Merrell Twins help Franny & Nezza FIND LOVE - TWIN MY HEART Season 2 FULL SHOW

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[Music] I honestly can't believe we're doing this again same the first season was absolutely crazy but this season things are a little bit different we are finding love for two of our best friends Franny arietta and Nessa we've been friends with them for a long time they've been in our videos they need some help with their love lives both of them are single they do have different tastes and guys so I think this is going to be very interesting last season Nessa didn't really have any say in what was going in the episodes who we casted literally I knew nothing this season it's a little bit different because Nessa now gets to do what I did last season now I'm in on the tea this is going to be crazy so let's introduce our friends to you guys hey guys it's Neza and we're here season two of twin my heart and I'm ready to find love I was in a six-year relationship that ended around like 3 years ago I haven't been in love with anyone like that so I don't know maybe this is this is it maybe we find love on this show so the funny thing about today is that it's actually my birthday so this is like the honestly one of the greatest ways to spend today I think it's going to be so much fun so happy birthday to me hey guys I'm Franny and I am here looking for love my last boy friend was when I was 17 and that was about 5 6 years ago you know it's just been it's been a minute so I'm ready to kind of take that next step in my life and not settle down like that's too serious but it'd be nice to have a special someone in my [Music] life how do you guys feel right now the guys are about to come in oh my gosh I'm like sweating I'm so nervous I I think it's just like once we meet them like we'll be okay we all know what we're here it's not like a typ it's like we're going to date or not date or enough you going to leave or you going to stay like that's day there's going to be no friends after this okay so there's 10 guys okay okay hope they like one of us okay so this is Vince oh my he's tall is he tall okay 6 cute this is amazing that's Dennis um he's from Honduras Honduras La okay okay he's buff yeah he's B what you yeah so this is Dustin Okay no Okay I see you a smile such a nice smile I love his Denzel is the brother to Dustin they're brother brothers no what's going on guys do you see this W I'm so excited to be here next few days it's going to be lit dude they they're all so cute they're all good looking so C going to be so hard way really sweet oh oh okay hello oh you so doed is a personal trainer not kidding I don't even how to react anymore cuz I react the same to all of them cute he's so cute what's going on man's up how you doing good good going to get oh he ises human being he is Hercules Hercules the Hulk no way so he his name is Bennett he's 65 and he's a professional volleyball player and just came came back from China playing volleyball wow this is beautiful I'm a sucker for blue eyes and fun fact he's Christian's friend Christian suggested him so we're like okay why doesn't he bring him around where's he been we're with Christian Christian where's he been and he never brings him around this is Con oh my gosh he's such a cutie he looks like he's sweet actually a FL I love that yeah who packed your lunch last guy this is Ryan okay so Ryan actually has his own YouTube channel something uncommon oh should I go home should I get out of here what's up so are you guys ready to meet the the guys bring me my future boo Bo but first we have to figure out who we want to introduce to the guys first ready Pap Sho okay fry we're going to go up there say hi to the guys and we're going to bring you out and then we're going to surprise him with Nessa so let's do [Music] this hi hi guys how's it going good good to see you guys yes good to see you guys again thank you so much for being here all right so are you guys ready to meet our best friend yeah all right well let's bring her out we want to introduce to you guys our best friend Franny hey guys this is so crazy she's cute she's way cute right off the bed I'm just like okay cool this this will be fun she seems really nice she seems a little bit nervous this is Franny these are the guys hey guys what's up as I'm walking in I am quickly glancing at all of their faces but it's just so hard giving them really quick hugs and all the commotion going on trying to remember their names so I I just really need to have that one-on-one connection with them like I said they're all really good looking I think just by my you know quick glance of them but I I just really need to talk to them oneon-one and see what they're about what their morals are and what they see in their future I trust that the meril twins have my best interest they know the kind of guys that I like I know that they're going to do good I I have faith so I hope you guys are having fun getting to know each other but if you guys know us we are notorious for having twists want you guys to meet our other best [Music] friend our other best friend Nessa wait there's another girl that means both of us each have a shot at each [Applause] girl pretty she's sitting go say hi go hi guys it's great that they brought out two girls it gives me a better chance of finding love while I'm here it also means that there's more to manage which makes me pretty concerned Double the Trouble oh yeah meet everyone first hi guys so Denzel and Dustin I think they are so cute but they're brothers so I don't know how this is going to go Vince is so cute like hello and you're tall he's just so cute so my type hi hi where I'm hard to miss where are you hi so nice to meet you I actually am really attracted to like the long Tarzan look when Bennett walked in I was like hello all right well this is so much fun I'm so excited wasn't that a great twist yeah so we know you guys want to get to know each other but we're going to hop into the first group date and we're actually going to split into teams and Nez and Franny are going to be the team captains and get to choose their team oh [Music] God all right the girls are going to draw names and that's how they're going to pick their teams Troy cjange Connor all right yall ready to win Dustin Ryan's up Denzel best Jack out here by here [Music] Dennis Vince let's go I think I know where I am then all right let's Go's go go so we all love a handy man right oh God so we're actually going to be building Furniture oh yeah let's get to building I need someone that can help me build stuff the reason why we think this is a great first group challenge is because it's going to require teamwork and there's a Twist Nessa and I are going to be giving them directions on how to build it without them seeing the directions so they're not allowed to read the directions it's a test of communic communication and teamwork skills and building skills we need a team name yes we team NES Vanessa goes by Neza and then I just thought of quick because we were going to be the first ones to build it and so NES quick just popped the top of my head and she rolled with it and liked it so it was pretty tight pretty I actually like we got to say it the right way though I know our name we're going to be team pretty and she loved it we're a team pretty team pretty we're Team pretty it has to be said like let team pretty I was like honestly sure team pretty but he had to say I don't I am not saying it okay we are ready 1 2 3 team next week so we're going to put 30 minutes on the clock you guys going to be timed so let's let's do this okay let's see what we got you want to open that okay I have this tool box got everything as soon as the 30 minutes start I take off my heels cuz I just I can't and so we're just going at it I'm so focused Ronnie is being a great coordinator because we can't see the instructions look like this I need need and then you take the wooden Peg there's only one side there's only one side okay so this needs to come out she was working really hard like showing and putting effort in she wasn't like acting all scared or trying to like you know be afraid she was actually like got on her knees took off her shoes she was hammering things trying to screw things trying to put she was literally trying to like be the team captain you guys are great okay we're doing great get it out you're doing great you're doing great sweetie it's like you're doing it right on we have four of these what's up okay oh we need to lock them we need the guy that is really standing out to me right now is Ryan he is he kind of just took initiative I was like okay Ryan's handy I need a handy man can I get here can I get six Ells six of the woods oh that yeah it's better he's being a little overboard with the taking charge of things guys we got this we got this we got this way y yes Neza and Denzel are kind of like you know vibing a little bit during it just has to look aesthe Franny's the type to just build things and get it done so she was just cranking it out I don't know if she was really vibing with anyone in the there but I think everyone was just being really nice they're always nice in the beginning though is that right yeah I think so yeah look at us it's so handy the guy that I'm noticing that isn't really doing much is Bennett Bennett seemed like he was just standing there I oh God who's got Nails I can't breathe I'm so hot as you can see I'm an expert at building furniture that didn't go oh my God it slipped wait wa wait hold on hold on obviously building Furniture is not my forte so I'm going to let these guys sweat it out and I'll be sitting pretty Bennett was even talking to me and telling me that he wasn't building very much which is okay because honestly it kind of left a little room for me to get in there build the furniture show what I could do be handsy and honestly it worked wait wait [Music] wait so there's like 30 seconds left and for some reason like one of the nails won't go in because part of our board was like off so we're just like trying to hammer [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] close team NZ quick I knew we'd do it I knew we we'd do it we have Vince I mean the guy's he's an animal he was all over the place so I'm not surprised we make great chocolate milk this doesn't look like the we were told we were told we could put them on anyone that we wanted who told you that that's I did because we're creative yeah our is prettier and it was the right way too it was upside down how about you guys ad look at that back it's about to fall off to fall off I love this expect it without you guys near quy get off well just don't look to about the personality in front [Applause] first of all like their their shelf was like falling apart if you say that team nqu won then all I have to say is agree to disagree this challenge was great and I think we all actually succeeded I'm actually really surprised we got all of this done to be honest can explore the house enjoy the view thank you no we won we should look at go downstairs the house is amazing the view is incredible I've never been up high like this in the Hollywood Hills so it's really amazing to see this place is nuts I mean it's huge I feel like I been to every room and then there's just more that I'm finding so it's it's like a maze in this place it's really cool yo we could come here and work out every morning bro every morning we could work out I don't yeah hopefully you do what do you think of your they're nice I feel like I only talk they are nice I only talk for like 8 seconds do you think okay wait who out of the two would you rather oh we got some just who would you rather out of the two I think honestly I think I would uh click more with Franny than Nessa so maybe when right opportunity present itself should have the oneone with Franny if you choose like the girl who doesn't like you but then one likes you you're you're done it's over and then it'll be awkward if you switch over because like you'll look like a scumbag me up CJ I'm not I feel like it's too early to pick yeah that's what I'm saying like now like idea it's like a first like team EV I mean you but you know what you're oh yeah of course M up right now private person keep that to myself that's he's just trying to find he just wants the info yeah even though it was like two of us I feel like the competition in a house is just like scarce yeah really scarce it's like these are the guys that they picked like some of them are like just they have nothing up there and then others definitely some AirHeads yes definitely and we spoke to them we're just like oh is that right oh okay I would say um as a Airhead who is that oh is that is that is that Bennett yeah play volleyball did you guys feel like you got some good solid interaction with Neza little bit yeah a little bit I we were like hard to work on she was also like zoned in we were like banging doing the best what about you guys it's a little tough when you have like a bunch of people you know it's when you start throwing bows kind of knocking people out throwing bows you just got to be bold just got to start like you know saying whatever trying to just in the middle of her screen and uh can I take you aside for a minute I can't like no it's like no I need to talk to you though there's always one of those people like in going to be first I'll do it trying to be conscious about not coming off as like overly eager you know what I mean but maybe I that could turn out to be my downfall potentially you know if I'm hanging out too much with the boys and not enough with the girls so it's pretty hard to imagine what's going on right now people are all over the house one girl's downstairs one girl I haven't seen in 35 minutes I have no idea where the twins are it's pretty hard to know where I should be and who I should be talking to yet I'm really just trying to you know establish a relationship and get some FaceTime in oh my gosh what is happening I get everyone no way I'm getting so nervous F was fine get downstairs and everyone calls me out and now everyone's coming to steal our conversation we're not stealing we're just sharing why can we share Vanessa damn CJ so hopefully like you know we get to like do some like karaoke to like really like showcase your talent I'm like now I'm like I really want to hear I don't want to put you on the spot are you a singer mhm oh yeah you do music then okay cool I do sing did Connor just come in and interrupt my conversation with Franny like you have no idea what to do a lost dog yeah just like a lost dog like hey how's it like a third wheel just there like hey what's up I see that Neza is currently swarmed by all the dudes and I knew that if all the guys are up here then Fry's downstairs so I go downstairs where she's talking to like two guys so I asked Franny if she wants you know change the atmosphere and we related on a lot of things and I felt it definitely clicked there so that was nice so wait yeah why did you come out here because I wanted to be different and I'm an actor so I figured moving to La would make me different amazing yes turns out everyone out here is an actor so that's yeah so I didn't it's a it's a tough it's a tough gig everyone yeah very cool and then how did the personal training come about I tried working in a restaurant uh uh so I did that hustle and I wasn't really about it it was it was a lot and so I'm like oh I like Fitness and so that actually just was way better and the funny thing is about it all is actually I was supposed to take over the gym oh and I was just like I don't know if that's what I want to do so I decided the day before I was supposed to sign the lease that I'm out and I moved that way oh this was in Jersey this in Jersey this is in Jersey yeah so I haven't found a gym yet here except this one troy is catching my eye he's a cutie he's a personal trainer so I'd really like to get to know him a little more what's up fredd hey how's it going how you doing how are you good how are you I'm good good can I steal you away for a second sure I was talking to Troy in the gym B it just pulled me away so we got outside and we're just talking he's super laidback asking me questions and we're just getting to know each other what's something crazy you've done crazy yeah oh gosh what's the craziest thing you've done what do you mean crazy like like everyone is going to look at you and be like whoa I can't believe that this girl just did that if they knew it about you I have no idea I feel like I've done some I've been some crazy situations CJ pulled you aside yeah how was that I felt like forced almost it was like very generic questions back and forth I feel like people are trying to keep me away because they know that I'm going to be like a top Contender like hey Neza sorry for interrup in thanks for taking the time I like that we had this oneone yeah for sure thanks for interrupting I'm [Music] sorry how are you guys feeling are you overwhelmed it's a lot isn't it now that we're finally like it's just ask in here cuz it was just so like like like so many questions yeah it's so many questions it's just a lot of the same thing like just you know asking where they're from or they're asking me where I'm from and all this and it's a lot so when I was upset they were all downstairs with you at one point right what was that like cuz you had everyone with you almost everyone they were asking me about why you know why I'm single and like why I'm here and stuff like that and I was just being honest with them I'm like I just have bad luck with dudes I actually Vibe with Denzel like he's he's actually like super chill you know who pulled me who from everyone who Ryan we're going for a walk we're going for oh guys we were literally cute we were all he was just like come on and he like grabbed my hand and he was like we're going for a walk and like all the other guys were like hold on wait and then he like and we went outside and we had like a oneon-one what he say so sweet YouTube came out okay okay for me it was just like out of BL yeah I'm assuming it's usually you know somebody right kind yeah yeah yeah well you're also super talented sound thank you if you're going on tour all these people it has to be I was working with people who are YouTubers like doing all their like front work PA stuff all the time no way and then I moved out here I went back home I finished a movie Project which me and my two friends self- produced for them so is that what you want to do and do you want to write and produce and direct I want to produce like that's why I love being on set like having cameras around and light and stuff is really cool I just like that he gets like the YouTube thing well we've got some decisions to make and by we I mean you guys yep um we help influence we help okay advice but we got to make some decisions on who's MVP who's staying who's going who's going on the one date pick your MVPs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] wisely [Music] [Applause] hi everybody all right so we're just going to explain a few things so for each group date there's going to be a MVP that is chosen and the MVP is safe from eliminations MH then the girls will pick someone they want to go on a one-on-one date with but that person isn't necessarily safe from eliminations they could be could be not it just depends on how the date goes yes so since there was two teams for this challenge there's going to be two MVPs let's find out who the MVPs are I'll go first all right so the MVP I chose is someone that seemed very handy was saying some crazy names of the bolts and tools and everything and the MVP is Ryan W okay MVP great start so the MVP I chose and my whole team was great you guys all were hands on you did great but this person um was very helpful towards me especially like if I grab the hammer he'd be like no let me do that um so the MVP for my team is Denzel me I won MVP yo I was so shocked like I couldn't believe it me too I really thought me too honestly I thought it was going to be me yeah hopefully you get to stay tonight cuz I'm safe you're not so the person I am choosing for my one-on-one date is someone that I have a lot in common with and someone that I feel like we had a kind of good connection and I'm going to piig [Applause] try I did not expect that the guy that I chose for the one-on-one date I also think that we have a lot in common he also has a great smile I'm just like you mean you mean this smile right here so the guy I choose for my oneon-one is [Applause] Vince I'm shocked that I won the one-on-one date and I'm hoping that we really can get to know one another better all right so um let's get to the one-on-one date so the producers have set up a one-on-one date for each of the girls Nessa and Vince are going to the hot tub and then [ __ ] and Troy are going upstairs to relax and get a massage so let's see what happens [Music] huh it's a massage that's yeah that's definitely what those are yeah okay all right oh and there's like a little bubble bath wow this is uh this is something I was I'm surprised yeah me too I wasn't be texting this all right well do you want to go first it's just a massage table and there's candles around it's it's very like like a a romantic setting super nice I honestly can't remember the last time I ever did that so yes do you have like any like stress or anything yeah yeah um well right now I'm pretty good this is okay uh no not not to my not no you definitely do this no I don't really do it that often but I'm going to try so to begin with massages are you know an awkward first date I would say you're getting really handsy and touching each other and some people aren't comfortable with that do you give a lot of massage I well you're going to be the first so you're going to 100% even your ex-girlfriend you never gave a massage no I don't think we ever did really yeah no I mean I you know give like I wouldn't do this kind of like a back rub or something yeah a back okay so always those but never no massage table no full on lotion candles around the bat this is new this is definitely new this is very nice oh my God all right your hands are probably getting tired my turn all right yeah thanks for going easy on got to really step it up I feel out of my element here I'm not super confident in this uh so I feel like maybe I'm I'm not asking the best questions maybe I'm not giving the best answers I know if you said that you were in a longterm relationship do you think that you're ready to be in a relationship again good question I would have to say that had you asked me that a few months ago probably not um I would say that as of now yeah I'm ready I'm sitting the jacuzzi waiting for Vince I'm super nervous I've never done anything like this it's very like intimate first date so I don't know how he's going to feel um about it I'm nervous so I just don't know how this is going to go go hey you hi champagne yes wait is that what is that a cupcake this is for you okay I know you probably had something from your birthday yesterday a at dinner but this is for you for your birthday so Vince walks out of the house and he's holding two glasses of champagne I just thought that that was the sweetest thing cheers to you happy birthday thank you cheers appreciate you picking me too I didn't think I was going to in a bathing suit today it's a little cold outside but yeah we were in the jacuzzi and just uh relaxing it was really nice oh my gosh I'm like nervous I've never done like a one-on-one have you ever done a one-on-one blind date no especially in the jacuzzy and on the girl's birthday that's a lot of pressure so much a lot of pressure I'm so sorry no no if any like this is so comfortable like I'm not worried about it at all honestly I'm not so what is your longterm like what did you come out here to like do as far as Los Angeles or this as far as as far as like what do you want to like what's your like dream oh musician either artist kind of like what you're doing do you sing yeah okay yeah so I kind of I sound like John Mayor like I have a deeper voice you know so um that's kind of like what my range is but yeah kind of like I'll definitely have to hear that for sure I wish we had a guitar here I could play some I know is there no this is ukulele I've been play I was playing that while I was waiting we could try the ukulele so the massages were great and all but I just felt like the conversation was going nowhere do you want to maybe move to the bathtub should we move am I am I that bad it's that b no no no no no not at all I mean I could I I could stay here forever so I just suggested we get up and go hang out by the bathtub by the bubble bath we got our champagne this does not Su Jesus so I can see Troy's really nervous nous on the date and I'm trying real hard to make him feel comfortable and just you know asking him questions so the conversation flows so tell me about your family like what are you and your family like are you guys close are you guys we are close my family I have um my twin brother oh yeah you're a twin I have an older sister and an older brother she's so easy to talk to which is huge so she's she's she's killing it and I'm just I'm trying to not screw it up your passion is singing where did that when did that come about um I wanted to do it since I was really little I remember watching um a lot of Britney Spears music videos really and I would like sit in front of the TV I was like literally I think like five or six years old and I would sit in front of the TV and I would just try and memorize her dance routines and I'd sing and stuff I just felt like it was very one-sided I I I wasn't getting a lot from him so I was just a little disappointed I felt like the Troy I met earlier in the day was a different Troy during our date should we Che yeah I think we should cuz you've done a bang up job here cheers thank you even though we just met and we're both in our swimsuits there is nothing awkward between us and the conversation just flowed so well there was just like question on question on question there was never any like awkwardness can you can you sing me Happy Birthday in Russian accent no I cannot sing you anything in Russian accent it is not possible NE I feel you now no way we're talking about everything we're talking about you know life in La living now out here and you know how much we're passionate about our music and you know our careers and how we want to move everything forward in our lives and really cool to just have that time I was not expecting it but it was amazing so if you're Italian can you cook yeah give me a recipe y wait really are you for real do you like to cook is that like a I worked on a like a luxury food truck I learned that he loves to cook which is amazing um that's like always like such a turn on I love a guy who can cook um and he's just really sweet and he seems to be very just a gentleman which I look for also what I love is that he's making me laugh like genuinely laugh that's like one of my biggest things is that I need someone who has a good sense of humor and he is just nailing it thanks for joining me of course this one one thank for my cupcake of course I'm so glad I was like actually good to speak with you no you were so easy to talk to so it was great you too can I have a hug of course duh I know thank you I'm so happy I could be on this journey with you oh thanks yeah just like 10 guys I know fight till the death welcome to the club [Music] how did that go it just got very like quiet and Silent it's like I just didn't know what else to talk about I was like oh God that like doesn't make any sense cuz like he had so much energy during the day especially cuz he was on my team awkward I just felt that but at the same time like like I just felt like I needed that like wow like oh my god wow like that was amazing you're like oh my god wow like like swep me off my feet you're supposed to have like a feeling in your stomach after a good day and I did not at all like are you going to give him another chance I don't know was it better hopefully it was no yeah I thought it was phenomenal I think he's great I know guys it was so sweet he like came out with like the champagne and brought me a cupcake for my birthday and we like toasted to my birthday yeah it was really cute um a cute way to spend your I know didn't like I honestly that makes me happy at least one of us had a thank God I'm not eliminating people it's the worst part of a dating show everyone's so nice you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but at the end of the day it's a competition and a dating show someone's got to go I guess to make a decision the guys are getting ready for elimination right now yeah we l you guys have to make a decision oh my God I don't even know well let's we've got like we have literally have like 10 minutes to figure this out and I have no [Music] idea all right so I can't believe this day has gone by so fast I feel like like so much has happened today and it's been super fun but it has come to the time of eliminations and this is a dating show and the girls have picked to the bottom three and when your name is called you will just go right here take your away girls okay so this is very hard so the first person in the bottom three is Bennett I'm sweating my heart's racing I'm down there by myself and I just don't know what I've done to deserve being down there the second person is in the bottom three is CJ only thing I'm thinking about is me probably going home and the last person in the bottom three is try I want to say I'm surprised but also at the same time I I kind of saw it coming the tension is really rising in here I honestly can't believe that she called Troy down I mean I thought if anybody he was going to be safe Bennett I just felt like you weren't making much of an effort during the challenge and I feel like you could have and for me I just feel like you haven't really made an effort today to talk to me I haven't really seen you all day so and with CJ I just felt like I didn't get that connection I just didn't get that click I loved our one-on-one I love that you took that effort maybe I just need to get to know you a little more but there was just something that was a little off of me and Troy you know I just feel like we're really vibing like earlier in the day but I just felt like our date like the person I was talking to before was the person I got on the date so I just it really threw me off the first person who is safe is Ben Ben thank you you're good the person who is not a match for us for either of us is CJ sorry it was nice to meet you guys very nice to meet you thank you so much thanks for coming didn't expect to be the first one to leave I thought that two people were going to be leaving tonight I didn't expect it to be one person and being that I'm the only one who's leaving tonight that is really really embarrassing I just didn't really feel like that spark or that connection with him and Franny kind of agreed too that she didn't really feel it from like the little chat that she had with him during the day it's just hard you know one day to try and get to know 10 guys is hard it's not easy and I just I felt really really bad about everything so Troy I really want to give you a second chance so you are safe thank you you can join the guys back up on the stairs all right she's giv me a second chance and I I do still feel bad about the fact that I didn't give her the date that R really should have had I want to show her that you know I can let the nerves go away and I can I can have I can have fun all right so you guys are all safe I hope you guys had a great day you guys need to get a lot of rest for tomorrow because you're going to have to bring some moves oh [Applause] yeah I don't know what tomorrow is going to bring but I'm ready to dance if that's what it's going to be yeah tomorrow I honestly want to oneone with um with frany I don't want to be like no I am going to call it out now I want to one-onone with Brandy just to get to know her a bit more you know on a deeper level cuz I am feeling her I feel like I love her confidence and I want to see who she is as a person yeah I definitely want to one to one with Neza ooh you should do like a double date get out of my head bro go for with and six Troy pulled me honestly I'm just trying to keep my options open I mean there are these two girls I'm not a nice guy so I am trying to guys you guys we have some tea what what what happened it looks like he said something and then he just comes over and just choked him and he looks scared why is weird and that changes things comment down in the comments below who you guys guys think is going to win stay tuned for the next episode because that's going to be even crazier this week is just going to get more and more crazy make sure to subscribe to Awesomeness TV subscribe to our Channel Neza and Franny's and we'll see you guys next time bye hey guys it's day two of twin my [Music] [Applause] [Music] heart I'm excited for today I don't really know what's going to happen to be quite honest I feel like yesterday was a bit stressful for the girls I'm interested to see who's going to step up to the plate and try and get the girls attention [Music] mhm oh yeah y go wake up CJ you messed up bro last night was really stressful for me I honestly didn't sleep very well but today is a new day and I'm feeling positive so let's see what happens good morning morning how's everyone so to start off the day we thought we'd give the boys some tips that we learned from last season just to help them out just a little bit of help you got to get in there get to know the girls I mean it's like a speed dating and you got to take every opportunity you have make sure you guys are just being yourselves relax it's all good if you're nervous it's fine but just try and you know be comfortable make the girls feel good tooo hello good morning how we doing oh wow we working out working out out she look good I mean honestly she was in Fitness clothes like that's my weakness right there so Franny and Neza come in the kitchen they're high energy they look great and we're all feeling it so I feel compelled I I got to talk to her I got to pull her aside I got to set things straight cuz it'll it'll kill me if I don't wait who Dan sure I woke up this morning really stressed out and I just know I'm going to have to talk to Troy about what happened last night so during the day I mean I felt really good and then after our date obviously I was I I kind of got the same Vibe as you it was just it was very tense I was very tense I just want to lay everything out to her apologize I wasn't myself and I wanted to say it I'm sorry and I'd really appreciate like if we could just maybe start over like start fresh start over well that's why I kept you because I really want to get to know you better and like I said the date was a little awkward but I feel like there are more things to do more dates to come so we can we can do something else thank you no seriously thank you so much thank you of course I chose him as my first date for a reason I felt the vibe I felt that connection and I don't think I don't think he he should be stressing at all so for the group day today we thought it would be really fun if everyone took a dance class us girls we love [Music] dancing Nessa more but me Ronnie and Franny We Like to Dance So today we're going to get a choreographer and see what happens hey hi hey welcome welcome welcome the boys walk in the look on their faces is priceless um don't think they expected to be in a dance studio today but we like to have fun we like to dance so we're going to see what goes what happens welcome to the group date so dance is a big part of my life um I've been dancing for a long time so I'm excited to dance with you guys so y all got to impress her she the dancer I have no problem with it being a dance competition today I'm excited for it I go to dance class sometimes at the gym and I feel pretty confident in myself we have a choreographer his name is Germaine and he's going to teach us some fun dance moves is this is this dance going to be hard absolutely I am not confident whatsoever like I have two left feet I have have no rhythm okay so we're going to start just with the feet for that first eight everybody can count to eight yes we proficient Dan welcome you can have it it's going to be a box step so you're going to step left 5 6 7 we go left and right easy simple any questions all right so the guys are putting in a lot of effort into this group date it's kind of shocking I thought some of the guys would be like but all of them are enjoying themselves else it's so funny to watch some of them dance especially Bennett he is so funny he's accidentally booty popping I don't think he even knew what he was like doing he was like no way yeah and his little ponytail was like he's Pony toil it was funny out that's going to be your moment like find your Vibe who are you as a person damn nice and slow first a count done first a count done up you know there are guys just killing it at the moment I am no one's complaining I am so shocked yeah make sense yeah one more time from the top yes there it is yes that's right I'm definitely the better dancer when it comes to my brother like honestly my brother's stiff as a robot that guy I don't know how we're even related like he literally cannot dance as Jermaine is teaching us the choreography I'm starting to see like I can actually learn this and I think I got a hold of this on one two 2 3 go four rip five and six jump out seven look eight I'm like really starting to get the hang of this it's all just coming together it's it's fun honestly a tie between the worst is me and Dennis at this point I'm all over the place if I don't concentrate really hard there's not a chance that I'm going to keep this choreography up so I'm in the zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 1 oh my God that just went out the door okay I was like this we thought it would be a really fun idea to have the guys perform in like smaller groups so the girls could see all the guys try out the dance check out their moves you can I'm Che up Park up feed up spark up ease up walk up stting watch me stack my cheese up I [Music] amner I'll [Music] be at first I was feeling really confident with the dance moves that Germaine was giving us and when it came down to actually putting it to the music it's like it was night and day so that was a big change for me I know for a fact that goofy out there and made a fo out of myself but all I really care about is that if Neza and Franny saw that I was just having fun with it you know trying to have a good time and make the most out of it regardless of my moves do we do it yeah you I am not a dancer I can like dance like Bachata and like salsa at like a club or something but like I'm not like a professional dancer or anything like that I don't just up up feed up Spar up ease up walk up watch [Applause] me what did what did you guys think they all had fun them they all they all did really well like they they tried really they did better than me like they did they did they did good no but they did good did anyone like stand out to you guys I don't know they all had fun so it's hard had so much funny they all tried Dustin was doing really good Dustin yes Dustin did really well yeah yeah yeah did really he was like he like hit the last count and everything yeah dud Troy was on beat like the whole time I totally forgot yeah he did really well well well I guess you guys got to pick someone did you guys have fun you guys were great all of you did really well to be quite honest there is an MVP for all of the group dates if you are chosen as MVP you are safe from eliminations and there's actually only going to be one MVP this time uhhuh yeah so we chose this person for MVP because we think he absolutely killed it he had so much fun um he had great moves great moves great moves I think I have a chance of winning MVP for maybe if I'm lucky I don't know Troy is killing it Troy there's no way in my mind he's not going to be MVP today's MVP is [Applause] Dustin let's go oh I didn't think I was going to win MVP but I guess I earned it hopefully it leads to 101 date okay all right bro I see you MVP congrats I hand off the crown to you I was MVP first just remember that congratulations Dustin you are safe from eliminations today so we're going to go back to the house we're going to have a bit of downtime so you guys can chat with the girls and just talk and chill out for a minute and then we're going to do the one-on-one date so let's get back to the [Applause] house look at this beautiful girl beautiful open space Beau hello hello so when they first walk downstairs my immediate thought is I need to be aggressive I got to do something here well if you guys don't mind I'd like to take her and talk to her alone so you don't mind no yeah and I totally hesitated and Tage capitalized on that moment and he took her away from all of us can I steal you yeah of course okay I really want to talk to Franny I've had no chances to talk to her yet so I'm going to pull her aside right now hopefully this goes well so what do you think about meeting people for the first time under this kind of contact honestly I I like it you do just because you're like I have so many options there so many guys who are right right here not like but I feel like I don't get to meet people outside of this industry like I just always hang out with the same group of people and I love them they're like my best friends and it's hard for me to like expand out of that like I don't even know where to begin on meeting new people this is going great so far I think we're really bonding we're talking about past relationships we're talking about Hobbies our fears P me for a oneon-one yeah cuz like I've always wanted to talk to you but I just got the chance I don't want like you know yeah yeah I don't know where I really am with Neza and Franny but I didn't get S home which is is a good sign so hopefully today I can kind of make a good impression and kind of get their attention so what's your usual type um you okay okay okay I don't like really have a type it's just like the P I got to know the person that's like really big on me too like I I just need someone who's as outgoing as I am and high energy which I can tell that you do have I could tell like from the first time hi Troy walks in and asks to speak to me so I'm thinking that he maybe wants to talk about frany or maybe wants to get like some inside scoop about you know how she's feeling about how the night went since we're still down our TI I thought that we would maybe get to know each other a little better okay doing your thing doing my thing he wants to learn some dance moves um I'll lead you for now but then you'll leave me wher so honestly I'm just trying to keep my options open I mean there are these two girls girls so I just want to see I mean I didn't get to know Nez at all in the first date so I just want to see maybe I can get to know a little bit more and see if we Vibe too I'm not entirely sure so it kind of shocked me when Troy pulled nezza to the side cuz I thought you know he was only going for Franny but obviously you know there are two girls so you have the option to talk to both of them so yeah I find Troy and Neza they're like doing these Dance Moves In The Little Gym downstairs and I'm about to say something professional that's how you do it yeah right and there's cage right behind me again hey look I'm a nice guy so I'm not going to swoop you I just want to give her another okay hi I'm not a nice guy so I am trying to I'm I'm stealing in away for a little bit let's go let's go I like to like hike and stuff but it's like that's my like go-to like thing but it's kind of hard to meet someone on a hike you know what I mean everyone's out of breath like hey please hello you guys looking like you're having a good time I think we are yeah all right then I won I wanton to do it but I just want to give her a hug okay yeah t wanted to respect my time with Ryan and that really showed a lot how sweet he is and how just very thoughtful yeah so um I'm I'm super I'm super into hip-hop dance I love that's how like what got you into that I finally have Neza for a second this is my time and I got to got to make it worth it feel so far about the competition I just have to I'm so curious cuz like I've been literally a ball of nerve since the moment I walked no since I walked up to the car outside of like the place we got picked up yeah well I was so yesterday I was like well yesterday I thought I was going to throw up like during elimination like I'm not even kidding I was so nervous the whole time so I'm using the bathroom right and all of a sudden I hear Franny and Ryan outside the bathroom I'm like sitting there and I'm like I'm hearing this amazing conversation going on and they're hitting it off and I'm using the bathroom frandy what hi hi how you doing it's like it's like a Romeo and Juliet type thing throw down your hair I'm trying you seemed like you were stoked about that oh no I was I've never I can actually honestly say I've never had anyone do a portrait with me like that yeah you are the first ever no I'm going to cry when did you do this hold on can I see this that's ridiculous cuz you're gorgeous are you kidding me I can't believe no one's ever offered that thank you thank you yeah I'm serious you got a lot of good things to work with you know can I steal you away for a minute yes you can you want to it was it was good talking so good talking to you so I'm getting pulled left and right and honestly it's like so overwhelming I'm getting really anxious and then Vince actually comes over and steals me away honestly I am relieved he for some reason just makes me feel like home kind of um I think it's because of how well our date went so I'm really comfortable with him so yeah it's just a nice feeling by the way last night was just so much fun like just the easiest easiest person to talk to ever smile amazing so it's your and so it's yours so we're talking he's like has his hand on my leg and I like don't know how I feel I like I'm just like all giddy I I just think it's so cute I just want to see where nez's head is at with all of this and you know get into those deeper conversations with her to see if you know she sees a PO potential future with anybody that's actually here do you believe in like Law of Attraction and stuff like that do you listen to Abraham hick and stuff all the time no way I fall asleep to it yeah do you really yes I do yeah this is a Dan's couch bro this is a hi all right how you doing I'm good are you stealing me yes let's go this C is a little hey hey hey hey hey I am just like freaking out inside I like Neza and I just wanted to let her know and kind of have that kiss on the cheek be a little just show of affection even though you know Dustin was right here next to us I didn't care I just wanted to show her that I'm you know really interested in her I just wasn't expecting that at all but kind of glad that he did where was that when I did season 1 I only got like a forehead kiss that was awkward why do I always miss the tea as I'm done talking to Ryan I immediately go and look for t because he wanted to respect my time with Ryan and that really showed a lot what do you normally do when you take girls out on dates I eat and I like to like activity where you can like Bond like bowling because like a movie that's out of the picture because you don't get really interact you look at the screen the whole time but I like to sit face to face I don't like the cou be the couples who sit next to each other can't do all that I like to sit across from you and he's honestly one of the sweetest guys I've ever met all a sudden I see they're screaming and they're like all gidy gitty and they're like I don't know so this definitely means an immediate girl pow out on the patio so okay one Vince kissed you on the cheek I know okay I saw that and I was like did you see that no I didn't okay wait hold on so much happened hold on let me hold on I need to like hold on I need to like digest I'm so flustered on everything that just happened like literally Troy pulled me I was like thinking that it was going to be like a getting the ins on you basically like what's the dealio but he was just like oh I want to learn some dance moves from we like went down and we were like I was teaching him like he was like I want to learn like some partner dance step what the what does that mean is he going to use that on Franny or like trying to jealous at this point everyone's confused like is he playing us like what is he doing is he like trying to make Franny jealous or something like we don't like games we don't like games up in here only group challenges I haven't like interacted with him at all today maybe he just feels a little intimidated maybe he feel feel like you were to like being standoffish well not even standoffish but it's also like I want to get to know the other guys like I gave him all the attention yesterday like I need to get to know everyone else like I'm not going to just talk to him like have full conversation with honestly like all the pulling like back and forth I was like getting like actual anxiety like I was getting overwhelmed but then when Vince pulled me I just like was so calming I don't need you guys have to pick who you want to go on the one1 date with today I don't know all right well you know let's go let's go down okay oh my goodness well I hope you guys had some time to talk to the ladies because now they are going to announce who their one-on-one dates are going to be so my oneon-one date today will be with Ryan and my one-on-one date today is with Tage she picked me that's a good sign Good Start All right so let's get ready for your oneone date and then we'll see you guys later [Music] [Music] on our way to the one-on-one date and I so excited I have no idea what the twins have in store for us it's like a group date so it's going to be fun with all of us hi no way no way wait no to your Ari CL y I am confused I never even heard of aial silks I didn't know what those ropes are this is a super cool first date and it's kind of romantic but also athletic it's going to be a lot of fun area we were in was just so like awkward and like tense uh so when she called my name it wasn't unfortun I wasn't like too surprised uh but I mean it's still like it sucks so it's not fun so you should have took my advice I told oh yeah what was your advice again stay in the friend zone the girls are on their oneone dat and the guys have a lot of downtime I don't know about you guys but I feel like morale is a little down now that they're on their one-on-one date no if your voice Li there it is oh my god there it is right off the bat yeah wait his voice yeah bro not my voice [ __ ] annoying is my voice is my voice annoying shut up shut up some of the guys is just too much man you can't be around them too long like you know like Connor his voice like kind of gets annoying sounds like squer like talking I'm like bro I'm I'm here you know trying to compete not trying to watch SpongeBob what's wrong what's wrong Dennis are you tie Tai do you need a nap I need a one in one with smack the head maybe that fix your voice sound like sound like a man I I think I'm right here what's up bro yeah up this got keeps bugging me like he keeps going and going and you know I'm like come on dude and I had enough yeah I'll take you out though right now what's the beef between you and I don't get it where's it coming from bro it's just his voice bro I can't be around my voice reminds him of how well I'm doing in the show and how not this dud hear this dude what is this guy doing yo dude like calm down everyone's just so chill he was just like itching all day he's like he came early this morning like yeah I'm ready I'm ready like what are you ready for bro man he should have just kept that same energy for like the girls like at least you know go talk to the girls so boys are going to see What You're Made Of so you're going to take uh two wraps here so your arms are going to come from the outside and you're going to wrap two times about your ear height wa you good you good try to keep your knees straight sorry Tage is a lot of fun he's really like putting in the effort which I love poor Ryan is up on those silks trying to flip and turn I mean his arms and his back looked great like he's looking good up there but it it's hard that's it you [Applause] get silks was really hard my abs are burning they're screaming right now they're on fire but I got to make myself look tough in front of the girls or else they're not going to want to bring me back for a second oneon-one date hopefully it works I was shocked Ed at how much he was putting like lifting himself off the silk super easy you got this yes so good with the left pull up and then wrap your foot and then from here you can come to your s oh my God hello break my good so Ryan and Tage are going on their one-on ones and it's a bummer that I haven't had a one-on-one yet but there's a beautiful jacuzzi at the house and it's been calling my name since I've gotten here and today is finally the day I get to go in how how do you guys feel about tonight I'm Don's coming up I'm not going to lie as the time keeps getting closer I'm getting a little bit frightened I'm not going to lie is there two people going home tonight oh that's another question I'm pretty curious about how this went on I feel like Tas is doing fine with Neza but I don't really see I don't really see r he charms me I don't really see Ry I don't see Ryan with Franny personally yeah maybe they'll hit it off though and really get along I have no idea what they're doing on their oneon-one but I hope Tage is blowing it with Nessa all right guys so we're going to move on we're going to couple up right now okay and we're going to do a little bit of of stuff together so boys did you catch that foot lock that I taught the girls absolutely not seeing someone really try something new and enjoy enjoy it like I feel like a lot of people could be sore losers and like like oh man like I can't do this like this is this is whack or something but he like really tried and we're vibing we're vibing real hard I'm So Into like me and ne's connection we were doing like Teamworks while I was helping to hold her up this exercise was the perfect thing to like make it more intimate ready two that's it he's not embarrassed we're trying to get the move down and we're just have we just have a smile on our face and it's just it's just a good time we're good [Applause] this is going well so far franie and I are really kicking it off we're talking a lot and she's kind of showing me the ropes she's done the silk thing before so I'm kind of learning from her which is really nice Ryan is being really really sweet on the state right now he's being touchy with me we're making eye contact and I can really see him putting in the effort and I really really appreciate it all right so you're going to hold yourself up which you've shown me that you can do and I'm going to help you with the silks Okay so the boys couldn't really figure out how to do the last part of silk the last like partner couple move last yeah the last couple move for silks I decided to just go ahead and try it out boom bang bada bing bada whatever I don't even know what the saying is but I did it and everyone was like whoa okay cool and um so I see Franny just go for it and I'm like okay let me give this a try AB no way frany go back you like a pull at the pull up and flip there it is you ready no [Applause] way I'm like okay go come here good job are we doing it yes y team frza we did it f the boys [Applause] sorry [Music] what's up how's it going hope you guys were able to like chill and have fun little bit Yeah but we're we're all back the girls are back from their 101 dates which means you now have 30 minutes before eliminations take choose your time wisely so we walk into the house all the boys are downstairs hanging out but Ryan and I are holding hands walking down the stairs some of their reactions were like okay well I guess this is what it is honestly I'm really worried I haven't had a lot of interactions with the girls and I had enough stress yesterday and I really hope I'm not back there tonight so we're going to go ahead and get dressed and get ready for Elimination we'll see you guys in a little bit unfortunately by Ryan won my heart tonight he tried and I was down for it I have something thing I really want to give to Franny it's something that uh I took away from our date last night and I'm really excited to give it to her I think she'll like it oh my God I'm nervous what is it well actually just uh open them it's Britney B oh my God little final record right there for you cuz I mean you know you said she was your inspiration and come on wa I love this so much let's go so much no problem I'm literally in shock it was really sweet that he remembered me saying that from yesterday during our date that really just shows that he listens and he pays attention which is very important I I owed you after last night so I defin want but no I just feel so bad because like okay it wasn't like that terrible I just felt weird afterwards so that's why like it just I don't know felt weird but I want to give you so much thank you so much I appreciate thank you I don't want to go home tonight I really do want to get to know Fran a little bit [Music] more dude this is like the no way dude like literally like always watch Britney Spear's music videos and like ber spear was like my inspiration when I was little I even forgot I told him that honestly I just feel bad I just feel like I didn't deserve this I guess you know what I mean you do deserve things like this you deserve someone to be you deserve someone to spoil you even after rough date yeah yeah I guess no not I guess yes you do hell no just wear the clear ones guys you guys we have some tea what what what happened apparently like something happened like a producer gave us this is a clip of like people either like fighting or something I don't know there's no sound so we don't have any contact but they said to watch this hold on wait when was this today well you guys were on the one1 date is that who is that Dennis wait Dennis and Vince wait that's Connor that's Dennis he choked out Connor go back that doesn't make any sense um yeah I don't know what to do because wait play it one more time hold on look look so you go go go it looks like he said something and then he just comes over and just chokes him chokes him and he looks scared no he's he's playing it off like like he doesn't care but that's scary okay well that is weird and that changes things well today was pretty fun you guys did amazing at dancing way better than we thought you guys would but unfortunately it's that time of the day where we've come to elimination since Dustin was the MVP of the dance today you are safe from elimination app but the rest of you good luck yeah I don't think there's any chance I'm going home I think fry and I really hit it off so I'm safe this is good I'm feeling confident because of the interaction that Neza and I had but the thing that brings down my confidence a little bit is that she's also having these same moments with other guys too okay so the first person in the bottom three is Denzel I got called out to being a bottom three why me I didn't even do anything there's like other people there that you know hasn't even tried but I I'm the one to get called the second person in the bottom three is Dennis at this point I mean really can't do anything kind of talk to them briefly but I didn't have like the one-onone with them and the last person is Bennett the person going home tonight we decided that this person hasn't really made an effort today or the whole time that we've been here to get to know us and you know on this show you never know when it's going to be your last chance to speak to us and we just don't feel like it's a match so the person going home tonight is Bennett okay thank you ladies I really didn't expect to get eliminated this early I hadn't had had a lot of um conversations with the girls I'm a very confident guy and I know that I have a lot of value and I think I might have overvalued myself without putting in the work damn it Bennett sad to see you go but I knew you was going to go man cuz you know you got to go back home and do your hair so when Bennett left he didn't even come up and like hug us like yeah I know we just kind of like hurt your feelings by kicking you off the show the second person we are eliminating tonight is Dennis at this point I'm glad I got eliminated just U ready to go home didn't work out it happens when I say Dennis's name he immediately storms out I could understand if he was busting his butt like going out of his way to like pull us to the side and talk to us like I could not even tell you one fact about Dennis like I don't I could you know what I mean like I didn't talk to him I didn't get to know him so so goodbye you know bye see you later well then so Denzel that means you're safe you can join the boys back on the stairs thank you all right well I hope you guys had a great day and hope you get a lot of rest tonight because what you learned today you might be using it those skills tomorrow let's well we'll see you later good night good night you bye by the way you guys look great thank you I am so excited to see these boys get competitive you didn't have to tell me I did I really did yes I did I'm going to go on a date with him at like and he's into you oh my god overall this day was kind of filled with a lot it was a lot there was a lot especially like you know the fight and it's like tension and the awkwardness the show's just starting it's funny cuz they're all like super sweet but yet their personalities are coming out each day and we'll see what happens tomorrow come com down below your ship name for your favorite couple make sure to subscribe to Awesomeness TV Franny Nessa our Channel give this video a thumbs up and see you the next episode bye hey guys welcome to episode three of twin my heart where we find our two best friends [Applause] love it's going interesting so far if you guys haven't seen the other episodes make sure to check them out the girls don't know what we have in store for them but we can tell you that it's going to be a great time I'm in Miss Bennett though for sure though I'm going to Miss Bennett for sure he was good peoples I'm bumed that Bennett's gone but I'm not here to make bromances I'm here to get to know and form a solid connection ction with Neza and see if something good can come from that sorry Bennett oh there you where were you sneaky little SL guy how was out and about what are we talking about you you you oh my ears are burning I could tell I'm feeling confident today there are seven of us left and the people that want to be here are definitely putting in the effort for these girls making sure that their presence is known and doing what they can to get time with each lady so what's your plan today Ryan what's my plan today just be my natural Charming cell that's not gonna cut it with I know it's like crazy right now I feel like there's a lot of tension going on with like the guys and like I feel like some guys don't know who to pick like either Franny or Nessa and then there's definitely some guys who know exactly who they want and it's just like it's kind of crazy it's kind of crazy who do you ship huh who do you ship I really like Franny and Ryan fryan team fryan I just ruined their whole ship name comment down below who you think is going to be sent home today and then at the end of the episode go back to your comment and edit and see if you were right good morning guys hell hello how's it going all right so being on the show has been a little overwhelming I was not expecting to care so much about the guys I do do have my eye on a few but you never know so we'll see we'll see what happens things are going to get interesting cuz I've been seeing a lot of romances kind of coming together and I feel like those are going to fall apart very quickly as we go on so we're going to hop right into the group date today and the group date you guys are going to be split into teams first person I pick is Dustin Denzel Vince T Connor Ryan so that leaves Troy Troy Ro paper scissors over Troy okay sorry Troy I'm pretty sure Troy was a little surprised that he was picked last I got Troy all right cool all right Troy's on frany team so the group date is going to be making of the band yeah all right you guys are going to basically make your own boy band so you're going to write a song make some music maybe add a dance routine to it and then perform it for us girls we're going to be the judges of it [Applause] so this is right up nezza and Franny's alley they both make music so the guy they end up with needs to be very supportive of their career whether they're good at it or bad at it like they just need to have fun with it the challenge starts now I am so excited to see these boys get competitive so let's bring on this group challenge so where do we start n see the piano doesn't go with it we're coming in into this and I feel like I have to kind of Take Charge because I have the most background in [Music] music Denzel is pulling his weight and he's doing the lyrics and he's coming up with some awesome stuff we're actually putting something good together so I'm actually really surprised with how this is going all right we got to come up with something um all right so NE being a musician I obviously wanted to take the lead on our team that's actually kind of tight Vince of course is kind of taking the lead on figuring out what the melody is going to be but we're all vibing pretty well let's like start off with like what are some things about Neza that we like smile yeah eyes personality bubbly we only have so much time but we're coming up with some pretty decent stuff prayers the type of girl I want to keep by my side since day one I know she changed my life Denzel's working on his rap and some of the lyrics and Troy is working on some of the lyrics they're putting it together sounds great pretty stoked to perform this right now through it again comic yeah cuz we were talking about like Mak it a little bit like funny I think we're doing really well getting our song in performance [Music] together now the time has come I'm excited to meet the boy bands all right guys team Neza let's hear what you got team Neza is we are the hopeful Romantics I'm really hoping that I can charm Neza with my guitar playing singing and harmonica in the [Music] song oh my God I'm going to cry oh my God I'm going to cry can't you see one for one of us been a couple of days two of us will have to leave I really love your style I really love your smile when you hit them folks want to stay a while one what othering [Music] all right boys I see you out there I feel like I could be listening to this on the radio or something it sounds really good and I a little self-conscious of Our Song now oh oh oh yo you're beautiful inside and out I ain't like these guys say is after the CL you a star and you already know it got the twinkle in your eye and it's showing sound bright like the diamond in your teeth I want to kiss you from your head to your feet chasing you when I'm running for Miles cuz I'm trying to stay a [Music] with so the hopeful Romantics are killing it right now there's no way that Fry's team is going to [Music] win Conor's laying down some moves I've never seen before right now I don't know what's going on [Applause] good so nervous we're the Fantastic Four all right the Fantastic Four Troy and Ryan I didn't even know they played guitar friend's the type of girl I want to keep by my side since day one I know you changed my life but to When You Love I got to f f f and that's all right oh my God girl girl girl girl girl girl you look so good to girl girl girl girl girl girl so pretty I don't know what to say girl girl girl girl girl girl her song is so funny and I'm cracking up listening to it she's beautiful she's conf I got to say on top of it these other juing you I got to be on top of it damn I'm [ __ ] up but it's all right I just want to know can I have one night with you that was like really that was really good right [Music] M this is hilarious it's it's [Music] good girl girl so take me out to W that was so [Applause] good all right I am I'm shocked so shocked by both teams like they were amazing I thought they were going to like throw some like rinky dinky rap thing together yeah because usually when you play games like that they'll just do a little rap and do a little dance but this a full number like a full song a full song and like the lyrics were good and everything guys oh my gosh dud Dustin's freestyle like that was that was so good when he said the diamond on your tooth I was like oh my God that was so cute yeah that was really cool yeah he killed it Conor dancing oh my God maybe was cute he was trying he was he was Ryan commenting about the massages was hilarious honestly actually Ryan says I give better massages yeah why I jump behind the couch so hopeful Romantics did so great I mean their song was amazing but the Fantastic 4 just brought that comedic relief and I think everyone just needed that I think it's going to be a difficult decision but I think we know we have an idea we know all right who we're going to choose guys that was absolutely amazing honestly we're all super shook we wish it could be a tie but it's not but too bad for sure we're going to win theirs was funny but as an actual song it's pretty good so so we all unanimously chose Fantastic 4 what let's go honestly I think it was like more of a Pity thing that you won because if I was a judge I would say yo you messed up your freestyle you let me down this is the thing though no no no no no no this is the thing I mess up the freestyle but you know what I saved it at the end at the end of the day frantastic 4 really made Franny laugh now that means the girls are going to choose their MVPs for the group challenge today since there were two groups there's two MVPs so the MVP from Fantastic 4 is Troy it feels good so the MVP for the hopeful Romantics is Vince Vince you guys have an hour to chat hang out do whatever and we'll see you guys in an hour yes I'll spent the last hour with these guys we going to have some oneon-one time okay all right okay where are we going it's our spot what what's our spot the Cozy spot on the couch oh my gosh okay okay okay I so I need my oneone time with nea I finally pull her to the side we're cuddling on on the couch it's really cute I really love his energy so like on a scale of 1 to 10 how did you feel about the freestyle like 10 out of 10 for sure yeah okay okay so are you saying like I can go on a date with you 10 out of 10 or I mean I don't know we're going to see so what do you think what a view guys you see this hi Troy I I'm looking at don't mind him right there Here Comes Troy a nice view out what are you doing dude dude I I didn't see going so I'm like you know what I'm going to take her away physically picking her up where are we going oh my gosh no way what is happening I'm just a little confused as to why Troy pulled me because of the bond that he has with Franny so I don't know please don't drop me that's would be so bad actually excited to like have some time with you again I have haven't really spoken to you since like day one I know literally I cuz I I remember mentioning I don't know to who but I was like I had a really nice conversation with denzelle on the first day when we were like in the movie theater yeah but I feel like you're like a beautiful person though like when you smile you could see like the genuine in you I really want to get to know Denzel he seems really down to earth really sweet but I I just didn't see the effort from him yesterday I don't know I I just hope that today is a little different and I get to just talk to him and I have more alone time with him like how are you with like like the guys and stuff I mean the other guys are pretty cool but I feel like for me it's just like I could see right through them is a lot of guys just like playing it up for the camera a lot of guys also like talk about high your back and stuff like that what about Neza do you like her personality for sure I think just it it resonates a little bit more with me than uh than Franny she's like super positive she's not the kind of person that's going to want bad people around her and I'm the same way it's like if you're just going to be you know negative and you know a terrible person you're not going to have them in your life and I'm just like I feel like you guys are making it seem like Franny isn't like you know positive and like genuine as well I just that's funny that they're like saying that but yeah I feel like I haven't really you know I have really gone alone time with like a very small amount of people so yeah but if they don't think that then you know they're lost exactly what you are territorial sir not really I think I've been here for a while and I think you know I'm trying I'm trying to Sol my first date with you so I love that you made the effort I do I appreciate it so much but I am going to go see what Troy wants to speak to me about that's okay Troy yes so I loved that Dustin wanted to spend a lot of time with me but I did feel that I needed to go see what Troy wanted so I told Dustin that I would talk to him later and I went to go look for Troy I don't know if you know this but there's this girlfriend Ry yes and I'm I'm quite yeah familiar with her her yeah so I just want to talk to you to see if I can get some Intel on her I think Franny is being a little standoffish towards me which I guess stems from the first date so I'm trying to get tanza to get some Intel so hopefully she can give me some some good tips cuz I kind of need it so I'm outside with denzelle And We Vibe really well I feel like every time we talk or have talked the conversation just flows really easily and smoothly and I don't ever feel like I have to like worry about something I'm going to sneak in for just a second oh man here goes Conor again I know this is this is this is the game right but I mean true I mean I don't understand what you're sneaking you can you can stay here for this actually you don't need to go what's up what's up so but I do need to talk to you all of a sudden Connor comes and interrupts our little chat and it was really weird because immediately mediately Denzel gets extremely defensive and tries to get him to go away we haven't had a whole lot of interaction right we haven't remember earlier when I was telling you about like some of the guys by the pool were saying like you know NES is just like more out there and that this is one of the guys and so I'm really shocked that he's out here interrupting right now yeah yeah I mean you got to do what you got to do right so you so you got a trash talk to do what you got to do that's what you're saying oh am I trash talking I mean yesterday you I mean you definitely had some words you know you were like all about Nest so I'm wondering why you're out here now that's yeah I tell you that I mean this is the reason why I haven't been getting to interact with you a whole lot cuz I got to spend time with her or I got to try and spend time with her of course I have to put Conor on a spot like I cannot let this kid ruin my chances of a date I know you know it's nothing personal I hope I also hope you see it more as a relief that there's one less guy trying to like get at you all the time constantly no it's fine I don't understand the purpose of what he's doing right now it just there's no point to it at all thank you for like standing up for me and thank you for calling him out because if he sat there and was just talking BS about saying I don't know what I wouldn't have known yeah true true well I appreciate that you really appreciate that honestly it really it really I really do yeah so cuz I just want to like make sure that no one's trying to play with your emotions you get what I'm trying to say can I steal you me yeah I got a little something planned for you okay okay where are we going our little spot that we've been like okay I'm really excited to see what surprise he has he always has something fun and he's just super sweet so I'm excited what is that uh you know some some greens and some flowers no way the dates so far are kind of a peak into ne's life and so I wanted to make the opportunity to let her have a peek into my life okay I wanted to kind of give you a little challenge of my own a little tutorial okay we're going to we're going to make a bouquet together okay okay I love that yes I'm down I'm this is so sweet I have never done anything like this before so I'm excited to do something new she seems she seems pretty stoked about the whole idea she seems really into it I feel like with this whole kind of situation too you're uh you're making the best of it it's weird isn't it I mean it's not a normal situation right like this isn't like normal dating like you don't have to like meet 10 guys at once and yeah I just hope that like no one's feelings are hurt today I think is going to be the toughest because I feel like we've all bonded we have all bonded for sure got pretty close so can I tell you something though what's up is you have a house full of amazing guys so no matter what happens we all know what we signed up for okay and you don't need to worry about like hurting any of our feelings or anything like that I appreciate that yeah cuz we know that even if we get voted off or something you're going to be in good hands a after yesterday's date I really want to know Neza more so I'm going to go talk to frany and try to get some inside tips from her best friend so I just kind of want to know like from her best friend like what do you think anything I should do I should know about that can kind of like kind of help me like you know with Neza yeah H let's see yeah so T pulls me to the side and he asks me about Neza be yourself she loves to laugh okay so laughing humor um okay I'm just like trying to think is there like any like anything that like only you would know as a best friend that I can like like maybe like your like favorite like I don't know candy or just like something like small that could possibly you know try to she loves Hot Cheetos I get it you know he's he's into her and I totally that's totally fine I'm not like head over heels for TAS I I just wanted to get to know him a little more I wanted to you know maybe have some more one-on-one time with him it's corny but it's not corny it's like it's it's like you know that's cute Hello mind if I swoop in for a minute yeah yeah yeah how you doing so how you doing yeah good did I did I did I help it all I did okay good luck everything okay cool man what you done doing hi can I get you for a little bit Yeah I take you somewhere yeah sure hard to navigate out for this all right what you think absolutely hi what up man the bouquet yet you're the one person who knows this spot so I can like do you want to do you want to like come sit with us of course Vince comes in I figure there's two ways to go about this I can either be mad and upset and try and shoe them off or I intend to finish spending time with her so if you're going to be here then you can join us and and maybe one last one right here that's what I was saying okay okay okay cool I mean you know that I mean that's pretty dang good we did the best we could for working with what we got great bouquet hour is over goad goad go ahead thank you so much I've never done anything like this it's beautiful thank you I'm pulling Neza outside just to get her away from all the rest of the guys trying to take her to her spot that she hasn't been in the house yet I listened to your stuff last night I was like did you really no you did not how does that voice come out of this tiny little body I don't get it no way I mean your voice is like incredible like I don't just say that like lightly absolutely like thank yeah finally get a chance to talk to Vince we go outside and just Lounge by the pool and it's a really pretty day and we're just talking and getting to know each other a little more when's your birthday March 3rd March 3rd oh my gosh okay when's your birthday January 13th you know that my I forgot ne's birthday that was trash wow wow wow can I make it up to you I don't know I don't know I'll think about it all right another cupcake would be great yeah mhm kind of um chocolate's always good red velvet mhm okay yeah M stop don't do I can't stop I know I know I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't I'm looking into his eyes I'm staring at his lips and I know exactly what's about to [Music] [Music] happen it was amazing um she's a really good kisser and yeah I was just putting myself out there hoping that she would reciprocate it and she did she's very good kisser okay that happened I'm not mad at it not mad M no way all right we're going here not the best venue but like wait what way more lowkey cuz people are not going to see where we are so oh okay I'm trying to not get scoped in on so Ryan goes ahead and grabs me and he takes me into the laundry room all right I get it the laundry room kind of a weird place but I had to get you out of there and away from everybody else so it's not super romantic but it works I had a great time yesterday okay you keep talking about how stressed you are okay yeah right so I wanted to give you something CU you been so stressed oh my God so I have a [Music] basket she's been talking a lot about how this whole competition is really getting to her she's not sleeping enough so I got some candles flowers some other things I think she'll really like you are so sweet I have no words it's just so sweet that he listened to what I said to him yesterday cuz I was telling him how stressed out I was and how I was super anxious about everything going on it's just like a really really nice and thoughtful gift than oh jez thank you for sure I appreciate it so much for we go outside to grab some fresh air and talk a little bit it's literally like a movie scene right now you just see all of La it's a beautiful sunny day and we're getting really close and we're being really touchy and we're holding each other's hands and yeah it's just it's really nice it's really really nice you give me an embarrassing story if I give you an embarrassing story um someone asked me that the other day I don't know I can't think of an embarrassing story like I'm just so perfect all no not like that I'm never embarrassed ever no I am but I feel like there's just so many like I I don't want to tell you this is not going to be a good look tell [Music] me okay where did that come from no I actually do like you out no I do outside the context of the show you're very fun we're standing there talking and then out of nowhere he leans in and kisses me and it was great I think like was that too quick was that too soon was kissing overly aggressive you're so sweet shut up leave me alone what you're so sweet it was a really sweet kiss oh heet all right good job so when the camera's cut after we kissed Ryan grabbed me again and he kissed me and he was like that's off camera too I guess just like insinuating like I do like you like it's not just it's not just an act it's not like for the cameras so that really was like [Music] [Music] [Applause] wow [Applause] [Music] what's going on we're just kind of chilling just talking about like who should be the one one date okay so Vince pulled me he kissed me had butterflies it's weird because I wasn't expecting and I still want to get to know other people so I don't I'm not going to let that looks like you're in the same boat Frannie yeah what no way no way Ryan pissed me when when we were out the balcony he kissed me like on the lips yes oh my gosh guys Connor sorry I'm so flustered over the kiss oh my God we like he like taught me how to like build a bouquet okay well tange came up to me and asked me about you I told you yesterday did I tell you that I but it's because I haven't had of we haven't had a conversation of how the date went like when you had your experience with Troy you spoke to Troy and you were like it was kind of weird I haven't had that moment with with it wasn't weird like it wasn't like it was you had fun yeah but you didn't show that it was weird E I don't know I don't know I showed it was weird and I immediately said it after I cuz like you didn't come after the date with t you were like oh my God like I couldn't I just it was just so awkward it was so weird like you were like oh my God he's so much fun he's so much fun but yeah dude I knew it I told you like I knew it the second he was going to go on a date with you I knew like that was a WAP like I was not going to be able to go on a date with him this is not how I saw things going with Tage I need to pull Tage and be like hey I think you're great Lu that cuz he's like I I'm feeling the vibes from Neza I'm feeling the vibes from Neza so I don't know what vies but I didn't think that he felt the connection yesterday just because I didn't feel that there was that spark with him well have you guys thought about who you want to take on the oneon-one date I think we have a good idea of who we want to take on the one-on ones today yeah should we go yeah you can you can take Tage on the date right now you realize that right like you can take Tage no I'm not you can take Tage you're telling me I'm going to pick you can take you're telling me I'm going to take Tage after him telling me yes because you can be like yes because then you can be like I know that I'm going to look God no you're not no you're not because of what I just said here you can just be like I know that you went on the one-onone date with with nasda yesterday but I want to get to know you no okay then I don't know what to tell you I'm just not going to go on the date with Tage but like I'm saying is like he came up to me asking for advice for me or for you but I'm not I'm not going to do that I know I understand but it doesn't mean that you can't go on a date with him like why don't you just say like hey I know you got I'm not going to go on a date with him at like and he's into you but he's in it's the safe but oh my God you really can go on a date you realize that you can you can take him on a date just say this say I know that you went on the date this is a dating show fry that's what we do we have to like you it doesn't matter I don't care I don't want to I'm not going to I'm not after him coming up to me and saying hey what is Neza like what can I get Neza I'm going to be like so I just gave you advice on what to give Neza but I'm going to take you on a date now she's even laughing cuz it looks stupid I don't know what's happening right now Franny and I never fight this just doesn't make any sense I feel like he didn't know who to go for because he thinks both of you are so pretty well well yeah and then so when you took him on the date yesterday yeah he was like oh I guess Ness isn't to me and not Franny it's also hard because it's not like we're just two girls on the show we're best friends so these guys are trying not to cross that line like if you went on date with one best friend you're not going to go and ask none of them have crossed that line they've all been pretty respectful and like he's obviously not going to do that unless I talk to him at the end of the day I just want what's best for Franny and I do want her to give Tage a chance because I do think that it could be a match I need to do some damage control because I was taken a b I know Franny was taken a back by it and I just feel like I need to set things straight with Tage hey Tage can I pull you real quick of course you can NE grabs me and I'm thinking like yes she beats me to it we both want the same thing so I wanted to pull you just because like I think I'm going to cry I hate doing stuff like this I'm going to cry I think that you are so amazing I told the girls yesterday after I date I was like like he literally would fit in with our friend group so well I see myself being like the greatest of friends with him outside of the house but I just don't know if I felt that like connection with you I'm getting emotional I didn't expect to have to do this and I feel so bad cuz I don't want to lead anyone on in the show and you know I do want you to like live the show to the fullest I guess and yeah I don't know I'm so sorry no it's fine it's I feel a little hurt not going to front but I did appreciate her honesty you want to do her hug Shake one last time yeah what do you mean one last time this is started to handshake for forever true all right thank you for your honest of course of course I hated that what happened now nothing I just like I feel so bad like you didn't have to tell him that I did I really did yes I did why I don't know cuz I just don't want to waste anyone's time like okay well that that's how we all are on this boat right now you don't have to do that I know I don't understand why Neza had to go and tell Tage that she just saw him as a friend but you know it's her choice she wanted to go tell Tage that she just wants to be friends that's fine because she really wants me to go on a date with him but that still doesn't make me feel better I guess that just I still feel the same so whether she talk to him or not like what Franny doesn't understand is that there's no time to waste I just felt the need to let him know so there's no leading on at the end of the day this is a dating show and you have to get to know everyone so I hope he does step up to the plate and get to know FR so the girls are going to now choose who they're are going to take on their one-on-one date so girls take it away so the person I'll be taking with me today on my one-on-one date is Denzel thank you for picking me I appreciate that finally thank you okay so we kissed I thought it was great but she picked Denzel for the 101 date which means something else I don't know if she liked it so my mind's really all over the place I don't know how to feel and the person that I will be taking on my 101 date is Dustin hey I appreciate it's lit guess who got that double day guess who got that double day we did we did so let's get ready to go yeah yeah let's go come on boys see you losers later uh yeah it's not fun watching the girl that you like leave the house with another guy uh wow well it's Denzel it's it's I'm have to worry I did not see that it's Denzel I'm not really wor bro did not see that coming yeah no I was kind of surprised by that wow them I think it was out of pity cuz like you can't you can't take one without the other [Music] right oh my gosh so for the one-on-one date we thought it would be so fun for the girls and the guys guys to go to a pottery class I think it'll be cute in an interesting way for the girls and guys to you know maybe touch hands I I wonder if I can sneak in and try making a pot too all I know is Pottery is really hard so I'm interested to see how the date goes this is literally on my bucket list like I don't think you understand how much I love Pottery okay okay we ready okay let's do it I'm going to smack that down in the middle and I'm going to secure it to the wheel to make sure it doesn't go flying into someone's face oh wait wa wa we're all going to go step by step together from the moment we sit down we are crying laughing I mean my abs are hurting my cheeks are hurting I just know that this is going to be the best time am I doing this right I don't know so I think you got to cup it a little more I it I think you got to cup it a bit more to shape it sing a little bit you're you're good what the look at what can I say you know we got the charm we got the looks listen we got the jokes exactly we had them dying laughing of course they're going to laugh we're freaking funny we're the Mooney Bros come on oh wait it's coming to part wait no no Denzel is not really doing too great in the pottery class he keeps destroying his pot or his bowl I don't even know how he keeps doing that every time I look over it's just a complete pile of mush will will you be mine thank you it looks so beautiful on you I knew it fit I knew it fit love it I'll get it resized later so even though Pottery is a like oneperson activity d didn't found any chance that he could to flirt and you know lean in and touch me so I thought that was really cute what did you guys made me do oh my what happened I've never seen frany laugh so much with someone so it's really cool to see her in that aspect and I think she's having the best time yo you see you freaked out that this made me freak out don't look over here I'm containing myself stop what is going on there I'm making hey hey hey SOA and I have never been on double dates before until coming on to the show and there's so much fun I don't get why we don't do this more often wrong get it get it get keep missing yo I'm really enjoying this day can this can this go any better than this nope and I guarantee they're not going to get any better than this yo we spent like countless amount of seconds minutes hours just laughing oh looks like you feel bro okay now don't one um I I don't want to do I don't want to do a bowl anymore I want to do a cup is is that fine yeah we could do a cup all right let's do a cup you know what you could do with that is you can turn it into okay something like that oh how so this would be the part I got you and this is the part that goes out oh look what I made for you friend a heart bowl a look at that yes see I'm very thoughtful of you I just want to let you know that's not even a heart it's a mind your business do you think Denzel would take that that fire I know that's kind of what I'm worried about cuz I feel like if I slow the roll down today which kind of is possible then like who knows what will happen you know what I mean yeah you got to keep up the it's a weird it's a dance it's a weird balance between like you need to be forward and you need to like you know take action but at the same time you also don't want to be like overbearing you want to respect the boundaries I think yeah there's two ways of thinking about it either Neza feels that we've been getting enough solid interaction not on oneon-one dates for her to feel confident not eliminating me or maybe she's just not interested today look when I talked to NE had a long time with Neza today yeah man she pulled me aside yeah I was putting my stuff away and then he walked down into the movie room yeah oh but she pulled me aside I was like oh okay you inside yeah oh wow how that go man not how I expected but you know it is what it is wait what how did it go basically like it's just a rap for me probably like it just like their friendship was there but I I don't know if like the relationship aspect I don't know if she was feeling it man but the holding hands though you guys were holding hands that was yesterday bro the that was the the that wasn't today it's a it's a new day man it's you know a ain't given think could happen so we'll see man at this point I don't know what's next for me Franny knows that I'm interested in Neza but Neza is not interested in me so I don't know what that leaves me that was I think the best and funniest date I have ever been on in my life like is it really I'm not kidding I don't think I've laughed that hard and so consistently in such a long time like it was just it was so much fun well I'm happy that I could like help make you happy and make you laugh so now that we're done making these bowls I want to talk to fry a little bit so since I gave you a gift like do I get a gift from Return like what's up what you mean I mean like like a kiss or something or like a little kiss you know like I made you laugh I'm happy that I could do that for you and you know just to like give you a little preview of what's like to happen okay kiss I guess that this is really happening right now again the second time today okay get a little kiss little kiss a little more maybe maybe your boy just got a kiss did you not one but two okay friend look at you you got a cute smile oh stop I just I just made one of the pens out of the mug I gave you so I can honestly say that is probably like the best day I've ever been on for real me too I can say that too I'm Li because you know why I've never done it before you've never done it before so I think it's like that first initial fun time sharing that together is like bomb so my date with Desa is actually going good now that we have our one-onone time she's still laughing we're getting to know each other's past about relationships what we want moving forward so can I give you a kiss on the cheek is that cool yeah and maybe later we can step up maybe maybe maybe all right cool I love it when a guy asks if he can kiss you I think that's really respectful proving to me that he is a Class Act guy 1300s okay oh boy all oh wow hi guys back can you explain the red shirts now we got a little dirty can you guys guess what we did painting painting oh what's it called uh the clay massages are usually more fun whatever awward all right well it's time to get ready for elimination so ladies let's head upstairs and have a little it go bye so much happened today I know I can't even think now well maybe also I don't like that that Troy he's bringing up the massage thing now now it's getting it's getting like now it's getting like okay like we get like it was awkward whatever but like you didn't have to bring it up again like is is he going to bring it up till what the last day or whatever today has been so crazy like with everything that happened but I think we know what we have to do for eliminations yeah I think we I think we have an idea yeah this sucks I know it's getting hard now hard great all right it's the hardest time of the day it's time for eliminations just so you guys remember that if you were chosen as MVP that means you are safe from eliminations so Troy you are safe Vince you are safe so Franny and Nessa reveal your bottom two tonight is going to be really hard because it's gotten to the point where we now have gotten to know everyone and everyone is just so great and it's just going to be so sad to see anyone leave at this point so the first person in our bottom two is I know for a fact my name is going to be called right now and I was just kind of mentally preparing for it not to like look too emotional [Music] t the second person in the bottom two is Connor yeah there it is uh it's it's it's me all right all right okay the person that is not a match for us tonight is someone that made it very clear to me today that they're not into me so I don't really see why I would keep them around the second man the second that Franny said her bit I'm like oh there it is yeah yeah Okay cool so the person going home tonight um has put so much effort into getting to know me and he's absolutely amazing and I know that he's going to make a girl on the outside so happy but I just feel like it isn't a match for me or Franny so the person going home tonight is Conor so great nice to meet you yeah to meet you too I know that I can't just leave with a quick hug goodbye steal you for a sec I'm stealing her one last time okay we'll see you guys later Connor asked to pull me outside I'm not sure what to expect what he's going to say it's a really really tough decision you're you're an awesome girl and you deserve all that okay one of those guys that's that's your dude you know you've you've got a awesome a lot of awesome guys in there so I know that you're going to get exactly what you want exactly what you deserve out of this and if it's not me that's totally okay all right I don't want you to like feel bad or anything okay yeah all right thanks for this awesome experience you thank you I'll see you later I'll see [Music] you as as as fun as our like interactions were and as cool as it was getting to know her um like I I I'm totally into her I uh yeah I uh I saw some potential like if I'm if I'm not her person that's that's the way it is so with that Tage you are safe and you can join the boys up on the stairs I want to keep Tage around because I do think he's Absol absolutely great he has an amazing personality and if he's not a match for me he might be a match for Franny I do want to get to not because we just haven't had that oneon-one time so we will see what the next couple of days bring so you guys are all safe hope you guys get a lot of rest tonight tomorrow is going to be really fun and I hope you guys bring some Style with you so have a good night guys even though Neza and I will probably just be friends from here on out I still want to take the chance to get to know Franny he was just so understanding and he was like it's fine like the guy for you is in there and like you know just do like do you basically and like he was just so sweet sorry nazes and frie I feel bad crazy crazy day both had a crazy day no come in come in hey pretty girl hi you all right I'm good I just wanted to take you upstairs and play that for you okay yeah let's go is okay yeah yeah I plan on doing something really nice for Neza especially after seeing her reaction and you know how hard she took eliminating Connor tonight oh my gosh no way I'm going to cry I'm really emotional right now oh my gosh no way I go on to the patio and there's candles everywhere there's a bottle of wine there's rose petals everywhere and you can see the whole City View and it is just absolutely beautiful well this I I mean look at this a view wine guitar what is that do you need another SI no I'm good I'm good here I but I probably yeah yeah I'm a little nervous I think I could use one to oh my [Music] God yeah you got us lifted above the LA lights girl you got me vibing in that red dress on last night you gifted yeah you draw me in handri out to grab you but I won't let them window GL I didn't miss this I cannot stop smiling the whole time that he singing to me is just absolutely beautiful only I see [Laughter] is that is so cute No Way NE is a really special girl and I'm really excited that I was able to create a special moment for her I'm definitely falling for Vince I didn't think it was going to happen so soon I'm just excited to see what happens next thank you good it was so sweet this competition is going to be a breeze elephant in the room I heard like you at one point friend him imagine being the second option W like that's literally what I was insecure about so today's episode has been crazy if you've enjoyed this episode of twin my heart give this video a thumbs up it's been super crazy and super exciting it was too many emotions but if you guys commented at the beginning who you thought was going home today edit your comment right now and let us know if your choice was correct or wrong and then comment who you think is going to go home next episode in the next video subscribe to awesome subscribe to our Channel subscribe to Nea and Franny and we'll see you guys in the next episode bye hey guys I'm Veronica I'm Vanessa welcome back to season 2 of twin my [Music] heart oh my gosh I feel like a lot has happened I'm just excited to see what is in store today I know we have a lot of fun things plann and I'm excited to see what happens yesterday was a little overwhelming so I hope today just you know brings a little bit more clarity Ryan and Denzel really showed me yesterday how they feel so I feel like I kind of know where they're at right now now but I really don't know where I stand with Troy and Tas right now but I hope by the end of the day I can make a decision am a little conflicted because I've had such a great time getting to know Vince but I also had such a great time yesterday with Dustin I also hope today isn't awkward between me and Tage because again I do want us to stay friends so we'll see what happens I'm really interested to see what Vanessa and Veronica have up their sleeve for us today because they got something always planned you know after that first day I do not know what to expect anymore oh my gosh we have a fun surprise for the girls it's a big surprise and we got to make sure this works out [Music] perfect I made it out the basement to the penthouse I aim high like the moon and the stars yeah I shine bright rhyme like an animal electrically recorded on mechanical it's morning time so of course why not sort off the morning we're doing some daily workouts do I work out every morning I try to I do some what what what are you saying about what are you saying nothing as a trainer you spend a lot of the time in the gym so I'm like okay I can maybe you know gauge some of the guys Fitness levels see where their strengths are where L their weaknesses are there you go come on good back to hooks I don't work out at all but these guys are all taking their shirts off and I'm not going to be the only guy with a shirt on got to you know appreciate your own body so I'm doing that that's the personal trainer walk right there that you just did we walk the side so um we found the guys and they're in the gym working out and oh my gosh oh my goodness oh my goodness is9 1,000 guys come your office the hell morning morning every all I can say is wow Dustin had muscles on his muscles I hope you had a good workout um so I hope you guys are ready for this group date like I said yesterday I hope you guys bring some style so let's go get changed and go upstairs yeah it was a good way to wake up this morning Neza I know you were talking about my muscles I seen your eyes light up when I got up from doing my one-handed push-ups you was like she was trying to look at somebody else and she keep looking back at me like oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh all right it's time for the group date I'm really excited for this one but you guys are going to be competing individually it's not about what girl you like it's about how well you do as an individual for the challenge all right ladies let's go ahead and split the guys into teams so my first choice is Troy so my first choice is Denzel T Vince Ryan so my third choice is Dustin hey save the best for last I like that so now you guys get to know what the challenge is you guys will each get 60 seconds to pick an outfit for your girl 60 minutes 60 seconds wow this competition is going to be a [Music] breeze and the challenge starts now so when I think of frddy I think fun this looks fun this looks good I feel like you know baggie is pretty much her style but you know let's try to keep it going now the problem is like I said FR will good in everything matter what's going to make her look the best you know a leotard you know white with the yellow and these white shoes look like a good contrast we'll go with that oh my gosh I cannot mess this up honestly I can't go home tonight I have more to CH Franny I can't go home you want me to go home no someone needs pants pants oh hell no these oh no try to do shoes first I'm going for the pants I'm going for the pants first pants are important these also like these I like this this will be perect tht taller than her so those are options it's like way too fast to try and put something together but you know I'm going to do the best I can yeah this be so hot on you you and oh my God is that that's not even a full shirt cool do you like holes or no holes yeah are really cool I feel really confident CU I have a good sense of style some shorts you know I feel like you want to get your little Beyonce Vibes going okay all right all right green shorts green shorts so you wearing my what the what all right right granie wore my jacket yesterday my gray one so I'm trying to put it in my red sweatshirt today kind of confused I was like what is he doing and then I realized he throws it in his arms and he's putting it towards the outfit he's giving me so I'm like all right so now it's time for a fashion show first up we have Troy with [Applause] Franny it's even better than I expected oh my gosh I that's what happens when you're working with Franny as your model so that's what you're going to get all right so my thought process here is when I when I hear Franny I think fun and fit so the yellow brings out her outgoing personality it's kind of just out vibrant clearly she knows exactly how to work it's cozy it's a cozy outfit then you know she didn't want to tell him like yo it look bad but she's like it's comfy yeah swinging a Miss there Troy uh did not did not hit that one out of the park at all all right let's bring out Nessa all right I like this okay okay I did good that's what I'm talking about okay so I'm going to start off with the jacket you know I think the jacket is like a classic bomber you know you could you could sport it inside or outside you know what I'm saying you could take it off and then I got the leotard you know for when she's feeling hot it's like showing some skin you know what I'm saying it's giving a little sexy you know what I'm trying to say so and I definitely love the pants I think the pants fits your style you know you're a dancer you like baggy clothes a little bit I'm just assuming but you know it still looks good on you and I had to throw like you know the combat boots you know either if you want to go to like the store if you want to go to war you're ready for whatever I hope do you like it you killed it actually that's what I'm talking about yeah Denzel props to you my guy listen when you get with my brother just hide me as your stylist all right wow I absolutely love this outfit the camel pants are so me and the olive green jacket I I also really love next up we have Tage and he styled frany so Franny let's see your [Applause] outfit fry walks out and all I see is everyone's reactions and they were loud and hyped my God my God I'm in trouble Franny looks hot you can look now I turn around and I couldn't believe it I how to literally wipe my glasses so from top to bottom she got the leather jacket on cuz she bad like Michael Jackson you know what I'm saying she got the little black top on compliment the jacket and you know show little little something something right there you know what I'm saying she got the jeans on because they compliment the black jacket and she got those nice heels cuz she likes to wear heels and there you go W thanks honestly this outfit is something I would wear I love it I leather is like my thing I always wear dark clothes like this is my vibe so Tage came out of nowhere with the perfect outfit and she looks great which is good but sucks at the same time amazing good job hey on to the next girl Vince you're up so let's bring Neza out o all right okay all right yeah okay okay yeah when she walked out I was like okay this is sounding pretty good and I feel like I you know did a pretty good job but when I turned around and I saw her I was like okay yeah this is prime so this obviously gives you some layering to it but you know your body's amazing so this kind of shows that off without being like over the top and then these pants obviously know little Cuts in them too I like that I'm so much taller than you so I was like okay on our next date I want to see you in some heels cuz I don't think I've seen you in heels yet yeah you actually did so great this is very much my style I usually wear like a top black jeans I don't know about the heels I'm more of a sneaker girl but the outfit is great all right so next up we have Ryan okay to this is B what's happening this is bad I'm worried about this this is not a good time I don't know what frany looks like right now I have an idea but somebody in the audience says that she looks like she's going to soccer practice which is not a good thing I don't think hey what's up I was going to say cuff them also the jeans it looks good why did you cuff them for her can I go for it I was going to say they should be like up okay Ryan I'm sorry my guy but you turned Franny into a soccer mom so from we when we've talked you're very artistic and expressive right so I saw the pants first and those give me like painter vibes okay so I picked up these are my jeans they are your jeans all right those shoes are obviously way too small but I thought they kind of matched and I want to go with the hoodie Vibe because I like see you in my jacket the other day oh okay I did think I was sck trying to put my own jacket do you ever wear purses ever yeah all the time I always have a purse on not this big though yeah it felt feel like I'm kind of going to school he should literally get eliminated for that outfit alone I I agree thanks it was good good job his heart is in the right place I kind of understand why he put this outfit together but but it's just not my vibe so last but not least we have Dustin o okay all right all right all right I can Vibe with it really like olive green I think it's a great color especially for like your skin tone the shoes looks like you want to go like salsa dancing or something like we can go there if you want and I I think I like the fit just like that you what do you think it's not bad it's it's not it is a good it's a good outfit it's just a little too girly girl for me I'm more on the like Tom boy side yeah um I like to be in like Sneakers but you did good it's just not really my style but it's okay you did good it's you look great yeah you look really good thank you I feel like even though it was a little girly she could have worn it you know to a Sala dancing class that we could goto later on you know she looked great in it she did okay that challenge was really fun did you guys have fun yeah thanks for all being good sports you guys picked out really good outfits there's only going to be one MVP for this Challenge and the girls are going to reveal who that is right now all right so the MVP for this challenge is T woo Tage knows his fashion I could just tell when he walked in I was like that boy knows what fashion is and he showed it today so Tage we chose you as MVP because your outfit definitely got the biggest reaction you made frany look 10 out of 10 so [Music] congrats yeah look hot look hot I won MVP and to be honest I didn't question it for a minute after being friend zone yesterday he had to like you know oh he had to show exactly he's trying to stay out of the friend zone exactly but he's still going to get friends on he might be in a personal stylist you know zone now I agree I agree there's a lane for him yeah so that means you are safe from eliminations tonight so congrats Tage well everyone's reaction was really genuine so he totally deserved it so now we're going to give you guys some downtime to hang out chill out and get some time with the girls and then we'll let you guys know when it's time for the girls to pick the oneone dates all right wow you guys did so good yeah guys did what do you want to do Bry can I take you away from all these guys real quick sure okay let's let's go okay where are we going I want to go outside cuz I'm fresh okay so Troy is pulling me to the side again and I don't even know what it could possibly be right now who put that there what the heck crazy what okay I feel like I'm obligated to play it now I mean I feel like I just have to oh okay so I'm definitely nervous but I spent yesterday preparing this song for her I've been practicing a lot and I just want to show her like no I'm in this like if you're still in it great cuz I'm definitely in this so hopefully hopefully she likes the song cuz I did work pretty hard on it so so wrote you something like this okay FR you got that special thing that I just can't explain I lose my mind when I see you walk right into the frame [Music] friend I really hope you like [Music] spaghetti oh potential dinner date you never know the song is really really sweet I'm honestly just so impressed that he even put the song [Music] together I really hope you pick [Music] me I really hope you pick oh my God that was amazing thank you I think she thinks it's sweet I mean not many girls I don't know many girls that get songs written about them so I I think she thinks it's a sweet gesture oh my God that's so great hi guys oh did you write her a song that's can can we listen to it please that's actually really thoughtful I'm not going to lie you're MVP for this I just want to listen that's cool just finished the song and I'm hoping to like discuss like what she thinks of it and these two goons literally just walk in and just hey Franny how you doing let's get out of here so that uh that was just that was great that's dope that's dope fry can I for a minute sure let's go yeah have of course yeah so Troy's in a room singing a song to Franny so I'm like you know what this guy already tortur her enough with the first date let me go and come to her rescue looking like that bro you look shocked I just got to talk to fry real quick that's it just have you know Troy is not direct competition whatsoever he's definitely trying at this point I'm outside talking to Neza we're having a great time already how are you feeling about yesterday yesterday I think I think we had a very great first date yes I think um we shed a lot of laughs we did I find a really big sense of humor in guys very attractive me and Freddy were talking about it last night like we there was never a moment like when we weren't laughing like but I like when you laugh cuz you shows your teeth you have nice teeth okay I'm a big person on teeth like teeth and eyebrows okay like facial okay cleanliness cleanliness stop this is one of my awkward moments I was talking about I can honestly say I'm already catching feelings for Neza like we're just really clicking like on an energy level on an emotional level as well and I can't even hide that I'm a little conflicted just because I know I'm a little conflicted just because I am bonding with more than one of you so you going to tell me who no no no can I guess no what I have to offer Neza that Vince doesn't have I would say is personality I feel like he's really dry um I don't think they even share as many laughs as me and her do so I just wanted to like you know pull you aside cuz I really had fun with you yesterday I just wanted yesterday was so much fun so much fun I just wanted to thank you again for that cuz like honestly like I feel like that made you kind of open up more like you know shows like your funnier side like your goofy side as well I I was I feel like I was I literally felt like I was crazy yesterday like I was on something like I couldn't my brain was like all over the place yeah you were like just hysterically laughing like your laugh though like really I really love your laugh like oh thank you I have so much fun with you and I think for me right now is just like trying to kind of like process everything and like you know what I mean like just like I like everything's just moving like really quickly for me and like I feel like after yesterday it was a very overwhelming day for me yesterday that I feel like I just want to take a step back and like breathe and like you know just kind of just slow things down a bit and kind of live in the moment for a little bit yeah I feel like Franny's really comfortable with me you know the moment that we had yesterday on our date it was really fun and just like exciting and something new so I think that's what I give her you know I'm like a breath of fresh air for her I'm I'm definitely catching feelings and if you want to move forward I'm definitely down for that like whatever you want to do like the next date I'm going to plan it out we're going to have more fun I just like to I know like yesterday was like a new experience for you so I want to just like continue doing that with you just like experience new things like that's what life is about just having fun you know you only live once oh your stylus is here what's going on Mr stylus I'm going to have to still Fring for a couple minutes man it's all right I'm going give her some spacee nice to talk yes definitely see you later definitely all right let's go I have no idea why Tage is here he's literally like that mosquito that's just flying around I want to to TA te because we're regardless of what happened with NE and stuff I I always wanted to like we never got a chance to talk and when we sat on the steps we were like interrupted we got cut short we didn't get talking on the steps and so like I really like still wanted to get to know you and like I felt bad about like approaching you honestly and I'm sorry for that I don't know it was like a a bad thing but you know you approaching me about Neza I was like okay he's into Neza cool and then I was just more of like okay like kind of like stepping away from the situation you know what I mean I was it like more like you just didn't know who to go for in the beginning until like the date happened with Neza yes I'm open to the opportunity with Tage I mean I am attracted to him I would really like to get to know him but we just haven't had that time yet and you know whatever happened between him and Neza I kind of just have to put it behind me and just move forward but we'll see what happens some things that I feel like are super important moving forward oh okay okay dogs or cats can I say both that's fine both that works okay are you a good Tipper when you go out to restaurants yes absolutely okay good what's your Starbucks order then um honestly it's a medicine ball it's just tea you are joking me that's what I get that's what that's literally all get make that at home do you really yeah that's like my my go-to strength I think that someone told Vince that Dustin makes me laugh because I think that's why he was trying to ask me the questions just to like have a little funny moment but it was really cute you aced this test I'm so proud of you um didn't think you can't say that to me you can't say that sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry so we grabbed you guys a little bit earlier than usual because we have something really special planned for the one one day go oh my God I'm nervous no way okay okay okay do you guys have in mind of who you want to take I am conflicted conflict yeah mainly because like I feel like for me it's come down to like two obvious choices for me in the house and I don't know obviously like I just don't want someone to like feelings to get hurt if I like don't choose him today but I think I have an idea T pulled me aside and he was just basically talking to me how he just really wants to get to know me wait did any has anything happened with Ryan today no Ryan has to you no Ryan hasn't Denzel pulled me aside and he was just like he was like oh like I just want to know like he basically was like I'm really falling for you yeah he's like I was really I'm really falling for you and like we're having you know we're having a great time and stuff I'm just going to like say like hopefully you're comfortable around this person oh hell I just want you to be I want you to pick something that you're comfortable around I know this is going to be really hard because it's getting down to the last several guys and they're all really good guys they're still six that's a lot actually it's time to announce the 101 dates and who will be going on them so girls take it away so the person I'm taking on the one-on-one date today is this let's go I got my second one-onone with Neza and I am on Cloud n right now and the person that I will be taking with me on my one-on-one date is T I won the MVP and the one-on-one date and that was the first time it's ever happened all right right well so let's get ready let's go okay T every guy is talking about how no one trusts you right now right you went so hard for Neza so hard the last 3 days and then I support you on the group date I talked you up tried to help you out you were talking me up trying to help me out and then you turn around and just go for the other girl after you get friendzone man like what is that if the date goes bad what is he staying for the date goes bad anything can happen because think about it he already got friends on by Neza so he's not going to be here for her and this is his last opportunity so if it goes back with fry who you going to pick Ryan you like he's gone so he has to do well on that date [Music] [Music] true [Music] so the twins tell us that we are having a game night I'm really confused as to what's going on right now we're just going to go ahead and start out with pool okay and uh we'll just let you guys have fun for a bit we might we might come join you pool we're going to play pool okay so y'all against us you want to do it yeah there we go okay all right so we know how close nezza and Franny are to their friends especially the guy friends Franny ruin with them you've heard her talk about them on the episodes so we thought it'd be a really fun idea if we brought the guys here to the house to go on the one-on-one dates with Franny and Neza just so they can get to know the guys the girls have no idea that you guys are here it's going to be they're going to be like all right welcome the guys and then we walk in the guys are going be like who are they they're like what's going on what the [ __ ] is this like Five Guys to compete with five new guys Jo have they ever kissed one of these guys Nessa has which one long a session the Vince she's kissed Vince but Nessa also took Tage on a date oh yeah and Franny's taking Tage on this stage does Tage like Franny or does Tage like Neza what if you guys just ruin NE and Fry's [Music] friendship just get Lo that you can like kind of see angle of it oh hell have you ever played no I've never I had a mini one that was pretty good that was pretty good all right T you got this wow that was pretty good we're all playing pool downstairs and I can see Neza and Vince being really touchy and getting really close and Tage is a little further away away from me right now I think he's just kind of nervous and just doesn't know how to go about the situation and I totally understand that so I'm not I'm not mad about it I'm just kind of going with the flow that's like all right I'm proud of your show yeah what now no no we're just coming to watch hang out okay you might be able to help us we're trash right now yeah we're horrible I'm having a good time though so something just feels off the twins come back in to hang out with us but they're being weird I don't know what's going on I think what's the twist what are you going to throw at us right now what's going on no TST I'm just saying that we want to just hang out with you guys because I think it's very important to make sure you're like significant other gets along with with your friends what do you mean what are you about to say who's about to come in this room what are you about to say Vanessa she's saying it's good for us to get along with you guys' friends I literally thought our whole friend group was about to walk and about to throw up why do you keep looking up the stairs yeah there's [Music] no so the guys come out Franny and Neza are screaming they're running around they run out of the room I love how they react to surprises like this let's like hang out in here and like have feel game night this is so weird I'm so happy that the boys are here I haven't seen them in a while so it's a big relief when I see them come through the door but I'm also so nervous because I have never brought a boy around you guys are getting pretty close I just you too yeah are you guys dating already you've never played pool before he has to teach you now didn't I teach you you're backing it up on him you're like how do you how do you shoot this sh I don't know what I'm doing the Obed of this thing again you didn't want to teach I was but she looked like she kind of had it down so we'll see how Tage can handle the boys they're kind of intense so we'll see what happens let's talk facts elephant in the room I heard Taj liked you at one point friend him wait wait I'm not going to say that my name is Tage though Tage my bad Trish what is it raise your hand been friend zoned in this [Music] room he the show think we talked it out we figured it out okay we talked it out everything's good y'all are such in what crazy what's crazy imagine being the second option who wait come on feeling really overwhelmed right now I didn't think that having the boys there would make me so emotional and so just stressed out I want to play a drinking game never have I ever that's a good one I don't know what kind of questions are going to be asking us and I'm a little bit nervous never have I ever kissed someone I regretted regretted I guess nice you said kiss never have I ever gone on a daty show and faked liking someone my first wait his head shaking what does that mean but looking at you TSH of course the boys are taking this opportunity to make the boys feel a little uncomfortable girls we're going to have a girl chat in another room but you guys you sit down you sit down I think it's time to have a girl pow out I'm dying to see what the girls are going to say I know they're like really surprised so we just got to get them out of there and see what they're thinking oh oh my God I can't literally guys my heart is racing I'm so nervous that they're like all in there with them like alone cuz they're a lot like our friend group's a lot I don't even understand why he would have to say that like like that's literally what I was insecure about like I literally said that I was literally like I don't want to with t because I feel like a second choice and then he goes in stre oh does it feel to be the second choice like that's like my biggest insecurity like of course I to say that in front of everyone and I hate this you you have to know that F I don't know how things just took a turn for the worst I was really hoping this would be something fun and I feel absolutely horrible you have to know that like you're not but you know that you're not you know how they are but you know how they are you know how they are this is just really overwhelming to back out there go upstairs I don't want to do this I honestly don't know what to do like I'm looking at a producer I'm like what should we do cuz like this is not what I thought would happen like I thought it would be like a fun time for them and then you know we're just trying to help our friends find love and just like whatever you know this is like a dis it's a disaster to be down here [Music] anymore I go back into the room and I just have to be straight up with the boys hello where's Franny oh no no no no no so I just I just like got into like one in trouble um where's Franny um fry is upstairs she's taking a second fr's pissed at me for sure actually is really mad why I think I was talking to Ken when the comment was made so I didn't really exactly hear what was said can we go talk to her as a group guys guys in a maybe in a bit I think something is very wrong and I understand that they're going to go back up there and console her because she is obviously very hurt so I get it it sucks that the date had to end that way but you got to be there for your friends first and foremost guys this is reality you know a lot of people think that this stuff is scripted and it's not real but my emotions are real and I'm a real person and insecurities are insecurities we all have them I'm I'm honestly happy that you guys could see that you can see such a vulnerable and real moment in my life that I do not show with any of you guys and I want you guys to know that it's okay to feel like that and you're not alone I'm happy that you guys get to see this part of me hi so the boys want to come in and talk to you if that's okay yeah it's fine you okay friend what's wrong we didn't mean to hurt your feelings no I know but I just feel like sometimes you guys take it too far it's just been so much already that it it was like building up and like that kind of just set it off we we kind of overstepped our boundaries and you know we just wanted to come in and apologize and we want the me to carry on but that that feeling that you have goes over our head because we think that they're not good enough for you we don't ever think that you're not good enough for anyone yeah we think you're Cas think you're amazing our our thing is like making sure whoever's trying to talk to you is good enough for you I just was wasn't ready for it I was just it's just been a very long week already that's how we do it you know can we hug it out you cry we cry yeah look it was a really sweet moment and I think it's a moment that a lot of people don't see on camera because we always just show a lot of the happy moments and a lot of people don't ever see the sad fighting moments in our lives even though I was so upset and so just flustered I still said yes to talking to my friends because I knew that's what was going to make me feel better because I loved them and I know they love me I know that they was going to make me feel a lot better I think that is why we were meant to be best friends because I'm there to push her and make her realize that she is absolutely amazing I mean the girl is so smart so mature for her age she's stunning and she's so funny and just because she hasn't found the love of her life yet doesn't mean mean that she's not all of these things can we all take another shot first anything for you all you can take a shot if we can watch guys okay wa just before you continue we've we've decided because it was kind of like such a crazy day today that we've canceled elimination so you guys can just with us wait can we hang out with the guys all you guys hang out together you guys hang out together for the rest of the night make the other guys cry oh throw me a room with all of them and give me 5 minutes and I got this throw them in the room yeah I got it no but yeah we're cancel eliminations we'll we'll handle it you guys have you guys are elim eliminating we're going yeah we're going to talk to the GU we want to eliminate elimin I want to eliminate someone I'm so happy that the twins told us that the eliminations were off today I just don't think I could handle doing that right now something's up uh we usually change for eliminations and they're kind of just rushing us onto the staircase so if someone's going they're going fast as you can see Franny and Neza are not here for eliminations the guys are scared out of their mind their faces look terrified they're looking for Nez and Franny but they're clearly not there they're just as confused as Vince and Tage so this is going to be interesting that is because eliminations have been canceled for tonight what so you all will be back here tomorrow okay congratulations another day yeah but that means tomorrow two of you will have to go home I guess I just wanted to explain a little bit you know this is a dating show it is a show right but it's reality and there's emotions that come through and sometimes you don't even expect these emotions to come out and just be mindful of like people's feelings and stuff and it's nothing you guys did so the oneon-one dates didn't go the way we thought it would which is okay because it's going to be kind of like another kind of another group group date if you've heard if you've been talking to Franny and the Nessa they have a group of friends these guys the basement right now and they're going to come up and actually hang out with you guys cuz they want to get to know you guys a last minute group date so eliminations canceled but the group date good save why don't we all just like hang out and just sit eat some food why don't we just eliminate like three people we live together I talk to you pleas yes yes yes 100% yes these guys have it all wrong I was feeling Franny first on I was literally about to grab you um I'm so sorry about that no it kind of just went over my head I I kind thought they talking about me because like no no no no no like I'm like you know the second option no you were you were great down there you were honestly a trooper like you were just like just having a good time and I was like oh my God like I'm I mean they're your friends and like if they're your friends like I'm going to like try to make it work regardless of like what they I just I just felt so bad but like I was like I could not walk back in there after like having like a literally a mental breakdown but no thank you so much but I I yeah thank you so much I appreciate it and you did you did anything okay oh my God I just want to be really honest and just show you guys how I'm really feeling about the kisses and I don't think I should have done it because I've just been so overwhelmed and he gave me a hug and then he was like can I get a kiss and I was like a kiss and then we just kissed can I have a kiss and you said a kiss yes oh you didn't pick up that hint usually when you're like can have a kiss and the girl wants a kiss they'd be like I know but I just I if a girl said a kiss i' be like I just honestly honestly I just felt sad I just felt bad feel bad for puppies FR don't feel bad for full grown men everyone's getting along everyone's just having great conversation and we over here Jac and David spill the tea to Ryan Denzel and Troy that Denzel and Ryan have kissed Fran and oh are you Ser my gosh this is horrible but great at the same time so he kiss her too oh man I thought I was doing so I thought we had something going I had no idea can you believe that can you believe fry kiss Ry oh my gosh this show rips you in so many directions because you don't know how you're supposed to feel you have a moment with somebody but doesn't mean anything because you have no idea what's going on with other people you have no idea I'm super unsure of how to navigate [Music] tomorrow we thought it would be perfect if we did a lie detector test today as the group dat are you talking to any other girls right now do you have feelings for fry Troy is getting roasted right now and this is not easy to watch Neza looks super uncomfortable three strikes and you're out I think it's time for you to go this has been a crazy day I didn't think it could get any crazy here from yesterday's and little did we know it did comment down below your thoughts on this episode how crazy it is also give Frannie some encouraging words I think she could really read some of that and you guys are so kind anyways and thanks for watching subscribe to awesomus TV subscribe to our Channel subscribe to Franny and Neza and we'll see you guys the next episode bye I'm I'm sorry I'm tired bye are you attracted to one of the meril twins huh hey guys welcome back to season 2 of twin my [Music] heart last night was a lot I will say I'm a bit emotionally drained feeling other people's emotions at a very you know intense level and getting to know them and getting close with them and then you know kissing them and then not knowing what their feelings are towards you and you not knowing how much you like them or if it's vice versa like it's just there's just so much yesterday was definitely a rough day for Franny and for me because anytime Franny's upset I'm also upset as crazy as this week has been I do think that Franny and I have grown stronger together as best friends and we're definitely never going to forget this the boys today are definitely on edge we didn't have eliminations yesterday so no one knows what's going to happen today I'm not super optimistic going into today I have had like no genuine one-on-one time with Franny and the guys around me have had way more time with her so I got to pull out something big if I want to make it through I'm feeling somewhere between confident and still a little nervous we are in an awful love triangle right now aren't we Denzel Tage myself Franny right in the middle like you freaked out yesterday you kind of like broke down a bit so I think I broke down at all yesterday you don't bro you were like on the ledge literally I could have just G gave you a little going on the balcony is not going on the ledge that's like a totally different thing no you did go into Marvin's Room like you were you were in your feelings low yeah you were in your feelings the day before it's fine but I didn't go talk to the stars outside I didn't either I talked to you guys I opened up I don't know yesterday was a stressful day all this weird stuff was going on I didn't know how to feel I started to get paranoid and really got up in my own head I kind of took the night to digest that and I think I feel less jealous now and more just ready for her to make a decision on what she wants and who she's interested in so today we have a really fun group date challenge we're going to tell you ahead of time what the group challenge is because it's something you need to prepare for no no it's not it's not what it's not that bad ready so the group date challenge is a lie detector test oh no no way like we get to do it on them yes you get to ask the boys questions and they're going to be hooked up racing right now and we have an actual guy coming in with a polygraph test like it's the real deal finally something that we are doing that I can for sure know if these boys are messing with me or if they're real about this uh you do they know the guys no they don't know they're going to freak out they're literally going to die this is going to be some tea hi good morning everyone how is everyone this morning yeah are we yeah so we're actually going to go ahead and tell you guys guys what the group challenge is for today the girls have a lot of questions they'd like to ask you guys so we thought it would be perfect if we did a lie detector test today as the group date SL challenge yeah that's dope okay what a lie detector test so you guys are going to be hooked up to a polygraph we have a guy that has come in he's a professional and the girls are going to ask you questions they're dying to know about you guys so you better either tell the truth and if you lie we'll see right through it all right let's go well good thing I'm an honest man all right so welcome to the lie detector test this is John he will be administrating the lie detector test for you guys are you girls ready do you have your questions yeah we ready how you guys feeling I'm pretty nervous I feel like I'm going to throw up y so I really don't know how the girls are going to respond hopefully they really enjoy this challenge I know we enjoyed it when we did it but now I'm really scared that something's going to come out and Franny's going to cry again Ronnie so John can you please explain how the process works we're going to be reading microscopic changes to his upper breathing lower breathing sweat and blood as he answers the questions okay how you feeling pretty sweaty okay this guy John honestly is the most intimidating but monotone guy there is he's the right guy for the job because he's making me sweat I'm smiling at him he's like I'm like hi he's like be sure to answer yes or no with your mouth only no head movement please okay make sure to be still oh my got my heart your heart my heart okay do you actually have feelings for Franny yes that's true all right is Franny a good kisser yes that's true imagine if it was like no it's like thanks I guess sorry Mom and Dad watching I don't know do you think your brother actually likes Neza yes that's true wow do you think if you ended up with Franny your brother would try to steal her [Music] later no that's [Applause] true you well that's great I'm an honest person I think I got off easy and I'm just happy now I'm happy that I went first right now my heart's racing and I'm sweating I'm visibly sweating this is this is going to be scary do you actually want to be here to find love no inconclusive do you have feelings for Franny no that's true Troy I have no words when you pulled Neza to dance were you trying to make me jealous no that's a lie off the chart all right I really wasn't trying to make frany jealous that was not my intention at all you not here looking for love you not into frany you don't even have a chance with NE up that's three strikes and you're out you're out I really hate to be that guy right now did you actually Rite the song you sang Me by yourself yes that's a lie what I sat in a room by myself writing out the music then writing out the lyrics I wrote that whole song by myself okay last question are you attracted to me yes that's true all right you are just you're like unbelievable I I don't even know how to react right now I'm just I'm like wow so we're actually going to open the floor and let the guys ask a question for Troy Troy he's dusting right do you really think you have a chance with nezle no true at least you're honest Franny is pissed and Neza looks super uncomfortable all right Tage do you wish you would have gone on a date with frany first yes that's true it feels so great to know that he passed this question do you actually think I'm beautiful yes that's true are you talking to any other girls right now no that's a lie whoa are you attracted to one of the meril twins huh yes that's true me you you no the outfit you wore yesterday were you trying to be like me no that's a [Laughter] li okay Vince you're up next lady to ask your questions are you pretending to like me no that's true do you think your family would like me yes true is Neza a good kisser mhm yes in conclusive no I moved so I don't know how I feel about that but it's it's okay because I know I'm a good kisser so we're just going to pass by this one Neza is a good kisser okay I just shook my head and I think that's why it came back is inconclusive are you a player no true are you talking to any other girls right now no inconclusive this does upset me a little bit just because again I've had problems with guys in the past where they weren't the most truthful um so I'm hoping that it's not true I'm just going to have to ask him myself do you think you're going to come out on top after all of this yes Pro do you really see me as a threat yeah true I appreciate that the tension between Dustin and Vince is like please I don't know how to explain it's like it's it's just weird it's like a cloud do you feel threatened by me no true do you see us working out after the show yes true if your brother is eliminated today will you leave no in inclusive are you scared to kiss Neza no that's a lie bro you're scared of Kiss Neza no like I don't even know why that was even a question like I'm not scared that's not what the L test said listen you can't believe everything you see on TV do you think you're better than Vince yes true times up are you threatened by me yes Vincent yes true no further question I have one question the brother do you consider me your best friend yes crew it better be bro all right Ryan you're the last one do you actually like Franny yes true okay are you jealous of any other guys in the house yes true do you think some of the guys in the house are not here for the right reasons yes true do you see yourself getting along with all of our guy friends yes that's a lie oh okay are you still not over your previous relationship yes true I've dealt with boys that haven't been over their exes and it never ever works out so it's definitely a red flag I truly believe that if you have a part of your life committed to somebody else that you will always have feelings and always have love for that person no matter what yeah I'm not over it but I'm not trying to be back a part of it do you think you have better hair than me yeah yes true no I'm sorry do you get nervous when you're around framing yes true look I don't all like that no further questions your honor so they're shuffling us out to the living room right now and I'm assuming they're going to pick an MVP it's between Denzel and Dustin Denzel had it easier than everybody else did though we didn't get to ask him questions so he kind of scraped by without that all right that was a fun group day very interesting very very interesting um I think the ladies know who the MVP of this challenge was would you guys like to go ahead and say sure so the MVP of this challenge is is Dustin you brought you brought some great questions to the table so we had to you know yeah two-time MVP winner okay no one else has won MVP twice I'm safe no matter what I'm here for the finale and Vince is not looking Invincible anymore congrats to that brother congrats to that he was like Vince do you think nezza is a good kisser yeah false that's a lie all right all right give you guys some time to just hang out I actually have a question for someone okay Troy so what are you doing here I am here to honestly I didn't want to get to know you I have not had any time to get to know you so I'm assuming your intentions were to go for Neza first you don't have any feelings towards me you lied about the song I did and I don't know I just don't understand what you're doing here I am here to try to honestly I didn't you're not trying to find love it's a dating show I didn't know what would happen I mean if love came along great but I didn't feel like I got enough time to develop those feelings with you I didn't get enough time one-on-one and I what I learned from Neza was how to dance and I did want to incorporate that into a one-on-one you and I did want to have you're telling me that you had no intention of being like oh maybe if I grab her best friend like you know she'd feel some type of way I did not I honestly did not they said I was it was out of it was me trying to make you jealous it wasn't I wanted to learn how to dance you literally failed every single question on that test Troy is getting roasted right now and this is not easy to watch I don't know if it's okay with you guys cuz I'm pretty over it but like I don't think there's any point of waiting for elimination I think it's time for you to go I'm sorry Troy but like like I felt like absolutely sitting there and listening to all that so I'm sorry we're not a match I don't want to sound like a but we're not a match and it just didn't happen I'm sorry it's understandable I'm sorry too all right guys let's go I don't know what's gotten into me but Troy you're out I did not expect that from Franny that was Savage um I knew that she was going to say something to him because that's Franny she definitely speaks her mind but never did I think that Troy was going home immediately yeah but I mean she's right I mean I did not have enough time with her and the time I could have had with her I spent first of all you guys does anyone here actually no one help me with the song no no one no one helped me with this that was all you I'll say again that was all you you played it for me I play yeah I played it for and I was like yeah it's good it's funny keep with that yes I I wouldn't say that's technically helping you all right guys well uh guess I'm not making it for elimination since I'm gone now so hey bro you got a friend right here that's f I am feeling kind of bad for Troy it sucks that he's gone we've kind of been friends over the last few days but kind of got to give her some props because I mean if that's how she's feeling and that's that's how she was hurt she's got to she's got to voice that so he's out of here I think Troy's a good guy I think he came here with you know really good intentions but at the end of the day you know no one likes to be led on it's a place for frany to have to be in to have to hear that I totally understand why FR s home right now you guys are great a good man I miss you all welome so that happened Troy's gone um at this point we don't know what to do so I think we should just go talk upstairs dude I don't care anymore after yesterday I'm not going to deal with anyone's anymore that was I'm not going to doal saage I'm I sat there listening to every single question going wrong and I've been keeping I've been keeping Troy around to see like if there's some sort of connection or something but like he's more attracted to Nea he doesn't have feelings for me he's not here for love he what what is he doing here like you know what I mean like it just doesn't make sense and it's like there's no point to even keep him around for elimination Neza is not into him so I don't want him cuz he clearly just doesn't know what he wants do you do you feel like there's a weight lifted off your shoulders now that he's gone yes because he was someone that I was not sure about like I'm attracted to him like I wanted to get to know him more and it was like back and forth for me but now that like that's validated for me that like those questions were answered I feel like I can just move on and be like you can focus on the boys that are here for you yeah I don't I don't want to focus on someone that has no intention For Love or anything like it's dumb it's like what are you doing on a dating show though and I get it he didn't know what to expect but it's a dating show okay well like I hope I didn't step any boundaries by just literally kicking them off like that you have to what you got to do two people off any he there's no point in him being here we need a breather we're going to let the girls just kind of hang out chill with the guys and Ronnie and I are going to go upstairs and play some games oops oops that's what we've been [Music] doing [Music] [Music] hey you two hey guys hello so I'm feeling a little frisky I'm going kick someone else off really kid right now let's go now kiding you have a minute yeah let's go it's really hard to be in this place and know what feelings are real and know what feelings aren't real it's hard to tell if somebody actually likes you when you only have a few hours with them every day so how are you feeling I'm good so I wrote you the song that I want to perform for you you wrote me a song oh okay that' be really bad I was about to say I was like oh okay no I'm feeling I'm feeling okay okay I'm more concerned for you in your mental state right now to make sure you're doing okay no I'm okay I just I think I just need to take things slow and yeah that's fair you have so many people throwing themselves at you pretty much all day every day you can tell me if I can ask this question I'm going to ask it and then if you don't want to answer it you don't have to okay how are you feeling about all the other guys I'm just just in general I'm just curious um I don't know I truly don't know I'm so confused and um just like yeah I don't I really don't know that's bad timing for this too yeah I'm walking in I'm sorry I just need to talk to you just like real quick and then like you can literally like okay if you want I have something that I need to talk to you about also after this okay at some point today okay all right when you have a spark with someone when you have a connection there's like no words for it's just there it's a feeling and like that's definitely there with v how are you feeling about the light detector test I'm mad I shook my head I can tell you that oh I was like really he doesn't think I'm a good kisser okay that's fine no not true okay no you are a good kisser was that intense for the other boys how are the other boys holding up yeah obviously we sent someone home yeah or fry did I think that needed to happen though okay yeah you asked me how do you think my family would like you yes they did that's important to me too mhm you think they would like me yes yes for sure detector my sister detector my sister my sister especially yeah how many siblings do you have I just have one yeah younger sister I'm trying to get to know Neza to her core and get past all those surface level questions and really just uh learn who she is cuz I really do care about her a lot I know it's like so much in the last 24 hours like yeah last 48 hours I mean oh yeah that's true I it's just it's so right it's like all moving so fast and it's like usually like this amount of stuff would happen over the course of months yeah and so it's all being crammed into like a few days so Vincent Vincent Vincent talking to my girl I'm walking I'm like time's up buddy the MVP is here I'm here to take my girl away so I kick him out and you must go he did MVP oh we're switching or are you taking me no get up I want you to get up oh my go get up okay see I'll see you later get up get up just leave let's go up here is more com okay okay I haven't been up here actually let's go I don't know I just didn't expect to be here I didn't expect to be in between two boys and Vince is so like when I'm with Vince I feel so good and comfortable but with Dustin I don't think I've ever laughed that hard with anyone and like at the end of the day like that's super important to me but you were asking the greatest questions which is why we chose you for MVP like what did you ask that we were like that's gold what was your number one question you couldn't wait to ask the I mean so from the LIE detection or from the lie detector test are you scared to kiss me does that answer your question okay okay okay I did not okay yeah okay you're a good kisser thank you you are too unlike what Vince thinks no okay like I'm going to say everything I have to say first go for it all right so first of all about yesterday like you should never like you well you should know that like you are not my second option and you you're never like you're nobody's second option you know that like you're great inside out and so like you you need to know that first and um about the detector thing no I'm not talking to anyone okay I know it's was a lie and um but everything that was true like I was I want to talk to you first I I do think you're beautiful like I'm into all that stuff but like honestly I feel like like I don't know like I feel like you should really like honestly like go like with Ryan like like I can tell he genely like really cares about you and like I do too I think you're a great girl but like I feel like I'm not I'm not saying like like anything like I'm trying to friends on you but I just think like I shouldn't like try to like not lie but put myself out there so much when you think someone else when I think someone is genely more like really about it and like I like Franny and think she's great inside and out but there are other guys here who truly want this like I said I think you're beautiful and great and like I want like you to be happy you deserve it cuz you said you had a tough pass wow I am I am very like how do I say it like you are very very mature to sit me down and to tell me that you think that I should be with someone else on a dating show and be like you know and to admit that you know that you don't think you can give me what someone else could I will say one day you will make a girl very happy you are probably one of the sweetest guys I've ever met like honestly hands down you are like a genuine sweetheart and you're going to make someone very happy one day you're a good-look guy I'm not worried about you not being able to find a girlfriend you're a good looking guy but I really appreciate that I really really appreciate that she's taken this really well and I think we're going to end up on good terms like I said I appreciate it but I mean I guess it's just best if you you did leave then I agree um but yeah thank you so much you're going to no hard feelings no hard feelings love to be friends okay be happy thank you so much either one you choose I feel like you'll be happy so yeah they great guys I appreciate it all right it was very mature of him to say that someone is better for me than he is like he can't give me what someone else could and I I really appreciate that he that just shows that he sees worth in me yeah I'm good I'm just very shocked right now I don't want to pry what I don't want to pry but I'm curious um T just told me that he doesn't think that he can give me what you can wow I appreciate that that was really sweet of it was just very like wa like it was crazy I was not expecting all either yeah so I don't know I'm just lot's going on right now l on okay so what did you have to it's not it's it's low key like what El I'm trying to give you your your space I am in shock right now Tage eliminating himself was completely unexpected so I kind of want to like give you little something that's like a piece of me and then like leave you to your own devices okay that's cool which is not it's not a big thing it's very lucky but like my friends and I are very into music the same way you are so all we're doing is basically we always do CD and mixtapes and playlists so if anyone doesn't know what this is this is a CD they're pretty outdated now oh my gosh do you have a CD player I think so yeah I also have a CD player so okay so all I ask you talk to me you talk to me a lot about music all I ask is that at some point when you have time when you're by yourself and relaxing just listen to it doesn't have to be all of it but enjoy I'm just this is so sweet it's not that sweet though yes it is it's very it's extremely thoughtful I think she like the music at least I think the music on there's [Music] pretty whoa yeah I see coming at all so Tage just going cancel himself damn Tage you eliminated yourself you just sto fighting better for you yeah I know but it's just like kind of it's very thoughtful of him thoughtful yeah it is he's taking her emotions into account which is good but like I'm just like throwing off I was not expecting that yeah I wasn't expecting that either I was expecting any of today how you guys feeling good I see I can cut it with a knife right here it's me and Vince it seems like to the end man yeah you and his brother you're just you're looking basically at him just at a flat top and then that's your competition made the best brother made the best brother win or person with the nicest hair wins all [Music] right hey what are you doing man my confessions yeah but what conversation did you guys just have don't don't worry about it just know you're in good hands no but why I can tell you generally like really like her and like you want them more and like you're a good guy for her first of all you even considering me and like saying that is super nice like like just taking me into account into that and then also just taking her emotions into account that's like really big of you yeah that's like a lot of people couldn't look into themselves like that and think that way that's good man good luck man you still have Denzel man so you're not you're not completely in it but I know you got tomorrow so yeah you're good man I trust you dude that's why I'm doing this cuz I trust you just it just see you later it's not goodbye all right man seriously I was not expecting this I'm like really thrown off right now you're good all right T I love you man love you too man I think I'm okay all right all right here come come here what look what Ryan got me oh my God no way no he put like a mix tape or like a thing like a like a thing together for me did this just happen just now just now yeah he gave it to me he's like listen to it when much happens in this house at the same time that like I can't keep up he's like listen to it when you're relaxed or like when he's like when you're not like flustered and stuff how cute is that guys never done that for me wait read the note oh my God there's a note in it I need to read it alone first I'll read it wait read it read it read it right now right now yes you have to you have to you have to wait can I tell you guys what happened with Tage first what happened what happened to Tage a oh God I think I think he did the right thing respect to Tage for being honest and truthful and just you know not trying to play this game I think it says a lot about him as a person no way no way so then so you guys don't have to do eliminations eliminations today read this note and also as you're reading that Justin kissed me oh hell wait so was it good or no yeah it was good it was um he used tongue [Music] he's a good kisser but yeah it kind of did throw me off a little bit don't know how I feel I really wasn't expecting it I'm glad that it happened though because I've been wanting it to happen because again I do feel that spark with Dustin as well this is going to be tough I head to my room and I read the not and it's something that I'm not going to share on camera is just our little secret I guess our little private time but I will say it was a very very beautiful note and I really really appreciated it today has taken a lot of turns it's not even lunch yet the girls are supposed to say who they want to take on the one-on-one date but Nessa and I decided that everyone gets to go on this date and we make it a big group date and we all hang out and have fun y since I like that I like since there are no eliminations tonight we can all just you know have a great time hang out unless someone gets me mad then you're congratulations to all of you you guys are the Final Four yay you made it so far and so to celebrate we're all going to go to a [Applause] barade let's go play some [Music] games the two guys are on the team you andessa are on a team with the two guys okay yeah yeah you know just on the same team with the two guys into and it should be fun man what was the point of me win an MVP if we're going to go on a group date I thought I was going to leave this guy Vincent behind and where is he on my team playing pool yeah get honestly I still don't know why you put me on his team he's all his negative energy is coming over Ryan is just kind of feeling like he's just wanting to give Franny space and just have fun and because she's been stressed and everything and I think that's really sweet of him to do that that's what he was telling me in pool while I was beating him I wanted to pull you to the side cuz I want to let you know that um I do have a gift for you that I wanted to give you oh okay it's because I find that you're a really beautiful and special person and I wanted to show you that I'm really serious about you honestly like hands down you can definitely use this whenever you want to when things are very heavy you can definitely use that oh my God what is it look look at that yes I know you didn't just give me a box of tampons wa what's going on oh my God I needed this I didn't have it and I know that you like makeup so I got you an ey shadow palette thank you it's PR cool you're welcome so sweet yes she liked the makeup palette she loved the perfume honestly I'm just so happy that she smiled at this point honestly I am ecstatic again d love you too man but I think you're going about this a little too strong I was talking to frany today and she said what what she needs and what she wants is a step back and you're up there and you're teaching her how to shoot pool by like wrapping yourself around her and you're giving her stuff which is a good move but I think what she needs is space so I'm going to let her take [Music] that so on my side things are going okay we're having fun but there's definitely this tension with Dustin and Vince bad it is a little overwhelming having both of the guys that I'm into here on this date with me so I understand that with this experience comes other guys that are talking to the same girl that I'm talking to still does not make it any more comfortable for me or for Ronnie standing there with you know the kind of PDA that was going on while we were playing shuffle board I'm the one standing next to her putting my arm around her so so he's losing right now you know even though she seemed happy with my gift she does seem a bit distant still you know we're like trying to talk to me it's more so me trying to talk to her she's not really um even giving me any eye contact at this point so it's kind of like giving me like mixed signals just show me what you're feeling cuz at this point it's like just let me know just so I won't have to keep putting myself out there honestly cuz I don't want to be the one that's left hurt you should try it again all right let me try it again oh God I think I keep my walls so high and guarded because of the amount of times I've been disappointed and hurt now you're good you got this oh man that was so close she's just really hard to read so just puts me in a difficult place I don't know I don't know how I feeling I'm feeling really bummed out right now to the final four to the final four so we take one last chair for the final four spin a long road there you go cheers all right ah I'm back baby and I am so excited to be here and to meet these guys I don't know who the girls are going to pick I'm feeling really confident it was just that instant connection I knew that's where I was meant to be does she think this can work out do I think this could work out cheers this is so hard I am a ball of anxiety moment honestly I don't even know what tomorrow is going to bring because it's the last day it's down to four guys and the girls have to pick who they want to win I really nervous I don't know why make sure to like And subscribe to awesomess TV subscribe to our Channel subscribe to NE and Franny and we'll see you in the last episode hey guys welcome to the finale of season two of twin my [Music] heart [Music] it's the last day the last episode I don't know who the girls are going to pick and at this point whoever they choose is going to be a great amazing option I'm really nervous today I love how Ryan makes me feel safe and he makes me feel comfortable I can just be myself around him I love how makes me laugh and he just makes me forget about honestly any issue or problem I'm having today is going to be quite difficult for me I still don't really know where my head is at with the boys Dustin is hilarious I also love that he has an amazing relationship with his brother because family is so important to me Vince was definitely one of the guys that caught my eye right away he is so sweet and so loving I'm really excited that I get to spend a little bit more time with the guys before I go ahead and make my final decision good morning morning congratulations you guys are the final [Applause] four going into the day I am excited I feel like I have done just about everything that I can do to let Neza know who I am and show my affection for her right now the ball's kind of in Franny's court she knows how I feel about her and I'm just excited to see how this all turns out after last night I'm feeling a little better I could just put my best foot forward and hope for the best so today I'm feeling great last day last challenge I'm feeling good today's going to be super fun um so should we get ready for the group challenge yeah let's all head into the kitchen so the way to a girl's heart is food and we all love food so today the group challenge is going to be you guys cooking something for the girls but we do have a little bit of a Twist of course what do you mean cook it with their feet or something this is going to be interesting cooking is really important to me I love to cook at home so I want to make sure that the guy that I'm with loves to cook too we are actually bringing in one of our friends you guys may recognize no way he's the best cook [Applause] I'm back baby Merill twins decided to call me out here to you know surprise everybody surprise my friends Franny and Neza and I am so excited to be here and to meet these guys I wanted to bring Christian back for the last episode because I want to see how the guys interact with him and maybe Christian can give them some advice about the last day I think it's very important for our friends to get along with you know the guys so let's go so Christian is going to show you guys how to make the French toast so let's see what your cooking skills are like I am so happy I know that Christian is an excellent cook so the boys are going to be in good hands all right let's go first things first you got to make the batter so when you're making batter you got a little flour in there I like to put the flour first just to get the uh dry ingredients on the ground before I let these guys into the kitchen I got to teach them some skills I want to make sure they know what they're doing because I don't want them all to fail that'd be embarrassing got some eggs in there it has to be 3x I I'm following a recipe right now here's the thing you can show off and kind of cook without a recipe and stuff like that but showing off will get you nowhere if you make a crappy dish you know what I'm saying so French toast is a relatively simple meal to make even deep fried french toast you make your batter you heat your oil you dip your bread in your batter I'm not going to lie looking at Christian put together this French toast thing low key I kind of zoned out and zon back in pop it in do it carefully cuz the oil is hot I hope um I do the right thing when I get up there cuz I really wasn't paying attention see that see that beautiful that's beautiful I have worked on a food truck before so I feel like that's definitely going to help me out and then voila that looks good right good right and that's how you make French toast who's first I'm going first I called it that's my guy right there so each of these guys have the chance to make their own French toast they're going to make their own batter they're going to fry it and then they're going to Plate it however they see fit May the best man win gra that egg let's go let's do it hey I got a tip for you while you do this don't mess up all so on First and I already feel like so much pressure I'm like dang maybe I shouldn't have raised my hand so fast to go go first because I should have learned from the other guys but you know what better Hold On Tight cuz this is definitely going to be a ride you know what I mean wait wait I want to add some um some ingredients let's add some cinnamon right let's do that Denzel has just started cooking and it's already a disaster and I don't know what to do I'm just grabbing things frantically and I'm just like all right this sounds right this looks cool let's just put this all together and just steer it all up this guy is my brother he's family I love him that's my best friend but he does not belong in the kitchen wait what are you doing this is too big for the bow oh man this is oops well there go my tongs oh man Denzel this is awful dude Denzel is an absolute train wreck in the kitchen I want some cereal for topping I'm decorating with cinnamon toast crunch because who doesn't love Cinnamon Toast Crunch I'm ready this is good job br at that all right let's do this thing I feel like I am going to crush this competition right now how much flour you going to add any day now I'm going any day now after watching Denzel make his French toast I decided that I'm going to take my time a little bit more and get it right ni be careful be careful o he's added some sauce to it okay I like it oh no he's going to get have time to do all that I'm seeing that he's not putting a lot of syrup on there so I feel like I got to jump in I got to add some help him out a little bit oh my God like that much syrup all right thanks two one go all right watch out SP move right to The Pantry he goes so I really like what Denzel was doing with the nutmeg so we're going to try that out going to copy I'm going to copy but also improve on it nutmeg what is going on here I was the originator it's the greatest form of flattery you did one thing right when you were cooking great job man Ryan cooking and he's actually doing a pretty good job wow a big boy right there that may be a little too big for her man I will say he looks a little uptight while he's in there he's not having as much fun but I mean you can tell the guy wants to win so more power to you the whole time am I executing it the right way yeah I've heard frany hates apples good thing you're putting apples on her French toast thanks man appreciate the support uhhuh yeah look at that all right Dustin bring us home go all let me be comfortable real quick W Dustin put your shirt on for once okay I don't know why every time somebody talks about anything your shirt comes off Dustin taking his shirt off I mean I already can see how this is going to go there are like horror stories of people cooking in hot oil with no clothes on and this could be a tragedy but I know Neza will watch it back later and she's going to be like wow look at that bod look at that bod in the kitchen kind a good conversation we good we good we good we're good we're good we're good for our French toast I wanted to add a little love to it you know and put a flower a little Rose little nice gesture and hopefully she'll like it stop stop hope you boys are ready because I love food so I'm going to be critiquing a little hard today honestly some of the guys look confident some of them look a little antsy I honestly could not tell you whose plate is whose right now all right we're going to start with this beautiful piece of abstract art right here is that Cinnamon Toast Crunch it is Cinnamon Toast [Music] Crunch so the first dish is questionable um um I like the strawberry deck whoever made it all right let's move on to the next one oh God yeah I don't I can't even cut this I'm over with on we have fry said it was hella dry fry was just making the most faces with my stuff and I was like good thing she doesn't know it's me this one this one looks amazing this one looks pretty great when the plates are side by side I got to admit mine's looking pretty good right now hopefully what I got off is enough the decoration is on point for this one this is definitely better than the first plate of French toast I like it I like this one I like it know mind I'll we got more fr sugar apple was a good touch though I'll give them that okay all right third one this one looks promising thiss so promising so I am so confident in how my French toast came out oh yeah this one good this was good that was really good there's a lot of syrup which I love and overall it just so far is the best one okay let's talk about this I'm tired of talking about Vince okay I can't wait till Neza chooses me so I can stop hearing about this guy man Vince is the better cook may not be the better man but definitely the better cook this one is really pretty okay the rose I like the flower touch I need the metal pot that was burnt mine too mine is really burnt it kind of tastes weird in the middle yeah it's not really my vibe I'm never going to cook for frany she is a Critic a little she's a little odd there was a look at me so first question easiest question which one was your favorite that one this one for sure tasted the best this one actually tasted good with the Apple what I was was was a little thick it's a little thick was a little thick a little thick this one was like a good size good size fits in your mouth that one was very dry that one was dry as hell and this one was a little burnt I think we can all agree that the winner of this challenge is that one that [Applause] one it is no surprise to me that Vince won the cooking challenge because he has mentioned to me that he loves to cook thank you so much Christian for helping us out with this Challenge and thank you to the boys for attempting this challenge we're going to take the girls up to the room and have a girl powow with us oh great girl powow do you guys have any questions about the boys like did you Vibe with any of them um I Vib the most with denzo and he's funny too like he he has a very Charming funny Spirit about on a double date with the brothers it was the the funniest thing it was pottery class it's it's interesting cuz you you both have like one guy who's just very outgoing and very fun and that's the brothers and then you have a guy that's very like introspective and more thoughtful so after meeting all these four guys I feel that you know whoever Franny or Neza end up with they have four guys here who are very respectful very fun and very caring so I think whoever they choose they're going to end up [Music] [Music] happy [Music] so because it's the last day we're not going to do a oneon-one datee instead the guys are going to take you guys on a one-on-one date that they each plan themselves oh my gosh you guys ready I'm so curious yes let's go so this is my last oneone with brany and I decided to do Legos I wanted to keep things a little bit casual little cool lowkey I don't want to you know overdo it I just want to play play it cool and just be the fun personable me what do we have here Legos yeah Legos when she walks outside and see her eyes light up like a kid I'm like yes i' made the right decision I'm so happy oh my gosh we are going to be building Legos I haven't done that since I was I think 8 n years old let's empty it out okay so we starting off with the gray piece or is it this one probably this one yeah that that looks about right that so wow we're doing so great already honestly building these Legos right now is the most non-anxiety driven thing I've done all week it is so nice to be able to just have fun and goof around it was just nice to focus my energy on something completely different how have you felt through like the whole process of this cuz I feel like you guys are always asking me you know like how are you feeling how are you doing and it's like like how are you guys doing you know yeah yeah uh throughout the whole thing you know I was feeling pretty good yesterday I was um I didn't know how how much you really felt but um I just felt I was a little unsure that's all just like a little confused a little confused you know a little confused and I think that's 100% Fair because I mean me too like I'm I can't sit here and be like oh I know exactly what's going to happen later like I'm sitting here very confused still and I I still need to make a very big decision and it's I mean it sucks it really does suck you know what I mean it really does but um well I'm happy that you're feeling confused as I am you know like in all honesty like if we weren't on the whatever if we weren't on the show whatever and all of us hanging out like you guys are all so much fun to be with you guys are all amazing guys you guys are so great which makes it so hard it's not like one of you guys are like like or something we're like dude no way like him like we've already eliminated all those people you know what I mean so now and I knew it was going to get hard at the end like I I remember even saying in the beginning you know even though it was 10 of you guys I remember in the beginning just being like this is going to be really intense at the end our conversation is going pretty well I'm not going to lie I was a little scared that the communication was probably going to start breaking cuz I didn't know exactly where she stood but now that I see that she's really engaged and really wants to know more about me I'm feeling feel really confident got it oh wait no this is crooked oh sh see FR trying to mess me up you trying to mess me up oh no I don't know how I'm going to get that out I don't want you breaking nail or something I already broke my nails they look horrible be like um I guess this oh hell no nope it's stuck stuck Ryan is still there Ryan still is a contender in this game but honestly I put my best foot forward and I did what I think is right so hopefully it works out in my favor well well I don't think we can still get it all you know what I think it's a wrap on this one well it's a wrap we tried we tried we tried after that date it kind of just validated that I really am into Denzel and that he makes me feel safe he makes me feel special I know I had so much fun thank you so much I have one more time with nezza and I just want to take that time to talk about you know the real life stuff what could happen after this and how excited I am about the opportunity to have that with her hi hello how are you what's going on well thought we would just come and chat and you know just spend some time together so let's get you sitting down beautiful you look amazing by the wayk you this is really crazy because this is actually like my ideal dream date so yeah I'm really excited so I just wanted to have this time to you know just talk and have any you know questions that you might have before you know the final elimination Neza is an absolutely amazing girl inside and out she's so beautiful she's so charismatic she carries herself so well it's really important to me to get to know her on a deeper level and really understand who she is inside and out I guess like the only thing I feel like I guess guess I haven't really asked she was like I don't know like I guess my only doubt is like I feel like I came in here and kind of chose for you because I you know asked you out on the date and I don't know Neza tells me that she feels like she chose you know my feelings for her rather than like me expressing them to her in the first place which is absolutely not true you know Fry's her best friend she's an amazing girl I didn't feel the vibe with her so when CJ and I went up on the first day to go find Neza and talk to her when I sat down with her and you know felt her energy and it was just that instant connection I knew that's where I was meant to be I am attracted to you I don't know why you think that I'm not and that you chose for me when I was downstairs we just didn't have that connection me and Franny right that's fine when I came upstairs and I I saw you and how we interacted that's when I knew I was like I only want you okay yeah it's the only thing it's just hard cuz like coming on like a show I never expected to be feeling the way that I am that I think it is possible to fall for someone in 6 days you can fall for someone even in less time than that when it comes down to it do I see myself you know with you in the future absolutely I have no doubt in my mind about about that and I just want to you know voice that to you so that you'll hear it you know obviously actions speak louder than words yeah and I would love to be able to show that to you mhm day in day out well cheers to that to that well I had written you something no you did not and I would love for you to read it oh my gosh okay Vanessa this has been such a wild ride for both of us and I'm blown away that I've made it to the last day for meeting you and celebrating under the stars on your birthday us sharing with each other our stories of what makes us who we are on the couch all of the kisses we have sneaked back and forth oh my gosh and just being happy in each other's presence means that I am so grateful for the Memories we have already ah your smile blows me away and somehow even after such a short time you feel like home oh my God I'm going cry um I know that if you pick me I would be so excited for the opportunity to get to truly know you outside of this and that even if I twin your heart I know the real work is what comes afterwards I'm so excited for what the future might hold with you and I hope you might feel the same way about me too love vent so sweet oh no I told myself I was going to cry I did everything that I felt like I can to let her know exactly where I stand and put myself truly truly out there for her this is something that I was not expecting to do but or even expect to have feelings for someone so quickly like this but it's uh it's real thank you I love this so much I'm packing up I'm getting ready to go and I see Denzel by the balcony and I feel bad for him I've been in a same situation kind of falling for an amazing person and then sitting at the edge and not knowing what's going to happen is terrifying I'm feeling the need to go over and talk to him and just kind of find out how he's doing and give him some advice if I can it's it's tough being on a show like that it is coming into it you know I thought it was going to be like you know a fun experience mhm especially just to find someone that you know that I like but um I didn't expect from for me to get so vulnerable cuz I feel like um I've gotten to a point where I've gotten too vulnerable and now I want to put up some walls to like kind of retract my my footsteps you know why do you want to do that I don't know I guess it's kind of saving myself from getting hurt in the end yeah you know that makes sense um yeah I maybe I'm taking it too serious I don't know no I don't I I think I mean I think with any kind of relationship and stuff like that they're meant to be taken seriously and I think if you do get scared that means you're doing something right in my opinion and I was I mean I was in the same boat at the end of my season like I went into the show and I was like if I find love I find love but you know at the end of the day it's just a fun show that I get to be a part of and then like day two I was like feelings I they just like smack you out of nowhere and that's like how life works and stuff I've known Franny for a bit and I know that she's like a she's a tough cookie to crack yeah you definit say you've experience that yeah um and like she'll she'll open up and then she'll close open and cl for me and it kind of made me confused you get what I'm trying to say and it was like damn am I put myself out there to look like an idiot like is she that I think if you put yourself out there in any way you don't ever look like an idiot cuz that's you just trying and I think trying is a great thing to do if she's happy then I'm happy you know not force anything you get what I'm trying to say like that's the last thing that I want to do is force something where what doesn't work out and at the point we just both be wasting each other's time you seem like a really good guy and I've I've enjoyed getting to know you and talk with you so honestly from me I wish you the best of luck I appreciate it bro once again thank you once again I got [Music] you so I get my one1 date I'm feeling excited I'm feeling confident I don't think anything could go wrong hi hey come on beautiful what's going on no have a nice yep here's your seat no se way I walk out to the pool to see a full spread of Colombian food I am half Colombian so this means the world to me and he has some of my favorites out on the table I'm excited for this these are like my favorite foods PLO andanas you got the whole MH no way make you feel like you at home you know you're also from New York so you understand exactly I love coloring food I got some chocolate covered strawberries with your with your name engraved did you make this yes I did did you really yep and I'm going to put a little like hole in it so you could wear it as a necklace okay yeah that'll be good yeah but just don't go out in the sun with it no my background and my family is really important to me and the culture is really important to me so to see him take interest in that meant everything one of the main reasons why I wanted to have a dinner date with Neza is to have a more intimate setting how do you feel that um I live in New York at the moment and you live all the way in California we haven't talked about this actually I thought about it like last night I was like h i mean I'd love to come visit I love New York so you would be open to it yeah I'd be open to it I am will to make long distance work I've never really done it but I don't know how do you feel about me like cuz like I do travel a lot I'm like really really busy like sometimes I'm gone for like weeks at a time there something you could be okay with I can be okay with it I mean we would obviously be on two different coasts for most part um probably meet up in like the Midwest somewhere or something we can meet halfway meet halfway we can meet in Chicago or something you know you never know but um I am definitely open to it I don't think it should be something to like block your blessings like just because of like a little bit of mileage yeah we're talking about family we're talking about our future how does she feel about longdistance relationships does she think this can work out do I think this could work out and we finally get to know each other more than on the surface level I got you you got me St to the plate I going to be my no way sure enough I am crying laughing per usual I didn't expect anything else from being on a date with Dustin and this also is just making my decision so hard wait I'm I'm crying oh my God I knew how this is what how this was going to go there's no other way like it's just always laughs I feel like she's going to have a hard time deciding between Vince and I but I am the right person for her oh you're so great my goal with this one-on-one date is to keep it as intimate yet comfortable for Franny as possible so I chose a sunset picnic we're going up on the balcony we're just going to sit down maybe eat some snacks drink a little wine and talk I'm hoping as I'm walking into the state with Ryan that it is a little friendlier and just fun like Denzel's keeping it light and no pressure at all oh my gosh it's a little much I feel so underdressed I feel way overdressed no you're so I was going to keep wearing what I was wearing before no you're so sweet thank you fry walks out right and she's wearing a leather jacket and the first thing she says is that she's way underdressed which makes me feel like I'm way overdressed in this suit we laugh about it which is perfectly telling of how our relationship is it's just funny things are light-hearted it's a good start load off oh my gosh welcome to the balcony wow this is crazy did they have this already or did you bring this I didn't bring it though it was like everything is SC from like throughout the house okay okay water or wine what's your PO love that um I'll have wine please it is romantic and even though I did say that I wanted it to be friendly it is the cutest thing we are watching the sunset and we're just kind of cuddling on a pile of pillows and it's really cute those random cookies from the pantry we cookies yeah you feel like you've been trapped here for so long I was trying to take you on a hike but everyone everyone was complaining like they're like we don't want to walk up the hill with the cameras no it's okay this is nice though yeah it's peaceful just relaxing there's also way too many people over there having this last 101 date means a lot because I really want this time with Franny I think it's going to mean a lot I think we're going to talk about a lot of things I'm just excited to spend some time with her I never really ever view this as a competition as much as just like an experience and like the okay and kind of an environment to get to know people yeah you're probably the only one yeah I don't like to feel it doesn't feel right to be competitive over you like obviously I I am in a little bit but like it feels wrong it feels kind of wrong to be like I hate when these guys are talking to her cuz that feels like unfair to you cuz you have to have the time and the experience with other people you have to find out what you want you have to have your own space like so it like made me just get very you know like in your head yeah as everything does in life really oh for sure like someone will say one little thing and then you just question it no that no it's more of I question myself does that make sense like I question my own things that I that you're like doing yeah okay you ever do that no you're pretty confident are you confident you're pretty confident I said that confident I said that confidently in the backtracked on that almost inst um I would say I don't know I come across as it I know I I always it's yeah people always say like oh my God you look so confident honestly I the leather jackets I would say I I would honestly say I'm not that confident just like from like experiences and stuff that just kind of like it just sucks like especially living in a city like this in a city like this it makes you just like second guess yourself a lot and like just like about you know what you're doing how you look who you're with like it's just you are constantly questioning everything and it sucks um but yeah I'm definitely like learning to love myself a lot more than what I did like two years ago or like a year ago Ryan is someone that I can definitely let into my life and I feel like that's a lot that's a lot for me to say because I do keep such high walls up I wanted to ask you about your with the LI detector test yesterday with your previous relationship the way that I took that question was like do you still have love for that person okay you know what I mean like in no way would I ever ever want to get back in that relationship but anytime that you're with somebody like I feel like in life if you ever at one point love somebody you're always going to have love for them you know what I mean that that does not mean in any way you see that being a thing that's like a healthy relationship and like the first thing that my mom ever taught me was never talk about past relationships on a date so I no it's okay I don't mind it yeah it's I think I mean I think it's important to talk about past relationships with other people so tell me about yours see how I did that see how that just turned around honestly my past Rel I don't really have anything serious yeah I had one in high schol school it was like um it was someone that I would say we were like together maybe almost a year but like we officially were dating for a couple of months but then he cheated on me that sucks yeah so it was just one of those things where it was like it was like a high school flank honestly I wasn't that heartbroken it was really funny cuz I was like so over him cuz he was kind of mean to me okay he wasn't the nicest boyfriend that I could have had I'm sorry no it's okay it still sucks though it's not a good experience to have no and I think I think that's another reason why I'm so like you know self-conscious of about things and like I'm very guarded because the one relationship I feel like that was you know the one relationship one relationship I did have wasn't the like it wasn't the best relationship so it's like going into new relationships I'm usually very cautious usually take things very very slow yeah she's got a lot of walls up right it's it's just kind of true and that's okay cuz I totally understand like I get where she comes from in terms of the last relationships I get how she struggled through those kind of things and how she maybe struggles with confidence in herself which is so surprising cuz she's successful and beautiful and seemingly confident and just like very aware of herself right so she keeps talking about how she takes a lot a lot a lot of time to trust and to open up and to let people in so honestly for me it's really hard to tell what she's thinking all I want to say is like hey okay I appreciate this week okay I think you're very very cool and you're very funny and you're very confident in being yourself which you don't see especially again as you're referencing in a place like this yeah so like thank you for letting me spend time with you that's kind of all I got a you're so sweet no don't say that why every time I say you're sweet you're always like no don't I'm not sweet I'm I'm a I'm a bad boy no I really enjoyed the date with Ryan I feel like we got a little closer cuz we did end up talking about deeper topics topics that I would ask any guy that I'm potentially seeing myself with thank you so much for this Daye it was actually amazing I needed it so it's a little nerve wrecking for me right now never been in the bottom two 3 1 I made it this far just got to finish the race oh my gosh it's elimination whatever happens happens if I get chosen I'll be excited but if not I'll be all right you know I'll I feel like I've come to terms that it is what it is and you can't control everything that happens in life so it's all in Franny's hands okay Franny if you're watching this I think you're amazing and I would like to show you outside of all of this that I think we could really work whatever happens tonight I know that all the guys are here for the right reasons I'm so thankful that we were able to do this together it's been it's been an experience so going into elimination right now I am a ball of anxiety a ball of nerves never did I think it was going to come down to the final minute but here we are and I just really don't know what I'm going to do I'm just glad that I have my best friend here holding my hand because I don't think I'd be able to do this without her by my side the time is literally here it's time for eliminations I'm n saying that all right fellas it's the last elimination uh this experience with you guys has been crazy um we're so glad we've all gotten to know you guys and no matter what I feel like we've all developed amazing friendships with you guys so thank you for being just so kind and respectful towards each other as you can see it's only just you two because Franny is going to be going first and in deciding who is a match for her and who is not are you ready frie okay so I want to first off say that thank you so much for everything you guys have done here for me for everyone you guys are amazing Denzel you are I think the funniest guy I have ever gone out with you are so funny you you are amazing you make me forget about all my problems when I'm with you you are just incredible you listen to me so well and I can feel and see how genuine you are and that's amazing you you you're incredible Ryan um you are a sweetheart I've never met anyone as interesting as you you're amazing I I honestly like I I feel like I wish I could just say the same thing for both of you guys you guys are just incredible and Ryan any girl would be lucky to have you the guy that is not a match for me is oh my God it's Denzel well thank you I appreciate your you are so amazing can I can I please hug you are so amazing I appreciate and any girl is going to be lucky to have you Ryan's lucky to have you honestly um I just want to say say I appreciate this experience it was fun it's taken a lot on me emotionally it's okay it's um definitely uh Unforgettable experience every single one of you appreciate you and um amaz you are too you literally I'm not kidding any girls going to be lucky to have you you're the funniest guy out there it is a Bittersweet feeling right now being that I have to leave but I really do genuinely feel that Ryan is a great guy and I believe that he would definitely make frany happy everything happens for a reason I am a bit sad of course you know I just hope she's happy and I know I'll find someone in the future I am a loving person who can make a woman laugh and make her feel at ease and comfortable in order for her to be her best self I guess cheers to the Future never know what happens so Ryan that means that you are a match for [Laughter] me that was surprising actually I like that bet you didn't see that one coming kind of a curve ball here we go well for him it was a curveball I don't know why but for me I kind of figured I've been hoping the whole time of course I scared you you Absol dur elimination didn't I did you mean to scare me cuz that was cruel I did mean to scare you love that don't cry don't cry wow I'm happy it's over and that you know I was able to share that special moment with Ryan you know I again for me to a lot of emotions a really crazy week with everybody here but I am excited to see you were goes just like we told Denzel and Ryan this experience with you guys has been amazing and getting to know both of you has been amazing as well Nessa get to take it away Vince you are one of the sweetest guys I have ever met the connection I have with you is unreal and just the way that you look at me makes me feel like a million bucks Dustin you make me laugh harder than literally any guy I've ever hung out with and I love how driven you are and I also love the relationship you have with your brother because family is so important to me the person who is not a match for me is I don't think I can do [Applause] this oh oh my God Neza needs a moment for herself I know she's going through it it's a hard decision she has to make she doesn't want to let any one of us [Music] down got it got it you got it okay okay okay so clearly this isn't an easy decision for me because both of you are so great and I do see myself having an amazing time with both of you out out after the show the person who is not a match for me is [Music] Dustin don't cry you can laugh it's okay laugh I'm feeling a little down but at the same time I'm good because I feel like between Vince and I we were both good men for her and I think she still made a great choice not me but it's still a great choice Neza we had a very great time I still feel like we have a connection maybe it's something we could pursue in the future if you and Vince don't work out but I'm always here if you need a laugh Vince you are the match for me oh my God go your I won that was so good though that's it so that's like no heck no heck no I came on the show to obviously have a great time and meet great guys but never did I think I'd you know have a connection as like strong as we do so I'm Blown Away by it don't cry I know I'm trying not to cry are you crying cry I'm so happy honestly I'm so happy I don't [Applause] know L told you right here Ryan is so sweet he is so genuine you're like I have so many options there's so many guys who are right right here not like that we're good we're good we're good we're good you are so sweet and I'm just just really excited to see what the future holds for us this has been absolutely 100% one of the craziest most up and down heart-wrenching throw it back in your chest weeks I've ever experienced I'm just this is so sweet it's not that sweet yes it is it's very it's extremely thoughtful I'm really I am really happy that this happened oh you're so weet all right good job I'm superc excited just be able to get to know Ryan outside of this show oh absolutely that things be normal for once cuz that's not what this is yeah it was a very not normal situation not many people go through this [Music] yeah she chose me it's just what's next and that's the best question I could ever have this has been a wild ride lots of emotions okay so this is Vince oh my he's tall is he tall okay 6 he's cute at the end of the day it is so worth it to put yourself out there for something like this just because what can happen can kind of blow your doors off and just be really amazing moment for you in your life can you can you sing me Happy Birthday in a Russian accent no hey hey hey hey hey stop don't do that I can't stop I know I know I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't and I'm so happy I did this cuz now I have a great girl I'm excited to just see where things go with Vince he is so so sweet it's just it's so right it's like all moving so fast and it's like usually like this amount of stuff would happen over the course of months mons this just feels so right I am blown away that this connection happened so quickly and I'm just so thankful so grateful for it and you know it's it's amazing when you know you know and I feel like we always knew from like even the first time we like hung out and talked we've already planned our first official date so stay tuned thank you to Neza and Franny for wanting to be on this show I'm so glad we could try and help them so sorry Nea and Franny for putting you through all this stress I didn't think it would happen this time but it did but I hope you guys had fun you found some nice guys we made lots of new friends this has been the most emotional roller coaster I have ever been on in my life so crazy you know how they are but I would not have wanted it any other way the fact that I was able to do this with my best friends and with an amazing crew and group of people that honestly were there for me on and off camera was just incredible are we doing it this experience has been so crazy meet our our other best friend our other best friend Nessa no way you didn't have to tell me that I did I really did yes I did but I'm so happy that I did it and I loved that I had my best friends by my side I don't know what would have happened if they weren't here with me what a great season what a great way to end this show yes everyone go send some love to Neza and Franny also comment down below who you think we should find love for next in season 3 thanks for watching like this video subscribe to Awesomeness TV subscribe to Franny Neza the Merl twins check out season 1 if you hav't seen season 1 of twin my heart and guess we'll see you guys next time bye what are like physical things that you're attracted to when it comes to a girl smile like your smile with the di twin my heart season 2 was a wild ride of emotions thanks to the guys Veronica and Vanessa Merill Help cast in never before scen footage we're showing you interviews of the guys you love love to hate and the the ones who didn't make the cut so hi what's your name I'm Aaron I'm Tage borgas my name is Connor CJ I'm CJ Raymond Edward wi the third but I've been Teddy since I was a kid my name is Ryan priny well I'm Brian uh yeah I'm 21 very nice so we know Brian yes we kind of go way back let's see it was from you now used to like guest people and I was apparently lucky to video chat with one of you guys yeah I don't know if you watched the first season of twin my heart you did I did it was intense it was intense why did your last relationship end well uh my last relationship was really like my only relationship it lasted for eight years and uh he was a long time and uh it ended because she did not I'm an actor uh she didn't see a future with an actor so that was cool that's not good no it wasn't great have you been in a relationship before yes and what happened in your last relationship that didn't work out you know we we dated for almost a year and I I just at the end of the day I felt like I was putting in a lot more effort than she was what happened in your last relationship like Why didn't it work out yeah Why didn't it work out uh we were both in the military at the time I me in the US Army so it was kind of hectic being the active duty communication is not there as you know you have to go out in the field be away from each other for months communication was there support wasn't there you know giving up my goals and dreams to somebody's not going to support me at the end of the day uh my last relationship all right so I met this girl last year I we was friends for like four years and then we end up dating and when I end up going to school she ended up cheating on me with one of my close friends so it was kind of you know messy yeah wasn't going for it so this is Vince and he's actually been one of our friends for a really long time like several years no yeah like two years and a yeah we're friends from church and we decided to bring them on the show why did your last relationship not work out my last relationship didn't work out because for a long time um I was just dismissing red flags for a long time she was not very nice to me that caused me to pull away which caused her to just be even more mad and then we're just like okay we can't do this anymore Mutual understanding that we were not right for one another in the long run my name is Denzel I'm Dustin nice meet meet you guys are brothers yeah he's uh two years older than I am if you guys can't tell he's aging but um I'm the younger brother I love this I love the brother Dynamic are you guys super close definitely like this guy is my best friend this guy is a liar am I not your best friend okay first of all he's dramatic he's not my best friend um no he is my best friend like like which one is it no he's my best friend all right so this is kind of crazy we met at the streamy awards we did so my friend Matt he's the redhaired kid who was on the last season so I brought that up and we talked about a little bit so what do you do so I am a full-time YouTuber and also a filmmaker oh that's really cool that's awesome yeah a little bit of everything uh where are you originally from okay so I'm from upstate New York and you probably don't know about it cuz it's like the only thing that we have there is cows it's like our cows yeah basically we have like Dairy day we have a whole holiday dedicated to cows and like they crown like a Dairy Queen and a dairy princess and they give you milk it's really weird it's super weird that's so funny yeah it's a good time what is like your go-to pickup line oh my God before moving to LA or after moving to La I love your aura I mean it's all that oh my God that sounds really bad so my go-to pickup line is um girl if you were a Cheeto you would be a hot Cheeto you know so would that would that work on you I don't know I think it worked on my dad over there he went he's like taking notes H what's something that a quality about yourself that you're very proud of my smile I feel like I'm really Charming I have like a boyish charm to me and that really like gets people wanting to know more about me and like be my friend and stuff so I feel like that works out in my favor my favorite quality about myself is my height how tall are you I'm 6'4 that's very tall yeah it's up there should get the best of both world with me funny handsome that's two already smart intelligent down all right we get it what's your ideal girl like what do you look for when you are talking to a girl I like to see where her head is I I like um girls who actually know what they want in life I'm a seposexual too I get turned on by intelligence so if you can teach me something cuz I know I'm going to be teaching you something so if you can teach me something then I'll fall in love wow great I like a girl who doesn't take herself too seriously kind of just laugh and isn't and just like I can laugh at herself be kind of self-deprecating uh someone who's kind and generous you know cares about others kind of before themselves and I like a good energy I think I'm kind of attracted to a certain intensity with people people who kind of like go off and do their thing like that's really attractive to me are you an introvert or extrovert I like to think that I'm extrovert but I'm introvert would you say you're an introvert or an extrovert I'm an extrovert but I don't know if I'm showing that right now onong camera which is ironic yeah it's super weird cuz like I'm an extremely extroverted person especially when I know people more but something about being on camera it gives me a a flashback to like middle school high school stage fright which something that I always struggled with so it's kind of an interesting Dynamic there especially with my career choices what's your name Cody Cody Bora okay where are you from um Minnesota what did you move out here for the the the I'm not sure where y'all are from but have you experienced snow yes we're from Kansas City Missouri oh yeah okay okay last year was like one of the worst snowfalls of all time oh my God and that just wore through me so that was like the inciting incident get me out here yeah why should we pick you well boy oh boy I have to have a lot of confidence to answer that question properly um I did watch twin my heart like the mentality of the guys on that show all kind of seems similar and I do think I've got a different mindset about romance I think a Minnesota boy has a quality to offer what qualities do you look for in a girl when you're trying to do qualities I look for well quality I don't look for is I don't like noad dos because that kind of that's kind of annoying it is um yeah I'm also really into like my style so I'm hoping that whoever I date also has a similar style because like one of us came just be like the best one no it makes sense you got to both look good we have to be like # C go so well for me I'll would go for like personality even though like you know looks is like what you what you come across first but I'm more so about like personality if they're like funny and like I would say um goofy as well like that really uh gets me going not like that but like you know like okay besides Herbert the Pervert over here I'm definitely like an extrovert and I think that's something I'd want is someone who also like big personality I want to know like I can have someone that isn't going to like if I bring her to like a family event or anything she's not going to be clinging to my hip I guess uh so someone that I can know that is going to be okay if I like step out for a minute definitely someone with like a bubbly big personality and uh sort of has their stuff together I guess and is active what are qualities you look for in a girl to date a good sense of humor because I like to like say jokes and like you know be witty and stuff like that so I say like you know someone who has a good head on their shoulders they're not like shallow and then they have like a really like beautiful smile we have to be able to communicate well it it flows and it feels natural and there's just like a you know solid obvious connection there you know doesn't feel forced doesn't feel like pulling teeth playing the 20 Questions game and it just like it just happens you know you just click so if that's there then that's pretty perfect what do you think about the idea of dating a girl who's a social media influencer I have I love it me personally I think the best relationships are kept off social media I say it's cool but it's really like about what's outside of that yeah you can have so many followers but it's all about like who you are like on the inside if someone is making a career out of it if there's their goal to influence people positively if it is being used for a good thing then I have no problem with that I think that's admirable are you the jealous type do you get jealous no not really no okay do you like to get in fights and stuff or no no I've never gotten into a fight if like I was interested in you and you were interested in someone else and I saw that I'm not going to be like well what why aren't you interested in me like that doesn't really make sense to me I feel like you kind of have to let people do what they want so not that type of jealousy but if I was in like a more committed relationship but I started seeing that kind of stuff that's when it would probably come out in certain situations could you be an aggressive person or not really yes really I can sometimes like you can throw some hands I don't throw hands I I I throw hands verbally have you ever been in a fight before like a phys fight with like all the time really yeah it happens mhm if there's something where I need to like intervene then I'll frer intervene but otherwise if it's one of those situations where it's like there's not really anything I can do about this then I'm just going to kind of take a step back you're not very aggressive or anything like if a fight broke out would you get involved in it or anything I'm usually the one who's trying to be The Peacemaker cuz I'm a lover not a fighter very cliche answer I'm also a Pisces and we like the most loving um sign so yeah what's your zodiac sign I'm a cancer okay yeah very nice what qualities do cancers have they're an emotional wreck one of you gets kicked off and the other one gets to stay or do you guys you guys stay together or do you guys go out like out together well this is what I would what what are you going to say cuz you always want to talk first go I was born first so what are you talking about well growing up my parents said wh if I go he goes but if he goes out of the house I'm not going with him are you close to your family I am yes I am I'm very close and uh it was actually I just got here last night I was home for the holidays and uh yeah my mom was crying to see me go so it was adorable yeah it's a little sad but I'm fine I'm big boy are you family oriented very yeah very very family oriented um really close to my mom not so close with my dad but getting better now that it's you know he's like a very business dad you know so as I'm older it's better but and then like cousins love all my cousins you know aunts and uncles really close in my family are you family oriented yes I am I like love my family I think family is the most important thing I have nine siblings so nine siblings yeah and like they'll always be there for you always counting them yeah so oh yeah let's say the girl you're talking to or um trying to date is not feeling good like sad just kind of in the dumps like what would you do to cheer her up my plan for anything when anyone's down or I just you know see that they're not feeling their best I always try to make them laugh that's like number one me being the musician I can write a stupid little song or whatever pull the guitar in or whatever you know so if I know the girl and I know what makes her happy that's what I'm going to do not what makes me happy oh that's a good answer okay I used humor to solve everything so I would try to be weird probably that's also like a family trait of mine I think we don't deal with like sadness super well so we use humor and kind of like dark humor to deal with it if that makes sense can you tell me about your friend can I yeah that's all I get you're the only guy who's asked yeah see I'm interested I'm I want to know more about her you know she's into the Zodiac stuff too so yeah we can talk about that then yeah that's something you can talk about you guys you got a little leverage there what is your like ideal date like if you were to take a girl on a date what would you do my ideal date is it's so cheesy but it's one that you don't want to end and it honestly does not have to be anything fancy I mean obviously it can be but one where I don't want to leave you like obviously it's you know something don't cry what was your favorite moment from last season that was not on camera the part where brand stormed out and I wish there would have been like a camera like on me of your reaction I was so clueless to what was happening oh yeah cuz this is straight up this is real right you're literally just captured no one told him to storm out and he just did he just did y go Brandon would you storm out no were you surprised by who made and didn't make the cut leave a comment and let us know who you'd like the meril twins to set up on season three of twin my heart don't forget to subscribe to Awesomeness TV and the Merl twins Channel see you next time time bye
Channel: Awesomeness
Views: 504,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jXIJMMbfpa8
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Length: 271min 7sec (16267 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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