MCU Timeline 2022/2023 (Marvel Cinematic Universe Complete Story / Lore) - Full Recap!

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the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a franchise  of interconnected movies shows and more in   this video I present to you a complete recap  of every single story and event that's taken   place in the MCU this is my biggest video  yet so don't forget to show some support   and quickly scroll down subscribe turn  on notifications like the video scroll   back up and please enjoy this Mammoth  of a video that's taken months to make tunsberg Norway March 1942 Hydra force is led by  a man named Johann Schmidt invade a Stone Church   looking for a cosmic artifact only told in Legend  what's known as the Tesseract which possesses   unforetold Powers the jewel of Odin's treasure  room Johann brexit obviously fake Tesseract and   locates the real Tesseract he opens the Vault and  finally possesses the Tesseract shining bright   on his face Johan kills the church keeper and  guarded with the Tesseract and then orders fire   on the rest of the village elsewhere a young  man named Steve Rogers goes into an enlistment   office trying to join the fight of World War II  and he gets rejected due to a lot of reasons he   later goes to watch a movie where first plays a  war commercial to which someone yells to hurry   up and play the movie causing Steve to tell them  to shut up the man stands up and faces Steve and   shortly after he beats Stephen and Ali outside  his friend James Bucky Barnes finds him and gets   the man to back off beating him Steven Bucky then  go to stock Expo where Howard stuck beers showing   them the futuristic technology they're dealing  with and creating for the wild although Steve   doesn't care much about the future and only the  present he notices a recruitment office and goes   to enlist Stephen Bucky argue and a doctor named  Abraham Erskine over here Steve's words and comes   to talk to Steve Abraham confronts him about his  multiple attempts and offers him the chance to   join meanwhile Johan and Dr Zola experiment with  the Tesseract they grab it from its box and put   it into zoll's machine and after what initially  seems like a malfunction they're able to steal   energy from it successfully at training camp agent  Petty Carter and Chester Phillips oversee their   training Chester talks to them about their job  as candidates of project rebirth a super soldier   experiment being conducted by the Strategic  scientific Reserve Steve trains but fails at   a lot of things often falling behind at about  the halfway point in a track they have to grab   the flag on top of the post if they want to ride  back instead of running they all fail and it said   no one's gotten the flag in 17 years so they all  continue running in formation but Steve gives it   a shot but in a different way he deconstructs the  post and grabs the flag getting a ride back with   Agent Carter they continue training and Chester  doesn't believe Steve will be a good candidate   but Abraham thinks quite the opposite to test  Chester throws a fake grenade to see who has   guts and everyone runs besides Steve who jumps  over the grenade and yells for everyone to get   back he successfully passes the test and later  in the night Abraham tells Steve he was chosen   Peggy and Steve arrive at a random building in New  York where Peggy speaks the code word letting both   of them into a secret underground facility where  scientists other agents in security are Walking   The Halls they walk to the main base and down to  the workers Steve takes off his shirt and lays   on the machine prepared for the treatment Howard  Stark is also there to help Abraham speaks to the   funders and government as everyone prepares the  machine they take the Super Soldier serum and Vita   race stabbing Steve with Penicillin they prepare  the serum infusion as the machine begins to power   the serum goes into Steve and he growing turns  Howard flips a switch which raises the machine and   closes Steve in a capsule Howard then turns the  power up to 70 percent where Steve begins to groan   and Shout Abraham tells Howard to shut it down  but Steve yells no don't I can do this so Howard   continues raising the power until they reach  a hundred percent the machine lights brighter   as everything around seemingly malfunctions  the machine Powers down and how it unlocks   the capsule revealing a now fully buff and super  soldier Steve Rogers everyone congratulates each   other but Johan's hired assassin Heinz Kruger is  there who looks around the place before clicking   a button which explodes the glass on the second  floor Heinz grabs a jar of the serum and shoots   Abraham and other guards Abraham however dies in  Steve's arms Heinz gets in the car and they drive   off Peggy however aims carefully and hits the  driver directly crashing the car Hines gets out   and gets into a taxi where he drives towards Peggy  Steve jumps and pushes her out the way as Heinz   drives away so Steve begins running and rushes  down the streets with his new heightened speed and   height Steve Cash is up to him and jumps on top of  the taxi he stays on until Heinz hits the side of   the truck causing the car to Tumble Heinz gets out  of the car and shoots Steve who uses the taxi door   as a shield Heinz grabs a child and Steve keeps  running to him who Hinds shoots his Gunner only   to have no bullets left so he throws the kid into  the water who tells Steve to keep going Heinz gets   into a submarine to which Steve jumps down into  the water to grab onto smash the window and then   bring Heinz back up the serum breaks behind Hales  Hydra and immediately commits suicide by cyanide   pill before he can be interrogated for information  back in the facility they are deciding to take   the fight directly to Hydra Chester is leaving  Steve behind though as they do tests to try and   ReDiscover Abraham's formula Senator brand however  offers to tour the nation to promote War donations   acting as an image of the ideal Soldier for the  public to get behind he begins performing as the   star-strangled character Captain America recording  promotions and going to a multitude of shows comic   books begin to be sold his promos begin playing  in the movies and Cat Captain America quickly   becomes a star in the symbol of Hope For America  in Italy November 1943 he's booed off staged by   the soldiers because they wanted the girls back  but as he relaxes in the rain Peggy arrives back   after they talk Steve learns that Bucky's unit was  lost in a battle against Hydra to which Chester   thinks Bucky is dead they aren't going to save  the loss because of the fear they'll lose more   than save but Steve goes to save them himself he  puts the suit of Captain America on and gets in   the car but Peggy is able to help far then with  just words as she and Howard help him by flying   him in the plane they get shot from the ground but  Steve jumps out of the plane and parachutes down   as Howard and Peggy turn the plane around Steve  is able to sneak through the woods hiding in the   truck heading directly into the Hydra Factory he  sneaks his way through the base grabbing a piece   of the Tesseract machinery and eventually arrives  at the soldiers where he frees them all quietly   he gathers a more to mob the factory and take down  as many guards as they can Johan sounds the alarms   as the soldiers power through the base using their  own Tesseract weapons against them Johan Steve and   the cameras and prepares to self-destruct the  base druhan grabs the Tesseract as Zola grabs   his documents he begins running but Steve ignores  him finding Bucky tied up Steve sees their plans   and runs out the room the soldiers get out but the  building explodes Stephen Bucky quickly run until   they meet with Johann and Zola Steve punches him  but Johan hits his shield Steve kicks him at the   way and Zola makes the bridge break apart truhan  speaks to him taking off his human mask showing   off his true self his Red Skull Johan and Zola  Escape while Bucky walks across a bridge to get   to the other side the bridge Falls as Bucky makes  it across and Steve is forced to jump across the   Gap back at base Chester and Peggy think they're  dead but a bunch of soldiers arrive with Captain   America he saved them all and they even brought  Hydro weapons back Steve surrenders himself but   Chester declines the whole base cheer up a storm  for Captain America Steve tells him about the   base spots he saw briefly and that there's a  main Hydra base that's off the mat Chester is   preparing a team to go with Steve to go and fight  Hydra but Steve is doing that himself and gathers   his own team Peggy Horizon organizes a time the  next morning for equipment testing and floods with   Steve a little bit Stark gives Advanced Equipment  including a vibranium Shield Peggy shoots to test   it and it works fine he gives Howard some ideas  about the uniform and leads his team into battle   taking out multiple Hydro bases one by one Dr Zola  is on a train that the team is preparing to enter   the train comes and they zip line down jumping on  top of the train and heading to the ladder Steve   and Bucky get inside and move through the train  but Hydra locked the door between Stephen Bucky   and they both fight as best they can Steve boxes  guys shots and takes him out Steven Bucky then   perform a combo move but another guard comes in  to fire at them which sends them both back like he   grabs the shield and shoots but gets knocked out  of the train Steve takes the guard out and climbs   outside the train as Bucky is barely holding on  Steve reaches for Bucky but Bucky falls off and   down from the train to his death after this Jones  quickly locates and captures Zola Chester tries   to take solar on his side and Zola tells him that  his is simply everywhere as Red Skull is preparing   for battle the very next day Steve is upset  by Bucky's death and Peggy helps him gain some   motivation Chester talks to everyone about how Red  Skull wants to blow up the world starting with the   United States how it says that he can wipe out  the entire Eastern Seaboard in an hour they have   less than 24 hours to attack hydra's last but main  base so Steve organizes a plan and Goes Forth he   heads directly to the main entrance defeating  any obstacle that comes his way he beats down   a multitude of guards but gets surrounded he gets  taken directly to Red Skull who prepares to shoot   Captain America but Steve's team Ziplines through  the window to help Steve now follows Red Skull as   the remaining soldiers push the Hydra base Red  Skull Fights Back Captain America who was able   to hold the door open with a great Shield throw  after Peggy destroys the flamethrower guard Steve   pushes forward Red Skull prepares the valkyrie  hydra's massive aircraft bomber and begins to   leave Steve runs to it and misses it but Chester  and Peggy arrive in Dr Zola's car which Chester is   able to use to boost at insane speeds for Steve  to jump across Peggy grabs and kisses Steve and   Steve jumps up to the aircraft Peggy and Chester  barely make her as Steve climbs aboard he sees the   missiles which are all named with locations to  fire at guards come over but Steve fights them   off one by one he drops one of the bombs into  the ocean and as a guard gets in a missile and   prepares to aim at one of the locations Steve  gets him the missile and they fall through the   sky Steve is able to eject the guard and get into  the missile to fly around Steve aims for the back   of the Skycraft and narrowly makes it he picks  up his shield and enters Red Skull was ready for   him in fire 7 and the two fight vigorously and Red  Skull seemingly has power over Captain America and   picks up his shield to use it against him Red  Skull turns on autopilot and the two continue   fighting Steve shoots The Shield to hit Red Skull  away which hits the Tesseract out of the box Red   Skull holds it but its power is way too much for  him and as he keeps holding it his hand and then   Red Skull himself gets sucked into Somewhere In  Space the Tesseract falls out of the aircraft   which is still on course for New York so Steve  decides to make a tough decision he has to put   the aircraft into water before a lot of people die  due to the bombs he talks to Peggy and although   she doesn't want him to do it he says it's his  choice and Dives the aircraft down he requests   a rain check on the dance and they organize a new  day Steve drives the aircraft directly into the   ground as the radio cuts out as Chester leaves  in sorrow and Peggy cries the aircraft lands in   an unknown location and Falls further into the ice  Hydra is now finished and gone Howard and his team   find the Tesseract and Peggy is given Steve's  file by Chester one year later and Peggy Carter   Works in data analysis and code breaking for the  Strategic scientific Reserve under John Flynn's   command the SSR are hunting down the Zodiac and  Jon isn't letting Peggy go Peggy misses Steve   as the boys go to get drinks leaving Peggy alone  in the office the office gets a phone call giving   the Zodiac's coordinates they recommend three to  five agents go but Peggy works alone she arrives   at the location but two men go outside to get  her away she however beats both of the men up   and when the guy inside grabs gun he looks back  up to see her gone he goes outside only for a gun   to be pointed at his head she gets him to tell  him the location of the zodiac she gets him to   scream for help so more Gods come rushing in only  for Peggy to knock two of them out with a pole   without hesitation the last guard looks around and  Peggy doesn't hesitate to walk around the corner   and shoot continuously she throws a smoke bomb  through the door and enters the room wearing a   gas mask she finds the Zodiac and retrieves  it before it's revealed there's another God   wearing a gas mask he takes her mask off but she's  able to defend herself and before being choked to   death she's able to stab him and then kick him  away she grabs the suitcase and walks out she   then arrives back and gets heckled by her boss  although there's another call from Howard star   for Agent Carter saying she'll be running shield  with him from now on John tells of the news and   she leaves outside of Earth and across the Galaxy  two alien races of the cree and the Scrolls have   been in constant war with each other since the  career that ultimately Superior species Drew to   their technological advancements the Scrolls have  been numbered down significantly to the brink of   Extinction the queen Empire continues to attempt  to wipe the Scrolls from the face of the Galaxy in   1995 at the height of the war Vias resides in Hala  she has constant nightmares that haunt her mainly   consisting of an airplane crash on a foreign  Peninsula and watching a woman being murdered   in front of her by an unknown scroll assilian  she also remembers this as the earliest memory   of when she gained her powers that allow her to  shoot Photon boss out of her fist Vias now trains   with yon Rog aiming to control her powers but also  to become a member of Star Force although yonrock   believes she is ready the Supreme intelligence the  artificial intelligence that rules the cree Empire   which appears in physical form of whoever you  admire figures otherwise but nonetheless allows   viewers on the team which consists of Minerva  kuras bronchar and at last yonrog gives the   Star Force a briefing to rescue a pre-operative  named solar John Rog informs the team that solar   has been captured on the planet torfa soyon Rog  instructs the team to perform an incursion on   the planet Vias and the rest of the Star Force  land underwater and use their suits to reach   the surface soon there realize that the tour fan  natives are Scrolls and that the mission was in   Ambush they fight the Scrolls as best as they can  visas abducted by skull General Talos disguises   solar who kidnaps her to a school of spacecraft  while the rest of the Star Force Retreat on the   spacecraft Telus gains access to Visa's memories  from various points in her life via's awakens just   as Talos unlocks her memory containing information  on coordinates for something connecting to a light   speed engine she fights Scrolls off and runs  through the ship being unable to shoot any Photon   blast but eventually he's able to break them off  and shoot away she then orchestrates an escape   off the ship and begins heading towards Planet c53  AKA uh fears and the Scrolls crash in Los Angeles   viers crashes through the roof of a Blockbuster  Video in the middle of the shopping plaza or tail   Us in the scrubs assume the role of surfers on a  beach the next day viaz uses her skills to be able   to communicate with yon Rog learning she will  be stranded on Earth for the next 22 hours she   attracts the attention her Shield after a night  shift Police Department Officer reports are in   Nick Fury and Phil coffson arrive at Los Angeles  to interrogate Vias dismissing her Cree Authority   and her claims that the scrubs have arrived on  Earth the interrogation is interrupted by one of   the Scrolls these gifts Chase to the scroll on a  subway train but the scroll evades her and escapes   amid the crowd at the train station Fury and  Colson give Chase to viers who finds out that the   scroll turned into a grandma as the scroll drops  the Crystal and runs to turn into someone else   Fury realizes that Colson was actually abandoned  at the shopping complex and the cops and sitting   passenger side next to him is a second scroll  imposter the two have a scuffle and the skull   is killed when their car crashes into oncoming  traffic via's lost the score at the station but   utilizes the scroll Crystal containing a lost  memories and begins recollecting them until it   breaks up she dresses in a civilian outfit she  stole from a display and steals a motorcycle   to drive to Pancho's bar in the nearby town of  Rosamund Fury and Keller take possession of the   deceased scroll and while performing an autopsy  Keller authorizes Fury to work with veers and   eventually hand her in Shield custody Fury finds  fears at the bar and now fully convinced that the   scrolls are a threat the two question each other  to ensure that they are not scrolling posters   Fury takes her to the Joint Dark Energy Mission  facility in Nevada to confirm Visa's claims of   her Origins on Earth she learns that she was a  fighter pilot for the United States Air Force   alongside a fellow comrade Maria Rambo both under  the titular of Wendy Lawson for Project Pegasus   these recognizes Lawson as the woman murdered in  all of her dreams and later learns from yonrock   that she was a Cree named Marvel Fury reports  their location to Keller and a group of Agents   led by Keller arrives including Coulson upon  realizing that color has been compromised by   Talos the whole time saved by veers Fury goes  Rogue with her with Coulson allowing the two   to escape motivated to seek answers from Rainbow  Fury and V is accompanied by Goose a cat who they   encountered at the facility hijack a quad Jet and  travel to the Rambo residence in New Orleans both   Rambo and her daughter Monica Rambo are surprised  to see if he is still alive the two identify these   as Carol Danvers a fighter pilot who was seemingly  killed with Lawson in a test flight gone awry they   also identify by Goose as Lawson and danvis's Pet  Palace and norik's arrive at the Rambo residence   only to negotiate a temporary Alliance after Talos  reveals that he was in possession of a black box   from the plane crash upon hearing the recording  from the Black Box Danvers finally recollects   the memory of what happened the assassination of  Vossen was orchestrated by none other than yon   Rogue who had uncovered Marvel's deception Marvel  instructed Danvers to destroy the energy core   powering the lightspeed engine but in an attempt  to destroy it Danvers game Cosmic abilities after   absorbing the energy from the exploding Engine  with no recollection of our memories John Rog   was authorized by the Supreme intelligence to  train her into becoming a pre-operative Talus   reveals that Danvers has been deceived by the  cree and that the scrolls are simply homeless   refugees constantly on the run from the cree  on the brink of Extinction Telos confides in   Danvers that Marvel was actually a Cree double  agent who was attempting to help the skulls by   testing the lightspeed engine which can help them  flee Cree occupation forever and that the Black   Box in danvers's memories contain the accordance  to a formal laboratory cloaked in Earth's orbit   that Marvel had used containing the last of  the scroll refugees as well as the energy core   that powered the engine later that night Denver's  shows different suits harmonica Rambo so that they   can pick the right one and Monica decides upon  danvers's new suit the next day yon Rog arrives on   Earth to confront Danvers he quickly realizes that  the Danvers he was communicating with was norax   and swiftly executes him Denver's Fury Talos Maria  and Goose take the quad jet to the laboratory   revealing it from its cloak and find the core  which Lawson called the Tesseract in a research   upon finding refugees Talos is reunited with his  wife and daughter the Star Force however ambushes   them and uses their device to stop Danvers from  being able to use her powers Danvers goes to fight   John rogg but fails so you're on Rogue places  Danvers under stasis to confront the Supreme   intelligence she awakes to have a conversation  with the Supreme intelligence Danvers tries to   fight the Supreme intelligence but it throws her  to a wall and pushes her through it it then shows   her memories Danvers hits the ground but then  gets back up the Supreme intelligence pushes   her away but she's able to remove the inhibitor  that has been limiting her full power potential   snapping her out of her stasis waking her up and  she blasts a star for stealing the Tesseract back   she blasts ancients away and wants Fury to take  the Tesseract but then Fury realizes that goose   is actually a flarken and witnesses her abilities  first hand after she swallows the Tesseract   Danvers uses her powers to easily take down Star  Force Fury and Maria are then cornered but Goose   takes down several soldiers in a battle for the  Tesseract Denver's overpowers korath bronchar and   Atlas while the Scrolls escape on the quad jet  with Rambo and fury yonrog fights Danvers but   she overpowers him John Rog realizes the Tesseract  isn't weird Danvers and so he distracts her while   the other Star Force members continue to fight  her Talos is shot by Young rock as the door   closes and Maria drives the ship being able to  shoot the laboratory's wall in order to escape as   they head down to earth so does yonrog who takes  Danvers down with him he shoots her off the ship   and she falls she then controls her powers and  flies towards yonrog who was shooting at Maria   and Furious kept taking him down and causing him  to crash Ronan and the accusers arrive in Earth's   orbit and begin to dispatch pre-ballistic missiles  at Earth to kill Danvers and the Scrolls Denver's   flies through the sky however and destroys  the missiles by pushing one back and hitting   the others Ronan orders that they all fire at  her and she single-handedly destroys one of the   cree warships easily heading to ronan's ship and  staring at him coldly prompting the accusers to   retreat John Rog arrives on Earth and challenges  Danvers to a duel but she instantly blasts him   with a fault on blast she then sends him back to  Hala with a warning for the Supreme intelligence   declaring war in the aftermath Goose Claws and  blinds Furies left eye while his guard is down   the Scrolls take temporary shelter at the Rambo  residence where Talos begins to recover from his   injuries Danvers tells Fury to keep the Tesseract  on Earth and Hans Fury a modified transmitter   pager to call her in the event of an emergency  Danvers says goodbye to Monica and Maria flying   into the sky to join the Scrolls in finding a new  home sometime later while drafting The Protector   initiative Carlson comes into show Fury possible  new eyes and tells him that they still haven't   found the Tesseract he leaves and upon learning  that Danvers call sign was Avenger during her   time in the air force renames it to the Avengers  Initiative in her honor elsewhere in Earth and   years later in 2008 Playboy and Visionary  industrial genius Anthony Tony Stark son of   the now deceives Howard Stark and CEO of leading  military defense contractor Stark Industries flies   with Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes a member of  the U.S Air Force to a war-torn kuna Afghanistan   to demonstrate his company's new Jericho missile  after his presentation while riding in a transport   Convoy Stark has ambushed and critically wounded  he runs out of the car and runs away but I missile   lands right in front of him blowing him away  and embedding several pieces of shrachner into   his chest several fragments dangerously close to  his heart is eventually found by the ten Rings   where he's held captive in a cave an electro  magnet built by fellow captive ho yinson keeps   the shrapnel that wounded Stark from reaching  his heart and kill killing him the ten Rings   leaders offer Stark freedom in exchange Stark must  build a Jericho missile for the terrorists they   get everything that he needs to build it and Tony  and Jensen agree that Raza will not keep his word   of letting Stark Live While pretending to work  on the missile Stark in the instance secretly   build a powerful electric generator called an arc  reactor to power Stark's electromagnet they then   begin to plan to build a powered suit of armor  designed by Stark to help him escape the ten   Rings check up on them noticing they're working  it and go away without noticing that stuck in the   incident are going ahead with their suit of armor  the 10 Rings eventually realize they're building   something different and Ambush the workshop  when they discover Stark's plan but they begin   torturing yinson but Stark says he needs him so  they let him go telling Starkey only has until   tomorrow so Stark continues to build his suit  he begins to put the suit on and the 10 Rings   can't find stock on the cameras so they send their  agents to look for him the agents try to open the   door but it explodes they send all their agents  there as the incident begins to power the suit   up yinson Runs Out The Cave to save Stark time and  begins shooting at them to get away but eventually   he's cornered the suit finishes powering up as  the agents enter they look around be using the   armored suit Stark flies his way out of the cave  and eventually finds a mortally wounded yinson   Stark goes to him but yinson reassures Stark  and urges him to continue his Escape as he's   going to die and finally reunite with his family  and in no time yinson dies an enraged Stark walks   towards the cave exit with no fear as he burns the  terrorist stockpile of stock Industries produced   weapons he then flies away to escape but quickly  crashes in the desert which destroys the suit   after being rescued by a search party including  roads Stark returns home he immediately calls a   press conference to announce that his company  will no longer manufacture weapons having seen   firsthand The Strife that they cause in the wrong  hands Obadiah stain his father's old partner and   the company's manager meets with him and tells  Obadiah he wants to keep looking into Arc reactive   technology and shows him his own arc reactor to  convince him in his homework Shop Stark creates a   more powerful Arc Reactor for his chest with this  trust said personal assistant Papa potts's help he   then looks at his suit Blueprints and begins to  spend the next few months building an improved   version of the suit with multiple tests and  after noticing the suit freezes up when it's at   a certain height is eventually able to make it fly  around perfectly after a rocky Landing he opens   a gift from Peppa elsewhere the 10 rings have  Stark's suit and are experimenting on it and while   his new suit is being painted red and gold at  Stark's first public appearance after his return   Christine Everhart informs him that the Stark  industry's weapons including the Jericho missile   were recently delivered to the ten rings and are  being used to attack O'Meara yinson's home Village   Stark confronts staying about the supplied weapons  and learns that stain is trying to replace him as   the head of a company in Rage Stark continues to  build and test his suit and eventually Dons his   new armored suit with the help of his machines and  flies to Afghanistan where he lands without fear   he fights and helps save the citizens of golmia  from the ten Rings wrath Stark begins to fly away   being shot down he then rises from the ground and  fires a single missile of tank hitting it directly   and walking away he begins to fight off more  soldiers and then begins to fly home while flying   Stark is called by Rhodes who basically tells him  he knows it's him Stark is annoyed by two F-22   Raptors on behalf of the U.S Air Force he gets  chased around the air and phones roads immediately   revealing his identity in an attempt to call off  the attack Stark flies down and helps one of the   failing Pilots to activate the parachute stock  flies home in Pepper lines of the suit meanwhile   rasa from the 10 Rings meets with stain and offers  to exchange the designs in the suit with him   however stain has Raza and his faction eliminated  taking the suit for himself returning to Stark   Industries staying orders his scientists to have  a knee suit reverse engineered from the wreckage   seeking to find any other weapons delivered to  the 10 Rings Stark sends pepper plots to hack   into the company computer system from stain's  Office Potts finds evidence of stain supplying   weapons to the terrorists but also discovers that  stain had initially hired the 10 rings to kill   Stark in Afghanistan and after an uncomfortable  encounter with a suspicious stain plus meets with   Phil Coulson to inform him of stain's activities  staying scientists reveal that they cannot finish   his suit as no one can manage to duplicate Stark's  Arc Reactor so staying Ambush is stuck at his home   using a Sonic taser to paralyze him and take his  current Arc Reactor left to die Stark manages to   crawl to his lab and save himself by reusing  his original Arc Reactor meanwhile stain puts   the Arc Reactor in the old suit Rhodes arrives at  Starks as pots and several Shield Asians attempt   to arrest stain but he hears this Stark puts the  suit back on and bids roads farewell staying Dons   his suit and attacks the agents but Stark arrives  in the nick of time and pushes Stone away Stark   fight stain and leads him to the maximum height of  his old suit which he fixed in his new suit with   little to no power Stark laws staying Atop The  Stark Industries building and instructs pots to   overload the large Arc Reactor there she begins  to do so and distracts stain long enough until   he gives her the signal she hits the button and  unleashes a massive electrical surge through the   tower that knocks stain unconscious causing him  in his armor to fall into the exploding reactor   killing him the next day the Press dubbed the  armored hero Iron Man an agent Colson and give   stock a cover story to explain the events of the  night and stain's Death at a press conference   Stark begins giving the cover story but then  instead announces that he is indeed Iron Man   shocking the public as the crowd of interviewers  suddenly begin rawing out questions afterwards   Nick Fury visits Stark at his home stating that  Iron Man is not the only superhero in the world   and that he wants to discuss the Avengers  Initiative in Russia the national media is   televising the news conference in which Tony Stark  revealed his identity as Iron Man to the world   during this a sick Anton vanco dies in the arms of  his son Ivan venko telling him that the only thing   he has left to leave him is his knowledge which  turns out to be blueprints for the Arc Reactor   which motivates Ivan to seek revenge on Stark as  he builds the Arc Reactor throughout the years   up until this point in 2011 Stark continued to  use the Iron Man suit to protect people and his   Fame has increased massively he reopens the stock  Expo to fulfill his father's dreams of endorsing   inventors and inventions that will one day benefit  the world as Stark leaves the stage she notices   that his blood toxicity is rising after being  summoned to attend a center-armed force Committee   hearing on the existence and threat of the Iron  Man armor and similar suits being developed in   retaliation Senator Stern demands that he hands  his armor technology over for military application   Stark however refuses as he says the Iron Man suit  and Tony Stark is the same concept and to give it   over would be to turn over himself he then proves  that other attempts by foreign powers to duplicate   the Iron Man suit have failed miserably and also  embarrasses corporate rival Justin Hammer who had   testified against him by showing he had also made  a bungled attempt at creating a prototype Stark   then returns home where Jarvis confirms that the  toxic levels of his blood have risen the Palladium   that is powering the Arc Reactor keeping the  shrapnel from reaching his heart is slowly killing   him and there are no other suitable Replacements  what's keeping him alive is also the thing that's   killing him later Stark makes Pepperpot CEO of  Stark Industries and makes Natalia rushman his new   assistant at the Monaco Grand Prix Stark takes out  the Formula One driver who is representing stock   Industries and drives it himself seeking some  enjoyment before he dies despite putting himself   in immediate danger unbeknownst to anyone else  venko or Whiplash for a better name has gained   the pass to the Grand Prix through the means of  his associate plotting an attack on Stark using   his modified hardness with electric whips vanco  appears on the racetrack and attacks the racing   cars knowing Stark would come he attacks Stark  and begins to go towards him but with the aid   of happy Hogan who directly hits vanco who gets  hit again and again by happy Stark tries to get   the briefcase they were carrying and uses it to  put on the portable Mark 5 suit and now the suit   on is thrown around but is eventually able to  easily defeat vanco by taking his Arc Reactor   Stark discovers that Ivan is the son of disgraced  Russian physicist Anton venko who collaborated on   the first Arc Reactor with Stark's father Howard  Stark venko has later broken out of jail by Justin   Hammer who recruits him to help him make his  own Iron Man suits and gain revenge on Stark   by tarnishing his name and image stock throws  what he believes will be his last birthday party   and promptly proceeds to get drunk while wearing  the armor when stock begins to endanger his body   guests by blasting objects out of the air in their  vicinity Rhodes goes downstairs to put on the Mark   II armor he heads upstairs and tells everyone  to get out Rhodesian goes to start to begin to   fight him they fly around the place and fight each  other they both then fire at each other and create   a large blast with their shots Royston takes the  suit and flies to a military base and the next   day Stark disgraced and hungover is approached by  Nick Fury of shield and rushman who in reality is   Natasha Romanov who injects him with lithium  dioxide to obey his symptoms they provide him   with a box of his father's old research that can  hopefully be used to find a cure for his bedelian   poisoning Coulson however goes to investigate  something happening in New Mexico using his   father's research Stark discovers a message from  his father that leads him to examine the original   1974 diorama of the stock Expo in reality a  disguise diagram for the molecular structure   of a new element Stark hand builds a particle  accelerator with the aid of Jarvis and synthesizes   this new element creating a new new perfected Arc  react that cures his Palladium poisoning realizing   Hammer's involvement with vanco Stark immediately  tries the new arc reactor and races to the stock   expo at the stock Expo Justin Hammer unveils his  new military drones based on the Mark II armor and   Rhodes new upgraded suit Stark arrives though  and faces the new suits Stark talks to Rhodes   and tells him that hammer is working with vanco  unfortunately it is soon discovered that venko   has complete control of both the drones and Rhodes  new armor and Stark flies away as the robots go on   the attack Hammer attempts to regain control of  the drone's per pepper calls the police a stark   battles against these remote controlled enemies  happy Hogan and Romanoff race to hammers Hammer   Industries headquarters to stop venko by the time  they arrive in Romanov defeats all the guards they   soon realized that venko has already departed for  the Expo in a new more powerful suit of armor and   while Stark and Rhodes fight Romanov is able to  give Rhodes control of his armor again so that   he and Stark can fight vanco's Bots together  Stark and Roads suit up and work together to   take all the Bots down as Hammer is put into NYPD  custody venko however with his own power suit with   Advanced whiplashes arrives the two armored allies  fight their best fight with venko and work side by   side to hold their ground the two were chained by  venko's whiplashes but they combine their powers   by shooting at each other and create a large blast  with their full power to successfully take venko   down but ivanko's armor in the hammer drones are  revealed to have been equipped to self-destruct as   they begin to detonate Stark races as fast as  he can to save pots reaching her successfully   he flies her to a rooftop with a reconcile and  inevitably kiss and Rhodes keeps the suit at a   debriefing Fury informs Stark that while Stark is  most unsuitable for The Avengers Initiative she   would want him as a consultant Stark agrees on the  condition that Senator Stern himself present human   roads with their medals for bravery not too long  after but Elsewhere on Earth Bruce Banner records   the events in which he was transformed into a  monster by experimenting on him trying to make   humans immune to gamma radiation he destroys the  lab and hospitalizes his lover Betty Ross Ross's   father General thalius Ross four spanner to go  on the run for years as is now a fugitive of the   United States Army Anna finds a home in rossinhard  Brazil where he works at a soft drink bottling   Factory and has learned breathing techniques  in martial arts to ward off his Transformations   Banner has not had an incident for five months  and has been looking for a cure ever since when   Banner gets a cut his blood drifts into a bottle  like the factory and is ingested by an ill-fated   consumer in Milwaukee Wisconsin Ross uses this  incident to pick up on Banner's Trail and sends   British Special Ops expert Emile Blonsky with an  attack team to capture Banner better than makes an   escape to the bottling Factory he works in during  the Run he bumps into a gang of thugs one who was   his former Enemy at the bottling Factory during  the confrontation Banner transforms into the Hulk   at the bottling Factory and one by one ends up  taking out the Thugs and everyone on the team   before hawk escapes Blonsky the last Soldier alive  takes a good look at the Hulk before Hulk throws   a forklift truck at him which he barely survives  Banner escapes and goes to Guatemala and then the   US where he finds the now recovered Betty Ross  at Culver diversity dating psychiatrist Leonard   Sampson and his friend Stanley lever a pizzeria  owner gives him a job as a delivery boy he uses   this job to continue his research by sneaking  past the security guard at the University Ross   sees Banner at the Pizzeria and they later reunite  Ross is informed by Blonsky that Banner escaped   because of the green monster Ross then continues  to explain that Banner was the monster created by   a failed experiment meant to replicate the super  soldier program Blonsky then volunteers to be   given a small dose of an altered super soldier  serum another failed experiment but considered   very promising that increases his strength and  Agility Blonsky then leads the second attack   on Banner at Colville University where he and  his team encountered Banner who then transforms   into the Hulk they are then pushed back by the  Hulk and Hulk yells as they all begin to fire   at him Hulk runs to them but easily defeats  them all lonski mocks the Hulk who seemingly   gets killed by Hulk and a helicopter flies in  and attacks causing Hulk to throw a medal at it   destroying it completely and then saving Betty  Ross from an explosion and he then takes her to   the Smoky Mountain National Forest thanner and  Roscoe to greyburn college in New York City to   meet Mr Blue who was revealed to be Samuel  stands Stones invented a potential antidote   and banner accepts it despite the risks Banner  was restrained in a transformation is induced   but is successfully reversed through Stan's  antidote Stones revealed that he is sympathized   Banner's blood into a large Supply in Hope of  using it in the next stage of human evolution   while Banner tries to convince him otherwise  meanwhile it's revealed bonski survived and is   healed and joins the Army for another attempt  to get Banner who was suddenly tranquilized by   one of Frost's snipers Ross and banner are taken  into custody while Blonsky confronts Sterns and   asked him to give him a sample of Banner's blood  to add to his power Stearns warns that the super   soldier serum and gamma radiation together could  create an Abomination but Blonsky doesn't change   his mind the procedure transforms one skin to a  hulk-like Monster who knocks stones into a sample   of Banner's blood and goes on a rampage through  Harlem looking for someone who could challenge   his new Strength the Hulk despite his fears that  he has cured himself a hawk permanently Banner   is given permission to fight Blonsky and jumps  from General Ross's helicopter in an attempt to   re-trigger his Transformations as he feels Hulk  won't let him die Banner emerges from a crater   in the street below his Hulk and proceeds to face  Blonsky Hulk and the Abomination run to each other   and begin their lengthy destructive and harsh  fight while also protecting Betty and general   Ross who had been put In Harm's Way Hulk continues  to fight the Abomination and chains him up fully   Hawk Stomps on his chest and yells loudly after  his victory Hawk pushes the Abomination to General   Ross in the U.S army and after briefly seeing  Betty again is forced to run away once more and   must go back into hiding 31 days later Banner is  in belakula British Columbia trying to learn how   to control his Transformations instead of curing  them meanwhile Phil Coulson who's still heading   to investigate the situation in New Mexico stops  at a roxham gas station to fill up his car and as   he tries to decide between which Donuts to buy two  armed robbers enter this shop and hold the Knight   clerk at gunpoint telling her to empty the cash  register cotton reveals himself to the criminals   and finds stupidity offering to surrender his  pistol however he tricks him into allowing him   to slide it over through the next aisle and so  while they distracted the agent takes them both   down Collison then casually pays for his donuts  and leaves the nightclub staring in awe and   recommends that she informed the police that she  was the one who subdued the thieves Carson then   continues to drive to a remote impact crater  in the New Mexico desert upon finally arriving   over the phone he informs Fury that they found it  which is revealed to me mysterious Hammer rewind   just a little earlier in the week and traveling  to Asgard Thor odinson now an adult who carries   majounia prepares for a ceremony where he would  be formally recognized as Crown Prince Loki looks   on enviously before Odin can follow through  with the proclamation he senses the presence   of intruders three Frost Giants infiltrate the  security rooms that hold the casket however   the Destroyer appears and stops The Intruders  from reattaning the casket killing all three   Examining The Remains Odin seems calm yet Thor  is angry and wants to attack and Odin disagrees   Thor gathers Loki and his close friends volstag  van Hogan and Sif and they ride out to the byfos   bridge Heimdall allows them to pass and the six  are transported to the frost Giants domain you're   Anheim a frozen crumbling Wasteland they confront  louthi who taunts the Asgardian Warriors Frost   Giants are around the six and lalfi allows them  the chance to leave peacefully Loki manages to   persuade his brother into accepting the offer and  they prepared it apart however upon walking away   thoroughly expressly to an insult and a battle  starts between me as Guardians and frost Giants   and during the battle Loki experiences an unusual  reaction when he is touched by a frost giant Luffy   releases a frost Beast and the asgardians retreat  to the bifrost four kills the beast but once again   the team is surrounded and things look desperate  however Odin arrives and intervenes to save the   Warriors apologizing to laufi for the intrusion  and attempting to reinstate peace The Laffy states   that they are now Beyond reason that the frost  Giants are now at war with Asgard he attempts   to stab Odin who'd blast loud feedback and takes  the young asgardians home back at the Asgard side   of the portal Odin lets the four friends go and  confronts Thor and Loki Odin is furious that Thor   has dragged as guard back into war and tells Thor  that he's not fit to be king Odin strips Thor of   his powers banishes him to Earth and sends  him a junior after him a few seconds later   saying whoever holds this Hammer if he be worthy  shall possess the powers of Thor on Earth Thor is   immediately hit by Foster's van as they drive into  the storm that emerged from Thor family begins to   question where he is and becomes aggressive to the  point that Lewis tasers him knocking him out the   three scientists load him into their van and take  him to the hospital once again he starts fighting   as he wakes up and he's eventually tranquilized  sovik tries to get Foster to leave and be saying   that he's some kind of nut but she's curious and  attracted to him at the hammer however someone   eventually finds it and begins trying to get  it out when the scientists begin looking at all   the things they gathered from their research and  see Thor's body in an image of the atmospherical   disturbance the triago back to the hospital but  Thor has escaped as they drive off in the van   they hit the Asgardian man again and knock him out  but this time they take him with them meanwhile   a lot of people are trying to get the hammer out  of the ground but Coulson finally arrives and   calls Fury about it meanwhile Foster gives Thor  civilian clothes that belong to her ex-boyfriend   on Asgard those four friends begin to suspect Loki  had something to do with Thor's banishment and he   admits that he called the guard to tell Odin Loki  realizes that he is not pure Asgardian and Odin   admits that Loki was taken from yotenheim as an  infant and raises his own Loki is confused and   angry as Odin falls into a karma-like state called  the Odin sleep leaving Loki to become acting king   after overhearing locals discussing a satellite  crash 50 miles Due West thought aside sticker   there immediately and once again selvic tries to  get Foster to leave him alone and she reluctantly   agrees but they immediately see Shield taking all  their gear away to do with the recent occurrences   Thor however walks about the town and tries to  get a horse in the pet store fostero Pearson   gives him a ride in the two head West in the van  after dark Foster and Thor arrive on the scene   Thor infiltrates the encampment while Foster  huddles in safety after beating up many agents   and being targeted by a man named Barton a boa  who never misses a shot and who awaits orders to   take the shot Thor beats up the final guard and  finally reaches the hammer but is unable to lift   it he housed at his powerlessness and drops to  the ground putting up no fire as Shield agents   closed in and taken Phil Coulson questions Thor  and when he leaves him alone briefly Loki appears   in the room Loki tells Thor that Odin is dead  and he cannot come back to Asgard leaving for   distraught Selvig with a fake driver's license  arrives and lies to the shield agents telling   him that thorus foss's ex-husband and is under the  influence of steroids Carson lets selvic take Thor   who grabs Foster's Notebook on the way out back  in town silver kicks Thor out for a drink now   trying to convince Thor to leave Foster alone due  to the complications he has and would continue to   cause her the two chug drinks in bond back at  Asgard Loki is able to use the bifrosts to meet   with lalfi it is revealed that Loki was the one  who let the frost shine suit to Asgard to try to   retrieve the casket drink Thor's coronation he  makes a deal with laughy that he will let them   into Asgard again to kill Odin and have their  casket and in return they will return home in   peace but he comes back and commands heinzo to  open the by for us to no one on earth however Thor   brings in our drunk cell Victor foss's trailer  and Thor and Foster go outside to gaze at the   stars and Thor explains the nine Realms and the  bifrost bridge to her she figures out the bridges   are theoretical Einstein rosenbridge Wormhole  the very same that she has been researching   icon asgarden Heimdall allows the four youngest  Guardians and Friends of Thor to use the bifrost   if they want and walks away and they all arrive on  Earth Loki however goes to the destroyer and sends   him to destroy everything however Thor's friends  arrive who tells him that Odin is still alive on   Asgard Loki walks to hind out in anger and freezes  him entirely using the hatchet's power the bifrost   is used once more as the Destroyer arrives in  New Mexico desert and when Coulson and his crew   confront the bean it starts blasting everything  with a heat ray throwing the three scientists   attempt to get everyone away safely as the forest  Guardians confront the Destroyer unfortunately   however they get easily defeated and Thor asks  them to head away from this fight Thor on his own   goes to confront the destroyer and ask Loki who  can see in here what's going on from Asgard to   leave the humans alone in return for himself the  Destroyer however gives Thor a vicious backhand   slap and sends him tumbling apparently dead Jane  runs to the body in tears however Thor's selfless   Act of protection proves him worthy to once again  wield majonia which frees itself from the crater   and returns to Thor's hand he is restored to  full life and once again fitted in his red cape   and armor with his powers returned he easily  deflects the destroy his boss and defeats the   Destroyer Colson arrives and talks to Thor who's  told by Thor that they are allies and for them   to return Jane's equipment and research they  then head to the last bifrost opening when he   realizes that hindel isn't answering as the frost  Giants invade Asgard through the portal walking   past the Frozen hinder moments later heinedown  breaks free from his eyes and prepares to buy   Frost Thor then leaves us to return to Asgard  promising Foster he will return laffy goes to   Odin's bed chamber and as he prepares to kill  the Norse god Loki kills lafi to appear to be   the hero however Thor arrives but after a quick  conversation is knocked out of the building Loki   goes to and sets the Bridge up to destroy the  ice Planet during time Thor flies to him to try   and stop him in the two engage in combat Sora  mobilizes Loki with madronea and SAS to destroy   the Rainbow Bridge to stop the portal when the  bridge eventually shatters and the Rainbow Bridge   is destroyed the two brothers fall into space but  Odin rise and catches Thor who holds Loki's staff   Loki however admits defeat and allows himself to  fall disappearing into the void all seems normal   back on Asgard although Odin is saddened by the  tone of events four Mourns for his brother and   Mrs Jane Foster whom he was unable to visit with  the bifrost now destroyed Odin tells Thor that   he's proud of him and Thor goes to hinder gazing  out over the severed edge of the Rainbow Bridge   and assures him that Foster is looking for him  as back on Earth Foster is in a new lab with new   equipment now being assisted by Shield afterwards  selvic has been taken to the Joint Dark Energy   Mission facility where he meets Nick Fury Fury  shows him the Tesseract in a briefcase which   he says could be the source of unlimited power  Loki then appears in the reflection invisible   to selvic and fury and says I guess that's worth  a look which selvic repeats due to Loki's subtle   influence some time after this Phil cousin walks  into a restaurant where Jasper sitwell is eating   breakfast and informs him that the world Security  Council wishes Emile Blonsky released from prison   to join the Avengers Initiative they see him as a  war hero and blame his fight in New York City with   Bruce Banner on Banner himself the order Shield  to send an agent and negotiate blonsky's release   from custody with Thaddeus Ross and the two agents  decide to send a patsy to sabotage the meeting so   Ross will refuse to release bonski Tony Stark is  perfect for the job and arrives at the bar where   he finds a drunken and defeated General Ross upon  acknowledging the recent battle in Harlem the two   discuss a team being put together Tony ends  up annoying Ross so much that Ross tries to   have him removed from the bar in reply Stark  buys the bar and schedules it for demolition   the next day at the restaurant sitwell arrives at  Carlson eating breakfast Coulson informs him that   their plan worked and that Blonsky will remain in  prison elsewhere researchers in the Arctic Circle   find the buried wreckage of an aircraft and while  investigating the aircraft's interior two of the   researchers discover captain America's shield  and eventually Steve himself after almost 70   years in ice and being presumed dead Steve wakes  up in a bedroom Steve realizes he's not where the   lady says he is when he hears the game is from May  1941 and has already happened so it's not live she   presses a button and guards come in but he pushes  him out the way and runs out the building with   guards following him he runs faster and faster  arriving at the Big Apple where security surrounds   him and Nick Fury shut Addy's Soldier Stephen  Nick Fury meet and fury inform Steve that he's   been asleep for almost 70 years after Fury asks if  he'll be okay Steve says he will but he had a day   about a year after Furious big week of learning  of and or recruiting Iron Man Captain America Thor   and Hulk the year hits 2012 and after being exiled  from the nine Realms following his actions in   Asgard Loki wonders the periphery of outer space  before coming into contact with the other the   servant of a mysterious Warlord the other makes  a deal with Loki in exchange for the Tesseract   a powerful energy source being studied by shield  on Earth his master promises to give Loki command   of the shitari a warmongering race of cyborg so  that he may conquer Humanity seeing this as a   chance for greatness Loki accepts on Earth Nick  Fury and Maria Hill Phil Coulson Eric Selvig and   Clint Barton are called to the Joint Dark Energy  Mission facility in the Mojave Desert where Dr   Selvig is researching the Tesseract the Tesseract  has recently begun a bit exchanged quantities of   energy on its own accord prompting the facility to  be evacuated button tells Fury that there's been   no messing with the Tesseract from this side but  before any necessary precautions can be made the   Tesseract activates opening a portal from which  Loki appears he immediately attacks the agents   surrounding him and defeats them all he goes  to Barton and uses the scepter given to him by   the other to enslave the minds of Barton Fury  grabs the Tesseract however as Loki announces   his plan and takes over selvic and several other  Shield agents as the building is about to blow   their shoot Fury and despite the efforts of Fury  and heal to try and stop them Loki escapes with   the Tesseract in response Fury reactivates The  Avengers Initiative Natasha Romanoff is currently   trapped but upon constant calling and saying  their exact location and threatening them they   give her the phone Romanov puts Coulson on hold  and immediately defeats them all she picks the   phone back up and Romanov is sent to locate Bruce  Banner who has been living in Kolkata India as   the doctor Banner is Lord out by a young girl who  immediately leaves and Romanov confronts and then   Brie spanner on the card situation Fury himself  meets with Steve Rogers informing him of Loki's   theft to the tisser ACT requesting his help in  recovering it and subduing the Invader Agent   Coulson is then sent to recruit Tony Stark who  sees all the Avengers he's being teamed with and   pepper goes to leave for DC so stock can work all  except the offer meanwhile Loki uses the septic   to communicate with the other who warns him that  the consequences will be unspeakable if he should   fail the group gathers on the heli carrier which  first was a boat that turned into its true form   Banner starts tracking the gamma radiation emitted  by the Tesseract and when coffson is trying to get   Rogers to sign his cards Shield tries to find  Loki Loki is eventually discovered in Stuttgart   Germany where he attacks a man named Heinrich  Schafer before while terrorizing a crowd of   people attending a Gala providing a distraction so  that the brainwashed button may retrieve Viridian   to stabilize the Tesseract however Rogers arrives  and protects an old man from being killed by Loki   Romanoff arrives as well to apprehend Loki and  Rogers and Loki and cajun and even fight into   the timely intervention of Stark who forces Loki  to surrender by aiming every Cannon existence at   him after capturing him they bought a queen Jet  and start their return trip to the Helicarrier   although a lightning storm suddenly forms and Thor  appears transported to Earth by Odin and heindel's   dark magic Thor jumps on the Jet and arrives  taking Loki from the team's custody and Carries   him to a nearby Forest Thor attempts to persuade  Loki into abandoning his campaign and returning to   Asgard but Loki blinded by his jealousy of Thor  and contempt toward Odin refuses Stark flies in   an attack Thor pushing him down into the forest  Stark engages him in battle and Thor attacks him   with lightning which only Powers up his suit to  blasted him the two fight continuously but before   any further damage can be done Rogers intervenes  and attempts to get Thor to stand down Thor   first ones by lunging out Rogers with majorna only  for the captain's Shield to absorb the blow after   destroying a lot of the forests Thor finally  agrees to work with the humans enjoying them   into bringing Loki to the Helicarrier on the  Helicarrier Loki is imprisoned inside a cage   designed to hold Banner's Hulk Fury attempts  to interrogate him regarding the tesseract's   location but Loki remains silent Thor reveals  Loki's plans to be Avengers with the Tesseract   Loki hopes to open a portal that will allow the  shitari access to Earth thus beginning an alien   invasion while Stark and banner work on locating  the Tesseract Stark is intrigued by a panda's   level of control over the Hulk Rogers annoyed by  Stark's erratic behavior and disrespect towards   Authority tries to get him to follow orders more  carefully which instigates a rivalry between the   two amidst their arguments they begin to question  Shield's intentions deducting that Furious hiding   something regarding their plans with the Tesseract  stack reveals that he has started hacking the   agency's Mainframe to unlock their secrets while  Rogers leaves to investigate the restricted areas   of the Helicarrier for himself or if Stark and  Roger's investigation stumble upon 2 which they   realized as a project aimed to use the Tesseract  to make weapons The Avengers confront Fury with   their discoveries to which he reveals that Shield  began using the tesseractive manufacture weapons   in response to the incident with the destroyer in  New Mexico a massive argument ensues June wish the   brainwashed Barton accompanied by various soldiers  also working with Loki attacks the Helicarrier   crippling one of its engines the resulting  explosion destroys the lab where the group   is arguing causing Romanov and banner to fall  into the boiler area tracked by wreckage despite   romanov's attempts at calming him down the injured  Banner transformed into the Hulk and chases   Romanoff through the Helicarrier Thor comes to our  rescue in brawls with a Hulk only to be outclassed   in strength a shield jet attempts to lure the  Hulk away from Thor only for the Hop to leap at   the plane and take it apart the jet explodes and  the Hulk is sent carrying toward the ground Rogers   and Stark try to repair the damaged engine but  Loki's underlings hinder their efforts Romanov   confronts Barton and after an intense fight she  is able to break Loki's control by delivering a   concussive blow to Barton's head Thor attempts to  prevent Loki from escaping but is tricked by an   illusion of Loki and trapped in his former prison  cell Coulson tries to save Thor but Loki stabs   him through the chest with his scepter and then  jettison's Thor from the Helicarrier Thor breaks   free from his cell at the last second Landing  in the field while Rogers and suck eventually   overcome their aggressors and get the Helicarrier  Airborne again however the victory is Bittersweet   as Loki escapes and Coulson dies from his injuries  Fury attempts to use Carlson's death to motivate   The Avengers into cooperating as a team but Rogers  and Stark get into another argument however the   two realize that Loki plans to open a portal above  Stark Tower at the center of New York City in an   attempt to satisfy his ego Rogers Romanov and  Barton take a quinjet to New York City following   Stark in his suit Stark arrives first failing  to stop the brainwashed shelving from using the   Tesseract to open the portal in conjunction with  a device he built start confronts Loki to engage   in a brief battle of wits with Sark failing to  intimidate Loki with his threats regarding the   Avengers Loki unsuccessfully tries to possess  Stark as his Arc Reactor physically blocks the   scepter's power and instead throws stock through a  window fortunately stock manages to get his Mark 7   armor which attaches to stock before he can hit  the ground doc then attempts to incapitate Loki   but selvik's device initiates opening a portal  above New York the shitari fleet emerges beginning   Loki's Invasion Barton Romanoff Rogers and Thor  joins Stark to destroy many shitari but more poor   from the portal Banner arrives on a motorbike and  uses a special technique to willingly transform   into the hull he hits a huge vehicle and with  Stark's help they destroy it entirely The Avengers   Assemble on the street as the shatari keep coming  through the portal Rogers tells them all the plan   and they all go their separate ways to fight The  Avengers work together to fight hordes of shitari   and a Hulk arrives at Loki and pushes him out the  way Loki attempts to threaten Hawk but Hulk grabs   him and throws him around easily Romanov makes a  way to selvic's device and Selvig now free over   his control reveals that Loki's septic can close  the portal meanwhile the world Security Council   attempts to end the invasion by locking a nuclear  missile at Manhattan against Fury's request   Fury tells the team about the missile heading  their way and that the entire city will explode   Romanoff and selvic continue to attempt to shut  the portal down as Iron Man however decides to lay   down his life and sacrifice himself to intercept  the missile and take it through the portal toward   the shatari fleet so Stark pushes the missile up  and takes it through the portal before running out   of power and falling through space as the missile  hits the shatari ships killing the rest of them is   a hive mine of Swords Stark closes his eyes as  Romanov shuts the portal and Stark just manages   to fall through the portal and back to Earth the  Hulk catches Stark as he falls and saves his life   the rest reach Stark and he finally wakes up He  suggests that they get Shawarma as the battle   is finally won as Loki tries to leave only for The  Avengers to pin him down the world changed forever   is taken over by the idea of a superhero team The  Avengers has become the center of meteor attention   admired by the public as Heroes however after such  an intense battle The Avengers simply gather at an   empty Shawarma Palace and eat in silence although  sometime later they join again in Central Park as   the Avengers and shield watches Thor escorts Loki  in the tesseractor Asgard afterward The Avengers   Verge though Fury knows that at such a time that  a new world-threatening Menace emerges the team   will reassemble the Stark Tower has lost all  of its letters and now all that stands is an   a to represent the Avengers meanwhile the other  meets with his master Thanos and informs him of   Loki's failure he shares his concern over the  strength of the Earth's Heroes commenting that   attempting to re-challenge them would be deadly  Thanos then smile sadistically he is not afraid   after the battle of New York Benjamin [ __ ] and  Claire Wiss are down on their luck couple find a   discarded shatari gun referred to as item 47 by  shield and decide to rub a few Banks she would   assigned Felix Blake and Jasper sitwell on a  mission to neutralize the couple and retrieve   their weapon during the briefing the two  reminisce about the recent death of Phil   Coulson sitwell tracks the couple down and the  subsequent confrontation results in the motel   room where the couple is staying to be wrecked and  all of the stolen money blown into pieces instead   of killing the couple due to how palik managed to  reactivate the shitarian weapon sitwell recruits   both of them into shield with palak assigned to  the r d Think Tank to reverse engineer Tech and   we is becoming bike's assistant like not being too  keen on the idea palex workers Shield is to refine   the shatari technology first into a more human  friendly design then into heavier vehicle mounted   weapons and finally into an artillery piece Tony  Stark begins narrating the story of how he lost   everything stating how it all started at a New  Year's Eve party in Burns Switzerland 1999. stock   meets The Eccentric Aldrich Killian who promotes  his company Advanced idea mechanics however Stark   deciding to research another operation extremists  with mayor Henson misleads Colleen into believing   he was interested in his ideas he sends him to  wait on the roof never intending to show up Stark   Witnesses the powers of extremists first hand as  it can genetically manipulate living organisms   and as the New Year's fireworks go off Killian  is left alone on the roof 13 years later months   following the Battle of New York Tony Stark has  spent all his time building dozens of new powered   suits and tries a new one on it's clear that  his near-death experience while destroying the   shitari has had a deep effect on him as he starts  showing signs of post-traumatic stress disorder   not helping is the emergence of a new threat a  powerful terrorist leader named Amanda and has   been responsible for multiple bombings in order  to assure the public that the U.S government is   capable of handling the threat they have given  James Rhodes War Machine armor Captain America   inspired paint job and renamed him Iron Patriot  to a mixed reception across the US Stark meets   roads in a diner and the two discuss the Mandarin  Rhodes reveals there have been more bombings than   have been reported on the news and intelligence  agencies have been left mystified by the lack   of physical evidence Left Behind Rhodes insists  that Stark not get involved as the US government   is Keen to handle this themselves to reassure  people who have been left nervous following The   shatari Invasion the discussion is interrupted  when two children ask Stark to sign the drawing   of him carrying the nuclear missile Through the  Wormhole and the image clearly puts Stark on edge   when one of the children asks how you escape the  Wormhole this triggers a severe panic attack in   Stark leaves abruptly concerning roads the  situation becomes even worse when pepper is   visited by Killian who happens to be her own love  interest Killian is now far more business savvy   and confident and no longer shows any sign of his  previous handicap rejects Killian's invitation   into advanced idea mechanics and when Peppa comes  home Stark finally admits that something about   him has changed since he left New York and he  hasn't been able to sleep later that night Stark   has a nightmare about his near death and when it  detects that he is in distress one of his suits   nearly attacks Peppa before Stark Powers down the  suit and she goes to sleep downstairs happy Hogan   who has been promoted to Stark Industries head  of security since Iron Man is hardly in need   of a bodyguard at this point becomes suspicious  of Killian's bodyguard Eric 7 and investigates   him in a Chinese Theater he pretends to bump into  him and steal something from the suitcase he then   Witnesses Jack taggar unexpectedly combust from  taking extremists destroying the Chinese Theater   and Hogan sees 7 Escape mysteriously regenerating  from his injuries when leaving the hospital after   visiting Hogan appointed question by a reporter  causes a furious Stark to make an impromptu   statement towards the Mandarin promising revenge  and giving him his home address as a challenge   later Stark is unexpectedly visited by Hanson  and at the same time stocks home is attacked and   destroyed by the Mandarin helicopters the Iron  Man suit attaches itself to pots and she saves   Henson but the home is attacked by more missiles  Stark takes a suit from pots when she's clear from   the building and it attaches to him Stark takes  down one of the helicopters and then finds a way   to destroy the second but the second helicopter  hits him down more missiles are shot destroying   his suits and the helicopters keeps shooting and  he falls with the building straight into the water   where his suit is filled with water and he is  crushed with rubble Jarvis takes his arms off   and is able to help stuck out of the water and  begins flying on autopilot so Stark survives   the attacks but is left stranded in a rural Town  Rose Hill Tennessee when Jarvis follows a flight   plan left in his system and Stark's experimental  armor does not have sufficient power to return to   California unfortunately Jarvis Powers down as the  suit runs out of charge leaving Tony with nothing   but a dead suit and the clothes on his back Stark  uses his apparent death to his Advantage beginning   to conduct an investigation into an explosion that  bears the same Paul Marx is one of the Mandarin's   attacks but which the Mandarin did not claim  responsibility for Stark befriends a local boy   named halikina and hides out in his garage where  he begins slowly charging his suit eventually the   world believes start to be dead but Potts learns  from Hansen that her boss Killian might be working   for the Mandarin who starts issuing more threats  of violence using what little information he   has Stark discovers that each of the Mandarin's  explosions were triggered by soldiers that were   injected with extremists the same experimental  treatment engineered by Hanson Stark however   Witnesses the power of extremists first hand when  he is attacked by Alan Brandt and Eric 7 a pair   of Agents working for the Mandarin Stark is able  to get away and is able to set fire to a building   that exploits Brant and even though Eric salvin  had set a water tower on fire using his thermal   abilities and had brought the tower down on Stark  survived and after shooting seven with a repulsa   he then steals sevens car keys Stockton leaves  Kenna and flees Rose Hill while unknowingly to   them salvin Vibes further investigating into  the Mandarin he realizes that all the soldiers   were once members of advanced idea mechanics  Gillian's company Stark goes into a man named   Gary's van and after getting his help he's able  to deduce that Killian had updated extremists and   distributed the program to the Mandarin for his  terrorist attacks extremists however has a fatal   flaw in the event a user is unable to regulate  their internal body temperature they will start   to gain Heat at an exponential rate and explode  Hanson confirms working with Killian to pots in   an attempt to have Stark fix extremist's flaws  however unbeknownst to them Killeen arrives and   kidnaps pots after learning that Hanson visited  Stark prior to the attack on their mansion with   kina's help Stark traces the Mandarin to Miami  and after a panic attack he begins to build a   variety of homemade weapons Stark heads to Miami  where he infiltrates the mandarins headquarters   with his weapons there he discovers that the  Mandarin is actually a British actor named   Trevor Slattery who is completely oblivious  to the acts that the Mandarin has carried   out the Mandarin is Killian's creation who use  Hansen's research to cure for his own disability   and expanded the program to include injured  War veterans after veterans started growing   unstable and exploding Killian used their deaths  to cover the flaws of extremists and manufacture   a terrorist plot realizing killeen's motivation  Stark blames himself for setting Killeen on the   path that would ultimately see him create the  Mandarin Killian reveals he has kidnapped pepper   and subjected her to the extremistreatment  using her as a leverage against Stark when   Hanson goes against Killian and threatens to  sabotage the extremist program Killian shoots   her dead as he controls the Mandarin Killian  has also manipulated the American intelligence   agencies as to the mandolin's location he uses  this falsified intelligence to lore James Rhodes   with the Iron Patriot armor Stark however does  his hand movement to get the armor sent to him   Rhodes gets out and tries to fight before he gets  blocked with fire Stark's armor then attaches to   him and Stark is able to escape captivity the rest  of the armor attaches to him and with roads they   get to the Mandarin who tells them as much as they  know Killians and seven in the eye Patriot armor   to commandeer and attack on President Matthew  Ellis aboard Air Force One seven plants a bomb   on the plane and kills multiple Secret Service  agents before abducting Ellis Stark intervenes   and kills seven but the bomb goes off sucking out  multiple passengers Stark flies out the plane and   saves all the passengers and crew Against All Odds  from their deaths and drops them in the water but   Stark gets hit by a truck luckily that was just a  suit without him actually in it ellips however is   nonetheless captured by Killian they follow him  to a Container Terminal where he intends to kill   Alice on live television vice president Rodriguez  will assume control of the country following   Killian's orders in exchange for a sample of  extremists to cure his daughter's disability with   the Mandarin and the president under his control  Killian will be able to manipulate Global events   for his own profit Stark and Rhodes Infiltrate The  Container Terminal with Stark going to save pots   and Roads to president Stark summons each of the  Iron Man suits he's created controlled remotely by   Jarvis to support them from the air literally all  of them Stark discovers that Peppa has survived   the extremist procedure however before he can  save her the rig collapses around them Stark   has no time to process this as he is forced into  a fierce fight with Killian whilst wearing various   Iron Man suits while Rhodes secures president  Ellis and leads him to safety Stark continues   to fight Killian using multiple suits and  eventually trafficking in one of the Iron Man's   suits and has itself destruct killing Killian he  jumps off and is saved by one of his suits but   a deformed killing and emerges from the wreckage  and reveals to Stark that he is the real Mandarin   before attempting to kill Stark but is instead  hid Away by Parts who survived her full courtesy   of the abilities she received from extremists  a piece of armor attaches to her and she uses   it to kill Killian in the aftermath of the events  on the Container Terminal Stark makes a promise to   pots that he will find a cure for our extremist  condition and orders Jarvis to remotely destroy   each of Iron Man's suits both vice president  Rodriguez and Trevor are taken into police custody   as Stark decides to undergo surgery to remove the  pieces of shrapnel embedded in his heart Stark   also rewards Ali Kenneth for his help by filling  his garage with cool and expensive ones Stark has   decided that even without his suits or the Arc  Reactor in his chest that he throws into the   ocean he will always be Iron Man Stark finishes  telling his story and it's revealed that he was   telling it to Bruce Banner who had fallen asleep  near the beginning as better insists he isn't a   psychiatrist as he hasn't got the temperament  for the job Stark starts telling the story   again Trevor Slattery has been placed in Seagate  Penitentiary for his involvement with Aldrich   Killian's campaign as the Mandarin Slaughter is  actually a celebrity there and even has Harmon   as his Butler he is being interviewed by Jackson  Norris who is ostensibly creating a documentary   about Slattery during his final session with  Slattery Norris reveals himself as a member of   the ten rings in Disguise taking sluttery into his  custody Norris reveals that the real Mandarin is   mad at the actor for making a mockery of Disney  in the distant past a cosmic event known as the   convergence occurs opening portals between the  nine Realms a Sinister race called the dark   elves attempts to use the convergence as a way of  unleashing the Aether a force of Destruction with   the capability of destroying the entire galaxy the  leader of the Dark Elves malekith nearly succeeds   in using the Aether to cause the instantaneous  destruction of the nine Realms under the misguided   belief that he can recreate them in his own image  he is opposed by boar the then king of Asgard and   the father of Odin who uses the bifrost to rip the  a from malachith's grasp just as he attempted to   enact his plan robbing the dark elves of the most  potent weapon the dark elves flee as they cannot   defeat the asgardians and are all wiped out in  battle while the asgardians unable to destroy   the Aether seal it away in a place that can never  be found in 2012 after the shitari invasion Loki   is brought before Odin in shackles Odin gives Loki  a life sentence in prison for his crimes against   humanity promising him that Thor will be made King  one day after he's cleaned up the damage that Loki   has caused one year later in vanderheim home  of the premiere Thor alongside Warriors vandro   volstag Hogan and Sif fights against the mara  orders a ragtag group of Invaders that have been   systematically terrorizing the nine realms for the  past two years the asgardians win the battle and   while Hogan remains on vanaheim to help his people  rebuild Thor and His friends return to Asgard via   the biofrost bridge which was repaired by the  power of the Tesseract and the party is held in   the celebration for Thor's Victory back on Earth  Jane Foster is in London having been called there   by Eric Selvig to investigate readings of the  unknown nature after having not heard from Thor   for some time she goes on a date with a man named  Richard Madison their date is quickly interrupted   by Darcy Lewis who explains that Foster's  scientific equipment has been picking up strange   signals signals that have not been detected since  the events that took place in New Mexico two years   prior they get in the car where loss's own intern  Ian Boothbay is waiting for them and they drive   to where the signal is at the height and end up at  an abandoned storage house they find that a number   of portals have opened linking them to Earth to  several different worlds and altering the laws of   physics causing gravity to shift without warning  while Lewis and Boothbay continued to play around   with the portals Foster was swallowed up by one  of them and transported to an unknown Planet she   finds herself in a dark Chasm where a strange  vault is located upon touching the Vault a red   substance the Aether emerged from it and infest  her body she eventually passes out Thor leaves   his party quickly he visits hindal daily asking  each time how Foster is faring Odin clearly does   not approve of Thor's affections for foster as  she will be dead long before him he can't see   her now however as Foster is being infected with  the Aether she teleported back to Earth waking   up five hours later she walks outside where Lewis  and boothby have been waiting the police had been   called there by Lewis but Thor suddenly arrives  seeking to investigate Foster's well-being while   Overjoyed to see him Foster slap's Thor in the  face for taking two years to visit her even though   he was on Earth during the Battle of New York Thor  apologizes to her and she quickly forgives him the   police attempt to arrest the three for trespassing  on private property and a policeman tries to touch   Foster with the Aether forces him away Thor then  quickly takes Oda Asgard to investigate the nature   of the Aether knowing that it was beyond motto  ability to handle once their hindel greets them   but Jane Foster is quickly taken to the healing  Chambers so that they can learn what's wrong   with her they find the Aether in their body but  they don't know what it is Odin angered that a   human has entered Asgard orders for her to be  taken back to Earth but when a God touches her   wrist the Aether reacts defensively just as it  did with the police Odin recognizing the Aether   tells Foster of its many possible Origins using  the book of Victor and how the dark elves nearly   used it to destroy the Realms while Odin Works to  find a way to remove the Aether without killing   Foster frigar befriends and protects her meanwhile  altered by Foster's use of the Aether malekith and   his ilk awake from their long sleep consumed with  vengeance and eager to procure the Aether to once   again transform the universe Into Darkness the  dark elves plotted their next offensive against   Asgard under malachith's orders ulgrim allows  himself to be captured by the asgardians while   in Disguise as a Marauder and using Val technology  turns himself into curse a super-powered warrior   that the dark elves use frequently in their  war against the asgardians he frees all the   prisoners except Loki and they start a prison  riot distractingly as Guardians so that malakith   can lead his Squadron of ships into Asgard with  little opposition saw hears of this in a battle   takes place during which the Palaces breached  and heavily damaged after fighting with malakith   it's revealed that Friga having suspected  the diversion laws malacheth into a duel by   creating a holographic replica of foster friegan  nearly succeeds investing malikath but curse   intervenes and stabs her when she refuses to give  up Foster and the aether's location in retaliation   an enraged Thor disfigures malikith's face with  a bottle of lightning forcing the dark elves to   retreat he rushes to his mother and friedra then  dies from her injuries a funeral is later held for   the dada's Guardians and Friga and a grief struck  in Odin has Jane Foster can find Thorne knows   that malachith will return for foster but Odin  blinded by hate and grief refuses to release her   and intends to destroy malekith through whatever  it takes so Thor comes up with a plan to move her   even though he would be committing treason with  hind out distracting Odin from them Thor sees the   depressed Loki and has Loki freed from his cell  as Loki knows of secret portals that can transport   Foster to another world drawing malakith away from  Asgard with help from Sith find drow and volstag   Thor Foster and Loki hijack a down dark elf ship  and make their way out of Asgard and to find a   hidden portal that teleports them to savartify  as they make their escape however Foster's body   is slowly being infected by the Aether draining  her of Life the trio lands in the wastelands of   savatam and by then Foster's body has completely  channeled the Aether enhancing her perceptions   but weakening her physically malachith senses  the aether's transfer and confronts the trio   and at that moment Loki appears to betray Thor  coming off his hand and giving Foster to melketh   willingly Loki tell us Malika that in return  for the Aether he wants a front row seat to   watch asgard's destruction malikathan proceeds to  drain the Aether from Foster's body freeing her   which is when Loki's betrayal is revealed to be a  ruse and Thor's injuries is revealed to have been   nothing more than a holographic projection meant  to lull malakith into a false sense of security   and to free Foster calling for major Thor tries  to destroy the Aether while it's in the open but   fails as it's indestructible the Aether then  goes into malakith Kirsten battles Thor while   malachith and his minions leave the planet and  cursed quickly gains the upper hand against Thor   Loki comes to Thor's Aid stabbing curse through  the chest with his sword but this is no effect   on curse who seizes Loki and drives the sword into  his own body Loki manages to press one of cursor's   implosion bombs however and sets it off destroying  curse Loki then apologizes to Thor for his actions   and seems to die in his arms after mourning Loki  Thor and Foster then enter a cave believing that   they have failed in stopping malakith suddenly  Foster's cell phone gains reception and so she   realized is there must be a connection to Earth  there so they Venture deeper into the cave finding   a portal the portal teleports them safely back  to London meanwhile an einhard appears in the   same area where Loki died and returns to Asgard  to inform Odin of what she inspired while Jane   Foster has been an Asgard Darcy Lewis has been  fruitlessly trying to reach Shield when she and   Ian boothbyer see on the news that Eric Selvig  has been running around nude at Stonehenge and   has now been put into a retirement home for  psychiatric care they go there to get him out   and he tells them that his sanity was shaken  after being hypnotized by a Loki during The   shittari Invasion for the past 12 months selvic  has studied the effects on the convergence and   has developed devices which can teleport people  to different worlds they meet up with Thor and   Foster and Selvig tells them that the people who  lived in England after the previous conversions   had built certain objects to create a secret map  to where the convergence would reach its peak the   location is revealed to be Greenwich and after  putting two and two together Foster theorizes   that malachith plans to spread the Aether through  the portals that he may destroy all of the Worlds   at once they travel to Greenwich the next morning  and when they arrive they find that a number of   portals have opened up above the city a sign that  the convergence is nearing its peak malachith   soon arrives and Thor engages him in battle with  both evenly matched the fight takes them through   various portals throughout the city transporting  them into different worlds and while the two are   fighting the scientists use selvic's device to  deal with the dark elf soldiers accidentally   summoning a frost beast in the process Thor  and malikath are soon separated by one of the   portals and malekith now unopposed unleashes the  Aether into the portals Thor soon regroups with   his friends and takes selvic's devices noting that  while the Aether might be indestructible malachith   himself is not using the devices Thorin players  malacheth with them allowing Foster to teleport   him back to savaltoheim stopping his attack  however malikus damaged Arc starts to crash   and nearly crushes Thor and Foster when selvic  uses the last of his devices to teleport it away   it ends up on savatoheim and lands of malachith  killing the Dark Elf leader the portal then closes   and the ordeal is finally over some time later  Thor returns to Asgard where Odin congratulates   him on his victory despite the crimes he committed  Odin comments that Thor will make a wise King but   Thor responds by saying he's not ready to Bear  the weight of the throne saying he would rather   be a good man than a good King Thor then leaves  as guard to reunite with Foster on Earth but as   he leaves Odin is revealed to be Loki having faked  his death in unsurped Odin's Throne later Siffin   volstag hand over the captured Aether to turn  the Leo given Tiffin appears eager to take it   but is curious as to why the asgardians don't  just keep it secured in their own Vault volstag   explains that the Tesseract is already on Asgard  and that to keep two Infinity Stones in the same   place would be unwise as they leave The Collector  remarks one down five to go Thor returns to Earth   where he happily reunites with Foster unaware  that the frostfeit that was teleported to Earth   during the convergence is still running rampant  throughout London chasing a flock of birds two   years after the battle of New York Steve Rogers  continues working as an agent of shield while   out on a morning jogging Washington DC Rogers  frequently passes a man who later introduces   himself as Sam Wilson a veteran United States  Air Force Power rescue Trooper who now works   as a counselor at the U.S Department of Veterans  Affairs after the jog Wilson and Rogers share and   bond over their common experiences in adapting to  life after each serving tours in the armed forces   Natasha Romanoff arrives to take Rogers with  her on a mission to rescue the hostages of The   Shield vessel lemorian star which had been taken  over by a group of hired Pirates led by George's   batra Rogers Romanov and Brock rumlow along with  other members of strike eliminate the Pirates and   rescue the hostages however mid-mission Rogers  discovers that Romanov had gotten her own secret   mission from director Nick Fury to extract The  Shield intelligence from the ship onto a USB   drive a suspicious Rogers remarks that romanov's  disappearance nearly jeopardized the mission back   at the triskelian Rogers is angry with Fury for  lying to him Fury as a sign of trust takes Rogers   to the basement where he introduces Raj larger  to project inside project Insight consists of   three Next Generation Shield helicarriers that  will be launched into the air and connected to   project inside satellites at 3000 feet into  the air to neutralize enemy hostile targets   Rogers tells Fury that this is in Freedom this  sphere later Rogers visits the Captain America   exhibit at the Smithsonian institution and also  visits an elderly Peggy Carter who is suffering   from a form of Dementia in a retirement home  he also meets with Wilson again after watching   him speaking during the end of the session for  veterans with PTSD meanwhile Fury discovers that   the data on the USBs is inaccessible the informed  secretary Alexander Pierce who had just concluded   a meeting with the world Security Council about  the hijacking of the Lemurian star Fury asks   Pierce to make a formal request to the council  to delay project inside due to Fury's Rising   suspicions Fury leaves the tricycle in and is in  route to meet with Maria Hill when he is attacked   by assassins impersonating police after an intense  Chase he gets away suffering a broken forearm but   is then soon stopped by a master in the middle  of the road who shoots a disc grenade under the   confused SUV flipping it however before the masked  man gets to Fury he manages to use a high-tech   device to cut through the vehicle and Street  and escapes into The Source Rogers arrives at   his apartment and after talking to his neighbor he  becomes suspicious when he hears that his stereo   is still on he sneaks in through his window and  finds the injured Fury sitting in a chair in the   dark he tells Rogers that his wife kicked him  out while communicating through written text   on his phone that the story is a misdirection  because they are being eavesdropped on Fury   tells Rogers that Shield has been compromised  before being shot several times by the Assassin   from earlier standing on the adjacent building  Fury gives the USB drive to Rogers and tells him   not to trust anyone before falling unconscious  rogers's neighbor Smashes in the door revealing   herself to be agent 13 who had been tasked by  Fury to keep an eye on Rogers he then pursues   the masked man jumping through the window into the  next door office sorting he throws his shield at   the masked man on the rooftop but is surprised  when the man is able to catch the shield with   his cybernetic arm and throws it back before  jumping up the building and disappearing Fury   is taking to a hospital in critical condition  his heart stops during surgery and after the   doctors fail to revive him his body is collected  by Maria Hill romlo tells Rogers that he is wanted   at the triskelian for an urgent meeting feeling  suspicious Rogers quickly hides the USB in the   vending machine and leaves at the tri-skillian  he is questioned by Pierce who says that he's   one of Fury's oldest friends and wants to know  who killed him Rogers does not trust Pierce and   says nothing about the USB or the circumstances  of Fury's death merely re-itating that Fury said   not to trust anyone he leaves Piers to go to the  hospital while in the elevator Rogers is joined   by rumlow and eventually several strike operatives  and soon realizes that they are there to capture   him they then begin to attack and he fights the  attackers and successfully knocks them all out   one by one before jumping out of the elevator  to avoid arrest after landing he drives away on   his motorcycle and disables an attacking quinjet  then declares Rogers a fugitive to be taken out   by shield for withholding information on Fury's  death Rogers arrives later at the hospital where   he notices that the USB is gone Romanoff appears  from behind and reveals that she has taken it   and he angrily asks her what she knows about all  that's happened she tells him that the mask around   is an assassin known as the Winter Soldier and  she had encountered him once before she decides   to follow Rogers and they go to an Apple store  to see if they can access any of the valuable   information on the USB but they as Fury did  find nothing however they are able to trace   the location with their program on the USB was  written but rumlo and his team arrive and try   to find them but fail to do so they steal a truck  and drive to the location while talking about each   other's past when they arrive Rogers realizes  that they are at Camp Lehigh where he trained   during World War II they find a secret storage  room full of Old Computers inside an early short   office there they find a more modern looking USB  slot and they put the USB in the computer's power   up and so on starts to talk to them that someone  is Anem Zola who tells them that he was recruited   by Shield after World War II and that he helped  to rebuild hydro and sideshield however in the   1970s when he had received the news that his body  was dying and with Shield still needing his help   he had his mind transferred into computers he had  been working on an algorithm that Hydra wanted he   told Rogers and Romanov that some of the deaths of  Shield leaders had been due to hydro while showing   them a picture of how it's stuck and implying that  Stark's death might not have been an accident he   was also involved in the Winter Soldier program  but before Rogers and Romanov can get any more   information out of Zola a shield missile shows  up and destroys the bunker Rogers and Romanoff   were able to survived the explosion while back at  Hydra and Pierce turns out to be working with a   masked man and shoots his house cleaner Renata for  accidentally seeing the two men talking together   in his home Rogers and Romanov seek Refuge  with Tim Wilson Wilson tells them that he can   offer them assistance as he's part of a military  project involving Advanced personal flight suits   Rogers and Romanov then go back to Washington  DC to capture Jasper's sitwell who is working   for Hydra sitwell had just finished a meeting with  Senator CERN another Hydro conspirator when Wilson   call sitwell enforces him on the roof of a tall  building Wilson working with Romanoff and Rogers   get to sit well to inform them that Zola's  algorithm could calculate if a person would be   a threat in the future based on their past actions  sitwell also tells the three that Hydra are going   to use project insight as a weapon to eliminate  what they viewers threats against themselves and   the world mentioning Tony Stark Bruce Banner and  Stephen Strange though this would also mean that   millions of innocent people would die the group  heads towards the triskelian but are attacked by   the Winter Soldier and his men a battle breaks out  and is Captain America in the Winter Soldier fight   the winter soldiers mask is torn off revealing  himself as Roger's former comrade and best friend   Bucky Barnes who Rogers thought was killed during  World War II when Rogers calls out to him he does   not recognize the name Barnes Escape in Rogers  Romanoff and Wilson are taken into custody by   runlo and his men while they are in the prison van  one of the Guard stuns the other revealing herself   to be fellow Shield Maria Hill she then uses the  mouse hole to cut a hole in the van and escapes   with the gang he'll takes him to a secret facility  where Fury is resting the director didn't die   although he was severely injured Fury had taken an  anti-stress serum developed by Banner that lowered   his heart rate to only one beat per minute so that  he would appear dead Hill and fury told them that   project inside is only hours away and that they  have to act quickly the heli carriers would reach   3000 feet connect to the inside satellites and  zero all their targets before firing the only   way to prevent this is to use three special  chips that would take away Shield's control   over the heli carriers later Rogers recalls how  after the death of his mother Barnes offered him   a place to stay so that he wouldn't have to cope  alone promising to be there until the end of the   line Wilson warns Rogers that Barnes may not be  able to be taken alive but Rogers vows to save   his friend as Rogers had lost his suit earlier  he breaks into the Smithsonian and steals his old   uniform Barnes is being prepared for battle but  he starts to ask who Bucky is he sees memories   showing how Hydra found him after falling off the  train Barnes then was taken to Zola who amputated   his destroyed left arm and replaced it with a  cybernetic one he also remembers how he was put   in Prior stasis between missions so that he would  not age his decides he's beginning to remember   too much about his past and they brainwash him  again the members of the world Security Council   arrive at the triskelian they are each given  badges to wear on their collar that will grant   them access to anywhere in the triskelian they  then meet in Pierce's office Rogers Wilson and   Hill break into the tricolian and take control  of the communication systems Rogers reveals to   staff that there are hydro infiltrations and  shields led by Pierce and that they cannot be   allowed to initiate project inside rumlo and  his men enter the control room and threatened   Cameron Klein unless he launches the heli carriers  however agent 13 intervenes with giving a gunfight   but romlo still manages to get the helicarriers  in the air PS4 is a gun on Cattleman jakuna sign   but Romanoff using a photostatic veal reveals  herself to be disguised as councilwoman Pamela   Halley and stops him Romanov begins to upload all  of shield and Hydra secure files to the internet   Pierce held at gunpoint informs Romanov that  two alpha level clearance members are required   to disable the encryption so that the files  can be uploaded but there is only one present   appear Fury another person with an alpha level  clearance arrives in the scene Fury notes that   pierce probably erased all traces of Fury being  the director of Shield but he had made a backup   retinal scan using his damaged eye instead of  his normal working one furion pierced and scanned   their retinols and used their two alpha level  clearances to disable the encryption allowing   room enough to upload the files Rogers and Wilson  managed to put the chips in with some hardship   for two of the helicarriers but when Wilson is  going for the last one his jetpack is damaged   by Barnes and he's forced to skydive down to the  triskelian who will notifies Wilson that rumlow   is heading to the council sir Wilson intercepts  him and the two begin to fight Rogers attempts   to place the final chip but he's confronted  by Bucky Rogers and Barnes fight and during   their conflict Rogers tries to remind Barnes  of his past as his friend at Pierce's office   the upload has finished however Pierce refuses to  be taken in and uses his mobile device to trigger   a small device in the security badges that have  been given to the world Security Council Members   as colors instantly killing them by burning a hole  in their sternum Romanoff is spared and Piers uses   the device on the security badge to threaten  Fury and Romanoff into lowering their weapons   during this time the Insight helicarriers have  connected with the satellites and am beginning to   run Zola's algorithm scanning for targets Rogers  manages to place a final chip on the Helicarrier   seconds before the inside hell he carries fire  changing the targets to each other and causing   them to shoot each other down Pierce Witnesses  the destruction of the inside helicarriers and   decides to use the device on the security badge to  threaten Romanov to fly him out of the triskelian   however Romanoff activator taser disco herself  temporarily disabling the device in the security   badge and giving Fury enough time to shoot Pierce  and kill him Wilson's still fighting with rumlow   sees the crashing heli carrier and jumps out of  the 41st floor through the window where he's saved   by Fury and Romanov the chamber where Rogers and  Barnes are fighting in is severely damaged by the   crossfire between the heli carriers Rogers says  he's not going to fight any longer throwing his   shield away and promising bonds that he'll be  with him till the end of the line reciprocating   the promised landscape decades ago Rogers then  falls out of that healthy carrier and into the   water beneath about to drown when a hand grabs  him and drags him from the water it is Barn so   after seeing Rogers is still alive then disappears  when Rogers wakes up sometime later a lot of new   events have happened rumler who was buried under  Rubble is later seen being attended by doctors she   was now unstable due to Hydra Romanoff appears  in a congressional hearing at the United States   capital with the high-ranking members of the  United States Department of Defense to discuss   who is responsible for Shield's downfall Fury is  officially dead and he's destroyed all evidence   of being alive even ditching the eye patch for  sunglasses if somebody would ask what happened   to him Fury wants Rogers to answer that he is dead  because the love Shield secure files were uploaded   to the internet along with romanov's past she sets  out to find herself a new identity first handing   Rogers of fire with information on Barnes and is  Recreation by Hydro experimentation when Rogers   looks at the file Wilson realizes that he's going  to look for balance that he convinced him of who   he really is Rogers tells him that he doesn't  have to go with him but Wilson replies I know   when do we start sometime later Baron strucker is  holding the scepter inside the Hydra research base   in sokovia stating that there are hydra agents  worldwide he then walks over to a pair of selves   and he stops in front of them and says this is  the age of Miracles one of the cells contains   a man who is running around at tremendous speeds  and the other one contains a woman who levitates   a few blocks before she causes one to explode the  two are said to be the only survivors of a group   of volunteers that were subjected to strucker's  experiments meanwhile Barnes dressed in civilian   clothing is at the Smithsonian institution where  he finds a whole section of the Captain America   display dedicated to him trying to remember his  past back in Missouri 1988 a young boy named   Peter Quill stands by his mother Meredith As She  lays dying in a hospital bed close to death and   Delirious Meredith laments on Peter's father  whom the boy has never met describing him as   an angel when Meredith passes away a distraught  Peter flees from the hospital after distancing   himself from the building he enters a field where  a spaceship suddenly appears the the occupants of   which bring Peter aboard and depart into space 26  years later quote is now an adult and a member of   the ravages led by yondu udonta the ravengers are  hired by the broker to recover an orb from the   planet Morag quill who has grown bitter towards  the ravages for abducting him and ruining his   childhood travels to Moraga Lauren instills the  orb for himself only to be intercepted by karath   The pursuer Who served under Road in the accuser  although quill escapes with the artifact yondu   discovers that he is stolen the ravages prize  and issues a bounty for his capture meanwhile   Ronan is revealed to be searching for the orb as  a part of a deal with Thanos in exchange for the   annihilation of xandar to Aid in the hunt Thanos  has lent Ronin Gamora and nebula by tracking the   ravages Brokers and past dealings the villains  learn of yondu's deal with the broker and send   Gamora to zandar to intercept quill on xandar  quillatifs to sell the orb to the broker but   upon learning that Christ was working with Ronan  the broker refuses to become involved with the orb   and turn squill away some the quill is ambushed by  more who takes the orb and fleas into the streets   a fight ensues drawing in two bounty hunters  Rocket Raccoon and Gru who both seek to collect   udanta's Bounty however the Nova corpse zandar's  Prime military force arrive and arrest the group   imprisoning them in the Kiln in the Kiln the  other prisoners aware of gomorrah's relationship   with Thanos and Ronan threaten her life Drax the  Destroyer even attempts to kill Gamora for the   murder of his wife and daughter by Ronan but  quill convinces him that he can get to Ronin   through Gamora Gamora reveals that she intended  to betray Ronan and keep the orb having grown   weary of ronin's methodology deeming him insane  and a risk to Galactic stability learning that   Gamora has a buyer who is willing to pay a very  Hefty fee for the artifact rocket quill Groot and   Gamora work together to escape the climb learning  of gamora's betrayal of furious Ronin meets with   Thanos in person and angrily berate him for  not taking gamora's betrayal seriously when the   other scolds were in for disrespecting his warlord  Ronin angrily breaks the other's neck killing him   and forcing Thanos to speak to Ronan directly  undaunted by ronan's complaints Thanos waves   running away and while gamora's betrayal is an  issue Thanos and Trust both Ronan and nebula with   fixing that problem as Ronin departs Thanos grimly  warns him that if he returns empty-handed again   he will bathe the stairways in his blood Krillin  his allies accompanied by Drax managed to escape   the clan where they distract the gods by disabling  the station's artificial gravity they flee in the   Milano flying around the Galaxy and they travel to  Nowhere with the fugitives spend time in the boot   of jemaha while Gamora was waiting for a contact  draxon rocket both heavily intoxicated get into a   fight after Drax insults Rocket's appearance after  which a morose rocket laments on his creation and   the pain he was forced to endure while Drax  furiously leaves with the proceedings the   rest of the group is summoned by Karina to meet  with tenalia Tavon arriving at tavon's Museum the   group Henley orb over to Tavon who opens up the  artifact to reveal an infinity stone an item of   immeasurable power that destroys all but the most  powerful beings who build it Devon explains that   the stones were the remnants of six singularities  that predate the Universe their power compacted   into six stones and that their power was too great  for all the most powerful beings to you all others   are inevitably destroyed Savon prepares to give  the Outlaws their payment Karina seeing this as   a chance to free herself from servitude under  Devon suddenly grabs the stone and Taps into   its power a massive energy pulses fired from the  orb killing Karina and blowing up much of tavon's   collection it closed the orb as quickly as they  can and quill Gamora rocket and group belly escape   with their lives Gamora finally understanding  the full extent of the danger of the orb holds   attempts to convince the others to hand it over to  the Nova Corps for protection when Ronan and his   forces suddenly arrive having been summoned by the  drunken Drax while Drax battles Ronan the others   attempt to escape using the mining pods and are  pursued by ronan's sakaran minions led by nebula   Ronan easily defeats Drax while nebula destroys  gamora's pod leaving her floating in space nebula   takes the orb and ronan's forces to are despite  Rocket's insistence that they flee quill finds   himself unwilling to leave Gamora and summons  yondu before following her into space giving her   his helmet to survive yondo arrives and collects  the pair before they succumb to the exposure quill   manages to negotiate a truce with the ravengers  after convincing yondu that they can recover the   orb from Ronin and sell it Groot convinces rocket  and Drax to rescue quilling Gamora and the three   attempts and attack on their ship to recover their  friend reunited the group agrees that facing Ronin   means certain death but that they must stop him  from using the infinity stone to lay waste to the   Galaxy on the dark Easter Ronan contacts Thanos  who demands that the cree deliver the Opium is   Promised however Ronan embeds the Power Stone in  his hammer taking its power for himself promising   that after the destruction of xandar he will come  for Thanos himself hateful of our adopted father   for the suffering he brought upon her throughout  her life nebula agrees to Aid Ronin and quill   sends a message to her home in Day Warning the  Nova corpse of ronin's attacks as they prepare to   get the all back allying with the Nova Corps Fleet  closed group in the refugees arrive at Xander   confronting the dark Easter while rocket assists  the novocorps flea the rest of Quill's team   breached the dark Easter and moved toward Ronan  Gamora battles nebula while quill Drax in group   battle and kill korath and the sakarian soldiers  defeating nebula Gamora tries to convince her   sister to abandon Ronan and join her in Freedom  deeming gamora's new Choice as insane nebula   refuses her sister's offer and flees from the  battle in a hijacked ravenger ship as the battle   proceeds allies Begin to Fall as necro crafts  start falling from the sky onto the city killing   many in the process including Horrors while rocket  and other ravengers were attempting to destroy   their ships before they hit the ground Ronan  uses his new power to destroy the novocorps fleet   including goth and Sal and easily overmatches  Cruz team before he can kill them rocket flies   his ship into the dark Acer and directly into  Ronin seemingly killing him the extensive damage   causes the dark Ester to crash land on Xander with  Groot apparently fatally sacrificing himself to   Shield the group so that they can survive close  team survives but their relief is short-lived   with Ronan unscathed by the crash emerges from  the wreck and prepares to destroy Xander quill   suddenly starts dancing distracting Ronin long  enough for Drax to destroy the cree's Hammer with   a hadron enforcer the infinity stone flies from  the hammer and cool grabs it but its power begins   to destroy him until he joins hands with Gamora  Drax and Rocket who share its burden the four then   direct the Stone's power towards Rodin utterly  destroying him Gamora immediately places the stone   in a new orb and quill gives it to yondu as part  of that deal although quill warns them that they   should not open it since yondu had seen what it's  capable of doing you're undoing the ravages then   leave xandar commenting that they made the wise  choice in not delivering quill to his father like   they had been hired to do so many years ago once  they have left quill reveals that he has switched   the containers and in the aftermath quills group  now calling themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy   after a mockery by Ronan appraised by the Nova  Prime Irani rail histories who expunges their   criminal histories she also reveals to quill that  based on medical reports they have deciphered that   he's only half human and that his father belongs  to an ancient alien race that they have not yet   encountered the Guardians then leave Xander in the  Milano which was repaired by the Nova corpse and   after quill reads his mum's letter to him and  opens up a new mixtape called awesome mix Vol   2 he puts it on and accompanied by a recovered  twig from Groot which is already beginning to   regrow the Guardians of the Galaxy Ventures out  into the Galaxy in search of Adventure meanwhile   yondu later opens up the orb to find one of crew's  troll dolls not even surprised the infinity stone   is put into a safe place into advanced citizens  destroyed archive where he is licked by Cosmo and   mocked by one of his collections how the dark some  time later Groot sits in his pot when two machines   clean him up he looks at the new leaves forming on  him and plucks them off later he's eating cheese   balls when his pot cracks because he's getting too  big the machines then pick him of the counter and   replace him with a bigger tree the angry and cold  group wraps himself in a blanket but the machines   take it from him and put it on a knee tree Groot  has a fit and throws of over at the tree only   for it to Ricochet and not grew it off the table  Groot catches himself before hitting the ground   he makes his way back up on the table and extends  his branches to grab the tree but they slip and   wrap himself instead Groot then uses a pipe above  him to swing from there onto the tree he faces   plants right in front of it and starts punching  the tree he breaks off a branch and runs away   but the branch emits green goo that wraps around  grew Groot then slingshots into the tree and they   both fall into the floor breaking group's pot root  tries to get up and find cydia's legs he attempts   to walk but he can't get up once he does he runs  to the tree and gloats later he eats cheese balls   with the tree and slaps one of the machines back  in time in 1980 Meredith quills is quoted by ego   who shows her an alien seedling he'd planted  in the woods of Missouri 34 years later in the   present the Guardians of the Galaxy are renowned  as Heroes two months after the feeding run in the   accuser they accept a job from Asia leader of  the Sovereign to defend valuable batteries from   the ableist in exchange for nebula Whom The  Sovereign following the Battle of zandar so   they fight the ableist while group dances to music  after defeating the ableist rocket raccoons steals   several of the annulax batteries for himself the  Guardians received nebula and when the Sovereign   discovers the anilax batteries were stolen they  attacked the guardian's ship the Molino with their   own Fleet of omnicrafts but the Sovereign Fleet  is single-handedly destroyed by a man named ego   when they reach the jump point and go through  it the Molino is heavily damaged and forced to   crash land on a nearby Planet ego however appears  in the planet revealing himself as Peter cruel's   father arriving with mantisco's sister ego invites  quill to return to his home accompanied by Gamora   and Drax the Destroyer rocking and Groot however  remained to repair Molino and guard nebula Aisha   Hayes yondu yudanta who had been exiled from  the greater Avenger Community for trafficking   children to recapture the Guardians yudante's  crew Tracked Down the Molino and capture rocket   but when the Dante shows reluctance to turn quill  over to the sovereignty with help from nebula who   trick grew into freeing her more attracts and  ego along with the ego's empathetic assistant   mantis travel to ego's home a living planet  that is an extension of his body ego explains   that he's a Celestial who created a humanoid  Avatar to travel the Galaxy and interact with   other species Quail soon learns that he can access  and manipulate The Power Within ego's Planet Drax   becomes friendly with mantis who wants to reveal  a secret about ego taser face imprisons rocket and   udanta aboard the selector and turns grew into  a mascot for the crew while nebula gets a new   hand and takes a ship and leaves planning to  track down and kill Gomorrah blaming her for a   torturous cybernetic enhancements inflicted by  her father Thanos in their imprisonment rocket   any done to discover they are very alike and he  donta shares his low opinion of ego who originally   hired you don't his ravengers to deliver cool  after his mother's death he reveals to rocket   that he has decided to keep cool safe in his  own way instead of handing him over to Ego Gru   attempts to steal a new Yucca Arrow controller  for the yaka Arata Aid an escape attempt and is   helped by crackling of fontery ravenger loyal to  udanta to gather rocket Groot udonta and craglin   Escape in a detached section and engage in a risky  space maneuver to reach ego's planet in time to   help quill taser face alerts The Sovereign of the  Escape before yudanta kills him and the ravenger   mutantly nebula arrives at ego's Planet and tries  to kill Gamora but Gamora survives and reaches an   uneasy truce and together she and nebula explore  the caverns beneath ego's planet and discover   hundreds of skeletal remains ego Reveals His  master plan to quill he traveled the universe   and finding the life forms he found disappointing  he planted seedlings on thousands of Worlds that   will terraform them into new extensions of ego but  he needed a second celestial's power to activate   the seedlings so he conceived children with  hundreds of women all across the Galaxy and   hired eudanta's ravengers to collect them every  other child was killed when they were approved   unable to access Celestial power the quill can  harness their power quill is hypnotized by ego's   power until ego reveals he deliberately caused  the death of Queen's mother prompting quill to   fight back quiz by ego ego uses him to activate  all the seedlings which begin their terraforming   that will eventually consume every world and every  person mantis informs Gamora draxine nebula of   ego's plan just as Rocket grew udanta and craglin  arrive reunited the Guardians smashed through Eco   himself to reach the core of ego's planet where a  thick shell protects the ego's brain upon reaching   the cabin a battle ensues with a sovereign Fleet  in the celestial but mantis is able to put ego to   sleep momentarily rocket gets Groot to run and  he plants a bomb made from the stolen Sovereign   batteries on ego's brain udonto and nebula are  able to craft a way to shoot out of their ship   to destroy the Sovereign Fleet and the Guardians  reunite but mantis gets hit which wakes the   celestial back up a hole opens up and most of the  Guardians escape the quill remains to battle his   father who attaches himself to him again causing  the seedlings to grow more and more the quill   eventually harnesses and uses his access to Ego  Celestial power to battle him thoroughly Groot is   able to reach the brain and attaches the bomb to  it activating it and beginning to run away rocking   Escape while you don't understand help quill who's  continuing to harness the celestial's powers and   continue fighting the Guardians have to leave  without quill and the bomb explodes ego melts away   and the planet starts collapsing as quill loses  his powers and sits watching everything around him   be destroyed and preparing for his death but you  don't to flies in and saves quill and sacrifices   himself to keep cool safe as he's come to view  him as a real son much to call sadness later   the Guardians scream at udonta's remains Quil  says his final goodbyes and they release the   ashes into space nebula reconciles with Gamora but  chooses to leave to kill Thanos anyway kraglin has   given you Dante's Arrow by quill and both grew  and quill listen to music together suddenly a   swarm of ravenger ships appears and surround the  guardian's ship it turns out that rocket sent word   about yudanta's sacrifice and all the ravengers  came to perform a traditional ravenger funeral for   udanta signifying his acceptance back into their  Avengers the Guardians all grouped together to   watch the funeral parade afterwards abfantry takes  up yakoara and control and tries to master it only   to end up non-fatally impaling tracks Stucker or  gourd is moved by the death of udanta and reunites   with his former teammates a letter Allgood  martinex Charlie 27 Mainframe and Kruger Aisha   now imprisoned by a fellow Sovereign for wasting  resources in her hunt for the Guardians is seen   with a birth bod containing a male inside that she  names Adam while elsewhere around the Galaxy The   Watcher informant discusses his experiences on  Earth along with a group of watches until they   start to walk away sometime later Groot finds  swigs on his tree stump and five minutes later   he is an entire Fort made out of Twigs suddenly  a view with a long trunk knocks Groot off of his   four a manta bird then grabs the blue to either  knocking down the four Groot screams in Anger for   37 minutes before falling down out of exhaustion  on the ground he lifts up her rocks and finds   a race of tiny grunts in a hole Groot terrorizes  them he blows on them throws a twig Stomps besides   them until they've had enough and start firing a  group with weapons out of fear Groot hides in the   ground to eat lots of leaf he sees that the grunts  use it for food and happily gets more however on   the way back with a pile of leaves he accidentally  steps on all of them he carefully puts the rock   back on top of them before leaving like nothing  happened a few grand survive and pop out of the   rock sometime later on The Cauldron Groot wakes  up and drinks some water before hearing the loud   noise he gets out of bed and puts on a wristwatch  using it as a flashlight he finds a toilet and   uses it while looking at a book he found about  Thanos before walking back to his bed on the   way back he notices a shiny alien on the ship he  searches around for it until an explosion happens   blowing a hole through the wall grew investigate  finding the shiny alien that shape-shifts to look   like Groot the two groups have a dance off until  Laura gives him a tip on his dancing he shape   shifts into his true self to show group how to  dance before shape-shifting back to Groot the two   then dance around the quadrant until they get to  an escape hatch grew then pushes him over the line   and presses the button sending luau into space  some time later a group walks around the planet   until he finds a puddle he sticks The Twig into  it and sees the mud deciding to take a bath he   jumps in it takes a bug and squeezes it turning  the puddle a fluorescent color he then covers   himself in mud and puts a fruit on his eyes when  Groot wakes up he finds that the mud meaning Burr   leaves he jumps up with leaves all over his body  and when he looks in a reflective tree stump he   likes the look and decides to trim it up however  the leaves grow Yellow fast and die he takes more   mud and grows various hairstyles like an afro and  a mustache but the leaves keep dying meanwhile the   bird tries to sleep but groot's noises causes  him not to it attacks Groot and then laughs at   him Groot doesn't mind it and goes back to the  puddle only to find that it's dried up the bird   continues to laugh at him so Groot Cuts all of  its hair off and uses it as a scarf heading back   to the ship some time later group walks around  the ship with Peter Cool's backpack he finds a   comic for Alpha in the backpack and decides to use  that for an art project he gathers up hair from   Rocket Raccoon a motherboard Drax the destroyer's  soap and some other things glue then creates art   but needs glitter so a group builds a bomb and  detonates it setting the debris onto his paper   like glitter Groot then finds that there is a  giant crater in the ship so he uses duct tape   to form a bridge across it soon rocket wakes  up and sees what great has done he asks why it   looks like a bomb went off and Groot says that a  bomb did go off rocket starts scalding but Groot   shows him what he made a picture of the Guardians  of the Galaxy suddenly another explosion goes off   causing rocket to fall into the hole the group  pulls him out in 2015 The Avengers reassembled   to track down and eliminate hydra's remaining  members themselves using Tony Stark's resources   to help their latest Mission brings them to the  location of the alien scepter that Loki utilized   during The shatari Invasion the scepter is now  in possession of Baron Wolfgang von strucker   one of the notorious heads of Hydra who has been  using the energy drawn from the alien weapon to   power Advanced Weaponry as well as attempting to  empower living humans a raid on struck his base in   the Eastern European country of sokovia commences  with the Avengers battling Hydra forces to reclaim   the scepter during the battle though without  shaka's approval two of his agents joined The   Fray Pietro and Wanda maximoff sokovian twins who  are the only humans to have survived exposure to   the scepter's energy and have gained Supernatural  Powers as a result Pietro can move at superhuman   speeds while Wonder possesses a powerful plethora  of psionic powers the twins are able to hold their   own Against The Avengers but are unable to prevent  the heroes from capturing Shaka Stark finds the   scepter and wonder attempts to stop him by  using her powers to implant a vision in his   mind in his vision Stark sees his teammates  dead or dying while the shitari launched an   even larger Invasion on Earth upon seeing Stark's  nightmare Wonder suspiciously allows him and the   Avengers to take the scepter returning to Avengers  Tower will deceptor Stark and Bruce Banner begins   studying the weapon their research leads to a  discovery of a net of neurons that according to   Stark could be reconfigured into an artificial  intelligence stored inside the septic sham The   two scientists extract it for use in Stark's  secret peacekeeping program Ultron designed to   allow the iron Legion to operate independently and  Safeguard Earth under the direction of an advanced   AI without telling the team team though after  three days the project has seemingly met with   little success however while the Avengers throw a  party to celebrate their recent victories Ultron   suddenly activates somehow already self-aware  despite Stark's work has not made it that far   ahead Ultron immediately determines that the only  way to save Earth is to eradicate Humanity which   she deems as the prime factor in the planet's  turmoil Jarvis attempts to stop Ultron but the   more powerful AI appears to destroy him and then  takes control of the iron Legion armors after the   Avengers have finished their party the team joined  by Maria Hill James Rhodes and geneticist talentro   hold a small contest to see who can live from  Junior and obviously no one can do it even with   their Advanced Powers although Rogers makes  a small movement their contest is interrupted   when Ultron suddenly walks to them all he claims  they're all killers and directs the iron Legion to   attack them and an intense battle ensues during  that battle Ultron has a chance to kill Cho but   mysteriously spares her life While most of the  iron Legion is destroyed by the The Avengers   one drone manages to escape with a scepter and  flees to the sokovian Hydra base where Ultron   uses the Hydra technology stored there to begin  construction of an army of robotic drones as   well as his own mobile unit after the battle the  team confronts Stark about his secrecy and they   all argue elsewhere Ultron recruits the maximoff  twins whoever Vendetta against Stark because the   Stark Industries bomb killed their parents Wanda  had seemingly allowed stock to make up for the   scepter with hopes that his fear of letting the  world die would lead to him constructing his own   undoing which in this case appears to be Ultron  after Ultron kills struck her to lure The Avengers   out he and the twins traveled to South Africa to  acquire vibranium that came from wakanda now an   arms dealer Elias Claus possession although Ultron  takes it off his hands and then takes off his hand   The Avengers try to stop them but Ultron pushes  back into fight ensues later in the fight Wanda   hypnotized with Thor Black Widow and Captain  America giving them all Vivid hallucinations   that render them invalid she then hypnotizes  Banner turning him into the Hulk which sends   him to attack Johannesburg Iron Man decides  to call in Veronica which deploys the mark 44   Armor stock needs to defeat Hulk the two see each  other and begin to Face Off fighting each other   vigorously but after a long and disruptive battle  Iron Man is able to knock him out the destruction   they cause starts a public backlash against the  Avengers who are forced to go into hiding the   team takes Refuge at Clint Barnes Homestead where  they meet his pregnant wife Laura and children   Cooper and Lila having experienced apocalyptic  Visions in a hallucination thaw leaves traveling   to the mystical water of sight to determine the  meaning of his hallucination where he sees the six   Infinity Stones altogether meanwhile Ultron Pietro  and Wanda go to Dr Cho's laboratory in seals South   Korea where Ultron Reveals His plan to use the  vibranium samples in conjunction with Cho's   synthetic tissue from the Regeneration cradle to  create a more powerful body for himself with the   SEPTA's gem as its primary power source to ensure  her cooperation Ultron takes control of chose mind   with a scepter back at the safe house Romanov  and banner plan to run away and start a new life   together when Ultron is defeated Nick Fury arrives  at the homestead and encourages The Avengers to   form a plan to stop Ultron Banner deduces their  Ultron is planning to create another body made   of synthetic tissue using the Regeneration cradle  developed by Dr Helen Coe as the Ultron transfers   his Consciousness into the synthetic body and  showing plants the gem into his forehead Wonder   curiously looks into ultron's mind and discovers  his plan to destroy Humanity realizing that Ultron   used them the Twins turn against Ultron who  leaves the laboratory with the Regeneration   cradle arriving in Sewell Captain America Black  Widow and Hawkeye find and then battle Ultron   Black Widow is at the Cradle but the Ultron Bots  then fly the truck away the twins arrive at the   train and help fight against Ultron who prepares  to derail a train to slow The Avengers down Black   Widow escapes through the Cradle but as the  Cradle goes into the courgette Black Widow is   grabbed by Ultron the twins Aid Captain America  in rescuing Passage images from the train while   Hawkeye takes the Cradle back to Avengers Tower at  Stark Tower Stark and banner plan to upload Jarvis   which surprisingly survived ultron's earlier  attack by escaping into the internet into the   synthetic quality as an attempt to rectify the  mistake with Ultron believing Stark is about to   potentially create another Ultron Captain America  and the twins try to stop them but Thor arrives   and brings their body to life with lightning  the body Rises and thankfully proves friendly   Thor explains that the SEPTA's gem is the Mind  Stone one of the six Infinity Stones the most   powerful objects in existence which Thor saw in  his hallucination and he claims that its power   could be advantageous against Ultron the Twins  and the being who was later given the name Vision   Ally themselves with the Avengers who returned  to sukovia hotel and ultron's threat once and   for all arriving in sokovia Banner rescues Romanov  The Avengers evacuate civilians from the city and   begin to fight ultron's new Army of robots while  Vision attempts to kill Ultron from the net so   that he can't escape from there The Avengers  are unable to evacuate everyone before the   city begins to ascend they find that Ultron has  used the remaining vibranium samples and shitari   anti-gravity Technologies being studied in the  Hydra facility to build a machine that lifts a   large part of Novi grad this is covian capital  into the sky his intent is to crash it into   the ground to replicate a media strike causing a  mass extinction event Fury and the revive Shield   joined by a war machine arrive in a Helicarrier  to assist in evacuating the last civilians the   team assembles and converges on the location  of ultron's device if Ultron gets a hand on the   device they lose so Ultron sends in all of his  army to the one location and the Avengers begin   fighting back there they wipe out most of ultron's  drones and severely damaged ultron's primary body   in retaliation Ultron hijacks The Avengers quinjet  and Fires at all of them and then kills Pietro who   sacrificed himself to protect Hawkeye Hulk leaps  onto the heli carrier to drop Black Widow off and   then leaps into the quinjet and tosses Ultron  out of the rear hatch Ultron crashed lands in   an abandoned tram where a grieving Wonder finds  and destroys him by ripping his heart out but one   of ultron's drone's crawls and deactivates the  device causing an overgrad to begin plummeting   towards the Earth and forcing The Avengers to flee  aboard the heli carrier alongside the evacuated   civilians and the city Falls as Vision flies back  into the falling City and rescues wander Iron Man   decides to fire his uni beam and thaw someone's  a lightning strike to reflect off the vibranium   core the ensuring explosion shatters the city  into Rubble which Falls safely into a nearby   lake Hulk learning that they won and seeking  peace after the battle departs in the quinjet   ultron's Consciousness attempts to flee in the  last remaining drone but Vision confronts him the   two have a brief exchange of ideals before Vision  obliterates the Drone effectively ending ultron's   threat The Avengers establish a new Avengers  facility in Upstate New York run by Fury Cho   Maria Hill and Eric Selvig Romanoff assumes Banner  is dead because the quinjet cannot be tracked and   silently Mourns for him the fury assures her that  he is likely still alive believing the Mind stone   is safe with vision Thor returns to Asgard  to learn more about the Infinity Stones while   Barton and Stark also leave the team Captain  America and Black Widow assemble War Machine   Vision Falcon and Scarlet Witch the new Avengers  team meanwhile elsewhere in the Galaxy Thanos   retrieves an Infinity Gauntlet saying fine I'll do  it myself and begins his Crusade for the Infinity   Stones rewinding to 1989 and Hank Pym resigned  from Shield after discovering Howard Stark's   attempt to replicate his own shrinking technology  which pin believes is very dangerous and vows to   suppress it back in the present day Scotland  has been released from San quintense State   Prison after serving three years for burglaring  a former employee he reunites with his former   cellmate Lewis and his two other partners Kurt  gorsta and Dave who all offer him a position in a   burglary however Lang exploits his intention about  going straight further the more he learns that his   ex-wife has gotten engaged to a police officer  Jim Paxton his wife also reveals that he cannot   see their child anymore if he does not provide  child support Relentless and hopeless laying   inadvertently accepts the burglary job offered by  Lewis when he's unable to strike up a job because   of his negative criminal records and backgrounds  laying confidently infiltrates the house and   cracks open a safe and finds something which he  refers to as an old motorcycle suit he takes it   to his apartment after escaping he starts toying  with it and wears the suit triggering a button   he then inadvertently shrinks down to the size of  an insect and struggles to return to his original   son eventually the suit enlarges back to size  which after being terrified by the surrounding   experience he immediately attempts to return it  back to the house where he smuggled it from only   to be discovered by the police and arrested  him the owner of the house which slang broke   into poses as a lawyer and ants helps smuggle the  Ant-Man suit to laying cell to help him break out   although confused Leng wears the suit and escapes  the prison with the help of a group of ants   Lang discovers that pin manipulated him through  Lewis into stealing the suit as a test and once   laying to become the new Ant-Man and steal the  Yellow Jacket suit from Cross which Pym considers   as extremely dangerous equipment literally capable  of mass destruction him requests Van Dyne to spy   on cross and she does so although representing  her father for their strained relationship and   not saying anything about her mother and also  not letting her stop cross meanwhile Lang is   trained by Van Dyne and Pym to perfectly control  and manipulate the Ant-Man suit that additionally   supplies superhuman strength while teaching him  to control ants later Pym finally tells hope the   truth about the death of her mother Janet Van Dyne  her mother was the counterpart of pim's Ant-Man   superhero identity the WASP who sacrificed herself  to prohibit a Soviet nuclear launch missile to be   activated in the process she disappears into the  subatomic Quantum realm he admits that he does   not want the same to happen to Hope than the two  reconcile Pim sends Lang on a very risky mission   where he attempts to steal a device from one  of stock Industries warehouses which turns out   to be where the new Avengers compound is he  is spotted by and then meets the Falcon but   this eventually leads to a fight between Langan  Falcon but he was able to steal what he needed   however cross-pathetics the yellow jackets too  and invites pin to the unveiling to which laying   in his original team planned their mission  the congregation ceremony of the yellowjacket   suit is taking place so lying in the Ant Man  suit along with this crew in a swarm of ants   infiltrate the building planting explosives and  sabotaging all of the servers Lang is prepared   to steal the Yellow Jacket suit however he  is captured by cross who was expecting this   cross sells both the Ant-Man and yellow jacket  suits to Hydra and the ten Rings before Pym gets   shot Lang breaks free from his trap fights the  hydra agents and cross runs away grabbing the   Yellow Jacket suit Lang chases crosses trying  to escape though Mitchell Carson escapes with   cross's unstable formula amidst the chaos then  the planted explosives from earlier detonate   imploding the building into the quantum Realm  foreign fight slaying laying traps crossing a bug   zapper but before he can sabotage this suit he is  tased and arrested by Paxton cross escapes though   and holds Lang's daughter Cassie as a hostage to  lore length to him they both fight again but as   a last effort Lang shrinks to a subatomic size  to finally penetrate and sabotage the Yellow   Jacket suit they both shrink uncontrollably  into the nothingness subatomic Quantum realm   with cross imploding judo's suit being damaged  by Scott we smashed through the suits mechanisms   and circuits Scott travels to and arrives in the  quantum realm fighting unconsciousness and after   hearing Cassie calling for him finds the will  to escape and puts a disc with enlargening pin   particle formula inside the suit's regulator  and switches it back on successfully escaping   the quantum realm and reverting to his original  size witnessing the heroism of Lang Paxton covers   up for him and Ruggles him out of serving time  Scott remembers nothing from his experiences   within the quantum realm with pin believing that  the human mind might not be able to process it but   seeing that length survived the quantum realm  him wonders if his wife is still alive and upon   leaving his room Witnesses hope and Lane kissing  months later Lewis informs Lang that the Avengers   are looking for him mostly just Wilson and after  Lang's departure pin congregates the upgraded   prototype of the WASP suit to Hope offering it  to her to which she replies it's about damn time   back in 1991 Hydra operatives inside the Russian  air Armed Forces traveled to their Siberian   facility and revive the Winter Soldier from a  cryogenic state after using a set of condition   trigger words to ensure The Winter Soldier's  loyalty Vasily karpov orders him to intercept   an automobile and execute its occupants in the  present day Captain America Black Widow Falcon   and the Scarlet Witch learned that Brock ramlo  plans to steal a biological chemical weapon from   The Institute for infectious diseases in Lagos  Nigeria after being cornered rumlaw attempts to   commit suicide with a bomb vest trying to take  Rogers with him in an act of Revenge maximoff   however contains the explosion but she loses  control of her powers and inadvertently destroys a   nearby building killing several relief Aid workers  from wakanda at MIT Tony Stark demonstrates bath a   piece of technology aimed to recreate and relive  old memories and follows with a speech where he   introduces a grant being awarded to all students  giving them all the proper funding to move forward   with their own inventions and ideas before leaving  the stage she is shaken when the teleprompter   makes reference to Pepper Potts whom he has broken  up with over his refusal to give up being Iron Man   outside he's confronted by Marine sharp whose son  was killed in the Battle of Ultron and sokovia   whose story shakes dark especially when she says  that she blames him and the Avengers for her son's   death and not Ultron one month after the incident  in Lagos in their headquarters The Avengers are   visited by Stark and thadius Ross waiting for them  Ross explains that due to the events of New York   Washington DC sokovia and the recent disaster  Lagos for this reason the United Nations have   decided that the Avengers can no longer be allowed  to operate privately to that end it has been   decided that the Avengers will sign the sokovia  Accords something that has been approved by 117   countries which will establish an International  Panel to control the Avengers movements meanwhile   retired karpov is ambushed by helmet Zemo who  gets the book for the Winter Soldier and asks   for information regarding the 1991 Mission karpov  refuses forcing Zemo to kill them the team is   divided over the act and continuously argue about  it stock supports government oversight because   he feels guilty for his role in creating Ultron  and the devastation Ultron caused he also feels   like The Avengers need to take more responsibility  for their consequences of their actions as he did   when he discovered stock industries were secretly  shipping weapons to the ten Rings however Rogers   worries that the Avengers may be compromised  if it comes under the control of a nefarious   third party such as the infiltration of Shield  by Hydra during their debate about the Accords   Rogers learns that Peggy Carter has passed away  enough sleep and abruptly leaves for a funeral   in London while there he learns that Sharon Carter  was Peggy's great niece as she delivers a eulogy   about how one should never back down from what  they believe in this solidifies Roger's resolve   not to sign the Accords he also learns that Tony  Rhodes and vision have already signed the Accords   Wanda finds herself confined to the facility by  Vision ostensibly for our safety since emotions   are running high after what happened in logos in  Vienna the selling of the Accords is set to take   place t'challa meets Romanov who then meets king  tachaka of wakanda they begin the signing of the   Accords until suddenly a terrorist bomb kills  King kachaka when security cameras reveal the   suspect as Bucky Barnes tachuka's son t'challa  Val's revenge against Roman officer's Vice Rogers   and Wilson decide to go behind Ross's back and  bring in Barnes themselves following a tip-off   by Carter Rogers is able to find and locate Barnes  but officers are there to kill him too so Bucky   runs and after t'challa now king of wakanda and  the Black Panther begins to attack an intense   and long Chase ensues but soon after the four of  them are cornered by officers and Roads Barnes   is captured and Rogers Wilson and t'challa are  arrested for obstruction of justice while Barnes   is in captivity Rogers and Stark argue about the  Accords further with Rogers nearly convinced to   sign until he learns of Wonders in-house arrest  at a power grid station outside the city a box   sent by Zemo contains an e-bomb which explodes  and shuts down electricity for the entire city   including the cameras and computers that were  monitoring bonds bonds is released by Zemo who   uses hydra's triggerwise to send him on a rampage  Rogerson Wilson intervened just as barnes's   escaping containment with Rogers attempting to  contain bonds while Wilson chases after Zemo who   is attempting to flee the facility the rest of the  Avengers fight Barnes who is eventually able to   lose them Zemo escapes however and Barnes nearly  gets away in a helicopter before being caught by   Rogers in a panic he intentionally crushes the  chopper and as it falls into the nearby River   pulls Rogers in with him before being knocked  unconscious by the impact after coming to his   senses Barnes tells Rogers that Zemo is headed  for the abandoned Hydra facility in Siberia where   he and five other winter soldiers were created  using the super soldier serum he stole in 1991.   back at the Joint Canter terrorist Center compound  Stark convinces Ross to give him 36 hours to bring   his Renegade comrades in and assembles Romanov  t'challa James Rhodes Envision feeling he's still   on demand Stark travels to Queens and meets Peter  Parker a high school student who has been using   enhanced agility and tensile webbing of his own  design to fight crime while disguised as a spider   based hero known as Spider-Man when Stark asks  him why he's doing this Parker explains that he   understands the price of not doing the right thing  and so Stark recruits him believing Zemo intends   to release the other Winter Soldiers and unleash  them on the World Rogers calls upon Clint Barton   for Aiden free and wonder which Barton agrees to  since he feels he owes her a debt as her brother   sacrificed himself to save his life in sokovia  he manages to break into the Avengers compound   and convinces Wanda to come with him he uses her  abilities to overpower Vision Falcon decides to   recruit Scott Lang to join the team as well having  being imprisoned by his abilities following their   duel a few months prior Lang who is in Aura  getting to meet Captain America quickly and   easily agrees to join Roger trying to flee Berlin  and reach Siberia before Zemo Rogers and his team   assemble at zipsing Ali airport where they hope  to take a chopper out of their country when Sirens   indicate the airport is being evacuated Rogers  instructs the team to sue it up and travels to   a chopper alone where he's confronted by Stark  alongside his allies when Rogers refuses to Back   Down The Avengers split prepare themselves on  either side and a massive fight ensues beginning   the Civil War during the fight rogers's Avengers  decides to buy time for roads and barns to reach   the quinjet at the expense of imprisonment Ant-Man  uses his suit to grow gargantuan which creates   enough of a distraction to allow Rogers and Barnes  to reach the jet the two are confronted by Romanov   but she can't bring herself to take them down  and allows them to leave in Stark's quinjet   while the rest of rogers's Avengers are captured  as Stark and Rhodes chase the jet Vision attempts   to blast Falcon who is following them out of the  sky however he misses and accidentally hits roads   and roads plummets to the ground Stark and Falcons  stopped to try and save roads but they're too late   he survives the fool but is left paralyzed Romanov  knowing she will be arrested for acting against   the Accords after Tony gives her a half-hearted  warning goes into hiding Stark finds evidence that   Barnes was framed by Zemo and finds that the rest  of the Avengers have been thrown into a top secret   prison called The Raft designed to hold enhance  people he visits the dismayed former Avengers and   temporarily disables Security in order to learn  from Wilson where Rogers and Barnes are going he   follows the touch of Siberia and is shadowed by  t'challa Rogers and Stark reconcile and as they   explore the facility they discover that Winter  Soldiers voted by Zemo who had never intended   to release them zema reveals that he is a sokovian  and wants to punish The Avengers for the death of   his family during ultram's attack Zemo shows Stark  a security video from 1991 which reveals Barnes as   the Assassin who murdered Stark's parents to steal  samples of the super soldier serum from their car   Stark asks Rogers if he knew and Rogers tells him  that he didn't know Barnes killed them not having   received the answer he wanted Stark asks again  and Rogers admits that he knew a disillusioned   and enraged Stark then turns on both of them  and another fight breaks out they fight long   and vigorously Iron Man vs Captain America and  the Winter Soldier while trying to crush Stark's   Arc Reactor Bond's robotic arm gets blasted off by  suits unibeam but Rogers continues to fight Stark   having succeeded in his plans of ripping apart the  Avengers Zemo Waits outside where he meets with   t'challa and the two discuss Vengeance and the  terrible things that can lead a man to do t'challa   has decided he will not let his desire for Revenge  consume him like it did Zemo and the Avengers and   prevents him from committing suicide content on  sending him to the prison meanwhile Rogers finally   manages to disable Stark's armor and begins  to depart with Barnes as Rogers leaves Stark   bitterly tells him that his shield doesn't belong  to him but rather his father who made it accepting   that he is no longer worthy of it or the title  of Captain America Rogers reluctantly drops this   shield and leaves with barns leaving Stark knowing  that today he lost under the custody of Everett   Ross Zemo hints that while he may be imprisoned  his grand plan wasn't as much of a failure as Ross   suggests it was knowing that the Avengers may now  be irretrievably fractured back at The Avengers   facility stock Builds an exoskeletal rainbow words  to help him regain the use of his legs Rhodes   assures his friend that despite what happened like  him he still believed he made the right choice   stack receives a package containing a phone and a  letter from Rogers in the letter Rogers apologizes   for everything that happened ever not telling him  the truth about his parents as well as noting his   regret that he cannot accept the Accords he  tells Stark that he knows the day will come   when the team will need to reassemble and act  like one again when that day arrives Rogers and   his team he freed from the prison will be there  sometime later Barnes and Rogers are granted   Asylum and wakanda by t'challa Barnes chooses  to undergoes cryostasis until his brainwashing   can be completely removed successfully as Rogers  warns t'challa that the governments of the world   will come to wakande if they find out balance  is there t'challa dares them to try years back   in 1995 young Natasha Romanoff and Elena belova  are whisked away from their home in Ohio by their   surrogate parents Alexi shoshtakov AKA Red  Guardian Russia's answer to Captain America   and former Black Widow Melanie I was stuck off  the girls are given to drakoff who puts them   through the Red Room for further training and  unfortunately Natasha and Elena are separated   21 years later in the present following the battle  between the Avengers at the airport Romanov is a   fugitive from the government for violating the  sakovia Accords she escapes from U.S Secretary   of State thalius Ross fleeing to a safe house in  Norway reuniting with her contact Rick Mason in   Morocco Bulova is still working for the Red Room  Bulova kills Oksana a former Black Widow only to   come in contact with a substance called red dust  which removes the red room's control over her she   sends this antidote to romanoff's Safe House in  hopes that she will return to Albert as Romanov   unknowingly drives off with the antidote she is  attacked by Taskmaster who studies other enhanced   attacks and replicates them near perfectly it  was after the red dust Romanov fights Taskmaster   vigorously and manages to evade Taskmaster and she  eventually learns that the dust came from Bulova   the two reunite in Budapest and after fighting  themselves Romanoff learns the Red Room is still   active and that its leader drakov is still alive  in order to join Shield years previously romanov's   Mission had been to kill drakoff after detonating  a building containing drakoff and his young   daughter Antonia an act that has haunted Romanoff  both were presumed dead they are then attacked by   black widows in a Chase ensues Romanoff and  Bulova are then hunted by Taskmaster but are   eventually able to escape his grasp they go on  the run to get supplies and talk to reconcile   and they then talk over the details of Jacob's  ideologies and plans they then meet with Mason   who supplies them with an aircraft roaming off and  Below then go to break shoshtakov out of prison to   learn where Drake off is he receives an earpiece  through a red Guardian toy and Begins the escape   with Romanov and beloved's help they escape and  upon being in the helicopter he tells them that   they need to speak with forstokov who they find  living on a farm in Russia using mind control   on pigs the family sits down for some food and  drink and begins discussing their plans Bulova   reveals that while they are not a real family she  still wanted to believe that they were so sure   admit that they too wish they were a real family  unfortunately vastokov gives their location to   Drake off his agents arrive at the house and  immediately take them away to the Red Room located   on an aerial base as Drake off congratulates for  stuck off for finding Romanoff and Bulova it is   revealed that rostock often Romanov used face mask  technology to switch places at the farm having   planned their capture the rest of the family  are able to escape where they were being held   while Romanoff learns that Taskmaster is draco's  daughter Antonia who suffered severe damage from   the explosion drakoff was forced to put a chip  in her head to help her also turning her into the   perfect Soldier Romanov discovers that she cannot  harm Jacob due to a pheromone lockhe installed in   every Widow which means none of them can harm  him Elsewhere on the ship vostokov attempts to   take out the ship's engine meanwhile shostekov  battles Antonia and while Bulova looks for the   red dust vials Romanoff notices that drakoff has  been controlling widows all around the world via   his control desk and luckily Bulova eventually  finds the red dust vials after going Drake off   into punching her in the face multiple times  although that not being enough causing Rome   enough to bang her nose against the table Romanoff  manages to sever a nerve in her nasal passage to   negate the pheromone allowing herself to attack  drakov the widows are all sent to Romanoff while   vostokov demolishes one of the flight engines  to take down the station however drakoff escapes   as the Widow's gang up on Romanov and a giant  fight ensues Romanoff is actually able to hold   her ground longer than any normal person could  but ultimately she is defeated Bulova however   creates a red dust bomb releasing the widows  from their mind control Romanov reaches the   control desk and copies the locations of all the  other widows worldwide to a portable drive just as   the Red Room begins to explode and fall before  leaving the control room Romanov picks up two   vials of red dust that survived below this bomb  vostokov and shustakov are forced to escape the   ship via aircraft Romanov and Antonia meet again  and she lets her out of the cell of tractor in   earlier the lover looks to Romanov and takes out  drakov's Escape ship killing him but causing her   to fall through the air Romanov however leaps  from the sky gives belova a parachute as she   and Antonia have one final battle through the  sky they fight each other intensely and Romanov   activates the parachute so they safely land on  the ground Romanov and Antonia fight again but   Romanov uses one vial of red dust on Antonia  freeing her from her mind control the rest of   the widows arrive as Bulova vostokov and  shashtakov say goodbye to Romanoff Bulova   gives Romanov her vest to remember her by and  Romanov gives belova the last Red Dust file and   the portable drive instructing her to find and  free the other widows as they leave along with   their recovering Antonia and all the other widows  Romanoff awaits the arrival of Ross and his men   two weeks later Romanov now spawning blonde hair  reunites with Mason supplying her with a quinjet   rewinding centuries ago though as five African  tribes wore over a meteorite made out of the   alien metal vibranium a warrior Shaman bashenga  ingest a heart-shaped herb affected by the medal   and gained super human abilities becoming the  first ever black panther he unites all tribes   except the Jabari tribe and forms the nation  of wakanda as time passes the wakandans use the   vibranium to develop highly advanced technology  while simultaneously isolating themselves from   the rest of the world and posing as a third world  country in 1992 King tachaka visits his brother   najobu who is working undercover in Oakland  California t'chaka accuses ninjabo of assisting   black marker arms dealer Elias claw in stealing  vibranium from wakanda nejobo's partner reveals   he's Zuri another undercover wakandan and confirms  to Chuck's suspicions in the present day t'challa   returns to wakanda to assume the throne after  one week following t'chuka's death at the hands   of Helmut Zemo and works with a cliay the leader  of the dura malaji to extract his ex-lover Nakia   from an undercover assignment in Nigeria's Sambisa  Faris after succeeding he returns back to wakanda   and reunites with his mother Queen raimonda  and sister princess shuri at the same same   time claw with his new robotic arm after Ultron  and his associate Eric Stevens still a vibranium   artifact from the Museum of Great Britain later  at the ceremony to formally induct him as the   king t'challa drinks a liquid that removes his  enhanced Straits and formally invites anyone to   challenge his claims King in ritual combat the  Challenger to step forward is umbaku the leader   of the mountain dwelling Jabari tribe who claims  that t'challa is not worthy of being King so the   two prepare and engage in ritual combat and  even without his strength t'challa manages to   best him and Spares his life t'challa is crowned  the new king and drinks of fluid derived from the   heart-shaped herb as his body digests the herb  t'challa goes into deep sleep where he visits   the ancestral plane and reunites with a vision  of his father who advises him he is a good man   but also warns him that he has hard times ahead  and should surround himself with people he trusts   with this t'challa wakes up from his dream when  wakanda hears of Claus's actions t'challa's friend   and okoye's lover okabe who loves his parents as  a result of the Dealer's actions urges the young   Monarch to bring him to Justice with new armor  t'challa Okoye and Nakia plan to intercept 4 at   an underground casino and basa where he will be  selling a stolen artifact to an unknown buyer the   plan however goes wrong when t'challa discovers  the bay is CIA agent Everett Ross who warns Clore   about t'challa as a result the Durham milage  of forced to sabotage the operation inciting   a shootout in a fight with t'challa when claw  attempts to escape t'challa Ross shuri Nakia and   akoye intercept him in the car chase across the  city claw ultimately crashes and t'challa comes   close to killing him but after watching civilians  filming him he's forced to decide against her and   hand him into the custody of the CIA the next  day while being interrogated clue is rescued by   Stevens rather than pursue claw t'challa decides  to take Ross who has been severely injured while   protecting Nakia to wakanda where shuri can use  their nation's advanced technology to save him   while shuri heals Ross t'challa confronts Zuri  about njobu Zuri finds that in jobu planning   to Share wakanda's technology with people of  African descent around the world to help them   conquer their oppressors as to Chuck are arrested  in jubu and jobu attacked Zuri forcing tachaka to   kill him tachaka ordered Zuri to lie that nujubu  had disappeared and left behind his American son   Eric in order to maintain the LIE Eric became a  US Black Ops Soldier adopting the name killmonger   meanwhile killmonger kills core and takes his  body to wakanda revealing his identity before   the tribal elders and challenging t'challa for  the throne in ritual combat deciding killmonger   has a legitimate claim the ritual combat begins  with t'challa relinquishing his powers once again   the battle begins but after killing Zuri who says  he's the reason for killmonger's Father's death he   defeats t'challa and holds him over the waterfall  where he is presumed dead after ingesting the   heart-shaped herb to gain the powers of the Black  Panther killmonger orders the rest incinerated but   Nakia manages to steal one killmonger supported  by okavi and his army and nax's Father's plan   preparing shipments of wakandan technology to  be distributed to a Condon operatives around the   world that of which includes New York London and  Hong Kong Nakia shuri Ross and t'challa's mother   Amanda flee to seek the aid of the Jabari  tribe and learn the baku's men are caring   for the comatose to Chala who made rescued in  repayment for sparing mumbaku's life they feed   the heart-shaped herb brought by Nakia to t'challa  who returns to the ancestral plane again and meets   the spirit of his father who tells his son it's  time to let go and join him and his ancestors   t'challa demands to know why Eric was left as  an orphan in the U.S when he should have been   brought home to his people tachaka claims he did  what he did for his people and wakanda to allow   them to remain in isolation but t'challa angrily  rejects this and states that they cannot hide from   the rest of the world forever he then tells his  father's spirit that he will not join them but   will return to stop the monster his people  created from sitting on the throne t'challa   wakes up and immediately plans and then returns to  wakanda to stop killmonger's plan t'challa turns   to mount ashenga to challenge killmonger for  the throne who is now wearing a panther habit   of his own while shuri Nakia and Okoye joined  the Durham milage and Jabari in battling the in   the wakandan Army Ross piloting about jet shoots  down the planes carrying the weapons before they   can leave the country killmonger overpowers the  dura milaje and comes close to murdering shuri   but t'challa saves her and tackles killmonger into  the great Mound the Jabari arrive and their defeat   will cubby forcing the Border tribe to surrender  while t'challa and killmonger Via for Supremacy   Sonic disruptors using the transport in the mine  incapitate their vibranium armors the Chala uses   this to his advantage and the two Fire t'challa  Hits a blade into the air and then catches it   overpowering killmonger by impaling him with  a dagger Victorious shows Mercy to kill manga   and fulfills his childhood wish to witness the  sunset of wakanda killmonger refuses t'challo's   offer to be healed and pulls the dagger out of  his chest choosing to die a free man rather than   being incarcerated rejecting their isolationism  of past become the Kings t'challa establishes   an embassy in Oakland California purchasing the  apartment complex when jubu was murdered t'challa   appoints shuri and Nakia to run the embassy and  soon after t'challa appears before the United   Nations in the rebuilt Vienna International  Center to reveal wakandan's resources to the   world and to come out of isolation for the very  first time later Bucky Barnes who was granted   Asylum by t'challa wakes up in wakanda and is  met by shuri who begins to help him with his   recuperation from his mental programming following  the Battle of New York Tony Stark and the federal   government orders the United States Department  of damage control to clean up the aftermath of   the battle driving salvage company owner Adrian  tombs out of business tombs convinces his crew   to not surrender the shatari technology already  salvaged from the battle and use it to further a   criminal agenda years later in the present that  the crew are making big on exotic weapons deals   and tombs begins wearing a winged harness that  gives him the ability to fly after Peter Parker   was recruited by stock to help with the clash of  the Avengers in Berlin stock lets Peter keep the   suit and Parker resumes his studies after Stark  tells him he's not yet ready to become an Avenger   later Peter quits his school's decathlon team in  order to spend more time focusing on his Stark   Industries internship which is the cover for his  crime fighting activities as Spider-Man one night   after preventing tombs Associates from robbing  an ATM Paco returns to his Queen's apartment   where his best friend Ned Leeds discovers his  secret identity the next day Leeds pester's   Parker all day about his abilities as Spider-Man  in June gym class that day Leeds accidentally   says Parker knows Spider-Man after hearing a  conversation with Parker's love interests Liz   Allen and her friends that night Paco's delivers  his party while changing him to Spider-Man to make   everyone think that Spider-Man is friends with  Parker and leads Parker sees from afar and then   comes across tombs Associates Hermann Schultz  and Jackson price selling shitari Weaponry to   local gangster Aaron Davis pocket intervenes was  picked up by the vulture who flies into the sky   and drops him into a lake Parker nearly drowns  but is rescued by Stark who is monitoring the   Spider-Man's suit he gave Parker and Mourns him  against involvement with the dangerous criminals   later angry with Bryce for jeopardizing the  operation tombs accidentally kills him with   one of their weapons and gives his Gauntlet to  Schultz making him the Shocker now retrieving a   shitari weapon left behind by Bryce Parker works  with Ned to remove the power core a tracking   device leads shots to Midtown School of Science  and Technology but Parker and Leeds managed to   evade him after planting his own tracking device  on Schultz and learning that it leads to Maryland   Parker rejoins the decathlon team and accompanies  them to Washington DC for Nationals working with   Leeds Parker disables the tracker and planted  in his Spider-Man suit and unlocks all of its   secret features including the built-in AI that  Parker later names Karen he tries to stop tombs   from stealing weapons from the damage control  truck but ends up being overpowered and trapped   inside of the truck causing him to miss Nationals  he discovered is that the shatari energy core is   unstable and tries to escape the facility he's  trapped in with Karen's help he gets it open   and tracks leads to the Washington Monument  arriving just as the core explodes and traps   leads in an elevator Parker climbs the monument  and performs a maneuver availing local authorities   and managing to save leads and his classmates  including Liz who he almost attempts to kiss   before the elevator plugins returning to New York  City Parker interrogates and persuades Davis to   reveal tombs as whereabouts confronting tombs and  his Associates at the Staten Island Ferry Parker   captures the group's new buyer Matt gargan but  botch is an FBI operation which was attempting to   arrest everyone involved in the weapon sale tombs  avoids the FBI after Parker attempts to shut down   a malfunctioning weapon causing it to overload and  tether ferry in half Parker tries his best to save   the ferry and uses all the restraints into Stark  who would arrange for the FBI to apprehend tombs   helps Parker save the passengers afterwards Stark  admonishes him for his recklessness reminding him   that he almost killed dozens of people as well as  himself deciding Parker can no longer be trusted   Stark demands the suit back Peter is left very  upset deciding afterwards to distance himself from   Spider-Man and instead begins concentrating on his  personal life to that end he finally makes a date   with Liz and arranges to take her to the upcoming  homecoming dance meanwhile most of tomb's workers   decide to leave the operation now that they  know Stark is on their trail with most of their   shatara technology gone tombs decides to make one  final hit which will set him and his remaining   Associates up for life on the night of the dance  Parker goes to Liz's house to pick her up only   to get the shock of his life when he learns that  Liz's father is none other than tombs Parker only   just manages to maintain his composure however  during the car ride to the dance tombs learns   that Peter went missing whenever Spider-Man was  around and deduces his secret when Liz is out the   way tombs tells Parker he'll let him live since he  saved lives in Washington but warns he'll show no   mercy if he continues to interfere with his plans  although I'm sure if you can defeat tombs without   Stark's Advanced attack Parker realizes he cannot  abandon his duties and leaves the dance Don's the   homemade Spider-Man suit and races to tomb's  Lair to confront him Parker is first ambushed   by Schultz but defeats him with the help of leads  he asked Leeds to be his guy in the chair and he   tracks tombs Parker realizes tombs is planning to  hijack the Stark cargo plane transporting Weaponry   from Avengers Tower to the team's new headquarters  he then confronts tombs in the lair who attempts   to persuade him to his side when Parker refuses  tombs destroys the building's support memes   and leaves him to die under the rubble pucker  struggles to get out but overcomes his self-doubt   and pushes the rubble aside allowing him to escape  Parker intercepts tombs on board the now damaged   plane and they fly during their fight vulture's  Wings hit an engine which causes the plane to   begin to burn up and fall Parker steers it towards  the beach near Coney Island where it crashes tombs   is still determined to get the equipment and the  two engage in the confrontation that ends with   a vulture suit malfunctioning Parker runs over  and saves tombs's life but then leaves him for   the New York City Police Department as he rests  after an intense battle some time later apocalon   settlers is moving away and Michelle Jones will be  replacing her as president of the decathlon team   after being confronted by happy Hogan Parker is  asked to visit the Avengers facility their Stark   office Parker an even more advanced suit and an  invitation to join the Avengers officially Parker   declined Stark's invitation in favor of remaining  a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man Stark asks   happy to find an engagement ring for the awaiting  press conference that was waiting for the big   news that news originally being the new Avengers  member where Peppa Potts is present Upon returning   home Parker discovers that Stark has returned his  upgraded suit and he puts it on looking toward the   window but unknowingly to Parker May was standing  right behind him the whole time now knowing   his identity and then cusses an astonishment  sometime later in the prison an incarcerated   gargan approaches tombs inside the prison and  explains that several criminals are Banning   together to extract Vengeance against Spider-Man  when pressured by goggin about Spider-Man's   identity tombs denies any knowledge in Kathmandu  Nepal a group of Rogue Sorcerers Infiltrate The   kamitage an enclave that is known only to the  masters of the mystical Arts after beheading   the librarian the group's leader kaiselius steals  a forbidden Ritual from a book owned by his former   mentor of the ancient one as the zealots escaped  through a portal to London the sorcerer's Supreme   traps him in the mirror Dimension she takes down  several zealots but fails to subcastelius and his   surviving followers from escaping with a ritual  elsewhere in New York City Steven strange is an   acclaimed doctor and a neurosurgeon working at  Metro general hospital with insanely precise   hands but is also very arrogant and cares  only for his wealth and success his talent   brings one night as he travels to guest talk at a  neurological Society dinner he's actively driving   irresponsibly and is involved in the car crash  after diverting his attention from the road he   survives and awakes at the hospital although he  discovers that his handsome are badly injured   resuscitating the incursion of metal pins into  them as a result they continuously tremble ending   his career as a doctor he continuously tries to  come up with solutions to fix his hands to not   Avail his former lover and co-worker Christine  Palmer tries to help him move on but strange is   desperate to heal his injuries and harshly orders  her to leave him alone so she does just that after   months trying experimental surgeries on his hands  using up all of his money and resources strange   seeks out Jonathan pengbourne a paraplegic who  mysteriously was able to walk again penguan helped   him out and directs strange to the secret compound  camitage where strange that in searches for asking   anyone for help eventually he's beaten for his  watch into another sorcerer under the Ancient One   Carl mordo comes to hell and decides to then take  him in the Ancient One meets strange and after   some conversation he doesn't believe anything he's  hearing so the ancient one shows stranger power   knocking him out of his body and revealing  the astral plane and then showing him other   dimensions and proving that he knows absolutely  enough nothing about anything yet strange begs   her to teach him and with mortos convincing she  eventually agrees despite his arrogance which   reminds her of casilius strange Begins the  tuttleage under the age and one in Immortal   and learns from the ancient books in the library  which are now protected by Master Wong who tell   strange some books are far to advance for anyone  besides the sorcerer's Supreme hn1 traps Stephen   and Mount Everest waiting to see if he's able to  make it back he tries his hardest and is able to   make it back through Steven gets a makeover  and then asks Wong for more books to continue   studying however strange ends up just stealing  the books himself strange advances quickly over   several months with his studying even secretly  reading from The Forbidden text and learning to   bend time with the mystical eye of agamodo Moro  and Wong warn strange against using such power   and breaking the laws of nature they talk to him  about how no regular sources could do things he   just did and read so easily it's explained to him  that while the Avengers protect the world from the   physical dangers the sorcerer is protected from  mystical threats they tell him him how Earth is   protected from other dimensions by a spell formed  from the three buildings called sanctums found   in New York City London and Hong Kong the task of  the sorcerers is to protect the sanctums meanwhile   kycelius and his followers use the stolen pages  to begin summoning the powerful dumamu of the   dark dimension where time does not exist and all  can live forever to ensure your mamu's arrival   kasilius and his followers begin targeting the  sanctum thusly destroying the London sectum which   accidentally sends strange from kamitage to the  New York sanctum strange looks around the sanctum   and eventually kycelius and his zeelots arrive  and get into a fight with strange strange is   able to hold his ground and with the help of the  mystical cloak of levitation he's miraculously   able to defeat them but he gets attacked and  escapes to the hospital to get a procedure by   Christine strange travels to the astral plane  and is able to help Christine before having to   fight in the astral plane Christine then zaps him  back which wins strange the fire and allows him   to stay alive strange then heads back to the New  York sanctum where Mordor and the ancient 108 him   the ancient one then makes strange Master strange  the protector of the New York sanctum strange and   Mortal become disillusioned with the ancient one  with a revealed that her long life has come from   our own use of dumamu's power kycelius comes back  and so mordo and strange attack him strange sends   Casillas to the mirror Dimension but kycelius is  able to control it too and a Chase for strange   and mortar ensues the ancient mon arrives to  help the two further proving she draws power   from the dark dimension she holds up a fight a  kycelius kicks the Asian one out of the mirror   Dimension sending her up a tall building to land  on the ground killing her he takes the ancient   one to the hospital where they try and save  her and he goes into the actual plane to talk   to the ancient one and she tells strange that he  can't see past this moment meaning she dies here   she says that he too will have to break the rules  to balance out mordo's spread fast nature before   dying despite the best efforts of strange and a  bewildered Palmer strange then prepares himself   as casilius arrives in Hong Kong to shake the  sanctum and one comes out of the sanctum and   a fight ensues strange and Mortal talk and then  arrive in Hong Kong to find the sanctum destroyed   with a dark dimension already engulfing Earth  Strange then uses the eye of agamodo to freeze   time and then turns it back which brings Wong  back to life casilius then freezes time so only   they can move stranger then travels into the dark  dimension itself and creates an infinite time Loop   inside that traps himself into a Mamu in the same  moment forever after killing strange many times to   no avail the mommy reluctantly agrees to leave  Earth and never come back but only if strange   breaks the loop taking casilius and his zealots  with him which grants them their immortality but   at a horrific cost strange then turns back time  entirely bringing back the sanctum and peace on   Earth although disgusted by strange in the ancient  ones disregard for the consequences of defying   nature molo severe's all ties to kamitage into  Parts on his own stranger then soon Returns the   eye of agamodo which one calls an infinity stone  to come a Taj and he then takes up residence in   the New York sanctum to continue his studies as  the new sorcerer Supreme Thor has been captured by   a mysterious enemy forces on muspelheim he Rambles  towards a skeleton sharing his cage about his   efforts to defeat some robots on Earth and laments  about his inability to find any of the Infinity   Stones he'd set out to locate he notes that  sometimes you have to get captured in order to get   a straight answer out of someone there's someone  in this instance being sarta Serta releases Thor   from his cage chained in dangling and taught  him with the knowledge of Odin no longer being   on Asgard also mentioning that Thor's absence has  left it vulnerable he announces that Ragnarok is   coming to Asgard by his hand and that all he must  do to achieve this is to join his crown with the   Ethereal flame which burns in Odin's fault Thor  takes the queue to call majonia break out of his   chains and fight off sarta's minions before taking  his crown as a trophy when he attempts to return   to Asgard however hindal does not respond his  replacement Scourge only notices Thor's call when   one of the women he's trying to impress points it  out returning to Asgard for the first time in the   Years Thor first told by search that hinder has  been declared an enemy of the people and is on   the Run Thor is unoppressed and goes to find Odin  who is watching a play about the brilliant defeat   of Loki whilst laying about and being pampered by  various women forces through Odin's deception and   forces Loki to drop the charade after ordering  for certain's Crown to be delivered to Odin's   Vault though has volstag transport him and Loki  to Earth to find the real Odin unfortunately   upon arrival Thor and Loki quickly discovered  that the retirement home Loki had placed Odin   in has been demolished at this point some passes  by revealed that Jane Foster has broken up with   Thorin although Thor insists to them that it was a  mutual dumping suddenly loku snatched away leaving   a mysterious address card behind pointing Thor  toward Bleaker Street here he finds Dr Strange   who insists on knowing why Loki has been brought  back to Earth Thor explains that they are simply   trying to find Odin and will immediately leave  as soon as he is retrieved strange reveals   that he knows what Odin's whereabouts Norway  incidentally but notes that Odin asked not to be   Disturbed before strange sends Thor and Loki to  find Odin he releases Loki from a portal that   Loki fell into Loki shouts at strange that he even  falling for half an hour and when Loki tries to   attack him he sends Thor and Loki directly to Odin  Thor and Loki find Odin having shaken off Loki's   spell but he is dispodian and dying in his last  moments Odin makes a confession hella the sister   Thor and Loki never knew they had and the goddess  of death will be released from her prison once he   dies she's far more powerful than her brothers  and will grow stronger when she returns to the   fires of Asgard Odin tells his sons that he loves  them one last time before transforming into energy   and dying Thor becomes enraged at Loki blaming  him for Odin's death his life expectancy having   been presumably shortened during his time on Earth  any thoughts of Revenge however are put aside as a   black mass forms in the air and hella emerges from  her prison when the brothers refused to kneel to   her Heller attacks them she appears to be able to  summon any type of Blade spear-based weapons from   thin air in quick secession Thor through a junior  towards her but she easily catches it with one   hand and shatters it Loki panics and calls for  the bifrost however during their transportation   hella intercepts them and forces both Loki and  Thor out of a beam while Stag and fun drill are   waiting inside the bifrus Dome I killed almost  immediately as Heller arrives Scourge present   only because he's been given janitorial duty is  recruited to her side as hella sets her eyes in   the Kingdom meanwhile we find Thor deposited  on an alien planet covered in junk Saka there   are portals and wormholes of different shapes  and sizes all across the sky from which junk   and debris from other worlds fall through to the  surface Thor is approached by hostile scavengers   who he manages to fight off without majonia until  one of the Scavengers uses an electrical gnat to   capture him the Scavengers proceed to beat Thor  into a spaceship lands near them from within a   drunk woman appears claiming Thor to be hers the  woman kills the Scavengers with her ship's guns   seemingly rescuing Thor unfortunately she ends  up throwing a small disc at his neck allowing   her to Electro you and render him unconscious  at the push of a button with the disconnected   to his neck preventing him from escaping the  woman takes Thor onto our ship back on Asgard   the Asgardian Army led by Hogan has assembled  to stop hella from entering the kingdom unfazed   by the hundred of soldiers and several gunships  facing her she announces Odin's death and that   she's also disposed of Thor and Loki demanding  they recognize her as their new Queen naturally   Hogan and the soldiers refused to do so leaving  Hala to instead fight the army despite the sheer   numbers against her hella makes quick work of  the entire fleet as she is quick invincible and   able to summon an endless arsenal of swords and  Spears which he uses to impale the majority of the   soldiers Heller finishes off with Hogan defiant  to the last who gets a large bear sent through   his chest she takes the thorn and destroys the  Royal mural above it revealing the original hidden   behind it's revealed that she'd always been Odin's  most powerful weapon in his efforts to create the   mightiest Guardian Empire and that only when our  ambition outgrew his did he imprison her hello   breaks into Odin's Vault declaring The Infinity  Gauntlet as a fake the kaska of ancient Winters   as weak and serta's Crown smaller than she thought  she becomes briefly interested in the Tesseract   but declares the Eternal Flame the greatest of all  she smashes through the floor revealing the musole   in beneath with the power of the Eternal Flame  Heller revives the Fallen Asgardian soldiers from   her time along with her massive pet defenderis  wolf while sitting on her throne Heller notes that   while Odin was King she was his executioner and  that now she is Queen Scourge is her executioner   meanwhile heimdell sneaks into the bifur storm  and steals the sword rendering the bifrost useless   it's revealed that Heimdall has been slowly  organizing a resistance against Heller without the   sword Heller could not complete her conquest of  all the Realms and she sends her soldiers to hunt   down the resistance Thor awakens to a holographic  presentation of asakar and the Grand Master the   ruler of the planet and host of the gladiatorial  contest of Champions the Grand Master pays the   drunk woman from earlier and obtains Thor whom  he declares pit against his Champion during a   match he states that Thor will earn his freedom  should he be the Victor still restrained thoris   covers Loki who is mingling and getting on with  the Grand Master and his company quite well due   to his unusual relativistic efforts of how they  both arrived and the planet in general Loki has   been there for weeks earning the grandmaster's  favor for his throne into the Gladiators quarters   where he meets with Korg an exiled Cronin  resistance fighter and his friend Meek Korg   states that no one has ever escaped or beaten this  Champion nor is prepared to fight this man having   his hair cut by someone strangely familiar and  choosing his weapons he finds a woman there who   he recognizes as an Asgardian Valkyrie when she is  unsympathetic to the plight of her home he calls   her a coward before being forced to go out and  fight the champion is revealed to be the Hulk Thor   overdroid singing his former teammate attempts  to talk as well as negotiate with him but makes   the mistake of calling him Banner he even tries  black widow's calming technique but it fails to   work Hulk overpowers him during the battle and  is close to killing him but Thor sees a vision   of his father causing his powers to surge as the  Fight Continues the tables have turned and Thor   is winning but the Grand Master unwilling to see  Hulk Clues since he is a fan favorite cheats and   fixes the fight by activating the disc and Thor's  neck Thor awakened in a luxurious quarters with   Hulk Hulk refuses to return to Earth because  he believes he's hated by everyone there and   therefore will not leave he's shown to be friends  inspiring partners with Valkyrie but agrees to   trick her into coming to his headquarters so Thor  can steal her control device and remove the disc   from his neck Thor tries to get to the quinjet  that brought Hulk to sakar the Hulk damages it not   wanting to leave it is only when Thor accidentally  activates a recording of an attaches attempts to   get Hulk to turn the quinjet around that Hulk  is pacified and transforms back to Bruce Banner   himself Banner has been in Hulk form since sokovia  and as a result the Hulk had completely taken over   because of this Banner was powerless and does not  remember anything that has happened for the past   two years since he fears that if you become comes  the Hulk again Banner will be gone forever the   Grand Master orders Valkyrie and Loki to track  Thor and banner down Valkyrie finds them but   agrees to help having knocked out Loki after he  made her see a vision of herself and her sisters   falling at hella's hands Millennia ago when she  was the only Survivor which caused her to turn   to drinking in misery on sakar Loki not wanting to  be stuck onto the car tells Thor he has the grand   Masters security codes which gives them control  over his systems heindel has told Thor that they   need to go through the largest portal in the sky  which is the unfortunate nickname The Devil's anus   to escape but valkyrie's ship is not up for the  job they break Corgan Meek out so they can begin   a slave revolt as a distraction so that they can  steal the grandmaster's personal ship back on   Asgard Scourge has civilians rounded up to demand  the location of the sword when nobody would speak   hella tells him to execute a randomly chosen woman  though skerg seems to be uncomfortable with this   just before he can do a civilian agrees to tell  hella what she wants to know rather than seeing   an innocent woman put to death that can secure  and Loki inevitably portrays them as they are   escaping but Thor quietly placed one of his disc  on his back leaving him being shot on the floor   thoughts his brother that he knows Loki will  always be the god of Mischief but he had hoped   that he would have shown some capacity for growth  before leaving with Loki still being shocked   in the remote intentionally left Out Of Reach  however corgorized with a group of slaves and   turns off the device later Loki takes leadership  of the group and steals a large ship with him Thor   Valkyrie and banner arrive on Asgard Heller begins  an assault on the Fortress where hinder was hiding   me as guardian civilians but Thor calls her back  to the throne room to fire banner and Valkyrie   fight to help the civilians Escape via the bifrost  but they are cut off from behind by the undead   Army and in front by the enormous sunris despite  knowing he may never turn back Banner jumps off   the ship and is splayed blade on the bike Frost  in front of Fenris failing to transform himself   as Fenris lunges towards the asgardians banner  transforms into the Hulk seconds later to fight   Fenris and luki arrives with Korg Meek and is  sakarian allies who all take on held as forces   to buy time for the refugees to get aboard the  ship Thor is overpowered by hella who strikes him   across the face cutting out his right eye she's  about to finish him off when he once again has a   vision of his father in Norway Odin tells his son  that Asgard is not a place it is their people and   anywhere could be as God Thor states he cannot  defeat Heller without majounia but Odin reminds   Thor that he is not the god of hammers majumia  was never the source of Thor's Powers but was   simply a focus for them Odin assures that Thor's  powers are greater than his ever were skerg who   has sneaked aboard and disguised in deep regret  over how he betrayed Asgard turns on hella and   kills the rest of her soldiers before she kills  him with his powers in full force Thor manages   to resist Heller and calves through her Army but  he realizes she's still too much for them he and   Loki agree that as long asgar exists she will  grow more powerful the prophecy says that in   order for Ragnarok to happen as God Must Fall and  it is their place to ensure it not to stop it Thor   Zachary holder off while Loki goes to the  trophy room to retrieve serta's Crown noticing   the Tesseract unguarded along the way I wonder  if he takes that Loki places the crown in the   Eternal Flame of Asgard allowing sertar to be  reborn as Heller approaches a weakened Valkyrie   4 tells his sister that fight is over and she can  have Asgard seconds before the resurrected sertar   emerges and destroys the palace the now more  powerful sertar begins laying waste to Asgard   and Thor takes advantage of the distraction and  knocks Heller off the bridge Thor and Valkyrie   discussed the fact that Serta must be allowed  to destroy Asgard as the prophecy foretold just   as Hulk attacks certar Thor manages to call him  off and Hulk grudgingly gives up on the fire and   Carries Thor and Valkyrie aboard the ship which  escapes hello suddenly emerges from the water and   begins to impale certain unfortunately for hella  she happens to be in the way of serta's sword and   is killed when certa's sword plunges through her  straight into asgard's core everyone watches from   the ship as Edgar is utterly annihilated killing  sertar and leaving only asteroid it's behind Thor   understands now that the destruction of his home  was inevitable and that Asgard still exists but   now in its people Thor begins wearing an eye patch  similar to the one worn by his father he thanks   Loki for returning for him and the two brothers  finally reconcile Thor then goes to the bridge   and with the surviving as Guardians watching on  takes the throne really the captain's chair and   assumes his Birthright as king of Asgard with Loki  Hulk hindal Valkyrie calling Meek by his side the   new king decides to set course for Earth later on  Loki asked Thor whether he'll be welcomed on Earth   after the battle of New York and Thor assures him  that he will be Thor is sure that everything will   be fine into a much much larger ship appears  behind them at the exact same time Scotland   spends time with his daughter Cassie although he  was arrested and in prison for helping Captain   America during a skirmish between the Avengers in  violation of the sokovia Accords Lane took a plea   bargain and was allowed to return to the USA Lang  was sentenced to two years under house arrest with   the 20-year minimum prison sentence if he leaves  his home during his sentence or defies the sokovia   Accords again as Pim and hope had provided  language the technology he used against the   Avengers the United Nations ruled them to have  also breached the Accords a warrant for their   arrest was issued forcing the two to go on the  Run Lang spends the next two years keeping himself   busy in various ways including Landing close-up  magic he also sets up a security company with   his friends Louis Dave and Kirk kosher to earn an  honest income with just three days left until his   release from house arrest Lang has a dream about  the quantum Realms and he relives one of Janet's   memories of when hope was a child despite not  wanting to jeopardize his release Lane contacts   pin monophy and he's hidden away and leaves a  voicemail about the dream before deciding he   sounds like an idiot going on to apologize for  all the trouble he landed on them Lang smashes   this phone that night as Lang relaxes he notices  something buzzing nearby before being suddenly   knocked out when he wakes up Lang finds he's  been kidnapped by hope who left in an enlarged   and as a decoy to avoid suspicion from FBI agent  Jimmy woo hope is upset with Langford using the   Ant Man suit and helping Captain America without  telling her as well as forcing her and her father   into hiding but she tells Scott that his dream  coincided with him briefly opening a Quantum   tunnel that leads to the realm Lang reunites with  Pym who is also very bitter towards Scott for his   actions however Pym sets his Grudge aside as  he and hope decide Lang is their only hope of   locating Janet's coordinates in the quantum  realm seeing the messages confirmation that   Janna is alive him and hope work in their new lab  which pin can shrink whenever they need to move   to create a stable tunnel hope arranges to buy a  part needed for the tunnel from the black market   dealer Sonny Birch however Birch has realized  the potential profit that can be earned from pen   and Hope's research and double crosses them hope  then reveals she is a shrinking suit of her own   one which can fly and has blasters and uses it to  fight Burch and his men off and retrieve the part   before Hope can leave however she is attacked by a  quantumly unstable masked woman referred to as the   ghost and a fight ensues Lang tries to help fight  off the ghost with a prototype suit and they keep   hold the par but ghost escapes with pim's portable  lab Lang announces that he can get them some help   Pym argues with Lang but eventually agrees to  meet with the ex-con Security Consultants after   talking they decide to ask pym's former partner  Bill Foster for help in locating the lab they   go to the University of California Berkeley to  meet with the professor he argues with his former   partner about their differences that eventually  led to them swimming up meanwhile Wu gets a lead   on pin and arrives at the college Foster tells  him that if they modify the fraction units on   one of their Regulators they can maybe locate  the lab they thank him and quickly leave before   Wu meets with Foster who tells them that he hasn't  talked to him in years in the van an annoyed Pym   says that he got rid of The Regulators with the  new suit Lang realizes that he still has his old   suit that does have a regulator so they call Lewis  who tells him that the trophy it's been kept in   isn't at the house Lang remembers that Cassie  took it to school that day for show and tell so   Ant-Man and the WASP break into the school and  grab the suit however ant-man's prototypes suit   glitches causing him to unwillingly change size  they're able to grab this suit and Escape while   Lang is stuck in a smaller form after locating  the lab the Truro finds it in the middle of a   forest and breaks in they find ghost suit and the  occupant lying in something they find their lab   but ghost restraints Lang hope and then pin when  they arrive and reveals herself to be Ava star   she tells them about how her father Elias Starr  accidentally killed himself and his wife during   a Quantum experiment that caused Stars unstable  State foster reveals that he has been helping Ava   after the accident who they plan to cure using  Janet's Quantum energy believing that this will   kill Jenna in the quantum realm Pym refuses to  help them the Pym stages of fake heart attacks   of the trio can fire they grab the lab and Escape  at ex-cons consultant's office Birch enters and   uses a truth serum to get information from Lewis  however Ava answers and now knows the location of   Lane Birch however tells the FBI knowing it's  easier to steal from the FBI than from ghosts   but Pim and hope are able to contact Janna with a  tunnel fitted with a new part she talks with them   through Lane because of their quantum entanglement  and she then gives him a precise location to find   her but warns that they only have two hours to  find her Lewis warnslang about the FBI and ghosts   coming who then confesses this to open pin which  angers them and prompts them to severe ties with   him again Lang is forced to rush home to save  his house arrest Cassie sees the giant air and   gives Lane time to come back Pym and hope make the  lab smaller but this leads to them being arrested   laying learns of this but pimmon Hope's lab is  being taken by Stoltz however he is found and   killed by ghost who then takes the lab back at  home Lang is convinced by Cassie to rescue hope   and Pym despite the risks promising that she'll  love him no matter what happens Lang is soon able   to help him in Hope Escape custody Lane Picks Them  Up in a van and drives away from the station they   are able to locate the lab with the ants help  and they then decide to have him dive into the   quantum realm to get Janna they will then shrink  the lab and take it away from the enemy before   they enlarge it in a secure location to get Janna  and him home safe they also meet Luis at the pier   Ava knows that they're near the lab so she goes to  investigate and Foster is cornered pin prepares to   enter the Quantum realm to retrieve Janna while  Lang fighter Ava as soon as Pym is inside they   shrink the lab they grabbed the lab back but Birch  and his men appear a car chase ensues across the   Streets of San Francisco with Ava taking the lab  and it begins to be a Chase for the lab itself   but Lang's suit begins malfunctioning again the  Chaser ends at the pier where Birch is getting   away on a boat Lane tries to fly over with an ant  he calls Antonio but Antonio gets eaten by a bird   but lingo's gigantic and grabs the lab from batch  Pym finally encounters Jenna in the quantum realm   and the two finally reunite they head back to the  ship but Lane puts the building down as he falls   into the water out of exhaustion from being too  big Ava grabs the lab and immediately enlarges   it while hope tries to fix like Sue Ava attempts  to sabotage their return taking Jenna's energy   but laying in Hope intervene and fight Ava and  eventually Pim and Jenna arrive safely from the   quantum tunnel and Hope finally reunites with her  Ava in his pain but Janet tries to calm her and   voluntarily gives some of her energy to stabilize  Ava's condition then they will leave the building   and then escape from the police we rushes to  Lang's house to catch him off guard when they   know he's not there but sees Lang playing the  drums we releases him at the end of his house   arrest and Lang then happily reunites with Cassie  while ex-con Security's business begins to see   some success while Hank restores the family home  which he had shrunk and was hiding on the beach   for him and Janet to finally live in peace laying  in Hope then watch a movie with Cassie shrunk down   at the same time but Back In Space the asgardians  have been attacked by thanos's ship half of its   passengers have been killed by the black order  the children of Thanos one of them ebony Moore   announces that the survivors should rejoice  in their defeat with Thanos with hindau and   Thor unable to even stand Loki is brought before  Thanos himself Thor hindau and Loki soon find out   that Thanos warding The Infinity Gauntlet already  accommodating the Power Stone had begun his quest   of hunting down the Infinity Stones personally  Thanos demands that Loki hand over the Tesseract   threatening to kill Thor if he doesn't comply Loki  initially hesitates to which Thanos responds by   torturing Thor with the Power Stone eventually  Loki can no longer see his brother suffer and   reveals the Tesseract which he had retrieved from  Odin's Vault prior to asgard's destruction much   to Thor's disappointment however Loki doesn't  hand it over and by sufficient time for Hulk to   attack Thanos and save Thor from thanos's grasp  unfortunately Thanos quickly overpowers and   subdues the Hulk Thor attempts to fight Thanos  only to be quickly defeated and immobilized in   pieces of metal by more with the ship's surviving  members helpless against the power of Thanos   hindau saves Hulk's Life by summoning the power  of the bifoss bridge the last time and teleporting   him to Earth and safe from harm in retaliation  Thanos kills hindal leaving Thor in anguish while   saying that Thanos will die for that after this  the Tesseract which had been left on the floor is   handed over to Thanos by more Thanos crushes to  Tesseract and inserts the space Stone within it   into his Gauntlet now in possession of two stones  Thanos orders his children to an invade Earth and   retrieve both the Mind Stone and the time Stone  Loki then suddenly interrupts by pretending to   pledge loyalty to Thanos as he does so he commits  the Bold yet fatal action of trying to kill Thanos   with a dagger that are seized through Loki's  attempt and foils him with his newly acquired   Stone and proceeds to grab him by the neck thaw  helplessly watches as Thanos breaks Loki's neck   and drops his lifeless body to the ground before  his very eyes Thanos uses the Power Stone to   destroy the Statesman while he and the black order  teleport away leaving Thor to die as he Mourns   over his brother's dead body as the ship explodes  around him meanwhile on Earth Hulk crashes into   the New York sanctum via bifrost and turns back  into Bruce Banner informing Dr Strange and Wong   about Thanos strange and banner find Tony Stark  who is having a date with Pepper Potts and bring   him to the sanctum as well strange Wong banner  and Stark discuss the Infinity Stones eventually   summarizing that Thanos is looking for both the  time Stone held in the eye of agamodo owned by   strange and the mind Stone kept by Vision in his  forehead Banner insists that Thanos is the most   formidable enemy that they ever faced revealing  that he was Loki's sponsored during the Battle   of New York and will wipe out half the universe if  he completes The Infinity Gauntlet Stark suggests   simply destroying the time Stone since they've got  it on hand but strange refuses as he and Wong have   pledged to protect it with their lives and are  asked where vision is and Stark admits that he's   lost track of him and that Steve Rogers might know  where he is Stark brings banner up to date with   everything that has happened since he left Earth  The Avengers have disbanded and he is no longer   on speaking terms with Rogers Banner implores  Stark to cool Rogers insisting that whatever   happened between them doesn't matter compared to  what's coming convinced Stark takes out the phone   Rogers sent him after the Civil War and prepares  to make the call before he can however an ominous   hum Rings through the air accompanied by a change  in airflow a massive ring-shaped Q ship hovers   above New York City causing panic and fear in  the streets strange manages to shut the ship's   engine off as ebony Moore and another of thanos's  children the hulking collapse obsidian approached   them while strange Stark Wong and banner confront  the Invaders the Q ship is witnessed from afar by   Peter Parker who rushes into investigate a  turbulent battle erupts in the streets but   Banner finds himself unable to transform into the  Hulk despite his best attempts as Wong fights Carl   trapping him in the Arctic with the sling ring  ebony Moore a fierce telekinetic successfully   abducts strange with time Stone in tow on mid next  to more however both Iron Man and Spider-Man who   was granted his iron spider armor managed to  stow away in Moore's q-ship as Wong returns   to the sanctum to protect it Anna finds Stark's  phone and decides to call Rogers himself having   survived the vacuum of space after the ship's  blast Thor is rescued by the Guardians of the   Galaxy who received the asgardian's distress call  they take him aboard the Benetar where Thor tells   them how Thanos killed half the asgardians to  obtain the space Stone and decimated xandar to   obtain the Power Stone Gamora recounts how Thanos  traveled from planet to planet killing half the   population of each and will do the same to the  entire universe should to complete the gauntlet   by merely snapping his fingers they figured that  Thanos would be heading to Nowhere In order to   take the reality Stone from The Collector  Thor decides to leave for Nina villier as   he intends to ask each Reed to craft him a new  weapon capable of defeating Thanos Thor leaves   with Rocket Raccoon and Groot or Star-Lord Gamora  Drax the Destroyer and mantis depart from nowhere   meanwhile Proxima midnight and call the slave  two more of thanos's children Ambush Vision   who attempts to live a normal life with Wonder  maximoff in Scotland vision is deeply weakened   in the attack while maximoff barely manages to  hold her own against both however reinforcements   arrive Rogers Falcon and black widow who have  been contacted and fielded by Banner together   force proximal midnight and a heavily wounded core  of a slave to retreat before they all return to   the Avengers compound remembering how Thanos  destroyed half of her people and adopted her   in the process Gamora makes quill promised that  he will kill her if she gets captured by Thanos   although quill is reluctant Gamora makes him  promise and swear on his mother he eventually   agree series and the two share a kiss as they  arrive on a deserted nowhere the guidelines of the   Galaxy witnessed Thanos violently interrogating  The Collector over the location of the reality   Stone unfortunately the group makes too much noise  and Thanos realizes their presence Gamora goes on   the offense attacking and promptly defeating  the Titan be forced to the ground seemingly   killed however the group discovers that Thanos had  already acquired the reality Stone and has been   using it to cast a massive illusion he drops the  illusion revealing a burning nowhere and himself   alive and well Thanos had expected Gamora to come  and fight him and is aware that she is the only   person who knows the location of the elusive Soul  Stone Thanos easily subdues Gamora and encapitates   Drax and mantis queer aims to fire at thanos's  head but Gamora begs cool to keep his promise and   kill her with Thanos pushing Gamora against the  gun inviting him to do so despite his heartbreak   quill pull positive trigger only for the gun  to shoot harmless bubbles thanks to the reality   Stone Thanos then teleports away with back at the  facility James Rhodes discusses recent events with   thadius Ross who is outraged at vision's recent  disappearance Rhodes counters that vision is   only missing because of the sokovia Accords which  even he now regrets signing Rogers Wilson Romanov   vision and maximoff arrive and Russ demands  that they should all be arrested Rhodes cuts   his transmission off and greets his old teammates  Banner emerges as well showing a brief reunion   with everyone and after bringing everyone up to  speed Banner suggest calling in Hawkeye for help   but romuloff explains that he as well as Scotland  are unavailable having surrendered themselves to   the US government making deals to be placed under  house arrest with their families together the team   decided that the Mind Stone must be destroyed  and that maximoff is the only member powerful   enough to do however in order to destroy the stone  without killing Vision Rogers suggests traveling   to wakanda in wakanda t'challa and Okoye deliver a  new vibranium arm to Bucky Barnes who is recovered   from his mental programming they warned him that a  battle may be coming as they are providing Refuge   to The Avengers who will undoubtedly be followed  by thanos's children in Ebony Moore's q-ship Stark   and Parker successfully rescue strange by blowing  a hole in the ship's Hull fatally shooting ebony   Moore into space while strange Advocates returning  to Earth Starks suggest keeping the course set on   Titan in an effort to keep an element of surprise  over Thanos strange agrees but warns Stark that   he will have to protect the time Stone even if it  means sacrificing him or Parker on the sanctuary   2 Gamora tells Thanos that she doesn't know the  location of the Soul Stone and calls her adopted   father insane for planning to exterminate half of  all life in the universe though Thanos insists of   his righteousness of his ultimate desire for  Perfect Balance he informs Gamora that our   home planet Zen uberi has been thriving since he  eradicated half of its population as Thanos needs   the Soul Stone to fulfill his goal he reveals that  nebula is his prisoner Thanos torches nebulae in   front of Gamora slowly pulling her body apart  unable to Bear it Gamora reveals that the Soul   Stone is hidden on Vermeer meanwhile for Rocket  Raccoon and Groot land in Native where the forges   have gone Frozen and dark they encounter Eatery  now the only remaining dwarf on the forge and   he explains that Thanos ordered him to craft The  Infinity Gauntlet crippling the dwarfed afterwards   so he could never Forge anything else however  Thor convinces that E3 that working together   they have the power to defeat Thanos in order to  do they plan on Crafting a new weapon for Thor   Stormbreaker a weapon that can summon the power  of the bifrost on Sanctuary 2 nebula manages to   free herself and sends a message to the Guardians  of the Galaxy imploring them to meet her on Titan   Stark strange and Parker barely managed to  land the Q ship on Titan's surface where they   are immediately ambushed by the Guardians who  have mistaken them for thanos's minions after   a few tense moments where quill believes Stark  and his companions to be in League with Thanos   they all agree to work together while the rest  of the group tries to devise a plan strange uses   the time Stone to look into alternate Futures  he then reports to his allies out of the 14   million 605 visions of the future that he first  or they were victorious in only one alone Thanos   and Gamora teleport to vomia where they are  greeted by Red Skull now acting as a keeper   for the Soul Stone after being banished there  by the Tesseract in 1945. Schmidt tells Thanos   that he must sacrifice what he loves the most in  order to obtain the stone Gamora is sadly amused   as she believes that Thanos does not love anyone  or anything making him incapable of completing the   sacrifice or fulfilling his plans when she sees  that he's crying she is incredible or surpassed   but Schmidt tells her that he isn't weeping  for himself but for her then our sacrifices   His Daughter by throwing her from the cliff to  her death and later awakens in possession of   the Soul Stone meanwhile The Avengers take Vision  to wakanda where they are greeted by t'challa and   balance they ask shuri if she can safely extract  the Mind Stone from vision and she confirms that   she can but that it will take some time maximoff  is ordered to stand by at the operation table   ready to destroy the stone once it's free moments  later though massive Dropship ships land outside   of wakanda's protective energy Dome meanwhile  Thor and Rocket successfully revived the star   Corps of nethervelier but due to the mechanisms  of the forge being damaged Thor is forced to risk   his life using his own body to hold the forge's  iris open as massive armies of outriders led by   Proxima midnight and Cole obsidian arrive in  wakanda t'challa gathers Dora milaje wakandan   Royal Guard the Border tribe and the Jabari tribe  led by umbaku accompanied by Rogers Barnes Wilson   Rhodes Romanov and banner using a suit of the  Hulkbuster armor to meet them hoping to buy   shuri enough time to complete her work at first  the outriders blindly throw themselves against   the protective energy Dome surrounding wakanda  with many perishing against the dorm surface   and only a few actually making it through however  once the outriders begin to move around the edge   of the Dome Banner alerts the team that the Beast  could potentially flank them gaining a clear path   to Vision t'challa then decides to partly open the  barrier in an effort to keep the enemies in front   of them the strategy is effective but at the cost  of massive hordes of outriders suddenly invading   wakanda quickly starting a fierce battle while  Thor and Rocket are able to break the ice that   immobilizes the rings of ninevehilius Forge the  mechanism that focuses the neutron star's power   is damaged Thor exposes himself to the full power  of the star giving the forge enough time to melt   the special metal needed to craft Stormbreaker  Thor is left near death but while each tree   successfully molded the metal the axis handle  cannot be found Groot sacrifices his left arm   for the weapons handle activating its power and  Reviving Thor although they are able to take down   many of the hostiles The Avengers and wakandan  armies are quickly outnumbered and overrun by   the outriders however Thor arrives via bifrost  with rocket and Groot using Stormbreaker to turn   the battle in favor of the defenders of Earth  he demands to have Thanos brought to him so he   can enact his revenge Thanos arrives on Titan and  is greeted by strange during a brief conversation   with strange he reveals that Titan was his home  and that overpopulation led to its throw in   Thanos had suggested that half the population be  killed at random to save the planet a suggestion   which was obviously seen as insane Thanos now  believes himself to be merciful as he plans to   Simply snap his fingers after acquiring all six  Infinity Stones and cause half the universe's   population to cease to exist without causing much  pain after which Thanos plans on simply resting   nevertheless they engaged Thanos in an intense  battle but Thanos single-handedly repels the   assault of the Avengers the Guardians and strange  until nebula arrives and distracts him eventually   strange Parker and Drax managed to pin down  thanos's limbs while mantis uses her powers to   put him to sleep although she partly fails as he  remains half conscious he's still weakened enough   that he is totally incapacitated allowing Stark  to try and force The Gauntlet off of thanos's   hand however when nebula deduces that Thanos had  killed Gamora quill becomes enraged and attacks   the Mad Titan causing him to regain Consciousness  just as The Gauntlet was about to be taken off the   light turns decisively in thanos's favor as he  unleashes the full might of the Infinity Stones   upon his attackers swiftly repelling them all  Thanos then confronts an overpower strange but   realizes that strange never used the time Stone in  the fight because strange hit it before he can try   to locate it Iron Man attacks him but is quickly  outmatched and seriously wounded when Thanos stabs   him in the stomach as Thanos prepares to execute  Stark strange agrees to hand over the time Stone   to Thanos in exchange for Stark being spared  Thanos agrees and inserts the stone Into The   Gauntlet and to pass to retrieve the last Stone  Stark asks strange why he would sacrifice the time   Stone just to save him in wakanda the black order  launches Treasures massive Siege weapons which   lay waste on the battlefield prompting maximoff  to join and save Romanov and Okoye however what   no one has realized is that corvus glaive has  successfully infiltrated the lab where he knocks   out shuri and her guards before the extraction  of the Mind Stone can be completed glaive then   attempts to take the Mind Stone from Vision who  flees into the battlefield field and attempts to   fight back the corvus glaive and collab City and  overpower him Banner arrives and manages to kill   call obsidian despite still being unable to turn  into the Hulk while Roger's fight against corvus   glaive meanwhile despite holding our own against  the combined forces of maximoff Romanov and akoye   Proxima midnight is killed as well when Maxima  forces her into the path of a thresher Rogers is   defeated but Vision stabs called the slave with  his own weapon from behind killing him with the   black order defeated and the outriders rooted  by Thor The Avengers seem Victorious however   Thanos teleports to attain the Mind Stone all the  Avengers Okoye t'challa and Groot gather to defend   Vision but Thanos effortlessly defeats them all  one by one including Rogers who was briefly able   to hold back Thanos much to the Titans surprise  realizing that they have no other choice Vision   asked maximoff to destroy the Mind Stone herself  which will likely kill Vision she reluctantly   agrees and successfully shatters the Mind Stone  moments before can reach it vaporizing both it and   vision however Thanos uses the power of the time  Stone to reverse time and restores both vision   and the mind Stone ripping the Mind Stone out from  vision's Skull killing him for good having finally   gathered all six Infinity Stones Thanos prepares  to execute his plan but Thor arrives and catches   Thanos off guard unleashing his full power and  full might of Stormbreaker upon the title in a   last minute attempt to stop him severely wounding  Thanos as Stormbreaker buries itself in his chest   however Thanos survives the attack he mocks Thor  for not having hit him in the head and snaps his   fingers in The Gauntlet completing his plan Thanos  is momentarily transported it into the soul world   where he sees a younger Gamora who ask what the  cost of achieving his goal was sadly Thanos admits   that it has cost him everything Thanos then  returns to the real world with the gauntlet   now mangled from the massive amount of energy used  and Thor furiously questions Thanos about what he   did as a rumble can be heard throughout the  Universe Thanos simply smirks at him and teleports   away as Thor is left to wonder what the outcome  will be Barnes suddenly turns to Ash in front of   Rogers the effects of the snap manifest half of  the wakandan army disintegrates as does t'challa   group maximoff and Wilson leaving the survivors  regrouping around vision's body to look in horror   and unable to do anything but except defeat on  Titan mantis Drax and quill vanish along with   strange who tell Stark that there was no other  way Parker is the last to vanish and tearfully   beg Stark not to let him go as he can feel his  death coming from his spiral sense while the   traumatic Stark laments his failure nebula the  only other Survivor solemnly remarks that Thanos   has achieved his goal Thanos retires himself on  a distant planet and rests while satisfactorily   gazing out to the sunrise considering his  job done and smiling at his Triumph back on   Earth Nick Fury and Maria here are monitoring  the battle in wakanda when they witnessed the   effects of this snap first hand an SUV crashes  in front of them and when Hill looks inside the   driver has vanished a helicopter crashes into a  nearby skyscraper seemingly pilotless when Hill   turns to dust in front of him Fury grabs the page  of Captain Marvel gave him and prepares to send a   distress signal when he starts to vanish as well  Fury laments his death but manages to activate   the pager which signals Captain Marvel elsewhere  Lang Ventures into the quantum realm to collect   particles to help heal star while monitored by  Pim Jenna and hope he is successful in harvesting   the particles hopes countdown to bring him back  suddenly cuts off it is revealed that as a result   of thanos's snap him Janna and hope have all been  turned to dust leaving Lang trapped in the quantum   realm several of the remaining Avengers watch as  the number of snap victims increase the weight   of their failure sits on their shoulders they  analyze Fury's retrieved pager at The Avengers   compound but the pager suddenly shuts down as they  discuss trying to find out who Fury was trying to   contact Danvers herself appears asking where he is  Clint Barton guides his daughter Lila in archery   at his Homestead while his life Laura and his  two sons prepare a picnic when everyone except   Clint suddenly vanishes into dust 23 Days Later  Tony Stark and nebula are drifting space in the   Benetar their fuel and Supply is dwindling a stark  records a message for his fiance Pepper Potts in   preparation for his demise Carol Danvers locates  the spaceship and brings them back to Earth Stark   reunites with Potts Rogers Romanov banner and  Rhodes and They Mourn their defeat in loss of   the Avengers and Rocket joins nebula as They Mourn  the fall of their fellow Guardians of the Galaxy   Stark furiously confronts Rogers in the notion  that the Avengers remained fractured during their   conflict with the Mad Titan accusing him of lying  on keeping the group together before passing out   due to exhaustion with a tip from nebula about  her father's location along with a snap-like   energy signature for two days prior the team head  into space for the garden intending to kill Thanos   take the Infinity Stones back and reverse the  destruction they discover Thanos alone cooking   a meal when they launch an ambush but after Thor  cuts of his arm they find The Infinity Gauntlet   emptied of its Stones Thanos revealed that he  had destroyed them using their own powers which   nearly killed him although suspected of Lying  by roads nebula vouchers for our father as he   is never a liar surprised with the affirmation  Thanos reconsiders his torturous treatment on   his daughter but he is then immediately beheaded  by Thor although the Mad Titan is dead they failed   to accomplish their mission of resurrecting his  victims thus they could do no more but walk away   in defeat five years pass and the surviving  population have yet to cope with their losses   Rogers now runs a support group for people to try  and help them come to terms with what happened   Stark and Potts are now married and are living  in a remote cabin with their daughter Morgan in   San Francisco Scotland escapes from the quantum  realm when a rat activates controls left behind   by the Van Dyne family before they vanished  Lang struggles to comprehend the state of   City and approaches the wall of the vanished where  he encounters his own name fearful for the fate of   his daughter Cassie Scott rushes to her house  and finds her alive and well and now a teenager   the father and the daughter tearfully reunite at  The Avengers facility Romanov Now commands the   team as they perform various assignments Rhodes  informs her of a recent cartel Massacre carried   out by Barton expressing his concern over how far  the fellow comrade had fallen Lang arrives at the   compound and reveals to Romanov and Rogers that  although five years had passed he spent five hours   in the realm he proposes that they could find  a way to exploit the Realms time bending nature   to travel into the past and retrieve the stones  from different time but since the three have no   knowledge of handling the quantum physics they  sought out star initially declining to help them   as he believes it would mean putting his daughter  Morgan in danger of being erased from existence   Stark later decides to spring into action after  coming across an old photo of him and his late   Protege Peter Parker he successfully develops a  times space GPS based on an inverted Mobius strip   and start consults with pots on his new discovery  who encourages him to do what's right for everyone   else meanwhile the other Avengers recruit Banner  who merged his intellect with the Hulk's physique   to run time travel tests on Lane using his van  the experiment does not turn out as expected   as Lane constantly shifts between different ages  afterwards Stark arrives at the facility with the   GPS and returns rogers's Shield to him signifying  their reconciliation but makes it clear he won't   sacrifice his daughter to undo what Thanos did  and Rogers agrees the remaining Avengers begin to   regroup as nebula returns to New York banner and  Rocket travel to new Asgard and recruit Thor who   has become an overweight drunk traumatized with  his perceived failure to stop Thanos Romanov goes   to Tokyo and finds Barton who massacred a group  of Yakuza as part of his vengeful Crusade against   criminals who survived the snap rocket and Stark  built a time machine while Barton volunteers to   submit himself for a test run into the past  grabbing a baseball mitt from his Homestead   he successfully carries it back to the present  as evidence that their plan works The Avengers   plan out their Time Heist using points from their  past to pinpoint destinations for Infinity Stones   the space mine and time Stone are found in 2012  New York the reality Stone in 2013 Asgard and   the power and soul stones on Morag informia  respectively in 2014. they split into three   teams and prepare to travel back in time to begin  their missions mindful that they only have a   finite amount of pin particles since hengpim also  perished in the snap with this in mind they begin   Rogers Stark banner and Lang arrive in 2012.  in the midst of the battle in New York Banner   approaches the New York sanctum and finds the  ancient one who refuses to lend the time Stone to   him however she relents after learning that doctor  strange had given it away to Thanos in the future   fearful that it was done for a reason at Stark  Tower langenstock attempt to steal the Tesseract   but lose it to Loki who uses it to teleport away  somewhere Rogers obtains the scepter from Strike   possession by finding Hydro affiliation but it's  forced to fight his 2012 self who confuses him for   Loki after defeating his past self Rogers reunites  his dark and Lang with only enough pin particles   for one trip each Stark and Rogers decide to go  back further to Camp Lehigh in 1970 where they   have another shot to grab the Tesseract and can  gather more pin particles Lang is left with the   scepter to return to the present day at the shield  base Rogers stealthily obtains the particles from   Hank Pym but runs into Peggy Carter's office  while evading security he tearfully observes as   she works in her office meanwhile stocking count  as his father Howard after obtaining the Tesseract   with Howard's wife Maria expecting a baby Tony  offers parenting advice saying that the good   times he had with his father is all that mattered  before they part ways Tony hugs his father having   finally obtained his closure arriving on Asgard in  2013 Thor experiences a panic attack after seeing   his mother Freda recalling that this is the day  of her demise rocker attempts to encourage him   to settle his grief and help him extract the  Aether from Jane Foster's body but Thor runs   away leaving their hurricane to do it himself Thor  unsuccessfully attempts to hide from friega and   runs into her who knows that her alternate son  is from the future sharing a talk free galaxies   her son on the importance of failure advising  him to follow his own path rather than try and   live up what he's supposed to be Thor attempts to  warn his mother about her impending death but she   silences him as Rocket returns with the Aether in  hand Thor shares One Last Hug with frieger before   reaching out to retrieve major finding that he's  still worthy of wielding the hammer in 2014 Barton   and Romanoff board the Benetar for vormir while  nebula and Rhodes remain on Morag and wait for   Peter Quill to arrive and lead them to the orbs  chamber they not quill out and collect the stone   but when the two attempt to travel back nebula is  Left Behind when her memories are entangled with   those of her past self the Thanos of that time  uses the link to see into the future learning that   the same humans who had foiled his 2012 Invasion  are returning to reverse his ultimate Victory   determined to know more Thanos captures nebula as  she attempts to warn Barton and Romanoff of his   new you found involvement past nebula confronts  her future self and collects her GPS and pin   particles handing it over to her father meanwhile  Barton and Romanoff arrive on vomia they meet Red   Skull who informs them that the sacrifice of a  loved one must be carried out in order for one to   retrieve the stone Barton laughs at the concept  but Rome enough deduces that it is indeed the   truth as Stamos had murdered his daughter Gamora  there in their time understanding the severity   of the situation the two struggle to decide who  should give their life for the cause while Barton   insists that he should do it due to the Carnage  he left behind in the wake of his grief Romanov   declares that her last work has led her to this  moment as they Dash to the cliff they wrestle to   keep each other from sacrificing themselves  ultimately Romanov makes the jump and dies   leaving the Soul Stone with Barton The Avengers  returned to the present day stricken with their   loss of one of their own they realized that her  death cannot be undone and that their efforts to   save the universe must not leave her death in vain  they construct a new Gauntlet and load the sixth   Stones onto it Thor attempts to volunteer former  snap but Banner steps injured with a stone's gamma   radiation while severely scarring his arm he  successfully snaps his fingers and brings the   victims of the snap back to life elsewhere past  nebula who traveled to the present in place of her   future self open to time portal allowing Thanos to  bring Sanctuary 2 forward from 2014. The Avengers   barely have any time to celebrate their success  when the ship abruptly opens fire on the compound   with a barrage of missiles leveling the facility  to a pile of rubble as Thanos sends past nebula   to retrieve the stones her future self reveals to  Gamora their improved relationship in the future   Gamora decides to join nebula to stop by father  meanwhile Rhodes rocket and banner are trapped   in the flooding area forcing Lang to come and  save them Barton lands next to the gauntlet in   the sores which is infested with outriders after  escaping them he unknowingly passes the stones   to pass nebula who is then confronted by Gamora  and nebula and eventually nebula kills her past   self once she threatens her sister Stark rodgerson  Thor meet each other other and confronts Thanos on   the ground who intends to rebuild the entire  universe using the stones due to them trying   to stop only half going they begin a vigorous  fight and after Stark and Thor are overpowered   and knocked aside in the ensuring fight Rogers  wields my junior against the time balance Titan   now worthy of wielding it however thanra severely  injures him and nearly destroys his shield with   his sword Thanos summons the rest of his army  which include the shitari and the black order   to lay Siege on Earth Rogers prepares to face them  alone not giving up even with all hope lost but a   series of portals appear behind him containing the  victims of the snap the masters of the Mystic art   have arrived with reinforcements from kamitage  wakanda contraxia and new Asgard along with   the avengers's rescued allies from wakanda Titan  and Sanford Lang growing to giant size retrieves   Banner roads and rocket from the flooded depths  with the scales now balanced Rogers calls for The   Avengers to assemble and leads his allies into  the battle for the fate of the entire universe   the battle ensues and banner tells Barton that  they must get the stones back to their respective   times and away from Thanos with their main time  machine destroyed in the initial attack there   were only other option is the van Ant-Man and the  WASP are to hotwire the dead vehicle as thanos's   forces closing on Barton he passes The Gauntlet  onto black panther as Thanos prepares to charge   it t'challa he suddenly finds his path blocked by  a vengeful wander maximoth seeking revenge for his   2018 soft's murder of vision as Wonder engages  Thanos t'challa runs only to become entrapped by   ebony Moore sing t'challa's predicament Spider-Man  swoops in and snatches The Gauntlet meanwhile   wonders attack leaves Thanos at her mercy as she  effortlessly breaks his sword and lifts him into   the air the whole time ripping chunks of his armor  from his body in order to escape her grasp Thanos   orders another missile barrage from Sanctuary  2 against corvus Cleaves protests that deals   great damage to both sides one of the missiles  takes out the dam forcing Doctor Strange out of   the fire to prevent the battlefield from flooding  some suddenly Sanctuary to redirects its fire to   an object arriving from outer space it was Carol  Danvers who came to single-handedly destroy the   warship retrieving The Gauntlet from Parker she  enlists the aid of her fellow female comrades   as she dashes to the now activated fan however  Thanos uses his sword to destroy the vehicle in   the quantum portal with the gauntlet and thanos's  reach Stark Rogers Thor and Danvers make their   last stand to keep it out of his hands however  he manages to shake all of the opposition aside   and equip the gauntlet strange informed Stark  that this is the one future that ends in their   Victory and determines Stark dashes out Thanos  one more time but he's knocked aside as the Titan   wins once again and snaps his fingers although  nothing happens as the stones have been stolen   by Stark and transferred onto his own suit with  a very being that has haunted him for the past   15 years now at his mercy and all of his comrades  Fighting by his side Stark snaps his own fingers   Thanos watches in horror as his forces crumble  to dusk in front or you need to meet that same   fate soon after Stark is mortally wounded from  his usage of the stones and is greeted by Rhodes   Parker and Potts as he lays dying Potter shows  her husband that they are going to be all right   and allows him to rest Stark's Arc Reactor then  permanently shuts off plus giving him one last   kiss Rogers and Thor mournfully wash at a distance  and Tony unfortunately passes away the Mad Titan's   final defeat and the return of the vanished calls  for celebrations all around the world including   in wakanda and San Francisco at Stark's funeral  he leaves a final holographic message for his   family and closest friends including a heartfelt  goodbye from Morgan Stark's original Arc Reactor   is sent a drift in the lake outside their cabin  with the Avengers and their allies in attendance   including those who had past grievances with star  all the Avengers say their goodbyes and mourn the   loss of Tony star outside new Asgard Thor names  Valkyrie asgard's new ruler while he abdicates   to join the guardians of the Galaxy following  his mother's advice meanwhile Rogers prepares to   go back in time to return the stones in majorna  to their proper Times living goodbye to Barnes   but as Banner is unable to bring him back when  prompted Barnes alert Sam Wilson to the presence   of an elderly man nearby it is an aged up Rogers  who had chosen to remain in the past and live out   a full life with Peggy Carter he presents Wilson  with a new Shield passing the mantle of Captain   America onto him Wilson now Captain America  sees Roger's ring and asks if he wants to tell   him about her he says no while reminiscing  about the dance they finally got to have now how do I even after this if you got this  far I'm sure you can listen to the rest of this   I ask that you please subscribe like the  video comment below share this everywhere   whatever you can do to help out this video  was partnered with and a massive thank you   as deserved for the Marvel Cinematic Universe  fandom who granted me permission to use their   Wiki summaries as a base for me to then  watch every single movie and show on the   MCU to then fact check rewrite and change the  script around until I was happy with it which   then I read the entirety of the script then  it is the visuals for then added music then   rewashed it over and over then this and that  until we're here as you could probably expect   this will be the last movie and or show timeline  slash recap for quite a while so I really hope   you enjoyed or at least just appreciate  the effort I appreciate you all a lot and   hope to see you in future videos have a Merry  Christmas and a Happy New Year from me bye guys
Channel: Hyper Droid
Views: 660,527
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Keywords: hyper droid marvel, mcu, marvel studios, marvel cinematic universe, mcu timeline 2022, mcu timeline 2023, marvel cinematic universe timeline, mcu recap, mcu story explained, mcu full timeline, marvel lore explained 2022, marvel complete story, mcu full story, Marvel Cinematic Universe: FULL Timeline 2022 (MCU Complete Story), full marvel story, marvel studios timeline, avengers timeline, 2022, 2023, full, mcu phase 1, mcu phase 2, mcu phase 3, mcu phase 4, mcu timeline
Id: A-fhcL-zOKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 34sec (12394 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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