MEGA VLOG 638: sorry we cant do that! (and why i use a wheelchair!)

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[Music] howy neighborino it's another video so this video is basically a story of my day or the last two days it's pretty long but um it's one of those things where you end up in situations like with healthc care stuff and it's like what do you do I can totally see how people go ice maker people go totally nuts and just go on a rampage and scream and yell and whatnot it may not always help sometimes screaming yelling has its place but today I'm going to tell you the story of how I didn't do that and um well I don't know I'm just going to play the video hopefully you guys enjoy um I I'm doing all right I explain more later on but um this is just one of those things I want to share uh people that are bad at their jobs or maybe I I don't want to be harsh and say that but like we all deal with this stuff so anyways I'll lay all this out and you can uh see what you think and I almost forgot I also explained why I'm in a wheelchair I lay out the basic story I haven't really talk too much about that in videos I have a little bit here and there but yeah that's later on in the video so if you want an explanation this is the one to watch um comment down below and all that stuff by the way um try and get through the whole video before you leave a comment there's a lot of stuff in the first part that I explain in the second part and yeah so just do me that favor [Music] enjoy I do believe it's officially winter time now and once again talking takes a lot of effort but we'll get through this somehow um the days for hoodies and uh flut B flat brimmed hats I think need to be replaced with proper outerwear for I don't know what I'm trying to say I've got a crate underneath the bus full of my cold weather gear so at least I'm hoping it's there might have taken it to the warehouse but let's go check it's 11:00 a.m. right now and it's 39° outside which is supposed to be the high today which is also why you hear the pellet stove in the background probably going to be leaving that thing on low all day but uh let's grab some keys and see if we can acquas a giant bin full of stuff if I recall correctly it should be oh it's mud what are you going to do guy with a we whacker if I recall it should be in here oh yes there we go I think that says cold weather gear or used to say camera gear I don't know um yeah oh yeah there we go should probably take this whole thing inside but it's kind of large and of course I set it on the ground so it's got water and stuff on it now tires aren't too bad H luckily this doesn't really weigh much so let's see if we can see if we can do this all right that'll do I just barely fit on this [Applause] lift no there we go these dang rails on the floor all right let's see what secrets are contained here in I uh mostly want a beanie or something to wear hang on I'm going to close the door and I think the rest of my stuff's at the warehouse all I had in here was three beanies there's one Columbia sportsware one with that Omni heeld or Omni Shield heat stuff in it I was trying to find oh anyone remember this thing I used to wear this a lot a long time ago in some older videos it's kind of stretched out now um yeah I'm going to have to make a trip out to the warehouse I think you know what I'm talking about though Columbia sportsware has this stuff that looks like aluminum foil but it's Fabric and it's like really really warm yeah I guess that's better than nothing for now yeah yeah this this thing's really lightweight I don't think it's going to keep me very warm all right a few hours have passed and sorted phone calls and things anyways I have to take my breathing machine back over to the hospital to the pulmonary people I guess they're having trouble connecting to it wirelessly or something so anyways we're bringing back the wearable front row camera I don't know why I felt the need to film this or feel the need to I anyways I'll see if there's any clips that are usable off of this thing or not but um yeah they want to pull the data off of it and it's not working or something I don't know anyways feeling a little bit better now so that's good got my coffee and whatnot so I think we're going to hop in the van and head out there and um see if anything interesting happens oh and a short story time depending on how busy it is there I may retrace my steps from when I was there yesterday and explain this awesome situation um I've never had well I'm assuming this person worked there because they're wearing scrubs in a name tag but I've never had someone run their mouth and then run up a flight of run up a flight of stairs because they didn't want to talk to me and then say something to the effect of oh are you going to follow me anyways let's go get this data downloaded and um yeah [Music] stuff okay so interesting note about complaining about accessibility things a few years ago this area right here where these disabled spots are um there were no curb cutouts sck it up on here so you had to go out into that traffic lane or down that way in the traffic but I spent spent probably about 9 months calling these people every 3 weeks talking to different people finally got a hold of someone and you know I tell them hey look you're going to end up with someone hit by a car cuz you guys don't have the proper access here anyways they fixed this see how the concrete's new right there so I just say that to say sometimes politely um sub poking people with a semi- sharpened stick we'll get things done so anyhow let's go inside [Music] not sure how I'm supposed to tell them I'm here I just don't know how to tell them that I'm here huh they don't know that I'm here though you have don't I'm here to talk to so you want me to go and bang on the door no okay I understand but I'm just trying to let you guys know that I'm here okay so confusion at the frosted glass person didn't want to open the window uh I'll explain it more later but I'm here basically to give them the data card from my machine so they can pull the data off of it uh I did have to blur out this next part it's just a few minutes long but I just wanted to include this for the audio I'll uh I go into a bit of a rant later and explain all of this but uh yeah anyways I was trying to talk to the person to he but they just kept saying no no no no I you know just came out like the minute before cuz have an appointment or anything so there's no way you guys would know I'm out there I just knocked on the window and she's like no I'm like what yeah so when I set up the app originally it said it was only compatible with two different CPAP models but I just picked one and then punched in my serial number and uh see it's got data just wasn't sure with it being a BiPAP if there was some sort of weird compatibility issue it's because you didn't get it interally here sometimes it makes it a little hard to get the data yeah um there's times when we have to get the place that you got it from to to let go the serial number that makes sense yeah I did that about two years ago it took a whole bunch of phone calls and stuff to get him to release the machine but it may not have actually happened gu our data is corrupt really it's okay it's somewhere yeah cuz I've had no problem getting data off that card I use some software to track it myself so it looks like your machine's running it's doing everything it's supposed to do well it's not just about Ahi with my neuromuscular weakness and you're right when it comes to neuromuscular hii doesn't mean anything they've made some changes with the servers for these so in the future there is going to be um a hard time um getting yeah I don't know if it's my card reader or not I'm not getting data but from the data that I see well if you on here if you close the portal and then unplug that reader plug it back in put the card in and then open it that make sure it'll get detected you know might come up that wayy c data is SC uh if you refresh that page though maybe it hasn't detected the cards in there or something it could be air viw too but unfortunately well it'll take a while there's a few hundred megabytes of stuff on there just from the data that I saw from your machine the data looks good yeah I mean data looks good my the Ahi never really goes over three necessarily I mean I mean I don't think if you feel like you need a bump up in pressure I don't think well would mind we bumped your pressure up but yeah I me maybe just by 1 cm just boost it a little and again I know you got to mum so um I put all the numbers in and it won't does it just show no data or does it say it's not connecting yeah and when I add the serial number in the options come up as an S9 so Weir thing what's that that's just the model before this oh cuz when I try to order them they always send me like the wrong stuff um cuz when I call they don't answer the phone you just have to leave a message and I tell them please call me back and then they don't and just The Wrong Stuff shows up in the mail yeah and that was the thing cuz they wouldn't mail stuff out if it wasn't soon enough and if you try to plan ahead it it's gets difficult when the wrong stuff shows up but yeah if they're switching to them I'll just do that instead um what happen what format do you guys get data in because I have like I've got all the data if I can export it in the right format I could send it to you guys what do you mean like well I use software on my computer that let that happen no way like I mean you could you could make a copy and maybe send send me a picture of it if you want well you know of the do you get like a report I mean I've got all the data from the card is there a way that you can just import it into that program you use um no I mean tried to do the download but I got 30 days of data that I wrote down from the internally on your machine okay so yeah all right wouldn't let like um I know what you're trying to ask if we could do but no no they wouldn't allow that okay all right thank you have a good one have a good day all right screw this I'm in a bad enough mood that don't even want to tell the story of what happened yesterday there going to leave complete waste of time coming here okay by the way by the way what you just saw me do there was a life hack I'll explain in a minute okay so that was a life hack what just happened there I was going to go through that door and I saw that guy coming up from the outside and usually I found trying to get through a door like that especially when there's not much of a pathway that's very wide it's it gets into this weird dance where they're trying to hold the door but then they're in the way and they're trying to help but whatever so what I do is I stop I just pull out my phone and pretend to be screwing around with it and act like I have no interest in that door then wait for them to pass then I can go through it so anyways little tip there um well let's go back to the van I'm gonna find a place to get some food and then I will grab the other camera and explain what just happened during this visit and why I feel like it was a waste of [Music] time I just I just get so frustrated with all this stuff okay I'm going to find some place to get some food and talk I'm going to get out of this disabled parking space because I know people need to use them am I being a smartass if I say I'm a I feel like I'm a decent human because I'm going to leave this space right now and let someone else use it okay I got my coffee um I don't have my camera mount in the van right now so I think I'm going to head back to the bus and then I'll explain everything getting food helps getting some caffeine helps I'm just don't get me wrong my doctors are great but support staff sometimes I mean I'm sure they're doing their best but like this is one of those situations where getting upset and yelling at people's not going to fix the problem so you just gotta be calm and cool and kind of let let it roll off your back or whatever but anyways um I'll talk to you in a bit after some driving traffic and [Music] [Applause] stuff okay fair warning this is going to get a little bit ranty um and honestly when I'm angry it makes it easier to talk at the moment so we're just going to lean into this here a little bit so I've gotten a lot of questions from people and don't worry we're going to get into what just happened at the hospital people always comment and ask oh why are you in a chair you know what's going on with that you know what are the details blah blah blah well I had a video that I posted probably three years ago where I kind of talked about a few of the things here's the problem when you're on the internet like me and lots of people hear the words coming out of my mouth while it may be good intentioned um in some of the circumstances when I start talking about what's wrong with me Everyone likes to well not everyone but a disproportionate number of people like to come out and say you know oh they've got some miracle cure they want me to buy some product or they're going to say oh it's your fault cuz you you know you shop at McDonald's and whatever else so I haven't really said much about why I'm in a chair because the internet but just for a little bit of background here I was born with some genetic mutations I was pretty much fine for 27 years and the thing is how do I I'm trying to figure out the best way to summarize this there's so many things I think I'm just going to gloss over the service so I was born with some genetic mutations and Still's disease which is kind of a super aggressive childhood autoimmune um arthritis type thing it'll go away and come back several times uh in your lifetime right now I'm on the well if you don't count when I was born I'm on the second Resurgence of it now which is right within my age range and that's when it wants to become more aggressive or whatever and for whatever reason um once again choosing my words carefully the people I lived with growing up decided that uh well you're fine we don't we don't need to treat this no big deal whatever okay so then fast forward a little bit when I was 2 years old I had a penetrating skull injury the back of my head piece of my skull got pushed into my brain and either a result of that or maybe it was some of the birth effects and whatnot I've also got this other thing called semicircular Canal dehance it's basically a hole between your brain cavity and your inner ear canal and it affects your balance so because of that I never had very good balance and I got 15 more concussions over the years by the time I was like 22 years old so lots of head trauma and there's a few other things that go along with all this but basically my spine is degenerating like the facet joints and the vertebrae and whatnot um spine's curved in four different directions depending on what IAL angle you're looking at and also the vertebrae are like wedged wedge shaped which I think they call that Sherman's kosis or something like that but anyways uh almost every level there's vertical herniations of the discs into the vertebrae anyways spine's a train wreck and it's slowly eroding so I didn't really know any of this I mean I knew I was always like really stiff and sore when I woke up when I was little um but I mean there's no cure for Still's disease but there's definitely treatment that can help things out and um while it may kind of go away eventually when it comes back later on well a lot of the damage has already been done so anyways got all that and when I was about 27 or so um had issues being able to stand up for any length of time and once again I didn't know a lot of this right off so I was just doing you know what any normal young person does and things that shouldn't normally be a problem uh were like tripping and falling down two stairs or crashing a dirt bike low speed into a tree just you know other Power Sports and other things like that um so some stuff happened and you know it became I couldn't really stand up like I should be able to so we got some Imaging done and they're like oh um so by the way um we're surprised you can walk at all right now and I think this was back in like 2010 or 11 or something like that but uh yeah anyways things started degrading pretty quickly I used a manual chair at first and then about two months after that my arms and hands uh started getting involved we did some more imaging and C7 wind up having uh some compression and vertical herniation or fracture issues or whatever they call all that and um yeah well my arm and hand function is pretty good like my thumbs work great no problems there my right hand I can do a lot more I have a lot more fine motor control left hand is stronger but doesn't have the fine motor control so anyways all that being said taking a breath caffeine does significantly help um with the breathing stuff but anyways all that being said I've got neur neuromuscular weakness that is progressing and um it's kind of a big deal I don't really act like it is I mean I'm doing what I can to you know make sure things are being taken care of you know as I can and find out about things but uh yeah so that affects your lungs um I was in ICU a few years ago so didn't quite realize how bad my um pulmonary capabilities were until I went on backlin and this was after I'd been in a chair for number years I was having you know spasms and whatnot and backlin you know great drug for that sort of thing love it it worked great turns out though backlin is not supposed to affect the smooth muscle or whatever your lungs are made out of but most people have a reserve amount of strength in their you know breathing or pulmonary system or whatever so when you get a cold or whatever you've got a little bit of reserve of strength to be able to overcome any sort of minor weakness or whatnot well as it turns out I was already at the level that I didn't have any Reserve at all I went on blein and it started affecting my lungs the manufacturer of bleen wound up coming out to the hospital the ICU where I was at because it was such a rare interaction um turns out it wasn't really an interaction at all it was just because my lungs are effed up pretty badly and um while I can talk most of the time um you know there's good days and there's bad days so anyways I'm using a bi Lev ventilator breathing machine whatever you want to call it I use it at night and then during the day uh sometimes I'll use it for a little while as well if I need a break which I probably will be right after filming all this so the trip to California last month for the Power Soccer had some issues with my mask somehow the little valve that connects the mass of the hose I got down there without it and um went to a hospital they got me an mask actually hang on a second here so I can reach above my head I say I can usually do just about anything for 20 to 30 seconds this is the only mask they had I actually really like it the headgear is really nice it holds to your head pretty well cuz I run pretty high pressures on my Bev machine for breathing support only problem is this thing did not are you kidding me I just now saw that anyways what I was about to say is this thing does not have any air bypass holes there is a calibrated valve right here that I just now saw that I've never seen before see look there's a little plug that opens up um that actually doubles as an oxygen Port but that is a calibrated leak as well which you have to have on these things if you want to breathe out huh interesting okay well we solved that problem H anyways there was no leak by valve on this which means you can't breathe out when there's pressure I wound up drilling two small holes in the front of it which maybe you can see here to provide the bypass obviously not calibrated my machine doesn't know what the hell's going on but it just dumps pressure into here and you know I have a combination of breathing issues uh Central apneas asthma and the ersal lung weakness or however you say that goes along with the neuromuscular weakness so as far as what my machine says like the Ahi score if you know what that is pretty much irrelevant to the broader spectrum of my breathing issues but um I noticed after I drilled these two holes I was able to sleep still woke up with the oxygen deprivation headaches but my Ahi on the machine read zero which is pretty much not possible in my circumstance so I knew something was up anyways can't believe that how did I not see that Port anyways so after three nights of screwing around with that came back to Portland using my own mask again and um I pretty much haven't recovered from then since then and usually within a couple weeks after an event like that I should be fine so that tells me there's something up with me my changing my lung weakness all that stuff and uh we need to get stuff looked at look at the data so my machine data logs everything it also has a wireless connection so they can remotely remotely monitor me at night if need be and I talked to them a couple days ago they tried to get connected up to it wirelessly they weren't able to make it work for whatever reason and they're like okay well just come on by and you know we'll pull the SD card out of it and pull the date off of it and normally whenever you do that you hand them the card and then they they never give you it back they'll mail you at another one for some reason so I use my own software which actually turns out is the exact same software that the hospital uses this is important in a minute and the rant is warming up I back up my own data so I've got all my own data put the card back in the machine take it in there they're like hey we need to get the serial number and stuff off of it didn't have an appointment they're like just stop by sometime between noon and 4: okay now we move on to the part of what happens when I got to the hospital I get there and normally the way it works is the front desk you check in and then they notify to the department and you just go to that Department's waiting room and wait around for them to pop through the door problem is I can't check in up front because I don't have an appointment um and they just told me to stop by so I go down to that waiting area there's no phones or anything no intercom whatever there's what used to be a reception area with frosted glass um so I was looking around and I was like okay how are they going to know I'm here and that's the other thing with my health network you cannot call them the only thing you can do is call and leave a message at one of many hundreds of mailboxes voicemail boxes and they will call you back so not really an option when I'm sitting in a Lobby filled with fluorescent lighting and I told them you know hey um if we can you know keep this visit to less than a half hour that would be ideal for me because you know epilepsy of course it's always something um so I get down there and no one's around and I see some movement behind the frosted glass so I go up and knock on the glass and what was the response I'll have to look at the footage I just heard no no I'm like wait what you have to check in it's like I don't have an appointment well no you can't check in here please just tell insert name of this person that I'm here her office is like 5T from you she doesn't know what time I'm going to be here no no you you have to go to the door I'm like do you want me to knock on the door no you have to just so keeping my cool I'm like all right whatever um I don't know if the person in the office 5T from that window that I was trying to meet heard that but they magically popped out the door and um I was a little bit frustrated because the way people behave that work in scenario how hard would it be to just say oh hang on a second I'll let them know or open the window instead of yelling at me through frosted glass and just repeating no over and over again there's so many other ways I could handle that that would have taken a fraction of the amount of time anyways go into the office and the lady I'm meeting bless her heart um she tries she's I mean I'm sure she's good at her job and whatnot but you know some people just aren't AR good with computers or whatever and I don't I'm just saying what I saw pull the SD card out of the machine hand it to this person put it in the computer and I noticed they're using the exact same software that I'm using now it's software that runs in a local web browser window and there's a little JavaScript application connector thing that connects the USB ports on your computer or like the SD card reader to the browser so plugs a card in first off I noticed I didn't hear any Windows noises so I was like oh maybe the speakers are unhooked and then she was kind of fiddling around and unplugged the card reader and plugged it back in and windows made noises and I was like oh speakers do work um few seconds later she's like oh this data is corrupted let me see if I have another SD card I'm like my data is on that SD card that you're trying to read what good would another one do it's like oh well sometimes this thing doesn't work blah I'll just use another card I'm like we have several years of data we're trying to offload putting a blank card in there okay anyways I was I coached them through and I was like okay close the program unplug the thing plug it back in plug in the SD card make sure Windows recognizes it then open the software gets the most of that JavaScript plug-in pops up and she just like closes the window doesn't allow it to run I'm like uh that's required for that to connect no okay try several more times somehow it connects and starts downloading data and a little progress bar starts loading then she just pulls the card out and says yeah this isn't going to work I'm just like I just drove all the way over here and we have all this data that my doctor needs um I'm being polite and I'm just like at what point do you just shove them out of the way and take over the computer yourself it's like I just pulled the data off 30 minutes before getting here and it worked fine the card's not corrupted Windows is not seeing it and when it did you pulled the card out once again I'm sure this person's fine I'm just illustrating what I see so she's like oh well I'll just look at your machine you have the power cord so she plugs in the power cord and the Machine has like a little four-line description of this the most basic data on Earth that'll show up on the screen she's like oh I can just use this and it's only for the last like 14 days it's like oh this will work fine I'll just write this down and for it to your doctor I'm like like oh looks like your Ahi is really good I'm like Ahi is re Irrelevant for neuromuscular weakness she's like oh yeah yeah I understand that all the data there's these crazy wave forms and like 27 different parameters that are measured all these pinpoints that you you know drag a little bar down and measure and do all this stuff to to track the weakness and see how your body is breathing and working and how your brain's commanding your lungs to do stuff and all this and I was like okay I have all the data myself can I just send it to you no no the the health network does not allow that that that's no and they're like well you can like take a picture of it and send it to me and I'm like this is literally thousands of pages each night generates about 12 to 15 pages of printable data and you can't zoom in and look at it um so the health network apparently doesn't allow me to give them the data and this person for whatever reason can't get the data off the card so it's like why did I drive out here again for you to look at the screen on my machine I could have just sent you a photo of that but but that's not the data my doctor needs what do you do so I explained what was going on and she's like oh we can adjust your pressure settings a little bit if you want I'm like okay I guess we can do that but don't we need to analyze the data anyways so I'm not too concerned about the wasted trip out there and the three hours out of my day but I have all this data that my doctor needs and apparently I'm not allowed to send it to them and their Tech person isn't capable of getting the data off the card my machine connects wirelessly to some server and supposedly they can log into that but they were saying it was the wrong model of machine or something and she can't get that to work either so I anyways that's why I was a bit frustrated um I haven't solved this yet I'm going have to figure out a way to get them that data she did go ahead and change my pressure settings a little bit but um so yeah kind of frustrated um oh and the thing I mentioned in the beginning I was there the day before to get some Imaging of my lungs and chest and stuff done and I'm cruising down the hallway in my chair nowhere near top speed I'm at maybe a brisk walk like when you see a power walker in the mall I'm going about that speed and I come up to a corner it's a huge Hospital campus every intersection in the hallways has Mirrors On The Ceiling so you can look up so I look up and I see someone's coming around the corner they were kind of off to the side so I was like okay I got plenty of room well this lady comes around the corner and then she like jumps out of the way I I'm like literally 20t from her I'm like I couldn't have thrown my phone and hit her that's how far away she was granted I don't have much strength but like um and I I'm I'm going to paraphrase I I don't remember exactly this is one of those things that makes me mad in my I just forget the details anyways she made some comment under her breath about you know needing to watch out or something and then as she turned the corner she met someone else that she knew and they were continuing to walk the opposite direction of me and uh saying something like oh those people need to watch out you know blah blah blah or something like that so I stopped and turned and I was like hey my ears work just fine I can hear your comments no problem and she laughs and she's like maybe you shouldn't run people down then and then the lady next to her like kind of laughed as they're walking the other way now this was someone that worked there they were wearing scrubs they had a name tag and I was just like if this was a random person whatever but you work in a hospital and you're making comments like this so I don't care if people are upset do your thing if you're going to say something say it don't mutter it under your breath if you're going to say something audible and then refuse to listen to any response that that person says that's not how it works if you want to say something wait until I'm out of earshot at least give me that courtesy this just seems like a common social contract thing to me it's like if you feel strongly enough to say something that about someone okay anyways so I turn around and follow her down the hallway and I'm like ma'am ma'am excuse me finally catch up to her she turns around and she's like I'm not doing this right now and she starts half jogging up this flight of stairs she's like you can follow me if you want and gives me this like big shitty grin and just continues up the stairs once again Hospital employee no idea if it was a nurse or a technician or whatever someone with a name tag that I didn't catch the name of but definitely worked at facility wearing scrubs um comments whatever fine someone following after you and you being in a hurry whatever fine but the comment about me following her up the stairs so what do you do in that situation well nothing well I guess you make a video about it and share my frustration with the world I have no idea who that person was I have no idea what department they're in I mean that campus is I don't know 100 acres if it's two there's so many buildings and so many employees there she's got to let it go I wasn't happy about that and also um immediately after that and getting the Imaging done and them looking at it and telling me Oh hey your neuromuscular weakness is getting worse and we can't do anything about it so there's that so that's kind of a mind Bender a little bit I mean at some point I will be on full-time ventilation I know that we can probably do it non-invasively I probably not going to need intubation or whatever but I mean I know it's coming but you know when people say that stuff to you um yeah that combined with that lady uh well I won't assume her gender that human that was fleeing up the stairs and making comments um about me following her upstairs when I'm clearly in a wheelchair um yeah I wasn't in a very good mood so I went across the street and got some Wing stuff got some chicken wings and while I was in there I noticed the building was made out of plywood and I was talking to some of the employees which by the way hired help these days if you've ever seen the movie ID if you've ever seen the movie Idiocracy it's so true right now um every place is hiring anyone with a pulse um whatever they're probably not paid enough to care but I started chatting with them and apparently a car drove through the building and the management wouldn't let any of them see the uh the footage of it but then I found some Hispanic news site that had photos of it so I was showing it to the employees and stuff I say all that to say I mean it stress eating or whatever I don't know I was talking to someone about this the other day but it's like I don't know if that's one of the things wrong with the Ugly Americans or not but it's like having a bad day let's go get some ice cream you know but I went there and talked to these employees takes like 25 minutes to get your food there um no big deal but it was kind of nice to interact with other people and kind of laugh about stuff and whatever um but anyways so there you go that's my day today I'm a little bit frustrated I feel better now though that I'm sharing this with the world um once again if you have things going on talking to someone helps um I guess it's kind of tricky to uh kind of tricky to find people to talk to uh sometimes that understand the situation is this thing still recording okay good um so you know if you can chat with someone online that's maybe another wheelchair user understands it it helps out a lot CU for me I'll just tell like this story here like this story of my day if I tell this to some random person that I know it's going to feel like I'm just complaining but it's like no I'm just sharing my day so advice I guess try to find someone to talk to or chat with like it helps I mean now that I've laid all this out I feel like it was no big deal at all um so I don't know whatever um okay I'm gonna stop talking for a bit once again when I get amped up it makes it easier to talk I don't know if that's adrenaline or what but like there you go um okay we got some other stuff in the video now I'm pretty sure so let's cut to that I'm sure it's super random okay I had some other footage of some other stuff I'm going to save it for another video I've been playing around with some throwing stuff on the floor but some little ESP Arduino sensors what I don't know whatever uh I'll do it in the next video I'm anyways I feel like people don't understand what it's like to use a chair and deal with some of the stuff I I know I'm preaching to the choir here but like seriously find someone to talk to we all deal with this stuff no one's getting any better at their jobs I'm not preaching Doom or Gloom here but like talking to people helps it does so anyways um I haven't come up with a solution to get my doctor the data yet I'm sure I'll figure something out I usually do things usually work out I guess that's something else things usually work out given enough time so anyways um all that said and done I'm in an okay mood happiness is overrated it's all about being content I've said this before um happiness is exhausting and kind of irrelevant just find a way to be content with your situation and again find someone to talk to or type to or chat with or whatever works for you so anyways um hopefully you enjoyed I realize the comment section it's you can't input a whole bunch of text there for telling stories or whatever but like you know leave a comment down below if you've encountered weird situations where people are just like yeah no whatever just todle off whatever like what do you what do you do like you're standing there in front of him and it's like this needs to be done what do I do so anyways hopefully you enjoyed um story time I'll catch you guys uh tomorrow on the live stream and um in future videos I suppose see [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Totally Normal
Views: 7,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlog, wheelchair user, wheelchair vlog, keep portland weird
Id: mBemN0bUK-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 29sec (2849 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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