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hello everyone and welcome to the boss guide of manolas on Immortal difficulty for more guides and the latest gaming content don't forget to hit that like And subscribe button [Music] menias lower your bow listen to me vum killed Hassan I won't believe anything you say how can you say that vum is betraying Persia we are warriors so that one day others don't have to be farum is the king to end all wars a king would not kill his subjects help me stop him faram has an ideal that is bigger than you and me you're giving me no [Music] choice you can make this fight easier if you have the void blade amulet if not the strategy can still be used but it will just be a little slower for phase one you just need to keep range attacking him and jump on his Arrow shots if you don't have the void blade amulet you can use either arrows or the charge plate attack as well chakum can be used too for from the middle of the [Music] [Music] room for this transition phase I put an image down at the center and teleport to it when I feel the attack start coming to my side of the room after all these years all those battles no one has pushed me this far for Phase 2 and three whenever the boss throws his chakum he's going to run at you being near the end of the Arena will always make him attack from the front if he makes a golden bubble don't attack him this is intended for a Counterattack when the boss goes in the air he will shoot multiple arrows at you which can be dodged by stepping back and forward I prefer to Parry these while moving forward since the second Parry you do will hit molus I will show how to do that in the next few seconds when the boss does the same attack you will see that this will form a pattern for Phase 2 and three where he will repeat his moves as long as you stay far away and don't rush to him in [Music] [Music] Millie I will show you my amulet and the difficulty after the cut [Music] scene a I didn't want to push you this far I only relied on this bow because I was weak the true warrior needs no weapon I never wanted this fight me neither the sagon [Music] [Music] men lias dead because of me why does it have to be this way for more game guides and latest gaming content don't forget to hit that like And subscribe button thanks for watching
Channel: HAwk
Views: 20,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: where is menolias boss prince of persia, prince of persia lost crown immortal difficulty, menolias boss pop, pop immortal difficulty gameplay, prince of persia immortal difficulty, menolias boss lost crown, menolias boss prince of persia, pop menolias, menolias pop, menolias lost crown, menolias easy guide lost crown, menolias cheese prince of persia, menolias immortal difficulty prince, menolias prince of persia, menolias easy cheese, menolias lost crown cheese
Id: ebu800ygW24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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