McDonalds French Fries - Homemade

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hi everyone and welcome to Nicko's kitchens fast food Friday today we're making one of the most popular fast foods in the world and I bet it's consumed every second of the day we're making the famous McDonald's french fries he's got budget fear ma there's what you want Wednesday fast food Friday is where that's good he shat his Nicko's kitchen where satisfying meals are prepared so guys the first thing I'm gonna do to get started on our McDonald's fries is you're going to need obviously some potatoes now you can get any variety that you can get hold of but just make sure they are quite a large potato and you can get them a bit longer it's going to work even better for you so all you have to do is grab your potato and a vegetable peeler and we just want to peel the outside of the potato so after we've peeled our potatoes what we're going to do now is cut them now there's obviously two ways we can do this number one you can use a knife and you can get these uneven shapes or whatnot and can take you a little while longer or you can go the quick way and get them all the same shape and use one of these this is a V slicer and this actually has a proper chip slicing on it so just grabbing the potato onto the slicer and that way I'm getting beautiful fries just like that next guys what I want you to do is to grab a Pyrex baking dish or any sort of container that can hold a decent amount of water and I'm just going to pop the fries that we've cut straight in to this cold water and you can already see the water has gone cloudy and what we want to do is just get all that excess starch off the potato now this won't take very long at all only about five minutes now after five minutes we're leaving the potato in the water just to get that starch off what I want you to do is grab another pyrex dish and just just drain off those fries and then put them into the next dish you can see there all that starch and the water so just discard that and get rid of it so guys back into our smaller pyrex dish here and I'm just going to pour in some boiling water now here come the secrets behind the famous McDonald's fries now into the water I'm going to put some sugar in and that will dissolve and I'm also going to put in some corn syrup now what this mix with the syrup and the sugar will do is will give our fries that beautiful crunchy sweetness that the McDonald's fries are famous for now you just want to mix the sugar and the syrup until it has dissolved in that hot water so our waters nice and clear again and then I'm gonna transfer back our potatoes you want to leave this in this pyrex dish for ten minutes just for ten minutes and then we'll get on with the rest of our fries so it's been 10 minutes with our fries now what I want you to do again just be very careful because the water might still be hot just take them out and then I've got a Pike over here with some paper towel and we just want to drain them on that paper towel and just with some more paper towel on the top just Pat it dry and get all that moisture off so now that we've got all that excess moisture off our fries now I want you to put this plate in the freezer for 20 minutes 20 minutes put it in the freezer so guys I've just pulled out our fries out of the freezer and they've gone nice and hard now on to the next step guys we're of course going to be frying off our McDonald's fries now in here I've got some canola oil so we don't want to overcrowd the basket I'm just gonna pop a few of our fries in and guys just drop them straight in and be very very careful because that oil will be quite ferocious now very importantly we're going to be cooking these fries twice at this stage we only want to keep them in there for about two minutes so they've been in there for about a minute we're just going to pull them out and they shouldn't have really any color on them at all and that's what we're after and I'm just going to pop them onto a plate with some paper towel now we're finished the third stage of cooking our fryers now just leave them on the plate like they are for ten minutes just let them cool down slightly and then we're gonna cook these again so now that I've let them cool down slightly what I'm gonna do is put the fries back in to the basket and just drop the fries straight in now we want to leave these here for about five to seven minutes in the oil to fry off this is the last stage of cooking now we want that nice crispy outside and what the first stage of cooking did was make that beautiful fluffy inside of the fryer so it's been nearly seven minutes guys I'm just gonna pull them out oh yeah that's what you're after that beautiful golden-brown goodness so we've just put our fryers into the bowl now very important while they're still hot we want to season them quite well with some salt just put it over the top and just using a couple spoons just lift them up because you want all those fries coated in that salt so there you have it guys that's all you have to do I know it is a little time-consuming but let me tell you the end result is unbelievable so let's give these bad boys a try check that out hmm I tell you up what they are exactly they are exactly the same but I tell you what they're nice and fresh and they're hot they're not cold that is how you make your own McDonald's fries in your own kitchen please give it a go like I said it is a little shimming but the end result is fantastic all the ingredients are below so check it out you guys take care and I'll see you this Monday for budget meals so until then take care [Music]
Channel: Nicko's Kitchen
Views: 13,306,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: McDonalds french fries, recipe, how to make mcdonalds fries, recipes, McDonalds recipes, homemade, french fries, chips, potatoes, deep fried, burgers, fast food, corn syrup, salt, potato, ingredients, oil, cooking, cook, chefs, shopping, online, robjnixon, nickoskitchen
Id: 2tuuElRJi20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2011
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