MCC Conference on Leadership: Kemény Dénes előadása | Born to Lead, Bound to Learn

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[Music] welcome back and please welcome Dinesh kamin former voter Polo player three times Olympic champion head coach he is going to deliver his keynote speech [Applause] Cinema um foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign yeah foreign and let go maximum advance [Music] foreign foreign foreign Chuck the Eagles score solution foreign further uh is foreign the area [Music] your wrist is absolutely foreign I just think awkward I forgot anymore there was all right foreign foreign version is foreign foreign foreign might capitalize foreign foreign [Music] will come which would change services foreign foreign foreign omitting yes one is foreign uh in office is foreign which would is Edition um foreign foreign foreign oh photo rhymes videos foreign the uh Opera um advantage foreign foreign foreign foreign erdogan secret foreign foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] thank you very much for your honest insights and the inspiring talk so now it's time to begin without provoking discussions I would also like to encourage all of you to take an active part in these discussions since the Q a session will follow each panel now I would like to ask to invite the moderator and the speakers in the first panel to join us on stage [Applause] the discussion is titled born to lead bound to learn the purpose and value of leadership education mission statements and practices of leadership and Business Schools it will be moderated by Dr gabo chapragi academic advisor of the MCC Leadership Academy and please let me introduce our panel speakers Constantine korotov professor of organizational behavior faculty lead of Executive MBA esmt Berlin [Applause] Chief advisor of the MCC Leadership Academy [Applause] and Dr URI Hamel Professor director of attitos Institute tubingen [Applause] so thank you very much we're going to have a informal conversation about a purpose and the significance of leadership education and the significance of leadership schools and institutions so if you have any comment to add to the others feel free let's have a short answer so we can cover a lot of grounds so the first question is obviously which has been mentioned by the speaker previous speaker is that can leadership be taught and learn or leaders are simply born or they are created by themselves so that's a that's a classic question and I would like to hear your views on that so may may you begin Professor hamper yes all right thank you very much I think leadership can be learned and must be learned um I think eighty percent of all persons can learn leadership if they want to learn the will to learn um follows the ability to learn and I think of course we do have some people who like to be leaders this is the natural gift of leadership this exists but generally speaking a lot of leadership can be learned and must be learned all right and Miss Ludwig what do you what is your views on that well I think everything is correct what you just said because uh you have to have these skills which is born with you you either have it or you don't uh but in addition you need to learn and practice many things so it is a combination and really uh you have to want it you have to be able to do it and then you have to do many things to get there I think it's uh it's a long way and it's a lifelong learning uh we all know it we're all leaders in a way and we're still learning we're still learning with the students from the students um and we're inspiring them I hope all right and Professor coroto I think leadership is work in progress so you can never graduate so that's why you have to keep learning all the time so maybe one of the definitions of leadership is constant learning about what's happening in the society Community organization world around us and what is that that's required of people around us so it's a constant learning process so and I also think that's an important part of learning is sometimes deciding not to lead and actually not stepping up into the positions of leadership maybe also part of the learning outcomes for some of the people and here definitely uh schools Business Schools can provide some insights for people to make this Choice should I go on this road of constant learning or should I maybe choose something else as part of my role in the society role in the organization all right so let's go into the specifics more and what are the approaches that you would insist upon or you would prefer or you worked on so what are the educational approaches that you would like to highlight but I think it's a matter of framing framing means um how can I organize my world view of what I see here now I see a room I see people we are listening to each other we are exploring things and leadership in a way is the same it's like a triangle um the triangle is you have the world um and you need to have a world view you have the team you need to have a view on your team and you have yourself and yourself is an instrument as we had it with the director of the orchestra um you know the director of the orchestra doesn't play any instrument um he's simply there but still his leadership so we have this triangle and if we have the love for ourselves love for our team and the love for the world which is our task and our goal then we are fairly on our way to good leadership yeah but let me add something to that the previous speaker just said that he was before a player and then he became and I'm selling coach so also a conductor has been perhaps a very good released so I think you learn also as you go on but in your professional life of course we do and this is our Lifeline so to say but there are many ways of learning and there are many ways of discovering and Leadership also is a discovery process okay Discovery process in a dialogue oh I like to have leadership um two weeks ago I had a course in a German University a good University and it was on leadership where the international students but I saw that of these students some of them they have not really been willing ready and able to be leaders so I changed the program a little bit I said discover yourself would you rather be a technical leader this was a nice expression for not being a let me say a general leader or a general leader and half of them said oh I think it's better for me to be a technical leader and I will go deeper on that the other half said oh I think I am a leader and you could see that so this is um the self-discovery part it's learning it's learning also on our results with team of course okay and what is your view on this the approach us to leadership education more specifically um okay I have a maybe a bit different background because I have questions yeah that's good uh I have 29 years in in corporate business uh behind me um but now have an experience with this year's uh class in in the leadership academy and I think um what is really important is uh this dishonesty to yourself what Mr Hamel just said do I want to be am I able to what will make me happy and successful I think this is a very important question to to answer and to ourselves we need to be really honest uh we can lie to anyone but not to ourselves we shouldn't um and then um I think the the responsibility of of leadership education is to help the students explore themselves and students can be uh practicing Executives uh you know in Executive MBA education and things like that so really exploring what is the phase that you're in in your career in your life uh what is is best what can you bring out of yourself uh basically um you know being a conductor going back to this example or to to Danish um being a polo player to be a respected leader I think you need to understand the business you're in be it sports music or whatever ever so you have to be an expert but you don't have to be the best violin player and in the same time the best piano player and everything else you need to understand how that works uh and in that sense uh you know just what we heard before Inspire your team your Orchestra your your players your students to explore themselves and find the way um that they can become their best version I think that is that is a great responsibility and that comes through practice uh be it through the the education program or uh later really by the day by day work okay and Professor koroto I think we definitely should teach about leadership not necessarily teach leadership but to teach about leadership even to those people who prefer not to be leaders because as responsible followers they have to put their expectations forward and they do shape the leaders that they choose or that they choose to work for for example and from that perspective we definitely have to give people an understanding of some of the psychological or sociological mechanisms that stand behind the process of social influence so um I have a paper with a colleague from uh Assad the business school and from Institute Impreza that is called is leadership a part of me and one of the findings in our research is that very often the early experiences that people have in the organizations shape their future perception of whether they would like to be leaders or not so from that perspective I think we should teach people a relatively early in life about the mechanisms of social influence about the types of leadership that might be coming their way and also about the choices that they should make related to their willingness or not willingness to follow certain leaders so we definitely have to teach about leadership and this has to be done at a broader kind of level and then just when it comes to people who are aspiring to be leaders I think we should create conditions for them to be willing to explore what it takes to be a leader or to invent your own way right so just if you invent your own way I think just you at the end of the day have to have done quite a lot of work of what fits you what doesn't fit you and it may also require a certain kind of a level of questioning certain things that have been imposed on you or that have been offered to you earlier again such you may want to try to check to what extent the values that have been kind of accepted by you from the influence of your family Society culture and so on so forth are the real ones are the ones that you want to stick to are the ones that you want to transfer further in the society or in the organization for example or or do you have to actually ask yourself a question maybe the world has changed maybe I'm Different maybe the way I want to take people with me would be different from what has been taught to me so in this case we teach about leadership and then we help people learn leadership find as it says here invent their own way would you like to add something yes sure I think um leadership without at least in organizations leadership without a team and without a task does never work and this means that leadership in such a way also is a really hard work why because you have to Aspire you have to have a dialogue with your team to say what kind of team do you want to have to be what kind of leadership do you need um well this of course can be a difficult dialogue because you don't have always the same opinion but it's very important I construct that um you know I put it into the picture to say it is good if in the end you can construct a common house of objectives and of values and in this common house of objectives and values everybody has a role and everybody in such a way in a house you have many apartments rooms and you can have the color in your room the wallpaper can be in your color but so it is also a dynamics of what do we have to do in common and where is the free freedom of expression from my interpretation of the role and this is why leadership is not that easy because everybody thinks oh I will be a leader and Leadership also means that very often you have to take decisions which are not but favorable to some of the team leaders it means you need social courage it means you have to accept that some of your decisions will face resistance and that it is not good to start face resistance and go back you know um I had I've seen people um you know for I had a well I had to consult a company which was in trouble at that time and they had a boss who never decided um he was really real he didn't like people he was highly intelligent but he he didn't like people and didn't like to decide so okay it was a research and driven company and they suffered from this non-decision then they had a new boss and people commanded oh this new boss takes as many decisions in one day as the former boss in one year but two weeks later they said but unfortunately the essential decision is taken according to the person entering his office now if another person enters another decision is taken so they still suffered so it was only the third time that this company came to let me say to a calm street so what does it mean it means we have ready to construct a picture of the future um a picture of how can we achieve this future how can we build a team which with which capabilities of the team can we go to this future and then you have to have the courage to go forward and even in some cases um well stand the resistance because um you have to be both flexible and you know according to your principles both things have to be combined and this is not so easy if I may add something um okay to to lead you need a team but sometimes you need to be your own leader as well um I I used to do Sports as well not the team sports I play tennis and I had to be very um disciplined with myself and I think this is a very good practice of leadership uh because it's so easy to say no to yourself uh but you have to say yes to okay this time I'm not going to that party because I have a game tomorrow or this time I'm awfully tired but I will do that uh extra hour or whatever and I think it starts there uh that if you manage yourself uh many many things go around that you know if you have order around your house then you can move on and tell others I think you need to be a good leader of yourself to start with and that makes a leader authentic as well so we mentioned a certain number of Concepts we have cell Discovery a social constraint you have to be a leader of yourself and also adversity you were talking about the adversity which is very important decisions and and the kinds of leadership you mentioned the kinds of leadership obviously the kind of leadership that you are going to favor depends on a social situation to which you referred but can you highlight a few types of leaderships that you perhaps acknowledge or favor or depending on the situation what are the major types of leadership right professor kotorov oh well maybe just um Let me Give a definition of leadership that I'm using so as you might teach him uh this goes back to the American uh political philosopher John Schuler so she's at Rutgers University at the moment so basically she says that the leadership is leadership is a moral psychological phenomenon of relationships among people that involves uh Trust Mutual obligations emotions and a common understanding of what is good so from that perspective if just we go back to the presentation that we've heard earlier today from Maestro itai so we can see that he was actually referring to many of those issues relationship the relationships you built with the people around you so and they can be of different nature so he has provided us with examples of different types of relationships or different types of leadership that can be actually exercised in social groups or in in organizations that he also mentioned something related to the emotional expression or lack of thereof on the part of the leader and on for the people who are involved in the process of creating something together there are obligations so this is plain according to the score according to the sheet music or making your own choices of how you play around uh the the task that you are given so this is related not only to the um legal obligations but also to the psychological contract that you develop with the people and so there we there might be a variety of options where you give people total freedom or you just impose something on them but at the end of the day so that all boils down to this common understanding of what is good the meaning of what we are doing so just and if you manage to get to that one to that level of common understanding what is good you probably can step out from the stage as a leader and let people do their work and let them just guide themselves like you mentioned you guide yourself so in the right direction direction that's right for you so from that perspective from uh this definition we can instill a variety of ways to express leadership but at the end of the day this boils down to understanding um what is important for organization or group that's the common understand of a group and trying to bring people to that level so I think that's uh that that's something that at least in learning leadership uh or helping people learn leadership I try to help people use as a foundation for choosing how they're going to express themselves as Leaders yeah go ahead yes yes but this is exactly the framing because you have to frame the world as you see it look we are now in times of digital transformation uh 20 years ago this was in the beginning and those leaders who have understood well this is something really important and not you know I had a leader he was not super successful but he managed to sell his company and said oh look all this internet this is just temporary well sorry it is not temporary at all and he managed to sell his company but you know it's like also the framing also means discover some signals and understand that why because the leader in his soul or her social group he has the power of definition in a way not the only power but he has a sort of power of definition we do it like that here or this is the way where we have to go this is the target where we have to go and this is a strong field where you have a creativity in leadership and you have different models in leadership because one model you discuss that is the authoritarian model which creates a lot of fear and very it is clear because what do you want what what do people want from leadership they want to have a Target but they also want to have a clear idea of what they have to do and sometimes this is not the same a clear idea of what you have to do can be in a very authoritarian style a Target can be very far away and I don't know what to do next so how can you bridge these gaps and this is exactly the point where I think the self leadership is so important and in doing leadership we need to have a reflection of our person of our team of our tasks if we don't have that this capability to reflect on who we are which values which targets then leadership will be well merely functional and it can be exchanged because people know to worry about very much if a leader has an interest in his or her task an interest in his or her team and interest in his or a person this is important and it's like a balance it's like a balancing out process which is never finished this is the idea where the framing comes in and the self-readership as well yeah I think it's important to outline that we say leader and that we speak about leadership I think the other thing is a boss um you know I said I come from the corporate uh field I used to have a boss uh he didn't lead he commanded uh he didn't win the team and the team wasn't supportive of him and then I had very good leaders uh and those inspired me to also uh lead my team corporate Communications and and government Affairs the the teams that I led in a way that actually it was also natural to me that I used to be a team member I felt myself as a team member but when it was needed I could step up and make decisions and I think uh those leaders that I respect a lot I I introduced many of them to the students throughout the year as well um are are this way and this is what we call a good leader or a leader at all who's not commanding do that but let's do that I think it's it's important to outline that difference okay and you should like to remind you that if you have a question you can send us a question the code is there actually for us is that you can read it and try to bring in a few questions later on now the the next topic I would like to address is the relationship between let's say formal learning and in leadership schools and actual experience you know and when I talking about experience experience of deception adversity perhaps failure also how can we frame it in a more positive uh Dimension the so the relationship between experience and formal learning go ahead you know this is a very very important question and it comes into practice when I'm with my students you know I had I must add I have been running companies during 25 years big companies and then I went back to Academia so this is a little bit a mix over there so I've seen a lot of difficult situations of challenging situations and my learning is very simple be prepared try to prepare yourself in the best possible way first thing second thing be sure things will come completely different third thing but you are prepared what does it mean it's not paradoxical it simply means that by sort of framing the foreseeable future something happens in your mind and something happens with you and your team and you prepare for possible outcomes possible Paths of action and these parts of action can be more or less favorable you think about them then real life different but something happens really happens to of people when they try to see foreseeable paths they also can deal with something completely new completely surprising because they have the confidence to say well we find a way which goes along with our objective which goes along with our values and which goes along with our capabilities so it's like Bridging the Gap between the foreseeable and the unforeseeable by simple preparation okay and Mr Rick um we're going back to your original question this is actually what we do at the leadership academy here at MCC is to combine the Theory and the practice and obviously I'm from the Practical side it was uh already said uh so I think it is very very important to combine the two areas I have the experience that some of our students throughout the year had experiences totally reframing or um rephrasing their idea of of career that they wanted to because of the experiences that they have made they saw new Fields where they were successful uh and they got inspired by new areas uh and then and then so that at those uh Fields they also managed to lead their team so I think um while learning about strategy about leading people about models things like that it's very important to also go out and do just do it as uh you know Nike says just do it and make mistakes Professor kotoro life is definitely the best teacher but on this path of learning you can damage yourself and can damage many other people so from that perspective I I would say that there are lots of things that can be done probably with less damage to others and probably with more success if we add some of the formalized learning on the way of getting to a leadership role indeed experience is something that needs to be reflected upon and people need to learn to select repeated regularities from their experience and the experiences of others so that in the future they can predict foresee some of the possible reactions of teams organizations societies to their choices so from that perspective they may need to learn the skill of reflection and the skill of against which is distill in this repeated regularities from what they see and then there are certain things that can be actually helpful in understanding the behaviors of others and that brings us back to the need to learn some of the basic laws of human functioning so a little bit of psychology a little bit of anthropology a little bit of Economics would never hurt anyone so just from that perspective we need to find a way of making this learning accessible and actually something that can be um let's say juxtaposed to the Practical experience of people and then a lead to again fighting Your Own Way inventing Your Own Way distilling something from your experience and the evidence-based uh kind of learnings that are done by others in order to create something that's going to work for you yes I'd like to add something because I completely agree of course we need professional preparation it's by the way I just stressed this point of preparation but in the end leadership um which is not simply management like having a boss um or being a boss I think leadership is something like applied risk management because we have to take decisions that the decisions in the short medium and long run and we have to take the risks for these decisions and this is the level of risk taking is really important when I Was preparing for being a CEO in my former company my former CEO said look um if I took risks for example buying a company or making an investment I always try to make the risk lower than our yearly benefit of course I thought oh this is an old man because I was young at that time but it is not it is wise it was simply a lesson on risk management so how big is the risk because sometimes you take huge risks and it works out sometimes you take your your risk it doesn't work out so should you do that here you have a difference in this style of companies if you have a family business very very often people have two purposes one is the benefit of the company and one is the benefit of the family so they want to show well I'm a good son I'm a good daughter and I will do that for the next Generation so normally family business in a way are less risk-taking than some other companies who rise up like that and then they fall down all like that so um it is really also a learning about your own risk profile and doing that and I think this is the important point is having also see yourself also as a chance and a risk so your risk because you cannot know everything is impossible so if you cannot know everything when is the time to ask somebody when is the time to look for expertise when is the time to say how can we deal with that it is seemingly important but whom can we ask how can we do that so this is again the ability of reflecting yourself and your task in that leadership role I had several questions but those questions that have been sent to me are even better than my questions so let's go to these questions and I would like to ask you to provide because I have several good questions brief answers all right in order you you prefer all right let's go to the first one how much of leadership is manipulation I think manipulation and influence have exactly the same mechanism behind them so the question is the intent so what is the purpose well which purpose you are using the skills for which purpose you use on the techniques that um in can lead to both creation of something new or destruction of something that might be there if you don't have anything to say it's fine too you know okay I could just repeat I think communication is very often accused of manipulation and and advertising marketing is is about manipulation but it's not it's uh it's about giving the opportunity to decide and I think doing it the right way the responsible way you give the the knowledge the uh the ability for the people to decide and I think that that is responsible communication but this is manipulation is bad leadership to be honest if you have good leadership it's not manipulation because manipulation is I bring you to do something and you don't know that I do that good leadership is yes I try to convince you to do that action but I give you the reasons and I even discuss with you the chances and opportunities so in in the end good leadership no manipulation bad leadership a lot of manipulation how modern technology can help someone to become a good leader modern technology oh well if I may um answer that first I think modern technology okay that gives you a lot of data uh and database decisions are you know important you need data to uh have have your decisions backed but that doesn't mean that you don't need to have the um not so date approved feelings as well so Intuition or or the care for the people or you know just considering what is best for the the different stakeholders or stakeholder groups and then managing those risks I think it's it's a lot of it and okay technology supported uh it provides fast and a lot of data it can help you analyze that data very quick and very effective but at the end of the day it's a human decision you need to make but I think it's one thing is data analytics one thing is data ethics and one thing is data management analytics machines can do that better and we have the data um then you have ethics what can I do with the data what should I do with data what must I not do with the data and so on so this is reflecting is going one step back so what is the quality of the data and so on and the data management taking decisions based on data and also based as you said on human intuition because technically speaking human beings have a different way of calculating risks we know that that very low risk and very high risk are evaluated differently from the machine and from human beings if not nobody would play Lotto you know and so on but because this is typically human we over you have a different way of treating very low and very high risks if we know that we can deal with that but that's why you need management and Leadership and maybe very brief you can reach out to many more people very quickly and you can also personalize your messages to different groups or different individuals yeah let's be brief with this what specific advice would you give for a second year student who feels like she could or would be a good leader let's let's give a personal advice all right if you have more into a second year student I don't wait until somebody tells you that you should be a leader so just go and do something so it just says it can be as small as just organizing a group of people for I don't know cleaning the park or for going for a picnic or for reaching out to to a school and telling them about the career opportunities so just start doing something trust yourself and Follow Your Inner Path you will feel the resonance with yourself and with reality okay brief one um well find something that you like whatever that may be and uh lead uh something like a book club or a Cinema Club or a basketball team or whatever really just go out with friends and and try how it works but uh don't be bossy be inclusive next question is that how can you deal with people who want to be leader leaders but it would be better for a society if they do not become a leader tell them I would say just a test if somebody wants to follow you if nobody wants to follow you maybe just basically this should become known to people and accepted by them okay it's a bit too complicated I think if you don't want someone to be a leader then don't follow yeah but I think but it's a big problem because there are some readers who are detrimental absolutely that's what I say the challenge is that we have such leaders and we have such followers so the real point is how to do what what to do with poisonous leadership and this is a big big question and it's in the end you should never forget that leadership is not only about influence it's also about power I have seen a lot of bad leaders using badly their power and having deleterious effects of that so we have we are in an ambivalent world so um of course in the ideal world we would prevent that person to become a leader I have seen a lot of really bad leaders not only managers leaders um also manipulative leaders but bad leaders doing big damage and being successful so to say until their retirement so this happens and we have to deal with the world which is not perfect exactly maybe maybe just to add on that so just be good at what you do and walk away and just basically walk away from those leaders basically vote with the feet and go to another organization but for that you need to be good at what you're doing if you have nowhere else to go basically if you're stuck with that particular leader then unfortunately have to adjust to them so basically but if you're good you have many more opportunities okay yeah if you're humanly good you should step away anyway yeah all right hello yeah good uh the next question is about wisdom I bring together two questions uh what is wisdom and can you teach wisdom I think we can not necessarily teach wisdom but we can create lots of um let's say opportunities for open discussion on controversial topics and through those controversial topics maybe experience the discussion of those controversial topics experience a variety of ways people relate to these challenges in the society I think that's what we can do at least in the business school format oh uh I tried to grab it uh from a different perspective what I try to uh teach my children uh I would I would think that this is a good perspective um is that I try to give them an environment uh and experiences of uh of great variety and an environment that is supportive that makes them think that makes them question things and I think becoming wise could be is that you have the ability and also the inner urge to question things consider things and then make up your own mind I think this is something that I can I can teach them and and provide them wisdom no they have to gain it for themselves I I think this refers to the spiritual side of leadership in the last years uh you know 20 or 30 years ago I for my formation I'm in a theologian Catholic Theologian and an economist and when I have been leading companies a lot of people ask me how do you combine that and I've been thinking about that now in the last 20 years more people think about that and we have the idea of spirituality in management and I think there is something the first thing is there's always a bigger context of who we are sometimes people ask me well you are a Christian and you're a CEO of a big company at that time and how can you combine that and what is the difference if you do that as a Christian well I said the difference is very simple I simply know I'm not the first one in this world I'm not the last one in this world so it's really having a bitter con a bigger context and now for the spiritual path I think it's relatively clear we have a com we have a relationship with the universe we have something our inner self as a person but we have also an inner self of an organization MCC has something like an inner self and the interesting thing is let your inner self Drive the development of your personal competencies because if you do that you will be happy you'll make a contribution you make a difference and you will achieve let me say the bigger resonance which in the end will come to something like wisdom excellent so let's let's turn to a decision and uh the person who is asking the question how can you know that you are late with the decision is there such a thing as taking a too early decision and I would add to that question again can we teach younger people how to make the proper decision and at the right time the timing of their decision you know okay go ahead this is really an excellent question because it's about the timing of a decision but you know what is a decision you know I put my hand now here is it a decision yes of course I can put it also here is a decision yes is it an important decision no not at all so what is a decision so the first thing we have to recognize is it a decision which is worthwhile to be taken care of you know this is not a decision I have to reflect you know a year this and here or there one hour but I have first of all do I have leadership also means recognizing the importance of a decision and the more important a decision is the more you need preparation and preparation always is a value of course you can have good or bad timing this is normal in life and you will never have the precise timing if not we all would be billionaires but this is not possible but we can learn to have this you know a timing which says give you the sufficient amount of preparation of a decision which means enough information enough time to discuss it in a group and enough thinking about the possible consequences then the timing normally really fits but what you have to learn is how important is the decision how much preparation does it require your thoughts uh I think a decision um I mean you can judge a decision only afterwards where the rate was at the right time right decision Etc so before you make a decision you're not necessarily know whether it was a good time and a good decision or Etc I think again what you can and teach and do yourself as well is uh is to be prepared it's like for a crisis as well just uh you never know what the crisis is going to be it can be anything kovit was uh something that nobody expected uh but trying to be prepared for many um different scenarios I think that can lead to acknowledging when you need to make a quick quick decision without gathering information like saving someone from water from Downing or whether it's a decision that oh I need to evaluate and I need to gather data and I need time Etc so I think that ability is important before you make a decision we don't know okay well from the perspective of the business school practices in my program we have a course called decision making and the the colleague that teaches us Professor the very cool he actually says you should not be judging the decision by its outcome it should be making a judgment about how you go about the process of making the decisions and this is something that we can probably teach from the leadership perspective I should say that you should be willing to accept the responsibility for the decision that you have made yeah unfortunately someone made the decision that we have to finish a little bit earlier because we were running late but I am sure the panelists will be very happy to answer your questions I'm sure that during lunch time or during a break so I thank you for your attention I I think we could give them a great Applause [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: Mathias Corvinus Collegium
Views: 476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mcc, mathias corvinus collegium, conference, leadership, vezetokepzo, vezetes, invent your way
Id: t_-jtyK2YQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 24sec (4104 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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