Merchandising a Top Round HD

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hi this is Bob from help say the butcher's calm with some very basic merchandising on an inside round we have an inside top round in front of me here we're gonna get some basic cuts off of it we're going to get a first cut top round some thin slice top rounds for either brush shawl or we're Laden we're gonna get some top around London Broyles has some regular top round steak snow on the side piece and the back piece we can either get roast out of this cube steaks or stew me and as always minimise your trim so you can maximize your gross okay we're going to start cutting our top round the first thing we have to do is we have to turn it over and clean up the bottom side of it and on the bottom side as I said we have a little bit extra fat here there's some nerve that we want to take off maximize some stew meat if we can and minimize our trim so we're going to take off the extra piece of meat here on the side there's a flap here on the side we're going to take off I'm sure you're aware of this piece can either be cube steaks or stew meat depending on the size of it we're going to handle the meat while we have it in our hand to prefer the processor rather than let it sit on our bench now we're going to remove the excess fat here this left and a little bit of gristle that's up in front the front piece to the top there's an oyster here that we're going to take out where the fat is the extra fat and there's the front pot here with the nerve the ratty pot then we want to take down to get to the solid meat if there is a solid piece in there that can be stew meat take off the excess fat this fat will discolor on the top round on the steaks in the case if we want to get it down to the meat now we're going to flip the piece over we're going to clean up the top of it sometimes this is going to come in discolored and we need to take that off this piece is good take off any front nerve here that you would have this is a decent piece not too much there but on the top pot here there usually is a piece of nerf waiting to be taken and removed this is where our first cut is going to come from on the angle here coming down and what we want to do is we want to make a perpendicular cut to that cut and cut across this way this cut here can either be Stu me a roast cube steaks and if I was going to make a roast out of this I'm going to trim up the top a little I was going to make a roast out of this I would tie it in this direction so the customer would know consumer would know to be able to slice it in the same direction as the string we're going to put that piece right there for you they can become a roast or to become Stuart Q we're going to turn this round now we're going to cut our first cut top rounds our thin cut top rounds for brush all over a lot in and we then we're going to cut our top round London Broyles and top round stakes out of this remember to take the face off where the first cut is so there's no excess fat on the bottom first cut top round we normally pact to two with four tray take off two original two pieces off the front two first cuts in a four tray like that now we're going to take our thin slice off next in line I pack three in a tray three thin slices okay now we're going to take some top round london Broyles off and we're going to do a good inch inch and a quarter on the top round London broil off there then we're going to take a little bit thinner slice about three quarters of an inch on a regular top round steak and we're going to take one more now the rest of this piece we can slice down for a few more top round steaks I wouldn't go too far back on it and get into the back piece on it but you could take a roast after that maybe get two more steaks off of there and then slice the roast there we go a basic merchandise inside round we have some top round London broil steaks some thin slice top round steaks we have a top round roast off the back side we could have done one off the side also we have some first cut top round steaks a regular top round steak and a family packed top round steak this is Bob from help saving the butcher's calm remember the secret to a great meat department is to do the basics really well
Views: 32,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PRYWx06wNXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2016
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