MEGAWATT KE70 Panel Van, THINGS on the dyno and Road Trip fail.

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[Music] all right welcome back to nuga garage um ignore the noises next door the guys next door know how to have a good time and seems like they're having a good time this afternoon um it's the week end or the week after drag challenge I know last time we were speaking I mentioned was going to take the 3z car cuz it's all dressed up nowhere to go got tires for it and whatnot but change of plans in the last week before um when realizing that we still had the cylinder head That kep Built Me for the buet engine um what are he is doing um which means yeah it was already machined had halfin head stud poles had already had the good valve seats good valves it was already set up for gscs three um Power division cam shafts which are the big ones I used in the 20 um so yeah we kept decided to Chuck that together Chuck it on the engine we got it in the car with 3 days to spare I think um decided that might as well use the GTX 55 uh Gen 2 94 mil turbo on it much much much larger in the turbine side all bolted pretty much straight on Dave had to make a pipe to join to the intercooler um all All Drain just Bol stra off the turbo so it's pretty tight but it's in there that's probably another 10 kilos of Ford weight which this car obviously needed um so yeah we got it onto the dyno uh 2 days before the event um I'll show you that footage now I'll come back and talk about fall see what the dash you want at the dash yeah it's just light enough want to see if it's reading any oil pressure one apparently a GD 47 wasn't big enough [Music] [Music] down [Music] oh [Music] w did it even get boost bar2 7700 [ __ ] it's going to anous it's going to need [Music] some [Music] [Music] [Music] h the RPM got any gas to put on it what's that 35 comes on 33 so that's halfway there that was 9 9,000 I want to go5 mine yeah well it's just like 1150 34 lb 33 lb pressure St still 85 PSI it's F yeah but it's not moving anyway 3 out8 proba a little just to see if it's coming on have you got a bottle in it it on just get it up there seeck do stuff and things well in this case do stuff two turn the bottle on yes will happen needs more sand [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] it land right where' we go there 37 37 come on heap's better do it how much gas is that 100 that's just going to go places put another bloody 15 lb in at the track or only 70 CO2 so far so back to where we were give me take yeah be [ __ ] py py hey oh I've got a shovel we don't worry about mops anymore yeah n all the liquids will evap evapor kitty litter in a shovel m [Music] holy [ __ ] um of bit happy up there um holy [ __ ] dude what you doing [ __ ] that's that's doing things no well anyway this turbo doesn't last it doesn't seem to where are we at 59 PS what is it how did it get 59 PS 59 what are you doing there I didn't you know when I said like all right so you're not a [ __ ] I wasn't supposed to do that I don't have tell you well that's no it's fine 60.3 it just went 100 PSI what a I don't you going done [ __ ] up well that's good 59 lb 60 lb in what are you [ __ ] doing Miss imagine if that kept if that held through that was going that was going to like 1550 going 15600 tur Works [ __ ] all right maybe maybe turn it down some is that is that 85 is that 6 did you target 85 too much what did that cut out 59b you did say 60 will go to 17 and that was going like that's going there that was going 1,600 at least that let me just turn it down just to switch so 49 right that was gone that was going over 1,600 yeah dude that was that that was 60 lb yeah it's gone places not do that maybe um maybe turn it down some the mega 1.1 Mega yeah it wasn't rolling over I don't think the car was I think everyone's not even [ __ ] oh it may be a bit less this time mate got to been excited get out get out here stealing out all these people stealing out bloody [Music] content [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] was that is a 46 f 47 45 4 yeah 46 that's a b nicer [Music] 16 noisy [ __ ] right I think that works all right so you see there made 1430 OD horsepower at I think it was 45 lb of boost interesting thing is you only need 85 lb of CO2 on the gate to do that whereas with the other turbo basically all I could put on there is 100 and it made 44 um or 46 same boost uh and the that gain is about 200 more horsepower so definitely had high IM up I'd say I don't have a sensor in there but there's other ways you can you can guess it and tell it anyway um on one of the runs there I accidentally asked it like I was I was thinking I was changing the Dome pressure but everyone's chaing in my ear so I changed the manifold pressure expected table which means the CO2 control strategy tried to correct the error and add more and more and more and more CO2 up to 100 PSI which meant it basically tried to make 85 lb of manifold pressure um the 59 lb boost cut caught it and it was on a mission it was going for something my guess is 1600 to 1700 horsepower which it's good to know the engine could actually do that but on the fuel that I'm using it's just straight pump E85 whether you could do that long term and manage the ugt I don't know um this is what we're going to find out with this car we'll start sneaking up on it now I reckon 190 plus mph is doable in the quarter the car is about 2,900 lb so I think that's doable um anyway so off the dyno we decided to go and try road trip TR challenge we left the same tires on it um which are an old set of tires of Wayne wag staff's car from 5 years ago I think when they're running like five passes to a set try and run threes for the first time so that's what's on it um yeah went out to the track I can roll that footage now I'll probably talk about it a little bit first um it's a 3-day event obviously you got to drive each day it was only like 50 or 60 K one day and I think it was 100ks the next um two passes a day with provision for slightly more depending on how many runs they got um unfortunately I don't know what like the new track at War it's nice and smooth I'm sure it's going to be great but someone stuffs something up on the track prep on day one um now I'm using Parts in this car that they're well and truly capable for the job but you know if you're going to start Tire shaking and losing the tire from 300 ft ultimately you damage the crown opinion um that's stupidly noisy straight after the first pass and then on a second pass um I think first pass I think I went 5-1 180 146 mph and you know we're shaking like crap all over ler a screen sh on the drive shaft speed second passway hit the start line a little bit harder and it not sure why yet but I don't know if it's differences Tire a tire on the track or whether this thing just turns right when it loses traction but it went right I tried to steer it I hit the trans wck button it's on for about 2/10 now normally you would cancel that with drive shaft speed but you know I'm usually not an idiot like that and turns out I am so I'm sure after that we're pulling it you know into gear and it was pulling the engine down hard and that usually means means you've you've killed the mechanical diode or it's it's spun the stat tube on the gearbox or something I miss I managed to do the next day by jagging it back and forward getting it to free up now the engine was pretty tight when when it was jammed so I know the crank was getting pushed forward too so I'm going to have to check the thrust bearings in this but I managed to jack a pass on the second day there where it went a 52 148 1 half something um which I think ended up being unbeaten for the weekend but unfortunately it's an average base thing um second pass after that I think to me in the car it felt faster it moved around a lot more but the 60t was rubbish and it went 1482 milph and then that night they did a carry Dy um who just recently passed away they did a benefit to raise money for his family $200 buing all the big cars that were trying to run you know the first four of the event um decided that they should probably be in in it and they said they were going to prep the track for it the air was better so I put a tune in it which was everything but the kitchen sink um and then of course they didn't prep the track other than walk around and spray a bit of s on the start line um so mine came out lost Tire turned right I shut it down fed it back into it came on the Boost ramp obviously the time was the count out made like 55b of boost and tried to power wheel and then I had no Top Gear so unfortunately from that point on I knew we were in a hurt with the gearbox um some of the material from the converter is obviously fallen into the pump and we've lost line pressure and we've just nuked all the clutches in the box now we did spend a bit of effort on day three jacked it up pulled the pan pulled cleaned all the debris out put fresh Flor in it but n he's done they could drive on the trail that's about it so unfortunately that means that I think we'll coming tied first place with Ben Vin and his VH PSI wagon uh day two he made a past day three and he won the class my EV congratulations to him he's actually come back from a stack he had in the car about a year and a half ago so it's good to see that back it's a quick car on its own right um anyway I'll roll that footage now um as usual I've half asked it I did take all my gear with full intentions but you kind of get caught up in the moment and I want to get the car running not spend time doing cuts and filming but anyway he what is have a look at that and I'll come back at [Music] you the way through the point [Music] n [Music] now oh I oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] Bo even for look at the dust crazy that's you mate [Music] [Music] the hey you got refreshment [Music] [Music] going [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah oh yeah know it's so that was drag challenge I was pretty stoked the car drove you know flawlessly 50ks to the P back and 30ks to it there's no I have no doubt in my mind you can drive this thing 1,000 C if you want I think the water temperature set at 82 trans temp was at 70 the biggest problem was it's a little bit boomy it's a bit hard to talk to passengers other than that you know he would drive fine um still going to do the next one I got no hard feelings about what happened I mean if I won it would have been worth it but there you go so I'm not sure what I'm going to do now um this has obviously probably junked everything from the flywheel to the diff other than the tow sha so even if I'm lucky that's 6 G Plus to fix so I'm not made of money so it's officially out for the rest of the year so I might take I don't know one of the small Tire cars to one of these no prep things and just be miserable about how much they suck and then make a video of that anyway um actually starting to enjoy the racing so things running up um thanks for watching I'll talk to you next [Music] time
Channel: Nugget Garage
Views: 27,701
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Keywords: nugget, garage, skid, factory, mcm, burnout, powerskid, horsepower, horse, power, hp, rwhp, whp, awhp, rwkw, wkw, awkw, dyno, crazy, fast, drag, race, racing, 400m, 1320, mad, budget, shed, shop, build, built, van, truck, car, sleeper, turbo, engine, intercooler, custom, big, mazda, e2200, 1uz, rubbish, 500hp, 400hp, 10 sec, v8, 1uz, 1uzfe, 1uzfet, madness, mad, swapped, ls1, ls2, vl, vl turbo, converted, conversion, autronic, toyota, 1jz, 2jz, 1jzgte, 2jzgte, 2jzge, mitsubishi, bogan, aussie, australian, jzl300, oke020, mighty mods, glide, powerglide, kart, Honda
Id: xGBVuybSfy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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