Meet the World's New Record Breaking Gulfstream G700

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(upbeat music) - A big day at Doha today. Behind me is the future of private flying, the Gulfstream G700. Let's go have a tour. (upbeat music) Hello, good morning? - Morning Sam. So glad to have you. - Yes. What a pleasure. Beautiful aeroplane. - The pleasure is ours. Welcome to the 700 for the first time. (upbeat music) - Lots of technology and capability that we brought to this aircraft that's allowing the aeroplane to do tremendous things. For instance, we've worked on and have developed what we call active control sidesticks. You've got to remember this is our office, our living room, our dining room for over 15 hours. So the more space we can have, the better we are. But we've wanted to do sidesticks for a long time, but you got to remember, this is an unspoken language between us so that we have a high level of situational awareness. So we spent about 10 years developing what we call active control sidesticks, meaning that as I move one stick, the other one follows on the other side of the flight deck. Fly by wire makes every aeroplane a beautiful flying. You know, whether it's our 650 or our 500, 600, and now our 700, use the same basic fly by wire system. And so, as you move between those aeroplanes , it's very simple for us as crew to move between them. Either 500, 600 and the 700 fly, basically the same way. And the only way to know whether which aeroplane you're on, is by a few simple things as far as how much fuel it can take on board. So even though they're physically different in size, they fly the same way. The plane is so smart, as we land and we're decelerating through 60 knots, it automatically moves to the airport map and also moves the primary flight display where you're in a presentation on the PFD, with what we call exocentric view where you're up and behind the aeroplane and gives you a larger peripheral field of view. Just amazing technologies. And then you've got dual HUD that had EBS and synthetic vision in them. - [Sam] This looks rather interesting 'cause I've been to other business jets, cabin, and cockpits, and what is this? Can you explain to me captain. - Well, that's our cursor control device or CCD. Think of it as your mouse. It's what you use to move your cursors around the displays and where I can actually make selections and control the presentation of what I'm seeing. - Oh, I see. So you're... It's like a mouse, you're moving on the PFD. - That's exactly right. - Okay. - Exactly. So I can make all my selections, and then that changes the display. Or for instance, if I wanted to come up here and instead of a map, I wanted to change this to video. And then for instance, the infrared camera here, that is looking off the nose and gives us the ability to see in night and low visibility conditions. (upbeat music) - [Sam] What always amazed is the capability of Gulfstream. It allows people to fly higher, fly faster. - [Captain] What's the one commodity we all want more of? It doesn't matter who we are, we always want more time, right? And so the one way that you gain time is through the use of speed that you can get to your destinations faster. So the slowest our aeroplanes ever fly is 0.85 knot, which is most people's high-speed cruise. Our normal cruise is 0.90 or 90% the speed of sound is where we're normally flying the aeroplane. And so that gives back time. And if you take somebody that, on a typical operation of aeroplanes , if they're operating an aeroplane at 0.80 and about 500 hours a year, we'll give you 52 hours of your life back at the end of every year. That's more time for you to do other things with, but it also allows you the ability that it's less time on the aeroplane, which makes the aeroplane more valuable over the length of time. And one of the most interesting things is the cabin altitude. Even when we're at 51,000 feet, we're only breathing air that's the equivalent of 4,800 feet but at a typical cruise altitude for us, we're in that 3,000 to 4,000 foot cabin altitude, which is half the altitude that airliners and a lot of our competition are running at. So, your body's working a lot easier, more rested, and it really pays off at the end of these really long missions. (upbeat music) - Good morning Sam, welcome to the new G700. Gulfstream's excited to have the aeroplane in Qatar today to show to our friends at Qatar Airways and Qatar executive. I'll walk you through the aeroplane. So we'll start in the galley. This is the largest galley available in any business jet. There's over 10 feet of counter space here with a galley countertop. We have a microwave oven, convection oven, tonnes of storage for trash, for ice, for drinks, beverages, food, full size refrigerator. And then as you go through out the aeroplane, we have the crew rest area. Again, the largest crew rest area available in a business jet today. Two windows, the crew can close off and sleep in here on the long range missions. And the G700 cabin is the largest cabin in any business jet being built today. (soft music) - I know. I don't have to duck, right? And then there's still a bit of room, I don't... I can stretch out here. - This is a brand new cabin design from Gulfstream, all new for the G700. New seats, new ledges, new PSU panels. Everything you see in here is a new design compared to the G650. The other thing about this aeroplane Sam is the cabin environment is the most healthy cabin environment in any aeroplane. Very low cabin altitude, 100% fresh air in the cabin all the time and it's not re-circulated. We don't need to use a filter to clean the air because it comes in and goes out of the aeroplane, about every minute and a half. (upbeat music) - So this is actually a Gulfstream company demonstrator. - It is. Actually it's a test aircraft. So we have six aircraft flying in the test programme to get the aeroplane certified. This is the first aeroplane that we put an interior into, and we're using it just to test the interior. For about the next year, we'll fly the aeroplane and we'll test everything in the aeroplane from the seats to the lighting, to the wiring and the sound and the comfort. So everything in here will be tested. So when we deliver the first aeroplane to a customer, next year, we'll have a highly mature cabin to deliver to that customer. - When I visited MBAA, and Otter Business jet show, I already seen your flagships, G650ER, and now you're creating something even higher than that-- - We are. - And why? Why are you doing something like this now? - [Scott] I'll tell you. The G650ER has been tremendous for us. We've built and delivered almost 500 of those aeroplanes , highly, highly successful aeroplane. But you know Gulfstream has been in this business for about 65 years, in designing, building and supporting aeroplanes , is the only thing we do. And so what you see here in the G700 is the result of that 65 years of experience. - And it's certainly very tempting to own one of these. Now the big question is, what is the cost of one of these G700? - The cost of a G700, the next available aircraft we have delivers in 2025, and the aeroplane is $78 million. - Now I just need to go find $78 million. (upbeat music) So the numbers keep getting higher and higher. G700 now is the longest Gulfstream and it flies faster. I heard it actually broke a speed record from Savannah to Doha. On the way here, it flew over 13 hours 15 minutes, but on a Mach 0.88. A Mach 0.88, if you were in aviation, as you know, it's faster than most of the commercial airliners. (upbeat music) Why? Why Qatar Executive is going for this jet here while you have many Gulfstream already in the fleet. - We are the lounge customer of the Gulfstream 700, and we're very proud to have this aircraft. And we've been the last customer for the G500. We've been the last customer for many other types of ports. So we're very proud to introduce a type, and we spared no time, no cost, at building the right product for the customers. It's what we do. It's our DNA. And this is why people love us. This is why people love flying with Qatar Executive. And this is why we've actually built the customer base throughout the difficult times in the Corona times. You know, the G700 is still an experimental aircraft, it's going to be certified next year. So, how about we go on a real ride on a G650 extended range, which is our flagship, and we take a nice ride above Doha. - How can you say no when someone offer you a Gulfstream flight? - I know. - Let's do it. - Right? - All right. Let's go. - That's good. (upbeat music) - It's a Gulfstream day. Excited to try out a G650ER. Let's go guys. (upbeat music) - We're going to be driving very special, same boat on the sky of Doha today. (upbeat music) - Are you ready? - A lady with magic. She knows more Gulfstream than I do. (upbeat music) - We're going to take you up to 50,000 feet. - Wow! - What? - 50,000 feet. (upbeat music)
Channel: Sam Chui
Views: 4,562,027
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Keywords: Gulfstream G700, Gulfstream Private Jet, Gulfstream Business Jet, Gulfstream Executive Jet, G700 Cockpit, G700 Cabin, Qatar Executive Gulfstream, Qatar Executive Flight
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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