Meditation to Manifest a Call from Someone

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hi it's Anne yes fever le and today's YouTube is a meditation requested by Emma Van Eps she asked for meditation to manifest a call from someone and a catch up so I want you to close your eyes oh let everything go everything you need to do anyway you have to go let it all go let it all go let it all go and I want you to just get into your comfortable position close your eyes and bring your awareness to this meditation this is your time your time to focus on you your desires and use this time to imagine and put yourself in the feeling place of what it is that you want so we're going to start with the breaths to relax and surrender the mind body and emotions so breathe in for for and breathe out for for and breathe in for for and breathe out for for and breathe in for for and breathe out for for and breathe in four four and breathe out four four and breathe in four four and breathe out four four and breathe in four four hold for four and breathe out for four now I want you to imagine you are sitting on the lounge watching something that you love you've got your favorite cuppa coffee tea juice in hand relaxing unwinding after a lovely day favorite program on and you hear your phone ring and you pick up the phone and answer it and you hear that wonderful voice that makes your heart sing that makes you happy to hear from this person and you feel that thrill go through your body and you feel the excitement of knowing that you created this through allowing you didn't rush out and try and make it happen you didn't try and ring them too much and push them away you sat and allowed the fruit to ripen on the tree you didn't pick it you allowed you did you love meditations you did your I am loved I'm wanted I am secure affirmations and you created this very very moment now you hear the person say hello and you say hello and you're smiling from ear-to-ear oh what a joy this moment is now I'm going to give you a minute or two to hear exactly what the person says to you about getting together in the next week you hear the time you hear the day you hear the place ah and you feel such joy because you love going to this place and you love seeing this person so I'm going to give you some time in the silence to add those details in now you you and breathe in for fall and breathe out for for feeling the joy the excitement the knowing that you created this through your understanding of projecting of imagining of feeling it's already here of feeling your living in the end of this and today is the day you get the call and today's the day that you make the arrangements so as you hang up the phone know that you are a powerful creator say to yourself I did this I did this I created the distance and the absence and now that I understand how to focus and recreate something better I have now created a wonderful catch up with my wonderful specific person and I know that if I can create that I can create a wonderful meeting on the day as well and breathe in for for take it in and breathe out for for and breathe in for fall and breathe out for for and last one with a hole to breathe in for fall and breathe out for fall and say to yourself I am secure in my ability to create I am secure in my ability to create and I am loved I am wanted I am worthy I am deserving I am secure I am free now let that scene fade back and you can come back to it anytime you like to recreate the feelings of living in the end as neville goddard says you must live in the new state for the old state to vanish so to get this meeting with this person you live from the end result so I'm going to count you out of the meditation one two three four five six seven eight nine ten mmm so lots of love to you and remember in a way I'm going to explain this a little bit here there's all possibilities okay there's the possibility of you seeing your person there's the possibility of your not seeing your person there's the possibility of you seeing your person and it goes really well there's also the possibility of you seeing you person it goes really badly okay so all of these run one next to each other as you live in the end of the specific one that you want it's like selecting a book off a bookcase and you read that book so focus is what creates end results okay and then it's the projection of it then becomes alive in you you are then in a solution you're no longer in the absence of the person and therefore that outcome that you've been focusing on the solution of them rather than missing them and wishing that you'd get together you are then living in the end result of it having happened so that selection of that book off that bookcase then becomes what you experience so really creation already exists it's a selection all the other possibilities exist all at the same time they don't cease to exist because you pick this one okay they all exist all at the same time it is a focus attention based selection okay so we call it conscious creation but creation is already in existence every possibility and you select yeah okay lots of love we'll talk about that selection thing in another video
Channel: Agnes Vivarelli
Views: 255,384
Rating: 4.900219 out of 5
Keywords: Agnes vivarelli, Call from a Specific Person, manifest a phone call, how to get someone to call you, manifest a phone call meditation, how to manifest a phone call, phone call meditation, wanting specific person to call, love coach for women, love coach for men, specific person coaching, how can i attract a specific person course, how can i attract more love, how to get a text message from someone,, ex back ideas, meditation to manifest a call from someone
Id: rB7n4Xj6FwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2017
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