Mesh network explained!

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you know the world has changed tremendously you know 2020 has been a time where we're seeing everybody work from home we're seeing children and kids do school online you can't really go outside anymore everybody's just kind of stuck inside and the one common thing that i normally hear you know if you if you live in a household with like kids or if you have a significant other girlfriend husband what have you you know i can't get on my netflix my fortnight won't play i can't do this i can't do that a lot of times in what i'm kind of seeing that's being more and more consistent around different households is their wi-fi sucks you know not necessarily everybody has really bad internet you know i think nationally our internet is probably one of the worst among you know just anybody else who has internet like uh overseas and whatnot the fastest speeds you can really get here consumer wise is a gigabit up and down you know i'm one of the lucky ones that's google fiber the reason why i'm moving to this apartment complex to actually have it so i am cool with that the internet speeds it's not the problem what a lot of people are having is wi-fi coverage where either they take their laptop you know everybody's working from home now so it's a lot more common to be able to take your laptop around while you say you're doing the dishes or saying you're like just chilling on the couch and watching some tv and doing some emails or something so depending on where you actually have your wifi router a lot of you guys you know not pointing anybody out but for the less tech savvy person a lot of people are probably mostly just using the standard wi-fi router that you got with the cable company which that's fine there's nothing wrong with that but depending on where they put it you know where my google fiber is my google fiber is right here next to my tv my i don't live in a huge apartment so luckily i don't really need anything really super powerful super strong yet i did purchase a really high quality wi-fi router check out the other video that i put on for my google fiber video about you know i got i purchased really good wi-fi router so it really helped out with everything in my apartment if you live in a house per se your needs might be a little bit different you might require more access points to be centered around the house in order to increase your coverage so you don't get drop speeds and you don't lose netflix and actually don't have the continuing buffering and everything like that the term mesh you're gonna start to hear a lot more and more and there's already mesh wi-fi access points already on the market you'll see ones by you google google wi-fi there's ones by orbeez some by netgear even nighthawk i believe has their own set of mesh wi-fi routers so what we're going to do today actually is i purchased this off a monoprice the thing about your mesh routers is they're pretty pricey you can expect to pay normally north of around 300 for a good set in order to utilize the speeds that you're actually getting you're gonna have to spend a little bit of money in order to get a real quality wi-fi experience so you can have your continued speeds that you're using for it because otherwise if you're used like you know i have gigabit up and down but there's no wi-fi or mesh router or any type of like wireless access point i can actually support gigabit up gigabit down i already knew this a lot of my stuff is mostly hardwired anyways so i am not a good use case for this but for anybody who actually has a home and you have a problem connecting the wi-fi constantly you get constant slowdowns and you're especially going to notice it too with kids going back to school and everybody working from home the idea behind a mesh system is you have these three little notes one of them will plug in behind your actual router via a cat5 connection here and the idea is to then take these other two nodes and put them around your house you want to essentially make a triangle it's like type of solution so what they do is they work off each other this is what is considered a gateway and these two are considered repeaters they're actually not physically plugged into your network instead what they do they wirelessly send transmit data across each other to form this mesh so anytime that i walk around my laptop depending on where i am i'm always going to be constantly connected to the network or versus a standard type of wi-fi scenario where you have a rep uh your basically everything is gateways where you have things plugged in to cat5 cables all across and different points of your home trying to increase your wi-fi coverage that's not considered a mesh you are getting a good coverage of wi-fi the problem was that though because they're not a mesh is you have to really really really fine-tune your wireless access points in order for your device to then jump between access points the biggest problem everybody makes with wi-fi is it's not the wi-fi access points that's telling the device to go to the other device or go to the other access point it's actually the device the device itself looks for whatever the strongest signal is and it will only drop that signal and connect to a new access point when that is no longer in range so the whole concept of mesh is to make that completely easy and model price sells a really good almost as good as a google wi-fi mesh router you can get it on sale for about 129.99 so setup is a cinch essentially again all you really need see that's my router here say hi to iron man simply plug it in to an outlet and then have that connected to the back of the monoprice wireless access point and they just need a cat5 cable a catalytic cable that has an empty port on your router that you have plug it in to the back of the internet port bias right in the back there which says internet and then you'll let it connect and do its thing as right now but indicated by the flashing lights it was trying to get an ip address now that's a solid light it now has an ip address now we can continue to go set this up on the computer we got the device plugged in it has an ip address now that we have that all set up all we have to do now is configure the software side so all you have to really do is connect to it when you have it plugged in and it picks an ip address you're gonna have a wi-fi that's called my something actually i should just look at my computer it says on my computer it is called mesh go very original so you connect to a you have some type of device you can use an ipad if you want to i guess you could even buy i'm using my computer because this is easy you connect to that ssid wi-fi and then you just simply go to the ip address that it tells you within the manual and that'll get you into the system configuration we'll show you right here exactly how it is so you can see my my regular windows desktop that i have so i'm going to go down here i happen to have another wi-fi card set up as well as an ethernet color as well as an ethernet card on my desktop so i'm gonna go look for the mesh go it is an open network it is not a password protector or anything like that because this is the initial setup process that you're going to do so we're going to connect to that and once we connect to that we're just going to open up a web browser and we're going to browse to that ip address that i mentioned earlier so we're connected now we're going to open up google google chrome and we're going to go to and we get into here now i didn't actually read what the mesh was when i'm assuming this adamant hey all right so uh definitely want to give it a new wi-fi password um what not hang on this is looking kind of weird uh you want to give it a new administrator password in order for you know somebody happen to get on your network and anything if they know the ip address of what it is they can get in and change different things so make sure you change it to something that people can't easily guess and now to take you to the next screen this is where you actually set up what you want your wi-fi name to be so you want to set up to dhcp so any device you can connect to automatically gains an ip address you can start the internet you can change it to static ip if you want to if you're a little more tech savvy and don't want any device on your network to automatically get an ip address where you have to actually physically assign an ip address to that device in order to get outbound to the internet it's a lot more work it's more secure yes but um for everybody that mostly doesn't keep at the same peak with the dhcp you can change the ssid this is my wifi wpa2 i always recommend that uh you can actually use the bpa2 psk that gives you a little bit more security wpa and wpa2 will help if you have any older devices connected to your network much older like wi-fi uh devices like old laptops or like the original ipad and that something that can connect to a 2.4 and a 5 gigahertz connection so your old legacy devices were actually wpa2 wpa and wpa2 will help with that and that's essentially all the setup that you do with the other devices that you have now all you really need to do is find a pretty good placement for those wireless access points to be able that's like not too far you don't want to put it in a room that's like like three different separate walls behind it you know if you can't put it outside in your garage you have to at least keep it within i say 100 to 150 feet within each other and even then depending on like the construction of your house and like what walls and like how many different barriers it goes through can have an effect on it really only you will really figure this out based on trial and error by having that wireless repeater plug it into an outlet seeing the connection between it seeing the speeds that you get doing a speed test and having it plugged into different other places in your house to improve to figure out where is the best placement for the routers ideally you want to put it in the spot where you get really low reception and really low like wi-fi signal and this will improve it hopefully tremendously for you let me know if this works out for you uh i'm gonna put the link in the description for this monoprice particular mesh setup down below it's the cheapest that i can find and it seems to be great i've been using it a little bit off camera and it seemed it's seamless transition from access point to access point it's like i never lose any type of connection and i have a garage downstairs that i have and so being able to kind of like plug in an access point downstairs to my garage and being able to have an access point up here and not lose connection is pretty freaking cool it's not the greatest speeds but the fact that i can actually get an a wi-fi signal downstairs to be able to dislike you know while i'm fixing my car or doing different things downstairs be able to google on youtube some stuff is awesome as well as having everybody being able to stay connected no matter where they are in the house not having our like youtube and netflix and anything else and buffering the wi-fi experience has been great hopefully this helps you out let me know if you have any questions in the comments down below this is james from iron tech catch you in the next one take care
Channel: iRun Tech
Views: 13,621
Rating: 4.4285712 out of 5
Keywords: mesh, mesh networking, google wifi, wifi, working from home, home school, internet buffering, home network, networking, fix wifi, improve wifi, nighthawk, netgear, tutorial
Id: C3Rc6JIlMwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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