Meeting & Interviewing A Flat-Earther!

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on July 6 2015 we released this spectacular image of Earth taken by NASA's epic camera there's overwhelming proof that it didn't happen so you believe you couldn't possibly land on it be not just ignore me delete me move on with your life why are you getting upset we're not spinning and I'm not on a board that I know that I know is a fact it's like this is huge like the whole world is being like - I mean this is humongous Wow okay yeah what would have happened if your wife returned man have gone I create to think my friends friended me deleted me we're not gonna talk to you anymore you've gone crazy I haven't spoken to my dad in over a year because of it really yeah yeah what an ass are getting out of it by pretending so what is it what they hide it I guess the best place to start with this video is about conspiracy theories because this I suppose is how this video was meant to begin jaqen meant to I guess here so zone I listen to a ton of like podcast me and my girlfriend when we're going to bed every she would not listen to a podcast or if we got long college Ernie's usually that would be a podcast with the mile higher which is like an amazing conspiracy theory podcast it's a couple from America I'm pretty sure they just sit in their living room with a microphone in between them and they just research it a different conspiracy whether that's the JFK or over that's the moon landing whether that's the Titanic I listen to one on the other day Morgan and I sat down and we came up with the idea that we wanted to chat with somebody in detail like a really nice sit-down almost short like a video podcast a sit-down chat with somebody that is 100% adamant that the moon landing was a hoax was faked that it didn't happen I would attend to it like a little bit but I dedicated my life into them the moon landing so I don't know everything so we just wanted sit down with somebody in chat about there is some weird footage that might prove that it's the bits of it of Fagor this we don't know I'd wanted to tell somebody about it so we found this guy online called Martin Kenny so we reached out to him we wanted to sit down and chat obviously this is where things got a bit weird and took a turn that I was not expecting and that's why this video show by theirs and it's not a sit-down video with Martin that we were meant to be doing so let me read some of our emails cos I've been emailing him a lot over the last week so I said hello Martin thanks for sending over your email address I'm looking forward to sit down to chat with you about the moon landing conspiracy I've seen you speak publicly about how you believe the moon landing was is not real which is why I'm getting in touch would you be up for coming to Brighton or London to record a 30-minute to one-hour chat about the topic are you free on Monday looking forward to him back from you Martin replies with the email like that dunno how he's done this it's email changes to Flat Earth universe that's a whole nother realm conspiracy hi Alfie thank you for connection invited me to participate your project however sure you can preciate it over to need to know a bit more information and I was like yeah well you sorry didn't even tell you anything about me who I work for what I did what videos I make whether I'm just gonna try and prove you fake that it Israel or so we go back and forth email in and it turns out they were both free on Thursday which is today it's going to come to Brighton we're gonna shoot this video he then emails me and I'm gonna ask if I can put this on the screen hello Alfie dot dot here's a counteroffer dot dot dot why don't you come film such interview me in my house here I have dedicated an entire room and built a full-size fat earth planetarium perhaps this could be an opportunity for you to present such discuss an alternative cosmology with your audience we could discuss space aliens and not just the main hoax but the global hoax at large what does he mean by the global hoax absolutely no idea is that lizard people I have no idea I don't know if I want to get into this but I do want to get into this I want to find out what the global hoax what is the global hoax it doesn't have to be full-on just a light-hearted conversation about something totally different with a little shock value and somewhat controversial are you up for the challenge you can't interview off the Chinese don't expect me to say yes honey so I kissed teasing I said yes I've Alan Martin so ever this low blow I hope you had a good weekend I was only expecting to be chat about the moon landing but this could be a far bigger chat than what I was thinking would it be possible for me my friend Morgan who helps with filming my videos to come and see your dedicated room and chat about this on Thursday I'm keen to make this happen he basically says yes and sends me his address and today's Thursday and we're going we're travelling like three hours to his house now I've got a couple of questions that I just want to throw out them out before we get going which we have got to leave in a minute because the Train is like real soon number one start off obviously as everybody has on the internet I've been watching Shane's documentaries and series recently this is not me trying to make a shame series documentary this like as you've seen from the emails is legit I was meant to be filming a sit-down video with Martin chat about the moon-landing is it weird that we were going to a stranger's house like I don't know who this guy this guy yes little is that way yeah but I don't know ever we I mean it's too late as concerned in over we should bring security like just like somebody with us I don't know where that I follow I don't think that honestly don't know I'm not saying he's a weird guy I'm sure he's the most lovely guy I'm just saying we have we hadn't literally hunt even spoke to him on the phone I think I want to know so much more than how did you get into it into the mindset where you believe that the earth is flat and there must be a ton of things that you don't doesn't believe in that there's a global hoax what is a global hope that's what Illuminati right the global elite the global honks maybe thinks you're part of the Illuminati is invited here the globe and is gonna capture it wrong the globe I just googled it the global hoax how the global warming warming conspiracy threatens us so it doesn't believe in global warming the last thing I want to do with this video is insult anybody's beliefs that's not what we had to do I'm not here to prove Martin right I'm not here to prove Martin wrong I'm not here to argue with him I don't know enough I'm purely you want to make this video to reach into his brain and find out more because I have no idea what any of this is does he have a family no this sounds so hot but with such strong beliefs on topics that are traditionally so normal to accept like us being around he believes his flat like he's got a debt to get room in his house so therefore his partner his kids must believe the same if he's a man no surely he will have spoken to them about it does his boyfriend or girlfriend believe the same thing because magic you didn't and they're like why is our spare bedroom got a cosmology flatter planetarium I fell out less a bit what didn't know what I just wanted to do that yeah I fell off a bit too much if you just don't agree with it you wouldn't do you wouldn't agreed to but surely does he have a job is this his job does he make money from this I guess the main thing for me is like how do you get to this point what is he experienced that we have an experience that makes him 100 adamant that the earth is flat but not only that that other thing is old he must have experienced something crazy to make him be this way see that oh it's the people that he hangs around with Jack they're gonna be there fatal bullet I don't know but if they only leave today he could have invited her in the six of his friends you were all like that's flat four percent of 18 14 year olds believe that earth is flat 84 percent amount of Americans believe the earth is round so 16 percent of Americans don't believe that's millions and millions and millions 16 percent that is 56 million people in America believes that the earth isn't round that's a lot of people what is going on that we don't know let's go find out let's like this video could literally be one video it could be three videos it could be an hour long it could be not I don't know where the conversations going to go and I think this is the most important thing to stress is like this wasn't meant to happen again we were meant to be able to sit down chat about the moon conspiracy which I still for sure want to chat to him about but now we've thrown in the Flat Earth the global hoax climate change isn't real it's real to him maybe it'll be real to us yeah we could ask him that okay alright let's go get the Train have we missed the Train already trainers in life eight minutes and we don't live eight minutes away Thank You raisin thanks so much right the classic lost your ticket and it's actually just in the all that where you left it we've just bought so much snacks in this train it's got coffee which I'm a bit worried about because I haven't eaten yet we all know happens overboard maybe not everyone water chicken bacon avocado and then I bought this before we bought this because I didn't think we have time to buy this now I've got this close we'll get into Martin's house the more questions I've gone that I want to know the answers to and the main one is like does he actually believe Israel filling us feel so harsh saying that that's fair enough maybe there are some people do believe things where there's no evidence I mean I for no evidence that sound personally for me I've never ever experienced firsthand that after being Wow that's all I do so I've never experienced that and I believe that so maybe he doesn't need evidence because I don't have any evidence I've um how did you know that yeah I've never been to space and seeing that the earth is round imagine if we get there today and he literally shows us the craziest stuff and I'm like alright this is real I now believe this Israel [Music] [Applause] [Music] unless you understand it now yeah I'm just not gonna I'm not gonna start with a holdout you you're just gonna have like how are you feeling about this what are you saying you don't believe any of that okay but let me put it this way why do you believe the earth is round can you have you got any evidence yourself what evidence do you have no you can't see the earth is curved from an airplane window there's one in there these guys typically method that there's one at the back [Music] no I need a week or bad man if actually do need to wind up I don't even get nervous with things I never get nervous thickness is just something that you've never done who does really amazing thank you goody [Music] by aborted Morgan Morgan nice to meetcha moving by undergoing the best pointy boy yeah yeah all good yeah yeah I think the best thing for us would be to like sit down somewhere yeah have a chat about how everything started oh that's for viewing let's do that let's do that yes no that's right sure yeah yeah things about cooking you drink all riding on the train yeah yeah sit down sit down sit down the last thing I want to do that I'm the most cautious off with this yeah it's saying anything that's gonna like insult you okay because I can imagine you have people that I'm gonna prove you wrong a lot yeah obviously when we first got in touch it was just straight about moon landing conspiracy yeah and that's something that I've always been interested in I listen to a lot of podcasts on that kind of thing and then obviously you know we've got a dedicated room on the flat earth and stuff like that and that's a whole nother topic that I've been interested in sorry I'm up for talking discussing everything yeah I just want to know how did it all begin how did you like if you always believed this since you were younger no was there any point when you did believe the earth was no around or yeah how did it all begin what that's no well first of all I won't be offended by anything you say okay now I'm all about questioning but for everything should be questioned nothing should be off the table yeah for me it began about two and a half years ago I'm up until two and half years ago I was just a normal bloke either a job a career I dreams of getting a big house big car yeah the normal thing that we all do and then about July 2016 quite recently yeah I had don't want you gonna quit it a mental breakdown or midlife crisis I don't know yeah but I just started questioning life like why are we here what is the meaning of all yeah the world is just so messed up like what's going on you know and nothing really made sense and I found myself questioning myself in the world and everything else so one day awesome the internet on YouTube just browsing looking for anything just to you know buy a bit of time you know if you like and I was really quite interested in conspiracy theories yeah so like ancient aliens and that sort of thing you know I've never looked is that I've looked into lots of like I just want to put another camera just so is that cool yeah this is perfect I came across I was watching some ancient alien conspiracy theory video you know just yeah and then I saw at the bottom of Flat Earth you know man claims earth is flat this is ridiculous this is the most stupid thing I've ever seen the earth is not flat but just for a laugh I'm gonna click on it and just see what it's raised yeah there's crazy guy things you know like we all did we scoff yeah so I clicked on it and was a guy called Dave Murphy ah session on national TV in Macedonia presenting his flat earth science so I'm listening and I'm scoffing and was eating something at the time and I was just having a laugh and all of a sudden about 15 minutes in I stopped laughing I put my plate down I started listening and thinking this guy's making sense a lot of what he's saying actually makes sense you know I've never thought about that before he said well basically I was talking about how there is no experiment to ever prove that there is curvature yeah you know there's there's no curvature water doesn't Bend water always seeks to find its level aeroplanes don't dip their nose to to make up for the for the gradient curve of the so-called earth the earth is supposed to be curving at eight inches per mile squared and yet planes fly on a plane straight they don't you know yeah those dip so all kinds of things the gyroscopes and all kinds of science around there and I thought this is actually quite an intelligent argument this guy's presenting so like most flat earth is I said I'm gonna die bunking I'm gonna prove that he's wrong is that how it starts for most people oh yeah that's what I lit you to shed a minute go to the cameras like I won whether you ever sat down with early stages had a discussion like this to be interested tried to prove them wrong and then was like oh yeah yeah so that happened but but on my own video yeah video yeah so I went on the internet because I realized first of all I knew nothing about the boiler that I was defending yeah so I didn't know how big it was I don't know how many times we're spinning are we spinning and there are far away's the Sun not falling at the moon and this guy who was a flat earther knew all of this you know saying the earth is 24,000 square miles and circumference it curves it eight inches per mile square the sign is supposed to be 93 million miles away in deep dark space the moon is 280 thousand 138 thousand miles away so you knew all these figures the facts about the Flat Earth and I thought I don't know anything about where I live this is what we would just say now on the train me and Morgan were sat down and I'm like I personally believe the earth is round yeah I can't prove that that I don't I've never thought about looking into yeah proving that it's round absolutely and then that's what happened so when you start school at the age of five you're taken into the classroom you're told this is where you know if you live on this ball it's spinning and I'm guaranteeing if I take you back to when you were five and you were told that and I asked you what do you think about this at five years old you probably have gone that doesn't make sense why don't you fall off the ball yeah like you know are we spinning like if we're spinning how come we don't feel any motion yeah and your teacher Bob said I don't know scientists someone yeah in the science world is figuring it out yeah one knows about it just just believe what they're telling you Yeah right and then you go okay they're teachers right it's the science community it's an asset to the government they know everything so it must be true but none of us have ever verified it none of us right we just believe it then you grow up you see it on TV and movies the spinning ball you go to school you learn about it at one of those globes are holy like spinner important to the country is it's brainwashing it's mind control it's in your mind so when you become an adult and someone says what if it's not but would you say saying would you say it's accidental brainwash it possibly yes my mom's not knowing the earth it's round absolutely absolutely leaves its conditioning I'm not saying the teachers are all in it I'm not even saying everyone at NASA's in it yeah right it doesn't have to be this huge conspiracy where every single adult was what's in the sack absolutely not you can only be a handful of people a lot of people don't know this but in the entire history of humankind only twenty four people have been beyond low-earth orbit only twenty four people have seen the whole ball spinning from distance so you might as you ever spoken to one of them I haven't I haven't so these would be you know astronauts who area and these twenty four people did this by the way during the so-called moon landings yeah that's the only time anyone's gone beyond low-earth orbit so if you disprove that those moon landings happened technically no one has ever seen the entire ball earth spinning from distance right and that in itself should make people go to hell that's crazy right it wasn't until 1931 right about a hundred years ago yeah only a hundred years ago so not that long ago the first man a guy called Auguste Piccard was a Swiss scientist he built a blimp and he went up into high altitude I think it was fifteen or twenty thousand feet off of the earth yeah so lower than an aeroplane no miles sorry Omar miles off the earth and that was the first time anyone had gone that high and if you google Auguste Piccard and see what he said when he came back his report this is a scientist by the way the first scientist dude to go there i up he said the earth looked like a pancake with upturned edges that's what he said those be his words that's on Wikipedia that's everywhere that's a mainstream scientists a few months later he was retired no one ever heard of him that was the end of him I think most people now know that politics is not quite what it looks like you know presidents she also I like Trump's in on this Obama's in on this absolutely why is it above their but they don't even know I think it's above them but I think they do know when they become presidents they're told they're briefed cuz I've heard that there's thirty five tears presidents in America absolutely and in the world and in the world so a lot of conspiracy theorists of course is know it's conspiracy theory but is enough proof to to prove it that the world is secretly run by a few handful of families all right so there are families that go back to Roman times right we all think back to the Roman times and you say Caesar and his family around the world right the Empire the Roman Empire was run by this family and all that was long time ago you know that ended with democracy well a lot of people have signed realized that maybe didn't maybe seasoned the people that are running the world back then are still running the world under different names their families that is obviously right they've kept all these secrets within the families right and they've continued running the world they've run the banking system they run all mainstream media they run anything do it mainstream is all run by a handful of human beings on earth we all say the UK is in debt the world is in debt in debt to who well we're all in debt to makes no sense so this is like Illuminati yeah absolutely cuz I spoke with somebody yesterday a friend of mine that I work with and I told her she said I went you up to this week and it's not tomorrow coming down to meet yourself and we're gonna chat about moon landing conspiracy Flat Earth and she's just super casual he's like oh my brother's please birth yeah I'm not opening she's like yeah yeah as if it was like not a normal thing to believe which to me in my friends of my circles that I'm within I don't know anybody though believes in the flowers conspiracy and that's how she was like super casual about that yeah and that's and that's how it starts I mean it's one of those things that is it growing massive it's the number in fact Google has said it's the number one trending topic in the world on the Internet for the last two years running consecutively well the flood the Flat Earth yeah and Google has recently announced the need to censor fake news like that earth why do you need to censor it what are you hiding your my video is gonna be taken down yeah right no they wouldn't but what they were saying is they're putting algorithms where if there's a flat earth title yeah the YouTube algorithm rhythms will redirect it somewhere else very people clicking on Flat Earth information why what are you hiding what are you afraid of fine I will have to spell further in the title of my video so the people will still find it yeah well maybe title the video in a negative way yeah yeah all right I'll say crazy like the crazy guy he thinks earth is flat yeah yeah and then oh they'll be like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and then people will watch it let's go back is 2016 yeah you've watched this video yeah you're like okay this guy's got something here what do you do next so I went and the first thing I did was just googling googled Flat Earth like is this even a thing or is this just some random guy was crazy yeah and of course all these articles came up a lot of them were negative so I started reading them because the first one you see are always the ones disproving the flat yeah so that's what you set out to do yeah that's what I set out to do yeah so I was reading him I was like yeah oh definitely that makes sense yeah definitely out the border okay and I thought well I haven't heard the other side of the coin I mean flat let this say so I clicked on you know the more positive the the probe flat there's a guy called Eric debate wrote a book and has done a video 200 puse it's not a board so I clicked on his I watched that and you know two hours later I was like oh my god right this makes more sense than any of the globert stuff that I've been told you know there are more questions here when I went to another guy called Oh Dee Dee Dee Dee TV you know who was one of the first big flat earth researchers so I went onto his channel he's got a big following millions people clicked on it I watched all these videos and I thought oh you know I got into the Illuminati how far it goes the creation of NASA NASA was created by a guy called von Braun was a Nazi I was all associated with Disney World so Disney World and NASA collaborated to create massive basically a lot of people don't know that so I've looked into all of this and I thought this is crazy like this the rabbit hole is so deep so eventually led me on to other truly when you're in this bubble is it not hard to know what's like believable and like okay the earth is flat but then people just start attaching things that they want to be attached to it yeah so what I did how far does it go where you like okay I get what you're saying but I'm not gonna I need to say call if it would print yourself I don't want to believe all of that brilliant brilliant point and you're right because there are a lot of flat earth as well the very religious because the Bible says the earth is flat so they use the flat death just say well the Bible 100% real then yeah you only need to become Christians yeah the Quran also says the earth is flat so you got Muslim saying well you need to be Muslim yeah look if you now know the earth is flat the Quran says it's flat you must be Muslim here so a lot of people do do that and then they add their own things onto it to propagate their own ideas and beliefs yeah so I said what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pick a belief of the system I don't want to believe anything in them I want to go with only what I know but I can prove so the first thing I said to myself right now where I am in this reality do I feel like I'm spinning no I don't feel like I'm spinning I'm told I'm spinning yeah but I myself have never seen with my own eyes the spinning ball earth I've never felt motion of the earth unless there's an earthquake yeah so I'm going to assume because this is my reality I'm not spinning I never feel like I'm upside down so I'm gonna assume I never upside down I've never seen water bending in any anywhere in nature I've never seen what's a bit water always seeks to find its level yeah so I'm going to assume because that's my reality yeah that is the truth how far do you go though so if you take paracetamol no you don't do that I don't know you tell any medication I try not to yeah like in my brain I'm like okay if I if I'm not believing anything and this I can prove it do I then if I needed a brain surgery not get it but not prove they're gonna do it right now that's becoming extreme they not do that correctly no no no absolutely not and you're right in saying that there's a danger in there a lot of conspiracy theories to get lost in that world of conspiracy theories and they become a little bit crazy and delusional and then I you know everything's a lie you know from a system companies are poisoning us and it just becomes crazy so there has to be a level of maturity and understanding and calmness yeah and saying look it's not about overreacting I just want to know the truth and if there are things that I can do to change my life I will yeah but there's some things that are out of my wrap your control my control zoria you said you want to know the truth yeah two questions hmm do you think you found the truth do you think you will ever find out the truth um I can't say I found the conclusive truth because then i i've become a cult or religion yeah right truth truth doesn't belong to anyone the important thing is that I'm asking questions I'm not believing things blindly they don't believe religion I don't believe in science I don't believe in anything right I question everything with an open mind and a critical eye I'm open to anything and I come to my own conclusions based on my own observations and research and reality so as far as I'm concerned after two years my truth says I'm not spinning I'm not on a ball the earth is flat and motionless that is my truth if I'm proven wrong I'll change my mind okay if new evidence comes along and how far does it go though so like say we go to space tomorrow yeah new picture of the earth being round yeah are you still like no my eyeballs didn't see that absolutely because it's all CGI so fast so it has to be you I mean you watch a movie we've seen movies of special no of course right but at what point well I was on uh what point do you believe something I suppose this so I think a really good one would be it how could I prove if I could do a job without flying you to space okay here's here's a good one which is a challenge I've put out to NASA when I was on ITV the first time yeah to NASA all the space agencies I said just do one thing yeah turn the Hubble telescope around yeah that's a deep dark space face it on earth yeah the earth show us the earth spinning but I could still be edited yeah that's right that's right show us aeroplanes flying underneath the zoom in to an aeroplane flying underneath the ball zoom in to people walking upside down from distance then I'll start thinking how in a minute okay maybe I can believe it and if that looks realistic and you can zoom into someone walking upside down I'll start putting my Oh something okay maybe maybe I'm wrong here but I don't you they want because the moment I don't even know if the lenses can do that well we can zoom into to to to to the moon 238,000 miles away we've got to acknowledge to go to these places we've got technology to to to catch light billions of miles away why can't we just go a hundred a big selfie but there is pictures of the earth all CGI and that says admit that every picture of CGI guy called Robert Simmons and he is one person that's left NASA know you were born as this there's new tennis from back on it still works for NASA now well he was working with me when he did this interview he was working for NASA at the time and he basically said that it's all CGI composite because we take pictures of the earth in Section yeah they take like 300 pictures and then then stitch them together into one so I'm saying why isn't why can't you just take a photograph yeah I think it would just be I mean I don't I'm not that if we can go out into deep dark space yeah why can't you just turn it around and take a photograph if I can have a p900 camera yeah and I can zoom into the moon quite closely and take a photograph and if we've got technology to go to the moon why don't you put a do you believe the rooms there absolutely yes it is yeah I don't know if it's a physical object it looks just like aluminium a lot oh wow so you don't okay you know I I don't I can't say it's a physical object for me it looks like a luminary a light just like the Sun they used to look like lights in the sky but it's the sun-god object it looks like a luminary a light it looks like a my I don't know what kind of light it is but as far as I'm concerned it's just a light it looks and if you go into the science I think it's an electromagnetic pulse of light its electromagnetism it's not a physical body like science tells us and neither is the moon I okay so 2016 you find this video while seat in your lunch yep you start searching into afterwards start questioning everything yeah about everything decide to be much more conscious conscious much more thorough about everything that you're believing in everything you see in yeah and everything you've been told yeah how does it go from there to having the flatter the room next door yeah but also at what point a partner you have a partner is your wife two kids dog what what do they think what the friends think do you lose friends over people thinking what man like you know you're not the same anymore I don't know yeah as everyone who insult didn't know your budget yeah yeah you're right so so after two weeks of looking into this are you still working at this point like a normal dog I had taken to EOS on holiday taking two weeks off to research this to research that's pretty much yet Wow it just seems so important in your life if this is true the world is you know I need to go to the bottom of this yeah you know I move on with my life and have you always been very obsessive into things so has there been anything before this have you ever like God nah I don't know let's start trying to think something that's not my head so looking at magic tricks and then becoming obsessed with magic or nothing I mean have you ever not not knowing anything like not not like that goddess no that's we're not not in this way I've always had a feeling from a young age that something wasn't quite right I always had this feeling that you know this world something's something's weird about this place about everything you know I grew up in a Christian family in Hollis thought you know that's all Christian stuff so you grew up religious very religious yeah my grandmother at a church actually why because you know so a family of pastors and peaches and I always just thought something's not quite right about this there are a lot of good things but there's a lot of things that just not you know and then I found sigh you know I became an atheist when I left home I found science still I just thought something's not and believed you're now so long massively yeah and especially when my son was born in the hospital the first thing I said to him was you're gonna be an astronaut when you grow up that is what I want you to be on when she doesn't want to be one now right so I was massively into science yeah huge you need to science interest so this is why this was such a big thing for me like this yeah this confused me like oh hi um hang on a minute so cut a long story short the moment I realized that nothing is what it seems I put my job I phoned you and I said I'm good it's fully I quit my job yeah I said I'm not coming into work anymore I had a small business I was running at the time the book publishing business from home I knocked that on the head I said I'm I'm gonna stop this I'm Marshall wife staring at this point so she's bringing back up your body come in tomorrow don't worry by the way at the at the same time I found veganism so Flat Earth led me into veganism because I know what else is a lie so then I went into veganism oh my god you know meat and and all that and I became a vegan no he's good man yeah yeah sorry so I became a vegan and a flat earther overnight quit my job sat down with my Ivan how long were finding this videos about a couple of weeks two weeks to wait till you quit your job but I'm saying two weeks of intensive like everyday obsessive like I couldn't sleep I just needed to like oh my god you know I need to get the bottom of this like it just eats away at me and every factor will tell you that something triggers in you and you go it's like this is huge like the whole world is being lied to I mean this isyou mungus and all these questions if it is flat is there an edge does it go on forever like who's in on this all these questions so you just get this hunger to want to know the truth yeah so cut long story short i sat my wife done I said look this is what's happening you know she'd see me going through this other than two weeks yeah and she was obviously worried like what the hell's going on yeah I said I'll explain to you when I've gotten to the bottom of this so you're never gonna get to the bottom well when I when I've got to a stage where I when can talk explain yeah and you know at least reasonably and logic is right now I'm not in the right yeah I'm extremely confused but once I had the dust had settled and I had found at least a little bit of logical common sense a logical and common sensical way of explaining it yeah that's when I sat her down and I said the earth could be flat I think and I need to look into this I know I'm definitely gonna become a vegan I'm gonna stop eating me that day I knew straight away so I said I'm frequently lipped not often no okay no um but it did for me what did I reason yeah and she sort of went oh Wow okay I didn't see this coming but we've got bills to pay well yeah are you okay and I said oh no I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine so I decided to look for a job that I was happy because at the time I was working in hospitality industry yeah and I wasn't really happy in that anyway so I thought I'm gonna look for a job well mate he's helping people we ought to be doing good for the world now because obviously the Wolves not what it is yeah so I found a job in charity I'm working for a charity a homeless rehabilitation center all right so that's why work now and I work three four days a week so send me part-time and I do other bits in between if we need extra money and and I do full-time research so the last two years I've been doing this full-time researching geocentric science astrology anything to do with cosmology and do other different turn around or did your wife your wife ever turn around and go are you the right person to do for this no my wife is fantastic she she got it straight away so I experienced it which was make all right seeing some links they never look you know it kind of makes sense and what does she think yeah she's a flat earther she's a vegan you all like my kids if you meet my kids it's brilliant at the office for how you go around and they tell they kill their friends at school you're not a monkey person on the spinning ball made your mother duck yeah what's they do yeah absolutely and Wow okay yeah what would have happened if your wife or 10th man had gone I create to think come on man what you doing might not have worked a lot of relationships have ended because of our friends because of two weeks yeah very some some people it's months some people yeah yeah Senor if she turn on at that time is right it probably wouldn't happen in two weeks but all the time yeah it would have been difficult he would have you know they'd have been a Rifton so you can live now with somebody relationship-wise something that makes the earth is round I could live with them but it would be very difficult because I I'm a Reece that's that's what I do you know full-time yeah that's that's that's my world so eventually they'll get sick of it and they wouldn't they wouldn't wanna be around me yeah but you're writing what you're saying all my friends and this is a maybe it's a mistake at the time maybe it was too soon but when I came across this and I and I was sure that it's not a spinning ball right I was a hundred percent sure that we're not on the spinning ball I wasn't sure if it's flat or how far it goes or what it looks like I still don't know but I've got my theories but I don't know factually but what I do know for a fact is that we're not spinning and I'm not on the board that I know that I know is a fact yeah we'll get to how we'll get all the right actions in everything else is theory but knowing that will go in your in your other room and it will get to that so I went on social media and Facebook and I said yeah I started shouting about it and of course the backlash all my friends and family or when you idiot you stupid what's wrong with it but you know the usual I got mocked ridiculed my friends friended me deleted me we're not gonna talk to you anymore you've gone crazy but is it that biggest imply I didn't think so at the time I like if I understand if like your partner yeah live we've had like an obsession with it and it was their job and they spoke about it all the time and you don't have that in common but it's like I'm the Morgan behind the camera on this like I believe the efforts for that I'd be like let's go no we just unless every time we hang out you're gonna check me about try and prove me wrong which I'm not maybe not interested in yeah what I don't know how that could affect a friendship that much I think it's because again a lot of people have a vested personal interest in in in the birth especially my generation your generation not so much because I've grown up in a world that is a bit more open-minded with the Internet yeah my generation going back we grew up with Star Wars we grew up with NASA you know those you know astronauts those were the big things like those were program you know movies with space you know those are the things we all grew up with you know everything was around that if any of your friends instead of mocking you or insulting you turn around and was like started questioning that would you have got angry or would you try it or just been like super over to chill to chat and because you seemed ridiculously relaxed right now like you've welcomed us into your house and everything I don't know how people could have taken it in a negative way because people don't even have want to have the conversation but then they don't it day I just don't Java now I never chat to my friends about the earth is a ball that's a given I used to say that I bring that up to them I that's what flat has this say you know when we go on Facebook and we post stuff people come in and tech you and you say me I didn't force you to come here why are you getting upset with me if you don't like what I'm saying just ignore me delete me move on with your life why are you getting upset yeah but people get so upset and they want to attack you my family a lot of them ever disown me a lot of them don't have anything to do with me because they think I've gone crazy right so none of them have gone alright you believe what you believe what why are you talking about it why are you telling people about this just believe it quietly and I was like what no no you know Emily yeah close family yeah my mother my dad I haven't spoken to my dad in over a year because of it really yeah absolutely yeah yeah cuz as far as he's concerned he was like you know you go back to your career go back to to making money and you know earning a future end and you know do those things stop messing around with these crazy conspiracy theory things and youtubing and all this nonsense get a proper job you know fend for your family you're going crazy and I'm trying to explain Tim that it's bigger than that that there's a lot more going on here and I feel like I have a responsibility because I've looked into it because I've done the research I responsibility to share what I found what are the biggest questions for me for today and I don't know whether now's the time to answer or after we've seen everything next door or we could chat about it now and they jump at it at the end as well when you're talking about people disclosing it mm-hmm number one again with the whom mmm but number two is what it's the point in the Malayan if the earth is flat why do you believe the people have lied or for example with the moon landing what would be what a NASA getting out of it by pretending so is it what they hide in so the the first the first part of your of your question and I know this is a much bigger question the wife just made it out to be sure what is the point in the Ryan it's a great question it's a question that's always asked the question that I asked the first thing to remember is when a crime is committed right do we approach that crime by first asking why would someone kill someone someone's been murdered do you approach the scene by saying well why would they kill them or do you approach the scene by saying let's look at the evidence let's look at the facts first yeah and see if a crime has been committed yeah right let's look at that first and then after that let's try and work out the motive is that fair to say yeah that's definitely fair to say right so that's the first part yeah so I can I don't know why people would lie I don't know why they lied about the moon landings I can't say for a fact I don't know why they're doing what they do but what I do know is we would like to about certain things right and then after that we can start theorizing that's when he becomes a conspiracy theory yeah so let's look at the facts first yeah and then we add the conspiracy theory on top of the facts you mention NASA you know how much NASA makes in a day from taxpayers money you know how much they get how much fifty three million a day last year NASA was given twenty billion just to exist to show us pictures of space you know what are they doing with twenty billion a year we don't even get a selfie I don't even get a selfie out of it very important right so that's that's one money power control right it's a handful of people know the secrets of the world right and the rest of the world is ignorant knowledge is power you have control over them because they don't know where they are they don't know who they are they don't know where they came from you feed them lies you can manipulate and control them if you went to an Amazon jungle that's never left that part of the jungle right and you're an outsider then you get there right and you know the truth about the world you could decide to control those people by lying to them and saying oh you know I've come from another dimension right you are right the only place that exists is this jungle that you're in there's nothing else out there but I've got some truths in some knowledge and you could control those people right because you know the knowledge about the rest of the world they don't you have children you pass over those secrets to your children let me tell them you know how everyone believes that the jungle is the only place actually it's not there's a whole world out there there are other races of beings there are the civilizations technologies people other worlds that are completely different to this little village we're in don't write once in a while maybe we'll go out there we'll bring in some technology and some stuff and you know well Wow everyone and we'll keep them under control and meanwhile they'll keep voting for us and keep putting us in positions of power because we know the secrets and their ends right power control money because you know the truths about everything and everyone else is ignorant so we're all disrupted by gadgets right by TV we're all going to school but all chasing the carrot we're all trying to make money right that was are all destructions the elites they don't do those things because they know the truth they don't work hard like you and me right they own everything why because they've got the power why did they have the power because they have the knowledge so when you have knowledge you become powerful right because you now understand where you are and where you came from the more you question the more answers you get the more power and I feel empowered I feel a lot more empowered than I was two years ago early oh absolutely a lot more confident a lot more empowered because at first it was scary I'm not gonna lie to you it was confusing what scales like oh my god like you know what's going on it was really scary and really confusing and I was upset I got through a stage of being angry or being upset of being you know but eventually you ever want to just give up and just be like what the heck am i doing a few times yeah a few times I thought like this is too much like why am I doing this yeah like am I ever gonna find the answers this is crazy but luckily in the age of technology it wasn't for the internet I would have given up because I would have been like I'm never gonna find the answers but we live in nature technology all right if you want to know the answer to anything you just google it what you go to do but you don't trust any of that um so you google it well well the Internet is an open platform yeah so yes a lot of those things are run by the control system but the information on the Internet is public domain so you put up videos on YouTube your videos aren't owned by YouTube you're not being controlled by YouTube or anyone right baby yeah I hope you know so it's public you know it's public information yeah all right so people put things up publicly you know Flat Earth is not a new thing by the way they've been flat earthers for hundreds of years yeah right the only difference is before the internet if I become a flat earther the only people I would have been able to tell other peoples at the pub and the people around me no one else right so that so that information wouldn't have grown yeah you don't stay within little pockets of people all over the world but not because of the Internet I can make a video I can do some research I can find a book from the 1800s or flat earth I can do an audio book put it on the internet and a million people can read so million people all of a sudden madly oh it could be flattened they researching it yeah right and then they do their own research and then they post something up and that's another million people and it grows and it grows and it grows so I'm not saying all the million people will go oh yeah I believe it but even if ten go oh I'm gonna look into this that's ten people researching it ten people are gonna share it and it just grows and grows and grows a lot to take in I know a lot to take in especially when obviously when we first got in touch it was just straight the moon land down I saw one thing that stood out and I know nothing about it at all which is the global hoax mmm what's that what is the global hoax I saw something about climate change not being real I saw something about I've even seen flat earthers mess saying things like the Queen's a lizard yeah I've seen people saying that people live inside the moon yeah yeah what's the global hopes to you so there are two things we always have to separate when looking at this there's the factual site the scientific factual site yeah of the debate if you like the Flat Earth debate the moon-landing debate there are facts that we can discern and we can research and that becomes factual research and then there's the other scale of the site which is the theory that you add on top of the facts right so I always begin and especially with beginners I try and stick to the facts first right forget the conspiracy theories that we think the Queen is a lizard and they're people living on the moon I think this is those are theories right let's forget that let's stick to the facts the scientific evidence and then after that if we want we can go off in different directions and add our theories to the facts and you've got lots of different theories yes then other signals I believe absolutely so do you ever sit down with other flat-earthers and have a debate in there like no you can fall off the edge and you're like no you can't force it absolutely so so a lot of people don't know this but even in the flat earth there's a lot of disagreement because you spread a conveyor I did yet but what if you stand up at the Flat Earth coming out attacked by a lot of Flat Earth is yeah you say something that another flap is Italy but for me personally there's only so far you can go with the facts because I don't have the resources I don't have 53 million a day yeah to go and explore all these things so I've got to put theories to try and answer some of the questions that don't events some people say oh you flatter them where's the edge I don't know I don't know because I don't have the means to be an explorer the edge why if you could Fox I would sure if I gave you a hundred million pounds today what man let's do it let's do it let's do it tomorrow do you think you can prove that the earth of course you can't Bluff but here's another thing we're not allowed to why not right well just go to the HR The Truman Show we're not allowed to there's something all the Antarctic Treaty yeah so on the Flat Earth model just like the UN logo which I'll show you in a minute of the moil the South Pole is a ring of ice that is encircling the plane of the earth yeah that's holding all the water and everything together right so not a flat earth to say that is the edge of the earth we can't get past that war the wall is keeping us in here yeah right and to me that doesn't make sense like so what's beyond the edge or don't is we don't know don't worry about that let's just stick to what we can prove and I said well we've gotta be able to answer that question at least even if it's a theory yeah so to me it makes sense that there's possibly more land beyond that other civilizations what we might call extraterrestrials extraterrestrials was to say that the Flat Earth isn't infinite when people say to me show me the end of the flat earth I say show me the edge of the universe why are you assuming there is an edge well if the ends what if the Flat Earth goes forever I don't know yeah what so that's my theory that I don't think there is an itch I think it goes on for a long long way out right and there's something called the Antarctic Treaty so the Antarctic would be the ice wall I've heard a little bit about this where you can't fly over it or something they're not allowed to go then no one is allowed to go there you need a permit from the UN if you want to explore the Arctic the Antarctic and what's the reason for that but is that for protecting the Penguins maybe yeah no I'm serious I don't know or is it protecting life maybe I think it's stopping people from going beyond and discovering what's beyond so what would happen now if I just flew it because like my friend circumnavigated the world and he's planning we have named you just flew there what would happen shot down you would be stopped with the UN yeah what in the air I don't know but they will stop him no stopping definitely that's what the Antarctic Treaty is for you need a permit to go and explore them and Antarctica you are not allowed to go there and that's and that's something that was signed I think was signed in the 1950s by every country on Earth Russia the UK is the only treaty that every country on Earth has smiled agreed on why because they are they are the gatekeepers they are guarding us in here and you're not allowed to go and see what there are people I feel like that's why I feel like we need to go to the room let's do it yeah let's do slots taken obviously I've never seen in a world looking like this before no so not only do I think there's more land on the outside here I think there's more land on the inside in the North Pole I think there's a continent to the north part the ball earth is a hollow and inside this ball is a civilization this is our story this is us this is the art in here yeah was it us what's this bit what I'm thinking about now is like we're describing somebody game Warhammer or something like this I don't mean to be you a lot it's hard to accept this is what we're actually talking about is the world I know I know I know
Channel: undefined
Views: 519,186
Rating: 4.6935678 out of 5
Keywords: alfie, deyes, pointlessblog, flat, earth, doc, documentary, is the earth flat, meeting, talking to, flatearther, flat earther, vlog, cosmic egg, diagram, proving, how to, aliens, real, fake, martin, kenny, convension, universe, planet, friend, friends, family, sad, happy, crazy, proof, main channel, evidence, how it started, why, shape, part 1
Id: 3lBpuBqxDVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 12sec (3432 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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