McEnany: Ron DeSantis' email to 'The View' was brilliant

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florida's governor is saying thanks but no thanks to an invitation to join the host of the view desantis turned down an offer to appear on the daytime talk show with his team tweeting out this scathing response that reads in part thanks for the invite i understand you are sending this request on behalf of your team but are the host of the view really interested in hearing from governor desantis about all of the important work he is doing on behalf of floridians which of the below statements from the host of the view do you recommend our team consider when deciding if the interview will be a genuine pursuit of truth or worth the time desantis team goes on to lay out many of the personal attacks the liberal hosts launched against the governor here are just a few you're just short of calling him a negligent homicidal sociopath because that's what he is he's risking the lives of children children's parents their their grandparents anyone they may come in contact with so that he could appeal to his white supremacist base deficit santa's i think i think he handled covered miserably i think he's a fascist and a bigot it's anti-black it's anti-gay it's anti-lgbtq plus it's anti-american and it started with crt if you start coming after black people what comes next right of course the lgbtq house community and then women and then other marginalized groups i mean harris what an invitation and the email said we would be honored to have him yeah i hadn't actually seen all of that look um as a journalist as journalist shannon we go back and forth with people all the time and you can have some some spirited fiery moments whatever always with respect hopefully but what that was was something different i mean to to call to connect someone with what they are without ever having talked with that individual just seems bizarre to me it's it seems thirsty for relevance um and and i don't know who they think they are sitting from that perch sunny hosting by the way when i was on the show with a book a couple of years ago about my dad who served there were pictures giant pictures of my biracial children behind and she actually looked at me and asked who do i represent who do i speak to black people or and i mean whoopi looked at me and i was like well i speak to everybody yeah i broadcast to everybody and my family is ecumenical and biracial so i i get that they want that relevance but wow that is a far step to make to try to get it so i understand why he's not going i do too and joe that email response from his press team was just brilliant you know back in my press shop we had this theme offense only is what i told my team you know if you're a straight shooter as a reporter we're going to be we are going to engage with you in that manner steve holland reuters great example but if you're someone i could have spent my whole tenure being engaged with sensational palace intrigue new york times pieces that were already pre-written but we didn't do that we went on offense this press team of governor desantis boy do they know how to do that they don't take the bait they're excellent and that's why in a national campaign i think they'll do quite well they're not going to be overwhelmed by the press no conservative or republican should go on this show ever again because this is not the barbara walters show that was envisioned 25 years ago right where you could have good conversation and i'm all for strong opinion and provocative debate but as you said harris this is a whole bowl of wrong different right because it's reckless personal attacks not based in reality whatsoever and and then it's funny because they have the conservative on the show was megan mccain fairly recently used to be on this show actually and megan offered some good counterpoints but then finally she had to leave probably for her own sanity and now you see ana navarro on there who's the conservative who only voted for joe biden and andrew gillum who ran against desantis they could say all the things they want to about desantis being somebody who wants to murder children he's going to win his re-election in florida by a landslide the people in florida feel a lot differently than the elitists there on the view who live in their little bubble and have their seals in the audience clapping along to everything that they have well she said well said and emily a lot of what they said about the governor of florida is doing a great job low unemployment amazing economy bothered me but the one that bothered me most was joy behar she said he has a white supremacist base why attack half the country in this manner good hard-working people who support the governor who happens to be very popular and is going to sail to reelection well why should we be surprised that they do i mean we've been seeing that for years now remember at a height in the 2016 campaign by those same media personalities that made fun of people's accents they made fun of where people eat right if they eat it fast food if they work hard at their blue-collar jobs they thrive their currency is mocking real ordinary americans real people like us here on the couch that is their currency that is what makes them feel better about themselves um and i i think what's interesting is after those those ad hominem attacks were there comments of we have asked governor desantis office for a comment we haven't heard back did they follow up any of their really robust analysis journalists comments they're not gonna say something exactly i think one of them is i i don't know how old that picture is well i know that and just to complete my statement yeah exactly i think what's interesting too is the the response to the governor on social media not that we care about that but saying calling him a crybaby and saying oh you can't take a little heat from the ladies of the view this is a governor wow and as his office said he is busy serving the people of florida it's not about him being unable to take a challenge it's about him not wasting his time yes by the way just to your point are they journalists abc news has the view under its division they moved the view from entertainment to the news division in 2014. time to move it back remember when it started there were journalists on there yeah right i mean barbara walters obviously right okay so i don't know what they've migrated to now but but you spoke of megan mccain a friend of mine and someone who i'm really proud to say hung in there for as long as she could absolutely she really did and brought class to the set and i just i send her all love and light and and i hope she's in a happy place because she raised their game yeah i don't know where their game is now but they're punching down i have a feeling she's in a happy place right the governor of florida i mean though he he took the high road in my view although he did publish this email i thought it was rather brilliant to play you did you guys know when we try to book democrats especially high-profile democrats on a lot of our shows we kind of we get crickets chirping a lot of time i can't even get a no out of some people so credit to the team that even though you know it was maybe a little snarky um it was very creative and they at least responded so at least give them that also the view knows if they book desantis and he comes on that's probably going to be a very interesting high-rated show for them because people are going to want to see this clash and and he doesn't want to give them that um it's a show where we've all had friends who have served on the panels there and they will tell you it is excruciating to be there as a conservative um i had one friend tell me that at one point when they would have pre-show discussions about topics if she was really coming with the heat and had some good stuff for a conservative you know viewpoint they would actually kill the topic from the show wow so um that's one person that's one person's account of her time serving on the panel there um but listen if you don't want to hear different viewpoints maybe it's not called the view and i look at it you know what you do on sundays and in your program at late at night um it is fox at night and i look at that we had senator senator manchin on we've had ben holland on my show i mean you look at having those democrats those big democrat voices and you hope to hear at the end they say we'll come back because you want to treat it with respect absolutely that debate's got to be real well well-played governor desantis and press team hey everyone i'm emily campano catch me and my co-host harris faulkner and kaylee mcanenny on outnumbered every weekday at 12pm eastern or set your dvr also don't forget to subscribe to the fox news youtube page for daily highlights
Channel: Fox News
Views: 2,955,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conservatives, democrats, desantis team response view, desantis the view, dont say gay bill, florida, florida covid policies, fnc, fox, fox news, fox news channel, gop, gov desantis the view, governor ron desantis, liberals, news, political news, politics, republicans, ron desantis, the view, the view abc, the view controversy, the view ron desantis, whoopi goldberg, whoopi goldberg the view
Id: mXfG-U6FNco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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