Hi guys this is Nassem.
This video is a beginner's guide to Merchantry. If you are free to play, you should be doing Merchantry.
Through Nerchantry you can gain silver, get a lot of resources, boss stamps, and black pearls. Agenda I will be talking about wagon and worker preparation, how to save a Merchantry route, What to buy and sell, how to move your camp, What rapport and amity is, events, crow elixirs, and the special merchant. In order to do Merchantry, there are some things we need to prepare. The first one is the wagon.
There are five wagons. If you are just starting Merchantry, I recommend crafting the tier 3 wagon. You cannot use tier 4 and tier 5 wagons to its full potential because you won't have enough food. You need to pay attention to the horse that you attach to the wagon. It is important to attach a higher tier horse.
It allows you to carry more food in one run. The next thing is to choose your escorts.
You should only take the same workers with you every time. Make sure you take yellow workers that are high levels. I will explain why when I talk about Merchantry events. Change the worker's name to something easy to recognize. Let's go into Merchantry and look at some routes we can take. The most common route is: Trent, Behr, Calpheon, Epheria, Florin. Delphe Outpost, Glish, Heidel, western guard camp, Velia, Kusha, Ruins Excavation site, Tarif, Abun, and Altinova When you go the opposite way just go backward.
As you get used to Merchantry you can start creating your own routes. For example, I don't go to Epheria.
I go to Altinova after Kusha instead of Ruins excavation site. Then I go to Abun village and end at Tarif. I have my own reasons for doing this.
You can edit your routes as you get used to Merchantry. At first, It is hard to remember this route.
I will give you a tip on saving this route. Saving your route is simple. If your route is from Trent
to Altinova, make sure your wagon is in either of those towns. You can not set the town you are in as your destination. Once you are at the end of the route, click on "value". Then click on this "set destination" in the order of your route Then go to manage preset routes. Click Save. Choose a flag to save here.
You can save the opposite route with the other flag. Then press confirm. Now when you start Merchantry you can click on this flag to load your route. if you have your route saved it makes buying and selling much easier. After you load your route, when you trade with the merchant, you will see two kinds of flags next to the items. The single flag means you can sell this in the next town. The double flag means you can sell this at the town after the next town. If an item has a flag next to it, just buy it. Go to your loaded route and click on the next town.
You will auto travel to that town. I want to go over moving your camp. When you do Merchantry, you will notice that you don't have enough food to finish the full route. We need to refill our food supply in order to finish our route. We can refill at the camp.
However, by default, the camp is located in Balenos. Eventually, you will be able to do the full route.
You want to be able to refill your food supply in the middle of the route So move your camp to the middle as soon as possible. The best location to move your camp to is Serendia.
You can do this at the town hall but it takes two full days. Move it as soon as you can. Rapport and amity are very important concepts that you need to understand, When you go to the exchange tab you can buy some rare items using your resource. However, you need to gain rapport and amity with the merchant to buy these items. You can increase the rapport by buying these blue items.
Yellow items don't give you rapport so prioritize buying these blue items. In order to buy tower of trial entrance passes, which is the most important item to get in Merchantry, we need 200 rapport. However, buying items from the merchant only allows us to increase the rapport to 170. The remaining 30 needs to be filled by going to the merchant outside of Merchantry. Then you need to gain their amity by spending 5 stamina to gain 3 amities. You can also give them these preferred gifts. Rapport starts decreasing if you don't buy anything from that merchant for more than seven days. Make sure you stop by all the towns and buy something during Merchantry. These resources can be exchanged at zero rapport.
It is always beneficial to exchange these. Try to always exchange these if you have enough resources. The only items worth buying are the two crow elixirs, and the tower of trials entry passes. I want to go over the events and the crow elixirs. There are five types of events: logging, mining, foraging, battling, and searching. When you meet an event, your workers will run
out and start the event. They will gain experience points for that event and start leveling up. As the sum of your workers' level gets higher you will start earning more rewards. This is why it is important to bring the same workers every time.
Before I go into crow elixirs, I want to share a setting that is useful. Click the settings button here. Turn on everything. This allows you to auto-start an event when you go near one. If this is turned off, the event will not start automatically.
You need to click it every time you meet an event. Crow elixirs make our lives even easier.
If you use your crow elixir, your wagon will accelerate. It will also start events and complete the events instantaneously. The orange crow elixir is the upgraded version of the yellow crow elixir.
The orange crow elixir's duration is longer.
The effect continues even if you move to the next map. Another nice feature is the ability to teleport to the wandering merchant. If you need to level up Merchantry level, you can teleport to the wandering merchant and sell your rolling crystal decoration sets. You can watch a detailed video on this by clicking on the card above. I tried to touch on every aspect of mercenary. However, this is a short video and you may still have many questions. I will start doing live streams on the weekends so that you
guys can come to hang out and ask me questions. I'll try to do full Merchantry runs during the live streams.
I hope I can see you there! Bye!