Men's Long-Term Travel Minimalist Packing (UNDER 7KG) | Updated

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shop snowbirds my name is Justin and in this video we're gonna cover what I pack for long-term travel under 7 kilograms [Music] what's up and welcome to the channel together with my wife Megan we are the global snowbirds we travel on $50 a day to show you what it's like to really go backpacking on a budget so in this video we're going to cover what I learned from one year of travel in Southeast Asia because unlike our previous packing video which was based solely on research on what to bring this time around I'm going to tell you what I found I need and don't need when it comes to traveling and this is not just a packing video for the sake of it this is actually all the stuff that I'm bringing on our nine month trip to South and Central America in which we leave for so let's jump right into it we're gonna start with the bags having only a carry-on it's actually gonna save you lots of time money and hassle while you're traveling you don't have to wait to check-in and retrieve your bags you don't have to pay the rageous luggage fees that some airlines charge and you never have the stress of possibly losing your bag during your travels first let's talk about the size e bag and prioritising how to pack them most airlines are going to include one free personal item and one free carry-on item and that is exactly how we are going to do it both bags are gonna have to stay within a certain size criteria which is commonly the same would be most airlines and that is 22 inches height by 10 inches depth by 14 inches width for your carry-on item and around 16 inches height by 14 inches width by 8 inches depth for your personal item which essentially just means that it has to fit under the seat which is going to be a critical factor in choosing your bag choosing a bag is totally up to you and your preference but if you decide to go with the rolling hard case luggage just remember that those bags empty weigh about two to three kilograms so just keep that in mind if when you're choosing a bag the actual weight of it by itself I suggest a small backpack or duffel bag alright have this small little military police style bag that I had laying around which is the perfect size for me so there's 25 litres got all right chaps lots of back padding it has the side pockets it has the hip strap pockets it opens all the way up it has a laptop pocket or laptop sleeve two other smaller pockets with zippers linings on the inside very my personal I Begg I have the Maxpedition no attack gear slinger this is an awesome little bag it actually looks most Maxpedition gear locks which I will show you I've got lots of pockets on the inside lots of organization it's very small and light and the gear sling that means that you can just whip it around and have easy access to your items it's actually very comfortable machine washable adjustable it's a great little bag I couldn't recommend Maxpedition gear enough now if you're a regular viewer and you're thinking bro you're full of I see you with the toon strap backpack on all the time that is because you were right that is my max petition typhoon backpack and that is because I have to carry a whole bunch of camera gear which will not be included in this video because you as an average traveler I'm gonna be carrying a bunch of camera gear so yeah you don't worry about that if you're actually curious just leave a comment and if there's enough people that want to see it I'll make a camera gear video but don't worry this doesn't affect the actual weight of my carry-on because all of my camera gear fits into my personal item it was all my other stuff which we will now cover I prioritize my bag so that my big bag is all my hotel bound stuff typically it doesn't leave the hotel with me I can just drop it in a few items from my small bag and then we're good to go my small bag also includes all our important expensive items so I like to have that with me all the time anyways I also do this so I don't have to rearrange everything every time we go on the travel day so that's enough about strategy let's jump right into the content in my big bag I have three packing cubes all different sizes with my clothes that includes two pants four shorts to swim shorts one hiking shorts one comfortable shorts one pair of sweatpants six socks for my shirts I have four athletic type Nike and Adidas moisture wicking shirts that is good for when it's hot and sweaty because I get real sweaty and then I have to dress shirts for dressing up fancy any dates that we want to go up I have twelve pairs of boxers I have a sweatshirt and I have a rain jacket but we will cover those later essentially you're gonna want to pack for one week not one month not two months one week seven days of clothing plus one day extra for shade happens next in my big bag I have this filled pillow if we're ever long lay overs and they need to lay down I can just stuff some of my clothes into this bad boy and I have a little makeshift pillow next I have a heft I have my hiking sandals I tried to limit it to two shoes so I have my pair of running shoes and then I have the hiking sandals next in the big bag I have this collapsible Tupperware good for reducing your plastic footprint I found that when we went travelling in Southeast Asia most of my plastic consumption came in the form of takeout boxes from my food so I brought my own that way you can cut down and just hand them the stick with the food in their problem self they also help a bamboo straw next I have my meds a variation of few minutes I got some gravel some burn cream some imodium some melatonin for helping the sleeps and benadryl for getting bit by bugs that's about it if you meant to get totally and depend on you you don't have to bring these you can always just get them there as you need them but I like to have them with me and they could be expensive in some places so we bring those next we have our laundry line this is just a piece of string because we do our own laundry we ended up saving lots of money from doing our own laundry if you think about five dollars per week of doing laundry I can add up over a year next is kind of a luxury item for me they are Northland goggles I just like to be able to see and not have to rent them they're tiny they take up no space and no weight so everything also we have a little gap tur it's got a bunch there's 1 2 3 4 5 here 5 outlets from the one and I was suggest getting one with the USB so you don't have to carry around that many charges next we've got our toiletries Megan actually brings all my toiletries because I have so little that they just fit into her totally G bag not that much we got a so holder for soap deodorant toothbrush toothpaste and to cut down a little more on single-use plastics I've got a rechargeable trimmer favourite thing also an item that I very much recommend bringing is earplugs it's gonna get loud lots of lessons especially hostels and that is it before my big day that is everything that goes in there and that's very little stuff it's my clothes my toiletries and a few luxury items all right let's cover what goes into the personal bag these the things gonna be coming with me almost every day we have a tablet I bring a full-on laptop because I have editing to do but if it wasn't for that I would just bring a laptop one because they have longer battery lives - they're smaller and compact and then to have extra storage I have a micro USB which is actually 128 gig and that stores all my movie shows and music obviously I have my watch the sunglasses have a portable battery charger this thing is awesome it's the anchor and it can charge my phone six times from 0 to 100 also great another tip with the tablet is that you don't need a full-on plug to charge it you can just use your portable battery charger and cord next obviously portable speakers use a great forget in the party started with a flashlight waterproof phone case you have all my debit cards and ID with a RFID screen protector thing I have a small first aid kit that I personally made it's just small things to keep you know the cuts there random cuts and abrasions else have burn cream I have the bose qc25 in-ear headphones noise-cancelling headphones I chose the smaller ones because in hot humid Southeast Asia having big bulky headphones over your ears is almost like wearing earmuffs and it gets real hot so I chose you in just the suggestion for you next you're gonna want to bring a pen and maybe a sharpie append definitely for filling out all your visa forms a sharpie sometimes the hostels let you draw on the walls so that's a little little fun artistic feature for you we have a microfiber towel that is essential you don't want to bring a full-on tell-all this thing Pat's up tiny and you can also use it as a beach blanket sometimes also can be used as a beach blanket is a shim egg or your scarf you can make one of those so wrong as well good for covering up in temples as well my passports and other documents and international driver's license they get kept in a ziplock bag a little bit of waterproofing in case it rains hard on us if it does rain hard enough I do have a rain cover for my bag and because I have all these valuables and all the camera equipment those actually go inside a dry bag inside the backpack which is covered by the rain cover taking no chances this time also I carry with me a rain jacket almost all the time in Southeast Asia it'll come up at any time I assume it's gonna be the same in Central America because we're going for a bit of the rainy season so always have that with you just in case and that is actually the last item I'm bringing so as you can see guys it's very little there's not much there that's really all I need we packed a lot last year and I ended up just getting rid of lots of it I either tossed it out gave it to people sent it home with friends and family and you can see that there's a few luxury items there as well that I don't assess essentially need but I like to have so really there's not that much I guess that's about it if you found value from this video we would love it if you hit that subscribe button and like and of course you can share it if you think anybody else can yeah that's it for me guys in the next one yep you guys made it all the way to the end of this video thank you I appreciate it and as a token of my appreciation and then give you business bonus information no airline has actually read my carry-on bag so as long as your bag is the correct size parameters you should be able to get away with spilling over seven kilograms thanks or watching sphere-like be sure to check the links in our descriptions for promos discounts packing and more and of course you can always visit our website for full icater aries prices and other resources
Channel: The Global Snowbirds
Views: 4,967
Rating: 4.9428573 out of 5
Keywords: minimalist packing for travel, minimalist packing for men, minimalist packing, long term travel carry on, long term travel packing list, traveling with a carry on, carry on essentials, minimalist carry on packing list, minimalist packing list, minimalist travel packing backpack, minimalist travel packing men, minimalist carry on essentials, minimalist packing for long term travel, carry on essentials for long flights, minimalist travel, minimalist travel packing
Id: x09w8OtmHMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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