MD vs. Machine: Artificial intelligence in health care

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Good evening. I want to welcome all of you who are here tonight here in Boston on our campus and those of you who are watching from around the world on our live stream. I'm happy to share with you that the first two seminars of 2019, we had more than 20,000 people from around the world join our Longwood Seminar classroom from Boston and from as far away as the United Kingdom, South Korea, Pakistan, Egypt, Italy, Brazil, and Australia. So to all of you, welcome. And I hope you're joining us again tonight. Tonight, our Mini-Med School will feature artificial intelligence and the tremendous potential it holds to revolutionize health care. There is one remaining seminar this year. Please join us on Tuesday, April 30, for Why Sleep Matters. And we always have a great attendance for our sleep program, so do come early. So now for a few brief announcements. If there is anyone watching tonight, a business or science leader who may be with us, we want you to be aware of a four-day executive education course called Inside the Health Care Ecosystem. Zak Kohane, one of tonight's speakers will be among the faculty teaching this course. Details can be found on the web link on the screen. Now on the screen you'll see information related to obtaining certificates of completion and professional development points. So those of you who joined us for the first two seminars and who are here with us tonight, you're entitled to a certificate that says you completed the Longwood Seminars. Our speakers will be taking questions at the end of their talk, so I ask you-- if you're in the audience, you have a little card. Please pass it to a member of our staff who will be circulating up and down the aisle. If you're watching on the live stream, we want your questions as well. So please write your questions in the comments section of Facebook and YouTube. And when you post your question, we'd love to know where you are viewing from. So please write the country or the city from which you're watching. And now please, silence all electronic devices, but do not turn them off because we want you to join our Twitter conversation by using #HMSMiniMed. So please write your comments and thoughts as you're watching our program. It's difficult, isn't it, to remember a time when technology and computers did not exist and play a major role in our lives. My children never lived in a world without personal computers. Technology has defined their lives and ours. The impact of machine learning and technology is dramatically transforming our lives across many spheres, but importantly, never more than in the practice of medicine. So how reliable are computers in making decisions about our health? Looking into the future, what are the many possibilities? How can our ability to rapidly analyze vast amounts of data offer clinical tools to diagnose disease, identify best treatment options, and predict outcomes for patients? It has been said that our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI extends our humanity. We're going to find out more about that tonight. Tonight we'll learn more about the symbiosis of human and machine intelligence from our expert Harvard faculty. Tonight we have with us Brett Beaulieu-Jones, a research fellow in biomedical informatics at Harvard Medical School. Katherine Liao is an associate professor of medicine and assistant professor of bioinformatics at Harvard Medical School, associate physician, Division of Rheumatology, Immunology, and Allergy at Brigham and Women's Hospital, and director of applied bioinformatics core and the VA Boston Health Care System. But we'll begin with our moderator and one of the world's foremost experts on all things AI, Zak Kohane, who is the Marion V. Nelson Professor and Chair of the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School. Please join me in welcoming our expert faculty. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] Thank you, Gina. And I'm very excited to see how many of you showed up to hear us talk about this. So we are privileged to be living in an era where something transformational, something genuinely new has happened, and it's happened in the span of my life. So when I was an MD-PhD student getting my PhD in computer science, artificial intelligence then meant we were going to hand code using programming the style of diagnosis and treatment selection that we saw doctors perform. What's happened since, and in the last 10 years, is we've learned how to use the various techniques, various computer science techniques, to use the data to itself directly inform us what are the patterns that are important. And so just as you can now automatically search for cat pictures on Facebook, you can automatically classify pathology images of tumors and actually say whether it looks like this kind of cancer or that kind of cancer with performance that is as good and often better than pathologists in the best academic health centers. So that's a very exciting time. But the topic of my 20 minutes-- and I will try to get it done before 20 minutes because I'm looking forward to having this moderated discussion with all of you-- what I'm going to be talking about is the opportunity for new medicines, for new treatments. Because I think in the end, as patients, what we really are hoping for are new treatments to help us suffer less and to have the lives we want to have. So the most obvious thing is to ask would be, is artificial intelligence going to transform the way we develop drugs? And the answer is it may well. And so shown here on the slide is one of my colleagues formerly from Stanford, Daphne Koller, who is a professor of computer science. And those of you who are teachers should know that when she was still a professor of computer science at Stanford, she started the Coursera online course behemoth that's been very successful and disruptive in its own way. But she's now had several other careers after that, and she's now leading a new startup called Insitro, which asks the question-- using a lot of data out of our health care system and a lot of data out of animal studies and chemical studies, can actually come up with new drugs? And we'll see. We don't know the answer to it yet. And actually, that's not going to be the point of my talk because maybe this process will succeed, but I can tell you that our experience as a community is that drug development is really, really hard, and often things that make a lot of sense end up not working in the clinic. But this may in fact work, and we'll see. But that's not what I'm here to talk to you about. I'm here to talk to you about something quite different. And as always, in 2019, it's best to start with a story than with a bunch of numbers. Here's a story. It's a six-year-old child who was doing fine. And then he was no longer walking and no longer talking. He had been walking and talking, and then he stops. And saw many doctors. No answer. And so he was referred to a network that I have the privilege being part of, of the Undiagnosed Disease Network, where we take patients who are undiagnosed, we do whole genome sequencing on them. We look at every single one of the three billion letters in their genome, figure out what's different from reference human beings, and then refer this patient to the right expert throughout the United States. Shown here are only seven academic centers. Currently includes 12 academic health centers. And through this network, we referred this patient, we did the analysis, and we found that this patient had a mutation in a gene that has an almost unpronounceable name-- GTP cyclohydrolase 1. I had never heard of it until I saw this case. But what does this gene do? It takes a bunch of chemicals and turns them into neurotransmitters. The chemicals allow your neurons to talk to one another and make your brain work. And because this is deficient and is not making enough neurotransmitters from the pre-existing chemicals in your brain, this child was really losing milestones. Not only not progressing-- losing. And what's amazing is once we knew what the cause was, we could just give this child a bunch of compounds that get easily transformed into these neurotransmitters like L-DOPA, folinic acid, and 5-hydroxytryptophan. And what's so amazing is that within months of starting this therapy, which is just things to eat, this child started walking and talking again. That's amazing to me. And let's think about what really happened here. We combed through billions of bases, went through thou-- what am I talking about? Millions of records of what diseases are associated with which mutation, something that no matter how ambitious you are in medical school, you will never be able to learn. Sometimes hard to get us doctors to be appropriately humble. But the point is, this allowed us to zoom in onto that mutation and treat this child. There's a couple of other interesting things that I found, which is that we published an article in the New England Journal of Medicine about our network, Undiagnosed Disease Network, and it turns out that a third of the patients already came in having their genome sequenced. So it's not the data. It's what you do with it. And having the right programs to analyze them is the augmented intelligence, the artificial intelligence that will help us be better doctors. So that's one view of how artificial intelligence will allow us to create new treatments simply by identifying what's wrong by sifting through millions of facts and saying, that's what's wrong with this patient, and that will make clear what the treatment should be. But there are other things that can be done for new treatments. It's important to say for those of you who are with me in Boston, as the sun is finally coming out after this long winter, we're going to be out and showing a lot of skin, which we probably shouldn't be doing because it actually allows the sun to damage our skin and cause what's becoming a growing problem of melanoma, skin cancer that can be deadly if you don't catch it. But it turns out the same artificial intelligence techniques that I described before that allows you to find the cat in a huge pile of images can also be used to look at moles or spots on your skin and say, that's not a mole, that's a melanoma-- that's not a birth spot, that's a melanoma. And why is that important? Because a scientist at Stanford, using images that you can just use with your smartphone, whether it's your Android or your iPhone, can allow you to take a picture of these spots and then immediately have a diagnosis of whether this is something that you need to get taken out. And guess what? A, if you take it out when it's still superficial, much different history of the clinical course than if you let it stay. And on average, people who have been diagnosed with melanoma have known about this spot at least a year. But it takes time to be seen by a doctor, even those of us who are our doctors have a tough time getting seen by doctors in a timely way. So think about the difference it makes for so-called secondary prevention, which is-- primary prevention would be sunblock to prevent the cancer from happening in the first place. Secondary prevention is identifying the mole as being malignant and therefore should be removed early before it becomes metastatic. So there again, just by using this, we're jump-starting the way that AI can not only augment doctors-- I want to point out to you a theme that will be familiar to those of you who have smartphones. Makes you, the patient, part of the solution. Because waiting for doctors to diagnose us is probably the wrong move. Doctors are overtaxed in time and bureaucracy, and they're think about many, many things. But you are thinking about yourself, hopefully, more than they are. And so if we give you the tools so that you can actually decide in a much more acute way, I've got to see a doctor now because this thing says I have potentially cancer, then we're actually making a new treatment. I'm going to start wrapping up by telling you a story. It's a lot of words here. Don't forget-- don't feel like you have to read the words because I'll tell you the story. This is a story of a friend of mine who-- well, the son of a friend of mine, who's actually a professor here at Harvard Medical School. His child was diagnosed at age 3 and 10 months, almost four years of age, with something called colitis. This is inflammation of your gut. And you determine that by putting a tube up the rectum, look around, see inflamed tissues. You take a piece of the tissue lining your colon, you look at it under a microscope, and say, wow that looks like inflammation. That is inflammatory bowel disease. And there's two types of inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. And I will spare you the details out of interest of time, but I can tell you that this child did great on very mild anti-inflammatory agents for 10 years until puberty. And then in puberty, as often happens with these kids, the disease flared up. And this child, who was doing fine until that point, started pooping every hour. And when you poop every hour, you're not sleeping. Therefore, you're not going to school. And so my friend's kid was just no longer going to school, lying in bed, no energy, pooping every hour, in pain. And every medication that we used that is-- and here we are in the middle of the best academic health center. Forgive me for those of you who are at other academic health centers. But potentially the best academic health center, and nothing worked. Not steroids. Not the antibiotics. Not the first-generation monoclonal antibodies. Not the second-generation monoclonal antibodies. No expense spared. Nothing worked. And everybody was pushing him and his wife to go for something which was reasonable, which is to get his colon removed, so-called colectomy. Now, for those of you who are as old as I am, you might not remember how bad it was to be a teenager, but let me remind you. It's tough to be a teenager. And to be 14 years old and then have surgery and then have a bag with stool in it at least even for a few months is really, really not a great thing. And even after you remove the colon, sometimes there's a little bit of inflammation left, so you still need to be on the drugs. So it's not an ideal situation. So we're pushing it off. But eventually, everybody convinced us that the surgery had to be done. So we're five weeks away from surgery. And so my friend asked me- Zak-- so my name is Isaac Kohane, but my nickname is Zak. He said, Zak, what about a crazy analysis that your graduate students showed me the other day? And what it was-- and these are-- I'm showing the pictures of the students and postdocs who did it, none of which have an MD. And that's very important. All have PhDs in computer science. These individuals, we took a bunch-- we had taken a bunch of samples from patients, and we'd measured which genes were up or down in these patients who presented with bowel problems. And what we found was that there was one subgroup that ended up being healthy. And we show them here in red. And then there was another subgroup that had ended up having inflammatory bowel disease, shown here by the blue and green dots. So the point is, just by looking at which genes were up or down, we could tell that they had inflammatory bowel disease without looking under the microscope as regular doctors had to do. That's not the interesting part. Here's the interesting and somewhat crazy thing we did that my friend had asked me about. We said, what if we divide this patient population in two and ask ourselves, which drugs can push the genes to make them much more like the healthy kids? In other words, the genes that are high in the gut of these unhealthy kids, can we make them go down? And the genes that are down, can we push them up? And so we went through a large database of drugs that are known to affect genes, and we were able to show, sure enough, that the drugs that are known-- like azathioprine-- that are known to work for inflammatory bowel disease, do seem to push these kids who are sick towards healthy. But that was just an experiment, a talk that we gave. But he, my friend, asked me to do this for his kid. So we had a biopsy from when he got flared up from his gut, and we did this analysis. And then these postdocs and students did the analysis I described, and they came to me and they said, Zak, the top drug that works best for this kid is indirubin. I said, indirubin? What the heck is that? I never learned about that in medical school. So I did what you should do and what I tell students to do, is use Google. And so I looked it up, and it turns out indirubin is part of a purple thing called indigo which is made by bacteria that, when they chew through things in your gut-- food, for example-- they make this purple byproduct that's available as a supplement over in a store. And forgive me those of you who are Chinese speaking because I'm going to massacre pronunciation. It's also known in Chinese as Qing Dai. And so then I did the next thing that I tell medical students to do, which is look up if there's been any studies using this drug, Qing Dai or indigo, for ulcerative colitis. But I warned them that you can always find in some journal some good effect for some supplement, so not to put a lot of weight on it. So sure enough, we found a journal that's in china. And this is-- forgive me if you've published in this journal. It's a third-tier journal. And they had found that there was a good response to therapy in these kids, in these individuals with Qing Dai. So I call him my friend, and I thought he was going tell me, when I said indigo, he was going to say the same thing as I did-- what the heck is indigo? Instead, he said Zak, that's really interesting, because he had been asking around the world about what to do with his kid, and there was a group in Israel, in addition to the standard Western medicine, was giving indigo as a supplement to every single patient. But he had dismissed it. Why was he going to give a supplement to his kid? He's a Harvard trained doctor. He's not going to believe in supplements. But he said, maybe we should actually try it now that your analysis suggests that. And so I said, OK, let's do it. He says, how do we get good indigo? Because if you don't know already, any supplement, depending where you get it, it can be either 100% that compound or 0% that compound. So I said, just get the Israeli clinic to FedEx it to you. So he did it. And the amazing thing that happened is within two weeks, this child who had been pooping every hour, went down pooping three or four times a day. And that was three years ago. Still no colectomy. He's doing great. If we had not done this, he would be minus a colon and God knows what else. And I want to point out, this is not a party trick that any doc could do. It was three graduate students using these AI techniques, combing through these large databases of drugs affecting genes that actually came up with this result. And so when I tell-- this is part of a longer story which I can't bore you with where I talk about whether or not people need an MD degree to advance medical science. But punchline is-- no. [LAUGHTER] Speaking about treatments, I just want to say that, just in case you're a surgeon, you should not feel too self-assured that you're not going to be dealt out of the game as well, or at least not have a useful assistant. There's now already some studies showing-- this is, again, just in pigs-- where suturing done on the gut of these pigs using artificial intelligence to identify where the gap is in the gut and sewing it shows that, in fact, these things can, as you'd expect, be much more even in the spacing between the stitches and also have much more tighter seals. This is basically pushing water through and seeing how much it leaks. It does much, much better. And you know what? We've only started. This is only going to get better. And so even without developing new drugs, with AI, we're going to be able to find the right diagnosis for you. We're going to be able to find which of our existing drugs is the right drug for you. We're going to be able to improve the performance of doctors, like surgeons, but for many other tasks that doctors can do, but we can make them better. We can make them be the best doctor they can be. And with that, thank you very much. We go on to our next poll. [APPLAUSE] Good evening. I'm Brett Beaulieu-Jones. I'm actually a postdoc in Zak's group, so it's a little bit strange to have your boss and your mentor open for you. [LAUGHTER] Totally appropriate. So I get to play a little bit of the bad cop. But first, I want to start out by saying I truly believe in the potential for AI for medicine. I want to echo all the sentiments that Zak laid forth. We will be able to figure out what's working in medicine, what's not working, find things where we're missing treatments and need better treatments. And there are patients who are being poorly treated now. As well as areas where we're wasting resources, we're spending money on ineffective treatments, among a huge number of other things. And then identifying patients who are the best fit for specific drugs and many other questions. In some of my work, we did some deep learning on ALS patients. And so this was across 23 different clinical trials done all over the world, so with a wide variety of different data sets, different data elements collected. And in this, we are able to consistently identify a cluster at the top where the darkest red indicate that people who had the shortest survival. This cluster was clinically interesting to some of our collaborators, and they're now continuing to look for patients among this cluster. So I do want to start by saying I truly believe in AI and in some of the things that it can do before diving into one of the key issues with it. So there's all of this promise, but we do have to remember that it is driven by historical data. It's driven by the current practices. Machine learning learns from the actions of people today. It's the things that have happened over years. And so if we are learning from people who are biased or systems that are biased, the machine learning model is not going to be able to magically get rid of those biases. It may even have the ability to exacerbate these biases, because if we are now taking something that currently exists, predicting it in the future and making decisions based off of this, we may just continue to deviate further and further from what is right. So as a example of this to lay this out, we have two groups of people here. There are green people and there are blue people. And they happen to smoke a lot. For whatever reason, they're still smoking. Because of this, they develop lung cancer, and many of them develop lung cancer. Unfortunately for the green people, money is the same color as them, and they have trouble seeing it and they drop it on the ground. Blue people are able to hold onto their money, and because of this are much richer on average. So because of this, they're able to afford a new treatment that works well and can actually treat them. And when we do this, and if we train a model on this scenario, the question is, what is the model learning? And one thing that it might learn is that green people can't actually receive this treatment. It will see that because they can't afford it, that they never actually receive the treatment. And this will mean that it will never recommend the treatment for green people, and it will never know whether it works or not. And it will create this cycle where we won't actually know the answer to that question. If we want to get a little bit more realistic here and take a population of people where there are some green people who have better eyes and can see their money and hold onto it, and they all receive a drug that works in about 20% of people-- not all of them. But 75 blue people receive the drug, and three green people receive the drug, and it works in about 20% of people. There's still greater than a 50% chance that it never works in this population of green people. So under this situation, we might learn something even worse. The model might learn that the drug doesn't work in green people. We might be biased by the small sample, where the machine learning model is never seeing a successful case because there's such a small sample of people who are actually receiving the drug. And this could be even worse than never recommending it because it might say that it's a bad recommendation. So the question is whether this is a realistic situation. It's a toy example that we put together to illustrate this point. And we know that people aren't green and people don't carry cash anymore. But if we start to look at the real world and some actual cases, we can see differences among things such as insurance. Insurance can be the gateway to receiving treatment. It can give you-- it can really lay out what options you can have. It can lead to disparity of health care. It will determine what things are realistic treatment options for you. A couple of the key things that I'd like to point out here, first of all, is that among the Medicaid and self-care populations, in 200 million inpatient admissions, people who self-identified as black were twice as likely to have Medicaid or self-insurance, self-insurance meaning they don't have insurance. They're paying for it themselves. These are within these two categories where this is one example, but we can't in this database even look at other racial groups because in areas of the country, the numbers are so low that if you look at that group, it risks privacy for the individuals. There's a risk that you could actually re-identify people within that population. So there's a lot of groups in a data set as big as this is that we may not even be able to study. So what does this translate to? One of the things that is a shocking statistic was something that the CDC put together between 1987 and 2014, which showed that black women had mortality during pregnancy at more than three times the rate of white women. And when we take this into research and start to look at other areas and try to get back to different things that are going to be training these artificial intelligence models, one example are in genetic studies. And there's two main takeaways I want to make from this figure that I know can be a little bit hard to see. But the first is-- first is that the European population represents about 80% of the genetic tests that have been performed and associated and are indexed for researchers to work with. And if we look at potentially the most interesting genetic group, the African group, because of the long history in Africa and the way that different migration patterns happened, it only represents 2% of the genetic tests that are available for researchers. Similarly, if we look at clinical trial participation by race, the USFDA reports that 86% of clinical trial participants are white. So what does this tell us? It tells us that we have a pretty good idea of whether things are working or not among the white population. And among other populations, we have much smaller sample counts. So all of a sudden, that group of three green people receiving a drug becomes a lot more realistic as we have this smaller sample counts where we may not be able to tell if a drug is working or not among that population. What does this lead to in the real world? Here's one example. So the government of New Zealand put in place a computer vision algorithm to recognize people's faces to determine whether their pictures were adequate quality for passport photos. This man uploaded a photo to it and gets a message saying that his eyes are closed. So if this was you, how does it make you feel? And this is the case where, likely-- it's New Zealand. Again, there's probably a bias in the training population of the algorithm, and it just doesn't work for this particular case. Again another example is an algorithm that was developed by a private company to predict the risk of recidivism, the risk that a criminal would re-offend and commit another crime after ever leaving jail. If we look at this, it sounds like a really noble goal. We know that humans are biased. We know that judges are biased. We know that there's different people in different places. And so maybe we can take it all, turn it into math, use data to power our decisions, and we can take out the human element. It sounds like an incredibly noble goal. But when we look at the algorithm, we start to notice some interesting trends. Among the people who do not re-offend, if we look at the predicted risk, we find that these are all people who did not re-offend, and black defendants were given a risk score of double what white defendants were. If we look at this from another angle and take the group that were deemed to be low risk of re-offending, black defendants, again, were about half. So this is looking at it from the other angle, where now they re-offended about half the rate in the same risk group as white defendants. So what can be done? So we need to start to think about, how can we fix some of these problems? How can we recognize bias and work on it to illuminate the issues? And so the easiest solution would be, let's remove race from the classifier. Let's not pass race in as a variable. This is something that sounds like a very easy solution to this question. This was something that has been tried. A famous example of this is Amazon has a-- had an algorithm to score job applicants and to create scores for them. And as they were using this, one of the things that they noticed is it consistently ranked male applicants higher than female applicants. So their answer to that was, let's get rid of genders from being passed in as inputs. And what they then found was that all of a sudden, the algorithm was ranking people who used words such as "executed" and "performed" in their CVs or resumes and ranking them higher. And when you look at it, those terms were used much more frequently by men than women. And so it was essentially getting around the fact that you were no longer passing gender and learning that from a different way. And a lot of this was built up because, obviously, there are gender inequality issues in the tech industry. And if you're training it on historical data where there are more men than women, you continue to see this pattern over and over again. So where do we start? We have to think about AI machine learning from framing the problem. We have to think about it like, if we are talking to a salesperson and giving them a task, and they have two groups of people they could possibly sell to, and we tell them that if they sell to one group they're going to double the commission of selling to the other group, what's that salesperson going to do? They're going to immediately sell to the group where they get double the commission and fully optimize to that. They'll completely ignore the other group, no matter how important it is to your business. And we have to think about AI algorithms as if they are that salesperson. They're going to solve the task that you put in front of it. Unfortunately, it can be really hard to define that task to be a holistic, wide range view of things where you're considering all the other possibilities. In this case, it could be trying to eliminate bias. It can be really hard to mathematically frame bias. Another thing that we need to look at is we need to ensure that the population that something is being used on actually matches the training population. So this is the example of the New Zealand passport image. But if we are looking at a training population and a real population here, and we say that these are two distributions, and these actual graphs don't mean anything other than to say they're different groups-- And we look at it and we train on this red group, and then we see a person from the real population who is otherwise very average-- they're the right in the middle of the actual population-- and we train on this, would we really expect the algorithm to work? Would we expect the model to work? And so this starts at the basis of, where are we getting the training data from? And so one thing that I'd like to bring that back of telling all of these-- and I don't mean to fear-monger because I do think AI can actually help with a lot of this stuff. So one of the things you can do is because we can now look at this, we can mathematically model bias in these systems. We can say, what happens if we change the gender of someone? What if we change the race of somebody? What if we change different factors and we look at the output of a model to see what is actually driving the AI, the machine learning model's decision? The other thing that we need to do is eliminating bias is going to require a much more inclusive scientific and medical community. It's going to require that we make sure that the studies that we do are achieving a more diverse group. And this is something that is very easy to criticize but in practice can be very hard, because scientists are looking for the smallest sample size that they can get to determine whether an effect is real or not. And the best way to do that is to get people who are very similar to each other, because then you're measuring one effect. You don't have other potential effects going on. And so I see the need to counter biases as potentially a tool for us all to argue for more inclusive, larger studies where we can look at some of these factors. And so with that, I would to thank you all for coming. I do want to say-- [APPLAUSE] Really quickly, there are two things that I think, as a researcher, you can really appreciate. And the first is that we would hope to actually build something or come to some conclusion that actually has an impact in a patient's life. And the other is that people actually care about what you do. So something like this truly does mean a lot coming from this side, so thank you. [APPLAUSE] Slides going to switch. Just waiting for the slides to come on. Well, good evening everyone. My name is Kat Liao. I'm actually a rheumatologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital. And I actually see patients, but I also, almost a-- over a decade ago started working with Zak. And since then, we've been doing a lot of work on clinical applications of AI. So I might be taking a slightly deeper dive into the nuts and bolts of what we're doing in these research projects. So hopefully I'll keep you all awake. So let's see. So I'd actually like to start with a cab drive story. So I called a cab because I needed a ride to South Station last month. And I got in the cab, and I got a chatty cabby. He says, what do you do? And I said, well, I'm a doctor, and I also do research. And he said, well you know, actually, just didn't have a great experience with one of the hospitals in Boston. And so what happened is he had a recent cancer diagnosis made on biopsy. And in the first hospital, he was told he had a pretty severe high-grade cancer on biopsy when they looked at his cells. And he, like everyone, rightfully so, went to another hospital and got a second opinion. And there they said, you have moderate-grade. You definitely have a cancer, but you may only need six weeks of chemotherapy and not the 12 weeks of chemotherapy and radiation that was recommended by the first hospital. And so he actually went back to both institutions and said, hey, there is this difference of opinion. And so the pathologists, the doctors that review the slides from the biopsy, re-reviewed it. They actually had somebody else review the slides, and they came to the same difference in opinion. And he asked me, how could this happen? How could something like this happen? In my head, I was thinking, it actually happens all the time. And that's because, as many of you are probably aware, there's a lot of gray areas in clinical medicine. And so what I'm showing you here is a complete cartoon, but of cells. This is a normal cell, and this would be an abnormal cell that you would see in high-grade cancer. But oftentimes, people have a lot of things in between-- gray area. So you might say this is normal. This is mildly abnormal, moderately abnormal, and highly abnormal. And I don't know exactly what happened. I didn't get involved in that case. But I could see how he could have a difference in opinion because things like this happen all the time. So let's say the cab driver, he had a biopsy done, they looked at the cells, and it was 50/50, right in the middle. So those physicians, those pathologists, have to pick one or the other. And that has to do with practice or opinion when you don't have a lot of data. And in fact, in many situations, in this gray zone, there is no right answer. The reason there's a gray zone is because we don't know what the best answer is. But from this story, you can tell the implications for this patient are very different based on how the data were interpreted. So one hospital said, you need 12 weeks of chemotherapy and radiation, and the other said, you need 6 weeks. And he said, 12 weeks would put me out of the job. I'd have such a hard time. It would really just affect my life in such a big way, and I can't believe it can be so different. And so ultimately, the cab driver did undergo treatment at hospital two. He had chemotherapy for six weeks. He was doing very well. But in reality, we actually need more time to know if this was actually adequate therapy. So I want you to hold this story in your mind, and this theme will come up again, themes from this story, when we talk about how we might be applying AI in clinical medicine. And so why AI for clinical medicine? To say it's very exciting time. You heard from Zak and Brett about all these technologies that are changing. For me as a physician, I started training with paper charts. So a classic case of a 72-year-old man comes into the hospital with his daughter, and his daughter's like, I think-- he's confused. He can't tell us anything. And the daughter says, I think he might have had a stroke three years ago and was admitted at this hospital. So what that meant when I was an intern, meaning I go down to the basement. I request the charts. I get a stack this high. And I'm trying to flip through it to find out where in this past three to five years was he admitted and why. And so as you can tell, that's very labor intensive. Just for one patient, it's very hard to recreate that history and synthesize the data. Then, if you take it a step further, on the research side, when you're trying to learn about relationships between diseases or how a treatment may impact an outcome or may be good to prevent stroke, you have to do these chart reviews for thousands of patients. And in fact, before now, we literally had teams of people reviewing stacks and stacks of paper charts to figure out who had a stroke, who had high blood pressure, who is on what drug to figure out these relationships. Now, with electronic health data, I might say that we almost have too much data. We're drowning in the data dell where we actually can't find the information we need. The good thing is it's in there somewhere. And obviously, this is why EHRs are here. It's the opportunity to improve the efficiency of health care. But as physicians, now when someone comes into the hospital, if someone says, it's all on the computer, and I said, I know, but I can't find it. And so our goal now is, how do we get this information out of there? And particularly for medicine, when we think about research, there's a lot of information for us to understand, again, the relationship between diseases. What treatments are effective? And it really has enabled us to do these large population studies and change the way and the types of questions we can ask. But before we can do that, we have to figure out who has what disease. And so Brett and Zak both went through some applications of AI in medicine. And what I'm going to focus on is the one I think as physicians we think about the most, is how can AI help us make the diagnosis? And assist in making the diagnosis, or actually predict that someone is going to get the disease? And what I want to hammer home is that before we can do that, we have to figure out, in all these data, how do we define who has what disease? And I see the research studies-- this is the realm where I live-- as a first step. And in fact, the clinical Electronic Health Record data has enabled us to try to ask this question. You don't want to test AI on the patient. You don't want you to be the test subject in the clinic to see if AI is working. But the clinical EHR data gets you as close as you can get to the patient without actually testing it on the patient or ourselves, and that's because this is all the data that's generated as part of clinical care. And so this phenotyping, or knowing who has what disease, is really the foundation for useful applications in making the diagnosis as well as all the studies we do asking about-- does a treatment work? What are the side effects? What kinds of-- does smoking increase risk of lung cancer? Which we know it does. So why is making the diagnosis so hard to do, and why is it so hard to teach AI? So phenotypes are actually a spectrum. So phenotypes themselves are measurable attributes. And so they can be physical characteristics, such as eye color. Or it can be certain diseases, such as stroke and rheumatoid arthritis. So for stroke, someone can have a small blockage of an artery and have damage of a few brain cells, have a facial droop, get to the hospital in time, get treatment, completely recover. That's a stroke. Another patient with a stroke is someone who had a blockage of a major artery, massive damage to the brain cells, and complete paralysis on the left side. That's also a stroke. So I'm a rheumatologist. Many of my patients have a condition called rheumatoid arthritis, the most common inflammatory joint disease. There is a blood test that's associated with rheumatoid arthritis called rheumatoid factor. So someone with positive rheumatoid factor, two swollen joints, and about an hour of morning stiffness, that's rheumatoid arthritis. Another case, on the extreme, you can have negative blood tests of rheumatoid factor, have five swollen joints, and complete destruction of the joints. That's also rheumatoid arthritis. So these are-- as you can tell, the spectrum comes in many different combinations and characteristics. And it's hard to-- as humans, I think our intuition-- we can integrate all these data and say, this person has a stroke and this person has RA. But how do you teach a machine that? Do you have to give it all the different combinations? It's very hard to explain that. The other challenge is, where do you do that cut? I showed you the spectrum of the cells, and you have to make a cut to say, this is abnormal, and this is normal. In every disease, you have the spectrum, and somebody has to decide at what point that you say someone has a disease and needs this treatment versus they don't have the disease and perhaps you don't need treatment. And so this is where I wanted to just make the point that artificial intelligence is very different from human intelligence. Working with this kind of technology, it's very different, and the goals are very different. So in medicine right now, at least in terms of trying to understand the diagnoses, we've been using something called machine learning. And I'm sure many of you probably-- I think they use this word in ads now. When I'm driving to work listening to the radio, they say, machine learning for this and that. This is a technology that we've been using to try to see-- can this machine learning, artificial intelligence, help us to make better diagnoses and more accurate diagnoses sooner? And as Brett and Zak mentioned, it requires data to train. So you can't just give it data and say, OK, intuit. Like a human, you can give someone data and say, OK, figure out who has RA. You have to say who you think has rheumatoid arthritis and have it train on that. And I'm actually going to go through some of the gory details of this in the next slide. So I'm going to give you a real scenario that we went through almost a decade ago-- over a decade ago now. And that was Zak had-- he was very visionary. He said, OK, we've got all these Electronic Health Records coming on. There's all this data in there. We should be using it for research. And so he got a bunch of us together, clinical researchers such as myself, but also bioinformaticians, biostatisticians, people working in natural language processing. Said, there's all this data. Now figure out how to do something with it. And so at the time, we had seven million patients in Electronic Health Records. And as a researcher, I was interested to know, who has-- I wanted to study rheumatoid arthritis, so the first step was trying to identify who has the disease. In the general population, it's 1%. So it literally is like looking for a needle in a haystack. And so those of you who have some familiarity with the medical field, you're probably saying, well, why don't you just use a diagnosis billing codes, because they're called diagnosis codes? And so what we did is we started and we randomly selected 100 patients with at least one code for RA. And what we found-- we had three rheumatologists review the charts, and we found out only 19 of the 100 actually had RA. So you can't do any study with this if you're only 20% correct. I just want to say, it's not because people are miscoding on purpose. The way billing works is when someone comes in, when you go in to see a physician, something has to be billed. You're ruled out. You're being assessed for x. You're being assessed for heart disease, for RA, for stroke. It doesn't mean you have it, but you need that code to say, this is what you're being worked up for. So then we said, OK, well let's do three codes. That got us to about 50%. So it's almost a coin toss at this point. And you imagine, if you're trying to do a study understanding the association between whether a treatment is effective and the outcome-- you're trying to understand if it's effective for preventing, like let's say a stroke, and you're only 50% correct, you'll never see a signal. The other thing I want to point out here is in this exercise, we took 100 random patients, and what we were doing is we were slicing and dicing. We were saying, OK, we have codes and medications, and how can you get some kind of algorithm or very simple algorithm that's accurate in defining the disease? And this is where things were over a decade ago in how we were defining conditions for studies in large data sets. And you're limited to maybe about 5 to 10, because after that, there's too many combinations for you to manage. So let's talk about how machine learning might help us here. And so I'm showing you one data set first. This is a very small data set of data you can typically pull out of the Electronic Health Records. You have an ID, age, gender, diagnosis code, and a lab. On the right side here, I have what we would call a gold standard. This is what a physician we review the charts of these eight patients and say, you have or have not this disease. So for this particular group of eight patients, there's only one patient. You can't train on this. This is not something that machine learning can help you with because there's not enough data. And as Brett was mentioning earlier with the clinical trials data and the people who were being included in the studies, if you don't have enough people, you don't have the right training sets. This is a terrible training set. So let's go to the next one. So now we have another training set. Eight people. 50% have this disease. And if you look closely, you might say, OK, most of these are women. So this disease is-- let's say this is rheumatoid arthritis, which is what I modeled it after. It's mostly women. Most people have the diagnosis code in this lab, we'll say it's rheumatoid factor, is roughly above 30, you have a good chance of this person having the disease. So we as humans can handle this. There's literally four variables on here. But you are limited in how well you can define a disease when you only have four variables. Now, the beauty of the EHR is now you have thousands if not-- depends on what you use. You can have millions if you include the genetics. And so let's say a typical training set has 200 patients. So you have 200 rows. But now you have, on the columns, 500 to 1,000 columns. And so even if you had people reviewing the charts-- because I could-- the physicians can say-- the clinical experts can say, reading the notes, who has what disease, because that's part of the training. But we can't see the pattern. There's just too much data in there. And this is really where machine learning has been very helpful to us. We just can't process all that data. So I don't have to spend a lot of time on this slide, why getting the phenotypes right is important, especially when you're going to use it in the clinic. So there's no question that misdiagnosis in clinic has just tremendous impact on the patient. But misclassification and research is also really detrimental. So if you don't get it right, you don't see the relationships. Again, I use the example of stroke. If you're looking at the relationship between blood pressure-- high blood pressure we know is related to stroke. But if you can only classify stroke right 50% of the time, you're just seeing noise. You're not going to see that association. You're not going to know that you need to target blood pressure to reduce the risk of future stroke. And so that really-- this need to get either the diagnosis or the phenotype correct, is really important because it's what we call it powers the study. Your study has no power to see any relationships if the data are too noisy. And I know this has already come up, that the algorithms really rely on these training sets. The training sets have to reflect the population you're going to be running it on. And it also relies on the reviewers. Those gold standards-- when I talked about this chart review here, the machine is trying to mimic, is trying to predict what you tell it to predict. It's not going to go beyond that. There's no intuition there. So I wanted to share a little bit of what we learned in terms of using machine learning in clinical research using the Electronic Health Record data. So I'm not going to go into this in detail. This is probably version 12 of what we've worked on in trying to start with the EMR data and getting to this probability or this phenotype yes/no. And what I want to point to in the center here is that we found that machine learning methods have actually been very useful and very well suited to dealing with the complexity of the EHR data and helping us to accurately define the disease. And that at the center here, you have the gold standard. So we still have about-- you start with a set of 200 to 400 patients where you pull out hundreds of variables or columns. But you review the charts on these patients and you train. You have the machine train on this gold standard and find the pattern. Then you take that mathematical model developed based on that pattern and run it on the EMR of now millions of patients. And that's how you get this yes/no, who has what disease. But right now, it's for researchers only. And that's because there a lot of things that we can't study using data. There are lots of things going on in the clinic that are not captured in the Electronic Health Record data. So there are some challenges to translating AI into the clinical setting. I know there are many people working on this now. We already talked about the training set. Who are going to be the clinical experts? Who's going to define the gold standard. And adapting to new diagnoses, new inputs, and new therapies. Brett mentioned you're training these algorithms at one point in time. How do you know it's going to be useful 10 years from now? How do you reassess it? When do you retrain it? And the stakes vary very differently depending on the situation. Are you using it for screening, where you're then going to have-- it's going to be very sensitive, it's going to capture anyone who possibly has a disease, and then you confirm it with a physician? Or is it going to be the actual diagnostic tool? And last but not least, as a clinician, I think a lot about, how are we going to use these tools? Ultimately, the clinical team is going to be responsible for the final diagnosis and treatment. And when we make that decision, it's not based simply on an answer. It's not like, you have this disease. It's-- you have this condition. Here are the treatments. But what's all the other stuff going on? What are your other medical issues? What are your other social factors? Can you tolerate this type of chemotherapy? So those kinds of almost more intuitive or I would say data that aren't captured in the EHR are very important in making decision for treatment. And so this theme I think has come up is that I think that the research that we're doing, the research on the clinical EHR data, may mirror how we might move into the clinical realm. So what I showed you, this is very much what we call a semi-supervisor, an automated pipeline where you move through processes. And I showed you that machine learning and artificial intelligence is at the center. But what we found, taking this algorithm, implementing it in multiple other institutions and across 20 to 30 diseases now, you need a check. You need a human check. And each of these stars is areas where things went very wrong because of some blip in the data, something that the machine's not going to know intuitively that's not supposed to be there. And so each of these steps is where we've built in human checks. And right here, this is a check to say, where do we threshold? Where did we say someone has a disease or doesn't have the disease? And I do, I strongly believe that we're going to need a similar paradigm when this AI comes into the clinic. And so in summary, I hope I've demonstrated how it could be a powerful tool to assist us in clinical medicine, where it's not necessarily replacing a lot of the things we do, but it's able to do other things such as integrate large volumes of information that we simply can't process. But it is limited by the training data and how good the reviewers are. But ultimately, this is might be a cool new tool, but we shouldn't use it unless it actually, if we bring it into a clinic, if it actually improves how we take care of patients, that it actually improves care. And so I believe that you have to combine the artificial intelligence with a human intelligence, because any diagnosis and downstream treatment has large implications for patients. And so we still have a lot of future work ahead that may need to be actually tested in the clinic. Medicine changes over time. How often should we be reassessing it? So I just took my board exam, which we have to take every couple of years. I get reassessed. I think the machines need to be reassessed. And in fact, the algorithm that we developed 10 years ago with the early studies was Zak, we are reassessing it now to see how well it runs. It was built on historic data. Now we have a new EMR. We've got new treatments. How well is it working? And then, ultimately, the responsibility is with the human clinical care team, and that in this rapidly changing world, that team needs to understand how this AI came to that decision or that results and how to integrate it into the care. So with that, I'd like to thank you for your time. [APPLAUSE] Thank you very much for those very good [INAUDIBLE] I'll grab a water, actually. Think I left my water here. I'll grab this one. So this is I think the more interesting part of the session today, which is where we get questions from the audience, which you have been kind enough to forward to me. If you start getting bored of the questions that we've selected, I will entertain hands up. First of all, let's go get with the most important comment. This is not mine. Fashion Police says, nice shoes Gina. [LAUGHTER] But that same comment-- but the same card has an easy-to-answer question. It says, essentially, are there MRI data sets linked to cancer, linked to genetics, so we could do machine learning on those? And it's an easy answer because in fact there is a data set available courtesy of your tax dollars. The National Cancer Institute has something called the Cancer Genome Anatomy Project, where you have MRI images, CT scan images, and pathology images, and the genomics both of the individuals and their tumors and a variety of other measurements. So you can-- there are whole fields of research that could be done with that. I'm going to now start picking on my colleagues here. So there is a question about-- we got Brett, which is since one way of looking at blacks is a skin color, so why not factor that out of analysis, and wouldn't we be better off? Yeah. I think the first example is going to be similar to the example where Amazon tried to do that with gender. But the other thing is skin color is not necessarily indicative of [INAUDIBLE] genetics, but its highly correlated with them. And so it can be a useful feature. It can be helpful in actually diagnosing a disease or picking a treatment without-- especially when you don't have the genetic test done. The other side, I think, is that it can be a marker in certain areas for socioeconomic status and other markers, where we see the differences between insurance and other things like that that do play a key role in outcomes. Thank you. So we received a question via YouTube from Ireland, and also a few questions that are very much like this one from local audience members. And they basically are asking, are we going to be put out of a job, the diagnostic radiologists, the pathologists, and the ophthalmologists and the dermatologists? And so let me tell you a little story first of all. So I saw a AI program that was published with a study describing it, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. I called up my cousin, my first cousin, who's a very proud ophthalmologist. I said, ha! Look, we're going to replace-- what do you think of this program that can look at a picture of an eye and just diagnose in a few microseconds whether you have retinopathy or not? And he said, fantastic. This is actually great. I hate looking at those images. I'd much rather be in the operating room doing surgery and have an AI program do that. Meanwhile, I'm seeing more patients, I'm getting more money, and I'm having more fun. So that's one version of it. I'd say the big picture is if the doctor is not seeing the patient at all, it becomes much easier to replace them. So you may or may not know that if you get an X-ray done in several hospitals in the United States, those x-rays get interpreted while we're sleeping during the daytime in India and Australia by doctors who are very competent but have never seen us. That kind of expertise can be completely replaced by computing. And so from my perspective, and I think it's a growing understanding, is we value the human contact, not just for the warm and fuzzy part, but because of what Dr. Liao was talking about, which is we know how to weigh not only the diagnosis but what are the things they're going to tolerate? What are the things that you might want to balance? By the way, Kat, I'm just impressed the conversations that you have with the cab drivers. They never-- [LAUGHTER] --never want to talk to me about-- I get the chatty cabbies. Yeah. So the short answer is for those doctors who don't see patients at all, they're at a much higher risk of being replaced. Doctors that see patients have a lot of value that will cause them to be sought after for sometime to come. So there's been several questions that I'll direct to you, Kat, about essentially looking at these programs as if they were diagnostic tests. They talk about things like false positives and false negatives. How do we think of these programs in terms of how well they perform? You already hinted at this issue by saying you want to update the algorithm that we did for rheumatoid arthritis. But this is a very interesting question because the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA, has just approved two AI programs, one for the retina and the other one was for chest x-rays. Yeah. And it's already approved. So the question is, will it continue to be updated? And the question that I'm having for you is how do you think about how to evaluate what are the performance metrics? Yeah. I think, at least to start, we should probably evaluate them similarly to how we evaluate current humans. And that is with-- and it might not be exactly the same, but reassessment of these models over time, and making sure-- adding new inputs to see if-- against gold standards, meeting with humans as the gold standard-- to see they continue to meet those benchmarks as a start. That's a start. And medicine's going to change, so just retesting it on medicine, on real data, I think will be part of it. Yeah. I know that Kat talked about the diagnostic codes being a part of that. The diagnostic codes completely changed in 2015. So that's the type of example which will break a current algorithm that will require retraining. Many of the, I think, harder ones to catch are going to be much quieter than that. That was an easy one because it's something that everybody sees coming and can adapt to. So there's an interesting question from Gainesville, Florida. They say, can AI be used to train doctors, nurses, and other health care workers? And here's an interesting thing. Because of privacy concerns or appropriate privacy concerns, we can't share a lot of data. But I don't know if you've seen on the internet these things whereby I can say, I want to see Kat as a blonde or I want to see her in a different dress, or I can see her rendered in a certain painter style. And so these deep learning outcomes can not only recognize, they can generate images. So for example, we can generate millions of broken bone images. We can generate millions of skin lesions that are actually not anybody's skin lesions but look exactly like it. So we can provide a lot more training materials that previously have been very, very limited because of privacy concerns, and frankly because some people view them as their intellectual property. So Kat? Yes? This is an interesting question, and there are several questions on this theme, which the theme is privacy threats. Large data sets. Who's watching them? For what purpose? This is one version of it. Is there any fear that the patient info, data, is shared over the internet, can be hacked into and shared with the wrong people or misused by others, like insurance companies? Well, I think that's always a fear. And so at our institutions, they really take this very seriously. And so their data's behind firewalls. They're locked in these server farms. So this is taken very seriously. They do the best they can. And for research purposes and for-- so research is one level. There is a whole set of rules of how we don't even use the actual patient numbers when we're doing the analysis. We can't send out data with not even dates on there because that might help to identify patients. And so for clinical care, there's another level to that. So I think the health providers are doing as much as we can to prevent that from happening. One thing I'll add to that is this is not a new threat, necessarily. There's actually a federal government site that tracks breaches of over 500 patients. And if you look at it, you'll see, shockingly, that more than 50% of these are hard copy breaches. And it's people having left hard copy of patient records or other things in places that they shouldn't, or just losing them. It's not always something where it's been clearly taken by somebody else. But I would raise that this is not a new thing, but I think it's an incredibly important thing. Yeah. The fact is, if you walk into most hospitals wearing a white coat and look like you know what you're doing, you could walk out with a lot of data. [LAUGHTER] And that's just a reality. But also, I want to point out this is something that you should think about as citizens. Studies were done and public was asked, who are you worried about seeing your data? So unsurprisingly, they said, I don't want commercial companies to see my data. And they also said, and this surprised me, I don't want public health to see my data. But I want researchers to see my data. But the irony is the commercial companies have contractual rights to your data. Public health authorities have a legal right to see your data. The only group that have major blocks to seeing your data is the researchers. And so it's like we're, on the one hand, putting this huge dam to prevent data leakage, where on the side, it's just flowing out to these other parties that we may not want it to be slid into. By the way, I actually-- here's an interesting factoid for my audience. Indigo was the principle blue dye for hundreds of years. I did not know that. One of major crops in British India. Great Duke Ellington song, had a song, "Mood Indigo." Share that for cultural edification. [LAUGHTER] This is a question for you, Kat. And I think it's raised and it's legit by the taxi story. You see, stories are important. Is it better to go with the highest course of treatment in order for a much better outcome based on the patient diagnosis when in the gray area? Yes. Yeah. And I actually had this conversation with the taxi driver. I said, I think that one hospital might have wanted to go err on the side of caution. But chemotherapy is not-- every treatment comes with a side effect. So he could have neuropathy, which losing the sensation of his toes and fingers. So yes, in general we do think that way, but it isn't always the case because-- especially when you're working with very toxic drugs. And for this particular cab driver, he was afraid that 12 weeks of chemotherapy and radiation would mean that he loses his job. And if six weeks was enough and he kept his job, then that is a really big difference for him. Thank you. This is also a good question. Why did you get into this area of artificial intelligence meets medicine? So you, Kat, started in medicine. You started in artificial intelligence, computer science. So you both answer it, and then I'll answer it. Why don't you start? Yeah, I can start. So I was actually working in consulting for financial services doing something that actually felt pretty meaningful, and it was assessing damages from the mortgage crisis in 2008 and trying to figure out who was wrongly foreclosed on and which individuals were harmed so that the banks could be made to pay some form of restitution to them. After about a year of doing this, everything got settled. Everything ended. Everybody got even payouts. People who were more wronged than others got no more than the average person. And it all felt kind of worthless. And so in thinking about where I wanted to be and where I wanted to try to be applying skills, medicine was the natural next route. And what was your first hook into that? I did study computational biology as an undergrad. I had initially thought that I was-- my parents are probably disappointed I didn't go the MD route, and fortunately, my younger brother did, so they're content. [LAUGHTER] I was actually watching a neurosurgery, and ended up getting kicked out of the operating room because I thought I was going to pass out. [LAUGHTER] And this is at the age of 18 where I was a testosterone filled young man who wouldn't leave on his own without the neurosurgeon actually asking me to leave because he didn't want to operate on me next. [LAUGHTER] Love it. Kat, you've had time to think about this answer. Well, maybe not as exciting. So I was trained as a clinician. I thought I would mainly see patients. Got into research. And then, a lot of my-- as a clinical researcher, my questions come from the clinic. And I realized that there were some questions I couldn't answer. So I'm a rheumatologists. I study a lot of autoimmunity. And I said, we need to look at bigger data sets, and we need to know a lot of diagnoses and really look at really complex relationships. And we just couldn't do it at the time I was coming through. So when I heard about Zak's project and the scope of it and the amount of data, working millions of patients, I got really excited and jumped on board. And now you're a great leader in it. So I'll answer for me. I had no one in my family who was a doctor, so I didn't know what medicine was about, and I didn't have any mentor telling me how to figure that out. So I just applied to medical school, got into medical school. And then I realized after the first year, wow, this is a very noble profession. It's a profession. It's a trade. But it's not really a science, and I thought I was going into science. So then I panicked, and I dropped out the ambitious way, which I dropped out and got my PhD in computer science. And then I went back to medicine, and I've completed my training in pediatric endocrinology. And all the while, I started seeing all the holes in medicine, all the mistakes that are being made, all the slowness that's happening, all the things that make Netflix look better than medicine in terms of recommending the next step. And frankly, it made me enraged. And so I channeled that rage into grant writing, which is something that I've become quite good at, and started research groups and research in this arrow, which allowed me to work with smart young people like the two you just heard. All right. So let's-- ah. There was a question, a reasonable question. Hey, can I get that iPhone program that allows me to recognize melanoma lesions on my skin or other people's skin? And the short answer is this thing really works, it was really deployed, and speaks to another question that we got from the audience. Anybody want to guess why it's not yet available? [INAUDIBLE] What? They don't know how to [INAUDIBLE] [LAUGHTER] Getting close. Unfortunately, cynicism might be the order of the day. It's who is going to be medically legally liable when this thing makes a mistake. You need a company behind this. And some random Stanford researcher is not going to say, hey, use this, and if it works for you, send me a car. Because the cab driver is going to say, hey, you made me do this therapy because-- and it turned out I didn't have melanoma. And so you really have to have, A, a company that takes on medical legal liability, that educates physicians about it, and that gets FDA approval. Big, big challenges. And those challenges are as big as the scientific challenge, perhaps bigger than the scientific challenge of getting the software distributed. One quick question. Will AI be able to detect pancreatic cancer? Any of you want to deal with that? Come on. Punting to you, Zak. [INAUDIBLE] So my answer is I don't believe we're measuring the things that we would need to measure in order to be able to diagnose pancreatic cancer. Right now, we tend to measure things that are associated with pancreatic cancer very, very late, like right up at diagnosis or after diagnosis. I could imagine a future where, if you're genetically prone to have pancreatic cancer, we'll measure a bunch of things like circulating cells. But this is not an AI question, it's a measurement question, in my opinion. So I think we've really answered all the questions, and there's nothing wrong with ending before time. Is there-- [INAUDIBLE] Any other-- I will entertain-- yes, a question from-- What if it turns out that Boeing designed the software? Well, that's a very good point. So I actually shared a very sad story from-- who-- Ralph Nader. So Ralph Nader's grandniece was on one of the flights that crashed with a 737 MAX. And what really happened will be determined, but we know some things that were true, which is the designers put a lot of faith in automated controls and made it very hard for the pilots to go with their intuition. So on the one hand, yes, pilots get drunk, they fall asleep. And doctors make mistakes, and doctors fall sleep and they get drunk. And so you create software to avoid that. But what you're also doing is making it harder for doctors and pilots to use their intuition. And so if you're a great doctor and a good doctor and an alert doctor, you may not be enabled. You may be prevented from doing the right thing because there's something very confusing going on that's not intuitive. And so the plane was actually actively fighting the responses because a program had been imposed. And Ralph Nader's comment is his grandniece died because of some hubristic assumption that the computer was always going to be right. And I think it is a good cautionary tale. And I think it is a reason why it may be that computers and AI will be used to watch for errors, will be used to make automated diagnoses, but I in my own care of my family and myself will always hope that there is a smart, intuitive, commonsensical doctor who's at the helm, and that she's making sure that something obvious and stupid-- Because AI programs can be very, very good at what they're doing, but they're not intelligent in the sense of human beings. And so for example, one of my students just published a paper in Science where you take an image of a retina or of a mole, and you just add a little noise to it. And to you and me, it looks like the same picture, so you can still make the same diagnosis as you would before. But the person who added the noise knows something about the computer program, so that little bit of noise completely confuses the program and it completely changed this diagnosis from melanoma to not melanoma or vice versa. The point is, these programs look like they think like us, they don't think like us, they certainly don't have common sense. So just because someone can-- a machine that can play chess at the grandmaster level is still not going to be the machine that can tell you reliably-- do you want this treatment that's at a higher risk long term but is more likely to get you to your daughter's wedding, or this other treatment which is higher risk for the short term, but overall a better chance of survival? That's a human kind of judgment question that maybe one day, in a science fiction sense, computers will be able to do, but we're far from that. Right now, we're in this amazing era where things that human beings don't do well, like look at images and see that little spot that maybe was missed on a mammogram that might be associated cancer, looking at pathology imaged and making sure that you don't miss any of the cancer cells. It's very good at that kind of detailed work in a very high throughput, systematic, reliable way. Because again, remember what I said at the beginning. Pathologists are not-- will disagree with one another on a same sample maybe 30% of the time, but when it comes to decision making, you're really on target to bring up the 737. We should not put ourselves in the position where the computer program is deciding on therapy. With that, thank you. [APPLAUSE]
Channel: Harvard Medical School
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Id: xSDfma4VEx8
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Length: 83min 45sec (5025 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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