Meshtastic 101: What IS Meshtastic...Exploring Meshtastic and LoRa Devices

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all right we're back and we're going to talk about metastic what is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it um we've had a lot of comments about like what is mes tastic damn it what is it but does all right so what is it mesh is a bit of software it's open source uh and you run the mesh tastic firmware on your laa device and this and that's that's another La device and you run an app a mes app on your phone what a lot of devic they were used for internet of things back in the day internet things Internet of Things yes and they so the protocol was used for like temperature sensor data humidity sensor data door open gate open close that kind of thing so mes tastic puts that kind of in a realm where we can use it for sending messages and finding gold gold no water diving yes so how is it different than when we send like a text okay so when I send a text it goes from my phone to the cell tower through their infrastructure to your closest sell to your phone makes sense okay so with this stuff it goes from my phone to my mesh tastic device directly to yours or through a number of mesh nodes then to your phone through your mesh tastic device so we are now the cell tower yes so essentially we're doing a away with the man the man well the new man yeah what is this now so that's an upgraded antenna the antennas that come with these little hell TI boards they're okay um but that's a bit of an upgrade we'll do an extra video on that and what is that that is a lovely 3D printed case that I printed but it's a tbam and cuz I'm a genius I ordered the wrong device this one doesn't have a screen but it's actually okay it still works perfectly well and it just has a default code to log into or to pair to it with your Bluetooth device so it works fine so get cheap by the ones without the street uh I'll back to my original question what is it so it so it is another Laura device H it is a lyo tvam without the stream I guess the other thing we should probably talk about is frequencies the the Lowa device is Lowa is long range but it's not long range as in halfway under the planet it's long range as in a couple of kilom although the world record is about 200 km from one device to another I don't know I presume it's from one device to another W that's pretty um I guess they need lots and lots of height for that so this would be good like if you had a bunch of people out camping yeah no cell reception yeah I mean we use it around here but obviously our mobile phones work it's more for testing purposes yeah we we use it as a kind of learning tool so that we can learn new stuff um but yeah if you're out camping in the sticks and there's no cell power re setion so you would need your phone and everybody would need their own mesh tastic device yes and then as long as you're within range and it's so we're getting 2 km without too much grief particularly with the new antennas with the original htech antenna we struggled between our houses and we're only 500 M away with these things uh communication between the houses is fine so I have one of these at home and I have one of these at home and then Lee has the same thing so the phones connect to the t- beams and the t- beams use these to connect out to the network so how does the T beam help uh the T beam helps because you can have that with you because the Bluetooth range on these is awful right so remember when I tried mine in the Loft yes yeah I couldn't get bloth to that in the Loft so this is a Bluetooth range extender so no no so it is they both have Bluetooth yeah and they both have the we run 9 950 MHz in Australia um but the the Bluetooth for this when you directly connect from your phone to this is terrible okay so that to that is better and then this has a bigger antenna so this gets bigger range so these are the ones we've set up as our kind of home base stations right and then these are the ones that go with us so you connects to that that sends it to to the mesh Network and that sends it out all right so we're going to do more on the the mesh tastic stuff we're going to go a little bit more in depth into these antennas we will do some range proper range testing uh in our very Scenic spot that we used last time do we have a prediction more than we got last time I don't know I don't know see a lot of people go for height when they're doing the range testing uh we're trying not to do that because a we live in Australia and it's we're Coastal it's quite flat so we're going sea level so we'll get kind of pretty true range testing yes that's the kind of way of putting it uh so it's not going to be using loads of height to bounce things off we're just going to go straight line of sight what was it last time two k two km double that you reckon double that more than that okay so his prediction double that 4 km we'll see so check back with us as they will do more with this but yeah more stuff coming
Channel: The Beard and The Bald
Views: 5,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meshtastic, mesh networking, LoRa technology, long-range communication, open-source, IoT, Internet of Things, wireless communication, DIY, tech tutorial, outdoor adventure, emergency preparedness
Id: ZQE_rZvkcWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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