Meet the Blue Ranger | Throwback Thursday | Power Rangers Official

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[Music] can't get away from me kid i can unlock any door now you just crawl through the wrong keyholes what is this you're on lockdown huh no [Music] [Applause] your weapons can't stop me but we can we've got this ravi thanks guys [Music] you just fell for the old roly-poly this lock's gonna boat after him [Music] [Music] you can't catch me think again incoming no rangers no thanks hey team sorry we're late don't worry about it i have a feeling he'll be back but it wasn't my fault that loser ravi was right there when i opened the door little boy blue has had quite a day first he secretly paints a mural that everyone loves then ruins our brilliant plan marching into gb headquarters is hardly brilliant their plan was terrible as usual i have a better one you say blue is keeping his painting secret why the fool knows his mom won't approve then we should use his lies to our advantage and introduce coral harbor to the mystery artist what are you talking about i've made this very special paint look watching paint dry you've outdone yourself scrazzle shut it and stand back this paint is high gloss and highly explosive [Music] how's that for art now we just need a mystery painter easy i'll disguise him me then what are you waiting for oh i'm gonna do an accent it'll take a lot of more fats but i guarantee it'll be worth every drop ladybirds and gentlebots get ready to meet your tastes i'm ready to create my masterpiece excellent with your explosive paint we can break down the arm at walls and grind battle force as the mayor i'll clear the way to have him painting there in no time that is a lot of paint misdemeanor ah there they are son dad what are you doing here i'm working on a new campaign to promote morphex as the energy source of the world he's convinced me to allow a mural to be painted here on the outside of our hq a mural but why to keep the public excited about the global morphics network the more buzz we can get going the better and as we all know the new mural downtown is extremely popular therefore we'll use the same artist to paint this one um but how will you find the artist he's right here guys meet pierre bonjour uh you painted it may we i am guilty of creating beauty the soul of the city it speaks to me i'm a paintbrush began to dance whatever that means you don't recognize pierre you chased him off when he was painting is he the artist or not well it's just that he moved so fast when he ran away but yeah this is the guy [Music] i am ready [Music] guys where are you [Music] hey what is this stuff smells like honey oh no that evil bee must be near [Music] [Applause] won't you be my valentine blue ranger i'd rather have a tooth pulled morph in time power start walking [Music] in just bend [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] oh don't think you can escape me you're mine [Music] try to keep up yes i got him earth ninjas are easy come to me my darling venema i don't know i didn't see us sooner yes we can be together you're my one true love if you really love me you'll give me your ninja power star of course my sweetness but first there's just one little thing i need to [Music] do ah that was my last love arrow and now my spell is broken hurry up kel venom will be waiting for me uh hi i'm working as fast as oh thank goodness we found you i thought you'd be married to the monster by now married to venema are you nuts what happened they're fixed but if they're fixed that means preston's fighting the monster alone oh let's go [Music] ah but you said my love arrow struck you oh yeah i did say that this is made of metal your arrow never touched me sorry venoma you shouldn't believe everything you hear ah tricked by a teen this can't be happening oh no the blue ranger fooled her love can be so cruel yo leto sneak my love arrows may be gone but i still got fighting arrows [Music] guys i make greenville clearing with venema [Music] blue tornado strike ninja spin venom slash [Music] goodbye venoma this really stings [Applause] [Music] oh this isn't good you're doomed uh oh what's that the blue zords oh all right in the nick of time guys we've always got your back pressed though falcon sword wing strike ninja blaze megazord combined [Music] ninja blaze megazord ready [Music] we're just warming up watch your back [Music] come on ravi fight the pain you're no match for my drill let's see a stack up against my super strength [Music] perfect that'll teach ow okay ignore the pain i just gotta get through this let's go hunk line and suckered skruzzle was right the chip did collect data when blue used his gorilla beast power come on let's finish him off i'm still getting nothing the whole city is giga drone free skies are clear as far as i can see i have a bad feeling we can't wait forever our morphex levels are already dropping good point maybe we should wait do you hear that some kind of drill it's coming from underground right beneath us no way the kick control must have teleported in underground they just keep coming they're busy now what i'll take care of these zeroes you drain that morphex tower i love it when plans work [Music] drilltron's on the move but he's not getting far oh darn it it's no good our sword attacks can't reach it underground you're right not by itself but the megazord's hyper strike might do it but we don't have robbie hold on come in ravi we need you here so we can form a megazord sorry guys little busy enough transport beast x blaster now what was it you said before open y b6 blast what's up ravi i gotta help devon and zoe can you guys handle things affirmative good luck [Music] steal heads up nice job brother you read my mind no one cares i'm not done with you rangers yet hurry smash systems ready in position great let's bounce deploy your wheel zord deploying wheeler zord just a little longer rangers the wheeler zord is our route hey team sorry i'm late boy am i glad to see you robbie time to take this thing out you know it beats x megazord combined [Music] but not too fast for the hyper strike power charging main weapons devon target is locked to save my friends i always knew you rangers were blackheads take him away yes i'm in control now so these are the power rangers more like three of ice cubes these two are morphed their energy time to slice the ice what those sneaky ranger rats the only thing in the ice was their suits you caught nothing impossible they [Music] now we save our friends [Music] [Music] who is i'm snide get their energens yes sir i summon dyson this will be the last time you hear these words it's morphin time i know [Music] [Music] [Music] you guys never get it try your hardest we'll always stop you try the highest worry about your racing heart ranger in a moment it won't be beating at all i'm running out of energy [Music] [Music] right that doesn't sound cool [Music] fire the magic beam what the magazine still works [Music] is your history blue [Music] back you messed with the wrong guy today robot transport fighter linked activate [Music] mode [Music] ready what did i ever see in a hothead like you pick up someone your own kind you're embarrassing yourself now it's time for me to destroy you fine i guess i don't care which ranger i destroyed today good luck with that [Music] you're overheating if you relax you'll cool down leave me alone [Music] seriously dude you gotta chill out [Music] zoe listen to us robbie you can fight this ah grab him i have an idea jax get the chop resort out here now roger that joey guys okay sorry robbie you leave me no choice you're gonna have to cool off the hard way [Music] zoey be careful he's running hot here goes [Music] oh no ravi zoe [Music] thanks guys how dare you just wait rangers i'll be back ah she got away again we'll worry about her later we gotta check on ravi yeah come on just hold still can't believe that robot got away again don't worry it'll be next time well it's strange your body temperature is still running high even though you're no longer fighting don't worry about it i feel fine but that ocean water should have pulled you off i don't know what he'd do if my carrots stopped working anything unusual happened don't ask me nate's the boy genius what's she doing here smash asked me to come yeah i think you two really need to talk all i need from her is an apology maybe but first i want an explanation you said he was ready to explain why can't you two just get along because one of us doesn't trust the other smash what are you doing hold on got you thanks for bailing me out buddy [Music] [Music] oh great job you too buddy hey so we sent blaze and roxy packing how'd you guys do we're fine the robotron's toast we better get back to base hey right on cue come on smash the beast powers of the rangers in the palm of my hand cheetah gorilla jackrabbit there the upgrade is complete blaze and roxy are really gonna squabble over [Applause] [Laughter] last this it can't be hand over the fury cells fury cells yes the ones you stole from me i've tracked them back here you better not have used them all up it's not my fault it was them who's this so you two worms wasted my fury cells your fury cells care to repeat that kid such fools i oughta crush you like the fleas you are i do the crushing here master evox meet vargoyl an early creation of mine you see we found the fury cells and he used them they made me powerful beyond measure and evil he turned against me perfect i want you to work for me why would i do that prove yourself and i'll reward you with upgrade it'll give you the beast powers of our enemies the rangers what it's a deal so we're partners again ace grozal you promised those powers would go to one of us i promise to reward my strongest servant and that is not you seems like you went a little overboard with your painting i don't know what's come over me i'm sorry for all this ravi oh yeah well i need to tell you something last night when we were in the lab hey glad you guys are okay let's see how you're doing smash oh sounds good what are you gonna do we need to determine why smash is obsessed with creating art it's a waste of time for any member of grid battle force let alone one of the b spots we can't have them run off again it's too dangerous yeah of course so why is smash suddenly painting murals let's find out enter program mode now let's see that's odd smash zord interface systems are corrupted then we can't use the wheeler zord smash must be fixed before we need his sword get to it looks like someone's hammered with smash's programming who would do that guys it was me you but why because i'm the artist not smash wait a second you paint this is a joke right no i'm serious smash saw me painting so i try to erase his memory cash but i might have pressed the wrong button or two you painted this ravi it's good really good you think phenomenal thanks guys that means a lot i've been keeping it a secret because i don't want my mom to find out you saw how she reacted to smash's [Music] paintings looks like you dropped something without this you'll never get back to your world unless of course you give me your power star not gonna happen fine you're not going anywhere [Music] [Applause] what no where am i that creature looks familiar i gotta get that power star welcome to the christmas special [Applause] [Music] [Music] the power rangers [Music] my sweet darling oh she's beautiful i got him yes you're my one true love we weren't really in love with her it was just a spell typical man they say they love you and the next thing you know you're getting blown up i've been with sleds for over 65 million years and he still doesn't listen to me wow she gets pretty worked up when she talks about sledge sledge forgot my birthday maybe we can use that to help us if we keep reminding poisy how terrible he is he thinks maybe we can turn her against him but that monster is tough and when sledge shows up again she'll let him have it they'll be so distracted we can escape okay please sounds like a plan let me try it um hey hoy sandra i have a beautiful story about true love that i think your viewers are gonna adore on okay uh well when my mom and hayley's dad first started dating we weren't so happy i'm sarah's mom jackie aaron foster haley's dad let's get this drone working again so you can win this contest great idea and then maybe we can grab a bite to eat okay their date will definitely go badly if we give them a little bit of digging advice what do you mean my mom hates exotic foods right but you could tell your dad that she loves weird unique food and my dad gets motion sales but you could tell your mom that he loves rice what was that fried grasshopper you love exotic food right [Music] yes our plan worked how would you feel if someone broke up your team i think we made a really big mistake yeah we've got to find a way to get back together again haley and i have something we want to say to both of you really yes it wouldn't have anything to do with our picnic would it oh you know give us a little credit girl once we started talking we figured it out pretty quickly yeah i guess it was a silly thing to do because we just want you guys to be happy oh yeah can you forgive us just promise us you'll stay far away from our next date oh you got it you and sledge probably never have problems hmm are you kidding sledgeham's is always causing problems for me sometimes i think he doesn't care about my feelings at all keep it up guys we just gotta keep hitting our buttons [Music] [Applause] [Music] preston it's me coda time to charge blue ranger oh yeah coda the portal must have thrown me into the dyna charge world prehistoric times um what are you doing here uh a monster captured my friends tried to catch me too he tackled me and must have activated the transportal device we tumbled through a portal and ended up here can't let the giga drone get it but where is it i think we just found it wait more gigatronics devin can we handle a fight down here i don't know buddy but we're about to find out [Music] can't let them get too nate [Music] i can hold him back great devon might be a while guys say goodbye no thanks levels are dropping don't worry i've got a plan nate lower your hook again get back [Music] got it what are we doing you'll see and then there were two see you later [Music] charged beautifully done steel now we better go help the others they need air support time to take to the sky commander deploy the jet and chopper zords perfect let's fly [Music] oh no they got past me i'm still hooked onto the giga drone [Music] thanks zoe phenomenal timing thought we'd make an entrance ready jax finally a little action let's do this [Music] take this rocket storm [Music] blaster [Music] that's two more down whoa looks like i've caught a big one i'll help you i'm right behind you special delivery [Music] [Music] let's put you back in the ground [Music] watch this target locked wrecker sword bazooka virus eliminated we did it great job everybody hey robbie whoa these are so cool trumpet hey hey ben we should play music together yeah form a band go on tour it looks like they're a little dirty hey ravi can we borrow these sure go for it they belong to my grandpa what in the is that my father's old tuba yes ma'am it's grandpa's it was in the attic you're not thinking of playing that thing are you you know a power ranger can't afford any silly distractions absolutely i agree but it's not for me it's i was just giving it to a friend is that okay go right ahead we have much more important things to worry about we need to be ready when we find that robotron right catch you guys later [Music] we need to unclog that sax all righty that ought to loosen things up now to get some air through that will blow the dirt right out [Music] i think it's working nothing's happening [Music] try again joey nice one let's finish off with something tough how about trying the tornado kick again ready yep ah i'll never get that kick don't be so hard on yourself you'll get it come on brought you something here let me get that whoa is this you and your girlfriend oh those aren't very good really i think they're great i didn't know you're an artist yeah well i'm not ready to show people my work yet anyway i don't really draw it's too much of a distraction but wait till you see what i have for you no way for me yeah this is beyond cool but i'm still gonna get teased for playing it here's the deal whether it's karate or the tuba life is about standing up and being true to yourself even when you're afraid i'm sure you might get teased don't worry about what other people think stand up for who you are and what you believe in okay i'll try thanks ravi you're the best [Music] commuter what's going on one of the detectors picked up tuba sounds insecta sierra 6-3 it could be two-patron we'll check it out see anything nope but i'm picking up sounds from over there [Music] what a grand instrument hey maybe i should learn somebody asked for an encore can't say that we did that his horn is different his blasts are bigger they want to pop up the volume let's go all the way [Music] come on wow we can't dodge those huge blasts music to my ears there are two side monsters i'll show you what i learned it's morphing time i started all this trouble now i [Music] finished [Music] did you're too strong i cannot do this alone i mean my friends hey guys guys you know what's better than vacation good timing guys i guess hide and seek is over [Applause] wait what where are you going hey everyone [Music] until they dropped [Applause] [Music] [Music] friendships [Music] all right [Music] [Music] engaged monsters with the sun's rays [Music] it's just you and me [Music] it is kind of long story hey blue bird you and your friends are gonna pay for destroying my sister come on she shall be over them i think we've lost them but you will lose spin combo he's right let's get out of here [Music] [Music] oh monster extinct [Music] huh let's see if the armor will work for me [Music] out of the fire and into the fight lion fire blue it worked and it feels amazing time for me to power up to superstar mode star lock in superstar mode activate ninja spin show me what you've got ninja superstar supercharged that was easy surprise rangers i'm not even scratched [Music] that was easy [Music] surprise rangers i'm not even scratched let's get him presto nobody's invincible hold him steady not the face what the my power star is fixed what is it brody look huh oh no they discovered the real me the real titan of mine is he a tiny monster trying to look big you may have destroyed my robot body but i'm not afraid of you you pay for this [Music] do you think he's going to last long when he's that size fine gigantify him if you must [Applause] finally my dream come true i know just the thing to cut this guy back down to size ninja fusion star lock in combine ninja spin [Music] master slash [Applause] no way he bucked it like it was nothing toxic it's so good to be big we're gonna need something more powerful i've got an idea line fighter zoro star walk in injustice yes we're free now let's take things to another level ninja ultra sword combine ninja spin [Music] ninja ultrasource ready ninja ultra strike [Music] let's finish this guy yeah great idea presto begin final attack ninja spin [Music] ninja super steel blaster energized [Music] ultrasound [Music] i've made a big mistake [Music] [Applause] [Music] this truly is my masterpiece i think it's time to turn up the volume on this hold it fight there you composers of cruelty quiet in the cheap seats tyler the music is coming out of that machine mind if we join you the more the merrier [Music] impossible [Music] my turn time to end this malicious melody good timing buddy [Music] got you now's your chance didn't wink indeed [Music] let's scratch this record for good tyler the monsters disappeared foolish rangers you think you've won i have you right where i wanted you all along what's that transform me with your power that the dark energy how observant now you will experience its true purpose there is no way of stopping me and soon your energems shall be mine careful guys prepare to witness real power bring down the fires of chaos it's over on the contrary fiend my apologies for the delay let's hit this elf with all we've got you got it fools terror super bolt activate [Music] t-rex [Music] what no nice try that's not possible magna beam [Music] this will be a museum big trouble we need ultrasource power now dino charger ready [Music] drive activate you and your green face going down arcana i am unstoppable your one energem cannot defeat the power of ten not even a scratch he's too strong i'm going to enjoy this my victory is now certain not as certain as you think rangers what are you thinking cinnamon time to quit playing games and use our most powerful attack you read my mind yeah let's do this plasma blast dino super jar saver ultra plasma final blast [Music] okay guys let me show you how a pro does it oh man hey i think that's a new record sorry bro but you don't stand a chance against me my turn did i win not exactly okay i'll give it a shot [Music] my lucky hat well look at that a man didn't count you didn't mean to hook his hat so what so what this game is about skill not luck it's about having fun not competing competing is fun you mean was fun hey where are you going going out in the boat away from my little brother anyone seen my worms yeah hear your worms [Music] we thought they were noodles you find me fool he ruined our chances of finding the titanosaur nonsense singh has told me exactly where it is what that's impossible the message was cut off don't be jealous furball when it comes to finding things i have my ways oh but how oh quiet take hoop beard and go zap that zord till it turns to dino dust fine that's a job for my electro rod so the silver energem found its way into space truly surprising well once we have it we'll have all ten energems and our work shall be complete hmm have you found the location of the titanozard the attack completely destroyed the memory drive there's no way of knowing what the zord is maybe we can send a message to the silver ranger perhaps i'm trying to isolate its broadcast frequency now if we can't reach the silver ranger we'll never find the titanosaur so that's why snyde bit you hook beard the titanosword is underwater time to zap it to smithereens quiet it's a human he's in for a nasty shock [Music] great now zap the titan keep a lookout while i charge up you okay riley i'm worried you guys seen matt he should be back by now riley huh come here what's up look what i found that's matt's boat have you seen him no but i found this matt [Applause] [Music] matt matt where am i hello [Music] anyone there how did i get here still working matt matt where are you it's him matt are you okay yeah i'm okay what happened i was in the boat and then suddenly i was i don't know maybe hit by lightning monsters electro rods lightning they must have attacked matt's boat we can't let them see us come on i don't know where i am i remember being knocked in the water and then woke up here it's dark and it's shaking wait there's something i'm setting a photo i got the pick is that he found the titanosaur it must have saved him
Channel: Power Rangers Official
Views: 1,887,589
Rating: 4.2883716 out of 5
Keywords: power rangers, power rangers dino charge, power rangers ninja steel, power rangers dino thunder, power rangers beast morphers, power rangers mystic force, power rangers megaforce, power rangers spd, power rangers dino fury, power rangers ninja storm, power rangers wild force, power rangers rpm, power rangers power rangers, rangers, green power ranger, sentai, Super Sentai, power rangers zords, red ranger zords, Saban, pink ranger, powerrangers, power rangers operation overdrive
Id: YFlXn2groNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 32sec (3932 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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