medir y corta pipas ,ductos, en drywall,consejos.!!

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Here we are going to cut out the pipes/ductwork and we're going to teach how to get the measurements and how to cut them we're going to measure it a little tight because it's finished there 46 3/8 we're going to measure this we're to give it 3/8 more 46- 3/8 32- 2 or 32- 1/4 Here I can measure inside we have 4- 1/2 here we measure this edge we have 27- 1/2 and we measure this side we have 13- 3/8 and this side is going to us this measurement Here we are going to get the center point of this pipe that would be 18- 3/8 and the center of this one that's 21- 1/2 and like this both of them will have the same measurements and we will give them both 32- 1 We're going to check that this one is somewhat straight and we're going to see if it's tilt because the ductwork is in the way, we have 50- 5 and 50- 1/2 okay and we can base on this one to get that other measurement Here We have to leave one inch gap opening We have the center 2- 1/2 okay lets mark here that's the center of the pipe It gives us exact 4 ft. in the middle right we know the center of the pipe okay the center of this side we can get it from here It's safer to get it from the side okay because we can add the width of the pipe for example this one this pipe has 4- 1/2 so then we're going to add 2- 1/4 from here from this side we have 34- 1/4 from this side plus 2- 1/4 would be 36- 1/2 The center is going to have 36- 1/2 here we noted down the measurements just how we were measuring them, we were writing them to remember the steps of how you got the measurements and where We're going to measure the sheet Here we have 46- 3/8 and we gave it 3/8 more that's the second measurement Okay We have 30- 2 from there, the third measurement and I score it Nothing more that's the sheet, we go with the third measurement we said it was 4- 1/2 to here the first 27- 1/2 and 13- 7 that one I will mark here Like that because we still don't know the center So that's much easy to measure the center we're going to measure it to here we have 14- 1/2 width and we're going to get the half that's 7- 1/4 there is the center Then from here we're going to give it 7- 1/4, the same that's the center now let's move it to the center this is the center of the pipe the pipe or duct work this one ready this two small ones have 18- 3/8 and 21- 1/4 let's mark them like this because we still don't know the next center measurement we said it had 32- 1/8 that's the center of both this pipes are normally 2- 1/4 but let's give it 2- 1/2 let's begin with the next cut it has 4 ft. or 48 inches and here it has 36- 1/2 let's cut the sheet so we can cut the sheet I score it right there now lets rasp the edge let's stand it up so I can get the measurements better let's trace with the compass this is a compass I'm going to use it like this in the center I'm going to measure it to here I'm going to bring it to here were the measurement is okay I'm going to tight it there, it has to be in the middle of both okay so with a little bit of pressure that's it, that's the first one we said it was 2- 1/2, we tight it there in the center so this one we said was 48 in. that's the center 48 in. and we said the pipe was 5- 1/2 we have to leave 1 inch gap open let's complete it like this lets save this this was a question Gustavo Perez asked me this is the type of roto zip we use we removed the guide because it's not necessary it's better to be looking at the tip where you're cutting this is the type of tip it has a guide in the front this is called a guide because it doesn't cut now let's use it to cut the sheet like this like I said let's always watch the tip when we're cutting now let's measure the studs normally they have 2 ft. that means its right here ok it's right there 2 ft. back ama trace it so I can be able to see it so I can know were to cut it and to figure out my best cut so it doesn't break for example this pipe needs to slide in I need to cut in the middle let's cut it there this is the middle let's cut it there let's cut this one in the middle to so my cut goes like this this piece goes first than this one score your line first so you can have a better cut with your roto zip it needs to slide in from here to there okay this piece it's done from there to here now this one lets slide it from here to there now let's measure this piece I'm going to measure only this edge to here it has 7- 3/8 to this edge that's the only one I need this is our sheet lets measure 7- 3/8 so we can complete the rest let's use this piece let's put it here trace it let's score it now let's cut it in the middle it doesn't matter how we cut this one I hope these tips were helpful
Views: 230,254
Rating: 4.860929 out of 5
Keywords: cortar pipas drywall, drywall, tabla de yeso, placas de eso, panel de yeso, como medir y cortar pipas enrywall, colgar drywall
Id: 4Sc_QSu2UuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2018
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