Mentalization Based Treatment Training video with Anthony Bateman - Empathic Validation 1

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okay Lucy how have you been over the last week then I've been been good been good yeah what sort of good is that is that good good or ordinary good or no I think I've been pretty had a lot on but yeah it's been good okay can I check out what good this is I still need to know what's the good is it a good shut up baitman now or good I'm not going to talk about anything or no I've had some difficult difficult things the last few days but I think I've been dealing with them well yeah all right tell me what's you been dealing with um well Monday was the was the court I went to court you went to court yeah that's a surprise to me I mean was that a surprise I didn't know it was going to happen until well they told me on Friday that pen in okay but um on Friday for Monday they told you how did you manage that um I was well weekend I was pretty nervous and then Monday morning I was called in it was supposed to start at 11:00 so I got there I got there early well I'm not surprised you were nervous for a kickoff I mean that's pretty sudden isn't it yeah and like it's I mean it's been hanging over my head for ages so yeah I just wanted to be kind of just wanted to be in the best you know State of Mind for it absolutely yeah so were you able to keep in a reasonable State of Mind over the weekend and then you got there early is that yeah well no I would have been I would have been fine I got I got there at 10:00 cuz it we supposed to We were supposed to be going in at 11: yeah so I'd already been waiting till 11:00 and then so you're already ready yeah exactly outside sorted and then got there and I didn't see anyone I was in my own my own little room outside and then at 11:00 it came um and no one came to get me and then I wait till 11:30 so you were sitting out I was sit no one told me anything no one came to get me and then um 11:30 I went and um tried to speak to this woman but she was like ignoring me and like giving me horrible looks and and I was like she's probably in on it as well or something I don't know and then um so by then you shifted but you were still managing it well no I was I was getting quite pissed off Yeah by this point I can follow that it's like it's just really disrespectful you know I mean I've I've put all my time in and I've turned up on time and then you know this woman's being shitty to me and and like what have I done but in fact you were making sure you taking this really seriously you really worked it out you'd really managed to get there early and then you suddenly I didn't want to happen you know I got there really calm and then it's almost like they they knew it's almost like they were trying to wind me up you know before I even got in there just to make sure that I was really wound up yeah well we can come back to that cuz that's a bigger problem isn't it cuz there you were trying to sort of keep yourself calm manage yourself and you work the whole weekend yeah with this surprise C case yeah it's not a nice thing to have hanging over your head and about the children so it's pretty important yeah of course it's the most important thing obviously yeah absolutely okay all right should we just go back then and say just tell me a little bit about where do this come from that they suddenly produced this court case coming out cuz it's all been in the offing but hasn't occurred well yeah but they keep giving me dates that keep getting canceled because some other case gets over overruns or something which is obviously just I mean that's like the worst thing for everyone because you're all prepared and then the day before you know which is why I didn't even know if it was going to happen this time and so you know I was like building up to it all weekend yeah tell me a bit about the buildup I mean what was it like for you I mean what was building up here well it's the fact that you've got this massive day coming up that your whole future can hinge on and you know that if you up or if you're in the wrong state or someone winds you up you can completely mess it up right for for forever yeah yeah for a long time and what was your sense of what is about you that might mess it up well because I'm not always I don't always act how I want how I plan to mhm you know that yeah yeah I do but the sounds like you really prepared yourself to start taking it seriously and then the difficult bit is that other people didn't seem to be taking it quite seriously exactly which the whole point no don't get worked up about it okay yeah not getting worked up I'm saying it's obvious that that's that's the whole point of why I put so much good work in yes and then at the last minute just to be like off like that okay all right so what was it like when you were beginning to get off did you manage that as well before you went I tried to yeah yeah good for you how did you do it I was just I just kept I just kept thinking about Alice and I was just kept you know I was just like breathing really slowly mhm and every time I got like like those thoughts like those intrusive thoughts when whenever they came in I could just what do you mean by that sorry I'm not sure what you mean by the intrusive thoughts well like when I'm trying to be calm and stay on stay on the on the straight and then sometimes thoughts come in that actually the phys I can feel them coming and I can feel them in my whole body and I get really really worked up and I'm getting much better at at seeing them coming in and then I can just I can kind of I can p push them away if I if I concentrate on the straight on the on the straight thought so I just kept thinking about about Alice and about the straight thought and um did you have a sense of what was bringing in those thoughts though what what what was going on for you that brought them in did you have a sense of that now just being being being angry right really angry yeah about stuff that I haven't I can't control yeah you know things that other people have done that I had nothing to do with so which was the bit here that made you angry cuz the whole Situation's a big problem isn't it we just knowing that jez was there sorry is that made you angry yeah really angry right okay obviously um help me see the obvious nature in a sense because he's taken her away from me right okay and he so I really had to I was really you know okay I was doing really well yeah okay well let's just leave it just there for the moment and doing really well so they doing really well was a sense you prepared yourself you took it seriously you actually really really sorted that out and were really managing it yeah okay even managing the fact that Joe was going to be there and the whole thing was a uh big issue about the children yeah okay good for you
Channel: Anna Freud
Views: 89,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mentalization, Mentalization-based Treatment
Id: IzBHDSnR2jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2015
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