Meghan Markle's Dangerous Obsession Is Seriously Getting Out Of Hand

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another day another obvious attempt by Megan to oneup Catherine be Katherine I don't even know anymore so every year in January Megan and Harry release their impact statement report along with a video to Showcase to the world all the good that they've been up to in the past year now there are two problems with this statement 50 points to Gryffindor or I should say Ravenclaw since I'm decked out in blue today to anyone who guessed January and good because it's not January it's still December and normally I'd say so what they release their video whenever they want but I believe that there is a very Sinister reason actually as to why this video was released a month early but we'll get to that a little later on in the video right after I rip a new one into archw Well's impact report because it is just begging to be torn to shreds all right Megan and Harry's Mission are you ready for this you might want to make sure you're sitting down for this one Arch's mission statement is a simple yet profound one show up do good and I was only able to say that with a straight face because I've read that statement a few times now but profound indeed profoundly ridiculous I already made a video recently called the fool I will link it up here if you haven't seen it about how Megan and Harry have entirely no concept of Optics and and boy does this mission statement really drive that point home here we have two modernday Tiant talking to us about showing up and doing good talking to us about uplifting communities across the globe when they've done nothing but destroy the very first mini Community I suppose that we are all born into our families they talk about building a better online World when they themselves have not only been accused of the most horrific types of bullying but have sat by in silence as their Sussex Squad harassed and targeted and bullied and sent death threats to not only strangers who dare criticize Megan and Harry but members of Megan and Harry's family themselves including Samantha Markle who's had to take a restraining order out and of course we all know about the harassment and the death threats that have been sent Catherine and Williams way and their children's way too and before anyone says oh they probably don't know about the Sussex Squad how can they condemn something that they don't know about well to that I would say that Prince Harry thanked them by name literally thanks to the Sussex Squad in a sental report recently so there you have it back to the report they talk about storing trust in information by promoting information integrity and ethical journalism as a fundamental right I the Optics the Optics I this is quite audacious coming from two proven Liars of the highest order people who lie about everything from the most Petty and silly to the most serious they lied about the day they got married to millions of of people on the one end and they also potentially committed perjury by misleading a court of law and misleading I use as a euphemism and pray tell us oh wise ones how you can restore information Integrity when you intended to gag an entire school to stop them from saying anything negative about you potentially for the rest of their lives that's not information integrity that's tyranny censorship at its finest and although Megan and Harry may seem oblivious to their own hypocrisy even though it reeks to high heaven the rest of us aren't and that's probably why Arch's donations have fallen $1 million in just one year from $13 million to $2 million this year and $2 million sourced from two donors that's a mighty big fall and I can only guess that this is because the foundation much like everything else they do is a failure no matter how many times Megan tries to clap back through TMZ of all Publications and tell us otherwise I mean imagine that a so-called Duchess resorting to tabloids to respond to the public and release a statement sorry Megan I don't know what to tell you other than unlike you numbers don't lie and these numbers they don't look too good the charity arm of the foundation has also reported around $600,000 us of expenses which most likely translates to Megan's wardrobe in Dutch a few days ago the prince and princess of wales's official YouTube channel released a video of the launch of the Christmas Baby Banks initiative which showcase the princess along with her three children volunteering to pick out gifts for families of children in need or in Strife as I watched it I didn't even realize until the end that I had this big old stupid grin plasted on my face because it was such a warm and genuine video it just radiated warmth and it was a pure joy to watch having said that I have a sneaking suspicion that a certain someone in monteo didn't exactly share the same sentiments right on Q Katherine's biggest fan and make no mistake stalkers and hater are your biggest fans released her own little one minute video one that was not expected until January of next year well well well doesn't that seem to to be quite the coincidence just like it's a coincidence every time Megan Markle puts something out there whether it's a pop stroll or yeah pop stroll that's all I've got I mean someone needs to tell her that pop strolls cannot compare with this at this point I am fairly certain that Megan Markle only ever does anything to one up Catherine and William and specifically Catherine remember back in October when they suddenly were announced you know as part of their archell Foundation to co-host a panel as part of the world mental health Festival in New York City and that was announced out of the blue only after Prince William and Princess Catherine had a similar event announced back in the UK gee what a coincidence only when Catherine and William show up at these events they not only do it out of a sense of Duty you know it is their job to give back and shine a light to communities and Charities and initiatives and organizations that the public otherwise wouldn't know of but they do it from a place of genuine compassion and interest you know Katherine and William have always been very heavily invested in mental health they did come up with Harry of course with the heads together initiative after all and that's how you know it's always genuine with them they pick out certain causes for Catherine this includes work with children under the age of five and for William climate change and homelessness and they focus they hone in on these specific areas because it comes from a genuine place as opposed to Megan and Harry who play hopscotch and hop around like a grasshopper from one cause to the other because it's all for Showmanship there's no depth to anything they do Megan in particular has a long history of uh failing dismally at her humanitarian cosplay I have an entire video I made earlier this year talking about just that so if you haven't seen it yet right up here you know the drill but the fact of the matter is Megan marel doesn't have a charitable bone in her body who else would show up decked in hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of clothing and jewelry to homeless shelters and underprivileged children in schools if it wasn't just to grandstand and show off her riches and tell these people nonverbally that you and I we're on different levels and don't they say charity begins at home kind of hard to reconcile with someone who destroys families for a living don't you think here's the Crux of the matter I believe that everything Megan and Harry do specifically Megan is not just to make money of course and get narcissistic Supply attention accolades all that but to directly compete in this imaginary race in her head that she has with William and Catherine and this includes archwell I don't for one second believe that archwell was created from a genuine place and with a genuine desire to give back I believe that a primary reason for its existence was to directly compete with William and Katherine's Royal foundation so that they too can play faux Royals in the US and take their cameras around and record footage of themselves Rus grinning and hugging and slathered in bronzer and blush without actually telling us exactly what it is that they do because if you watch this one minute video they put out what's the message what's the takeaway other than Grand St standing and uh you know one upmanship William and Catherine are public figures in exchange for being funded by the taxpayer they perform public duties and so it is part of their job to take cameras with them to these functions and to as I said raise awareness shine a light and it's working I have seen many people including news reporters in UK news channels that have said wow I am going to donate to a baby bank now because I didn't even know these things existed so that one video that Katherine put out with her children had a massive impact who's going to go out and donate anything based off this one minute video we got from the sussexes I mean I think we already know the answer not many people probably two maybe even one next year this kind of reminds me of their Christmas cards that they send out it's like well you're private citizens who cares about your Christmas card no one's asking for it no one wants to see it but it's all part of this Obsession that Megan in particular has with competing and one-upping William and cine that's why archwell is failing because it's not a genuine charity it's not a genuine desire to give back it is motivated by jealousy by rage by pettiness vindictiveness and vengeance after years of observation I can say this with the utmost confidence Megan Markle has a problem with Obsession we know she's been obsessed with Princess Diana her entire life going as far as costplay her before she even met Harry and long after she left the royal family so uh who are you going to blame now Megan it's certainly not the men in Gray suits she's been obsessed with Emma Watson and Angelina Jolie hence her attempts her desperate attempts to become a un Ambassador which she failed at she was only a un Advocate and that wasn't good enough for her so she had a hissy fit and she quit and speaking of that UN speech she is not only obsessed with copying people's appearance but she copies people's speeches word for word I'm talking plagiarism here I'm sure you've all heard of this by now but part of her UN speech in 2015 was directly taken from a speech that was once made by Elanor Ros felt I mean talk about shamelessness she has a pattern a modus operandi this is how Megan is I'm not a psychologist I'm not going to delve into why although I think we all know by now that these traits coincide with certain personality disorders but whatever the reason is she has a problem and as of today Catherine is her latest flavor of the month or the year or lifetime really because I don't see the stopping I think Catherine is it she is the prime target that Megan has fixated on for the past few years and will probably fixate on for as long as Katherine lives and some of you might be thinking oh this is all petty nonsense talking about who's copying who but I'm here to tell you that as someone who's been on the receiving end of this Behavior as someone who is in the same boat as Catherine it's anything but Petty it's actually incredibly harrowing Sinister uncomfortable and downright scary you can feel naked like you're out in the open unprotected being scrutinized by a magnifying glass by someone who has malevolent intentions towards you someone who wishes you harm and it is honestly one of the most stressful experiences that I have ever had to go through and I can only imagine that Catherine must on some level feel the same way especially when you don't really have anywhere to hide you know Catherine is a public figure I am a content creator it's our job to put ourselves out there and the worst part is no matter how uncomfortable we may feel the perpetrators the Megan morles of the world they don't care in fact I would go as far as to say they relish our discomfort they love to watch a squirm it's a really heavy burden to live with knowing that you are in someone's crosshairs 247 through no fault of your own and you're just living with one eye open all the time looking over your shoulder waiting for them to hurl yet another bomb your way I know it took a dark and twisted turn but it's a dark and twisted subject so let me know what you think was it just a coincidence that Megan's video or archw Well's video was released a mere few hours after Catherine or was it something a little bit more than that let me know looking forward to reading your comments take care and I'll see you in the next one [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Lost Beyond Pluto
Views: 233,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meghan markle, princess catherine, archewell, video, charity, royal foundation, prince william, prince harry, royal family, copy, cosplay, duke of sussex, duchess of sussex, lost beyond pluto
Id: YGosJ8PRctM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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