Men's Shot Put Final | World Athletics Championships Beijing 2015

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it's already been a great night here in the stadium and the atmosphere getting even better there was a massive roar from the crowd which you may have heard a couple of moments or so ago because being chant Zoo was announced as a finalist in the men's 100 meters so the local crowd excited about that the men shot put final German Lauro of Argentina just going through pan-american bronze medalist Joe Kovacs the best putter in the world this year he won Eugene New York and Monaco diamond leagues can he beat this man the major championships specialist the defending champion the reigning European champion and he beat Joe Kovacs in Lausanne David Stoll just gone through this is the big Jamaican odain Richards Commonwealth champion pan-american champion through a massive 2169 earlier this year from the Czech Republic former European under-23 silver medalist Yan Marcel thirty years of age now no Christian Cantwell he has decided not to start he's been introduced by the stadium announcer but Cantwell doesn't start so here comes a very talented New Zealand - one of two in this final Tom Walsh world indoor bronze last year and the Serbian as mere kalasa notch European Indoor champion two years ago seventh in the Olympic final and the small figure with a huge personality Reese Hoffa yes there he goes former World Indoor champion for world outdoor champion he's great now the pretentious junior Jacko kill hasn't as of yet delivered in the senior ranks the promise he showed as a junior Inderjeet Singh huge man from India first Indian to become world student Games champion and then last but by no means least Olympic champion here in this stadium and in London Thomas majeski not in top form but good enough to make it through here to the final our first opportunity to see Joe Kovacs what statement of intent Lee launched in this opening round a solid start I guess this is the major question with Kovacs he's a big talker he's made mention of Randy Barnes world record he says 23 meters is not far away for me it wasn't over the 22-metre line but has he given himself a good platform here for the rest of the competition always nice for these throwers to get a big one on the board early and that's an excellent start 21 23 just around about 20 centimeters shy of what he produced in qualification Tom Walsh a rather surprised world indoor bronze medalist last year 2150 his best this year and he's over 20 meters but you suspect it's going to take quite a bit more than that to get amongst it Joe Kovacs with his first round effort 21 23 so the American the best putter in the world this year has laid down the gauntlet not only to David Stoll the defending champion from Germany but to the rest of the field as well he wasn't happy with that really was he bled it out very low it wasn't a high put slipped out of his hand a little bit I think he knew it as he rotated just over 20 meters there's a lot more to come there from Tom Walsh now this guy I just love watching him he's such a big character he's been around for a long time from a walk former World Indoor champion world outdoor champion he's an Olympic medalist as well still going strong at the tender age of 37 what can riess Hoffer do here to open his accounting yet another major final when he's almost gone so why days outside the measuring zone he's flipped it out far left just having a little conversation with himself just drop that left shoulder I think the rotational technique that they're using at the moment does bring about certain amount of problems and just wait and see where it landed night actually did come in there in the end it came about a half a meter in to the sector so he was lucky but Ricci is such a character I mean he's a life and salt of any party this guy good with the Rubik's Cube - actually if you saw him he can actually do the Rubik's Cube in about five seconds flat that's going back some into Maya or isn't it really but a real character Thomas majeski Olympic champion in this very Stadium that's a little bit better from the Polish athlete he's hit some good form in the last month or so he's been below his own very high standards so higher took him to not one but two Olympic titles he was the first man since 1956 to defend an Olympic shotput title he's a huge huge man he is he's a big man trying to keep himself in to in that circle without falling out and fouling is a big problem 20:57 that was okay now the defending champion this is important after a foul in the first round and that's better David Stoll the European champion the defending world champion the Olympic silver medallist needed to get something on the board there after a foul in the first round and that was big now the lead as it stands is with Joe Kovacs the man who many people said he would battle for the gold Kovacs the American has got 21 23 21 46 the German defending champion goes into the lead Oh Dane Richards the pan-american champion from Jamaica that was good now he could be edging his way towards the 21 meter mark at the moment sheet all of Germany leads the defending champion with 21 46 Kovacs of America 21 23 with his first round effort Oh Dane Richards can he get himself into contention he launched the put out to a massive 21 69 earlier this season 20 79 at the moment he's moved up into the bronze medal position now Hoffer 2061 in the first round he knows he's capable of more world champion way back when in Osaka third best in qualification and he'd get himself in the hunt for yet another major medal he's been a bit untidy in the circle and for the second successive time he's drifted almost out to all to that left-hand line so he's clearly having a few technical issues the American yeah seems to be a problem there he seems to be rushing it baby was bad as well feels bad it's not it wasn't as close to that sector line as his first throw but nevertheless getting there they thereabouts but it's been up 2072 he's in fourth place majeski the Olympic champion lying in fifth place overall 2195 is lifetime best he could do with a big one here that might be a little bit of an improvement there a couple of world indoor bronze medals as well this stadium has great great memories for the Polish athlete the first of his Olympic titles his body language has been one of frustration he knows he's got an absolutely huge throw in his locker that's an improvement 2082 he moves up to third but you can tell he knows and he believes there's more in there if he could just get it out Oh Dane Richards has seen his place on the podium slipped to fourth now he banged out a massive 2169 earlier this season ah that's close to 22 meters that is massive from the Jamaican well the pan-american champion has just got himself right in the hunt for a global crown Commonwealth gold last year pan-american gold earlier this year a huge roar from the man from the Caribbean island better known for sprinting that was huge 21 69 he's equaled his own national record and perhaps more important than that he's gone into the lead Tom Walsh lying out of the medals at the moment bronze in the world indoors last year he surprised everyone then and he may have surprised a few people with that he gets the white flag that was big so Walsh 2005 in the first round 20 64 in the third what has he managed to produce here he knows it was big now his lifetime best was set earlier this season 2150 can he get himself in contention for a medal oh he certainly can he's gone ahead of David Stoll and into second place with a new area record [Music] Joe Kovacs under pressure now he's been pushed off the podium by Tom Walsh oh that's more like it from the American world number one he was down in fourth place and potentially out of the medals bearing in mind he inched all of the only men to have thrown over 22 meters this season he lacks the major championship experience of his big German rival but that was a put of real composure and the question is how far has he moved up the leaderboard 2167 he moves up to second washing third and stall is now the man potentially out of the medals Joe Kovacs then getting himself back in contention he's gone over 22 meters this season and that's close that's really close now the lead he's held by his great great rival so Kovacs what has he managed to produce here at one stage he was looking as though he would be off the podium then he got himself into second place just 2 centimetres shy of O Dane Richards great national record at 21 69 to the Jamaican hooding the German and the American under pressure Kovacs talks big he reckons it won't be long before he's attacking Randy Pausch world record he's in the lead 2193 David Stoll facing the possibility of defeat here and relinquishing the title he's won the last two times in such style that was better though the German watching and waiting potentially no medal but what's he done here this is much better close to 22 meters how close has he gone to 20 193 that's the lead from Kovacs 2174 it's better but it's not good for gold at the moment Joe Kovacs in the lead last round here this is massive for Kovacs again tickling that 22 meter line it's been a brilliant absorbing confrontation this he is the best putter in the world this year but that's not always a guarantee that that form throughout the season is going to translate to a major title but that's absolutely brilliant from Kovacs 2193 2166 in that last round but it didn't matter he was put under massive pressure there and he has Julie delivered Oh Dane Richards was temporarily in the lead as a result of equaling his own national record no improvement for him but still in pole position to finish on the podium to equal your national record well you can't ask for any more than that 21 69 in the third round that's his best stall just shakes his hand great stuff from the Jamaican just watching and waiting there it is joint national record Kovacs has taken the gold then he's delivered on all his Big Talk a brilliant performance 2167 in the fourth round 2193 in the fifth that was the winning put he's the world champion and joins an illustrious list of Americans to have taken that gold medal Rhys hopper who was in this final and finished fifth Christian Cantwell spin a world champion Adam Nelson and maybe his big shout about attacking the world record of Randy Barnes wasn't so far-fetched after all he's beaten a brilliant major championship performer into second place David Stoll silver this time no disgrace with that 2174 yes okay he's gone over 22 metres elsewhere this season but that was a really really tight competition where the lead change hands on a number of occasions no disgrace there forestall he follows up gold in daegu and gold in Moscow with silver here and what about that we're used to seeing the Jamaican black green and gold in the sprints but as Kovacs celebrates here in shot elsewhere in the stadium Oh Dane Richards is waving the Jamaican flag because in equalling his own national record he's finished on the podium and will take a bronze medal back home to the Caribbean island pan-american champion so he did come here with good form but a real step up in class Joe Kovacs the best putter in the world this year has delivered in style just when it counts he's the world champion Stoll gets the silver and odain Richards from Jamaica equalling his national record for
Channel: World Athletics
Views: 36,670
Rating: 4.8878503 out of 5
Keywords: World Athletics, worldAthletics, IAAF, Athletics, World Championships, track and field, beijing, 2015, shot put, throwing, shot, put, joe, kovacs, joe kovacs, usa
Id: ck-24IKXceo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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