Medieval Taverns

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This video is sponsored by WIX go to To create a website now Medieval Tavern - Europe In medieval times taverns were a place to socialise much like today's pubs. Most houses we often small and cramped so the taverns offered a place were friends and neighbours could meet, socialise, relax, amuse and exchange ideas. As well as taverns, there were small ale houses were they served home brewed ale and beer There were more ale houses in towns and villages than taverns and inns Inns were the largest larger type of drinking house that usually located close to the city gates. They provided large inns alongside food and drink for weary travellers such as merchants. Inns were also a good place to do trading and provide stables for horses Churches were the other place for communities to gather and were the opposite in terms of morality Taverns, ale houses and inns were places of drinking, gambling, violence and criminal activity which the church criticised them for. From the XIV century signs were hung outside with pictures that depicted motifs drawn from heraldry or something that could be easily remembered during a time of mass illiteracy. Before this ale houses had an ale stick or ale pole above te door to show that they had a brew ready and was open for business Terrains had a pole with leaves called the bush for this purpose. It is speculated that this bush or pole might have been used to stir the beer in the fermenting draught. Alcohol was of course one of the biggest parts of the tavern. Beers, ales and wines were on offer which would have been cheap as taxing it were and well received These would have be served by the barmaid in a pitcher or mug made of leather or wood. Wine was unique to the taverns as it was more expensive and attracted the rich patrons that visited. It was consumed on a daily basis in France and imported in England were it could be produced well which made it more expensive there. Brewers were mostly women. In particular at the start of the medieval period. Often the brewery would be in the same building but if it wasn't, it was supplied by a brewer who the tavern keeper was indebted to as he was likely not as well off. Food was sometimes also offered, which was usually low quality It might be bread or salted fish or bacon and roast meat. The meat could be served in pottage, type of cooking stew or as a pie The meal was served form a plate onto trenchers made of stale bread or wood. Food was eaten with your bare hands and if you brought them with you, your personal knife and spoon. Forks were rare at this time and a novelty. The atmosphere would be noisy and dark
Channel: Simple History
Views: 1,644,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simple history, animated history, educational, education, Medieval tavern, inn, alehouse, drinking house, middle ages, meet, socialise, relax, amuse, pub, pub signs, brew, beer, tavern keeper, village, town, brewer, society, lifestyle, trestles, pottage, food, feast, trenchers, what was medieval life like, peasant, townsfolk, fantasy
Id: zpUyJx2RurE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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