Meditation For Your Big Ego

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okay so I'm getting more votes for ego so this is what I want you guys to do okay okay so we'll start with ego but it'll help with it so everything helps everything so it's not okay there now things are evenly divided buddy so this is what I do you guys have a candle anyone have a candle okay I know candles are becoming extinct so I want you guys to take your I mean this is gonna be weird so I use the middle finger but I'm not trying to flip you guys off it's just let's do this okay so normally I curl in my thumb but then maybe I'll get banned from my Jesus if we use more than one thing and I want you to take your middle finger and put it I'm trying to think about maybe like a centimeter like a tiny tiny amount away from the area between your eyebrows and then I don't know how else to say this but do you guys feel something like don't touch it but just leave it like very close right and then so so it's kind of weird like it's [ __ ] weird so just close your eyes and just focus on that sensation you try to keep your hands study just focus on patient you now with your eyes closed I want you to relax your hand put your hand down sit up straight and just focus put all of your concentration on the spot on the forehead where you felt something or the spot kind of between your eyebrows you right adjust if you're having trouble concentrating on the spot just feel that spot you you can concentrate on the spot you can feel the spot and then this is gonna sound kind of weird too if you're having trouble or not having trouble try to move towards it like try to imagine that your attention is like a ray of light and that it's like moving towards that spot or even out of that spot you when you're ready go ahead and come back slowly exhale prize how do you feel Yeah right so your your ability to detect color Changez go calm now I'm gonna ask you guys I almost feel like we should do perfect that's good so I feel like we should do like a group discord voice thing because when I teach meditation I like to ask people about their experiences and I just don't like that's okay so I like to ask people about what they felt so I'm gonna ask you guys like what did you feel over the course of that did you feel any sensations how would you describe what you felt finger how did how did it feel when you closed your eyes right so like now see this is cool right because let just look at twitch at like something is happening someone felt tickling someone felt like it shined a light on their skull someone felt like an eye ripple like a wave like it's [ __ ] weird but this is what I love about meditation is that when you do a good meditation technique like a proper meditation technique you start to feel really cool stuff and and so what I love about it is like when you so people think that like meditation is just like Oh calm your mind like observe your thoughts like no man like that's not what meditation is about meditation is about experiencing like wonderful and amazing things it's about like feeling sensations like like you know if you have like an out-of-body experience with meditation in like someone said like it felt like charging like I was charging up a laser beam that's like that's [ __ ] cool like that's why I meditate like I got into meditation not to attain inner peace like what I loved about it when I went to India's people were teaching me stuff that gave me like cool experiences because I like laser beams I liked playing video games with laser beams and I like the experience of charging up a laser beam like that's just cool and so if you guys are doing this stuff like that's awesome I'm glad you guys felt this stuff because over time as you start to practice more and more this is just the first time you guys have been meditating you learn this you learn this technique like 60 you did it for 60 seconds and this is what you felt you felt yourself charging up a laser beam after 60 seconds of meditation now you go you walk down the street and you ask a dozen people that you meet hey have you ever felt like you're charging up your inner laser beam like people aren't going to know what the [ __ ] you're talking about but how cool is that that that's actually your experience like it's insane this is what meditation is about it's cultivating inner experience right and the like people are also talking a little bit about you know so one person says bad boy killer gaming says during all this time I couldn't stop giggling lurk nervously and then like it also said like all I could feel was my anxiety fighting to keep itself alive like absolutely so the first thing is that if sensations come out in meditation like let them come out that's how it heals you so you guys have like you know we were talking about anger being depression depression is anger turned against the self anxiety and panic is like his bipolar tendencies of like energy and movement being suppressed so when stuff gets suppressed like it comes out in a maladaptive way and so the other cool thing about meditation is that when we start to meditate like some of this weird stuff that's buried starts to come up and the cool thing is sometimes what's buried is actually positivity if you felt like giggling and nervous like that's cool like you should be giggling like giggling is so people talk about meditation cultivates bliss the first step of bliss is giggling giggling is something that people don't do enough on like if we think about children who are like innocent and pure and happy in the simplest way they giggle very easily and you think about people like ourselves like gamers who are you know gamers may laugh they'll laugh at the dankest of memes right you'll laugh at maulding but giggling is different like there's no schadenfreude and giggling like you when you know schadenfreude is like you know maulding is about schadenfreude there's like something vicious about that it's like laughing at someone else's expense it's making fun of them it's a really like you know nice and baked and burnt burnt like dank mean like that's you know that's a gamer humor and that can be funny but giggling is something simple in its pure so if you start to experience that during meditation let it come out and then the other thing is I mean so bad boy killer gaming says all I could feel was my anxiety fighting to keep itself alive absolutely so what we wanted we want to teach you something where the negative causes of your suffering are struggling to stay alive whereas most of the time your anxiety isn't fighting to keep itself alive you're fighting the anxiety to keep yourself alive so in 60 seconds if we could create a situation where your anxiety is struggling to stay alive and you're charging up your [ __ ] laser beams like I'll take it that's why you guys should meditate forget about all this like neuroscience stuff it's not about Neurosci like sure we talked about neuroscience we talked about physiology we talked about cortisol we talk about building creativity and focus and empathy and all that stuff is important but that's not the real reason we meditate the real reason we meditate is because of all of this it's for the experience and in the effects of it down the road or great but it's really about the experience yes Oh artificial intelligence says I think I'm ready to come on entrepreneur burnout you can fix this we can talk about it but remember I can't I can't fix anything right because I'm not allowed to dispense medical advice over the inter I'm happy to talk to you about it so go ahead and sign up yeah so one thing I would be careful about so digital dude one asks so that was the ego meditation as the anxiety one a different technique yes the anxiety ones a different technique you because okay we can do that one let's do that one too I've taught this one I think on screen before so the first thing you guys need to do is sit up straight we're gonna do an anxiety meditation that I'm gonna talk to you guys for a little while is to set up straight so it's important that your back be straight and one day I need to teach you guys how to set so we'll do that one day and you we're gonna do an anxiety tech yeah you can lie on the floor uh it's going to be hard to lie on the floor for this one so donut my desk is anxiety good is meditation good for anxiety so meditation is good for all kinds of things like there's studies that show that anxiety is helpful for insomnia it's helpful for anxiety it's helpful for depression but what I think Western science doesn't understand is like they don't understand the specificity of techniques so like if you go to India and you learn so I studied for several years and I learned like lots of different kinds of meditation from different people in different traditions and my experience has been that meditation like different kinds of meditations are good for different things and yes that first one so the third eye' meditation is is for ego
Channel: HealthyGamerGG
Views: 143,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meditation for ego, meditation, 10 minute meditaiton, what is ego, ego explained, meditation for ego death, guided meditation, guided meditation spirituality, 10 minute meditation guided, 10 minute meditation guided focus, relaxation, meditation relaxation
Id: -lOTZRpOvxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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