MerCruiser Alpha One Gen 1 Sea Water Pump Removal & Replace

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all right here we go half inch I'm usually a lot more neater than this but I'm trying to do it quick cuz I know you guys want to get going on [Music] yours those are the 7 16 and the little 516 one over here we're going to see if we can get rid of this tube that's in my way garbage and then we're going to pry this white plastic part off came off relatively easy and then that's what it looks like inside now the impeller doesn't look terrible brand new fancy Canon M50 camera that I don't know how to use but that's what it looks like all right we're going to get rid of that and we're also getting rid of this gasket so there's going to be one gasket with a big hole in it that's the one on top then the stainless steel wear plate oh du don't forget to take off the little keyway that's for the um impeller wear plate and another gasket now you'll see that there's um little Little Hook in it in the top part here just pay attention to that I mean you can't really screw it up cuz there's alignment holes you'll see it's simple just take your time now that's really quite clean some a lot of them are not that clean so take your time clean it all up really good this one looks looks really pretty good now we're going to dig into our new Pump kit here try to do this real fast and furious like all right so there's a whole bunch of gaskets in here right um You mainly you're only going to use the ones with the hooks on them see some of these don't have have hooks on them this one does this little hook up here so we're getting rid of that that that and we're going to keep this one with the big hook in the top this one with the hook in the top and you can see this wear plate also has a hook in the top and there's a little sharp edge obviously that's going to go down cuz if your impeller were to ride on that it would wouldn't work so that goes down just put it back together the same way you took it apart this one first there's an alignment pin you can't screw it up slide that on down then we're going to put the wear plate on on then we're going to put this other top gasket on push it all down nice finy [Applause] impeller here's your little Parts bag I usually have a knife in my pocket find your little Parts bag here it's got uh let's see some stuff that you will not be using some big O-rings we're not going to be needing them um there's our new alignment sleeve that goes in there um some other stuff this little um orange little o-ring looking thing there's an oil passage right here you'll see it um we can pick that out and put the new one in just got to be very careful that you don't knock that off when you put the upper back on so make sure that's really good in there uh some other stuff we're not going to need we're going to need this big black o-ring thing and the key so here's a new key way that's going to go in place on the flat side of the shaft you'll see that and then there's a notch inside the impeller right easy enough that goes on over it just got to line it up it goes on see now it locks it to the shaft now we're going to get some soapy water I've got Dawn dish soap here okay so I've got some Dawn dish soap here this is just water and and dish soap and what that is going to do that's going to help us lubricate things it's just a lubricant so we're going to spray the new impeller really good inside the new housing really good and that's going to go back on the same way we took it off so we're going to just turn clockwise on this shaft it really doesn't matter but as we're pushing down the new housing we're going to turn the shaft clockwise as we push and then that'll help help get things seated okay now everything looks good we're going to put our nuts and washers and screws back in and we're done we're back in business it'll be time to put the upper back on now in the upper there's a copper tube and you can look and you'll see the copper tube that goes into this um this is where the water comes out and goes up to the engine so this this little white tube here that's just an alignment sleeve the copper tube pipe will go into this sleeve and then into a little rubber seal so I'm going to take a little soapy water and spray it in there so that the copper tube slides into that rubber a little easier once we get this thing all tightened back down don't go crazy just snug it down we're going to take this black ring that comes in the new kit that gets slid over and then pushed all the way down all right and once I tighten this down I'm going to push that back down some more don't forget the screw it's simple stuff guys but this is how it's [Music] done I do not recommend you guys use an impact this is just a little baby impact and I've done this a bazillion times so I know what I'm doing with it but don't don't use an impact this is plastic it's soft it's it's delicate just use hand wrenches um and I'll push this down snug and that's it we're done we're going to make sure your your oil passage o-ring is in place that we talked about that's good we sprayed everything with soapy water so it's all about lubricated we're going to just carefully put the upper back on and uh guide the copper tube into this water sleeve water tube and uh and then we might have to turn the input shaft a little bit to line the splines up so just grab your drive shaft on your upper just turn that a little bit it'll you'll see It'll drop right down in place um just going to have to line things up you know use your studs as guides line things up now this we took it off as it was in forward uh so it should still be in forward I'm going to turn the prop when you're no it's it's not so what we're going to have to do is um is turn this shift shaft with a pair of pliers no no I can do it with my fingers turn it if you're looking down on that shift shaft you want to turn it clockwise right clockwise that would make that shift shift shoe goes straight like we talked about when removing the out drive so we're going to turn this clockwise if you're looking down at it and you're going to rotate the prop when looking at the prop you're going to rotate that counterclockwise that locks it right that locks the dog clutches in there so now we're in forward we know we're in we're in forward if you were to turn this drive shaft really hard you would see that the prop shaft would then would then turn to propel you forward through the water all right but just make sure that this is in forward um grab the prop or this is you're turning this clockwise grab the prop and turn that counterclockwise and it's locked all right now if I were to turn this back just a little bit now I'm in neutral again if I turn it counterclockwise I can tell the prop is we're neutral um if I keep going counterclockwise it'll lock the prop will then lock up clockwise it means we're in Reverse so then we're going to turn this shift shaft all the way clockwise so that the prop locks up counterclockwise now we're in forward don't move the prop because that will take you back out of gear so when we put the upper back onto the lower we need to make sure that the shift shoe in the upper is straight right everything's got to be straight and in forward when everything is straight that is that means it's in forward so we're going to have to line up the splines on the shift shoe to the shift shaft and have everything be forward and then and then carefully line everything now this isn't easy right I struggle with this getting everything lined up all at the same time but you got to use a flashlight look in there make sure your copper tube goes into place make sure that the the drive shaft goes into the drive shaft where it goes in the upper and you can use a flashlight familiarize yourself just look at everything really close make sense of it and um know what you're doing here a little bit so we're going to drop the upper back on to the lower all right okay so I'm just going to try to try to line everything up here just I can't make sure that shift shoe is straight um look looking through this exhaust hole here okay my copper tube is in my white sleeve and drive shaft looks like it's going to going to go I must be on some studs here so I'm going to look around okay all right there there it goes and the drive's falling off the cart now wonderful okay now uh this is the point where I'm going to turn the drive shaft I'm going to look though make sure that my shift shoe is lined up onto the spline shift shaft and make kind of make sure everything else looks good it does I'm going to turn this input shaft a little bit and it should drop down there it goes I saw it felt it drop down so now we're all the way down now we're going to confirm that it's still in forward so that shift shoe is is facing straight all right and I'm going to grab the prop and move counterclockwise with the prop from looking at the back of the boat counterclockwise it's locked up and you can see the input shaft will turn when I turn the prop counterclockwise hard you can see the input shaft l so it's in forward now if I if I turn turn the input shaft looking at the input shaft if I turn that clockwise it it moves the prop and propels you forward so let's just turn this shift shoe just a little bit counterclockwise that would be neutral and here we have it we're in neutral we'll keep going counterclockwise we're in reverse back to neutral and back to forward so now it's locked the shift shoe is straight it's locked in the prop is locked when I try to go counterclockwise with the prop so we're good we're there's no seam you look at the seam under here we're flat all the way we're going to have to raise it back up a whisker to get the nuts on these studs but that's fine everything's lined up right now we're happy uh we're going to raise up the upper just a whisker to get these nuts back on put them back on tighten them down these two studs right here I'm going to double check what we just double checked and make sure we're good before I go putting the rest of the nuts and bolts back together and that's it guys I mean that's really pretty easy to do just got to make sense of it just like anything else all right guys so our upper is back down on the lower um we made sure that we were in forward gear by turning clockwise on this shift shaft looking down at it turning clockwise and making sure that the prop locks counterclockwise looking at the prop from behind make sure you grab that prop turn counterclockwise while turning clockwise on the shift shaft okay so it's locked it's straight we're in forward um we're going to have to lift use a screwdriver and put it in between the top of the stud here on these side ones and just pry it back up a little bit just a little bit there so that we can get the nut started okay and then we'll put it on and um and get that tightened down while we got the drive off now you can cheat you you don't have to remove this drive to do a water pump impeller you can um tilt the drive all the way up leave it on the boat tilt it all the way up and remove these nuts as we did and just drop the lower unit off you can do that I've done that plenty of times um but it's a good opportunity to take the drive off and um and it it makes it a lot easier to set everything back down if you're not familiar with how it goes um but it's a good opportunity to take the drive off grease your U joint bearing cross bearings um don't go crazy but squirt a little in there until you see a little come out um make sure that there's it doesn't bind at all that everything is nice and smooth there's this ring here make sure that's not loose or nothing's damaged give it a once over remove these O-rings if on the shaft if they're bad the new Drive install Kit will have new ones in it um you can remove them and clean off the shaft really good and then clean in between each one of these splines I'll take a flat screwdriver and a rag and just clean out each each Groove one at a time right we'll clean that up and then put some new grease on it we'll also take um a scraper if if we need to get the rest of this drive install gasket off and make sure everything's clean
Channel: InTune Marine
Views: 1,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O5Nt0tXX3DQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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