MEET a NEW GENERATION of EQs! (with Eventide)

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hello boys and girls today i want to talk about equalizers one of the most important weapons in the studio and the reason i want to do this is because i think two days ago a new equalizer was born and that's not just any equalizer it is actually a pretty mind-blowing product a very innovative product that might change the way we eq in the future it adds a new dimension to eq and you guys know i love innovative products there's nothing more boring than another ssl api or neve equalizer especially if the interface you know imitates the analog originals i hate that so this eq is the opposite of that it introduces like i said a completely new feature that i haven't seen anywhere before that it enables you to eq the transient and the tonal information of your signal separately if that sounds too technical for you let me explain it like this so for example you can eq the attack of your snare separately from the sustain of your snare that sounds better right or you can eq the percussive part of your guitar sound separately from the tonal part from the sustain and let's talk about the mother about the mother of all vocal eq problems and that is that we all want to add highs when i add treble to those vocals and make them airy and shiny but that also makes them sibilant so now think about this if you can just eq the tonal information of your vocals and lift the higher frequencies just there and not in the transient information with this stuff is that might be a game changer right doesn't that sound fantastic all right let's dive into this because eventide the legendary eventide have just released split eq let's have a look at it eventide split eq here it is first of all you can make it as big as you want that is really cool i like that so so it looks like a typical modern equalizer right it has the fab filter look but i'm happy about that because you know i was one of the first guys something like 15 years ago to start to start using equalizers that look like this because if you can just grab a band with your mouse that is the most intuitive and the fastest way to eq in the box back then i started to i still have that one yeah i started with this one app eq you remember that one that was ah maybe 2003 or something when i used that eq maybe later and eventually i started using fabfilter of course so this looks like a typical modern equalizer it has all the functions you need and you can use it that's an important information you can use it like any traditional equalizer you just grab a band move it around i think if you press shift here you can control the bandwidth here you can set it to different filter types low shelf peak notch high shelf tilt shelve and band pass and here you can switch the slope which is a feature that hardly anyone uses except for me and i think if you press alternate then you reset the filter um you can also listen like solo listen to the single bands and additionally there are two filters high and low pass filter at the left and at the right so pretty basic stuff right but over here it gets special you know here you can see in green it says transient and in blue it says tonal and each band can be split if needed into those two sections that means if i boost here can you see those two handles in blue and green i can control those two separately okay so they stay synced as you see but you know i can reset this one even and just control in this case the tonal information pretty smart so let's try that on a snare i just loaded my infamous kohler cold concrete crack snare you remember that snare drum sample that i recorded over there when we built our second control room [Music] uh you can get that sample by the way if you subscribe to my email list but i will tell you about that a little later that's already a good sounding sample we all know that but let's just see what we can do with the eq let me loop the sample the first thing you have to do and i'm already sure i will forget it a few times in this video is you have to choose the right algorithm so the eq plugin so split eq knows what you are equal knows how to separate the transients from the tonal information so right here it's on full mix by the way to be very honest i've used it on full mix quite a few times and it always sounded great so i don't know how important that is but let's just choose snare first thing i want to do i want to show you two different ways of boosting the punch the fundamental punch and we can see our fundamental frequency down here so let's just grab a band make it a little more narrow and now you can decide whether you want to make the attack only the attack of your snare drum fatter or if you want to make the sustain let's call it warmer let's try both let's start with the attack nice and now the opposite thing let's make the sustain a little warmer isn't that fantastic isn't that cool to be able to treat that separately now i don't like the sustain thing so i will set that back i just want the attack to be boosted boom all right you can do the same thing to any ringing frequency that snare might have we don't have any real annoying ringing frequencies in this sample but i want to show you how it works anyway so let's just see if there's something annoying in the mids [Music] so what about this so if i want to get rid of this i will just grab in this case just grab the tonal side of the equalizer so the blue one and bring it down fantastic that just means that the ring is gone and we all know that snares usually have a lot of ringing problems so the ringing is gone but it doesn't affect the attack so the attack of my snare stays broadband so to say really cool okay let's talk about the high end of that snare drum so let's just add a shelving filter and that sounds a little annoying well the main attack of a snare usually sits a lot lower maybe around 2 or 3k something there and also boosting using a high shelf on a snare drum is usually not a good idea because you will end up with a lot of cymbal bleed on your recording but with this eq it makes sense again because by boosting only the transients you will get a lot less cymbal bleed but i want to show you something else here's a little trick how to use a high shell filter on a snare i think you can only do that with this eq what you can do is if you just boost the tonal side you can boost the snare wires in a very very nice sounding way that sounds a lot better than most bottom snare mics let's have a listen that's almost 60b amazing we're not changing the attack we're not adding anything annoying up there but now let's add some real attack which as i've just told you lies a lot deeper let's let's find it and we're just using the trends inside this time maybe i can use the listen feature this time this is band number four so let's go here does that work nice ah and there's a snap or this one nice awesome let's have a quick listen to before and after this is how it sounds now more punch less ringing we hear those beautiful snare wires suddenly and we have more attack and i want to show you one more thing you see this this honky frequency here that i removed where i just removed the tonal part if i remove the transients here as well you will see that the that the attack the punch of our snare gets compromised like hear that sounds a little hollow now [Music] but like this the attack is not changed and just when the ringing comes in it gets reduced really cool it's like an eq version of a transient designer which is pretty amazing i like new stuff i like new stuff if it solves my problems in the studio you know that's that's what counts so next thing would be let's see let's take a tom um this is an unprocessed tom that i just recorded last week a tom sample just one hit let's loop it and i think you can if you here you can reset everything let's have a listen to the tom here we go and this is very interesting you can see that the transient information and the tonal information look very different here you can see the sustain of the tom in blue and you can see the attack of the tom in green and that's actually different frequencies you can see like the top tom doom going down so let's start with boosting the sustain of the tom and i just want to boost the tonal information so that makes the tom sound longer and fuller but we're not putting a lot of energy into the tom we're just putting that base information into the sustain and not into the initial attack where there's the most energy so that's quite smart and i can see that the initial attack the punch of the attack sits a little higher so let's try to boost that with the transient side like this and something else i do very often is i try to reduce the upper base region like the octaves of the fundamental node or other resonances coming from the shell or coming from the drum head somewhere here and i'm just going to use a traditional hue band for this there's some kind of plastic frequency in the attack can you hear that [Music] let's try to remove that and it's gone without affecting the ring out of the tom awesome let's add some attack so we just need green now let's have a listen before and after by the way i forgot to say that these two sliders here these two main sliders they kind of work like a transient designer so you can just reduce or boost the sustain and the same with the attack let's just have a listen to how that sounds more attack less attack longer tom [Music] shorter tom pretty extreme settings all right let's move on let's talk about vocals finally let's talk about vocals and let's try to boost the highs on vocals without boosting this what we got here is rob vitaka from the alligator wine and we will let him sing this beautiful phrase hey my friend and the lord of the flies [Music] and together we fall apart all right so now we're gonna oh i have already reset split eq it's gonna be vocal here we go and i want to boost the highest traditionally first so with a normal shelving eq something like this a little less steep maybe something like this 6 db so a lot and let's see maybe 4k hey my friend i'm the lord of the flies hey my friend i'm the lord of the flies and you can hear the f of the word friend already sounds way too sharp so this is unfortunately too much but let's do this now we will remove the transient part of this eq band and just leave the tonal part hey my friend and the lord of the flies [Music] and together we fall apart hey my friend i'm the lord of the isn't this amazing and you can even do this you take another band and you have a look at where the sibilant frequency is so you see it's around here whenever he sings friend you can see it here and here you take down a little bit more narrow you take down the transient side the green side fall apart hey my friend and the lord of the flies [Music] and together we fall apart let's make a little comparison i'm gonna bypass this eq and i'm gonna imitate the same thing with fabfilter pro q hey my friend i'm the lord of the flies hey my friend and the lord of the flies hey my friend and the lord of the flies that is so much better let me just boost even more we can turn on the second band again that will help us and let me just boost even more hey my friend i'm the lord of the flies hey my friend and the lord of the flies hey my friend and the lord of the flies this 90b of boost and it still sounds musical the lord of the flies my friend i'm the lord of the flies hey my friend i'm the lord of the flies let's try this with fat filter hey my friend and the lord of the flies yeah it's not a fair competition it's a it's a different technique right so this is something brand new something really smart and based on i think a good algorithm if you choose the right one but it actually also works if you choose another one but just like i expected this is very very powerful for a lot of things for a lot of things [Music] bypassed [Music] so i just received this plugin today i started fiddling around with it today so i'm sorry for not knowing everything about it and i'm sorry for making mistakes with the algorithms and stuff you know but i can already tell you two things about this plugin first of all it's a great sounding eq and you can tell that especially when you do those bigger moves like i did without destroying your audio tracks so this eq sounds great also in the high end it sounds good that's the first thing and of course the second thing is it has that additional functionality that you can split the signal into tonal and transient information and that is something unique i don't know any other eq that can do that and yes i've been doing similar things to what i've been showing you with dynamic eqs and that works but let me tell you it's a lot more difficult to set up and it always depends on the dynamics so if the drummer is playing hard and then playing soft you need to change the settings so it's a lot easier to use a plug-in like this and you know what i like tools that make my life more easy very simple i don't care what they look like but they need to be functional and they need to make my life more easy they need to solve problems so if i can stop working sooner and start drinking beer earlier i'm happy as simple as that it reminds me a little bit of soothe you know that plug-in suit that removes nasty resonances from audio material yeah i've been doing the same thing with other plugins before but it was a lot more work and took me a lot longer so this seems to be the same thing on top of that since i've just started fiddling around with the plugin today i'm sure there are a lot of things i haven't even thought about that you can do with this plugin but so far i know that it works on bass guitar on acoustic guitars on clean guitars and especially on drums and vocals pretty much everywhere where you can make a difference between transients and tonal information the only category of tracks where it doesn't really work is heavy metal chugachuga high gain guitars because they are you know there is no transient and there is no tonal information it's just noise you know it's filtered pink noise so it doesn't really work on high gain guitars but for the rest hey even tide have done a great job let me say that and thanks for sending me the plugin what i want to know from you guys is how do you like those spontaneous videos you know usually i take a lot more time to prepare my videos but today i thought hey why not just dive right into it and make a spontaneous video make some mistakes if you want to see more like that let me know in the comments please okay so what you want to do is you want to subscribe to this channel and ring the damn bell okay so you don't miss any of my further videos and additionally you may want to subscribe to my email list because you know you got a lot of free stuff i said that so many times now you get a lot of free stuff samples irs and you can meet i think 2 500 other cool people on my discord channel if you sign up to my email list where we talk about metal audio studio guitars and beer it's wonderful there just you know there's a link below to my email list and i want you to subscribe i'm not used to having two cameras but it's so cool it's so cool i think that's all for today this is a great new tool i want you to check out thanks event for sending me uh the plugin i will have a lot of fun with it and i think it will make my studio work a little more easy in the future so i can be even more lazy that's all for today leave a comment uh i love you all i see you in hell bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Kohlekeller Studio
Views: 2,815
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: eventide, kristian kohle, kohlekeller, eq, equalizer, api, neve, ssl, recoding studio, fabfilter, pro-q, metal studio, guitar tone
Id: xK-jcUtCb9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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