message and we'll see you next time
Channel: North Coast Church
Views: 3,999
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Keywords: north coast church, larry osborne, pastor chris brown, north coast, churches near me, christian, bible study, jesus, god, bible
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 38sec (3098 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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