'Mean Girls' Cast on Recreating Iconic Lines | Around the Table | Entertainment Weekly

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there's a photo of me watching it for likely the first time really really and I have on a cowboy hat and I'm in like a groutfit and I have on like sunglasses and I'm like posted up and in the back it's Lindsay Lohan and it's it's mean girls playing and I I was four can't really recall but I was a [Music] babe welcome to entertainment weeklys around the table with me girls I can't really remember the first time that I saw the original 04 because it feels like such a pillar you know like it's it's just been in my life for my whole life really just like happened at some point it there's not been a life without it really so I don't remember like the first initial viewing it's just been kind of important and it's kind of been there always well cuz that's a good point like I we should all like figure out also what year we were born cuz I was four when that came out so I think it was just when my mom was like all right like I think she'll get most of the jokes now you know but oh I was there's a photo of me watching it for likely the first time really really and I have on a cowboy hat and I'm in like a gr outfit and um pause there's a what what's a oh apologies a gray outfit naturally and I have on like sunglasses and I'm like post it up and in the back it's Lindsay Lohan and it's it's mean girls playing and I I was four in the photo so it was I guess like I don't know can't really recall but I was a babe my family oh sorry no I was just going to say that's so special like the motifs of Mean Girls in your life just it's over and over again unhinged and I like used that photo so much cuz I look so ridiculous and then like we like cropped the photo out and blew it out and we were like oh my God it's very cute that's crazy yeah my family had we we only had a couple of DVDs that were movies for me and my sister and we had a portable DVD player that was like this big and my parents would like put me and my sister in the corner of the room and put a DVD on and like when they're at work and Mean Girls was one of them it was it was Mean Girls Sound of Music and High School Musical 2 with the three that we watched on repeat course okay okay R so I just remember like similarly I don't remember the first time I watched it because it was playing on repeat on that tiny little DVD which still works that's crazy 20 years later sick yeah yeah I don't remember world preing girls I don't know if there was a world that Chris has never I don't have yeah we're slowly realizing I don't know what we're doing here um but no I I I don't even believe that there was a time PR it's just sort of been like the context for comedy for so long I think I W I actually know that I watched it for the first time with my dad because he and I are very big on like watching chickflix together breaking down toxic masculinity barriers at home oh my God one step at a time so we watched Mean Girls and we were like this is so good we have to show it to my mom who didn't end up watching it but I hope she'll watch it this time but she still not seen the original she has because I was like well now I'm like in the musical version like you kind of have to watch it like girl tap in actually I was like please yeah so I think she has I'm I'm hoping she has but you know that's cute well for me I think it was because of my sister because my sister they got it for her and turned out it was really for me um but like I think the thing that stuck with me was I was always like before I knew I was gay I was always the guy that was with all the girls in the family so it was like oh there's a character who only hangs with the girls now I didn't see myself playing him but I did did see like there is one boy all these Fabulous Girls and he's just as fabulous and then also fast forward to the talent show where he's singing his heart out and a shoe is thrown at him and he throws it back and I don't know why that always like I loved it so much I'm like you thought you were gonna get that last laugh huh you got that sneaker to the face so I just I don't know I I don't know my first time I watched it but I think the first time it registered conne justed element about high school but you know like no I mean yeah time time passes time passes you guys [ __ ] what was that Lord is the queen bee Regina George don't look her in the ey you could be really hot if you change like everything I'm a in the sum and welcome to Health and Human Sexuality we will be getting in abstinence of course Then followed by in the spring condoms and choking you're learning things now that I don't know how to teach are you okay in there what cancern you either doing drugs or having a toilet baby ew the question is how did this iteration of the movie version of the musical come about I mean it sort of came from us really wanting it to happen you know we we went back to Paramount we're like we want to do a fil version of this again and Paramount was like really and we were like hear me out we kind of had to win them over about it a little bit because the Broadway show is amazing um but it it's very different from the film this film is much more um intimate and uh the music is kind of intimate in a different way just because it's a different form you know like from the original movie I I remember trying to turn the original movie into the Broadway play I was like oh you can't have voiceover like in the original movie you're in her in in Katie's head through voiceover and you get a certain kind of set of jokes that way and then you're like oh now those those interior thoughts are sung and now this is kind of a hybrid where we're like oh we're hearing you we're singing you but we can also still get in your eyes and have close-ups and have things that play visually so it was fun to try to use all the different kinds of tools to make this movie that's such a good technical breakdown was it a long journey to like find the like visual approach to this one cuz it's so like I mean we took time on well you know that's where the directors who we haven't really talked about aror Perez and Samantha Jane who are the directing team that directed the movie they were the first people that I met with when we were looking for directors who really came in and they were the ones who were so aware that like they were sort of saying like everyone's seen the original how can we surprise people how can we have people be like oh wow that's not what I expected yeah and so their vision and the way the movie shot the way the camera moves and a lot of things are you know all in one take or they they that was what they really brought to it and I felt like okay this is where we can the push pull of me being like R but where are the jokes and then being like yeah but wouldn't it be cool if the camera was going and so that's like a real process you know to like the the the push and pull of all that really it's good I think and also like the Katie's voice over you know she leads us through the 2004 film but something I really liked about the musical and this adaptation is that Janice and Damen framed the story and like it open as this is a cautionary tale which I love because it sort of immortalizes the movie as well it's saying like this is a story that we all know and it's it's a warning something that Sam and art said that I was sort of astounded by it was like on one of the first days we all got together they were like what if Janice and Damian directed their own high school experience right and I just love that because I feel like so many young people um you know have this sort of like main character thing I mean everyone is like you know sort of like living their life as like the main character of their life and and I do love that it is such a cinematic experience and it really is like if Janice and Daman like you know this group of young people were sort of like directing their own high school experience I think that's so cool yeah was it weird to have to play characters that other people have played I I'll say it I was afraid I was afraid I was afraid we were scared I was afraid because and I remember sitting and talking with my family about it like I don't know like should I do this I'm not sure this is such an iconic thing and also being afraid because like musical theater fans are so dedicated and passionate in a way that that is frightening because I love musicals I'm a huge musical theater fan but I also know that there's a huge responsibility there when your favorite musical or your favorite movie gets adapted again it's a big responsibility to the fans so I was was I was nervous also cuz I'm a fan of it so I didn't I was like gosh I hope I hope this is good cuz I want it to be good but but the fear went away like once we got into filming like I'm not I'm not afraid anymore I think it's going to be a really spectacular um theatrical Movie experience yeah well I was introduced to the project through Tina like talking to Tina cuz I thought it was a prank they were like Tina F wants to talk to you I'm like and then sha pops up on the and I don't see I don't see a world where I could have or probably anybody could have ever said yes if Tina was not involved because I mean it's Tina F come on but um like especially for me yes it was a fear of like joining but for me I'm like how many chubby gay guys are on a screen and like how how much is that representation shown I wanted to be a part of it you know it's just something cool to show somebody there's somebody out there that's like you and that's what mean girls did for me when he threw that shoe I'm like okay well if that's what the Queens do that's what the Queens do so like to get a chance to like try my hand at that like you know and to have your blessing and like OG cast members who send their love to us you know it just you know I don't know it just felt like the right thing to do I was goingon to say I I I bet that Danny Frances I bet he just threw that shoe I don't think anyone told him to I think his Instinct was like I'm throwing this back and also the other thing that Danny I'm quite sure improvised was I want my pink shirt and I want my pink shirt back I want my pink shirt back wow I think that was Danny that's so cool that's amazing so to see that and to now be a part of it I think the fear has kind of gone away I think we did a very beautiful thing I think everybody's heart was in the right place and we knew that we weren't trying to duplicate anything we were trying to create something for ourselves that you know honored the original work so to me you can't go wrong with [Music] that we women have to trust and support each other I just turned 19 um and when we were talking about like doing the Broadway musical I remember like kind of feeling that way at first and being like damn this is like such an iconic like culturally significant thing and also like such a household C name and also I just was very scared of like acting in general so I was like I don't know after I had like done it a couple times I was like was I like actually worried about doing it because like I didn't want to like like step on something that I cared about or was I actually worried about doing it cuz I was worried about what everybody else around me would say about doing it and also y'all get it you're going to turn it down didn't think so so I'm like come on come on right like and I get it like there's like a lot of like conversation around it and I think it's sick so for the for the musical movie for the movie musical for the movie The Musical the movie um I was I was just really excited cuz I like I feel like I had already kind of like brushed that little part off and been like nah like this is cool as [ __ ] like Rachel McAdams I've had a crush on her since I was a kid you think I'm not going to do that same thing now come on like what I think like you were afraid of like I guess acting in a sense I think and Gary and I like sort of share this Mutual fear of like taking on this role was intimidating obviously and like when I submitted my audition tape like I shut my computer and like dm'd somebody else being like you should totally audition for this because in my head I had just like closed the chapter after like singing a song I was like there's just actually like no way um sure sure and then like after booking it it was like a whole other level of fear because like Miss BB here has an incredible EP out Renee rap is Renee rap and Ali Calio is Ali Calio and Jo was incredible on Broadway like you know I mean and like you're amongst this cast and this like Ensemble which is crazy crazy musically talented and then I am personally a shower singer so andari and I would just like talk about the magic of being like in the presence of like vocal Superstars like you guys and like the fear that comes along with so but also learning so much so much and that's it was such a fun experience like Renee came to the one of my recording sessions for one of the songs that you co wrote so beautiful um and that was so helpful to have you in the room to guide me through that process because it was it was so new to me like this process of recording um was like a big proit like it's a pretty vulnerable like I don't know being being thrown into a studio is like that's a lot you like you have to be like Brave as hell to do that I think if that if that's something that's even like I I do that every day and I still am like so nervous anytime I like step in like a booth like that so like to be like ooh I don't know if this is like something I'm doing outside the shower and then to like pop in a session and be like amazing I'm going to do this and hear like every ounce of my vocal back in my ears as I'm doing it and actively panicking about it that is something you have to really like gear yourself up to do that's not easy and then immediately get notes on it and be like okay yeah yeah yeah I'll try it again and again and again and again yeah it was I mean you killed it you killed but I I'm so excited for your version of sexy to come in I'm going to listen to it on repeat but it it's such an emotionally vulnerable thing in a different in a different way like to connect with voice voice I know like like yeah it sort of like brings up something anything that you feel shows up and then it's like you hear it in like 4D and it's crazy true and but I think like learning was also like a big part like I think one of my first sessions that I came out and told Renee and I was like I just like was struggling so much and she was like let me come in and like help vocal produce you and I never took her up on that offer because I was like I don't want this woman to listen to my shriek right now valid valid so valid I think just the openness and like there was no I didn't feel inferior for like not having done it professionally before you I mean which which I think is important yeah hell no anyways Chris wouldn't even sing it I took out a loan to No I um there was I got an audition for um this movie in my inbox I was just telling this story earlier in like September of 2022 and they were like you know this is two scenes and then filmed like 16 bars and I was like I'm good thank you guys I I it's a great project it but I don't sing uh and then it came back around and there was no singing addition and I was like let's go and um and we want Tik Tok to think that you're singing nine songs I think it would be a good bit to like really like talk up how much I sing cuz I was studying for like a long time you know and I studied music theory in college and right well the you should release a bunch of fake tracks we filmed in Middletown New Jersey and we took over an old Catholic boys high school so we were really in a school our dressing rooms were classrooms offices everything was in the school um cafeteria was well we ate outside I guess but like we spent a lot of time in the cafeteria shooting and so everyone it really was very much like school yeah there were there were um there were crosses on the wall there were so many cross I I was being watched by God Jeff started collecting all them I come into our like office and there be like more and more Giant he started moving every giant crucifix into our office and we all had our own classroom like as a dressing room and as a green room instead of a trailer which was really nice oh my God so nice it was so nice there was a lot of space I decided that abandon Catholic school as my aesthetic there's something there's something really sexy about that but the BS were scary they were like small they were small and the graffiti on the walls of like classes who didn't get to graduate cuz the school shut down it was that was scary also you opened the like there were some classrooms where there were like still open lunch boxes and like the Diaries and I was like this is like unsettling felt like deserted like left in the middle like open lunch we brought a lot of left to it bring it back bring it back got a lot of Life yes lot of Sparkle a lot of confetti so this is crazy but I have to leave and go to the airport like there's actually a huge amount of drama that's we're going to talk we're going to write about knows what she did no um so just don't talk about me don't talk about me when I leave okay why are you dress so scary it's Halloween Katie if you don't dress [ __ ] that is [ __ ] shaming us that's just unprofessional what what's [Music] this we're going to make her pay [Music] all we've done is to make Regina hotter and revive the wet look yeah is there a line or a moment that you were the most excited about recreating or saying or doing I was really excited to raise my right finger a lot in this movie I truly like at a certain point in filming I was told by like our line producer and directors and producers like hey we don't have any more of these like you've used them up otherwise we'd like change our rating and that was so funny to me I was just dishing out middle fingers just in general I was dishing out middle fingers all throughout I'd rather be me um hot I was really excited for I'd rather be me and I and then I ended up running through the entire performance a Sprint full Sprint while singing watch me Sprint run live I excited cuz Katie gets to say it's October 3rd and I was really excited for it until in the room and I was like this is so hard to say in an American accent like the double A of like October 3rd like that's can we get it again October 3rd that's hard it's hard for like then I became really nervous but we got through it and hopefully it's fine wait you ran it by us before you did it did I really and Gary was like can you check my accent can you check my accent yeah there were a few words oh my God whenever she goes into her like American accent it's such a jump scare I'm sorry for doing that to you no I I like it in a way it's like a it's like it scares me yeah I'm not going to do it now no don't do it what what line were I was so excited for on Wednesdays we were pay yeah absolutely so fun totally oh my God I love screaming you can't sit with us that was abely that's we watched you from afar and it just got like more and more unhinged every time so oh good felt good that felt good well I think Damian has a couple but for you goling Coco and she doesn't even go here two that I I was like I'm excited but also how you going to twist this thing around you know like they're so I but you almost like hear it the way it was performed like you know so even in rehearsing I'm like am I doing what was already how do I switch this up like how do I get it out of my head which was a fun challenge you know let's like take after take try something new play around with it did the fan end up coming into the Final Cut do you know I wish I knew when I see it I'll let you know God oh my God I got to did oh my God trailer The Fan when you started doing that I was probably like so incredibly like hello Renee like annoying to work with we're like in the middle of a scene and I'm like wait oh my God babe do that again and I like have my phone out I'm like you guys just one sec I'm like we're like we're rolling right here thank you yeah know I think I got a couple videos from you of it no yeah yeah my phone it was really cool it wasn't supposed to be in there like we didn't that was not planing hair makeup I kept sweating I was using that every day and then was like let's can we try it like how good is like you know can we go there you know a little Choice glad it made it though oh my God it was so shout out to the Final Cut get in loser I was very excited to do um get in loser because I think it's like so cute and the way the Rachel McAdams delivers it is um really like cute and sexy and I liked I don't know like I obviously like I am obsessed with her so bad um but I really really liked the way that she delivered it in the film and it became this like cutesy little like hey girl get in and I was like oh no she should be hitting on her so that was my I felt that yeah no no you no Queen you were hit on yeah I felt it absolutely any any other do favorite line tell us I mean it was fun I'm just happy to be here I don't know he he's like got a lot of like haunting moments but like is he like a taunting L well can I tell you my favorite moment yeah can I tell can I speak for you yeah please do in the Halloween scene when Katie comes in dressed all scary you did a take when you came up and you were like that made me laugh so hard yeah so that's my favorite moment for you I don't even were we filming I feel like it was a rehearsal and I wasted it anyways I'll remember it forever all right thanks I appreciate that dance break who wrote all this [Music] junk ktie pushed her Regina really should be lifting through her glutes you I did what's wrong with me live I sang some of my song live and then the rest of it also a lot of things happen in the booth but like what happens in the Final Cut it's so funny like I feel like we make three different movies like The Script that we know and love and read when we film it that feels completely different than what's on the page yes and then who knows what happens in the edit you know right but you but you sang um part of the it's the it's fine someone gets hurt in aeac in New Jersey at like 1 a.m. you wasting that like this close to me and it moved me to tears like it was so stunning to see that live and I hope it makes it in but even if not then I'm glad it did it did that live yeah I went in for ADR and because I say like a I say you think your [ __ ] don't stink um for a PG version I I had to say like you think your poop don't sink like I had to say something really dumb that it pass poop don't s the hell is this completely different things I so many times in the film and I had to like I had to say so I had to replace [ __ ] with witch like over and over again oh my God bro who do we talk to about this this is not your mother greater World in Greater worlding doesn't matter shut up shut up wow it'll be I would die on that Hill man it's like are you supposed to not say [ __ ] I whatever are we all to swear why are we silencing women [ __ ] let's not do it I was talking to S ad I don't know if I can say um and in the Halloween scene when Aaron and Regina are talking and she said I need to talk to you and he says uh me I thought you were done talking to me when you started talking to Shane last summer apparently the line was I thought you were done talking to me when you started talking to Shane's dick last summer and I was like that's so funny bro like that had to get cut wait okay so all of what I just said absolutely however out there I just imagine Brian being like just Brian uh incorrect you have to pick a French name Chanel no sh no be I think the balance is that it's familiar familiar familiar the balance of the you know original film and ours I think it's very familiar but it's not the same but I mean look at the cast list I think you know it's not the same so if you're walking in expecting for me to recreate what was recreated by someone else it's like it's not going to happen and same with everybody but I think that's the beauty of everyone's performance it's like there is something in there that people have seen before but there is a lot in these characters that they've never seen like there are layers that I watched y'all open up in person that are not in the original version and it's not to take away anything from what was done but it's just to show like we love it so much that like we're going to make something fresh because like we can't recreate it it's too iconic you know so like we're going to create these characters from what we know from the time we're in right now and I hope that they'll see that I mean we're at Northshore it's the same students but like from us you know so it's but it's not like we're trying to rewrite history you know we're just tribute to what's already there you know I think the core of the' 04 movie is like just brutal honesty honesty about like what it is to be a teenager and I think it's also really honest to the time that it was made and I think that is the core of our movie yeah I think we're all delivering really honest performances and I think that it's really honest about 2024 and what that looks like what that landscape is for for young people today yeah I feel like bullying in 20 I mean like in the recent past is like quite different than probably what it was in ' 04 in 04 like it's ju feels just as intense and just as like pointed but like far more nuanced about like walking around political correctness and like yeah still maintaining a sense of like oh I'm sensitive you know like just in in in cancel culture and all of that and I think this movie does a good job of capturing What modern day bullying feels like yeah we have the burn book and we have social media right exactly and we have all the classes yeah what do you do when there's like internet like checks and balances how do you bully people and I think that's interesting well also like the the like most hilarious part about the film obviously like is like everything that like Mommy wrote but like also everything that like the actors like brought to the film being a film like that and being like such a major like IP like that it already like opens the doors for um people to say like [ __ ] like really mean things however like go off like okay cool like do that we're all pretty obsessed with the original film and I would say like think the world of it and those characters so like we did it cuz we like it and CU we care and cuz it's really sick and they would too they would too like I and you would do it too for a and you would do it too I think the balance of Olden you comes in with like Janice and Damen beginning it saying this is a cautionary tale so it's framing it in a way that the audience knows that this has been told before yeah and they're telling it again because it's still relevant because the kids who maybe don't know this cautionary Tale need to know it and um I really love that opening song I think it do like gives it this amazing little button look at this thing I can't see it like a face breast oh my gosh Revenge party is an8 minute sequence yeah which was filmed over I think we we filmed part we filmed like at least one day every week of the shoot dedicated to Revenge abely so it wasn't like oh we filmed this number and then we're done it was like every week Revenge party like just over again um so that yeah I personally I'm never escaping Stars I See Stars oh one minute oh I'm seeing stars like like I will never ever never get away from that song your your like Rift that you do in Revenge party plays over and over in my head and that just gets me started youing up for the class uh not today but I hope you watch the movie and you'll be able to it January 12 um but I will say the song for me there was a day where Janice and Damian had to uh record cautionary tale and there's a song that leads uh into you know the rest of the movie and it was the original that was uh Touched By Miss Renee rap and uh there's a little something in there it's and um you know I learned working on a movie that you know long hours things happen you know hurry up and wait and that song kind of gave me the patience it was like my meditation ritual you know so anytime something was going on I would just look to my left or to my right and just and it got to the point where like the crew would look at me when something would happen and just bust out in that so honestly that will forever be like my my song of like my little Mean Girls And you wrote that right yeah I did write that yeah you did book gu Stars 9 [ __ ] degrees degrees in that gym we had fun so we had fun oh absolutely but it was hot wait I don't know why you guys had time you had fun yeah yeah I can't raise my hand any higher than this my shoulder PS are preventing God that's so F you're never going to believe what I found this morning your burn book mom go make snacks for sure for sure Regina yes so I think we should go around the table and we should do like anti- burn book so we say a nice thing about the person sitting next to us something that we love so the burn book The the freezer book I like Band-Aid book The Band-aid book cute B no wait guys this is the we had fun book this is we had have fun book I mean there's just like literally too many things I could say about you that I love I think you're just so thoughtful and you're [ __ ] smart and you're so smart and you're so like jial and kind and sweet I mean there's I could say so many things about you I just adore you I adore you girl I love you I love you I love you to I'm going to give you all your compliments later because no I must you have to compliment a man you have to compliment a man Chris you are just like like so calm and composed don't laugh because I can't compliment sorry okay Sor we got it and you're funny and you're wonderful and you treat everyone around you with kindness that's important so true I hope too Gary um I think one of the first things like you leave like before I even like we like spent any time together you're like such a pro when it comes to this stuff and like working like you're so like aware of like an actor's role like on a set you know what I mean like we're like little parts of this huge machine and we're all just trying to do our thing you know and you're so respect for the people around you in other people's time and I respect that oh my God thanks that's that's so nice that made me so emotional so true though so true okay no yeah take it away what can I say um sleep with them [ __ ] eye open my favorite thing about working with you is that before each take you would either give me the finger tell me to sleep with wi eye open or call me a [ __ ] but what I loved about that is that we you're real is that we were able to do that because there was a sense of trust and safety as performers as creatives people abut and thank you for that no for take say this thank you for that also just to compliment you oh thank you for your hair in marav East Town that I mean genuinely that was I literally was like who is this [ __ ] obsessed with her loving you sleep with one [ __ ] eye you I first have an unserious one because I mean it but it's you're going to be like of course like duh and then I'll go into the serious one unserious I do think how far I'll go is one of the best songs ever and is one of the best like vocally performed songs ever listen you make one Oscar nominated film and [ __ ] [ __ ] just changes like people won't stop talking about it I'm with which song Grammy nominated how far I'll go yeah oh good good good no absolutely no but with Grammy nominated H far I'll go did you have fun I did have fun fun um and then also I love love love love love watching uh someone on set who is like really showing up for themselves and that does not mean like not showing up for other people actually cuz usually if like a girl is like showing up for themselves everybody's like oh so she's a [ __ ] and she's like and she's like no whatever no I actually mean like you're showing up for yourself in a way that's like um just like oh I don't know like being a full bodied person and like showing up for yourself in like a way that like you just are there to do your thing and I think like yes that sounds obvious however I think it takes like a minute to get there at least for me it did and so I love love love watching you on set for that reason and it's really like fun and so uh there's like an ease being around you because you're just like already like on your game doing your thing so like you're going to show up fully so then it like gives everybody else the grace and like space and respect to do that thank you really nice thank you yeah baby jackwell up you were one of the most talented people I have ever met so true vocally so true so true comedic wise like what you've added to this character is like something that truly was not there before if you weren't as nice of a person if I didn't like you I'd be like this [ __ ] is a scene stealer but now I have to be like you steal every scene and like it's it's just a joy to watch you thank you and in the same vein of like showing up like you show up and you don't let anyone else also walk over you and that is something that I'm still trying to learn but something that you do with Grace and like with color and Pizzazz and like with full voice thank you appreciate that a b hey sis you know it's really crazy I get you because I I just thought about it most of my moments of like walking down the street with a cast member were with you like red bank and then here in La when we like randomly jumped into a pool at you know 11 o' at night it's just like you always lead with kindness inside of your professionalism like yes you show up to work and you're ready to do the thing but kindness comes first and your heart shines just as much as the craft in you and I am so grateful that you showed me kindness when you didn't have to you know invited me to your room to watch the Oscars in your hotel you know my God it's just just the little things that really mean a lot and especially as the new kid on the Block when it comes to the the film and all this stuff you know you just you saw right through that and you met jaw first first and then the work came and I'm really appreciative of that so atness God band bandaid I love that none of us are like mean girls that made yeah making mean girls so much better this is like one of the best experiences I've had working with a group of young people probably the best you all are just [ __ ] amazing and you all just show up um for everyone and I think everyone here does a good job about like showing up to work like you know standing up for themselves but also for everyone like everyone was standing up for each other and like looking out for each other and I mean we talked about it we had fun it was also like there was a lot of work to do it was hard work and we all just looked out for each other and I think that's a beautiful thing absolutely it was a good group y beautiful thanks for watching Entertainment Weekly around the table with me and girls check out our film and theaters everywhere January 12th [Music] wo
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Keywords: Tina Fey, Reneé Rapp, Angourie Rice, Christopher Briney, Avantika, Jaquel Spivey, Bebe Wood, Auli’i Cravalho, Mean Girls, mean girls 2024, mean girls new movie, mean girls cast, mean girls cast interview, mean girls cast now, tina fey mean girls, renee rapp mean girls, around the table, mean girls interview, mean girls cast interview 2024, mean girls movie musical, tim meadows, mean girls famous lines, mean girls scene, mean girls top moments, mean girls best moments
Id: mH_Ho0WaifQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 39sec (2379 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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