MC Squares Entrepreneur Admits He Is Not Organized | Shark Tank US | Shark Tank Global

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burst into the tank are innovations to make working and learning easier [Music] i want that hi sharks i'm anthony franco and i'm from beautiful denver colorado i'm the ceo and founder of mc squares and i'm seeking 300 000 for 10 of this our family of collaborative dry erase products so ingenious we named it after einstein's legendary equation e equals m c squared oh wasn't me these are reusable dry erase stickies they stick without any adhesive so you can use them again and again a six pack of mc square stickies can replace over 12 000 paper sticky notes oh my gosh holy oh my god yes that is beautiful don't do that again i need i need a restroom break it's a total waste of resources and mr wonderful it's a waste of your favorite money let's do the math a thousand paper notes on average costs 22 bucks multiply that times 12 and you get 264 dollars for 12 000 paper sticky notes now for comparison a six pack of mc square stickies cost around 20 bucks 264 minus 20 and you get well over 200 in savings what's worse is if you multiply this mass times 50 million you get 60 billion that's how many paper notes are discarded every year that's roughly 250 000 trees worth now that was some pretty boring math but wait there's more if you're back now it always is i'll throw in my four in one tablets our dynamic dry erase tablets allow you to layer your thoughts during brainstorming sessions and let your ideas truly blossom and you can seamlessly line up your calendar events like for me when i'm planning to write out your big fat return on investment checks so sharks now that we don't need all this paper for notes let's recycle it into confetti and celebrate our deal how about i bring you some samples good enough ron this is a tablet oh wow oh wow that's a great sketch wow did you do that yes i did you're an artist i'm a wannabe artist thank you sir except rohan doesn't look like you it's fantastic you don't look that good well honestly your eyes look a little you know the tablets allowed me to cheat they're templated so i actually put a picture of you underneath yeah and i was able to trace you underneath tell us your story a little bit because this you've got a lot of creativity going on here how did you get here and what was this aha moment i barely graduated high school i was a stereotypical teased and picked on computer dirt i was kind of a a flower um i didn't engage with with uh with our teachers and aren't looking at you right that's changed it's forced i swear to you it's forced i don't believe you so i started a little consulting business and we had this amazing meeting a lot of pompous executives in the room well it was over we were patting ourselves on the back and a sales woman who had been in the meeting who had said nothing in the room came up to me and said have you thought about and then started laying out all the stupid decisions that we made in a very nice way and i thought well how come we couldn't get her to speak up in the room and so i took our whiteboard carved it up into little squares handed it around the room it was like magic everybody contributed in certain environments everybody's scared to speak up and the people with the best ideas are the ones that they're least likely to share and that's the impetus of the version one of the tablet you're slapping it onto a magnetic surface right yes the surface has to be metallic yes so this is primarily in the home that represents the refrigerator i guess yes i think i planned for that so but where do i find that in my office what's your favorite excellent this um we've sold 30 of these this year but offices today have more and more glass in them than anything else so that our product for that is our sticky so the stickies like i said they stick what is that stick what substrate is that so this anything smooth so if if a suction cup will stick to it this will say dry erase boards that are already in offices yes exactly so exactly who's the audience you're going after it's anybody looking for paper sticky notes we've only been in market with those for four months what are the sales so far so this year we've done 214 000 whoa we'll do 110 this month and we'll do a million dollars this year whoo something is spiking here yes you've been around for a while last year you sold 200k this month you expected to a hundred thousand something's wrong there with the map so something is is exploding in your sales from going from 200 000 entire nice interesting numbers but not overly exciting yeah to basically a 1.2 million run rate assuming you sustain that yes sir what suddenly changed so the first version of our product i contract manufactured so i sent it overseas called to make my next order and a big surprise i had manufacturing issues you've never heard that before on the table first time most ever you're the first so the manufacturing issue is they lost the molds the bulbs the molds they lost the malts they stole the balls and paid for it no no i had a decision to make i could have fought that but getting the feedback on version one i thought maybe we had an opportunity to redesign a little bit and have be more in control of our own destiny so i brought manufacturing in-house we redesigned the entire product line so we can manufacture it in denver what's the long-term strategy on cost well our margins on stickies is 92 and can you scale that so the factory that i built can scale to 10 million and the plan 10 million dollars 10 million dollars in retail revenue that's not a lot what i'm picking up from you listening to you is every question we ask you give a three-part answer you're all over the board are you organized no oh who let you in here all sharks are still in but anthony's admission may have tanked his chances for a deal for his innovative office supply company mc mcsquares what i'm picking up from you listening to you is every question we ask you give a three-part answer you're all over the board are you organized no oh who let you in here well that's why it's called stinky but i have organized people around me that's a great answer it took me a while to get comfortable with the fact that i suck at organization good for you on that thank you now the unfortunate side is i have a company called reity board that does not the same things but they're whiteboard driven and there's some similar products so for those reasons i have to say i'm out but congratulations thanks mark look at you you are not a wallflower anymore you're amazing i think you should be extremely proud standing here today it's a really cool concept but this isn't a product that i really feel passionate about i'm sorry i'm out thank you lori i would never in any capacity see as an introvert up there or someone who lacks a huge amount of confidence your energy is infectious um i don't understand the product fully i see the problem you've delivered which is hundreds of millions of sticky notes flying around but i don't know if to see that as a major problem for themselves so unfortunately for that reason i'm out oh i want to pull you back in you're the kind of guy that i'm in love with okay because you're the guy that i identify with i was a dumb kid out of 10 kids all my siblings got straight a's without opening a book and i never got anything beyond a d i was a kid in school that the kids laughed at when i was made to read out loud i would have just jumped in any hole i could possibly find and i was the only kid with no friends so i love people like you but i'm being reminded of how much i love my sticky notes i think i'm going to go in that direction i think i'm going to go out thank you barbara so i'm in this business on both sides this office business is a two-tiered distribution so that's not gonna work it's just not gonna work this business is interesting what i hate about it is the factory okay i've sold forty thousand 000 of those this month no i get it online but that 10 million dollars anthony is nothing when you scale you'll get that in a week worth of orders if it works but if i'm going to take this journey with you 10 is not enough at all sure given the risk here's my offer it's the only one i'm going to make 300 000 for 25 i i really appreciate your thoughtfulness you're bringing up things that go through my head every day and i appreciate the connections that you have for manufacturing outside of the us and would love to tap into that i mean you got to scale man you got to get big we're on the same page we i totally like his offer it's definitely more equity than i wanted to give away so what's the counter would you be willing to do 20 no i've been where you are already multiple times my friend this is not going to be easy it's hell for me that's 25 or nothing what do you want to do [Music] i'd love to have you a part of the team kevin [Music] hey wow congrats thank you my friend thank you sir thank you congrats anthony thank you you wish you the best all right thank you oh it's right now the jacket is thrown in on the deal really [Laughter] let me try that on it should fit he's got four more thank you very much oh that's a mr wonderful look all right thank you guys thank you very much nice anybody that has kevin as a partner is super super lucky this was easily the hardest thing i have ever done easily and i'm super grateful for for being a part of the show it's any entrepreneur's dream you
Channel: Shark Tank Global
Views: 1,356,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shark Tank, Shark Tank US, Shark Tank Australia, Kevin O’Leary, Barbara Corcoran, Daymond John, Robert Herjavec, Mark Cuban, Lori Greiner, Dragons’ Den, Money Tigers, Entrepreneurship, investment, reality tv, mc squares shark tank
Id: oFaepPXqGOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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