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I thanks for buying my DVD politics as little extra and I thought you could meet a friend of mine I talked about you in the show karl Pilkington and I thought it would be nice for you to get to know me a little bit better so please me karl Pilkington all right all right well good yeah look at its little Randy Baldy monkey head you didn't know her right Karl lot of subjects we touch on in there understand I've been in politics in general things like race disability sexuality law and order crime and punishment and I want to go through those with you and then find out your views on those subjects and they're by the general public getting to know you better so let's go for shall we I'll go start off with that race a big political issue race what do you think about race just just all the same out in the good only some of his age better than others yeah wood wreath Oh Chinese well what do we it's just there's better that's not the age worsens what's that based on just what you see the shed that are you doing over there no but you never see a sort of a 35 year old one would you either say 35 grubber right we're in London yeah yeah to Chinatown so I walk through that a lot right and just always look old yeah but they might be out no they're not the kid waits not wait you can't fake that can we see some that are about had about 30 right and I'm not going to go but normally when they're about 20 you could look in right now all right yes you always thought you forget it did you stay overnight it's like a power what do you notice Chinese people age with that some of the oldest people I think the oldest man in the world is Chinese 120 so he says he's under than 20 probably what for Sonia but I'm not allowed to say I'm gonna go I like him keep them size themselves and that they're all right but all right guys that's done that's really that's that we've covered race we talk about disability in the show what you views on the disabled what this is what sort of disabilities or what so other well as soon as you mentioned disabilities I'm thinking elephant month rather than just in a wheelchair okay because they looked after they get ramps and that don't mean they're all right well level it they love they love those ramps don't they well they can't be enough of those ramps isn't our libraries like nobody's business this is different I mean you know Robins are freaks and not now again I'm not you know it seems like I'm just just something to go all the time either they fascinate me look what do you mean was a freak to you then some of that you look at and you go you know you do a double-take Steve merchant well just just just I draw right okay look what though when was it when you South Side shows and they take them out like the pinheads and all that nothing's changed that does it you know how many people still want to see to edit kid or whatever yeah who likes to see you do it that's what you eat isn't it you like to see a two-headed kid there's no such thing no that is not a two-headed kid is it true you carry this book round with you this is a book right of the 50 top of weirdest things in the world it's a rundown right it's a run guys a little chart all right what number 50 dot I can get this so every fella that's that number 50 so what's not number one it's not to a grocer's to it it's not two heads can you see that what yeah what do you mean it's not to it well it's not it's not I mean it's it's weird I'll give you is I mean that's not that's not a normal look I will give you that I don't think he can be sorted out with the salon but it's not strictly to AIDS is it but uh if you like it that's a good answer I thought that's at line number 15 that was loads of loads of stuff into anniversary of your favorite freaks living watch it it's gonna look while some of my favorites yeah normal normal rad yeah looks normal we're just nice little add nice littler cotton that nice top right yeah yeah got three legs three legged fella it's quite happy with it the annoying thing is right three likes it nice doubles the three-legged juggler what's the point like there's been the point of it well it was his careers advisor who's got three legs in it so any football or whatever show God so you got like no he's at number 23 these loads are up diseases I mean you were talking about like disability isn't that sometimes it's not disability sometimes just people have got weird stuff is why all right again just normal family family photo going on yeah everyone's sort of stood around still around the piano with a little mate you've got that not aging disease it's not it's not funny that we're looking around piano singing happy birthday for the 8th time up day just your list of what fascinates me is not having to go it's just just odd scoff a line of stuff so is that classes disabilities without a thought so that's what I think of them what other films sort of three Tyler see I don't think they even like being called freaks I think if you're born next to make and the and the Midwife so it's wild on this new mrs. Chalmers you've given birth to a 9-pound freak I think I mean the Freak isn't a term that I think they use well are the leg break it's on I mean do they do sort of just slip it until they glow right we've got one leg out there's the other to slip it in that way how did it hurt right Elephant Man yeah you know he's that's what my favorite film you know why is it your favorite film they're just so he's brilliant oh it's it's sad it just makes you think oh you know quiet big eyed um you must wear over then you're thankful you've got a normal shaped head so you say that we found perfectly spherical what shape should hurts but we're not perfectly square of is it there's not most people don't look like the tennis ball so where were we elephant mom yeah yeah it's such a favorite folks yeah you know that wasn't his real name those name is John Merrick but the doctors they use the elephant month as a name so they knew what his problem was before it turned otherwise you're wasting time looking at filing systems when they say John medics going in at 3:00 and the doctors like oh what's his problem wasting time the Gotham I was gonna go riot get some more bonding a fact sekai what I think the fur game there's been issues each live alone absolutely I mean ah I had one working for me one have you had one yeah good go further yeah the other name yeah again it's like our doctor said elephant mumsy I'd sort of says go for the rim to go yet germy it's just quicker problem with him was right it sees ghosts if I got to whatever you know each their own or not that what what's or gates that I don't what they do could be soft on me but but this this slide each size come in way because it stayed out like that's what the old a there is tired that's what you do so ok you know the gays are all right okay so Riley did how important do you think education is I don't got that much oh well I on I mean 84 vegetation I just mean that you can learn things you can you know too much so apparently I mean you're worried about stuff what sort of thing wasn't it just stuff like if you watch your news it's not going to it's a war on a nap don't watch it try no worries do not mean you got Einstein yeah in you loads look aside of it which mean that this baby in it you need looks a bit of a Matheny right whereas I don't know look at caveman 11 you know worries felt Leo if you're looking good hair I mean the not bold you're not stressed out you've got a lot of hair do you think that's from all this knowledge that shooting out in your head probably I've got you know probably I could do well oh you know some of the knowledge have gotten that I think we need some evidence so I think we want to know some of the knowledge you've got no but I remember talking to you about the nature of infinity once and that there's a lovely model that shows the nature of in where they say an infinite amount of chimps live in amount of type wires will then type the complete works of Shakespeare and you couldn't grasp that you couldn't what happen what happen I think you know it wouldn't happen but you selling it would to annoy me no because it's it works by definition because if the nature of infinity equals a mother if it infinite means if they did everything at random just random random random forever forever and ever and ever eventually they type everything they didn't it wouldn't they check what do you mean it wouldn't always be mistakes there were mistakes there do the complete works of Shakespeare an infinite amount of times you mean that actually from start to finish or chapter they might get a chapter done you go right well Don it's all about the narrow one yeah there's no there's no feedback to it it's just that everything being done they will eventually do everything every time though that they get it wrong lo infinite amount of times they get every letter wrong an infinite amount of time so monkey doesn't matter whether it's an infant about the monkeys obviously they'll know what the first one does it doesn't matter they've chosen monkeys not because they're thinking about it to take full out of it they want it to be random you've won they run over when this show's over within a shift the monkey the monkeys dum dum I what above chief Patna on another ship an infant infinity you work from now forever well monkey what difference it make if it's one monkey for never an hour time or an infant about monkeys because you can believe it if it was if it was one monkey doing it he's going to get back there any as time goes on it's nothing to do with their consciousness it's nothing to do with them thinking about it what do you mean he'd get better it got better if he's doing on his own if it's just the wrong monkey you knows what he's done it's nothing to do with knowing what you've done it's just a random process to show the nature infinite with no errors only it'll happen seriously people I think you're winding me up on that one it won't happen and hasn't happened because we haven't had an infinite amount of other words only there isn't been one publication come on kid that's what I'm saying you're out longer but you haven't got I think you know I think you know it's doesn't happen I think the old people see their old issues what do you mean well think about you know but isn't it showing that if it were that ugly just get a little state pension no or like themselves like other people will they do just just Potter out on mr. Potter no need much money man did you get older or they spend on do morons you're fading out lly have ornaments in a few years time no in Basel and that's now so as older people yeah just as you get other things are changing all the time it's like Elsa to you about all people that there are twixes you don't need to mix what the dry bones so that generation you're going things change what you being probably we don't like tricks you never see another one over the swift you know you never see you want to eat one well how did you know did you see them going it's not about having were there's a whatever you never see them sat there talking into it's wigs I've never thought about it well that's good unseen want to think about it you say well you self air or eating one you go ask me waiter yeah start with capital punishment do you believe in the death penalty no a certain what well how do you never say if you say I did it well people confess before I've been lying I'd like to get attention or something why would you why would you lie I mean what we protected seven else the love of a parent for their child is committed a terrible crime might sell out of it as those reasons how can you kill someone help you make that definitive ending when you can never know because that person will do it again because then they know what say if either the murder yeah you said also the run-through Yeah right you go get on yeah I can't do a murder again because I'll go so it wasn't that there's been no there's no to these people if you're mental if you're a serial killer you don't stop because you think you might get caught so what you're asking me I was asked to you do you believe in the death penalty no well what what doing it aside I don't know our answers is what you think wherever the discussion so the sub if they've done it enough yeah do a min yeah did you pull the rope did you release the guillotine why don't I get involved in it well if you believe in actually surely if you believe in it you should be able to stand by it or what which one is it which one / God do what born on a person does it matter well no it's different or you would make someone but you so what are you doing on someone you kicked all the way what do you do well Rob Lee's I don't know it's probably more sophisticated now it used to be a trapdoor didn't it so you just go up up Sonny use a gig that's a job that's someone's job okay then okay we're not getting women if you have to be killed right would you rather be hung the head it burn at the stake or lethal injection probably we injection definitely it's a you know you just go to sleep Wi-Fi Talia everything else to the sand but with a lethal injection as he injection it just slips has been booked your aunt's were laugh smoke one of the solid others all stayed with it maybe difference if you could die anyway so if you just lay down that right it is injections okay just guys you doing that what why is he doing this run off why not four-way if he is killing you if you're worthless to society why doesn't you out we might as well put your finger up your ass what's the object was to you the mainly difference to you is that you're going to die a minute under I know is going to do this get away in monarch so what is it then please injecting the thing that they are hanging I'm not happy with the finger of the Arts you're not but you're not surely you're not happy being put to death I just say what's what why are you putting words on why are you getting that finger etiquette meows who's maybe doesn't it doesn't why is if it lives on well I'm not up here but it's nothing to do with you Ronald you either believe injection without the thing let me ask that's not your choice then you've done out hopeful crime I'm not a finger they are only Miller rather be harm than lethal injection this is just probably the thing where grant I don't want that okay and I'ma be right off you know about the are you still alive for about 30 seconds I see you like your cough wouldn't falter this is again you know you believe the monkeys talking away well it's Nev reactions in your not alive as such well the gun to walk years ago whenever the did the last sort of head chopped off thing how long ago was up and then a few years ago and then he said to him right you're going to die own up came to terms with it yeah a little bit of fun right let the ants you know going to a white line on the pavement bollocks how could they tell him that that's what they were going to do so he was meant to what remember this and walk for what long without a [ __ ] head well this is what the does well no he painted a white line y-yeah he said so we might want to cut your head off yeah there's the lie another look now alright so you know it is Carl think what you're saying how is he gonna remember it without a head now you remember you remember where the memory where's the memory in his legs where do you think you store memory in your [ __ ] arms yeah but if you do quicken off if it's like go and you know he's working anymore if no no it's box it goes I did 35 steps bollocks isn't it also because how good remember what his head was told a few seconds ago is heads now in a basket the boy doesn't go doesn't it what was I meant to do I know I hope we're walking on all the little it was a test I don't know it wouldn't happen you're talking [ __ ] again believe in absolute Paula cause you with the monkeys and the jokes but that's what annoys me it's not about monkeys is it it's about random so you have lethal injection lethal injection you think that is best well thanks very much karl Pilkington
Channel: PilkyPilkington
Views: 3,792,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ricky, Gervais, Karl, Pilkington, XFM, podcast, The, Office, Extras
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2006
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