Melting & Processing 500+ Pounds of Lead Into Ingots
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Full.Lead.Taco
Views: 118,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: melting lead, ingots, scrap lead
Id: 61R7phCfhh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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My friend Evan came over to help me process the rest of my scrap lead into ingot form. He had a new scrap lead processing setup he wanted to test out. Both his and my setups are very inexpensive and easy to do. I think my torch puts out more heat than his turkey fryer, but not totally sure yet. I'm going to be doing a little more 50 alaskan casting/reloading this fall/winter as well as the 458 socom so I wanted to get my scrap processed into ingot form. Let me know if you have any questions.
Dang man, this beats my Walmart hot plate method by a mile. I really need to pick up a larger dutch oven for the capacity, and one of those weed burners. How much do those run at HF?
These days, I'd go with the turkey fryer. The reason is theres so much zinc out there and that trashes the entire melt. With the fryer, everything comes up to temp evenly so when it hits about 650 or so, you can ladle out all the zinc along with steel clips, etc.
The turkey fryer is the shit! Got mine at lowes about 10 or 12 years ago. Holds 100# at a time.
Im super jealous. I wish I had that much scrap lead. I am running through an x-ray room I converted to ingots now.
When I have time to look into which was actually faster for melting large quantities of lead I’ll probably pick one of the two up.
Awsome video man
I can speed your cooling down a bunch!
Get a decent sized towel your wife hates and an old steel cookie sheet that is done. Fold the towel to fit inside the cookie sheet and then soak it good with water. Set the ingot molds on the towel and fill.
Be prepared to re-wet the towel every two-three rounds. Add the water to the edge while the ingots are cooling.
I used this method for several years with Lee 1-lb ingot molds. I would cast two full molds (eight lbs) and the first mold was usually ready to drop by the time the second mold was filled. Lately I have been casting 7.5 lb ingots in mini loaf pans, and I can fit five of them on the cookie sheet. Again, no slow down waiting for lead to set up. By the time I finish filling the five pan, the first one is ready to dump.
Do you plan on posting the hole process?
What bullet are you casting for the socom? I think I'm getting one. Sold my 45-70 but theres just something about big bullets...