MEET OUR NEW BIRD! Day One With a Rescue Parrot

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something very big is about to happen today and believe me you guys have been asking me about this for a while and I didn't make this happen it's crazy it just came to me and I don't even know if I can tell you what is happening is that don't even not explain it because I have to go have to go do it hello my sniffers and flight errs and newbies I'm so happy to have you guys here I'm really excited today is a very big day I'm very nervous about today I don't know how to tell you what we're doing but I want to tell you this first I wrote a disclaimer and I put it in the description box well I haven't done that yet but I did that because I don't want to have to say this right now and interrupt us programming this is going to be a very interesting amazing video you guys have been asking me about this forever and I just want to let you know that I did not make this happen this came to me hence the disclaimer in the bottom I don't know if I should just say what's happening just say what you need to say just say you know the song just say what you need to say okay I don't know I'm really nervous about this basically you guys were asking me what ever happened to Merlin do you guys remember Merlin when I went to visit parrots first with Heather and she was looking for a bird and then we just happened upon Merlin the African Grey well I didn't pursue getting Merlin for either me or Heather because it didn't seem to me like Heather was ready for a bird that was the first thing and two I need any more birds and honestly Merlin was in a good place parrots first is a fantastic place he was engaged not caged he was hanging out all the time my house wouldn't have been better than where he was except that we had a really good connection but that's why I have this disclaimer below and I encourage you guys to always read descriptions before making uneducated comments because just one thing that annoys made people not reading and gathering info and assuming things but what's important to me for you guys to understand right now is that one Merlin Thank You George that made it a lot easier for me we're getting Merlin and I will tell you more about why we're getting Merlin but I just wanted to let you know when I said that we didn't seek out getting Merlin it's exactly what I said but I don't know if I can say why we're getting Merlin but basically Rose contacted me and wanted me to have Merlin more on that later and I'm not gonna film when I go in there right now cuz I just don't know if it's appropriate but I will take my camera in if if she allows me to film that'll be fine if not I'm gonna document bringing Merlin home I'm just shocked I guess so this is what's happening okay yes [Music] [Music] has he ever been you with your big head alright you feelin okay it's gonna be shocking for me today you're gonna see other birdies we want to go he's sharing me where he wants to go about we back up I know you like backing up not too bad right no Merlin I clue you in here but that doesn't mean that it's gonna be like she was named banana so Merlin he's always telling rose like who likes them to get Rose like I think he wants the confirmation that she's gonna be okay oh he sees the cage being moved drink [Music] okay you're coming with your cage ads with us okay baby you're gonna come with me okay you're so cute no I don't know we're gonna find out he seems cute he's making little cute noises I think he likes me I'll find out so that's why it's important now for you to socialize within the law cuz we know he stepped up to me you know sad it always feels sad for the bird like I'm happy he's coming with us but like I don't know hard changes [Music] like every time like even when she gave us a Rakhi like I cried for her because it was like it's hard like yeah you know but she knows he's good I love it okay so sana serious note now it's rainy know what's going on California but we need it so it's good now we could go home Vic lunch for earthly in us you could tell she just loves the birds she's just so good with them what I wanted to tell you guys is now is a very important time for us to go home and give Merlyn space but also socialize with him but in a way that's comfortable for him let him get to know his surroundings walk around so let's just see what happens whistles and him see if he cares [Music] now stop he was dancing when I did last time before picking up he was dancing above his head I wonder what Cody's gonna think of all of us we're here American I fall in love you that the moment I've seen it that you on Assad I got a chance to play with him like just to talk to him how he felt lately he's got that cute face yeah I mean like he said that little cute face yeah I love a little tiny feathers videos on the sides you ready to get out Merlin come on let's go get you get him out of the cage okay wait so what's our plan of match we're gonna set up the cage somewhere for now the idea is maybe keep him away from his cage so that way he can actually I was thinking like I got a pet I gotta send merchandise maybe I could bring him up there to work with me yeah you ready to go come on let's go let's go Oh what did he say out oh oh okay guys I am 100% confident that Merlin's just gonna love me so I think it's really important that George be the first person to get Merlin l.o because I think that like I just want to tell you though as soon as he saw Mary she barked you like guitars seeing a surrounding he's looking at everything he's probably wondering where his cages go scary I know he's analyzing everything that's a lot of African really seems comfortable he doesn't well you know they're in a hyper sensitive time right now so it's like they'll let you do things that they might not normally let you do remember when we pulled out Nellie and Monty so what we should do right now is like step up for me step up to you step up for me step up to you so just that everyone sees how to socialize a burn when you first get them cuz things move fast in this house in terms of getting to know a bird hi darlin no no do you want to step up good bird gonna step up to me step up good bird but I am worried about another man good he likes me already so we know he likes me so that means that when you hold Merlin you have to hold Merlin for longer and and spend time away like away from you right like I should be like me and you don't tell anybody so I move fast around them like waving your hands and such you did good do you wanna do more let's do it again again again time for step up step up good good bird okay hey guys see I put my thumb up so he can't go up to my shoulder so that he's going to have to step up to Jordan just above do your other hands I'm gonna step up coming so later you're gonna have to be the one to take him out of his cage and such obviously he added a connection to women but I also believe when a bird sees you visit step up step up step up no good bird you gotta step up mama it's okay okay it's your first day this is all of african greys are so interesting you know like you know that just as much as you want to look at them they want to like yeah do you hear that that's Kody banging into fish Kody's nothing nobody would know what is the kitty cat say yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] do you like that you wanna eat some she said don't give him up the stash here doesn't like pistachio but he gets mad that he's offered a pistachio pistachios really you did so crazy but just as you is I never met a bird that didn't like pistachios and also it'd be very important for you to be the one to feed him so did you see he you want potty yep mommy knows everything body that was time for potty time facade that's the first indication of like what his potty reaction might be no more birds okay promise literally Merlin like I met me and like wanted to be mine and then the universe made it happen but the universe needs to understand oh so we're just spending time with Merlin hanging out generally always wanna keep them lower than you stay in front of them I'm sitting a little bit behind him but generally it want to make sure that he feels comfortable you're a fancy face oh you're gonna say something go ahead we listen you thirsty what was that you got a deep wound up Oh what you sound like a wizard his feet are actually pink yeah is that right all right he's got like reddish what's he saying I'm not sure but he's got a deep voice but people are gonna say that we're talking over him but he talks when we talk yeah flock talks you flock talking Oh ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba boo boo this is pressure wash what do you say this is feet they're like they're like pink what do you want to say they're not black they're pink see that it's special and he also has blue feathers on his head do you notice that blue yeah when Mike Cody like oh yeah under the feather you see it we should try to feed him something I guess I'm assemble is cage I do have to start my process of getting a deer gonna go to mommy step up good good look at your big head he's got a big head little pighead it's so cute it's got a big body - wanna sit on my shoulder no I can be sure the bird you just fluffed up like we should have tried to put him on your shoulder good bird Merlin come to me step up step down step up good bird thank you them on your shoulder step up yeah he's got my shoulder that's good so we know that so far what do you think he's always talking next to you we know that so far he can be on George's shoulder what he said he's I think he said you're that's George I'm Marlene okay what's up buddy are you doing are you doing named Marlene named Merlin named George okay Marlene time Marlene Merlin George George later on we're gonna pressure wash all the occasion just because we have to pressure wash this one so we'll do all of them look Shayne there byxis swing swing needs to come it lower is it worse [Music] is that your swing yeah yeah okay guys so this is what happened we went grocery shopping and got a lot of the things that she told us that Merlyn liked and she said he likes baby food mixed up with his vegetables so George went and bought this in organic baby food from Whole Foods Chuck mango yeah mangoes we couldn't get him off of the cage cuz he's caged territorial stand over and left it there and then mesh and my first weapon and he saw me which stinks he flew down to the floor coincidentally I put these at the bottom of the fridge and he walked over he down and walked over and showed us that he wanted one so we opened it and he started drinking it these are good you want more that's amazing though that means like she didn't show you she didn't buy those you don't even know she might have these yeah but what bird knows to drink out of these look he's a rat the boss like right here so it's a coincidence that I put him there because like I didn't find any other place and he walked over and showed us that he wanted it the first time I brought it out he flew down so he knows what these are but I didn't I just imagined old school baby feet so a little bit of an update what we've been doing is Merlin and somewhat quarantines in a way like he's not coming in contact with any of the other birds we're not sharing anything and we've designated a stand for Merlin but he's a little bit different than the Senegal's because the Senegal's I didn't know what she had I had never seen those birds before Merlin we had seen previously and quarantine us so that you know that in a month or so the bird is still healthy and it's already been like she won since we saw Merlin so he should be good there's just something to know about how we're gonna take some precautions but she's kind of like with Leo how I knew Leo was also fine and Lou specializes in quarantine so sheep here and they're kind of sharing the same space if you know what I mean [Music] meanwhile I was trying to keep him kind of like over here out of the way then Vinnie [Music] she's got pepper matter I could smell the pepper muffin they're jerks getting this you're done with it don't worry [Music] guys Merlin flew down and then climb say hi Ellie all right Ellie storage is dead Merlin just like walked over to him on his own accounts and climbed up to be next obviously has a buddy [Music] in some of the [Music] okay guys I got to go up and mail some shirts and stuff get your Vinny gang shirts so I'm gonna bring him with me so that I can focus on him and probably the dogs cuz the dogs are coming to where do you want to sit Merlin you want to just kind of sit on my shoulder let's do some mailing what you want to say something already Merlin is gonna sit right here on this chair by the way one thing that you guys should know one trick is like the more you include them in different spots if you guys notice his K just know we're in here obviously so you're including him in different spots but on different things you're turning different things into perches he doesn't actually have a stand up here he's forced to sit on this chair and that's actually very helpful because it gets him acclimated to just doing different things and being everywhere with you so he's just gonna sit here while I package your shirts basically I just ate dinner and he sat here the whole time and then as soon as the food came out he said want some he was very inclusive yeah did you include yourself and everything Merlin has been very inclusive today rocky would say about us as usual thank you ladies bread but two months break right yeah oh you want it so cute come on let's go anyway so that's day one with Merlin the main thing I want you guys to know is how inclusive we are with the birds kind of like right away it's his moment to know how things here are gonna be different you know not necessarily better I'm sure he had a great time over there it's just that like he needs to know that he's gonna be included right away Wally's hypersensitive while he's a little shocked while he's open to things but I'm sure he's had a very long day and I bet he's very tired right now so I'm gonna put them all to bed I love you guys so much don't forget to check out my links in the description box always read the description box hashtag reading and dreaming for my smart sniffers and for you flight errs I love you guys so much that's those of you who are on my patreon helping me to fight for parrot rights one day but in the meantime we tackle small steps I love you guys so much don't forget to check out the Benny gang hoodie bye yes [Music]
Views: 145,110
Rating: 4.9454937 out of 5
Keywords: meet our new bird, day one with a rescue parrot, day one, rescue parrot, first day with a bird, parrot day one, bringing home a new bird, new bird, day 1, parrot, macaw, african grey, bird, new parrot, adopted parrot, marlene mc'cohen, my parrot, parrot channel, pet vlogger, parrot training info, tame my bird, parrot care, how to, parrot training, african grey parrot, marlene mccohen, how to get a bird to like me, talking parrot, how to tame a parrot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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