MEGA Metal Foundry

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What's up guys welcome back, thanks for joining us today on the king of random in the past We've shown you how to make your very own backyard foundry using a metal bucket and this stuff called kaowool Well this has worked out great. We've used it for a whole bunch of different projects and today We're going to try and upgrade and build ourselves a larger foundry using this bigger 31 gallon trash can. The basic principle is that we have our metal trash can which will contain the heat nicely, but it's very conductive and would easily let the heat escape out into the air, so we have this stuff called kaowool, which is a very good insulator holds the heat in extremely well in fact you can put a blowtorch on one side of this and your hand on the other side won't even feel it. I don't think it's even warm after that... So that's the plan. We'll line the whole can with the kaowool that way, we'll have the metal container Which contains everything and the kaowool will hold in the heat. Now that we know we're gonna do, let's get started. A quick note about the kaowool It's a fiber substance a lot like fiberglass So it's very irritating if it gets on your skin Or especially if you breathe it in, so I'm going to be wearing a dust mask and that's why I have this long-sleeve shirt, So it doesn't make my arms all itchy there we go Hopefully that'll keep me from breathing in too many fibers as a first step I want to add a lining at the bottom of our trash can I'm going to set the trashcan on top of the kaowool and then trace around that I'll cut that circle out and That will go in the bottom of our can All right, we've got our circle cut out now. We're just gonna push that down into the bottom of our trash can Now the kaowool is at the bottom of our trash can and that will insulate really well But it's not very stable surface if we want to rest up on it here We've got some compressed ceramic fiber board that will work as a stable base It's a type of board that insulates really well and since it's rigid It should be better for standing things on than just the kaowool Now I probably want to cut this just a little bit inside of wearing mark because the very bottom of the trash can is just The tiniest bit wider than the inside bottom of the trash I suspect so we'll have a little bit of play? Maybe if I cut it too small, but that'll still be better than having to be too big and not fitting Alright, there's a circle that looks pretty good. Let's see if that fits in the bottom of our can ah It's beautiful! There we go a nice flat surface That'll be much nicer and trying to balance stuff on unstable kaowool alright now I'll try and take our kaowool and line the entire inside of it to figure out how much of this kaowool I'm going to need them just gonna put the whole roll down in the can and Then I'll unroll it onto the sides as much as I can and then mark where I want to cut it Sort of start with it inside there get a nice and pressed up against the sides of course the trash can is not a perfect cylinder, so it is a little bit wider at the top and the bottom I'm gonna try and account for that Alright, I'm gonna take my marker and mark I'm gonna give myself some extra that I can later trim off as I do fine-tuning without all the weight of the extra kaowool Getting in my way Nothing's the trashcan is like I said very slightly tapered Ideally our kaowool will would have a slight arc to it to fit perfectly around the edge We're just going to fake it a little bit by cutting one sided a bit of an angle And I think we'll get a pretty good fit So I did the rough cut before Now I'm going to see I Can get that a little bit more refined you can see that the edges are overlapping by quite a bit at this point This is where one side is so I'm going to mark that right there, and the other one is right here and once again I am going to give myself a little bit extra because it's better for it to overlap some than for there to be gaps Right see how we did it is overlapping just a little bit Which like I said, it's not a problem. Just take some squishing and persuasion there. We go that looking pretty good right there The main body of the can is lined so now let's quickly cut out a piece the right size and shape for our lid Wonder if a knife would be easier than scissors, so I'm just gonna try that and see if I like it any better As you can see I am leaving an inch wide gap That's the same thing that we did with our smaller foundry This way when we push it into the lid it will have a little bit of pressure on it and help hold it in place There we go Hmm, I don't think it's gonna compress enough with that extra border I left on it This lid has an interesting shape to it. There's a lip that extends off of the edge I think by adding an additional inch to what was already added by the lip my kaowool is now too wide to fit inside the inner area of this circle So I'm gonna cut it down just to where I measured it with the marker and see if it fits any better All right now we've got our slightly smaller circle. Let's see if that fits into our lid any better. Oh, yeah That's exactly what you want Being pushed in a little bit. It's not so tight that it won't fit But it's big enough that it's still got some pressure holding it in Hey, that's what we're hoping for and let's give it a try throwing it on our hand Beautiful that should be one Insulated trashcan at this point now We've got the walls and the lid covered in our insulating kaowool and for now it's holding himself on really well But with our mini foundry Overtime as it got heated up and cooled down and heat it up and cooled down time after time the kaowool Lost some of its rigidity and began to slump a little bit, so I've got some hardware And I'm gonna use that to attach the kaowool to both the lid and the sides of the trashcan a little bit so that down The road we don't run into that problem The machine screw that I'm using here is a little longer than I need so I might end up replacing it later That should hold it up pretty nicely now. I'm going to do the same thing at three points on the lid Now no matter how much structural integrity this kaowool it should hold itself on pretty well, it's attached Now we've got a very well insulated trashcan, but no way to add heat So let's drill some holes into the sides and the lid so we have a place for the propane heat to go in and for Some ventilation to go out I'm gonna try and make the holes in our large foundry at the same height off the ground as the holes under mini foundry that Way the wooden blocks that we use to support the burners will work at the same height Plus if we have anything that's just on the bottom of our foundry. We'll know that it's getting the heat that it needs Well that's smooth Turns out a hole saw is not the very best tool for cutting through very thin steel But it's what I've got so let's try it on the other side That actually almost won smooth All right just as an experiment to see if you try and use a hole saw on Kol what happens Still not perfectly but much better With those holes added I think our full size backyard foundry is ready to test with heat now I do have a concern that the spacing of the hose with these was designed with the mini foundry in mind And I'm not Positive they'll stretch out far enough to really angle the way we want them to on the large trash can we'll see what we can do You might be alright Alright, I did get both of them in and slightly angled But as you can see the hose is being pulled really tight And I don't think it's gonna cause any problems for our test But we'll probably want to add a little bit extra hose before we use this foundry for any extended amount of burning Whoo That gets toasty quick You can see that the burners aren't angled quite as much as it should be that's partly because our hose isn't long enough So while it is heating it up pretty? Well. It's not really Circling around quite as much as we like it to let's so the lid on and let this thing get really warm Turned off I'm just gonna see oh Ah that is toasty in there like the fire is not going but it still just really really warm Inside there there you go that is how to make a large-scale backyard foundry. There are a few different things We're thinking of trying with this foundry. It's obviously much larger than our normal backyard foundry which is gonna Let us do a few more things with it We'll be able to fit a large crucible, and we also might try firing some ceramics in this Forge I also took some of our leftover cable, and I realign the mini furnace And I was impressed at how easy it is to do that it only took me a couple minutes to completely replace the lining this Is a great little furnace you can build and use and if the kale will get so old that's falling apart It's very easier place in just a few minutes I'm really looking forward to trying out some experiments with our large foundry to see what it can really do Thanks for joining us for this project and we'll see you in the next one. Talk to you then Seems like a Captain America shield and this one's like a Captain cotton shield not a very good shield Hey guys. I hope you're having a great day. You are awesome You are appreciated, and I know everyone over here on my team is really grateful for you Thanks so much for choosing to watch and support our videos. We'll see you in the next one
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 2,068,202
Rating: 4.7125688 out of 5
Keywords: trashcan, foundry, backyard, mini, giant, metal, heat, melt, forge, cast, propane, grant thompson, the king of random, diy, king of random, science, experiment, homemade, backyard foundry, metal working, fire, metal casting, furnace, melting, random happens, random, metal melting, backyard science, metal foundry, melting metal, molten, craft, smelting, molten metal, making meltal ingots, ingot, propane torch, how to make, tkor, thekingofrandom, grant thompson king of random, how to, weekend project
Id: XZo5o1Y0h9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2017
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