Meghan Markle's true motives EXPOSED in BRUTAL assessment - 'She's a chameleon!'

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now The Duchess of Edinburgh has become the first Royal to travel to Ukraine since Russia's invasion in 2022 yeah she was representing the king and at a time when the Royals are looking especially paired back it's Sophie's visit uh we're asking is it a sign of her growing prominence and I think actually she has got the Royal blessing from King Charles on this one uh we're going to go to Kinsey School field uh on all of this um for the answers what do you think um off uh Sophie of Edinburgh um you know how is she accounted for herself how's she coming across and has she been anointed by Charles well first of all I just want to confirm that I'm your favorite scoffield because that was that was alarming to me to see Kevin scoffield was also appearing on the program it's an awful name for me believe me you know amen don't what do you mean don't associate it with that name all right well think of you like that you're just Kinsey to me that's wonderful I think Sophie has been coined the Royal Family's secret weapon as of late her path was not the easiest one but she's living proof that patience is a virtue and if you work hard and stay focused your time to shine will come you know she was under um immediate scrutiny when she hit the scene because she was a self-made career woman a young woman who was incredibly successful she was a commoner and you know she looked so similar to Princess Diana when she was younger so they were constantly pit against each other when it came to Beauty and Fashion um you know she tried and failed the halfin half out route but unlike you know who she ultimately chose the family and despite some of that chaos she was rewarded for her loyalty so absolutely I think that the king very much Believes In The Duchess of Edinburgh is so grateful for her contribution and we saw real leadership with her today Kinsey to see that she actually bumped the prince and princess of Wales off the front of some of the newspapers this morning she made it onto the front of the telegraph whereas it was the brand new picture that we haven't seen uh to mark their wedding anniversary that's made it onto the front of the times and I suppose that shows you know how significant that visit is and how how prominent she's becoming I mean the late Queen's favorite daughter-in-law also meeting with president zalinsky and during her surprise stop she spoke to survivors of sexual violence and torture and heard from children who'd been returned to Ukraine after being separated from their families and when she met with President zalinski she gave him a private note from the King and they discussed how to support these survivors of sexual assault and conflicts uh I know some people might criticize this move as political but this was without a doubt a very courageous visit from Sophie there are no guarantees in the middle of war and it and it does just tell you how much faith is Majesty has in his sister-in-law um I find it fascinating that you've got Sophie I I know Sophie I used to work with her over well 30 years ago um but somebody who's not a Royal by birth like uh Katherine Middleton and they do such good jobs they've really adapted to the roles that have been put before them H yeah I I think that they understood the assignment I mean to I think these are two people that respect the monarchy grew up in families that admired the family and understood what the ultimate objective was and that is to serve that is serving others and when you prioritize other people and you realize that the job is bigger than yourself I think that you can create wonderful opportunities and uh you know Elevate some of these Charities and and change the world make the world a better place and these are two women with between Sophie and Katherine that are absolutely doing that um I suppose Megan Markle but you know she could have been doing that um as well but that's a whole different ball game it is it is funny it is strange when you look at Katherine when you look at Sophie and you look at Megan markle's attempt um well she didn't attempt to integrate into the royal family I think that's the whole problem wasn't it and Sophie the Jess of Edinburgh was very loving towards Megan attempted to have a relationship with her the queen actually suggested that the two get together and that Sophie Mentor Megan and Megan said I've got Harry and she rejected that offer uh I would love to be mentored by Sophie if she's watching between meeting with foreign presidents like I'm my my I'll send you my phone number I think that's a great opportunity uh but no she's I think that she was a great role model and it was a missed opportunity for Megan to learn how to navigate a difficult situation um and speaking of Megan she's not going to be accompanying her husband uh to London next week he's going to be doing a reading at the uh St Paul's Cathedral uh Invictus commemoration I think it's 10 year anniversary isn't it but she will be meeting him in Nigeria and it turns out she's 45% Nigerian it's 43 um but I also would argue that if you read Tom Bow's book Revenge uh he does have a chapter on the fact that uh she said she told El magazine that she had malse Heritage so she could get a free trip to Malta and then didn't actually execute the piece because they found out she did not have um any of that Heritage so I don't you know with Megan Markle you never she's a chameleon you never know who she's trying to impress so I hope that she has a great trip uh but um I I don't really I never know what what what she's saying I I never know if I should take it with a grain of salt or not um Kinsey we all like to think we're a bit exotic or have very exciting genealogy or whatever on this very program um we had a genealogist who I don't did he look at you I I refused to give my DNA to anyone I always think you get set up for murder for that sort of thing well it depends if you've murdered anyone or not doesn't it but um I it turns out have murdered no one H not only that when they looked at my genealogy there's nothing interesting about it at all I am 101% Irish born and bred nothing no contamination nothing from outside at all Irish Irish well so much so Kinsey that the genealogist came on the program and said they'd never found anyone as pure bread it would almost be identified to three streets in Belfast that they did there was one other person or something there was one other person that redheaded um O'Brien yes colen O'Brien the very man very man well done oh yeah two magnificent hosts there we go that's right Kenzie we'll leave it there thanks very much indeed for your contributions our favorite scoffield see you soon thank you bye
Channel: GBNews
Views: 161,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GB news, meghan markle, prince harry, royal, royal news, royal latest
Id: 84fitB7sGx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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