MBAPPE VS. MESSI | 2018 FIFA World Cup: France v Argentina

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

FIFA+ has a lot of potential. If they can really upload every world cup game ever for viewing, that would be awesome. I myself was watching one of my favourite ever matches - Algeria-Germany 2014 - on there last week. They've got some of the 'classics' from '98 and '02 on there too.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 158 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/corsairealgerien πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mbappe πŸ‘€

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 63 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CherkiCheri πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Best match of the 2018 tournament. Hope the final will live up to it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 86 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DingLiren πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Witha coach like Scaloni, unlike Argentina give up that 2 1 lead just like that

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Competitive-Ad2006 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was working while watching this game lol and was losses that I missed these great goals in the livestream

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CanaryMBurnz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not really relevant. This was the worst by far argentina team i ever seen in my life. It was a disgrace

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 92 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nico2204 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

This wasn’t a very good game to watch. Argentina had a weak team with internal issues if I remember correctly, but in the end somehow made the game competitive. France was miles ahead and in the middle of steamrolling their way to the cup.

I think this France team isn’t as stacked and Argentina is a more solid group than last time around. Seeing how both teams play, I don’t think it will be a pretty game to watch as both will play hard football in the midfield. It may be am individual attacking moment that decides the champion

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cazajomi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Might be an unpopular opinion but I don't think this match was very good. It had lots of goals but from a technical standpoint I don't think it was all that. France could have easily won this match like 5-1 and Argentina were very lucky. Really weird to see people refer to it as the match of the tournament at the 2018 WC. I very much prefer Uruguay vs Portugal, Japan vs Belgium, Brazil vs Belgium in that tournament.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 43 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dearest_Caroline πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
so pretty good performance can they put up here as underdogs against France France reverting to the team which beat Peru in their second game ugola East one of six players rested against Denmark to return here Paul Pogba back as well only four men veran Hernandez kante and Griezmann have started every game in Russia some wouldn't know whether Nabil fakir might come into the side with his craft but he stays on on the bench Olivier Giroud up front again Chelsea of course the speed of mbappe will be important as well as griezmann's predatory instincts and it really might tuck in a bit to help deal with Messi the referee is the well-regarded alleganzi argumenti of Iran thank you government Ebola Rhys for your people they video assistant refereeing operation First Time In The Knockout stage of course here Argentina make only one change from their dramatic late win over Nigeria giving Christian havone of bucket Juniors his first start of the tournament and dropping Gonzalo iguane again four of the team you're looking at there played in the final four years ago Messi Javier Mascherano Enzo Perez and Marcos Rojo Messi by the way is one of five Argentina players within Welland yellow card and picking up a suspension so could miss the quarterfinal if things were to go awry today foreign [Music] Cup in seven games that really is extraordinary but neither has Cristiano Ronaldo France to get us underway in their blue shirts here in a confrontation of potentially Epic Proportions between two former Champions friends have made once Argentina twice threesome so they container heading around in the side here who's taken over from City Bay has the right back in this tournament a late run along the rails from the Stuttgart man should have made it to run out against Denmark and that was just to rest palar who's back here along with several others is mbappe with so much expected of him of course at the heart of things and Didier deschan who Captain France to World Cup glory in 1998 can he do it as a coach as well he's under a bit of pressure back home not everybody's a fan and they think he needs to deliver something big with this team having failed of course in the final of your 2016 against Portugal and towards Messi his first involvement their Sean's quote was interesting yesterday we will have to take he put a certain precautions nice way of putting it to deal with Messi ottomendi can we get out for Argentina Mercado in that right back position very experienced Grizzard campaigner from Sevilla and Company in the central defense as well have those roles tied up between them who was given away and then we did the same maybe even a bit of nerves for these big time players and then vanega and he started by Pogba has to watch his step he's one of those players who's on a yellow card Jorge Sam Paoli has he ridden out rumors of a mutiny in the camp there were some stories that Messi and Mascherano had taken over picking the team even seems hard to credit it's Missy three is going to have to take steps here if Messi's going to get the treatment from one French player after another you haven't seen that in the past number three is experienced this could be the biggest appointment of his career to date I'd suggest there himself and his dad was a referee too [Applause] here's the man who has passed set up Messi for that wonderful goal against Nigeria can really pick a pass and there are other days where he just tends to go missing a little as well though it's important he's on a going day today looks like Nessie is playing up front on his own with a five-man Midfield behind him trying to get Di Maria in behind here I wonder if he's going to take a first touch there he should have taken him across the defender but he chose not to do that and it all comes to nothing [Applause] the horse challenge rather wasted from D Maria whose only World Cup goal came at this stage four years ago and Switzerland [Applause] 118th minute it was and he's given the way back in fact he's quick but not that quick couldn't keep it in [Applause] [Music] all right Tina you've been struggling to find the right blend masters of brinkmanship really and the qualification stage as well where they needed a messy hat-trick on the last day to make it through to the World Cup finals four minutes of going out the other night as well Manchester United's Marcus Rojo came up with a Sublime finish that any Striker would have been proud of it's the ultimate get out of jail called that Rojo on the ball now now banega behind [Applause] it's a start of the tournament for him today is it an extra Midfield player in there to deal with France and the big Wayne is on the bench and Pape now running at the heart of that Argentina defense and there will be a free kick here in a dangerous position some 25 yards out and if it's the meat in the sandwich there exciting Killian and Fa mascherano's challenge made sure he was getting no further Griezmann might fancy this hovering over it as well there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] World Cup a penalty you know the video assistant referee are with the help of him anyway in the first game against Australia Griezmann is good it's very good and it rattles the crossbar which is still shattering from that my goodness me it really was a magnificent strike for Antoine Griezmann and TT Griezmann again would he come to life in The Knockout stages Hernandez forced his way into the side of this World Cup at least watch me deeply just in front of him the deputies and congested in that Midfield at times this has to be settled one way or another today time or the dreaded penalty shooter maybe not dreaded for all of you you're a neutral you can look forward to it I guess Carlo to lay it forward [Applause] [Music] and we'll be looking for a little bit of support from one of the Midfield players [Applause] which one of them is going to venture forward or even get ahead of him on occasions is Messi this time the referee says no foul I think he might be getting the treatment today lots of people have had plans for him but all through his career he's managed to defy those plans and back pain has got a turn of pace and showing here look at this from mbappy's power back there in a minute it's a penalty it's a penalty for France the Iranian referee was in no doubt and there's a yellow card as well it is only yellow Argentina complain but they could not go there with the Searing pace of Killian mbappe well this is one of the great pieces of play of this World Cup this solo run what does he covered 70 meters there well maybe the first Contact is outside there but it carries on inside doesn't it they're just double checking it to make sure of course it's one of those incidents the check is over the penalty decision stands but that's what you call Flair and Buckley decided he was going to take them all on Rojo by illegal means stopped him and picked up a yellow too pretty sure Griezmann will take it [Music] up against this goalkeeper Franco Armani who made his debut for Argentina at the other night they've had a real problem with their goalkeepers because of Sergio Romero the regular number one's injury what a moment this is for Armani and for him Antoine Griezmann [Music] [Applause] first one France one nil Griezmann strikes again and it's the early breakthrough they were looking for in the 13th minute [Applause] foreign [Applause] outside but it carries on inside Griezmann never looked like he had a moment's doubt he is a big game player top scorer at Euro 2016 two here now we've got two in the Europa League final as well for Atletico when they won it a few weeks ago foreign Argentina nil here in this he wait Clash around a 16. fabulous piece of play about a 19 year old tillion mbappe it's only his sixth goal that so Rojo cardo off Sevilla I think a foraging run forward and he carries on with it as well [Applause] qualification did Mercado coming up from the back [Music] Rojo seen both sides of Life as a footballer here in this world cup hero the other night and currently villain for Argentina Griezmann now that's Gerardo doing the covering and we thought had a wonderful wonderful world cup four years ago but uh he is 34 now playing in China these days here he is on the ball now so experienced record caps for his country outside Messi's little touch can we engineer one moment for him no way through for havone you've got the Juniors player over there who's been drafted in thank you commands have never lost when Antoine Griezmann has scored 16 wins two draws [Music] interesting stat but of course all of those runs end somewhere and Argentina have before their way out of Corners before Monday we're impressive for Manchester City the title winning campaign this year before Mercado will be heaven [Applause] foreign [Music] doesn't beat the first Defender how often do you see that is that they've told mbappe to run hard at that defense every time he gets the opportunity the Argentine defense has been the subject of some debate in the build up to the World Cup they let in six against Spain and four against Nigeria [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] right on the edge yellow card for the defender that was another close run thing just can't cope with mbappe on the side the other foul is just outside isn't it gives France another opportunity that this young man is very much the star of the show so far [Music] foreign the penalty area hey [Music] more danger looming for Argentina here attack I'm not sure if you want to signs for other teams in this world cup that France are starting to engage a higher gear can you take something special to get that up and down from there he wasn't coming down foreign [Applause] [Music] who could have a key that one deflects on the way through from the severe hand [Music] this is where they might wish they had the aerial strength of Gonzalo Higuain The Defenders Of course are quite handy as uh ottomendi up there have been told they don't want too much jostling and pushing it's easier said than done good defending Pogba won that Heather importantly at the back post for France way through this time and continues to win trophies everywhere he goes title Center Leicester city of course and Chelsea and the FA Cup this year for Chelsea still drives a mini manager a grounded individual I think you could say just dispossessed there he's got that job over there of just tucking in and filling up that area where Messi likes to get the ball that sort of inside right Channel Mendy here is Messi and as long as he's playing that far from goal and Bape again an electric start from him [Applause] complains gonna get more of the same from mbappe he knows now he's got some of these Defenders on toast [Applause] into the channel and it's good goalkeeping new played by Hugo Larice some TT going down and he's saying you've got to blow to the face there which might be something the video assistant referee will want to look at a stray arm wasn't it there from Enzo Perez looks like they've decided to take a benevolent view of that thank you [Music] Griezmann just wanted a bit too much that time and National wasn't going to give him it look from a Liverpool and Barcelona man look at that Argentina have had 69 possession fat lot of good it's doing them Maurice hasn't had to make a save so far Di Maria they need him to put a stellar display today and how Dean will be at here's Griezmann full of clever movement very clever movement he's got away from Rojo couldn't cut it back into the path of between he was arriving on the near post but he looks in the move Antoine Griezmann here Pico Di Maria made in every qualifier did Angel Di Maria 's gerano havone [Applause] by uh Yuka Hernandez are you starting to make that left back position his own and they've decided that Benjamin Mendy who's not fit anyway today isn't quite sharp enough for this world cup after his long absence with a cruciate injury [Laughter] he thinks the ball's handled let's see if he's right he's the only one claiming it well um TT's hand interesting he's that ball to hand or is any any movement by MTT which might persuade somebody in that VAR office that it was deliberate [Applause] thank you [Applause] Navarre again fist across the face of gold and Giroud couldn't bring it under control and he had a bit of space too he knows it kante 40 bent his run [Music] they nearly picked him up as well [Music] to Mandy to play it wide Lionel Messi being kept quiet so far better stress so far [Applause] Gabrielle Mercado fancy they can engineer one or two overloads down that right hand side of the French defense most of the attacks coming through there a triangle of uh Pabon Perez and mercado and TT which really lays It Wide not too accurate Jorge San Paulo is this his last game in the job foreign [Music] Style flying wing back today doesn't seem to have the players to quite do that with Argentina and that's been part of the problem [Applause] here is Messi [Music] trench defense has only conceded once so far at this world cup and that was a penalty foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] sitting pretty after half an hour one up and they might have had another one as well [Applause] won the header he is Griezmann this looks dangerous old complete great time of communication between Griezmann and Giroud there and they really were tuned to different radio stations doing his best to try to look relaxed but not all together succeeding I think it's fair to say fronts do go through they'd meet the winners of the Uruguay Portugal tie next Friday and I think we should get ahead of ourselves not at this world cup good pressure on the ball should rise extremely muscular Challenge on him just wonder whether this thing might boil over a bit Chicago that absolutely gone through Pogba pretty lucky I'd say to escape with a yellow one I should say [Applause] just a new five-year contract with with Barcelona which reportedly has a release scores at 500 minutes we need and uh [Music] thank you France have never lost a round of 16 tie in World Cup history now four times coming through this stage the case with France of feast or famine in their world cup story and runs to the final or long runs anyway or matters in 2002 whereas the pending Champions that didn't even score a goal 2010 the player Mutiny down on the Cape of South Africa home in disgrace a lot of players banned and still feel the trauma of that eight years on in French football don't want anything like that happening again Pogba hard to walk Griezmann better understanding between those two there G man at the top for France Conte won it as he often does ultimately was caught a bit late there by gero for Nate should be Argentina's free kick both players down injured [Music] [Applause] somebody holding back there first and then he felt the studs of Olivier Giroud [Music] that's earlier with Machado and uh [Applause] safely feel about this out there anything different [Applause] it's in the town and the Argentina found several thousand of come here without a team they just want to be near the match in some way and probably watching [Music] and dragon Kazan which is one long Street party really [Applause] [Music] which is a very pleasant venue or sporting City Rubin Kazan play here they've had World Championships haven't seen in recent years inches Messi quickly under pressure again Mercado have on [Applause] messy dropping ever deeper for the moment now he's making a run now it is Messi going inside the penalty area and going down around that time and there was that little darting run he didn't quite pick him up for a second Messi the only man in World Cup history to score in his teens 20s and 30s now all over there on the front side is [Applause] picked up the ball looks to set up an attack still might be something the bone kept it in play and his cross is a disappointment at the end of it all [Applause] all right continue they will still believe that they can call their way back into this bit by bit here's messy good run for bone again that's about across this time getting across right place right time from him Griezmann now they can't be too gung-ho about it Argentina in chasing this equalizer restaurants have the players to exploit them on the counter notably mbappe with his Olympian speed [Applause] he won the two [Music] best Central defensive Partnerships I'd say at the World Cup Iran and TT right up there lovely play Griezmann Greece and shiru attacking that near post nothing for spectacular header good work on the right hand side from France definitely on site possessing message and some of the work ethic really that counter on Griezmann of all people was the player doing the defending there are some coaches who don't want their Strikers making challenges because they're not renowned for getting them right foreign [Applause] picks it up now the team to see a little more of the ball here messy now [Applause] predictively on the stats we get given for the group phases right up there in the top three or four for interceptions made at this tournament so far it's his stocking trade tackles interceptions break up the play Here Comes the corner another defended with a little flick away [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] among those Argentina fans [Music] [Applause] nothing will go Laurice could do about it [Applause] well from him trying to calm down Maria hadn't really be in this game and then this it almost left a vapor trail [Applause] only his second ever World Cup goal what a time to score it oh Maradona celebrates in the way he always used to when he was playing he's been concerns about his health from people looking at the pictures of him for this world cup [Music] hey I'm alive and he might be feeling a bit more alive after that Argentina back in it Messi nearly intercepts it gerono does pick up a yellow card and uh will be missing a quarter final should Argentina get there he'd be a big Miss as well and well for a moment there is feet off the ground the ground basically decided look up in there a puppy might have something to say now what a start to The Knockout stages first shot on Target by Argentina goal 1-1 whether he can stay on the patch is another matter he's already the third Argentine player to go into the ball [Music] [Applause] 1990 final with about four of their players suspended terrible game it was you don't want to stay against West Germany way back then two players sent off in the final two more belief suddenly about Argentina now an Argentina have won six of their seven round of 16 ties in history only Romania beat them at this stage back in 1994 in a 3-2 Thriller listen to Frey French nerves a little [Applause] this is already a game of many moods foreign [Music] [Applause] s afterwards they're absolutely determined he would not go through and this is worth looking at again you might see about 10 000 replays of this from Di Maria the for This World Cup's over it's one of the goals of the tournament Graco [Music] running bride of joy [Music] and Maria coming up the best scoring season of his career as well with his top Harry Sanchez remains of 21 foreign Manchester United and there were probably reasons there as well as house got broken into before that settled falling out with uh Louis van Hall the coach at the time [Applause] ultimately there's a Steely determination about Argentina here whatever the troubles they've had at this world cup and there have been a few when they put on that shirt things tend to happen is mbappe [Music] Griezmann he's a way of sliding away from opponents [Music] [Applause] I wonder if this one could go all the way it's only gone to halfway it's been intriguing it's been enthralling Jillian Amber in the opening phase of the game they couldn't cope with him Griezmann scored from the penalty spot and how Di Maria though with a memorable equalizer beautifully hit from nearly 30 yards it's one one at half time and there's much more drama to come here Argentina in their famous blue and white stripes getting his hand away at the start of the second half 1-1 here the last eight World Cup winners topped their group in the early stage of the World Cup is a remarkable line that's a Advantage France who knows really that's topping Group C Argentina second in their group with uh Four Points one or two teams went out with four points here is facio foreign he's used to it though it's like that old uh line by the World Heavyweight Champion Mike Tyson everybody had a plan until I hit them missing this feel a bit like that sometimes give me a free kick Misty Maria is coming to weave his magic and hold him down [Applause] his shirt he went up he might read we bring D Maria to life maybe it really has caught Argentina to life the makers going to take this [Applause] this a lot but referee sees the pushing in shocking he's not having the free kick taken the ministered a warning players involved in it [Music] thanks Omega takes it goes a long way comes out to Messi on that famous left foot defective [Applause] well this is just amazing stuff [Applause] Messi scores in the knockout rounds of the World Cup for the first time if they're going to credit him with the goal it did take a big deflection on the way Argentina and those fans do not care it's an extraordinary turnaround here [Applause] not cleared properly Messi hits him he just got another flick on the way through as well [Applause] from Mercado he's going to get the goal he's trying to get his foot out of the way of it he scored instead [Applause] back from the dead of this World Cup Argentina [Applause] away goes mbappe and then mob handed in stuff and then he goes down as a another card going to be administered for one of the Posse who blocked his way Vega and it picks up the the card is one of those who wasn't on a yellow before Maria had a go I'm sure there was any contact remember came in at the end before when the backing was already down two robust from the referee foreign you couldn't see this in the early stages of this game look how high this defensive line is from Argentina can be a dangerous game on the side mbappe cut back away by Mascherano France got the grit to come back Hernandez [Applause] gerano again he's having a really fine game in that Midfield leading by example Battle of Supreme deschan's Team in trouble foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] nothing during that time [Music] this is a goal again Messi's hit and I swear Mercado is trying to take his foot out of the way of that and it happened very happy consequences he just cushioned it into the back of the net his fourth goal for his country that Gabrielle Mercado all right thank you very much troubled country that over a year [Applause] to commentate since scoring foreign [Applause] goalkeeper and curling across the line a bit Di Maria Top by Griezmann surely yeah [Applause] the question about it my uh [Music] millions of France so far foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] selection for this game part of uh advised by somehow either just messy up front and a more crowded crowded through them in the center there may be stopping France developing things in that part of the pitch where they can be so effective [Applause] thus far it's worked TT lays It Forward Griezmann and there's a mistake here Griezmann can get in he couldn't quite directed goals though at the end of it oh Argentina there very nearly hit the softest truck button what were they thinking here and then Fazio The Substitute plays it past Armani and Griezmann nearly nearly and there's a back on the shirt from facio on Griezmann as well in there there not enough to interest the uh VAR no check Untold it's uh [Music] [Applause] it's here when the header Conte [Applause] [Applause] that's with the youngest Squad at the tournament and Argentina but the oldest Squad of those who've stayed in so far [Applause] is [Applause] level in what is turning out to be a pretty astonishing game [Applause] he couldn't even have dreamed that [Applause] well that was just Sensational Nessie can't believe it I don't suppose pavarcon really is right back who was the number two right back until a couple of weeks before this world cup and then this happens [Applause] pick that out [Applause] once more with spin off the outside of the boot this [Applause] foreign he will remember when he's got his grandchildren sitting on his knee well you wonder what next here 2-2 a lot of people thinking this would be a tight tense rugged affair both teams have been ahead now they're level again to Mindy straight from the neighbor he's just not going to get shoved off that was he divided by Perez now Di Maria One of Those twinkle-toed runs of which he's capable yeah and to get away always looks so elegant back when I Rafael Varan who is now the youngest Defender to win three Champions League titles Di Maria again Tristan Duran getting away from him throwing down wanting a free kick not getting one [Music] foreign [Applause] strike again a goal from an extremely unlikely source about it oh no look at those faces that's what we're thinking fancy that I mean screamers at both ends here now well not both ends both in the same net but from both competing Nations Dean Maria's epic and then have our matching it really here he is on the ball again now a couple of seasons ago playing in the second division in Germany with structure thank you isn't it the Jeep and that's Gokey [Music] with the hitter Landing [Applause] foreign [Music] of the year in the Premier League by his fellow professionals which is quite an Accolade ottomendi is messy would have wanted that goal but it's definitely mercado's falling [Applause] mostly power Mark 2-2 great game here more passes from Argentina more pass accuracy from Argentina goals level pegging Samuel MTT broke into the French team at uh Euro 2016. 9's ball Hernandez on the turn there was matuidi oh yes France in in this season three two up [Applause] the Wonder Boys got two of them [Applause] a desolate Lionel Messi just a roller coaster ride of emotions in Kazan thank you I'm just one of course for him he was very much involved in that first goal but uh [Applause] really hit it and Armani got something on it but not enough she comes off the inside of the glove there and in but maybe his feet could have done a better job and bappy doesn't care he is on the score sheet now but despite me trying to give him the other one uh they've been so much Agony really for Lionel Messi and Argentina losing a World Cup final two Cooper America Fighters as well even retired for a few days saying he wouldn't play again he couldn't go through it and well maybe potentially this is another chapter in a Sea of Heartbreak now there's still time for yet more twists in the plot here Messi three years again maybe he's going to be in the mood to try to do something about this almost single-handedly way that Diego Maradona often did in 1986 in Argentina's Triumph in Mexico it's a job now for Sergio Aguero to replace uh Enzo Calais extra Striker wrong who was openly critical of the coach after the bad defeat against Croatia in the group only one of the reasons that he was jettisoned from the side and has been out of favor and Manchester City man is on there now he's only scored his first World Cup goal in this tournament [Applause] messy it's again the blocking still a quarter of this match to go this extraordinary match it's gerano hello [Applause] to men dates gone over to the left side of the central defense where Rojo was trying to let facio come in on where he's more comfortable his right Central Defender [Music] Toronto is playing his 20th World Cup game in history for Argentina only one now behind Diego maradona's record of 21. [Applause] this is the mbappe goal second of the tournament [Applause] thank you four of his six goals for France have come on Russian sorry we've got a couple uh when France one here in Russia in a friendly a few months ago Tweedy good ball Giroud he's got another one 4-2 and now France really are in control thank you beautifully set up by France what a storming response from the French to going 2-1 behind they've rattled in three goals since it comes from the goalkeeper originally whole length of the pitch this final ball from Giroud is so damned and then papay any stride wasn't gonna miss [Music] just a magnificent French move the length of the pitch well they'd all write it really if they were designing a dream goal [Applause] how he has got to in this game and it's won that ball as well masterano here will that knock the stuffing out of Argentina good looking ball Veranda Reddit yeah towards oliviera his little cushion header down it's all happening for France now Pogba [Music] still got it found a good ball as well Giroud starting to look like Open Season some more again Messi trouncer starting to turn it on now who go lead they might feel they've got a bit of clear water and that three goal Salvo might well drain plenty out of the legs of the argentinians say they've played their full part in the scenes we've witnessed here on a remarkable day in the World Cup Tweedy is going to pick up a yellow card and that's going to knock him out of the quarterfinal that's why he's so very very upset it's a pretty tough disciplinary procedure they've got going on here two yellows and you miss a game the way through let me see there but he came here it was illegal he takes it very quickly it's falling into Ava benega Di Maria to cut it back gets a yellow card now two in a matter of moments for France and madridi producers it's gone through Di Maria there the ball is gone still one back again here who knows how the story would go I'm Gonna Take It clustered in didn't he he's trying to detach and you've got the break to the song here it's a two against one for a moment now three against two can I get this right and papay that's not the one thing or the other from him thank you [Applause] and it doesn't seem so long ago that Kelly and Bape was just a kid at Monaco we heard really good things about him apart in their French title win in the end now he's a huge player for his country as well we've seen it here today it's the challenge in came towards Capone Angolo Conte [Applause] Di Maria from Argentina again but it's from often Tweedy back to the goalkeeper foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is the score [Music] is within a yellow card of suspension for very much in his mind copper 40 might have been impeded here and might have had a free kick but the referee doesn't think so umico there isn't really holding on to him isn't he already been put by the way 4-2 quarter of an hour remaining [Applause] becomes the first French teenager to score two in a World Cup 1958. Griezmann first teenager for anybody I should correct myself was Pele two in a World Cup game great run from the right back [Applause] holds him back remember he's he's not in this game as well so playing with fire a bit I think the referees decided there wasn't quite enough in that Griezmann Giroud winning the header the same France when giroud's not there to be the target man and on this France look back there relaxing a little bit now certainly wasn't the case about half an hour ago griezman getting in behind here and Armani has done a good job this time only three goals for France in the group stage they've already got four and this guy [Music] just kind of Just Bounce out of play you won't really from a team making a Deep Run in a world cup that they improve as it goes on particularly in The Knockout stages gather some momentum the classic case of that was Italy in 1982 really weren't playing very well at all into life knocked out Brazil in one of the great games in World Cup history and went on to win the tournament [Music] [Music] it's Toronto will this be his final World Cup game it's going to be 38 in four years time this might be the swan song [Music] Mesa no way through police [Applause] Chicago Messi he still have a say later deflected but right into the arms of a grateful Hugo Laurice [Music] let's here wins the head up [Applause] Argentina had just found France a bit too hot to handle Mesa gets inside still got it messy messy again masterado goes down looks up wants the free kick no free kick forthcoming and France might have had an effective break there with uh and bappy looking to cut in again but it wasn't quite right a ball to him down goes Messi starts to look like more Argentinian agony Aguero no impact from him so far since he's come on it's not too much service is the belief at last draining out of Argentina [Music] [Applause] at the momently and I'm actually cutting it somewhat distraught isolated figure concertina can just conjure up one goal from somewhere [Music] Di Maria takes on pavar again good looking ball in Varan able to get it away and relaxed character Raphael Moran foreign [Applause] [Music] silencing his critics today maybe smash your road again on Griezmann it really is on thin ice degrees cracks against the bar is coming off now [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] true Ricardo to Play It Wide NASA facio [Music] I must be a challenge from uh this is not quite as muscular as his dad it was sent off five times in 19 games with my say that's that out here's come on Messi running elect defense still messy well you've backed him there but in the end it was a missing it looked like it had broken his way and then he gets across of course Messi will be facing a familiar refrain from critics no matter what he's done in his career who say he hasn't done what Maradona did and won a World Cup for Argentina look now as if this will be final opportunity certainly In This World Cup remember he'll be 35 by the time of the next one Mesa Messi again threading it through Aguero really good work from Varan again [Applause] [Music] [Music] going on between those three officials are getting on the scene before it explodes into anything more and Hernandez with the big games coming up needs to stay out of that in any further trouble I would suggest [Music] [Music] Di Maria has been one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good morning easily cut out Di Maria deep cross was there a push in there in the power chair ottomendi is claiming there was referee said no let's get on with it says my mom was the other player involved [Music] it's our inspiration first involvement in this world cup for Florio Tovar who was a flop at Newcastle United in England but has had a wonderful year with Marseille with 26 goals only Edinson Cavani scored more than him in La Liga this last season is going to get a run out here now late on a bit of space for him as well PC tricky and a goal scorer as well now comes over here to replace him there will be no hat-trick for him today thank you hasn't been a friend chatric of the World Cup it's a true spontane in 1958 that's all the two goals he did score though very much involved too in the first goal his great run leading to the Penalty headline performance from Killian here [Music] towards messy again but it looks like time is up for Argentina 40 years since they were host nation and one day World Cup they did it again eight years later in Mexico but they haven't been able to repeat it since Dean Maria now attacking from the right hand side lovely best to face win past Hernandez got a decent looking cross in he got a foot in the way you can still believe if they can Nick one now who knows side [Applause] it's gonna be four minutes of added time at the end of this this dramatic day Gonzalez the services are needed today even when it became a crisis all these Strikers Argentina had but they've never quite been able to find the right combination haven't seen Carlo dybala today either as well it's got a good season with Juventus and he's another who has a somewhat strained relationship it would seem with uh Sam Paulina coach there goes Papa it would be odds on there'll be another change of coach for Argentina they got through three in the qualification Di Maria again now they're getting involved as well and I just need to be careful because I think this is just the exasperation and frustration showing for these Argentine players understandable bitterly bitterly disappointed as our police supporters like this is so passionate football nation and the other end of the stadium though a party for the French supporters this team look capable of almost anything that we've seen today Kia Frosty Polaris moved to Liverpool has collapsed for the time being from Leon it might be revived later in the summer we'll see we'll look down and dusted and then Leon said a deal was awful suggestions maybe there was something with the medical [Music] they remain defiant and loyal to their team and Messi again a minute Sergio Aguero 4-3 maybe this isn't done just yet [Applause] cross just went to sleep a little back there he's on side all right [Applause] and the Manchester City man tucks it in he couldn't could they all right so maybe he might be in trouble for that yeah he hammered the ball into the opponent on the on the floor that's been seen as deliberate he would miss the next game giroud's got one as well by the look of it as uh it all explodes them mercado's getting involved with him MTT eight bookings in the game here foreign goals and eight yellows [Music] was lucky not to get on himself in that for the first challenge because a reminder that the VAR does not involve itself in yellow cards foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] last incident the copy much more of this surely this will go down as a World Cup Classic all right Argentina need that ball and they need to get it forward and fast remember there are two balls on the pitch foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] Aguero turns it round the corner but still might be something passes across the face of the goal Argentina very very nearly where the whistle has gone and France are into the quarterfinals what a match here an epic game between two of the biggest names in World football see sore emotions going first one way then another but Messi's out of the World Cup and Argentina are out France have won it 4-3 [Applause]
Channel: FIFA
Views: 11,465,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Football, FIFA, official, Soccer, Futbol, Futebol, Fußball, Fussball, Calcio, Voetbal, ΩƒΨ±Ψ© فوΨͺΨ¨ΩˆΩ„, World Cup, FIFA World Cup, Women’s World Cup, Highlights, Match Highlights, World Cup Highlights, Russia 2018, World Cup Russia 2018, Mundial 2018, Full Match, 2018 World Cup, France vs Argentina 4-3, France vs Argentina Highlights, France vs. Argentina full match, France vs. Argentina World Cup 2018, France Argentina world cup game, France vs Argentina 2018, France Argentina 4-3
Id: Cbij3MKhdOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 5sec (6065 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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