Megaman vs Zero - Megaman Unlimited Final
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Channel: KegaStudios
Views: 2,997,069
Rating: 4.7927003 out of 5
Keywords: megaman 11
megaman x9
megaman zx3
megamna legends 3
megaman unlimited
Id: gPC4e_Op_P0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2017
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That's why Mega Man Unlimited exists.
The capsules Dr. Light "hid" since X2 were made by his A.I., not Light himself, you can even interact with the A.I. and he will say the he made "x" part/armor to this special situation, meaning that the A.I. is aware of the situation.
In Mega Man X5, Dr. Light's A.I. built the Black Zero armor, when even before his death, Dr. Light didn't know anything about Zero. The A.I. even interact with Zero, meaning that he learned about Zero during all this time when Zero and X were fighting against Sigma.
Also theres no way to do that unless the game is rated for teens, like the X Legacy Collection, the opposite of what all the previous Classic games were, for kids.
Pretty sure the cataclysm theory was declared to be not true. Zero didn't kill Rock and instead he likely died peacefully after Light was no longer around to repair him.
Wasnโt it confirmed that Zero didnโt destroy rock?
From an interview from the original creator of Mega Man he revealed a little background information that Mega Man was built with a switch that allows him to turn himself off something other robots could not do. * in the backstory I wrote, Mega Man alone is equipped with the functionality to turn himself off. That very fact imbues him with a sadness. The other robot masters were made for some kind of specific job or work, so thereโs no need for them to have an โoff switchโ they can control. However, a robot helper like Mega Man can make his own judgments, and therefore can decide whether heโs needed or not.*
After I learned of this I always had the idea or headcanon that since unlike X who was created from the start to have weapons and have his purpose left up to him Rock was at the end of the day just Dr Lightโs assistant and saw that as his duty and when X was built and Dr light passed away he turned himself off as his job as his assistant was finally over and he was no longer needed for the purpose he was created
Didnโt Zero get locked away soon after he was built because he was too dangerous?
"The shoddy localizations of this franchise means we often overlook the rich lore at the heart of the series, so here's something I really want that ignores the rich lore of the series!"
If Mega Man II is canon, then you pretty much just ignore the series lore. In Mega Man II it was revealed that in the future, Mega Man was decommissioned and then stolen by past Wily who turn future Mega Man into Quint, which explain why Mega Man is no where to be found in future series as he died in that game (The one in V is a copy and Rock Man Shadow is his prototype).
Mega Man being decommissioned at least means that he was able to achieve peace in his time. The other robots could be deactivated permanently after their time is up if the law in Mega Man 9 get applied to all robots. Proto Man probably died because of his core finally runs out. The only one that can be possibly killed by Zero is the Wily Numbers as Wily has activated Zero before he goes berserk for a while. So either Bass is killed by Zero, or he is finally destroyed by Rock during their last battle.
IIRC, โThe Cataclysmโ theory literally started as just a side story on the old Bob and George sprite-comic that just picked up a lot of traction with the fandom.
The game can't end with Mega Man getting destroyed - something needs to bridge the gap. Maybe the player takes over as Proto Man or Bass to help Dr. Light locate places to store X's capsules. The stages can bear a resemblance to the final locales the capsules are found in: fighting a boss to set up a capsule in an ice cavern (Chill Penguin), or at a jungle (Web Spider in X4), etc.
It would be a darker take on the series, but in the same way God of War has waited five games to dig into its lore to tell a compelling story, I know a Mega Man game could, too.