Meet Olive. She'll make you actually like rats.

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olive is one of my favorite rats i just feel so lucky that i found her close it i'm esther and this is a story about olive or geo beats fan spin spin i've had rats for seven and a half years get back around good job olive knows the most tricks out of any of my current rats she is just so sharp it's amazing [Music] good job [Music] olive i got her from a lady who it's a bit of an interesting story she got rats for her program where she basically goes around with her rats and she does presentations where she introduces people to them and shows them as a more positive concept [Music] she ended up with a few babies that you know she wasn't going to be able to keep so i ended up asking her if i could take any of the babies off her hands good job so that was olive and her sister donut and later on i would also bring in their sister pickle [Music] they were super tiny but so confident and sweet olive in particular is just super calm with people in general oh it has to find her name she has been training pretty much every single day since i got her which is not super unusual with my rats but i say she picks up tricks faster than the majority of rats i've had good girl [Music] good girl she knows how to walk on a barrel knows how to play basketball with another rat it's pretty exciting finding they could pretty much the same behaviors like dogs she is very very happy to engage with you if i talk to her she wants to greet you no matter what she's doing she likes to crawl and sit on your shoulder she likes to sleep in your lap she actually likes having her photo taken which is very funny we have a little setup for that whenever i take her there she gets very excited just running around and doing all her favorite tricks because she knows what's going to come good job you can do it bring it in bring it in olive is uh she's my little baby i am so close to olive rats unfortunately live pretty short lives olive is currently over a year and a half i love everything about her [Music] you
Channel: GeoBeats Animals
Views: 2,447,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9lYPntgZwTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 2sec (182 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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