Medieval Engineering | How Trebuchets Work

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1:01 is the best part obviously

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/NussknackerNick 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AgeOfEmpiresZone 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
The trebuchet is one of the largest and most destructive siege weapons to come out of the middle ages. These massive war machines were commonly used to break down enemy fortifications by launching heavy payloads, typically rocks and boulders weighing as much as 180 kg, or 400 lbs. Projectiles could also include flammable material intended to cause fires, and things like sewage and animal carcasses would sometimes be thrown over castle walls in an attempt to spread disease. Range and accuracy were far superior to other weaponry at the time as well, with some trebuchets being able to exceed a throwing distance of 400 m, or about a quarter mile, depending on the weight of the object. Although they have not been used for warfare in more than 500 years, trebuchets have still remained quite popular throughout much of modern history, and they are often constructed today for educational purposes and recreation; Whether it’s for an engineering challenge, yeeting pumpkins in a fruit-throwing competition, or taking out a castle with one hit in Age of Empires. These impressive machines have some serious power despite their simple design, however the underlying physics is actually fairly complicated, and we are going to find out why by taking a closer look at how the mechanism works. A typical trebuchet consists of a sturdy base and a large frame, and this supports a long beam that is mounted on an axle. Construction is primarily done with heavy timber, however the components may also be reinforced with leather, rope, and metal, among other materials. The beam is positioned off-center so that one side is approximately 4 to 6 times longer than the other, and a counterweight is suspended from the shorter end, usually with a hinged connection so it can swing freely. This is basically just a large wooden box filled with a heavy substance like sand, rocks, or lead, and it can weigh as much as 20 metric tonnes depending on the size of the payload being thrown. The short end of the beam is often thicker or reinforced in order to carry the load from the counterweight, which also has the advantage of lowering its moment of inertia by moving the center of mass towards the pivot point. At the opposite end, the projectile is carried by a sling that is attached to the trebuchet with 2 ropes; One that is securely fixed to the beam, and another that slides freely over a finger so the payload can be released. This finger can be any kind of projection, such as a peg or a hook, and its angle can be adjusted in order to set the release point. To launch the projectile, a trebuchet employs the law of conservation of energy by storing potential energy in the counterweight and then converting it to kinetic energy. The counterweight is first lifted to a certain height using a winch or treadwheel that is connected to the throwing end of the beam, where its potential energy can be calculated by multiplying its mass by acceleration due to gravity and its height above the bottom of the swing. Since the beam acts as a lever and the lifting force is applied at the longer end, the force that is required to lift the counterweight is actually a lot less than the counterweight itself. If the throwing end is 4 times longer than the short end, then the lifting force only needs to be ¼ of the counterweight, however the displacement also needs to be 4 times greater. Once the beam is in the correct orientation, it is tied down to a release mechanism and detached from the winch, and the sling is positioned on a guide chute along the base of the trebuchet where the projectile is loaded. When the beam is released, the falling counterweight causes rotational acceleration because the applied torque is significantly greater than the resistance from the payload, and the projectile is launched into the air as the free end of the sling slides off the peg. The torque from the counterweight is not constant through the entire motion, however, because the distance between the line of action and the pivot point changes, and the acceleration of the beam will reach a maximum when it is perfectly horizontal. The speed of the projectile will also be many times faster than the speed of the counterweight since the sling follows a much wider arc, which again comes back to the ratio between the long and short end of the beam. If the ratio is still 4:1 like before, then the tip of the long end will travel 4 times faster than the tip of the short end, however centripetal acceleration also causes the sling to pivot around the end of the beam at an even faster rate, which increases the radius and further amplifies the linear velocity. This double pendulum action is the thing that gives trebuchets their awesome power and range, but it also makes their behaviour difficult to analyze and predict. If all of the potential energy in the counterweight were converted to kinetic energy in the projectile, then we could simply apply the law of conservation of energy to compute the theoretical velocity and throwing distance, but in reality, these machines are not 100% efficient. There will always be some amount of energy remaining in the system after the payload is released because the beam and counterweight will still be in motion, and so the maximum energy that can be transferred to the projectile is therefore between 70% and 80% before accounting for losses due to friction and air resistance. If we want to study the physics and model the behaviour accurately, then it becomes necessary to break the trebuchet down into its primary components so that the equations of motion can be derived for each part individually. This is done by drawing free-body diagrams and summing the forces and torques in each direction, which can be a little tedious because of the complex geometry, but the end result is a system of differential equations that describes the movement of the components in relation to one another. Now, unfortunately these equations cannot be solved analytically to obtain a closed-form solution, however the system can still be solved iteratively by using a numerical integration method. This type of problem needs to be divided into a number of small time-increments and solved sequentially, as opposed to finding a single governing equation, which means that the entire motion must be simulated from start to finish in order to obtain a full a solution. Something that makes the problem slightly more complicated is the fact that the constraints are not constant, and so the analysis also needs to be broken up into three different stages. When the beam and counterweight are first released, the sling is initially in contact with the guide chute and it is only able to travel in one direction parallel to the surface, but at the moment the sling is lifted away from the chute, its movement becomes unconstrained and the equations of motion change. The equations change again just a few moments later when the sling is released from the beam, at which point energy is removed from the system, and the projectile continues off on its own following a simple parabolic trajectory. Because the constraints on the projectile are slightly different at each stage, a separate analysis needs to be conducted for each part of the sequence, where the end point of the previous stage is taken as the initial condition for the next. Once this has been completed and the differential equations are solved, the final result is a complete simulation of the trebuchet, which can be used to track the path of the projectile during the throw, along with its velocity and acceleration at every point. It is particularly useful to find the speed and direction at the release point since this determines where the projectile will strike, and it can also be used as a design tool to help optimize a trebuchet by finding a set of parameters that will maximize the throwing distance. For example, it can be shown that the range will be greatest when the sling and the throwing end of the beam are approximately equal in length, when the long end of the beam is roughly 4 times greater than the short end, and when the beam is initially set at a 45-degree angle. The counterweight should also be about 100 times heavier than the payload in order to get as close to a free-fall as possible, and the projectile should be released from the sling at 45-degrees from horizontal, which happens to be the optimal angle for a standard projectile motion problem. Together, these parameters will produce a design that is very close to optimal, and although they have been derived using modern physics principles, it’s interesting to see that many trebuchets from the middle ages were actually constructed with similar proportions. The trebuchet was invented more than 500 years before Isaac Newton was around to establish the basic laws of motion, and I think this says a great deal about the ingenuity of the medieval engineers who built these incredible machines. Castle defenses were simply no match for one of the most powerful siege weapons of all time, so it’s a good thing they are no longer a threat today, however it is still important to defend your virtual castle by using a service like NordVPN. Using a VPN helps to keep you protected by routing your internet connection through an encrypted tunnel, which allows you to browse websites anonymously without being tracked by your ISP or other third parties. 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Channel: Art of Engineering
Views: 152,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trebuchet, catapult, medieval, weapon, engineering, mechanical, how, works, history, design, technology, physics, science, middle ages, castle, defense, construction, projectile, siege, engine, simulation, military
Id: jTBDc19eW2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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