Meet The UGLIEST Player In NFL History

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[Music] if you have seen my previous videos I have shown you what toughness scary and pure intimidation look like if you combine all those things into a man's face it would look like this [Music] this man is Jack Lambert the centerpiece of the Steel Curtain through the 70s and early 80s [Music] first of all I just love the old NFL Films presentation of Jack Lambert legend has it he ate glass and pounded his head against lockers before waging war he announced on a Monday night game that he hailed from buzzards breath Wyoming he decreed that all quarterbacks should wear dresses at first I thought they were making this stuff up do you think there should be any rules changes for the safety of the quarterback well it might be a good idea to put dresses on all of them that might help a little bit he said this because the week before he was ejected for a late hit on a quarterback anyways Jack Lambert would go on to revolutionize the middle linebacker position which is odd considering he was a quarterback in high school who mostly focused on basketball after being recruited to Kent State to play quarterback because of his size and quickness his sophomore year he moved to the other side of the ball to play defensive end and then eventually to middle linebacker here's an interesting fact he was teammates with Alabama head coach Nick Saban Saban was a defensive back while Lambert played middle linebacker Lambert had also gone to school to become a veterinarian yeah imagine this dude taking care of your pet to be fair the dude was a nice guy off the field as this article puts it he's a quiet extremely private man a bird watcher and avid fisherman he spent much of his off seasons ensuring greater privacy by building himself a country retreat about 40 miles northeast of the city so a nice quiet guy off the field but on the field that's a whole different story [Music] his career at Kent State was successful enough to be drafted by the Steelers in 1974 but NFL scouts have concerns about his size and didn't believe his skillset would translate to the next level but the Steelers saw potential at home they had plans to play an outside linebacker entering training camp Jack Lambert was six foot four and only weigh 205 pounds he was so slender when one of the Steelers administrators saw him for the first time he told the coaches oh there's another wasted Pig another thing about Jack he didn't look crazy when he first got to Pittsburgh he was actually a decent looking guy the iconic toothless image of Jack Lambert started in his childhood he had 14 that knocked out while playing basketball the dentist would give him removable dentures his mom says when he lost his dentures while swimming he stayed out of school until the dentist made him a replacement he hated the look that much he wears his dentures at all times except when he was on the field during his rookie year he was a backup outside linebacker but fate would have it at the starting middle linebacker Henry Davis would suffer an injury the Steelers decided to try something out and put jack a middle linebacker this would end up being one of the greatest moves in NFL history he would go on to win Defensive Rookie of the Year and helped lead the Steelers to their first Super Bowl victory here's how Jack Lambert revolutionized the position before this the prototypical middle linebacker was the mold of a Dick Butkus or Ray Nitschke a big mean downhill run stopper Jack Lambert was smaller faster quicker and his versatility would allow him to drop back in coverage cover sideline to sideline and make any tackle having a defense focus on the middle linebacker being this versatile in the pass and run game became known as the Tampa 2 and Lambert was perfect for it and even though he was a smaller linebacker he could still light people up and he prided himself on it he was out there for blood and demanded the respect of other players I don't care that that my opponents like me I care that they respect me though his famous look wasn't the reason he was a great linebacker but it sure adds of the intimidation factor when he wasn't in the game he would sit alone on the end of the bench his breath steaming out from underneath the towel that was draped over his head plus if you played against him he hated you and he would let it be known during the 76 Super Bowl the Stars kicker missed a crucial field goal and one of the Cowboys players Cliff Harris thanked him for missing the field goal and Jack Lambert did not like that another time Bengals running back Archie Griffin has an interesting story about when he was blocking Jack Lambert and I went it to Jack with a great deal of intensity and I caught him with a great one hit him with the best block of my entire professional career got back to the huddle to my surprise the next play called was an 18th was the same play toss sweep to the full-back when I got out there wider I looked down inside to see what Jack was lined up because I want to make sure that I would take the same approach to him that I take him to play before oh look down the side I noticed that Jack was staring right back at me that was a ball stamp I went after Jack with the same intensity that I've gone after him to play before this time I got right into his face ready to explode into another great block but lamb he hit me with the forearm that you cannot believe lifted me up put me flat on my back went across the line of scrimmage and tackled Pete Johnson for three yard loss well after the play was over I was still lying on the ground because Jack had hit me so hard he had put me in a daze Jack saw me lying and he walked over to the top of me looked down at me and he said Griffin if you ever if you ever try to buck me you know bite your head off unfortunately for Jack well he was great at was overshadowed by his image according to fellow teammates and former coaches everyone raved about how perfect the dude's technique was his football IQ was off the charts and being that great along with a multitude of other great players is why they won four Super Bowls he led the team in tackles year in and year out he averaged 146 per season through his 10th year in the real world he's a nice dude a deputy wildlife officer who coaches a bit of youth sports a lot of people talk about how nice of a guy he is but don't get me wrong you don't want to piss the guy off so the number Jack wore number 58 is unofficially retired by the team this means technically a player can choose number 58 but just some advice I wouldn't do that when Lambo retired he reportedly told equipment manager he was not to issue out his number and apparently the equipment manager just ignored Lambert and tried to issue out the number anyway in when Lambo found this out he later fought the equipment manager outside of the facility because he tried to give out his number [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: KTO
Views: 3,004,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KTO, history, ugliest, nfl, player in, meet the, iconic looks, Jack Lambert, top 10, Hypothetical scenarios, greatest careers, player breakdowns, NFL history, things football, football stories, funny, teeth, Suspense, Epic, predictions, moment, steelers, pittsburgh, cleveland, browns, steel curtain, mean, intimidating, afc north, dallas cowboys, super bowl, craziest, toothless, nfl greatest, Soundtrack Derelict Ship, KiilstofteRoyalty Free Music, Epidemic Sound, School, youtube, fails, wags
Id: m4zwSEm2GCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2017
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