Medieval Farm | The Sims 4 Speed Build | #MedievalHenfordCountyCollab

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hey everyone i hope you're doing all right so you might be thinking oh another medieval build wonder what's brought that on well if i got a big fat adhd sorry for you uh i'll talk about that in a sec but let me just plug my twitch right quick so tonight i'm going to be streaming sims 4 on twitch and thought i'd mention it just seeing as i'm doing a sims 4 speed build my feed want to see some gameplay uh we're going to be continuing with our university let's play and tomorrow i'm going to be streaming twice so i'm going to be doing the sims 2 and then i'm going to be playing dead by daylight with my pal nice so it'll be my first stream that i'm going to have another person with so that'll be fun and i've played with a lot of times so i've been on his stream before so that'll be it's not new really but yeah never actually played dvd where other people can see me so if you're into that come by even if you're not it's still fun time so come check it out if you want um if you want to give us a follow on twitch you can do if you want to keep up with like notifications or you can just like look on my instagram story i normally announce it like the day that i'm going live but yeah now that's out where um today's build them so obviously i built a medieval tavern for the medieval um henford county collab um and i did that what did i post it last week i posted it um i can't keep track of time but it was my job to actually put all the builds down and export the save file seeing as i'm one of the only people in the club that's got all the packs so that's what i was doing yesterday and basically what i needed to do was place all the builds on the like proper lots and stuff and as i was putting them down and i'm right in the description like who made it for the save file and stuff and i'm double checking everything and because i didn't have a list of everybody's gallery id i had to go off instagram name so i'd have to set look up their instagram name double check their gallery id then find them like that uh a little bit disorganized but it you know we i got it sorted and i'm placing all the lots and there's 12 lots in hempfrom bagley right so i've placed 11. i'm thinking who's built on this lot and i'm looking at the collab and there's only 11 names and i can see who's done a second build so i'm looking back through you'll probably tell where it's going but i'm looking through like all the messages we had an instagram like group chat at one point and then we moved to a discard and i'm walking through everything like every channel every like single message and i scroll back and i see uh so-and-so has said that they can't take part they're really busy or something to come up whatever so they're gonna have to drop out and there i am don't worry about it i'll do it i'll just feel like a little house or something and it's just completely slipped my mind completely forgot about it so then yesterday obviously i'm putting the same file together thinking it's all done and i didn't have like a build for today i was just gonna do like a tiny house i'm kind in the mood to do a cottage um but i realized i hadn't done the second build even though i said i would i and it's weird because nobody said out like everybody's posted their um posts on my instagram and stuff and anybody that's done a speed build or a stop-motion or whatever has posted it to the youtube channel and whatever else everybody's posted it except i've only posted one and it's like no one said oh so i feel really bad like i don't want it to come across like i just were like careless about it but yeah because i didn't write it down or it wouldn't write down anywhere that i were doing that just completely slipped my mind and yeah here we are decided to do a medieval farm um i kind of wanted to do a farm for ages and because the lot was already decided for me i thought why not just do i made a medieval farm so looked up um a few reference pictures and like ideas and stuff and then i was looking at the lot and to be fair the lot does sort of break the suspension disbelief there's some cars to one side that are like obviously like world items so you can't get rid of them you could if you've got the tall mod but um well i think you can but either way obviously they're there but i guess you could pretend that they were for the purpose of the same file you could pretend that they were fake or maybe the world is like a a set or something you know a bit like um what's that soap that's like they built a set that's just a village but it's not really a village uh like coronation street or something either way not important decided to do a farm and i've already done like the farm like house bit and that's just kind of like the main living area for the people that live here i also made a family for this air file you'll see them in the screenshots and basically they're a family of four uh sure i'll talk about them in a minute but yeah i wanted to do this pond with this little well not a well wheel thing well i don't know what it's called the water wheel thing um just because i thought it was like like a cool thing and it actually moves in game and i've never used it before and then with the farmhouse the downstairs bit is like a storage area um it's kind of just full of like decoration stuff at minute and i did end up putting a chest table in there and what else did i put in there woodworking table i think um just to fill it up a bit but i just kind of wanted that as like the storage area maybe they'd put like animal food there and then we've also got another like barn type build which is where i've got the farm hand or the young guy that's like working on the farm like helping the family out so it's like a family of four um two parents and they've got two daughters a child sim and a teen stem there's potential for drama of the year the child seems evil the teenagers romantic and what else is she i can't remember i think maybe she's hot-headed or trying to think what she is no she's outgoing she's outgoing um and then the farmhand guy is just like not related to them but he is a teen sim i think i mean i'm pretty sure i'm reading my teen so there's potential there for some drama or some something to happen and yeah i thought he could live in this little it's kind of like a bit for to store like hair and food and stuff um but eventually i put a bedroom upstairs and then we've got a little outhouse that i just put the wooden toilet in because i thought why not we're going to go with a pee bush but i thought you know what on a like farm maybe they would have a little room to like go toilet in a little hole in the ground inside a cupboard or something um we have got a little outhouse thing and then yeah went with the pond and just put like i said i put that water wheel in and we're gonna put like a fishing thing in you could probably could if you wanted to but i didn't i didn't bother because i just i don't know i just can't be bothered to be honest with you i thought they've got they've got cows they've got chickens they've got like bee boxes that i put down as well and they've got crops like i think add in the fishing bit they can only get out of river to fish i mean and i think it makes sense that they can go fishing at the river rather than like a pond because then the fish would all die out if you fished from a pond all the time wouldn't they so yeah and then we're just doing a bit of tramping kept is quite basic i kind of wanted it to look like the stone paths are to kind of wore away over time um and then we've got a little bit for the cow or you could have a llama there as well the lot um if you don't want to get the same file and you just want to download this bill from the gallery the lot should have chickens and cows on it i'm pretty sure when you download stuff from gallery it comes with the animals i might be wrong but um they said file either way we'll have the family living here and they've got obviously the farmhand guy i can't remember what i called him um but they're called the finch family uh obviously he has a different last name but the household is called the finch family and yeah then just doing the interior of the house now so the upstairs bit is like the main living bit and they've got like the parents bedroom which i just did it quite basic i didn't want to like go too overboard on the interior just because to be fair running out of time and i wanted to make it like with the tavern as close to being historically accurate as you can obviously we don't have like medieval items or stuff like that we've just got to make do with what we've got um also did them a little bathroom as well it's just a bath and obviously they've got the toilet outside and if they want to wash their hands they'll have to use like the kitchen sink um but yeah i think i do quite like how it turned out i especially like the exterior i think the interior could do with a bit more um if i'm honest like i feel like it's not my best in term like i do prefer the interior of the tavern but i think it fits like this sort of style like it's not got too many furniture items or too many decorative items i imagine that you know working on like a farm so if you're not gonna have a ton of money for loads of decorative items and stuff and i guess back then maybe they wouldn't have bothered i don't know i'm not like a history buffalo i don't know a ton about stuff like this i've asked my partner who does know a fair bit but most of it's just come from like a very tiny amount of research where i basically put did they have sinks inside houses and the general answer is no they would have had like even with like a wooden bathtub they would have just filled it up with water from a well and nine times out of time they probably wouldn't have bothered because it took so long and it's just easy to just rinse his head off with a bucket um he's basically what i found but yeah got the kids bedroom i put them the rug in here from is it from strangerville and then i put some toys down as well for him i didn't give him like a proper toy box because i thought it would make more sense that like they won't have a full chest of ties so they've got two horses each and a lump of clear because there aren't really any like toys that like fit the theme um obviously one of them is a teen sim so i doubt they'll be playing with uh like toys that much but you know they've got the option there if they want to and the lot is also off the grid so your sims shouldn't use the phones i don't know about everybody else there's a lot i don't know or build should i say i don't know if everybody else has done it as sort of i don't want to seem like i'm being like snobby but i don't want i don't know if anybody else has done it as like or if everybody has done it where it's like meant to be historically accurate as possible or like that um but it's just for fudge i mean it's not like a serious it's it's actually medieval strict all that sort of thing it's just like a fun little collab that we've done so yeah i really hope that you've enjoyed um the builds and stuff if you want to see more builds from the other creators go and check out the hashtag um what is it now medieval henford county collab i'll write it on screen so if i got it wrong follow the one that's in the description and on screen um but yeah they'll be post on instagram about it and if you want to download the save file it should be ready by today as i'm recording it right now obviously because i'm putting it together i know that it's not ready um i had a couple of light problems placing a lot built by somebody who'd put mannequins in the build and we didn't realize that putting dressed mannequins in a build um makes your game crash sir or it can do at least we were trying to look it up and figure it out and every time i placed it um yeah it crashed the game so we're looking it up on like the forums and stuff and apparently it's quite a common issue with dressed mannequins so yeah just be mindful if you have a mecca build and you put mannequins in it probably just leave them without on um in this air file i've replaced the items that were missing um so the mannequins were dressed so it's the i can't remember what the lot's called but it's the one across the road from the tavern that i've built which is where the pub usually is uh in finchwick uh village but yeah and then we're just going back outside just add a bit more detail and finish the farm off i tend to do this a lot of our builds like i'll do a lot on the exterior and then i'll get kind of like fed up and then move on to interior and then i'll do more exterior then go back and forth i'm trying to get into the habit of like doing it like i can't explain it like do the exterior openly and then move into interior but sometimes i don't know i just like to mix it up a bit and move backwards and forwards and not backwards and forwards back and forth between interior exterior um just because i can get a bit like i can like run out our ideas when i'm doing exterior and then i'll move on to interior for like a change of person i've got ideas for it and then while i'm doing the interior i might think of more stuff you know i mean it like gives my brain a little bit of a break um but yeah i've really enjoyed being part of this collab and there's so many really good builds that are part of it as well and yeah i really hope that you enjoy it as well i'll put the i'll update the description on both of the videos if you've not seen the tavern one you might want to watch it after this you might not it's up to you no pressure watch what you want but um if you do watch it i'll put the link in the description on both videos and it'll also be on the community tab as well so keep an eye on that hopefully this weekend um if not by today because there's not much i really need to do now i just need to test that it actually works and like after i've exported it and stuff because i'd hate to export it like wash my hands of it be like wait don't see uh announce it everywhere and then it's like well it doesn't work when we put the save file into our game so yeah and if you do want to download the save file and you don't know how to do that there's plenty of videos and tutorials both in video form and written form on how to install or download a save file just make sure the one tip that i have for you make sure that you the the save file will be numbered like i'll put a high number on it double check your own saves and make sure that you don't have say if you've got like save 75 and our saved file for the medieval collab is 75 just make sure that you rename the save file i'm going to put it as a high number just to be safe but um if you don't like double check that it's not got the same number as another save it'll like write over the one that you have so yeah just be mindful of that and yeah if you watch a tutorial or if you read one it'll mention that in it as well so uh it's it's pretty difficult to like mess it up so don't worry about it if you've never done it before i've never done it before and i already know how to do it just from like watching a video so yeah don't worry about it too much but yeah i really hope that you enjoyed this video i've got a bit left before we get on to screenshots um so yeah a bit of a like stress getting to this point like realizing the day before well days after like we posted the we announced it on like the 12th i think of january and then we post it on the 15th so i'm a bit late with my second build um but you know this is this is what happens when you are um neurologically different to other people obviously anybody can forget like stuff like this can forget commitments and stuff this is what i mean like how are excited about the collab we're excited to see everybody's thing like build but just because i care about something i don't mean to say that i'm gonna remember it and just because i don't remember it don't mean i don't care about it so yeah i hope that it don't come across like i'm just like oh well like you know just being a bit careless and stuff when i found out i was absolutely gutted and then i was stressed because i'm like what we're gonna build and i was looking at the lot and thinking i've put in the message that i'm just gonna do a cottage but i kind of just gonna look really silly like a little cottage he's gonna look really silly on this lot so i'm glad i were able to put together something that like makes sense for the size of the lot but also i think would be quite fun to play in um i've obviously played a little bit with the family and like got the skills up and stuff so yeah i think they're a fun uh potentially interesting family obviously right now they're just they're just a bunch of sims but there's some potential there with like the traits and the history and skills and whatever else so yeah like i said i really hope that you enjoyed this build this video this collab and if you do want to download it like i said i'll update that when it's ready uh as i'm recording right now it's not but it should be by today i have a million things to do i've actually got an appointment in about 15 minutes so i'm gonna wrap up the voice over here and leave with just like a little bit left of the video and then there's some screenshots where you can see the family and yeah i hope that you enjoyed it and if you did enjoy the video please leave a like on it it really helps me out uh you can download this build now it'll be on the gallery now my gallery id is hutch players and if you want to check out the live stream on twitch the link to that is in the description as well um but yeah thank you so much for watching i hope that you have a good weekend or a good evening day whatever it is and i'll see you later bye [Music] you
Channel: HutchPlays
Views: 7,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, the sims 4, sims 4, sims 4 no cc, sims 4 build, sims 4 farm, sims 4 medieval, sims 4 medieval farm, sims 4 family home, sims 4 family house, sims 4 cottage, sims 4 family cottage, sims 4 medieval cottage, sims 4 family farm, sims 4 speedbuild, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 save file, sims 4 collab, sims 4 collaboration, sims 4 medieval save file, sims 4 henford on bagley, sims 4 cottage living, sims 4 farm no cc
Id: IvX08Sl7EbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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