Me And Your Mama - The Musical Personification of Lust

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[Music] foreign you're not scary I'm pretty scary [Music] [Music] What is love what does it feel like I don't know I've spent my entire life trying to feel it to the best of my ability but I just fall short I guess every single person is eventually confronted with a version of Love That Will Never Be experienced by anybody else that they've ever met which is For Better or For Worse and while that encounter with their version of love may be incomplete or flawed one consistency in every single person's perception of Love is that it's the most intense feeling you could ever experience on top of that I'd go even further and point out that it's the most important facet of life that we need to live with if you can't love others and be loved what's the point of living in the first place and knowing that that inherent desire that's what the devil uses to trap us knowing that love is what we truly need to live every other shallow desire and craving can be disguised as a version of love as it snares us with its captivating instant gratification that's impossible to run away from all of this confusion is what constructs our greatest vulnerability as humans the facade of emotional highs the difficulty of discerning when we abuse love I think a lot of people want answers and people want to tie things up which is why people were like he's not having a crisis or like he's he's depressing like people want to label things and he's like maybe I'm just alive and that's how I feel so and we all feel this way so why are we bullshitting I just want to be honest I think people are afraid to be honest [Music] I usually try and start these videos with some background for the song or project that I'm writing about but in the case of Childish Gambino's me and your mama I'm struggling with what exactly to point out after a three-year Hiatus from the realm of Music Gambino definitely wasn't expected to make a grandiose return to conscious hip-hop that he brought on because the internet and yet even with that lack of expectation he still managed to take a left turn that nobody saw coming awakened my love introduces us to A Soulful cartoonish and crooning Childish Gambino that renders some of the best modern soul that popular music has to offer the dreamy and Fantastical elements that made his rapping so quirky translate to this style in a fashion that's almost better seeing as it is still completely exotic six years later me and your mama became one of his most popular songs for good reason it takes you on one of the most authentically riveting roller coasters of Sensation that most will ever experience in listening to a lead single for NLP and while the aesthetic of the song Alone Garners years of thought and discussion I want to add to the conversation by talking about the true artistic value of me and your mama which is the way Gambino places Us in the shoes of his own crazed hysteria as he forges this complex emotional narrative throughout the song camouflaged as a love story see most of the commentary regarding this track is simple it's romantic it's a love story it's a fairy tale it's how I want to feel for my significant other and I just I I struggle with that maybe I don't know what true love is supposed to really feel like but all I know is I don't want it to feel like this true love should be intimate vulnerable but most importantly it should be comforting right well that's not what we experience in the song Gambino's Grand artistic skiing with me and your mama is to conceal raunchy desire as love which reveals our lifelong struggle contemplating what love might really be the track is divided into three distinct sections that exhibit a trinity of contrasting emotions and while what exactly those emotions are is unclear it is certain that it was Gambino's point to be ambiguous and as we reflect on our own sensation and instinctual reaction to Gambino's story we might not find an answer on how to find love but we might come upon comfort in knowing exactly what we have to avoid we are talking our Voyage with the track opens as a demented lullaby a dreamy progression of keys Shimmer around and round creating a Vortex of fantasy that casts us into what feels like a dream state it's like Gambino wanted the song to come across as magical but uneasy as if he's foreshadowing a story that will make you uncomfortable because it's too irresistible to stay away from the bass drops 28 seconds in and is followed by these nasally synth chords that have this oddly pristine sharpness to them it's like they're cutting in and out between the lines of reality and they're distorting our perception of what's real and what's not and that feeling of blurring the lines is an auditory illustration of what the opening lines of the track are depicting smoking that la la is Gambino's lulling way of describing smoking weed this is intriguing context for what comes next because we know that smoking can alter your actions and interpretation of what's going on this is the in univ first explanation for the falsehood that is Gambino's understanding of what he feels throughout the track and this dreamy instrumental and vocal refrain is essentially what goes on for the entire intro for two minutes and three seconds this whole opening portion is a tease it feels like we should have gotten into something different ages ago that's what lust does it holds you in one torturous place as you wait there you want something so deeply so desperately as lust dangles that thing right in front of your face knowing just how powerless you are in that moment to make it come to you in most cases of reality we're stuck in this stage indefinitely stuck in a whirlwind of impulse and longing never achieving gratification but in this case well he has an opportunity to take advantage of that blazing hunger [Music] [Applause] [Music] all hell breaks loose is part two explodes with an uproar of electric guitar Elixir marching percussions they somehow managed to be understated after its initial introduction because of the booming monstrous laughter that precedes Gambino's first chorus his vocals are raspy and strained which is a shocking contrast to his usual sleek and lustrous singing tone which makes him sound flustered with excitement it's like he's saying I can't believe this is happening he begs the person that he's with to let him into her heart but he juxtaposes that statement by wanting them to do what they want it's an expression of doubt and fear as if Gambino wants his desire to be reflected but only wholeheartedly and he's scared to put himself out there in case that's not how they feel too the alarm presented here illustrates the most poignant collateral damage that lust causes and that's insecurity feeling this compulsive need inside of you it's scary it alienates you from everyone around because we know that it's not natural we know it's not real intimacy but most importantly we're aware of the lack of morality behind it if we expose that true nature to someone we desire and they don't share the same need the consequences would be dire to say the least verse 2 deepens this world even further as Gambino confronts his partner by saying I know where you've been indicating that he is not the only person she's been in contact with we'll say this allusion to infidelity completely saps any hope of potential humanity and togetherness that this encounter could bring them now that it's all out there and both parties are aware of their priorities all Integrity is lost and their deepest simulations will overpower any self-control and so finally that desire is satisfied it's at this point in the track where all ego all discipline and all objectivity is completely lost there's nothing left except for Gambino's Primal wishes and his knee-jerk reaction to being fulfilled in any and all mediums it's a powerful examination of what masculinity would look like without the need to maintain this traditionally poised demeanor because while Gambino's discomposed Declarations of girl You've Really Got a Hold on Me would be described as simping by anybody that I know in my opinion this is really just how any guy actually feels when a woman gives all of themselves to them with that said he sounds truly unhinged at this point the bridge transports us right into the very climax of lusts the most warped and fourth dimensional emotional high that we could possibly experience but like any realistic climax its raging potency is unfortunately brief and his book ended by one deranged screeching how foreign [Applause] [Music] this is love this will satisfy me for my life how can it if it's this short-lived I wanted it swoop out I lost all self-control it was like I had everything I wanted it was so good but love shouldn't feel manipulative right I should feel better not worse where's the Fulfillment where's the intimacy where's the where's the happiness because I thought most of all I would finally be happy if I love somebody I would finally feel like I wasn't worthless [Music] the closing portion of me and your mama transitions out of the vigorous intensity that was sexual Climax and leaves us inside of an ambiguous low that marinates slowly it sends us into a Vortex of thought and reflection For Better or For Worse the lyrics during excitement showed some red flags which Gambino didn't care much about at that point the notes regarding infidelity a one-sided relationship and this manipulative cycle of hard to get all of that seemed to be appealing rather than a bad sign but now that it's over questions rise the lack of lyrics in part three seem to represent this conflictedness and the lack of clarity maybe fear maybe anxiety maybe catharsis maybe blank it's hard to tell was any of this real were we expressing our affection for each other physically or was this just a thrill is it gonna happen again is it even worth going for again is it fulfilling is it meaningful it just just feels Hollow I feel hollow we've all asked ourselves these questions and as for the answers well the song gives no answers Gambino just leaves us inside of a state of confusion and a lack of clarity which is completely intentional as the song Fades out into the void and we lay here just in this Vortex searching for answers only to find more of the unknown and unfortunately this is the path that lusts takes us on the end of the song being ambiguous is in and of itself the answer to what we seek the answer is that this is a road we don't want to travel on in the first place all it will do is leave you anxious and tense and full of Sorrow because even though we now know that it's bad we've had that taste and we want nothing more than to go for it again and that is a very scary thought so narratively what we're wondering is does gambino resist in the future or does he fall back into the same trap well I think you'd be surprised as for where awaken My Love Takes this narrative which judging by the time will have to delve into another day [Music] have some time yeah this was a hard one I think it's important to talk about real life struggles and problems that we see in popular music and to try and grow from the artistic value that we're gleaning from Childish Gambino or from awaken my love or from and so I hope that this didn't make any of you super uncomfortable um if it did I actually think that's a good thing I think we need to be open and upfront especially as men about these kind of struggles if you guys want to see a video on all of awaken my love please let me know because I'll kind of move that up in the queue for what I'll be creating next but I really want specifically with feedback to hear what you guys want in terms of artists what guys would you like to see me cover what women would you like to see me cover in videos I'm kind of looking for a direction there if you enjoyed the video it would mean the world to me if you hit the Subscribe button uh like the video as well because the YouTube algorithm does not pick up my videos unless you guys like them but regardless you guys are just here watching and that means the world to me thanks so much for joining me I sincerely hope you join me next time happy listening everybody
Channel: Jackson's Music Palate
Views: 8,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: childish gambino me and your mama, me and your mama, me and your mama reaction, childish gambino me and your mama reaction, awaken my love, awaken my love review, awaken my love reaction, childish gambino 3005, because the internet reaction, because the internet review, 3005 reaction, childish gambino redbone
Id: ySvR37WDOSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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