Mercy Killing: Uganda's Hidden Infanticide

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in this documentary we show the investigation of two Ugandan friends investigative journalist Gerald beretta and social worker Rosemarie numbers a team up because they want to find out more about mercy killing they heard that children with a disability get killed by their parents those killings are taboo and remain hidden in society I have found out that many parents killed that disabled children as an act of mercy an act of mercy on these children because parents think that when they kill these children they serve them from the trouble they have to go through in their life seven years ago Chinese child became a browse Godfather the boy has Down syndrome happy next April was the first child with a disability you really got to know mm-hmm she changed my life what I learnt a lot from the experience because in my life I'd never met someone with Down syndrome until when I met a boy [Music] rosemary is April's mother everybody knows her as mama [Music] it hasn't been easy for her after April's birth she found no help at all so she started her own NGO Angel Center for children with special needs the [Applause] [Music] children are lucky to find help and therapy in angel center this is rare in Uganda most children with a disability have no access at all to this kind of support Gerald and Mama Rose leave the capital compound they drive to a mother who confessed to Gerald she's thinking of killing her daughter Jared shared with us a story about Massa killing in Angola and as a social worker I am acquisitive to to see what's really taking place in Angola district to witness the cases of families that are almost committing Masekela hurry I'm also mama Rosie I'm a my role you look so cute baby [Music] Karen's disability is called clubfeet it's a common birth defect occurring in about one in every thousand births for Mary the club feet are a big problem she cannot afford a treatment because of extreme poverty Mama Rose wants to hear her full story she tries to understand why Mary is thinking of mercy killing Jordao ruining opionion is a Bank of America by Ramirez award we're doing water jet wanna might need for you to know our Tamil hamamelis the comparative cockatoo wuji deciding I became European [Music] Cup or the Cardinal guilty tickling Valerie Bordeaux kodi neeya madaraka range of her husband and her family forced her to consider something unimaginable killing Karen while they are talking Rosi scary is getting more ill-posed wants to take action we can stop our interviews from here because I was filming Mary agrees to come with us to the nearest health center Rose is relieved having just heard about Mary's intention to end Karen's life Rose thinks is withholding medicine from Karen that's a passive way of committing a mercy killing the health center is only one kilometer from her home yet Mary didn't bring Karen a few days earlier to the central knowing her child is really ill Rose and Gerald are happy they intervened medical team discovered Karen has been affected by the number one killer in Uganda Kareem has severe malaria yeah and we believe without getting treatment should even take three days [Music] ken has to stay the night so we bring Mary back home and expectedly three other mothers had turned up at her place they all have disabled children other parents have joined us because they know Asha Asha waka was coming on board and now I'm here to introduce to you another parent who has a child with spina bifida and another mother who has a child with autism all these are going through a lot of stigma Mama Rose and Gerald strives to make a difference you gain and fathers who often been in their wives and children should know that disabled children also deserve a full life Rose decides to go to the center of macabre she wants to share a positive message about disability she invites the mothers to join her we are going to have a big community meeting there please come because we need to create awareness when Rose gets there she feels anxious I'm already seeing many people around they are not sure of what we are going to tell them it's a bit scary because now we are seeing young people youth before youth who I do and you know different categories but we want to go and take their society and okoma but to the dunya of the table I am back to piranha I want to greet you all my name is rosemary I come from Kampala I'm a mother of a child with disability and I run a project that works for children with disability are you seeing all these children they are wonderfully and fearfully made this child is born of spina bifida and because of that complication he can ensue speed the sousou and poopoo all go through as a community we want to show you that you have these people in your neighborhood and these people need your help and not judgments mothers need to be encouraged and not abused and not neglected often these mothers get abandoned by the husband which is not a good practice [Music] surely am I like me cannot take all my time carrying a Lemu child like the other one falou type because they are too slim ones if the mana cannot carry very there the number was what we did at one one time see it becomes a shame to me that is how normally some of my colleagues tell to rejected us children if the community's talking about shame I'm here to tell you that children one with disability are not ashamed this awareness piece is only a first step and there is still a lot of work to be done a man had testified that as a man it's a shame for him to carry a child with a disability so it will take us a lot of hard work and more awareness creation to change the mindsets in this area Mama Rose drives home to the children of Angel Center in compound in the city Makura Gerald still has some important witnesses to interview in this small community we found two mothers who admitted killing their disabled child [Music] the next morning a woman is waiting in the car because of what she has done she wants to stay anomalous we call her a call we have a very fascinating case of a woman from a water district she confessed to me about having taken part in Massa Cary [Music] [Music] so we drove from sorrow tea to this press it's like 500 meters from swathi town we are looking for press that is safe for this mother of five to give us her confession about masticating it was not easy to convince our call for the first time ever she will testify [Music] I'm a Latina see a cage any dating arena convert a take on Sadie Kane Akshay Khanna mama De Aza ta ke kanaka generate a lava cake ooh a suitable aqua sorry Wayne Derby Canada it to too many BCD Sunita quiet Durov upon Alaska terrain EC and naida mama T is reachable Borini a tiana tie volatility could require three months after giving birth to father abandon the call she was left on her own raising six children snipe we not at RNA polymerase Anita man we tie bow routine coke we own our own on Anita silica to Tibet to in credo bukas about a tank okay another on a non-conservative in Qatar Qatar in Uganda everybody is born within a clan a group of people who share one ancestor the husband's plan did not want to be weakened by a disabled child they excluded are calling her baby she had to peel the burden alone putting a cutout in Issaquah needy joked in a kiddo you can use a mini para night depository in mommy didn't actually that this Narayana had excellent my mama cannon a mucuna beat younger yeah big spoon Monteverde que polymorpha moon noon we are loosing hora de que poner una mamamoo canopy Tiana's in the even to Sam you can't me to seek a severe I cocaine iorry to country he become an advocate we are identity Baba redeem okay right yeah Chanakya yo community a coca-cola cuckoo named amigurumi ellos Akron RA a Cole felt there was no way out of this misery she had no one to rely on [Music] so to look when it cut up a saloon salami Kelly quality rocky Renault a boomerang in routine i kuraki Ducato as she continues I call describes in detail how she murdered her own son Abu who are a Marty vajradharma tan you are Aggie a boom no more trouble I'm Molly our moon is quani getting again no martinis qua Panama came in his co-op economy SMU synced in a Eric a nice Emerson solar a Nene poco de Muniz mutti mutti mama annual when you see Dianna Teen Mom wanna wanna see Ana a chronic a moose na and na na kama me to be buried Nadia ready dope it sold out in sunny are equal in amami Najib alacrán ET de mis wrangle mo Canady rent-a-car opt Liman Hamidah diamond allotted arrow Oh pootie body tone Abadi dc:title O'Connor Oh Roberta mama Tonopah Lupita sonarak we not attorney to numerous Annette Ramon we tie [Music] what forces a mother with all her love for child to engage in that act of mascara interviewing her I have learned that the conditions in which this mother gave birth this baby her family her clan her husband who abandoned her always forced this mother to conduct this heinous act of massacre the next morning Jared meets another bomb just like the first mother we won't reveal her identity we named her up alot we have a mother here with a very intriguing story about massacring we all don't know what the story is about but we have been referred to her by a colleague come on again we take precautions and drive upload to an isolated area so she can tell her story safely ma'am from the beginning can you tell us how your story started well now Rico can I ring one last ring cocaina ring wanna see when you were cleaning Co get her to marry me today I woke up in your knee do I care I'm gonna copy any way now truancy no kakera Derek an oregano clean curriculum o-nami-san hearkening disappear a leak upon my piranha narco Canada's capital Erica Rivero obviously there are two eternal when the girl was nine months old their husband abandoned his wife have four children and left for Kampala after years of frustration when a disabled girl reads the age of six and became more than a political endure I better get out of it again when we passed away my deepest wound Cataloochee I do a mommy I got not a dude I mean I better not another mommy tiene de Kaku atomic era for the tirado novella and mommy Piniella Romano well I don't go talking Kononenko queen I see a moon a booming manganite talk a gerakan Anna Akana as I can I talk to Ron about logic in Iquique no voodoo Nico Queen character on are a uber alles aruku Gina Habba doing buddy Coco Coco Booga sorrow matter who named Enoch in a missing dog wanaka demo so make me a king Anya lengchan Oprah today first of all I can cut I will not judge me knocking down a girl alakina and money garden I'm when I'm Anya demo okay Takako Filipina upp Roberto you know Bo yeah you're my energy Kaka Kaka quiet you need a memorable rabbit and someone I forgot run away [Music] [Music] Makena right buddha veronica Franco can I do my neighbor not back before so-called where kata trauma bond with a Galactica Allah so plan upon again and we cannot check on it all for today she still alone even though the husband has returned to Makua Nakia an Iranian II might eternal hello Erica Cassell coos Bernie kopell it is an occasion where falafel a little irregular [Music] both women were rejected and abandoned as Gerald first heard of the term mercy killing he assumed that the mercy applied to the disabled child as he now here's our : applaud confess it seems a rotted granted mercy upon themselves an African saying goes takes a village to raise a child as it seems it also takes a village to kill one [Music] today Jared means fret over the manager of blow volcano Panda yes Fred he says with us the story of a loophole a ten young blind girl who survived a brutal attempt of mercy killing for her safety behind her identity a loop is not her real name her mother lived in Kiki and Georgie large l'm in Zarate this woman is a prostitute and I think in that in that in in that same business is how she conceived a child and when she she gave birth she attempted to bother the child alive simply because she discovered she was blind the neighbor saved the baby after many years in an orphanage a Lupo arrived at global care the NGO rented her house for her Anna Lupo and tried to give them a fresh start this woman will kill this child do you know she smokes marijuana and at night she locks the shell and goes to the street for prostitution she comes back at 6:00 in the morning the child can try the whole night and there's nobody in the house when she has smoked her marriage one and she forces that child to smoke and to drink and Lupo was already seven by then she had no place to stay anymore after many hard years Fred found her home for a Lupo she now lives in a boarding school for blind children [Music] a loophole is here during the week and in the weekend so they know her very well [Music] a plasti to Christine works with her every day she sees a traumatized girl she stole road to their friends and then also sometimes to teach us she has a bad language being neglected all her life marked her somebody who likes being alone she doesn't want to share with the others then we finally meet a loophole she's shy a box away we follow her to her class [Music] I love me one teacher Christine's first priority is to improve the social skills of the children stand up and boy this year she's crying there's some improvement she's crying she cannot list right now six dots she can't even write some let us see Christine doesn't only focus on other posts problems what we have identified E is she's a musician she can't sing very well she can't play the instruments very well and that's how we are seeing her she she is talented in music we sent to be one to drain us [Music] we are happy to see you today CP now and listen to our be what children are singing food welcome we are happy to see you today sit down and listen to us b1 children are singing food ello ello ello come my dear mister we are happy to see you today sit down and listen to us P what you drain us singing for you mister we are happy to see you today CP now and listen to ah be what children are singing food
Channel: Journeyman Pictures
Views: 519,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Journeyman, Journeyman Pictures, mercy killing, uganda, infanticide, disabled children, disability, malaria, poverty, health, culture, tradition
Id: zt4ujt9GdM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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