Meet Sean the Sharpshooter!

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hey everybody Welcome to today's webinar how is everybody doing in the bottom right you should see on the right hand side here of your screen uh a Q&A area where you can post questions and comments and we should be able to see them live nice one there's a few coming through guys give it a little test um just post in the Q&A area your location okay so it looks like the whole world can see us which is a positive wow so yeah this is the first time Sean's ever seen one of these right a webinar like this on this side of the fence yeah so guys we're still waiting uh for some people to come in we're just shy of the numbers that registered um we've got a large amount of itpm alumni that are interested in this today and absolutely you should be so whether you've done online programs uh or you've been through the mentoring program after you've done online programs this should be a very interesting webinar for you because when we do webinars like this um you can see really what the Pinnacle is of what we do here at itpm and it gives you something to aim for okay um if it's your first time we do have a lot of first timers on today as well uh there's probably going to be some language and jargon that you're not used to okay you can obviously ask questions in the Q&A area um but we have to assume a certain amount of of knowledge because we can't explain literally everything in this webinar okay so try to keep up if you've got any questions uh you can pop them in the Q&A area and basically whoever's presenting the other person will answer the questions okay as best as we can and of course we're going to do a Q&A session at the end as well okay so we're getting close to our numbers here so I'm going to share my screen and I've got a little surprise for you when I share screen so first of all let me know if you can see the screen now so just post in the Q&A area that you can see the screen here okay I think we're looking good okay so the surprise basically when Sha and I uh decided okay let's do a webinar out of your performance in your mentoring program think about the timeline uh sha came to Thailand in the last week of April and learned in the classroom with me and Edward Sheek okay with the rest of the Thailand group so we were there for 10 days and then sha went back to the US uh he's based in Florida and we were speaking every weekend for 12 weeks and then we caught up four weeks after that and I was catching up with all the guys four weeks after to check on their performance and he made 141 Grand on a 400 Grand account after 16 weeks okay so we decided okay let's uh let's do a webinar out of this because he's a really good example of uh what we're all trying to achieve with the students here at itpm okay but when we caught up again four weeks later so initially we caught up after the August options expiry the monthly options expiry in August we caught up again after the September expiry and he actually made more money so we're not presenting today up $141,000 in 16 weeks we are presenting up 183,000 in 20 weeks so by the September expiry third Friday of September sha was up 183,000 so how did he do it well we'll get into that in a in a while um if you're interested in coming on our next Thailand program the next one is in April uh you'll be in Thailand April 18th to 27th and be in the classroom with me and Edward Sheek uh and then you have a choice when booking the program whether you want to be mentored by me over 12 weeks or Edward check over 12 weeks after you've done the classrooms and gone back home okay so if you're interested in that just send us a message through the website uh it's the same link URL as the remote mentoring program and speaking of remote programs we are accepting bookings for q1 2024 so if you can't make it over to land or it's too much of a stretch financially for you that's fine you can do a remote program uh so it's lower amounts in your trading account say $25,000 in your trading account and above uh and everything is done over Zoom uh every week so if you can't make it a Thailand program or it's a bit of a stretch financially you can do the remote program okay let's uh let's talk about my background first uh I graduate ated from Manchester University uh in economics in the year 2000 uh I was hired by Goldman Sachs in my final year at University to start when I left University so I started in June 2000 and uh was sent overs in New York like three weeks after my final exam um so worked at Goldman in London uh so returned to London after the program uh worked on the paneuropean equities trading desk with a dual mandate uh prop trading and Market making so that was before the 2010 volco rule where prop trading after the global financial crisis uh was basically uh petered out at investment Banks so not allowed to prop trade anymore so uh my career was before the vulka rule so basically every Trader in Europe and the US had a prop book and in Asia as well a proprietary trading account so dual mandate prop book and Market making uh moved to Leman Brothers in 2004 then to JP Morgan in ' 06 left the investment banking industry in ' 07 traveled the world made a TV show in the UK uh after traveling for a year then went traveling again and then moved back to the UK decided to go it alone and uh set up itpm 2013 is really when itpm took off because we put everything online uh so when Global and then to get more tax efficient ended up moving to Singapore and setting up the current family office Investments and trading infrastructure and I'm currently living in puket Thailand where I am now uh so Sean quick snapshot of his resume here he's obviously going to go into it in a bit more detail so I'll leave that to him when he presents a bit later uh before he goes through how he made his money so a bit of context here guys let's talk about you know especially for the first timers who've never experienced what itpm do okay bit of context in what we're actually trying to achieve from a trade and mentoring program so when a guy like sha applies for the mentoring program uh and he comes on uh and he's done the online programs and then we're now speaking and he's got a live trading account what are we actually trying to achieve in a mentor program so the first thing is is that he's been through the online programs and that's a minimum level of Education that's required to start trading live and be mentored at itpm with real money okay you've got to have done the iplt the introduction to professional level trading the professional trading masterclass PTM video series and the professional options trading masterclass PM video series those are the three programs that you need to have done to enable you to be on a mentoring program okay now when you book a mentoring program if you if you've got enough time up front so you need like two or three months you obviously get all of these programs included on the mentoring program so if you're even if you're working full-time you got a full-time job if you've got two or three months in advance you can book your program in advance and get your programs done open your trading account and just start the program okay so you jump on Zoom with your live trading account and your program begins for 12 weeks okay um if it's the Thailand program you come over to Thailand first for 10 days then you stop the 12 weeks so what we're trying to do is Implement all the information from those three programs for real with real money in a live trading account and what we're really trying to do over a program is get the retail Trader who's come to us finish the online programs going on a mentoring program by the end of 12 weeks to be highly competent to a professional trading standard in a multitude of areas okay so first of all becoming a real expert on knowing the macroeconomic environment getting a very very high level of consistency in the quality and the quantity of trade ideas that they're churning out every week okay structuring we're very heavily in options okay structuring individual trade ideas optimally with Equity options okay so really teaching the guys when they're looking at all the choices of different structures that they have which one through a process of elimination is the best one or the most optimal okay uh how to build a long short Equity options portfolio properly to a professional standard using call and put option structures all the ways that we try to put the odds in our favor so if we get the probabilities in our favor regularly we're probably going to make money over time okay uh different techniques of risk management so when we're sitting down every week and going through every single position teaching how to trade out of positions whether they're winners or losers and doing this optimally from a risk management perspective overall implementing winning trading habits so in execution entries and exits so retail Traders often more often than not sell everything at the bottom and buy everything at the top that trading on price and trading on fear and greed and mostly emotion okay we do the opposite professional Traders do the opposite we have a plan going in we have a plan going out okay we're implementing winning habits and teaching the guys to have winning habits okay we buy somewhere near the low we're not going to get the low ever but we and we know that but we buy as close as we can uh we're patient we trade out and we sell uh somewhere near the heist we know we're not not going to get the heist but we try our best to get you best execution on entries and exits okay and we're trading the volatility and then the real killer which sets the men apart from The Voice okay is managing the business properly and achieving the high level trading statistics so it's all the things that you have to do once you know how to do everything else how to manage your business properly on a week toe basis okay what are we trying to achieve in terms of stats well this is what it looks like we are absolute return Traders we're trying to make as much money as possible but always cognizant of the risk that we're taking to achieve that return okay so we're not Cowboys we are in control of our risk but we're trying to make as much money as possible okay regardless of whether the market is up down or sideways so we're absolute return and we we're targeting 50 to 100% but we can make more than 100% And obviously these are on retail trading account sizes so this is this is $25,000 50 100 250 in Shan's case $400,000 in your trading account this is not a billion dollars at an institution targeting 50 to 100% that's completely different okay we with retail trading account sizes we target 50 to 100% win loss TR we're targeting 6040 but ideally we want a bit more 6535 okay the money you make on your winners divided by the money that you lose on your losers minimum a ratio of 1.5 this is called your rcore ideally we want more closer to two Okay but that's our minimum 1.5 sharp ratio minimum three so the risk that we're taking uh and the return it's the return over the risk that we're taking okay so if we're taking 25% risk on the underlying portfolio we're leveraging that up with Equity options and we get 100% return we've got a shop ratio of four okay and then typically average stays in a trade when you look back over a year the first year we're looking at around 20 to 25 under normal volatility conditions but there can be some acceptable variation if there's Moves In vola faity okay up or down now managing the business properly what are we trying to achieve here well once a guy like sha comes to us and he's learned all of the stuff that makes him competent in terms of trade ideas structuring risk management Etc it's all about this it's all about managing the business your job as a Trader is to create that equity curve okay now you're never going to get the ideal line ever the ideal line is a 45 Dee line left to right okay you're going to have variation around it but your job is to book profits your it's not your job to sit and watch the screen and hope that you make more or lose less okay you've always got to be active and you have to be booking profits so when you look at something like this when you look at the screen and you say okay this guy here started on $100,000 okay and the first booking was $110,000 okay what does that look like well if you think back to our our score where we say minimum 1.5 but really we're targeting two that might be in the first month booking $220,000 on their winners and $10,000 on their losers which means they get an R score of two and yes in that situation there's losers but the equity curve is going up okay this is what you have to do as a Trader you've got to make that Equity curve go up so the decisions that you make when you're managing your business are very very very important you can come up with great ideas you can come up with great ideas have average risk management okay your structuring can be okay so you can tick those boxes trade idea quality and quantity uh structuring decent take the next box decent at risk management but if you make bad decisions for your business you're screwed because the equity curve doesn't go up in the way that we need it to go up okay and this is your business as well you need to have good stats okay over time you need to manage your stats and make sure they're good now before I hand over to Sean um I want to show you something I asked Alan uh the other day to send me I thought it would be quite interesting to show you the full evolution of a retail Trader that comes to itpm I asked Alan to send me Sean's application from 2022 so we actually send out um questions via Survey Monkey as a as a survey uh to collect information on the people applying for m programs so if you do apply for a mentoring program you will get these questions from us and you have to fill it out honestly okay and it gives us a really good idea of what we're dealing with so you should be able to see this on the screen now let me know if you can see it this will be very interesting to look at because many retail Traders will see uh things on this page like things that happened to sha in his background when he was trading um that are very very similar and we see very very similar things from retail trailers over and over and over again so you'll see things that are very similar to your own situation probably okay so we have the admin stuff out the way first and I've hidden obviously Sha's name here um which Mentor do you want to complete your Thailand mentoring program with well initially he put down Edward Sheck so we probably ended up speaking um when we do our Zoom call to discuss the Thailand program oh and by the way he applied August 1st 2022 okay so just think back to the year that this guy has had it's insane right he applies makes this application and please make note of these responses to the questions a year ago okay he applies on August 1st 2022 and then a year later we're agreeing to do a webinar because he's made so much money okay and done and he's done it really well okay so application 1 of August 2022 uh applying for Edward Sheek we end up speaking on zoom and then we decide okay Anton I'll I'll I'll Mentor you why not okay um question four have you ever traded a live retail trading accounts with your own money on on line okay and tell us what your performance was you won't believe how many people can't answer this question because they don't even know how much money they've lost right um when we end up doing the calls on Zoom to discuss mentoring programs uh I have to like tease the number out of people usually but Shan was honest he said yeah I was down $150,000 overall before taking your online programs and after I took the online programs I made 20 grand so that's pretty good you know the online programs obviously pay for themselves and more there as well and he's basically contributing that $220,000 to a mentoring program okay so it's all kind of paying for itself here um what's your mix of fundamentals technicals and price action in the past typical answer we always see fundamentals in the minority right so here it's 50/50 but usually it's in the minority as you can imagine retail Traders are very very heavily focused on technicals and price action okay uh next question what's your time Horizon he's three in the past he's three days to one month okay so very so three days very very short term from professional trading standards uh one month is on minimum when we enter positions uh what what instruments have you traded so all of the above what asset classes instruments all of the above uh include including options soorry including futures um and then yeah this this one is so that's and then this is instruments so what instruments have you traded so Futures as you said long short equities and ETF pairs but probably not doing it in the way that professionals would do it because you'd actually have to build a proper portfolio to do that so my my guess is here he was probably uh having one or two positions on rather than 10 12 16 right uh Forex Pairs and also trading crypto and then uh he's been low leverage um next question have you ever been taught by a professional Trader uh when he says he's had an instruct but the guy never worked at an investment bank or a hedge fund and he was T he doesn't mention who he is but he obviously had some sort of online program with videos okay so basically he's a retail Trader he's he's never been a professional Trader we see this all the time so when we ask people this question have you been taught by a professional Trader or have you had an instructor who's a professional Trader vast majority of people say no I've had an instructor but weren't a professional Trader so this is a very typical answer uh next question have you read any books and this is this is kind of a trick question that we put out there because we know that no books are going to turn you into a good Trader there's no information that books going to help you to trade okay profitably as a consistent Trader over time so this is kind of a trick question because what we're trying to do is we're trying to assess how Brainwashed the retail Trader is okay so here you can see and this again is quite a typical answer because he's just reeling off a bunch of technical analysis and price action books okay um so we've got technical analysis explained uh Japanese candle Candlestick charting techniques and uh trading your gut so yeah oh and also we've got the uh Fibonacci analysis okay again this is all very very typical stuff when we ask that trick question we always get a list of all the most popular crappy technical analysis books and when you think about this okay and put it into the context of what his p&l was before he came to itpm he's heavily into the TA books okay he's done an online program not from a professional Trader but a retail Trader he's traded all these instruments where he's experimenting with techn technical analysis and price action and he's getting nowhere he's got his mix of fundamentals technicals and price section is 50/50 and he's down 150 Grand and from his background then you'll see when we go over to his resume he's been trying to do this for for 20 years for over 20 years right so obviously we do things very very differently at itpm I'm going to hand over to Sean now so Sean I'll stop sharing the screen and then I just need you to uh share your screen and uh guys he's gonna Sean's GNA take you through how he made his money over the men program and what he learned hi everyone uh thank you Anton I'm Sean from Sunny South Florida what I want to do is I want to go through these next few slides really quickly because I want to spend more time on showing you the actual trades so my background I graduated from the University of Chicago with a degree in quantitative economics and my first job out of college was in 1995 as a Management Consultant working with Robert Charles ler and company over the next couple of years uh the uh the dot bubble was really going off I'm sure some of you can remember that and all my friends were into stocks that's all they ever talked about and of course I got the bug too and I got the smart idea that you know what stocks are moving up up and down about a buck and a quarter buck and a half and let me pull out maybe 25 cents out of that maybe three times a day and I could make a $100,000 a year yeah very smart very stupid and very naive because I went bust very very quickly so then I said okay let me go work for a brokerage firm and see how I can uh I can learn from a professional manner so I went to work for Marl Lynch and became became a Financial Consultant which is basically a fancy name for being a stock broker there and that was a real disappointment of course I got my Series 7 and my series 66 licenses but all that really taught me was how to put in orders for for clients into the into the system I didn't learn any type of strategy trading investing nothing uh I was just basically taught to push clients into these are high net worth clients to push them into either mutual fund or partnering hedge funds very disappointed couple years later I left and I decided I want to go work for an Institutional firm so I was working for Trust Company of the West in Los Angeles TCW as you know it's an Institutional money management firm I started out in the backend in the compliance group and then my group got spun out to melon trust so I was doing institutional compliance and reporting over at melon trust few years later I moved to the public sector where I'm doing uh Financial work and uh I decided to start trading into Futures and uh Anton had pointed out that I had found a technical analysis coach to help me through that and basically it was boom bust boom bust not making any consistent money fast forward to uh to 2020 there's you know we're in the the coid lockdown and obviously what I was doing was not working I'm flipping through YouTube and there I see Anton and I see itpn and this seemed like this was the answer this is what I was looking for professional institutional type education so I quickly ordered the the PTM 1.0 the PM which is the options course and the pftm which is the Forex course and I literally devoured that information uh during lockdown uh the co lockdown in 2021 uh towards the end of 2021 some of my nonfinancial investments actually ended up really panning out allowing me to retire at the age of 49 and ended up moving to Florida and you actually saw the the application uh By the time around August I had made about $220,000 using the uh the PTM process by the end of the year by December it was actually quite a bit more I I was actually up 36% in a bare Market using the PTM 1.0 coursework and but really what I was looking to do was manage a seven figure portfolio because that's really what I wanted to do during my retirement and I I knew that I needed one-on-one mentoring and instruction and that's when I signed up uh for the the Thailand classroom followed by the 12 weeks of mentoring now this screen right here before we began the mentoring which started on April 20th of 20 of this year we had to set up a brokerage account uh a fresh brokerage account and fund it so as you can see right here this is a brand new interactive brokers account that I set up and on the bottom here you can see that I deposited $400,000 in this account uh during the the next three weeks there was a little bit of interest earned that's why you see this going up on the track uh trading side track records now I returned back to to Miami on uh on April 30th and my first call was with Anton was the following Saturday which was uh May 6th so the Friday before this is what the starting Capital with the accumulated interest here this interest plus this uh uh accured was $ 41,48 fast forward to September 15 this is what my realized profit was using everything that I learned uh from Thailand and the subsequent 12-week one-on-one mentoring with Anton 85,3 minus approximately 2,000 in commission for a net profit of $183,300 mindblowing return in 4 and a half months uh you see more detail on this performance here but we're going to go over this actually in the spreadsheet so I'll talk about this later here on this page what I wanted to show you was the actual raw data the data dump in the in the account so what ends up happening though is when you put on a trade for example let's say 50 contracts it doesn't always get executed in one shot so it gets executed in dribbles first 10 five eight contracts seven contracts and then it adds up the 50 so you see a lot of individual line item so this was going on for pages and I couldn't fit all of this in so I screenshot the first page put this here and then I went to the last page and I screenshot the last page but it's showing you $3,228 77 net profit by the September 15 expiry and this is the equity curve right we started out with just a little bit over 400,000 uh first trade being on the Monday after the call on on May 8th and then really building that Equity curb trade after trade after trade using the itpm process up to Just Around 586 th000 by September 15 okay the good part I know I rushed through that but now I want to show you the really good part I'm going to show you the actual trades okay so we we saw this part here before uh starting Capital 41,48 uh I took a total of 62 trades and out of that 45 trades were profitable 17 trades were a loss uh nobody gets not even the best Traders get a 100% uh right on all trades so have accumulating losses is just part of the program so if we look here all of my wins across 45 trades added up to $343,900 and all of my losses added up to [Applause] $158,400 a little bit earlier 2.17 all this really means is if you take my total dollars one and you divide it by the total dollars lost you get that so what I'm basically for every $1 I Lose I'm making $ 2.17 in profit and if you look at this 45 and 17 trades across 62 trades total that breaks down to a 72.5% win rate and a 27.4 2% loss rate and here you see my average trades in in the current market happen to be around 18 days some trades are much longer other trades are a little bit less but we're really trying just to go for that one month to thre Monon time period because that's where the volatility sweep part is where we can maximize our probability of making big money again I repeat big money and this is what I want to show you right here in the the spreadsheet these are all the trades that I've logged in and they're actually ordered by the uh the exit date so one of the first trades I'm going to show you a few of the trades we won't go over all of them but a few of the ones that really made a profound impact on my thought process and expanded my mind so the second week on April on May 15th I'm going to scroll here to the left I entered into a spread trade uh with Celsius Holdings now a spread trade is basically where you go long a particular contract and you simultaneously go short another contract and the reason we do this it it allows us to be agnostic and puts the probabilities of winning in our our favor so for example if you've got a long call and a short call if the stock drops you make money on the long on the short call uh if the stock goes up you make money on the long so usually in most cases one of the legs will be profitable the other one will be a loss but you look at it together as a single trade so the Celsius holding trade look at this guys I was in there for a total of three days and in three days I made a net profit of 9,440 in three days three blew my mind uh this is that's 13,940 minus 4,500 similarly uh if we look at some other trades uh here with like for example another three-day trade now guys I'm not focusing on three days remember our our time period is one month to three months but it was just giving money if you're familiar with the company they're the ones that make the tender dating app so uh this was also purchasing uh call options and this was they both have the same strike here so this was actually a calendar spread versus a diagonal spread that you saw in the Celsius where there were different strikes look at this guys entered on June 12th exited on June 15 three days for a profit of $5,950 mindblowing one thing that I wanted to tell you though was at this point I was getting a little cocky uh because things were uh you know making really really quick money so I decided to go off script and off the the the PTM plan I didn't check in with Anton and I started doing some of my old crazy excuse my language I want to go back up here I told you about this very successful Celsius trade here but then immediately right after exiting on May 18th I entered another trade completely not following the itpm procedures not checking in with Anton I just jumped into this I didn't plan properly right Anton gives us certain spreadsheets where we plan out our trades look at different scenarios didn't do that I don't know just got really cocky and entered this this trade it's a again long short spread uh May 26 short June 23rd long first problem right here is these are nonstandard expiries we only trade the regular standard monthly expiries not the weekly expiries so mistake number one mistake number two having jumped in without a plan uh the stock went against me of course I I made some money on the short but look at this guys I immediately bail out of this got in on the 18th and got out on the on the 18th zero dates yes I made a little bit of money but I left my long completely naked this is not how you trade in the IP uh TM process this is me winging it on long story short basically I set myself up to potentially lose as much as $30,000 on this uh long terrible on the next call and chewed me out and we started coming up with a plan on using a repair process that you learn uh during Thailand and subsequent monitoring so I was able to repair that trade here uh with another trade now for in terms of risk management we never exceed 10% of Any Given trade so we start out with around six six and a half 7% and we leave that remaining three three and a half% for possible repairs so with Anton's guidance I ended up doing a repair trade and the repair Long paid out $ 17,921 120 the stock finally ended up going in my favor and I was barely able to squeeze out a gain on the bad uh winged decision I was able to get out for just under $1,200 but really the repair that Anton taught me really saved me so if we look at the net profit between the mistake and the subsequent repair I still made 8,320 so mindblowing I want to come back down to the crew uh trade that I showed you that was only 3 days and I'm going to scroll a little bit here to the right and I want to show you the cumulative profits earned now this trade was on June 12th and June 15 I want to remind everyone my first trade right after my first call with Anton was on May 8th this is June 15 just a little over one month later I'm up $4,190 and my cumulative port pfolio is up 441,000 him the ideas we talk about it we we create a plan we look at probabilities and we evaluate structures and then I go on and put on the trade and I manage I want to quickly show you guys some other trades uh that I put on that again also paid off very very handsomely here's lattice semiconductor this is a long but if you look up I'm moving my cursor up here this is the short side of Lis semiconductor on the short I collected $521 15 but on the long the reason they're not next to each other is because I closed the short much sooner and I held the long for much longer so I'm back down here to the to the long and moving here to the right got a 64.2 6% return 19,100 $70 guys this is profit on the long plus I earned the $5,256 profit right there so guys this is June 16th look at the profit here on the right okay uh actually it's about the same because there was another uh trade that I showed later let me show you some more more uh trades that I was able to do again guys you've you know when you do the fundamental research you understand what catalysts are going to move those catalysts aren't going to disappear right there so once you exit a trade there are opportunities to re-enter that trade waiting patiently for that right opportunity and you can make money over and over again so look at this on entered the trade on June 20th and exited both the long and the short together right here uh on June uh July 13 held for 23 days 22375 on the long and offset by a68 03 so the net profit on that trade is $1,572 over 23 calendar days so now basically a month has gone by uh I'm going to scroll here to the right look at the profit cumulative 64,65 my portfolio is now up to 465,000 doing the fundamental analysis for idea generation running it through then the technical analysis to make sure I'm not too early or too late and putting on the right Str options structures I just keep making more and more money look at this data dog this wasn't a big winner had this trade I'm going to scroll here to the right for three days and in three days I made 3,610 not bad that's like $3,200 uh that's like $1,200 a day below that notice Lattis semiconductor again it's all part of that trade uh earlier trade we got out an opportune time we waited patiently and I jumped in again uh when I saw another opportunity to get in this trade I held for 27 days and the net profit across the spread here is the sum of these two 12,7 1887 so you guys are seeing it's like the itpm process is basically like a cash machine where Bas you know every few days I'm I'm able to make tens of thousands of dollars and move them from the unrealized to the realized uh bucket where I'm actually taking that money a few other trades here zscaler if you notice here long short pair held that one for 22 days and made a profit of $7,499 and here I'm going to scroll over to the right look at that I'm already up $1,415 just by July 18th so that's from May 8th through July 18th up 10,415 realized in the pocket my portfolio is now over half a million dollars and I'm just GNA scroll through and and let you see how the cumulative just across all these other trades is just going higher and higher look at that 104 uh I had a write off and I'm going to show you the the bad trades here too because you got to see the bad side of it this went down But continuing to follow the process look back up to 106 103 128 143 150 161 172 the numbers just keep going uh I want to show you one particular Point here and the reason I've I've highlighted this was this represent July 31st so that that's technically the completion of the 12 weeks so how did I do in 12 weeks $95,000 95,5 3446 before commission cumulative profit okay so this is the completion of the 12 weeks and now I'm on my own how did I do after the mentorship program continuing with following diligently following the itbm process and everything Anton taught me during the one-on-one mentoring so you can see I'm scrolling down here going down the numbers are just getting bigger 172 180 182 so by the end of the September 15th expiry before commission I'm up 185,186 during the 12 weeks and I made another 8 9,794 in literally a month and a half after the my my uh mentoring ended right mentoring ends uh ended July 31st this is September 15 so August SE half of September so a month and a half another 89,90 I mean I I am just so uh amazed I that that I've gotten to this point with with what what Anton has taught me and what I've learned in in both Thailand and on the one-on-one mentoring this is a this is a blessing and I'm so excited I I really couldn't begin to express to you guys guys how thrilled I am and excited about the future now I I promised you guys that I would show you some of the bad trades here as well so I'm going to scroll up back towards the beginning okay and if you look down here I'm scrolling down do you see this negative - 28,200 this was my first write off in my first full expiry so the May expiry was only I was only in their part of it right I started on May 8th and it ended on May 19th so June 16th was the first full expiry this was a stock called Axon oh pardon me while I get rid of that uh axon and I made money on if you look at the very top row uh I actually made 6,840 on the short side but the stock never recovered and I lost $228,200 on on a write off I tried to use the process uh repair process that got me an additional uh roughly 3,00 000 uh profit against that loss but I never fully recovered scrolling down in the following month in July I had another write-off so basically every month I'm getting these big writeoffs that I wanted to show you so here uh in the month in July 21st I had the uh sqm right here that long unfortunately did not pan out and I lost 27,36 I didn't even bother repairing it because I no longer had conviction on the fundamental side of it so why throw any more money into it so if there's no conviction it's not worth it very important thing to remember guys you've got to have strong conviction from your fundamental analysis you've got to know what catalyst is going to move that stock forward and you learn this in the itpm process so uh he uh I also had a second write off here on July 31st for 23,123 I just decided to bail out a little bit early because I wanted to manage the cash flow uh and smooth out my Equity curve so another big loss I'm going to scroll down and show you look at this one guys Valero voo uh Oil Company we saw oil price were going up in the summer I actually uh you know initially actually they started going up after I got into this and it uh I was actually short a put so if you notice this I was short the put and the oil prices were going up in the summer so it was going against me $ 31,510 was my write off guys 31520 again I did not repair this because I no longer believed in the fundamental we heard about Russia and Saudi Arabia tightening supplies didn't make sense to throw any more money into this I took the right off and I believe that was the last major write off why do I show this to you guys look at this okay on this next page you saw this chart before this is the equity curve right look right here so this is going up going up going up you see this big boom drop right here that's a write off you see this big boom that's a write off this is a write off this is a write off but as long as you're following the itpm process you are generating quality ideas you're running a balanced portfolio with low correlation between the process the way Anton and iptm teach you the other ideas in the portfolio again you're a portfolio Trader you're not an individual position Trader managing the portfolio your other ideas quickly bring you up so right off off other ideas lift you up right off other ideas lift you up right off other ideas lift you up and again right off other ideas lift you up you're able to generate this near 45 line raising your Equity curve from bottom left to top right so this is why I wanted to show you both sides the Longs and the shorts now uh actually there's one position I re really have to show you guys here this actually made me sad but I want to show you the potential of what the itpm process can do and this stock here is called uh where is it it's chewy and here we go I received a credit uh higher up but I wanted to show this this particular trade to you guys I around July 10th guys later on when you get a chance look this chart up and there's a reason why I'm telling you uh the stock was around 37 and a half 38 the company fundamentals were excuse the expression earnings growth was slowing down uh Revenue growth was slowing down their us business was not in good shape and yet these fools are out trying to expand in a new Venture in Canada they're not fixing their their home base first and they're already out expanding so I was in this trade for 29 days and look 21,000 $175 profit plus if you look at the top row here I earned an additional $2,600 credit on the short side as well roughly around a 23 $24,000 profit but why am i showing you that this is kind of sad I looked on the chart I saw support around 30 31 so I thought the stock would drop to around 3031 and possibly popped back up and I got out well if you look at the chart that stock drop all all the way down to $18 in fact it's at an 18 handle right now as of yesterday you see this $66 uh $663 trade that I sold out out I I bought at 392 and I sold at 663 well right now as of yesterday it was $18.70 this is what I missed out on I'm typing this in so you guys can actually see this $115,000 I missed out on a six fig payoff but I want to show this to you that if you follow the itpm process you know every once in a while you get these big moves you know once or twice or you know if you get two or three of these a year that can really push your account up really really big all right now I'm going to take you guys back to the PowerPoint and we'll kind of Briefly summarize some other points on the expiries okay so we should be back at the uh the PowerPoint presentation where we left off so the next thing I wanted to do was summarize the different uh expiries right we I I showed you the trends but let's look at it expiry by expiry the first expiry was the May 9th expiry not really enough time right because as I said May 8th is when I started trading but I had that first big winner with Celsius and uh I was generating additional credits and just building up the books right you can't immediately put on a 10 to 12 uh stock portfolio next expiry June 16th this is where I went off and Winged It On My Own abandoning the process and and that was going to be a big disaster but getting back to the itpm process doing a proper repair literally victory victory taken from the jaws of Def defeat uh we saw that Lattis and match were great winners I restructured the axon trade and I still ended up making money guys it was something like 40,000 45,000 that month so still was a profitable month despite that uh the July 21st expiry we went back or I went back into the same positions again for uh another opportunistic moment made money on lscc Match zscaler and still had another write off but ended up making another 40,000 plus that month a as well still had a profitable month August I did not show you guys the Zion trade this trade had me super excited so as you guys remember earlier in the year we had the banking crisis we had Silicon Valley Bank and two other Banks collapsing the Federal Reserve and the US government came in to stabilize the markets Bank stocks had dropped and once they stabilized and it looked like the government had control over the markets uh keeping them from falling I was able to get into Zion Bank Corp around when it was around $27 and o uh as the market was recovering this stock ended up making approximately 35 36,000 profit guys that just blew my mind the reason that blows my mind is my first job out of college uh back in 1995 paid me base uh base salary before bonus only about $30,000 so making 36,000 I made more in one trade in just over a month than I did that entire year working uh on that first job so mind blowing we we saw uh Celsius and zscaler again continuing uh to pay and I showed you how uh although I made money on chewy how you know I missed out on the big move because I bailed too early that's actually a theme in a weakness in my trading that Anton when we red the stats he actually pointed this out to me I'm not staying in my winners long enough the reason I'm still making the big money is because my my winners are happening more than 70% of the time so that's one thing I have to to work on raised again more credits and we look we moved to the last expiry the September 15 this was a very very difficult month for me to trade volatility uh was basically down if you guys pull up a chart of vix you see vix around uh 12 A2 13 13 A2 and there's all the you know inflation no longer seemed to be trending down that was uncertain and there was a lot of uncertainty what what the FED might do because of of data so it was very very difficult to make money on this but yet I was able to generate nearly $31,000 worth of of credits uh to make that still a profitable month and I I ended up making a profit on this Treno PLC trade this was what we call a tail risk trade just to kind of Briefly summarize taale risk trades are basically when you have a situation where it's low probability either on the bullish or bearish side it's not your main uh framework of what you think is going to happen but you still hedge against it if it does it ends up paying big uh 4X 5x or more and and uh Treno paid off basically bottom line the month despite all the low volatility and uncertainty and difficulty ended up making something like around 45,000 give or take in that month how to trade to a professional level standard so what I did was uh Anton i i a lot of the things that you know he would say I I really I have a whiteboard here on my right against the wall and I I really wrote down all the the important things that stuck to me so like for example in this first uh uh uh bullet point what Anton is really saying is we want to be agnostic uh when I gave you guys the example of we go into a trade where we're going both long a contract and short a contract so we don't really care that in the short term whether the market goes up or it goes down we make money both ways and that's how we put probability of winning in our favor we use uh structures and we also organize our portfolio in a long short book so regardless of the where the market goes we can be agnostic and we're going to make money the next bullet point is basically what Anton is saying is the market already knows the consensus by the time you read a Wall Street Journal article or you see something on Bloomberg or CNBC it's all already known the the professional Traders have already taken all of the meat off the bone and the reporters are the last ones to actually report on it so if you're trying to ra uh trade on the news you're going to lose money trade's going to reverse on you so the idea is to be able to do your own independent research and find out what is going to move the needle in the future and position yourself now for it third Point retail Trad Traders trading price what Anton taught me is look you generate your ideas using quality fundamentals you take a top down P perspective first you look at the macro then you look a bottom up perspective where you're looking at individual companies and their particular fundamentals and then you structure options trade in a specific way increasing the probabilities in your in your uh uh towards your success and you create a plan you know exactly what you're going to do if the stock moves this way or if it moves that way you're actually trading the plan the next point is basically continuing on that you are trading probabilities and you are trading basically your plan if you go off the plan and you have to pray for something to work like I did when I winged it on that Celsius trade and I went off the plan I was praying I was sweating that's not where you want to do B Professional Traders do not put themselves in that situation they trade their plan they know what they're going to do no matter what happens in the market so there's never a point of having to Panic or hope or fear I also again learn how to raise a lot of credit I mentioned that you're you're doing both a long and a short spread trade so on the short side you're you're generating all these credits and you're putting the odds of winning in your fa favor and those credits add up and can actually offset the losses that you that you make overall again I learned how position sizing as I mentioned never exceeding 10% of a portfolio having staggered expiries that means basically not having more than three options expiring in any given month and not having all calls or all puts in that same month uh so staggering all of that and making sure your ideas are uncorrelated in your overall portfolio that means if you've got a stock portfolio of 10 stocks you don't throw in three or four tech stocks right because if all the if interest rates jump and your tech stocks go down four stocks in your 10 stock portfolio your portfolio is going to take a dive so you you create a portfolio of low correlated ideas basically when I started this process what I realized was everything that I learned before did not work and what I wanted to do was find an Mentor basically you abandon everything you know and you put yourself in their heads and you look through their framework and through their eyes and that's how you really learn and that's what I wanted to do I I I sought out Anton as a successful professional Trader and I wanted to put myself in in his head and see through his eyes and that really helped and uh you know Anton previously discussed and I showed you from my trades that we're looking for at least a 50% uh annual return so if you saw I had a lot of winners in the spreadsheets if all of my winners and all of my losers cancelled each other out just the credits by themselves could allow me to potentially make a 50% return turn so that's key the itpm process is cre is key in terms of planning risk management and being successful and when the losses happen that's okay as Anton would like to say it's just a trade with a uh that's a a row in the spreadsheet with a plus or minus against it not to get caught on it just focus on the plan and keep going the key here again fa generating quality fundamental ideas using the again top down bottom up process that you learn through the PTM program as well as in Thailand and subsequent mentoring you then filter that out with technical analysis to make sure that you're not too early or you're too late in that trade and you also use that for risk management you know the trade is not too long in the tooth and then you structure it in a proper options portfolio that increases the probability of you winning as I me mentioned the long and the the you know long position and the short position that you do together as a spread maximizes your your chances of of winning and again Anton points out the importance of really focusing on your statistics I need to let my earning my my winners run just imagine if I had let that chewy trade run $115,000 I would have had on in that uh extra in this account my account would have been much much higher so following the statistics and knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are very very important and this is where I'm gonna hand it off to Anton right cheers Sean okay so um very good summary from Sean there about uh how he made his money and uh obviously I've been answer I've been answering a lot of questions in the uh Q&A area on the right hand side so feel free to continue putting questions in the Q&A uh and Sean can take over and answer questions now as well um let's talk about what the the landscape looked like looked like in terms of the Traders um at the end of the 12 weeks of the Thailand mentoring program and where sha was and what he's done since okay if you look at that table and I did actually put this on uh some social media when we finished the program I think I I put it on Twitter for sure um we did have a couple of questions from people asking uh you know what type of backgrounds do people have to become successful just look at this case sha was obviously from uh a finance background for most of his career right but look at the look at the uh occupations of the other guys that were on this program over the 12 weeks okay and the ages of guys as well so the guy who became top in terms of performance uh percentage performance at the end of the 12 weeks on this year's siland program he was 18 years old Sam in New York okay and he's a student and his parents gave him a 100 Grand to trade with so he made 39% in 12 weeks okay now contrast that to the guy who came second uh Ron 60 years old uh from Wisconsin retired started with $100,000 in in his account made 36% okay the age differences from the guy who came first to the guy who came second it's 18 years old and 60 years old uh totally different occupational and career backgrounds Tom 1400 years old in Ireland he's a cattle farmer starts with 100 Grand makes 34 Grand in 12 weeks okay uh Tim oil and gas project manager mement sorts with 210 in his account makes 32% uh over a period of 12 weeks then we have sha and you can see you know sha percentage wise was lower down in the group after 12 weeks but what's happened since sha has gone on to make the most progress out of everybody now why is that we're going to get onto that in a second but to answer this question question about you know what are my chances given my background and career uh coming on the mentoring program and making money you have as good a chance of anybody if you just put in the work okay this is really the key okay you got to focus on the right things and put the work in okay so and by the way the seven guys that I Mentor um if you want to sum this table up over the 12 weeks everyone made money and that's in a very difficult Market this year in terms of making money okay so let's have a summary from my perspective so you had you had Shan's uh student summary what about the mentor summary okay I think Shan's uh from all the guys that I've Mentor in the past Shan is actually a very interesting uh student case study why well you saw when he applied and you've seen his background he's got a lot of life experience you know he's 50 years old he's got a lot of life experience career experience and that's a big positive it's going to help him in uh process-wise in learning the types of stuff that we teach right um and he also attempted to trade in the past so he's got some experience even though it's bad experience right losing money 150 grand um but the Asian experience we found over the years can also be a negative right so there are positive aspects to it there's also negative aspects to it okay especially if they traded in the past because they've usually picked up a lot of bad habits so retail Traders generally of Shan's age and trading experience over 10 15 20 years uh tend to come to us with very very bad habits that are quite difficult for us to get rid of and definitely in the beginning of his program you know sure basically said I chewed him out on the Celsius trade that's that's an understatement okay I went insane on the phone okay and the re and the reason I did that was because we've only got 12 weeks to make you good guys so we can't massage you and try to you know make you feel good about doing something that you shouldn't have done right we need to make sure you never do it again and we need to make sure that you drop all of these bad habits that you bring to us from the past okay because all of those bad habits really what they've come from is misinformation okay you've all been taught in the past and then you bring this to our doorstep and we have to get rid of it to turn you into into a profitable professional level Trader okay so his bad habit at the beginning was the time Horizon and eagerness to trade and really s to sum it up it's overtrading okay so the Celsius trade I gave him a haird dryer over zoom and uh we got rid of that bad trait very very quickly through tough love and obviously detailed explanations of why he shouldn't be doing it and why it's Reckless okay and other examples of Reckless things that he could end up falling Vic into if he falls back into bad habits now once he got that hair dryer and he dropped the bad habits okay what does that do it sets the pathway for the upside in the account to occur why because now he's only got the positive traits which is the life experience and the career experience which gives him valuable input for the learning and the process that that's required to become good at this profession okay you've got to be consistent and you've got to process to a high level okay so when I mean consistent I mean you have to show up regularly every week and you have to process to a high level okay so once we got rid of all that crap we opened up the upside to his account and then all these positive trades came out so week by week what it really came down to was implementing those positive traits that he's got okay so sticking at it and just getting incrementally better and better each week so the question is is you know with a situation like this can you put a price on that effort well yes you can the opportunity cost of working or not working during a program for Sean or dropping his bad habits or engaging in his bad habits the price the opportunity cost is1 83 Grand in 20 weeks okay so from my perspective this is what I see okay so very successful program guys for Sean successful program for uh the rest of the guys on the Thailand program overall in 20123 if you want to uh come on the 2024 program I've still got a couple of places remaining she's got about five or six places remaining so in total we're looking at about eight places aing at the moment uh out of the out of the 18 that were originally available and we're probably going to get done uh should be definitely by the end of January in terms of all the bookings uh but it might even be by the end of this year by the end of December like those places might go so if you're genuinely interested in doing this just send us a message through the website itpm docomo mentoring uh as I mentioned earlier as well we do remote programs so if you can't make it to Thailand or it's a bit of a stretch financially then you can book yourself on a remote program for q1 we always get asked you know what are the prices of the programs it is price on application if you send a message to the website and we send you that application form that Sean filled in in 2022 beginning of August so just over a year ago he was filling in that form you will see the prices uh when you apply okay so it's price on application so guys that's it for this session um happy to take questions and uh myself and Sean will hang around probably at least for half an hour so we're happy to uh to answer any questions you've got so uh let me see here so yeah I think Daniel responding here to uh the slide on on Sean's bad habits never put anon's reputation in danger yes not a good idea uh Dan amazing s thanks for sharing uh Shan here's here's a question for Sean how many hours a week did you spend on trade idea generation today and at the start of the itpm journey um I I I actually put in a lot of ideas because I I like to have a a nice uh what do you call it a a list of ideas that when one comes off I can put on so for me you know normally the itpm pro the process is you want to put in about 15 hours a week of work I like like to put in more it makes me feel better and I like to really do uh look through the ideas and and I love the financial markets anyway so uh this is a passion so I spend more more time than that so Whitney is asking uh what amount of capital do we need to start with at the minimum and I'm going to answer that question out loud because there's different levels for different programs so if you come on the Thailand program and you want to do the 12 weeks with me you need a minimum of 100 ,000 in your account uh if you do the 12 weeks after the Thailand program with Shey Edward Sheek over Zoom you need 50,000 minimum in your account okay if you do a remote program it's 25,000 in your [Music] account and um you know part of the reason why we have these minimums as well is on the Thailand program obviously the Thailand program it includes uh all of your accommodation your classroom teachings uh all food and beverage it's an all inclusive so we're going out to bars and restaurants and stuff during the week you're basically getting a fstar vacation while you're doing your program so the price of the Thailand program is higher than a remote program obviously okay and the minimums that we have reflect that because we want to make the money back for you as quickly as possible right so you know look at a guy like Shan what was the number Sean you made like 95 over the 12 weeks 95 Grand over5 over 12 weeks yeah okay that's with 400 Grand in your account okay so percentage wise you know we're looking a just shy of 25% okay um but that you know over uh 12 weeks with 400 Grand more than covers a program like ridiculously amount ridiculous amount in terms of covering the fee for the Thailand program $100,000 you saw the guys the 12 12 weeks where they were making like 39 36 35 32% the majority of guys covered the cost of their program in the even in the 12 weeks uh here's a question Sean from uh Daniel congratulations on your performance when a trade was going against you once you launched the proper structure what was your first reaction before and after the mentoring program so be so before the mentoring program when a trade G goes against you why is it different when you've done the program I guess gosh before the the mentoring program I would have gotten despondent and it's like why isn't it working and if it was of any size I mean you'd get seriously depressed but as I showed you guys on the the uh the equity curve I showed you exactly where the the draw Downs were happening that's part of the process the other good idea is continue to lift lift over remember when we went over down and then higher down and higher down and higher that's write off and then good ideas write off and then good ideas so just continue to follow the process and you recognize the write offs are just part of the business there's a question here from uh jit uh brilliant session what is the difference between online and Thailand programs or online is also enough to start with um okay so obviously there's a big difference between uh doing mentoring programs and just doing online programs okay so online programs you know you're just purchasing online uh the online programs so iplt PTM pm and you're completing them in your own time okay now if you do a mentoring program all of those online programs are part of it and you need to do those before you go on the phone on Zoom right um and we got remote and Thailand programs and remote is 12 weeks over Zoom with a mentor uh Thailand as you fly over to Thailand it's me and Edward Sheek teaching you in the room and then one of us uh teaching you for 12 weeks over Zoom now your question is is are the online programs enough yes they are we have very high success rates with people who take our online programs open their trading account trade with real money and make money okay you saw Shan himself when he came into itpm in 2020 and he said in his presentation he'd only taken the online programs he started trading and he was up like $20,000 uh in his response in the application but I remember you saying you were actually up a bit more like by the by the end of the year by the end of the year I was up 36% annualized yeah so it was up like 36% from just taking the online programs so we do get a lot of success with people who just do the online programs obviously mentoring programs are different because the guidance we're very very involved on toone okay so we're kind of shortcutting your success um and there's definitely things on the mentoring program that we do that is not in the online programs why because we do more sophisticated things because uh you have you can be supervised to do it and when you're supervised to do it uh you're not going to do stupid things when for example you're trading a complicated uh options book where you've got multiple structures on and you're going into an expiry and you've got winners and losers and you you trade incorrectly right to do that stuff it's quite complicated and you need to be supervised and the more advanced stuff that requires you to be supervised can't be taught in a video series so the video series is like absolute entry level for itpm standards but compared to what's out there in the rest of the world it's way more advanced just the online programs is way more advanced than anything else that's out there okay so yes you can just do online programs and have success but if you want super crazy success get your head down and do a mentoring program oh yeah right Sean is absolute Testament to that and the rest of the guys on the program this year uh Whitney again if we begin with the online program and decide we want to level up to the Thailand program can we do that later and pay the difference yes you can uh but it's not the exact difference okay so we assign a value uh of $1,000 per online program to the price of a mentoring program so yes you can do uh online programs and for the online programs we do have a a discount program on at the moment called the holiday season discount program uh we'll get that out to you by email so there's like 30 35% uh discounts on the online programs for first timers and alumni we'll get that out to you but yes you can do the online programs and once you uh subscribe to an online program and take the exam that means you can come back at any time in the future and upgrade so you can upgrade to another program a mentoring program a remote program or a tand program and you can come back in two or three years to do it it's fine everyone moves at their own pace I mean you saw sha right Sha started in 2020 and then he upgraded to a mentoring program in 2022 and then started his mentoring program in 2023 so his entire journey through itpm right now has been three years Andrew we've got alumni here who's done a mentoring program uh hi Sean just wrapped up my mentoring with Jason totally worth it and always trying to learn more do you prefer to scale into your positions or go to full position size from the start so that's a bit of a um a rule Bas question right it it depends on the situation Andrew like there's no one situation that fits all scenarios right and also depends on on certain stocks right if they're very expensive and the contracts are very expensive it's kind of really hard to to break those down so you're ending you're forced to buy fewer contracts and all of them in the beginning but if it's like a a 400 stock uh contract position you can kind of scale into it uh I think this is more of a question for me Sean oh uh Miguel at what point during the program did sha become proficient enough to put trade ideas on by himself without Anton's supervision um in the first four to six weeks of the program uh definitely required more supervision um and then it started to get better after like five six weeks whereby by the end of a program I was quite happy for him to choose the structures and put trades on if you wanted to but still giving guidance obviously but much less towards the end so by call number eight n something like this Shan and even like the rest of the guys were competent enough to be able to do that most of them most of them uh I'm looking forward to taking my mentoring program and I'm based in Eastern Europe what Mentor would you recommend for me to choose in order to have the same time window the time window doesn't matter right mentors uh are in every time zone but if you're in Europe any of our guys can speak to you so the time the time window is irrelevant the only the only time zone we have a problem with is for example if you're based in Australia or New Zealand and you want to speak to uh Ben for example as a mentor in Los Angeles right the time zones are too messed up uh or vice versa if you're based on the west coast of the US and you want to speak to Anthony as your Mentor in Australia uh too messy that's the apart from that anyone's good here we go Sean here's a good one for you from Ash how did you get rid of the burden in quotes burden of Prior experience of trading crypto and Forex or is it an advantage well okay I guess you can at things from different uh ways so I guess the burden can be an advantage in the sense if you recognize it's a weakness you're able to set it aside and I'm one thing I learned is literally set you know if you want to become an expert on something you find yourself a professional Mentor you humble yourself you set aside everything you know and you put yourself in their framework and so that's what I was trying to do with Anton to see through his eyes and three see through his professional institutional perspective how he saw the landscape and I wanted to learn that so it's really humbling yourself and putting yourself in other people's uh frame hope that helps right let's see we got anything else here any more questions guys can ask Sean direct questions about his trades how he generated the ideas Miguel can you please explain again the six figure lost opportunity please it's pretty straightforward Miguel it's uh if you put 400 Grand in a trading account like sha and you make 45% 183 Grand over a 20 week period okay what we're saying is is that during that time he dropped his old bad habits so first of all he decided to do the program he paid for it he physically showed up in Thailand he showed up every week on his Zoom calls and did the work every week right he dropped all his bad habits he committed to learning the process properly and in the end his good habits came out and he learned it right now having done that he made 183 Grand if he didn't do that so even step one not doing the program but let's say he did the program and he didn't follow through with all the other stuff the Lost opportunity is the money he made which is 183 Grand okay so it's pretty simple uh adomas why are why were writeoffs so big in the 90% category yeah because when we go into a trade Adas long call or long put option the stop loss is the amount that we're willing to put on the trade okay so we typically run them all the way to expiry now why does that work and why do we come out still making money because we're doing other things in the account as well we're not just writing off trades that go wrong we're writing off trades and doing other stuff right so the other stuff is taking profits on winners so let's say you have a write off that's $20,000 so now we're talking like Shan's size account let's say you have a write off that's $20,000 your winners can be $30,000 okay so your R score is 1.5 but we're also doing something else we're probably booking 10 to $15,000 worth of credits in the account as well so in a month uh you're booking a $20,000 loss on a write off uh $30,000 on a win so that's 10 grand and then maybe you're adding another $155,000 in credits right so you you're having a $25,000 month okay so that's the reason it works and you know some people might ask why well why do you do that why why don't you why do you run uh a long option call or put all the way to the expiry why don't you just cut it for like 50% loss okay well it all depends on the situation right but most of the time when we go into the trade and we're talking the vast majority of times in the 90 percentage percentile right we're happy for it to be a right off if we're wrong okay because you think about it the alternative which is you've done all the fundamental work you really think the stock is going to move let's say in this scenario up you've got a call option at the money that you're left with in your account and you've got two weeks three weeks till expiry and it's slightly out of the money but the value of the option is down say 25% from where you bought it right maybe a month before okay think of the alternative situation after you've done all that work you trade out of it and then the stock moons imagine that scenario okay imagine you're right and you didn't make money out of it in fact you lost money out of a situation where you were right okay that's that's the that's a cardinal sin in trading you lose money on a trade that you ended up being correct on that's terrible that's the worst thing that can happen to you in trading that's worse than just being wrong right so when we go think about when we go into a trade we are happy to make a bet where we say okay the long side of this trade we are happy to lose this amount in that month so we know it can become a write off in that particular month right and we're happy to accept that risk we're happy to accept the wrof risk that's our stop loss right we've got lots of other positions in the account that can be with winners and again you know Shan was pointing out about uh staggered expiries right we only have a certain amount of risk each month when we go into into an expiry so we know what the outcomes can be each month from the outset and we know how to manage those outcomes that's called managing the business so all of this stuff is like managing the business is the stuff that you learn on a mentoring program like the Thailand program because it really needs supervision it's advanced stuff right uh loader do you ever get a signed on the short trades sometimes uh but very very rare and if it and if and if it happens uh we trade out very quickly so you end up with the thing is you got you've got two sides of the trade right so you end up with a natural hedge anyway right and the strikes are not very far apart so you end up with a natural hedge on the other side of the option spread when you end up with a stop position so you don't lose money you just need to trade out of it and then restructure Detroit uh load of again you make it sound as if the short trades never lose money no we don't what are you talking about Sean just went through a whole spreadsheet where he showed you lots of his shorts losing money by the way the this is part of the magic of the uh positioning that we have right because if you have uh ratio spreads which if you'd have looked at sha spreadsheet you'll have seen its ratio spreads so you'll see that many of the ratios are like long two contracts short one long three contracts short two so we're always net long right in that situation the the calendar is shorter dated on the short right so if you're long two and short one and you're longer dated on the long versus the short so you got the shorter dated side on the short it's a calendar spread okay obviously the difference in the strikes matters and the prices that you the relative prices that you pay but if the stock moves in the direction where the long is in the money and the short is uh in the money as well you make money on the long and you lose money on the short but overall you make money okay so you know you're asking is it a bad thing if you lose money on your shorts no if we lose money on our shorts It's because we're making money overall that's that's what that's why we're agnostic right because if you set it up whereby you're long to let's say it's call options it's a $50 stock you're long the $50 strike now in December and you're short the $55 strike in November and the stock just goes to 70 and your long two and short one stock goes to 70 do you make money or lose money overall you make money do you make money on the long yes do you lose money on the short yes if the stock by November expiry is uh $54.99 or or $55 or lower right do you make money on the short yes are you making money on the long yes Mark to Market but you're booking the profit on the short and then you're running the long so until the November expiry you you are agnostic okay this is part of the magic of the process so you know when you say like it's kind of like a snide comment like you make it sound as if the short trades never lose money but that's not true right first of all we don't make it sound as if the short trades never lose money because literally in the spreadsheet Shan was showing you that lots of them lose money and secondly if the shorts do lose money it means we're making money overall which is obviously good right uh Jim do you ever trade ETF uh or index options never really trade index options uh but ETF options yes occasionally uh as Hedges mostly As hedges so Dale's asking about weekly time committed to trading for you Sean I think you I think you answered that already right how many hours a week um because it's my passion I do more than the 15 hours so I do quite a bit more so what 25 probably between the research probably around yeah 2530 uh and then of course uh there's also managing the positions uh it adds up but it's because I want to it's not uh the process doesn't necessarily require that much time so L has come back and said I understand thanks I was referring to the mentions of credits but indeed you can lose them or part of them yeah but this this is a thing we're agnostic right if we get them great if we don't then it means we're making money overall because it means the stocks moved in our favor right because we got ratio spreads on okay so it's like this is one of the things that you'll absolutely learn on a mentoring program is completely being relaxed about your trading because you're agnostic most of the time you do not have to worry about things anywhere near as much as for example retail traders who Yow trade you know buy one stock or one call option that's 25% out the money for a month out or two months out and it's half their life savings right it's like it's NE stuff like that never happens with us right because we we set things up with the probability ities are in our favor and then once you see it for real like Sean has seen it since the first week of May once you start seeing the money coming in and you see how everything works right how you trade into things how you trade out of things how you manage your account how you manage the business how you create booking so your Equity curve keeps going up right um when you see it it becomes so much more relaxing because you understand how it works and when you see how it works and really understand it you know you never need to worry about whether a Stock's going to go up or down in the next month because if it does or not you're just going to make money question so we can use the itpm process with any Market I don't know what you mean by any Market uh if you mean a bull market or a bare Market or a sideways Market absolutely yes if you mean different asset classes then yes we have different programs for different asset classes I don't even know what that means uh go I think your name is go Lee no idea what that means try to rephrase the question that's a great question okay James all this money lost by retail Traders where does it go does the money coming into financial markets retail represent a significant amount in relation to the overall size of the financial markets okay first question all the money lost by retail Traders where does it go where do you think it goes let's let's open this one to the room all the money that's lost by retail Traders where do you think it goes let's have some question let's have some uh answers let's have some answers in the Q&A there's some very very good answers here okay first first answer was Brokers next one in the broker's pocket next one in Sean's pocket in in an's pocket uh to itpm Traders correct to itpm students and mentors correct smart money who keep getting richer correct uh straight to the Institute correct uh professional Traders yep institutional smart money correct correct correct yes guys so all those millions of retail traders that lose money like look at Sea's performance where he's made 183 Grand in uh 20 weeks [Music] okay like that money has obviously come from losers in financial markets okay so or mostly from losers not all of it right there will be there will be winners on the other side as well they'll they'll they'll overall be up some of the guys will be up right but we know that the vast majority of retail Traders lose money it's a fact and the fact has never changed since the beginning of financial markets so obviously a decent percentage of that $183,000 has come from losing retail traders in the options Mark in in the US Equity options Market oh dear I mean this has got nothing to do with uh Sean now we're veering off subject but can you explain how Trading has become so trendy that's called low interest rates and how so many fake gurus are getting away with seemingly being really good Traders like the YouTube guys with Lambos and mansions again that's called low interest [Music] rates when interest rates were basically zero and uh the fed's printing trillions of dollars over coid everyone's a genius right and then when rates normalize and the market goes down all of uh all of those guys get found out and they're still in the process of getting found out it's continuing uh Alexandre how does live mentoring differ from online mentoring so I think you're talking about how does the Thailand program differ from remote from the remote program but if you think about the remote program it's 12 sessions over 12 weeks right and then the Thailand program is 12 sessions over 12 weeks but you're doing 10 days in Thailand first so the hours that you put in on a Thailand program is actually three times more and also generally speaking you're trading with more capital on the Thailand program so we can we can dive deeper into more advanced things when we're in person in the classroom the remote M mentoring program does a very very good job all the all the mentors do a very good job and the results are really good overall but the Thailand program just takes it to another level yeah so I think uh this question from Dale I can I can answer that one to an extent and maybe you want to give some color on that as well Sean uh what's the end goal for Sean I ask as he's retired uh so I guess the question also is like what what's the plan with your trading in the future so we had this conversation over the last few weeks about you know where things are going um and we think by the end of this year you're going to be trading a $1 million account right so going into 2024 with a $1 million account um and then that's kind of like the level where you now have to start moving towards full-time so basically if you're a retail Trader you manage to make a million dollars between a million and $2 million as you're growing from a million to two million you need to move full-time because it requires a full-time job to sustain uh that level of [Laughter] capital oh Hubert Anon have you ever been threatened by The Matrix for giving people ways to escape slavery oh you guys are so Brainwashed the Matrix is a fake narrative guys it's a fake narrative The Matrix never went after him okay it doesn't exist it was a lie so don't try to uh don't try to assign too much meaning to things that you see on social media especially from chronic full-time bullshitters entertainers let's call them entertainers let's be diplomatic I no I haven't been threatened by [Music] anybody I've had people try very underhand tactics multiple times to try to uh I don't know people get in their head like fantasies that they're going to eliminate Anon creel from the trading education industry and they pull some stupid moves and then they end up looking like morons that's happened a number of times but I'm still here still fighting for the retail Traders uh what what else we got here anything else you want to answer here SE yeah somebody asked right here uh for macroeconomic analysis how much time do you allocate a week I want to say roughly off the cuff five hours at least for for macro because you've got different news points coming in on a on a daily uh basis I not news points but different uh economic releases so I actually have whiteboards here throughout my home office where I track all of these things and try to create a picture out of that so it does involve some time so you know maybe uh 30 minutes here an hour there all of that accumulates to maybe about you know five hours in any given week just for the macro so Dale is asking again uh question here I'm intrigued as to what Anton said to you in the Beatdown beating it seem to really help you turn things around uh it's to do with overtrading so every week when we do the phone calls we're going through every live position with a plan okay and the plan in Celsius was to make an exit at certain prices and to scale out and then just be patient and then maybe next week we'll go back in or maybe even the week after right because we knew the Catalyst as well there was I think there was earnings coming up as well right um so then sha went off executed what we agreed but then did something that we didn't agree so he went he he went back into the trade almost immediately without a plan right and then we're sitting there the following weekend and I'm looking at the realized p&l and the realized trades and I'm like okay good he traded out of uh the Celsius positions he scaled out and then I look at the light positions and I'm like well what the is this we didn't even plan we didn't even plan to do it right and then he's explaining to me oh you know I just decided to do it and I'm like what okay take me through that decision exactly what you were thinking after you came out of position and how long it was until you went into the next position and what work you did on the trade and there was no real thought process behind it so then I just lost it I was just like you cannot do that like if you do that over and over again guaranteed you're going to lose money it's guaranteed because you're not thinking about what you're doing and you're not following the process you're you're deviating off the path of consistent profitability right and you're doing things that are Reckless so then as a teacher I knew from having mentored guys with that bad habit in the past and guys of a certain age and life experience and career that the only way to get this out of them was to beat down hot right so I think we spent about 20 minutes with the haird dryer on right more maybe more maybe more three sessions and I knew at the moment when he said Anton can you please just stop shouting at me I knew at that moment it's gonna stick he's never gonna forget it so then I just let my foot off G that was the moment I knew he'd never forget it okay and then the rest is history he just went on to make loads of money you know actually like uh there's obviously different ways of doing things there's the carrage and the stick right and like for example on a training desk at Goldman Zachs or at a hedge fund or whatever when you have like a young graduate coming on the desk if they did something like that you probably wouldn't be so harsh on them to begin with because you've got more time to uh Mentor them and also they don't have the life experience or the bad habits they probably just they're probably just confused in the chaos so you have to sit down and thoroughly explain it very slowly to them right that's a different scenario but uh in this scenario with a mentoring program week two week three of a program when he when Sean's already been in Thailand in the classroom for 10 days we've already spoken twice on the phone uh over two weeks he knows that he should not be doing that right yeah he did it anyway so you know restructuring a trade without thinking about it without having a plan without running it by me first um he knew he should he knew that he shouldn't have done that but he did it anyway on Instinct right because he's got bad because he had bad habits uh Luca when getting to a $1 million account does going fulltime mean working N9 to5 on research and managing your portfolio uh doesn't have to be regimented 9 to5 but yeah putting in seven eight nine hours a day that's a full-time job yeah so it's a uh depends how quick you are at your processes and how good you are um but yeah putting in a normal 8 hour day but not necessarily regimented to 9 to-5 you just do the work whenever you want because you don't have a boss that you're reporting to it's not like you have to clock in and clock out right you just work when you want Theo does itbm te today training you obviously haven't done any of our programs so so I suggest you get the introductory program where we show you why professional Traders don't day trade that's one thing that we show you out of many things um and yeah as part of that discount program the holiday season discount program we'll send you this on email uh in the next couple of days that introductory program is now only $130 so for $130 tiny minuscule investment in your uh future as a successful retail Trader um money well spent should absolutely do it so the Inu program is 10 videos a bunch of spreadsheets and it shows you statistically what you should be doing in financial markets in equity markets [Music] so in crypto the trend is to use Bots what's your opinion about automated trading is Shan manual trading yes it's called discretionary trading so we're using human discretion and our time Horizon is 20 to 60 days so there's so many variables in this time period that humans can do very very well if you know what you're doing over that time period if you're trading going back to the previous question about day trading if you're day trading against the bots in a very short time Horizon let's say minutes hours you're screwed there's no way you can beat the Bots uh Alexandre in the online programs you teach not to take an income from Trading but when going fulltime greater than a million dollars I assume you would pull some income yes small amount or do something on the side as well to make a little bit of money you know don't start doing stupid things like uh taking on liabilities that your trading account has to pay for right so you know taking on a car with car payments uh taking remortgaging your home taking the money out and then putting it in a trading account and then you have to pay your mortgage at higher interest rates every month with the profits from your trading account you know just make sure no liabilities are linked to your trading account and at the end of the day guys your salary is a liability right Luca trading way more there's a difference between Goldman Sachs pedigree and a retail Trader with a million we can get stuff done in an hour that it'll take you guys a week to get done no joke we can do many many things at once okay guys so I think uh we're probably running out of momentum here on these questions any last questions before uh Sean and I pull the curtain looks like uh looks like we're done here Sean okay well guys I hope this uh webinar was useful I think uh I'm going to watch this back because we do record these all these webinars I think I'm going to watch this back in the next one to two weeks and uh if it's worth putting on YouTube then of course we'll stick it out there for the world to see so watch this space but uh thanks for showing up today guys I hope it was useful thank you to Sean absolutely killing it making loads of money onwards and upwards to that $1 million account by 2024 and uh guys if you want to join itpm uh you'll get an email in the next 2448 hours with all the ways you can join online programs mentoring programs Discord servers we've got a great school and a great Community if you want to join just hit us up all right guys thank you very much take care see you bye bye
Channel: InstituteofTrading
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Id: v1Y9i2Bp_B0
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Length: 125min 56sec (7556 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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